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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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The whole Marjorie and Josiah thing got me thinking. We all assumed the kids weren't allowed to have social media accounts until they were courting. Could it be, which I hope it isn't, but could it be that JB insisted they start to be active on social media to promote themselves when they began relationships?


And if they are broken up I hope Josiah is okay. He seemed to go from a lively funny boy to a quiet and reserved young adult.

The whole Marjorie and Josiah thing got me thinking. We all assumed the kids weren't allowed to have social media accounts until they were courting. Could it be, which I hope it isn't, but could it be that JB insisted they start to be active on social media to promote themselves when they began relationships?

And if they are broken up I hope Josiah is okay. He seemed to go from a lively funny boy to a quiet and reserved young adult.

I'm sure Josiah will find a nice guy to dry his tears.
  • Love 16

At this point he's still her best shot at fame. Even without a show, she's much more likely to get her "I can't believe she's not 30" face on TV, in magazines, on the back cover of her books etc, if she's involved with him instead of a nobody or no one.

Oh yes. She will still have chances to be invited to sing/play/speak at conferences, write books, and participate in the YouTube channel it appears the Duggars may be trying to get off the ground. I think she'll stick around and take what she can get.

As I've said before, I love reading the comments after these articles. Scroll down to the one written by Jim Phillips. Nothing new for us on this forum, but hopefully it opened the eyes of some of the devoted Duggar fans.
  • Love 2

Honestly, I'm thrilled that nobody's heard anything one way or another.


These are two kids, who've had very little chance for much exposure to the world or to other people. If the current situation is just allowing them now to withdraw and have a relationship, or not have a relationship, just as suits them, without anybody telling the public about it, I think that's by far the very best thing that could happen to them. That's normal life. And that's what they all need.


Of course, we're all going to speculate. Everybody Duggar-obsessed is obsessed with it as a story, obsessed with them as characters. But I hope that they're now in a position where they and their families feel absolutely no need to respond to or fuel any speculation. Off the public radar is exactly where young adults' personal relationships ought to be. They're hard enough to sort out without thinking about public expectations. I can't even fathom what those years would have felt like in my life if I'd thought that I needed to put on some kind of show or offer some kind of explanations for public consumption.  I would hope that they can proceed without thinking about family expectations too, although I suppose that's way too much to ask.


Live your lives in peace, Marjorie and Josiah. My curiosity should never ever ever be your concern.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 15

Church next door? The Duggars live next door to a landfill.


Okay, I evilly gave that a click. The guy means their old pre-TTH house, I think.  At least one of their old houses was sort of church-supplied and not next to a landfill, I don't think. Whether it was actually next door to the church, I don't know.

  • Love 3

Okay, I evilly gave that a click. The guy means their old pre-TTH house, I think. At least one of their old houses was sort of church-supplied and not next to a landfill, I don't think. Whether it was actually next door to the church, I don't know.

I did some property record searches, turns out JimBob bought that property from Michelle's dad in 1992, and sold it to the 1st Baptist Church of Springdale in 2001. House looks to be demolished, but the concrete pad remains. No parking lot. It is next door to a 'Cross Church Springdale Campus', 1709 Johnson Rd, owned by First Baptist Church of Springdale, also the First Baptists Church of Springdale's service address. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

I'm OK with her being listed as a blogger, but 'bible study author"? At 17? I think not. Or maybe that's just how Radaronline is identifying her.


If they broke up, I wouldn't be surprised if it was because she didn't anticipate (and couldn't handle) the microscope of fame that she was suddenly under: people commenting, sometimes harshly, on her hair, her clothes, her posture, etc.

  • Love 1

Rainbow cake??? With a unicorn topper???? Pretty please??? :D


eta: I know Josiah got both twitter and IG accounts when he started courting. He goes by Si Duggar. 



Yep, I sure can make a rainbow cake! I'm a really good baker. My specialities are cookies but for Lawsiah I will get my cake pans out.

  • Love 2

I'm sorry Josiah went through a breakup, but it's kind of a universal human experience. Welcome to the heathen world, Si. This was dating, Jim Bob and Michelle; get over it. I'm glad he's free to date without the tv show and all that hanging over his head. It attracts the fame-grubbing types *cough* Marge.


Lawson can swing in on the rebound, now...

  • Love 18

Well, no matter what happened now, it seemed pretty clear earlier that they (or somebody) were likely setting a timetable for the most serious relationship of their lives based on the filming schedule of a frigging tv show. Gotta get that dramatic arc and big finish for the next season. And they'd already been the highlighted "next season" teaser.


Nobody should ever be in that situation. And, especially, naive kids in their very first relationships should never be in that situation  (or be encouraged or coerced, subtly or blatantly, to be there). Sad that they ever had to be in a relationship that was being shaped by external forces in that way. And it's a shame if this whole mess broke up a relationship that really could have been good for them, as seemed to be a possibility. Hoping the best for both of them going forward.

  • Love 23

I called this here a few days ago. I think this was a totally fabricated "courtship" for tv. Marjorie was ok with it as long as it kept her name out there and she could potentially cash in from the exposure. Josiah seems to be a nice enough kid but is in no way, shape, or form marriage material. The families' joint statement, of course, emphasizes that this was God's will and that they will remain friends yada yada. The reality is that the Duggars are damaged goods, the tv show and the big income that came with it are gone, and there is no reason for Marjorie to stick around. Even though her motives may have been suspect, I'm still glad she dodged a bullet.

  • Love 19

I think both of these kids were sincere in their interest in a courtship.  However, after the TV life disappeared, they found they just didn't have that much in common.  Marjorie probably wants someone with a more dynamic personality and some sort of career commitment.

Edited by riverblue22
  • Love 2

It's funny how this forum was the first to speculate the courtship was on the skids, then the article appeared on the gossip blogs and today the families confirmed Marsiah is no more.

I feel bad for Si, but he's better off. Marjorie wasn't into him, she was into being a tv star and the perks that came with it. They were way too young for such a big commitment in the first place.

Going forward though, I'm worried for Jana and Jinger. How are they ever going to find husbands now if people within their own circles think the family is toxic? And yes, I know marriage isn't the end all be all, but I doubt Jana wants to be sharing a bed with Josie when she's 30.

  • Love 15

Going forward though, I'm worried for Jana and Jinger. How are they ever going to find husbands now if people within their own circles think the family is toxic? And yes, I know marriage isn't the end all be all, but I doubt Jana wants to be sharing a bed with Josie when she's 30.


This is a scary thought. And so unfair.


Then at the same time I think, well,, would I want to have or want anyone I care about to have JB and M as in-laws? And the answer to that is no. So unfortunately I can understand what people's motivations may be.


I guess it might be okay if you could get your chosen Duggar kid to move several states away. But he/she would still have parents -- and maybe siblings -- who are big fat grifters and who've taken terrible advantage of their children for their whole lives.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

This is a scary thought. And so unfair.

Then at the same time I think, well,, would I want to have or want anyone I care about to have JB and M as in-laws? And the answer to that is no. So unfortunately I can understand what people's motivations may be.

I agree. Boob and Michelle are too controlling and the family is annoying. I'm all for closeness but I don't want four little girls dumped on my doorstep every Friday night because their lazy ass mother can't deal. Nor would I want twenty people barging in on me an hour after I've given birth. They're just so overbearing.

  • Love 16

 I'm glad they broke up. I don't think it's fair to say Marjorie was in it only for the fame. I think the two of them seemed to get along and enjoy spending time together. It was a good fit for hanging out, but maybe not a good fit for the long term. At 17, she's not sure of what she wants. She may have thought she and Si could be a good fit, and maybe they were things that long term wouldn't have worked.

  I don't like this courtship system for precisely this reason----- there should be nothing wrong with getting to know someone, seeing if they're a good fit for you and then letting them go and moving on and seeing if someone else is good fit for you. Even if you never do more than side-hug, you should still have the right to see how personalities mesh, figuring out if your values (or this case your parents' values) fit together, and see if this is something you want for the rest of your life. At 17 and 18 there shouldn't necessarily be this pressure for this to last for the rest of your life. 

I wonder if there's been more pressure from JB and Michelle to either conform Duggar standards (for example long skirts) or speed things up in the courtship to take the attention away from Josh.  I hope JB, Michelle, or Josh is not why they broke up.  She seems so well educated compared to Duggars (and she wrote a book) maybe she realized that as much as she would like to marry and have kids that there is so much she could accomplish if she waits longer. Also Si too may have opportunities for growth and independence. (Like going to same school as Joseph). 

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 18

TV show or no TV show, imagine what one might have to say if one's 17 year old daughter wanted to enter into a "courtship" with an 18 year old, only to discover there were long-standing and well-concealed instances of molestation in your daughter's intended's family. How many here would think that was no problem, or would you tell your daughter under no uncertain terms that she was free to make her own decisions when she was older, but for now, the courtship was over?


I hope Josiah meets someone that makes him happy. I also hope he manages to break away from his parents, most especially his father.

  • Love 13

Regarding spouses for other Duggar children. I suspect there won't be any more Ben Seewald types in the mix. Without the cash cow tv show, Boob would be hard pressed to support any more unemployed slackers marrying his daughters. I think a decent job just became a Duggar courting prerequisite for any young man showing an interest in a daughter. As for the boys, Boob can't possibly employ all of them down the line so it might behoove each of them to learn a marketable skill. Of course their spouses, if they remain in the fold, will never work outside the home and they'll have lots of mouths to feed.

I suspect that even if the show had continued, Marjorie might have bolted anyway once she came to the realization that the Duggars consider all women baby dispensers whose only purpose is to procreate.

  • Love 1

How are they going to explain to us that he gave away a piece of his heart and now is damaged but because he is a Duggar giving away a piece of your heart doesn't count.

This... so much this!


Or are they special magical people that can court someone and not give away any piece of their heart at all until they are saying "I do" at the alter?  Call it dating already.

  • Love 1

If the reason for the breakup was the molestation scandal, it would have occurred two months ago. The breakup didn't happen until the TV show was cancelled.

Again, my opinion. It was conveniently announced several days after the cancellation. I think it's been in the works for a while, seeing as how Marjorie wasn't photographed with Josiah for the past 11 weeks or so.


I'm wondering who won the "let's not announce this until things are quieter" argument, especially since there's a large article about the Duggars and grifting in today's Jezebel.

  • Love 7

I am sorry that it ended but agree they were so young. I think the Duggar girls will have an easier time finding husbands than the boys finding wives now that the gravy train has derailed. Unless they find job success on their own, how many fundie fathers are going to be lining up to attach their daughters to uneducated, minimum-wage earning men? I think on their own they might find love through normal dating but I'm not so sure with this courtship business.

  • Love 1

Hardly a shock, and while Josiah may be sad for a bit, I don't think it is a bad thing.

From day one I was a little leery of this courtship.  Exiled at ALERT for almost a year and suddenly courting?  My guess was that Jim Bob was either aware of the online speculation about Josiah and wanted to nip it in the bud, or was using this as a way to control a rebellious son.


I don't doubt for a minute that the cancellation of the show played into it, but it is also possible that Marjorie's family wanted out after the Josh story hit, but they agreed to hold off on any announcement until things died down a bit.  


Will he lose his Instagram privileges?  Does it matter?  Unlike his other siblings, Josiah has not posted one new photo since Joshgate hit.  Which might support the theory that the breakup actually happened earlier.


At the end of the day they were simply too young to even consider marriage.

  • Love 10

Going forward though, I'm worried for Jana and Jinger. How are they ever going to find husbands now if people within their own circles think the family is toxic? And yes, I know marriage isn't the end all be all, but I doubt Jana wants to be sharing a bed with Josie when she's 30.

I think it may be the opposite. I think the boys are going to have a much harder time finding a mate because the boys are tainted. When a girl marries in, she becomes a Dugger and is under male control, while the Jinger and Jana will be under their husband's authority (in theory).

I could see the type of boy looking to save a damsel in distress interested in Jana and Jinger.

I agree this was over because of the molestation. If it was just the tv show, I think we would have seem the two of them more publicly when the talk of a possible spinoff was being discussed.

  • Love 3

Personally I'm rooting for the mega-jailbreak where as many of the adult children as possible leave. Run, Josiah, run! 


I agree with others that girls stand a much better chance of marrying well. In addition to what others said, they're better looking than the boys.


I'm not sure on the timing of all this. I think it's possible they were waiting to announce the courtship break after the Josh scandal died down a little.


Also it's very possible to me that the Duggars tired of her when their show wasn't renewed. I always thought part of this courtship was a storyline for next season. (while covering everyone's endless pregnancies.) They discovered the season before that courtships and weddings sell ratings. They were going to make yet another kid a reality tv star, and he would have the television income to support her when the babies started rolling in. Now they have five grandchildren and one more on the way and most of these children (not sure about Dillards) are dependent on them and they lost their show and main source of income. They probably are less anxious now to start a new baby factory. Now add to the fact that she is more independent than any of the other ladies, is well read, and wears jeans, and they were probably annoyed and uncomfortable that she didn't completely fit into their comfort zone. 


Si probably misses her and her family, but maybe he could still hang out at her house if her parents let him. Even when they're broken up it probably still beats TTH. Their courtship started when he was (I think) working for her dad? It always annoyed the heck me that JB thought the only or real reason Josiah went to see the dad was her. Even if he was interested in the daughter, why not be also interested in graphic design? Why not be looking into a career? 

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 3

Don't know if this was said about the time frame of the breakup. On the Duggar Family Blog site, Boob & MEchelle said that "a few weeks ago" they decided to end their courtship. This would coincide with the show cancellation, like we guessed.

I agree with the others that I'm glad the breakup happened & hoping too that Josiah won't have to visit ALERT because of it. But as we've said before, he would probably rather be there than at the TTC.

  • Love 4

I tend to agree with you, and I'm quite sure it's the same Bates boy I have noticed. I don't get the horrible smug vibe with Josiah, and I also wish him all the best. I have to admit that I have watched the video of him singing with Marjorie a few times. I don't care about the words, but for some reason I find the arrangement moving.



NIKE! *lies down and fans self*

  • Love 3

Hardly a shock, and while Josiah may be sad for a bit, I don't think it is a bad thing.

From day one I was a little leery of this courtship.  Exiled at ALERT for almost a year and suddenly courting?  My guess was that Jim Bob was either aware of the online speculation about Josiah and wanted to nip it in the bud, or was using this as a way to control a rebellious son.


I don't doubt for a minute that the cancellation of the show played into it, but it is also possible that Marjorie's family wanted out after the Josh story hit, but they agreed to hold off on any announcement until things died down a bit.  


Will he lose his Instagram privileges?  Does it matter?  Unlike his other siblings, Josiah has not posted one new photo since Joshgate hit.  Which might support the theory that the breakup actually happened earlier.


At the end of the day they were simply too young to even consider marriage.

I hope he doesn't lose his Instagram privileges.  Jason has an account.

  • Love 1
Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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