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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I had one back in the early 90's at a local chain restaurant They still serve them.


Same here, they've been serving those overflowing sundaes ever since I was a kid. Maybe not quite THAT overflowing, but still, ice cream over the top, fudge dripping down the sides, etc. Our local place even serves cookies with it to dip in the fudge/melty ice cream. I like it but I mostly skip the melty parts. I always felt so sorry for friends who worked at the ice cream place in high school. They said the cleanup was a disaster every time on every table.

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Color me glad this "trend" hasn't hit - or hit and rolled right on out - of my area.  I just can't look at that thing without wanting to compulsively wash my hands and check my shirt front.  It's just so freaking wasteful.  


I wish, just once, one of the kids would put their foot down and demand a real birthday cake.  I swear (as I do 19 times a year), JB&M have conditioned them against cake as Michelle sure as hell ain't baking them and buying a couple of store-bought sheet cakes ain't exactly cheap. 

Edited by Lemur
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I wonder if they still do a Birthday Lunch vs. Dinner. Poor kids can't even get a nice dinner out for a change on their birthday. We all know that lunch menus are cheaper so I'm sure that's Boob's reasoning. Did Ginger get a gift bag of her favorite things (bagged candy) like Jill got that one year that MEchelle was so proud of? Or did they stop at the pawn shop on the way home so Ginger could haggle for her gift? Oh, this family.

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I don't think it's difficult at all to bake a cake from scratch. And super easy and very inexpensive to bake one using a mix. Store bought is pricey, mostly for the decorating. I just simply frost.

I know several of the Duggar's have stated they don't like cake. Maybe they have been conditioned to believe this since cake crumbs are so messy?

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I have never met anyone that actually does not like cake. Some people (myself included) are not fond of icing, but what is to not like about cake? We enjoy it to the point that occasionally we will wander through our local Big Y and declare, "I can't remember. Is today my birthday?" and buy a nicely decorated quarter sheet cake. It usually takes the three of us four or five days to finish one.

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I have never met anyone that actually does not like cake. Some people (myself included) are not fond of icing, but what is to not like about cake? We enjoy it to the point that occasionally we will wander through our local Big Y and declare, "I can't remember. Is today my birthday?" and buy a nicely decorated quarter sheet cake. It usually takes the three of us four or five days to finish one.

Back in the olden days when JB bought used and saved the diff, he may have treated the family to day-old bakery goods. Dry cake, with someone else's congratulatory message scraped off. The special-order cakes that no one picked up. I am making this up, of course, but I like the visuals.

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I'm guessing there's very little labor or cost to the restaurant to make those. Cheap vanilla ice cream, cheap aerosol "cream", and a butt load of fudge(ish) chocolate syrup that must be incredibly cheap since they use gobs of it as decoration. Probably the reason why it's the birthday freebie, and cake isn't.

The Duggars probably still buy a hideous neon frosted sheet birthday cake as in the past, it's kind of salt in the wound if they cut it at the restaurant lunch most of kids don't get to attend.

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I don't think it's difficult at all to bake a cake from scratch. And super easy and very inexpensive to bake one using a mix. Store bought is pricey, mostly for the decorating. I just simply frost.

I know several of the Duggar's have stated they don't like cake. Maybe they have been conditioned to believe this since cake crumbs are so messy?


It's not difficult FOR YOU.  Mechelle, if you will recall, is missing a muscle in her back which apparently makes it very difficult to contemplate even attempting the most basic domestic tasks.  I doubt it has a thing to do with the messiness of cake - we've seen their house - and everything to do with 2-for-1 pints of ice cream being cheaper than store-bought cakes and a general desire on Mechelle's part not to exert herself.

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I wonder if they still do a Birthday Lunch vs. Dinner. Poor kids can't even get a nice dinner out for a change on their birthday. We all know that lunch menus are cheaper so I'm sure that's Boob's reasoning. Did Ginger get a gift bag of her favorite things (bagged candy) like Jill got that one year that MEchelle was so proud of? Or did they stop at the pawn shop on the way home so Ginger could haggle for her gift? Oh, this family.

That would be my guess:  lunch cuz it's cheaper (and from that picture the restaurant looks fairly empty) and there has to be a coupon.  Boob is Boob even on his kids' birthday.


I think she got to stop at the Thrift store and pick out 2 things instead of one!

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That things looks huge.

Classy, vinyl tablecloths.    Kinda reminds me of Josie.   :)

"Did Ginger get a gift bag of her favorite things"


1. Anti- depressents

 2. Xanax

3.  A tub of flesh colored spackle aka makeup

4.  A bucket to puke up that gross lunch

5. More Xanax

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I'm extremely curious (as a person that did not view the show while it was on) when did Michelle claim to be "missing a back muscle"?  That is just so fucking ludicrous. So, coming from her I totally believe it, but I would love to see her explain this to me.  Anyone have  link to a clip?  I could use the laugh today.  Thanks in advance.

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It doesn't escape my attention that every birthday, first date, and special occasion is celebrated a Marketplace Grill A.K.A. Michelle's favorite restaurant. How nice for her. I guess it never occurred to them to let their children pick their favorite place on their special day. It's all about Michelle, because she "gave birth to every one of them..."

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I have never met anyone that actually does not like cake. Some people (myself included) are not fond of icing, but what is to not like about cake? We enjoy it to the point that occasionally we will wander through our local Big Y and declare, "I can't remember. Is today my birthday?" and buy a nicely decorated quarter sheet cake. It usually takes the three of us four or five days to finish one.

I know a few people who really don't like cake. I don't mind cake, but I much prefer the frosting! And ice cream over cake any day.


Unfortunately, I doubt Jinger ate much of her dessert.

Edited by DangerousMinds
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I'm extremely curious (as a person that did not view the show while it was on) when did Michelle claim to be "missing a back muscle"?  That is just so fucking ludicrous. So, coming from her I totally believe it, but I would love to see her explain this to me.  Anyone have  link to a clip?  I could use the laugh today.  Thanks in advance.


It first surfaced on the Tea with Michelle Duggar DVD in 2010.  I believe you can view it on YouTube now.  It's why she has back problems and can't life any children older than infants. Allegedly. 

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Oh no, I was dismayed to see the gooey dripping sundae- not again!!!!!  It must be so old at this point, it seems like they do the same thing for every birthday.


I have a soft spot for our Jing, I must admit.  I feel like she has a good heart, and could be so much more than she is, if she had only been given the opportunity.  She's also very beautiful, and doesn't need all that makeup.  She must feel left behind without Jessa there, and as happy as she may be that Jessa is now fulfilling her highest purpose as a childbearing adoring wife, it must still be hard to have so much focus on her sister and feel like she's been passed over or left in the dust.  The vibe in the house must be very different now without Jill and Jessa.  She is probably seeing her future stretch out ahead of her, and it may seem like quite a long one without much interesting- another Jana, or worse, an Anna situation.  

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It doesn't escape my attention that every birthday, first date, and special occasion is celebrated a Marketplace Grill A.K.A. Michelle's favorite restaurant. How nice for her. I guess it never occurred to them to let their children pick their favorite place on their special day. It's all about Michelle, because she "gave birth to every one of them..."

They act like the Marketplace Grill restaurant is a five star restaurant. Well I guess for them it is. When the elder Seewalds & Duggars went out to dinner with Benessa on the night before Ben proposed, I think it was Boob who asked where they were going. Ben replied Marketplace & Boob exclaimed "Wow" or something like that. (Think it was where Benessa went on their first date with MEchelle as chaperone. )

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They act like the Marketplace Grill restaurant is a five star restaurant. Well I guess for them it is. When the elder Seewalds & Duggars went out to dinner with Benessa on the night before Ben proposed, I think it was Boob who asked where they were going. Ben replied Marketplace & Boob exclaimed "Wow" or something like that. (Think it was where Benessa went on their first date with MEchelle as chaperone. )


I think Boob would pretty much say "Wow" for any place where you weren't allowed to seat yourself. The bar here, we must remember, is subterraneanly-low. In fact, Boob's head would probably fall off if he was ever taken to any restaurant where the tables and chairs are not bolted to the floor.

Edited by Wellfleet
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I think Boob would pretty much say "Wow" for any place where you weren't allowed to seat yourself. The bar here, we must remember, is subterraneanly-low. In fact, Boob's head would probably fall off if he was ever taken to any restaurant where the tables and chairs are not bolted to the floor.

I don't think he should be allowed in any restaurant where the tables and chairs are not bolted to the floor. And especially not if he brings his children along.

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I think this is Josiah with Meredith. Lots and lots of leg humping comments, except one good one.

Now that I look closely, I do believe that it's a twin Duggar!


And then we have the comment that tells us Jason goes around accosting strangers to ask if they're saved. Shut up, Jason.  I suppose he aspires to be a preacher/fake-plumber or something.


Of course, by accounts the very recent encounter described has had a big impact on some kid's life.


Yeah. Right.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Is Jana training to be a midwife? Is that why she was apparently signed up to hold Jessa's hand during the birth, and why she was over there seemingly the whole time during the labor? I noticed Jinger wasn't having to do it, and I wondered if that is because Jinger is courting or just because she had the balls to say NO.

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Wouldn't it be nice if Jason, Jericho, Jambalaya, and Jiraffe could just, I don't know... go somewhere - anywhere - and just hang out and be kids ?

Compare skateboard tricks, talk about the new Star Wars, double-dog-dare each other to go all the way around on the swings, yell something ridiculous like "You're a poopy butt !" at a passing police car and then run like fire...

That was the brick and mortar of my childhood - being a good kid at heart, but still exploring boundaries, making INSTANT best friends with a kid I met in the park not five minutes before, then going home when the streetlights came on to regale the parents with stories of how I found and then lost a frog and, no, I don't know why my knee is bleeding please pass the potatoes.

Those poor kids have nothing. Nothing. They're like little convicts in a little jail where Mama and Daddy are the malevolently joyful wardens who won't stop faux-humping in public but require all the inmates to toe the line at all times and never, ever forget it's their JOB to be an example to the "world".

Playing broom-ball once a year for the cameras and jetting off to Europe and Asia for TLC is never going to replace what could have - and should - have - been an actual childhood.

Lonely J's, indeed.

Jehosephat, Jehova,Jenkins, his twin Jerkins, Jabber and his twin Jibber, and lil Jeezy.
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Wouldn't it be nice if Jason, Jericho, Jambalaya, and Jiraffe could just, I don't know... go somewhere - anywhere - and just hang out and be kids ? 


Compare skateboard tricks, talk about the new Star Wars, double-dog-dare each other to go all the way around on the swings, yell something ridiculous like "You're a poopy butt !" at a passing police car and then run like fire...


That was the brick and mortar of my childhood - being a good kid at heart, but still exploring boundaries, making INSTANT best friends with a kid I met in the park not five minutes before, then going home when the streetlights came on to regale the parents with stories of how I found and then lost a frog and, no, I don't know why my knee is bleeding please pass the potatoes. 


Those poor kids have nothing. Nothing. They're like little convicts in a little jail where Mama and Daddy are the malevolently joyful wardens who won't stop faux-humping in public but require all the inmates to toe the line at all times and never, ever forget it's their JOB to be an example to the "world". 


Playing broom-ball once a year for the cameras and jetting off to Europe and Asia for TLC is never going to replace what could have - and should - have - been an actual childhood. 


Lonely J's, indeed. 




I lived in that jail, minus the Europe trips, and I'd be astonished if quite a good handful of those kids aren't really really really angry deep down inside. Hope they can realize that and learn somehow to manage it before they take that anger out on others or on themselves for the rest of their lives. Not psychologically healthy at all  to treat children and teenagers (and now even young adults) as if they're dancing marionettes.

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I can tell it's not Josiah - not desperately sad enough. I have no idea who it is though. James?

I answered above. It's Jason, who at 15, is already on the downside of whatever good looks he had.

Also, happy 17th to Jed and Jer today. I posted yesterday that I knew they had a late Dec. birthday, just didn't realize how close I was! But this explains why there was no pizza and laser tag for them. TLC is only letting the <18s speak (except for Jordyn's staged gender announcement).

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I'm sure as a birthday treat, the twins got one of those disgusting drippy sundaes......to share.

I DO know that they got one of those shitty signs that Jana makes. This time, she couldn't even be bothered to use the sheet paper, but instead taped together three sheets of notebook paper. Geez.

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I DO know that they got one of those shitty signs that Jana makes. This time, she couldn't even be bothered to use the sheet paper, but instead taped together three sheets of notebook paper. Geez.

Along with the completely impersonal, generic birthday wish that has become the Duggars' trademark. Jer and Jed love the Lord and encourage others. I mean damn, can't Michelle find a different descriptor, or is she just too lazy?

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Along with the completely impersonal, generic birthday wish that has become the Duggars' trademark. Jer and Jed love the Lord and encourage others. I mean damn, can't Michelle find a different descriptor, or is she just too lazy?


It's all part of the "wonderful values" she and Jizm Bob are imparting to the next generation: When you have kids, don't bother to figure out the slightest detail that might distinguish one from the other. ....


To their crappy parents, the Duggar kids are like the terracotta soldiers buried in that Chinese emperors' tomb -- inanimate trophies touting JB's and M's grandeur to this world and the next, valuable only in that there are so many of them. Only difference -- the terracotta statues are better differentiated.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Along with the completely impersonal, generic birthday wish that has become the Duggars' trademark. Jer and Jed love the Lord and encourage others. I mean damn, can't Michelle find a different descriptor, or is she just too lazy?

Compare to what Kelly Bates said about Zach, whose birthday is also today. She actually praised him for his wise counsel TO HER, among other things. Since this isn't the Bateses' board, I won't link to it, but you can find the post on the Batesfam's IG. 


eta: FreeJinger saw what I did!  Compare and contrast! LOL 



Edited by Sew Sumi
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Is Jana training to be a midwife? Is that why she was apparently signed up to hold Jessa's hand during the birth, and why she was over there seemingly the whole time during the labor? I noticed Jinger wasn't having to do it, and I wondered if that is because Jinger is courting or just because she had the balls to say NO.

Jana was studying to be a doula so she was probably there to lend her support vs. Jinger who has trained for nothing that we know of.

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I'm going to give Jinger the benefit of the doubt, and hope she's just been cheesing too long, waiting for Michelle or whoever to figure out how to snap a pic. My dog gives the same expression when I try to get him to sit still for a pic, and she knows she wants to please her master, but really just wants the pic over so she can have a treat. Jinger does look quite thin, and I think she looks better when her face is a little 'fuller', but her whole world has been tested - twice, recently - so I can see where she looks stressed.


That sundae looks like one of the wax candles you can buy at craft shows.

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Along with the completely impersonal, generic birthday wish that has become the Duggars' trademark. Jer and Jed love the Lord and encourage others. I mean damn, can't Michelle find a different descriptor, or is she just too lazy?


In particular, this "encourager" thing that everybody gets drives me crazy. I can only assume that it's some bit of Gothard speak that I haven't seen the origin of. Cause it makes no sense at all in the case of the Duggars, who never encourage anyone to do anything and clearly don't want their kids to be encouraged to do anything. Where would those kids learn to "encourage" anybody, since nobody's ever modeled "encouraging" them? Or are we to think that another Duggar-child duty is to be always "encouraging" their parents in something?


Not only do they give every kid the same birthday greeting, but those greetings are basically meaningless. Or just plain nuts.

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In particular, this "encourager" thing that everybody gets drives me crazy. I can only assume that it's some bit of Gothard speak that I haven't seen the origin of. Cause it makes no sense at all in the case of the Duggars, who never encourage anyone to do anything and clearly don't want their kids to be encouraged to do anything. Where would those kids learn to "encourage" anybody, since nobody's ever modeled "encouraging" them? Or are we to think that another Duggar-child duty is to be always "encouraging" their parents in something?


Not only do they give every kid the same birthday greeting, but those greetings are basically meaningless. Or just plain nuts.

Too lazy to search on this tablet, but pretty sure there's some bland fundie speak about "encouraging your fellow Christians in their walk with the lord".

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I wonder what they consider to be the difference between a servant's heart, and a giving heart. Beyond them not wanting to use the same word twice in case the public thought they couldn't tell which boy was which.

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