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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Interesting post, Janarella.


I knew someone growing up who was from a large family that was the eldest girl and did most of the cooking, cleaning child rearing, etc as the mother was useless and Jana sorta reminds me of her.   This person has never married and lives alone in a small apartment even though they could afford a nice, big house.  I think they just prefer to be alone except for a couple of dogs after 20+ years of chaos, cleaning, etc. 


Maybe mama Tebow will give Jana a call, now that Timmy is back on the market.   

I saw that too that Tim is once again available! Woot FreeJana and the Duggars won't have to worry about Tim coming after Jana as a horndog.

  • Love 2

I do think that Jana is the "nice" one, at least relative to everyone else in her family. Hear me out::


When Jana was in her late teens and early 20s, she was visibly happier on camera. Damn near bubbly on a few occasions. JB and Michelle both stated in earlier seasons that Jana's personality was very chatty and outgoing in the presence of friends and family. Jana smiled often and I remember a few occasions where she even made snarky comments at her parents' or sibling's expense. She clearly has a sarcastic sense of humor hidden beneath that dull Gothard exterior. For those who don't remember the early years of Joyful Jana™, I would best liken it to the recent scene where she tried on Jessa's bridesmaid dresses and tried to campaign against them. You could see a very faint glimmer of her old spark in that scene... 


However, circa 2011, Jana was suddenly absent from a number of episodes. This was around the time that Jana was shipped off to Journey to the Heart and there were rumors that she was being "tomato-staked" (kept nearby and under close watch of her parents) whenever she appeared out in public with her family. Around this time, Jana gave an interview where she literally stated that Journey to the Heart was helping her get over feelings of resentment toward someone in her family. 


Around this time, Jana lost her spark. 


IMO, the reason that Jana lost her spark is apparent to anyone who saw "Duggars, Dates, and Dan" (Season 7, Episode 11). There is a scene where the older girls are discussing courtships and the producer asks them if anyone is in a relationship. They all say no and the audio quickly cuts out as Jana starts to say something else. However, you can clearly read her lips as she says, "In the past." The fate of her past relationship becomes clear as the producer asks questions about the rules of courtship and JillyMuffin, looking directly at a forlorn Jana, says, "If a guy goes about it the right way [by approaching JB first for permission], then it will work out" and Jana nods along sadly. 


IMO, it's clear as day that Jana had a guy who did not follow JB's rules. The relationship was severed and Jana was shipped off to Journey to the Heart where she had to work through a good bit of resentment towards her father. (Also, I'm guessing that Jana's odd comment about Jill being a snitch has nothing to do with Josh. I would bet good money that JillyMuffin, Daddy's Perfect Fundie Pet, likely outed Jana's relationship to the parents who Lord knows aren't paying enough attention to their children without some prompting.)


In addition to Jana's lost relationship, which makes me feel sad for her, I have also noticed that she is insecure about her body. You don't join Weight Watchers as a teenager if you feel good about yourself. If you pay attention in food scenes, Jana often opts for salad or tiny portions of side dishes over whatever nastiness is for dinner. There are countless scenes where she crosses her arms low across her stomach to hide her barely-there pooch belly. For example, in the scene where Jill takes the girls to try on bridesmaid dresses, Jana was assigned by the store attendant to try on one of the dresses. She visibly shoots Jill a distressed look at the prospect of trying on a dress. Jana must have voiced her discomfort off-camera, because in the next scene, she is sitting on the couch (arms crossed low over her midsection) while stick-thin Jessa and Jinger try on the dresses. There is also the scene where Jana tries on Jessa's bridesmaid dresses. She's very animated and seems happy, but her jokey comment about the dress making her feel "short and fat" clearly has some truth to it. You can see the sting when Jinger tries on the dress after Jana and Jessa says to Jinger, "YOU look good! YOU look good!," in a way that implies it was Jana's body type that made the dress look weird. After that comment is made, Jana immediately crosses her arms over her stomach. You can't help but feel bad for the girl.


Clearly, Jana is sensitive, maybe overly so. However, I have noticed that her sensitivity is an asset with babies and young children. She clearly loves them. One of the most real moments of the entire show is when Jana saw the M'kids for the first time after they moved to DC. Jana gathers up Mackynzie into a big hug and smacks a kiss onto her check, and exclaims, "I've missed you!" None of the other Duggars seem to show much genuine affection for each other, so that scene stood out to me in a big way. 


Also, I love that Jana convinced her parents to let her travel to Indonesia and Malaysia in one of the earlier seasons. Girl has (had?) an adventurous spirit. Too bad she seems to have taken the Journey to the Heart teachings to heart, which snuffed out her spark, and she has learned to be content as a stay-at-home daughter while her life passes her by. 


I don't doubt that Jana's politics are odious or that she likely spews annoying Bible verses, but unlike Jill and Jessa, I think she had real promise at some point. I don't anticipate that she will breakaway or do anything shocking to reclaim that promise, but I want her to find genuine happiness in whatever form that is. 


I could write more, but I'm gonna stop myself. Sorry for the novel, but this is why Jana is my favorite. 

I'm so sorry I'm late to the dance, Janarella, but this was my Post of the Day ! Ummm, three days ago. Mea culpa  - turkey coma ! Your post was such an elegant synopsis of why people like me continue to wonder/worry about Jana - she's the underdog we all have hope for ! I think she's the "nice" one, too...


Your post hit home for me in more ways than one - first, because it drove in the point just how much I've (we've ?) watched that poor girl/woman wither and die on the vine as her dreams and spirit and spark were crushed beyond recognition and she slowly settled into resignation to her fate as a perpetual Helpmeet without a Headship, SisterMom with no children, and SAHW with no husband. Sweet 25 and Never Been Kissed. Can you IMAGINE ?!?!


Second, I had a Jana in my very own family - she was 40ish when I was in grade school and, boy, was she a firecracker ! Blazing red hair, smoking, cursing, and whiskey-voiced - God, did I love her !!! But she'd been "Duggarized" early on, and remained at home to take care of her siblings, parents, laundry, cooking, etc. I watched her snark and sass...deflate over the decades - now she's now almost 80, and utterly alone. The family either moved away or died, one by one, and left her with nothing. I'm one of the few distant relatives left that even talks to her. 


My hope is that Jana can escape, somehow, before the fate of "my" Jana comes to fruition for her, and she's 80 and stuck in some version of Grey Gardens with Josie in the Tinker Toy Castle. Or, Lord help us, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane


Jana - you have the Internet password ! You can come live with me ! Or probably anyone else here on this site ! I have an extra bedroom and do my own laundry and cooking ! Seriously !



  • Love 21

kokapetl: Don't worry about Jana running out of things to do....she has already automatically shifted her nanny duties to Meredith and Spurge..Most of the photos I have seen is of Jana holding them, not their mothers holding them. She's taking care of two generations now. Michelle won't assert herself to anything that has to do with "work" either.

  • Love 6

kokapetl: Don't worry about Jana running out of things to do....she has already automatically shifted her nanny duties to Meredith and Spurge..Most of the photos I have seen is of Jana holding them, not their mothers holding them. She's taking care of two generations now. Michelle won't assert herself to anything that has to do with "work" either.

I don't know if this is true of Jana, but when I was around my nieces & nephews I most likely had them in my arms, because I just loved to be with them.


And then when I had my children, I very much appreciated the times when their aunts, uncles and cousins wanted to hold them.

  • Love 7

I don't know if this is true of Jana, but when I was around my nieces & nephews I most likely had them in my arms, because I just loved to be with them.

And then when I had my children, I very much appreciated the times when their aunts, uncles and cousins wanted to hold them.

She might be one of those people who like kids more than adults, girl always has a baby on her.

  • Love 2

On this board and on FreeJinger, I often hear people refer to Jana as a "mystery." While we engage in a good bit of speculation about her, I thought it would be fun and informative for us to list things that we actually know to be true about her. 


#1. Jana likes to light candles and listen to music to relax.

"I love candles. They're just, like, I don't know... calming, peaceful. That and music going in the house, it just makes it really peaceful." (Source: "Duggars Down the Aisle," Season 10, Episode 1)


#2. Jana doesn't like the city or the boonies. 

"I'm not a city girl, but I'm not a complete outdoors girl." (Source: "Busy Duggars," Season 10, Episode 8)


#3. Jana is a registered Republican. (Source: Online public voting records)


#4. In 2010, Jana and John David traveled to Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia on a month-long mission trip. (Source: "Digesting Duggars," Season 5, Episode 2)


#5. Jana has an interest in essential oils. 

"Jana is all into her essential oils, and she thinks she's concocted something to help get rid of my cough!" (Source: Jessa's Instagram)




 If you guys find this interesting, we could keep it going and see how much we actually know about Jana. 

Edited by Guest

On this board and on FreeJinger, I often hear people refer to Jana as a "mystery." While we engage in a good bit of speculation about her, I thought it would be fun and informative for us to list things that we actually know to be true about her. 


#1. Jana likes to light candles and listen to music to relax.

"I love candles. They're just, like, I don't know... calming, peaceful. That and music going in the house, it just makes it really peaceful." (Source: "Duggars Down the Aisle," Season 10, Episode 1)


#2. Jana doesn't like the city or the boonies. 

"I'm not a city girl, but I'm not a complete outdoors girl." (Source: "Busy Duggars," Season 10, Episode 8)


#3. Jana is a registered Republican. (Source: Online public voting records)


#4. In 2010, Jana and John David traveled to Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia on a month-long mission trip. (Source: "Digesting Duggars," Season 5, Episode 2)


#5. Jana has an interest in essential oils. 

"Jana is all into her essential oils, and she thinks she's concocted something to help get rid of my cough!" (Source: Jessa's Instagram)




 If you guys find this interesting, we could keep it going and see how much we actually know about Jana. 

I can't quote actual shows but ...


She has done Weight Watchers

Michelle once said that Jana was outspoken and talkative but now saves that for "mom & dad"

She isn't 100% sold on Creationism 

  • Love 4

I can't quote actual shows but ...


She has done Weight Watchers

Michelle once said that Jana was outspoken and talkative but now saves that for "mom & dad"

She isn't 100% sold on Creationism 


I can't quote the shows from memory either. I was just watching a couple of old episodes on Amazon Prime and jotted down a few quotes. LOL!


And YES to all that you added. 

Edited by Guest

I think we can all agree that this is an awesome picture of Jana arm-wrestling James! LOL!



But won't all that hand-to-hand contact lead to desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled ? 

Edited by BOOgen3
  • Love 3

I think we can all agree that this is an awesome picture of Jana arm-wrestling James! LOL!



...aaaaand the marketing continues.

JB tried selling her as seamstress, and chef, and sister-mom, and domestic slave. Now it's "Look! She can flip mattresses and lug groceries."


C'mon, Jana, sew the pantlegs back into that firefighter uniform and RUN!!!

Edited by drafan
  • Love 4

Every time I see the title of this thread, I get a little bit sad for poor old John David. I know he's weird as hell, but doesn't he deserve to be a Lonely J? He doesn't strike me as a creeper, and I can't help but think that the love of a nice, plain girl might make him less weird.

(I can't believe I'm going to bat for JD. I never gave him a second thought till it occurred to me he's omitted from the thread title.)

  • Love 14

I think we can all agree that this is an awesome picture of Jana arm-wrestling James! LOL!



First comment, presently:

"Such a pretty girl! College would look great on her."

Well played, Haile Sanders. 

  • Love 11

But won't all that hand-to-hand contact lead to desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled ? 

Yes. Definitely, and we all know Jana is a huge troublemaker and problem child (adult) anyway. Michelle never forgets to remind how difficult Jana was.


Every time I see the title of this thread, I get a little bit sad for poor old John David. I know he's weird as hell, but doesn't he deserve to be a Lonely J? He doesn't strike me as a creeper, and I can't help but think that the love of a nice, plain girl might make him less weird.

(I can't believe I'm going to bat for JD. I never gave him a second thought till it occurred to me he's omitted from the thread title.)

JD and whatever the next boy's name is always make me think they're missing characters from a Southern version of Napoleon Dynamite. 

  • Love 2

kokapetl: Don't worry about Jana running out of things to do....she has already automatically shifted her nanny duties to Meredith and Spurge..Most of the photos I have seen is of Jana holding them, not their mothers holding them. She's taking care of two generations now. Michelle won't assert herself to anything that has to do with "work" either.


Her own siblings should outgrow their need for full-time Jana just as Grandma Mary starts to need it. I really can't see Boob and 'Chelle signing up for primary elder care.

  • Love 6
Yes. Definitely, and we all know Jana is a huge troublemaker and problem child (adult) anyway. Michelle never forgets to remind how difficult Jana was.


Doubtless that has less to do with Jana being particularly "difficult" than it does with Michelle actually being at least somewhat checked in to raising her own kids back when Jana was young. She probably has only the vaguest idea of how much or little "trouble" the others were once she had someone to hand them off to.

  • Love 9

Doubtless that has less to do with Jana being particularly "difficult" than it does with Michelle actually being at least somewhat checked in to raising her own kids back when Jana was young. She probably has only the vaguest idea of how much or little "trouble" the others were once she had someone to hand them off to.

Absolutely! That's what I've always thought, too. Josh had the novelty of being the first born, then JD and Jana come along, and you have a toddler plus twins. That's a lot of work, and the 'fun' wears off fast. I always suspected that Michelle was just overwhelmed, Jana was a more active baby than the other two, and then next in line Jill, and Michelle also probably was a little bit jealous of the next female to enter the house, even the infant Jana. Then laid back baby Jill comes along, which makes an active Jana look more active, wedged between dull as dirt JD and Jill.


Michelle has taken out her frustration on Jana from birth. Actually, since before birth. Michelle has insisted that JD was peaceful in the womb, while Jana kicked and kept her up. Michelle is such a selfish bitch.

  • Love 15

It's amazing that she could tell which twin was moving when, in utero. What a remarkable mother.


That's why she has all those Mother of the Year Awards. She has 19 and delivered ALL of them, don't you remember. That makes her special, Because there's another way for babies to be born, besides delivery. /there's my sarcasm

  • Love 5

Absolutely! That's what I've always thought, too. Josh had the novelty of being the first born, then JD and Jana come along, and you have a toddler plus twins. That's a lot of work, and the 'fun' wears off fast. I always suspected that Michelle was just overwhelmed, Jana was a more active baby than the other two, and then next in line Jill, and Michelle also probably was a little bit jealous of the next female to enter the house, even the infant Jana. Then laid back baby Jill comes along, which makes an active Jana look more active, wedged between dull as dirt JD and Jill.

Michelle has taken out her frustration on Jana from birth. Actually, since before birth. Michelle has insisted that JD was peaceful in the womb, while Jana kicked and kept her up. Michelle is such a selfish bitch.

Maybe Jana is the culprit who kicked out that "missing back muscle"? Would explain how she got stuck raising the rest of them.
  • Love 9

Absolutely! That's what I've always thought, too. Josh had the novelty of being the first born, then JD and Jana come along, and you have a toddler plus twins. That's a lot of work, and the 'fun' wears off fast. I always suspected that Michelle was just overwhelmed, Jana was a more active baby than the other two, and then next in line Jill, and Michelle also probably was a little bit jealous of the next female to enter the house, even the infant Jana. Then laid back baby Jill comes along, which makes an active Jana look more active, wedged between dull as dirt JD and Jill.


Michelle has taken out her frustration on Jana from birth. Actually, since before birth. Michelle has insisted that JD was peaceful in the womb, while Jana kicked and kept her up. Michelle is such a selfish bitch.


Bolding in above quote is mine.


Some Duggar theories are decidedly Freudian, and IMO, that has to be seen as a reasonable assumption because with them, everything seems to boil down to reproduction and "related issues." At the very least, it does with Me-chelle. She is clearly loving herself some Joshie, and now she could be competitive with her own daughter as well.


Hmmm - if the Duggars will be needing another whack job weird name for the next grandchild, maybe they should consider Sigmund. Of course, the likelihood that any of them have ever heard the name falls squarely in the "Slim to None" range.

  • Love 5

Bolding in above quote is mine.


Some Duggar theories are decidedly Freudian, and IMO, that has to be seen as a reasonable assumption because with them, everything seems to boil down to reproduction and "related issues." At the very least, it does with Me-chelle. She is clearly loving herself some Joshie, and now she could be competitive with her own daughter as well.


Hmmm - if the Duggars will be needing another whack job weird name for the next grandchild, maybe they should consider Sigmund. Of course, the likelihood that any of them have ever heard the name falls squarely in the "Slim to None" range.

Well Siggy was somewhat obsessed with sex, much like the Duggar clan. But the whole cocaine think might steer them away from that name.

  • Love 2

Bolding in above quote is mine.

Some Duggar theories are decidedly Freudian, and IMO, that has to be seen as a reasonable assumption because with them, everything seems to boil down to reproduction and "related issues." At the very least, it does with Me-chelle. She is clearly loving herself some Joshie, and now she could be competitive with her own daughter as well.

Hmmm - if the Duggars will be needing another whack job weird name for the next grandchild, maybe they should consider Sigmund. Of course, the likelihood that any of them have ever heard the name falls squarely in the "Slim to None" range.

Michelle loves Josh more because he's the firstborn son who a) she actually wanted and bonded with pre-cult b) he resembles her in looks and we all know she loves herself.

My theory as to why she despises Jana: Jana is a better mother than Michelle ever was. She's good with children, actually seems to care about the he little ones and the little ones prefer Jana to Michelle any day. Jana was the first female in the family to compete for Jim Bob's affection. I'm sure he dotes on her and this made Mullet jealous.

  • Love 13

We also know that:

*Jana is an excellent seamstress.
*she did not want to train as a midwife (or whatever) like Jill
*Jana plays the harp.
*She also likes candles. And apparently, essential oils.
*She apparently likes to kick her mother.
*Had to give her prized jewelry box to bully Jessa.

*Jana was also some type of volunteer first responder, wasn't she?

*Jana also is the person who handles Josie's seizures. On camera. (eye roll)

*She's traveled overseas (the real overseas) to a mission without her family.

*She's attended and lead JTTH groups.

* Mrs. Bates has said nice things about her.

*She can lay tile.

Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 1
Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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