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S12.E02: It's Either My Way or the Feng Shui

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Shannon is bat crap crazy.  I can't stand Kelly and I'm more than happy to have someone tell her off but the way Shannon goes at it next week is going to make her look just as nuts as Kelly.

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13 minutes ago, bagger said:

All I see when I look at Lydia is those blow up dolls in front of used car dealerships. I'm ready for the season to be over and for Lydia to be gone again.

OMG....you are right!  Too funny!  :-)

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Does anyone know how Peggy got her foot in the door?  The "3 months ago" scene makes it look like she was filming before she met Lydia.  

All of that work to get pregnant and now Meghan is realizing that motherhood is difficult?  No one in her life could have told her that?  She had to learn the hard way?  

Seems like Lydia has gotten some coaching.  I'm surprised to see her get down in the mud so soon.  

And I can't tell if Shannon is really losing her mind over Vicki's accusations about David, or she's just playing it up for the cameras.  I did chuckle at Shannon scorning Vicki for talking about her to Lydia, while Shannon is blaming Vicki for her weight gain.  A great way to keep yourself caught in a vicious cycle, lol.   

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Unfortunately, the new husband reminds me of that tiny dick Jim, who was married to Amber, who had the cancer, on RHNJ, so I already hate him.

Also, pretty sure Tamra (or, Bravo), not Ryan or Sara, paid for the party, so, since Brianna brought her kids, I kinda think she should have acknowledged Tamra.

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What is with it with some women.  This week we have Lydia claiming that Shannon was screaming at her.  Last week we had Bethenny Frankel telling Romona to stop screaming at her.  Neither were yelling or screaming or even really raising their voices that much.  It's like it's some sort of defense mechanism when they don't know how to respond to someone.  They're screaming at me.

Peggy seems kind of interesting but that hair at the family dinner?  I do feel for her about her breast cancer. 

Go away Kelly.

Kinda really liked the scenes with Meg and Jim.  I was right there with Jim when he told her to hold the back of the baby's head.  What are we going to do for dinner?  Haha.

Shannon needs to calm down. 

Tamra has actually been ok so far.  Ryan still just creeps me out.  Maybe it's the unkempt beard.  And the history.

I actually liked Lydia 1.0 but I'm not feeling 2.0.  I still like her mom.  I just take it that mom is high. 

Edited by breezy424
Bethenny Franklin? What was that?
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I FFd through so much of this episode.  I can't watch Lydia the friendship whisperer.  I cannot, cannot watch one second of her stupid and irritating mother.  Sick of hearing Sannon complain.

I am concernced with seeing Archie's gait.  I really hope he does not have hip dysplasia.

This show is just not enjoyable anymore.  I would have laughed a few seasons back if anyone told me that I would find Megan the most enjoyable HW on this show.

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1 hour ago, charming said:

Fuck right off Lydia, Shannon is highly emotional but she was not "screaming" at you. Fuck right off Lydia for even insinuating that Shannon and Vicki's actions are in any way comparable. Fuck right off Lydia for insulting Shannon because she was standing up for herself.

Is defending the cancer scammer and liar the hill you want to die on? Good luck with all that. 

and uh Lydia...take your Baby Jane Hudson mother along with you. 

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Vicki and Lydia were on WWHL tonight. Vicki now has the lower lip trout pout going, her lower lip is way too big, it's Rinna huge IMO! Lydia was waving her arms around like a loon high on second hand smoke from her mother. And speaking of Judy, she was the bartender tonight and she, at 67, makes Vicki look ancient! Vicki needs to go see Judy's PS to undo all the damage her she has had done to her face, Vicki looked awful. 

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4 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Vicki and Lydia were on WWHL tonight. Vicki now has the lower lip trout pout going, her lower lip is way too big, it's Rinna huge IMO! Lydia was waving her arms around like a loon high on second hand smoke from her mother. And speaking of Judy, she was the bartender tonight and she, at 67, makes Vicki look ancient! Vicki needs to go see Judy's PS to undo all the damage her she has had done to her face, Vicki looked awful. 

Not to mention the sausage casing of a dress she was wearing. She was literally popping out of the top. Not a good look. 

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10 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Vicki and Lydia were on WWHL tonight. Vicki now has the lower lip trout pout going, her lower lip is way too big, it's Rinna huge IMO! Lydia was waving her arms around like a loon high on second hand smoke from her mother. And speaking of Judy, she was the bartender tonight and she, at 67, makes Vicki look ancient! Vicki needs to go see Judy's PS to undo all the damage her she has had done to her face, Vicki looked awful. 

Lydia's mom does remind me of Goldie Hawn like many have tweeted.  She looks great.  Did she say 67?  I thought she said 69 but I had the volume way down cause everyone is sleeping.

I wonder if they have any group trips this season cause it seems like Tamra and Shannon are still not talking to Vicki.  Oh wait, don't they go to Iceland or something?  That should be interesting.

Vicki and the question about Brooks...  Oh he was just a boyfriend.  She was married to Donn for 20 years.  Yeah, that doesn't work Vicks.  You and your 'boyfriend' lied.  About cancer no less.  It's not going to go away.  Ever.

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12 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Not to mention the sausage casing of a dress she was wearing. She was literally popping out of the top. Not a good look. 

Her dresses always look like the inside lining of a tacky casket.

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1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

Man.  New girl needs to hock those diamonds and do something with that mop on her head.  Armenians eat and have family?  Wow, what a concept.  I get the feeling she'll bug soon.

That was a little strange. I wondered if it had anything to do with her recent treatments. She doesn't seem like the type to have brittle/whatever hair.

1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

I hated him at first and grew to love him last year. Love his reactions.

In moments like that, Jim kind of reminds me of Putty from Seinfeld.

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11 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Lydia's mom does remind me of Goldie Hawn like many have tweeted.  She looks great.  Did she say 67?  I thought she said 69 but I had the volume way down cause everyone is sleeping.

I wonder if they have any group trips this season cause it seems like Tamra and Shannon are still not talking to Vicki.  Oh wait, don't they go to Iceland or something?  That should be interesting.

Vicki and the question about Brooks...  Oh he was just a boyfriend.  She was married to Donn for 20 years.  Yeah, that doesn't work Vicks.  You and your 'boyfriend' lied.  About cancer no less.  It's not going to go away.  Ever.

She gave a few numbers, 67, 68, 69. I think Lydia said 69 but I was not sure which it was. LOL No matter what her age is, she looks far younger than Vicki. 

9 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Lydia's mother said she's 69.   She looks great!

She said 67, 68, 69 and I believe Lydia said 69 as well. I don't think she really wanted to say her age on camera. LOL

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        Lydia, Zip it! You are not the friendship whisperer. She comes out of the gate telling her how great of friends you are with Vicki. How would she not feel ambushed. 

      I hate that Lydia says on WWHL that she feels people will side with her by the end of the season.

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1 minute ago, Cheetosandchoc said:

        Lydia, Zip it! You are not the friendship whisperer. She comes out of the gate telling her how great of friends you are with Vicki. How would she not feel ambushed. 

      I hate that Lydia says on WWHL that she feels people will side with her by the end of the season.

Lydia is delusional but I loved Tamara calling her out on wwhl.

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Best part of the show was when Meghan was telling Jim about the friendship drama and he waited a beat before saying, "so what's for dinner?" lol

I agree. I like that Jim does not care about the housewives drama. It cracks me up. I am fine that Meghan isn't all sunshine and rainbows about motherhood. I did not get the impression that she hates it or anything just that it is hard. I do not have kids, but was a nanny during college and taking care of kids is not easy. Some days are better than others and some moments are better than others. 

I do not really read too much into the women on the various housewives franchises saying someone is yelling or screaming at them when someone is just getting defensive. I get what they are trying to convey even though they are not describing it accurately. 

I thought during the scene with Briana telling Vicki that she was going to Ava's birthday party that she would take Vicki along. I am so glad that did not happen. I feel like my blood pressure rises when Vicki is onscreen because I find her to be such a horrible person.

Lydia was stirring the pot. I hate the friendship whisperer title that she gave herself. I do not get why anyone would want to be friends with someone who lied about cancer (or really any life threatening illness). I just cannot believe that Lydia did not know about Vicki's cancer lies and is fine with it all. I did like Shannon saying that Vicki does not get to pretend like the cancer lie never happened. The rest with Shannon was such an overreaction. I would not like to be compared to Vicki at all, but Shannon was so over the top about it. It is like she hear one thing, fixates on it and then gets wound up over it. 

I can only take Lydia's mother in small doses. Her marijuana use does not bother me, but the rest of her personality grates. I hate the confetti that she throws. If I had to be around her all the time I would turn into unhinged Shannon.

I was relieved that there was minimal Kelly tonight.

I did not mind Peggy so far, but if she becomes friends with Vicki I will not be able to get through this season. Without Heather and Vicki/Kelly still around this season is already going to be tough for me.

I feel like all kids birthday parties should include alcohol. They would be much more tolerable for me.


Lydia is delusional but I loved Tamara calling her out on wwhl.

What did she say? Do tell! I could not stomach watching Vicki on WWHL, so I opted out. 

Thanks to the editors that played the clip of Vicki admitting she lied from the reunion. Vicki is trying to rewrite history with the cancer lies and scam.

Edited by Misslindsey
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1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

What is with it with some women.  This week we have Lydia claiming that Shannon was screaming at her.  Last week we had Bethenny Frankel telling Romona to stop screaming at her.  Neither were yelling or screaming or even really raising their voices that much.  It's like it's some sort of defense mechanism when they don't know how to respond to someone.  They're screaming at me.


Ugh this is my sister's go-to argument trick when she's been called out.  Usually right after she herself has been shrieking then a in a maddening fake/calm voice "why are you yelling?".  Grr took me decades to learn the word gaslight and proudly call her out haha 

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I didn't watch WWHL but I thought Shannon somehow managed to come across worse than Lydia and outright mentally ill in the actual episode and preview of next week's broadcast. And I say that fully conceding that Lydia was messy as fuck and transparently instigating by dropping her "you're almost just like Vicki" remark.

I was actually disappointed because I thought that the first exchange between the trio clearly established Shannon as being firmly in the right but her inability as a grown-ass fiftysomething to exercise even minimal self-awareness over her emotions in social contexts is careening out of control. Lydia drawing a comparison and/or inaccurately characterizing your forceful and animated delivery as "yelling" is not the equivalent of Tamra repeatedly physically assaulting you to the point of a nervous breakdown. 

Four seasons in and Shannon is storming out in sobs over increasingly (relatively speaking in the context of the show) insignificant offenses. 

And literally hurling a plate across a table in a restaurant full of other patrons? Wasn't it a mere year ago that everyone in the cast clutched their pearls in horror over Kelly verbally cursing in a tearoom with paper walls? 

Also emphasizing Shannon's lack of critical self-regard were the confessionals in which she ruminates that Vicki must be obsessed with her while she, Shannon, doesn't even think about Vicki ... except when ascribing her nacho-eating, marital woes, and global warming to said costar with whom she hasn't been friends in almost two years. 

* I'm not sure whether to mention it because I don't want to do anything proximate to fat shaming but the way in which Shannon shoved the chip into her mouth right as that final showdown was ramping up telegraphed really oddly to me. Almost compulsive. 

Edited by lunastartron
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3 hours ago, Pickles said:

Lydia is so scrawny skinny. She looked so bad in that pink, tight skirt. She annoys me with her "yay!" and waving her arms around. I feel like she and her husband have a made up job of just featuring themselves in a magazine every month. They must have serious family money to fall back on.

Just don't say she needs to eat a cheeseburger within earshot. ;-)

Gawd, when the were showing the wealth on parade w/Peggy and hubby .....I had Joe & Teresa flashbacks.

Edited by sheetmoss
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9 minutes ago, lunastartron said:


* I'm not sure whether to mention it because I don't want to do anything proximate to fat shame but the way in which Shannon shoved the chip into her mouth right as that final showdown was ramping up telegraphed really oddly to me. Almost compulsive. 

I don't think the way you brought it up is fat shaming at all.  The way she shoved it in her mouth was pretty telling about shoving her feelings down with food. 


I think Shannon's real problem is her relationship with her husband,  he has pretty much always treated her with disdain and his passive aggressive taunts about her cooking or what she's eating is just another mind f*ck from him.  But I don't think she loves him either. I think she's scared to be alone. 

Shannon's buttons have always been easy to push and fairy fart Lydia, miss talking shit about her middle child on national T.V., miss I make Christians look horrible,  is already working my nerves this year. Most of it is her defense of Vickie, but I don't like anything I've seen about her. 

Tamara seems to have mellowed so much, it will be interesting to find out how long she can maintain this year. 

I like the super rich Heather replacement so much better on first impression than Heather. Heather didn't make a good first impression and kept her head up her own ass the entire time she was on.  But I do like seeing how really rich people live. 

I still hate Vickie. She's morally bankrupt and evil. 

What's her name,  Meghan,  I'm bad with names,  surprised me with her return this year. Jim is clearly not into being on Reality T. V. and I thought she'd be done with it. 

I caught about 10 minutes of WWHL tonight and there was a question from a call about,  gosh, I can't remember the exact wording,  but Lydia wanted Andy to back her up about Shannon being a meanie to her and Andy took a conspicuously long drink of water. 

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Was Lydia trying to claim that Tamra and Shannon truthfully recounting the very real ways that Vicki lied to them and spread untrue gossip about them and their families is equivalent to Vicki's malicious lies and gossip? So Tamra and Shannon telling the truth about Vicki when prompted = Vicki lying, maliciously gossiping, and betraying a friend's confidence and grossly misrepresenting the friend's shared concerns. Ok. At the very least, Lydia should have prefaced it with a little bible like "judge not, lest ye be judged" or asked Tamra and Shannon if holding on to that anger and frustration with Vicki is emotionally healthy. But to sit there and act like Shannon and Tamra's issues with Vicki are equal to Vicki's lies is false asshole equivalency of the highest order. Heck, she could have made the very same argument many viewers and posters have made about Ramona and Vicki: their baseline is horrible, classless, and entitled why would you expect any better of them. 

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Strange episode. I was never sure what was happening or why. I liked that they showed Peggy being all lavish and getting diamonds and then immediately went to to Vicki and Brianna who looked super dumpy in comparison. 

I didn't get the unicorn party with craft beer. I'm surprised Brianna even went. Once she realized Tamra wasn't going to talk to her, she took off. 

I don't get Davis and Shannon. They seem to both hate each other. Also, Shannon gained weight, but she looks fine. She needs to stop crying about how she hates her body when she has so many things to be thankful for, plus, her life sucked when she was 40 lbs less, so I'm not sure why she thinks she will be happier if she loses weight. Don't get me wrong, I love Shannon, but she is coming across as an old ninny. 

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5 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:
7 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I don't think the way you brought it up is fat shaming at all.  The way she shoved it in her mouth was pretty telling about shoving her feelings down with food. 


I think Shannon's real problem is her relationship with her husband,  he has pretty much always treated her with disdain and his passive aggressive taunts about her cooking or what she's eating is just another mind f*ck from him.  But I don't think she loves him either. I think she's scared to be alone. 

Shannon's buttons have always been easy to push and fairy fart Lydia, miss talking shit about her middle child on national T.V., miss I make Christians look horrible, I defend a woman who tried to con people about her boyfriend having cancer,  went in knowing what buttons to push. All of that "sweetness" is clearly b.s. I don't like anything I've seen about her this season.  

Tamara seems to have mellowed so much, it will be interesting to find out how long she can maintain this year. 

I like the super rich Heather replacement so much better on first impression than Heather. Heather didn't make a good first impression and kept her head up her own ass the entire time she was on.  But I do like seeing how really rich people live. 

I still hate Vickie. She's morally bankrupt and evil. Except in relation to the other women I won't be commenting on her. It speaks poorly of the franchise that they keep having her back. 

What's her name,  Meghan,  I'm bad with names,  surprised me with her return this year. Jim is clearly not into being on Reality T. V. and I thought she'd be done with it. 

I caught about 10 minutes of WWHL tonight and there was a question from a call about,  gosh, I can't remember the exact wording,  but Lydia wanted Andy to back her up about Shannon being a meanie to her and Andy took a conspicuously long drink of water. 

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Is it just me, or does it seem as though this season is going to be mind-numbingly boring?  Nothing that's happened so far was of the slightest interest to me, and there's nothing at all compelling about any of these women.

I didn't like Lydia first time around, but I really really dislike her now.  And her mother is no better.   They're both ridiculous, IMO, and not in a good way.  She's clearly there to stir the shit, and she's not very good at even attempting to hide it.  All of them (other than Peggy) either bore me or make me want to smack them.  Peggy has promise, but not enough to keep me hanging on much longer.

Total snoozefest, and way too much lather, rinse, repeat.

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I was just a casual watcher last time Lydia was on -- I'd catch an episode here or there.  I liked her.  Now, not so much.  She just seems so fake and put on with her twee trilling cadence, flailing arms, and shimmies.  Yeaaaah!  I also can't stand her mom and her constant throwing shit at people.  Their "look at me, ain't I cute and quirky" flower fairy BS is tiring.  I can't imagine being in the same room with the two of them.  

I might end up liking the new girl, but what's up with all their cars being painted Creulla DeVille style?

I want a unicorn party at a beer garden.

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Both Shannon and Tamra called Lydia out, they said that both of them asked Lydia to stop talking about Vicki at Ava's party but that Lydia refused to stop. Lydia started waving her arms around saying things like "roll the video", she basically said that because we didn't see/hear that on the show meant it didn't happen. Does she really believe that we think/believe that what we saw/heard is all that actually happened, that there were no other words spoken between these women? She really has been standing too close to her mother when she was getting high. 

And that "roll tape" attitude is further proof of how disengenous Lydia is but I hope for once that it comes back to bite her in the ass at the reunion. Damn she grates on my very last nerve more so than vicki and or Ramona. 


And someone needs to hild hold her arms down when she speaks. I'm going to go full on Shannon and blame my headache on having to watch too much of Lydia tonight.

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Watching WWHL. I officially can't stand Lydia. I think this is the fastest I've ever changed my opinion about a housewife. She's making Vicki seem agreeable.

If I were religion shopping I would never buy what Lydia's selling now. Tamra is more realistic and sympathetic. And Alexis seems more honest.

Edited by ivygirl
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1 hour ago, bravofan27 said:

I'm surprised Brianna even went. Once she realized Tamra wasn't going to talk to her, she took off. 

I don't get why Sara invited Brianna. Are they friends? It was weird. You could tell Brianna was thinking "the shit I have to do to earn this BRAVO check"! 

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1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I might end up liking the new girl, but what's up with all their cars being painted Creulla DeVille style?

That domino paint was interesting on one car. But by the 4th car, it was dumb. If you had the kind of money that you could do dumb things to luxury vehicles, why wouldn't you just go Pimp My Ride stupid: platinum rims, 24K gold flecked paint, ebony wood dash, white crocodile trimmed seats, and diamond encrusted ignition. Just go for straight up expensive tacky ass over the top crazy.

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9 hours ago, Pickles said:

Lydia is so scrawny skinny. She looked so bad in that pink, tight skirt. She annoys me with her "yay!" and waving her arms around. I feel like she and her husband have a made up job of just featuring themselves in a magazine every month. They must have serious family money to fall back on.

Lydia' family is very wealthy. They own a tv station in Newfoundland.

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Why the fuck am I watching this show when I said I was going to quit this season?

  • I need to get a piece of that bogus "Fung Shwang" action!
  • I can't help but think Vicki's move to a bigger office is as fake as Brook's cancer and her claims to always be working.
  • I'm not liking Lydia so much this time. Was she always such a pudding stirrer, or was she instructed to amp it up?
  • Moments before Dicko showed up, I thought to myself "who's the douchebag who owns that tacky black and white car?". :-D
  • Betty rubs me the wrong way. Did she get her mastectomy as a precaution measure or because she had breast cancer?
  • Lydia asking about Betty's surgery seemed a bit personal to discuss with someone you just met.
  • Why was Brianna invited to the party? I don't recall her knowing Tamra's daughter-in-law, so I couldn't help but wonder if this was a producer ploy to get Vicki to attend.
  • Smooth moves, "friendship whisperer"! Seriously, what did she expect to happen when she introduced herself to Shannon as Vicki's friend and took her side (I'm going to ignore the ridiculousness of Lydia being unaware of what Vicki did) and repeatedly poked Shannon with a metaphorical stick?
  • Shut up, Kelly!
  • Gawd bless Eddie! He attends for the food, not the drama!
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7 hours ago, bagger said:

Vicki and Shannon were friends at the time. Vicki was promoting her friend's friend's business.  It was a nice thing to do.  All Shannon does now is bash Vicki so why should Vicki continue to say nice things about her or her quacky friend.

And I don't know why Shannon got so upset with Lydia.  Her and Vicki ARE alike.  Both super needy.  At least Vicki can be funny and entertaining to watch at times.  All Shannon does is mope constantly about EVERYTHING!

Next week Kelly tells Shannon to keep eating and then Shannon basically throws a plate at her....Kelly walks away and all Shannon keeps saying is that wasn't her plate of food.  Why does she find it necessary to keep saying that wasn't her plate?  It made me laugh but in a pathetic kind of way.  And let me tell you, if I was sitting next to her and she grabbed my plate of food to toss at someone I would be ticked!

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