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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I wonder how quickly people would turn on Jana if she were to start courting and using social media. In the past, people were pretty sympathetic towards all of the Duggar girls and Josiah but once they started courting the gloves came off. Jill was at worst a kool-aid drinking tattle tale and Jessa was spunky. They seemingly haven't changed all that much except for a ring on their fingers but now I won't even repeat the things I've read about them in polite company. Would people turn on Jana as well? As it stands she can do no wrong and is under appreciated but once she gets married and has her first kid will she be subjected to the same criticism?

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I wonder how quickly people would turn on Jana if she were to start courting and using social media. In the past, people were pretty sympathetic towards all of the Duggar girls and Josiah but once they started courting the gloves came off. Jill was at worst a kool-aid drinking tattle tale and Jessa was spunky. They seemingly haven't changed all that much except for a ring on their fingers but now I won't even repeat the things I've read about them in polite company. Would people turn on Jana as well? As it stands she can do no wrong and is under appreciated but once she gets married and has her first kid will she be subjected to the same criticism?

We are a grumpy group of "fans" I think. Would hate to have their last name.

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What happens if they break up?

Not allowed. She's already appeared on stage and screen as one of the family.

Actually I can't even guess what Jim Bob would do if Marjorie, with the full support of her parents, decided to call it off. I think he'd lose his mind.

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Does anyone think that maybe Jim Bob encouraged Josiah to pursue a courtship with Marjorie because they wanted to have him leave home? Josiah wasn't home for a good 9 months and I've thought for quite awhile that his relationship with Jim Bob was strained. Also, I guess Jim Bob has realized that courtships and weddings are good for ratings and hopefully Josiah would be able to keep some of the earnings from the episodes on which he appears. I've never understood how that works but I assume the married couples should be getting some type of compensation separately from Jim Bob and Michelle. Otherwise, why bother being on the show anymore?

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Not allowed. She's already appeared on stage and screen as one of the family.

Actually I can't even guess what Jim Bob would do if Marjorie, with the full support of her parents, decided to call it off. I think he'd lose his mind.


Boob's reaction would be interesting to see, that's for sure. Behind the scenes, I think he would indeed go ballistic. On camera, it would either not be mentioned at all or handled quite briefly and matter-of-factly, as the Bateses did when Zach's courtship was called off by the girl's side.

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To be fair, once they're courtship-marriage material, we get a LOT more exposure to them. People are going to have stronger opinions one way or the other as we see more of them and learn more about them.

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They'll NEVER break up. Not with Duggars running everything. 10 years from now, when one or both of them realizes that teenage marriage on reality tv wasn't a bright idea, maybe. But not now while the eye of the public is on them. The courtship story is such a script - catching Si's eye on a mission trip . Come on. They've been a couple longer than we think, and everything was set before the public was made aware.


I know the whole teenage marriage concept brings out the anecdata of successes, but I can't help help but think this isn't going to go so well. Even if desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled by a woman aren't involved.

They will still be on tv, but the shows name will be changed to 16 Divorces and Waiting for 3 More.

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Actually I can't even guess what Jim Bob would do if Marjorie, with the full support of her parents, decided to call it off. I think he'd lose his mind.


I'm sure Marjorie's signed a 50-shdes style behavioral contract. Jim Bob wold go nuclear. Think of the ratings, Margie. DO IT! ;)

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I think people were generally fair to the girls until they started publicizing 20k gift registries, bashed gays and Catholics and compared abortion to the Holocaust.

Jana seems more low key so we'll have to wait and see if courtship brings out the crazy in her.

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I wonder how quickly people would turn on Jana if she were to start courting and using social media. In the past, people were pretty sympathetic towards all of the Duggar girls and Josiah but once they started courting the gloves came off. Jill was at worst a kool-aid drinking tattle tale and Jessa was spunky. They seemingly haven't changed all that much except for a ring on their fingers but now I won't even repeat the things I've read about them in polite company. Would people turn on Jana as well?


I think that depends on what she'd say on social media and how she would say it. Right now Jana is such a blank page, we don't really know anything about her true beliefs and opinions, though since she's pretty much only been exposed to the ideology of Christian fundamentalist patriarchy we probably have to assume that her views are just as batshit as the rest of her family's, she just doesn't talk about them much. If she started spouting off on the evils of abortion, gays and Catholics on social media I'm sure she would get snarked on just as much as her sisters.

Edited by Vaysh
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Boob's reaction would be interesting to see, that's for sure. Behind the scenes, I think he would indeed go ballistic. On camera, it would either not be mentioned at all or handled quite briefly and matter-of-factly, as the Bateses did when Zach's courtship was called off by the girl's side.


Marjorie's family seems normal enough to tell them to all go to hell if they object to Marjorie dumping Josiah. Of course, I know next to nothing about them....I guess it's just my own wish. But I can't imagine families not named Duggar forcing their daughter to marry someone she didn't want to.

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Since they are traveling with TFDW does Josiah see how his life will go? Does he see that David was forced into a marriage just so he could advance in his "career." Will Josiah sit back and realize that this might not be the life he wants to live? 


Sadly, we will never know unless he can break away----which none of us believe will ever happen so poor Josiah will be in the horse and pony show for the rest of his life because it's what Boob commands not God.

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Does anyone think that maybe Jim Bob encouraged Josiah to pursue a courtship with Marjorie because they wanted to have him leave home? Josiah wasn't home for a good 9 months and I've thought for quite awhile that his relationship with Jim Bob was strained. Also, I guess Jim Bob has realized that courtships and weddings are good for ratings and hopefully Josiah would be able to keep some of the earnings from the episodes on which he appears. I've never understood how that works but I assume the married couples should be getting some type of compensation separately from Jim Bob and Michelle. Otherwise, why bother being on the show anymore?

I am definitely curious about this. This scenario has crossed my mind, as have a few others:


1. JB allowed Josiah to come home if he agreed to work in the family business and find someone to court.

2. Josiah was allowed to go to ALERT and on a mission as a sort of rumspringa if he agreed to come home and court at the end of a year.

3. Josiah agree to come home and work in the family business (and not write a book), if he was allowed to court Marjorie.


I'm sure that there are other possibilities . . .

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I wonder why Jim Bob found suitors for the other girls and not for Jana?  I wrote suitors, but what I really mean is sloberring puppy dog men.  Is there one family in their circles that could be a good and equal match?  They say patriarchy but I beg to differ, those Duggars are all matriarchy.  Every time I see Jessa and Jill, they act polite and seem to respect their men, but inside my head I hear them say, I'm gonna have to do everything myself, he's too busy fawning over me".

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Not allowed. She's already appeared on stage and screen as one of the family.

Actually I can't even guess what Jim Bob would do if Marjorie, with the full support of her parents, decided to call it off. I think he'd lose his mind.

Her family would be blackballed throughout Northwest Arkansas, to be sure. 

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I wonder how quickly people would turn on Jana if she were to start courting and using social media. In the past, people were pretty sympathetic towards all of the Duggar girls and Josiah but once they started courting the gloves came off.

The kids didn't get individual camera time until courtship, and no social media. There was a lot less data to go on. The more we learn about each Duggar, the less people tend to like them. I don't see that trend reversing. Too much ugliness under the big, dumb smiles.

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In that area? I think they have some clout among the fundie set, who would be the only people affected here. There are also plenty of people who can't stand the Duggars, and the Jacksons could be theoretically accepted by them if Marjorie ended the courtship. 


However, I doubt she has the courage to end it, even if it's not working out between them. But, like everyone else, I go back to her age. She can do no wrong and is operating in absolutes; she's absolutely sure that this is the right thing for her. You can't convince me otherwise. I just hope that she feels the same once her giggly crush phase is over (and if they wait a while, that might even be before the wedding).

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(and if they wait a while, that might even be before the wedding).

Which is why they won't wait. Giggly crush ---> Pregnant with no pauses to think.


Plus, the show won't wait forever. Ratings need to be maintained.

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Right. I guess Blessa lucked out with her little boy in that Muffy's courtship/marriage came out of left field (talk about rushed!), allowing them to string out the Benessa courtship a bit longer...much to the chagrin of Ben's dad. 


I think they'd get a shit ton of backlash if they allowed Marj to marry before her 18th birthday, despite AR allowing parents to sign off on a license from age 16. Just because you can doesn't make it right. 

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Break up? These two have been together longer than Jill and Derick. Their love survived ALERT and pants.

Yeah, I'm convinced Si was sent to ALERT because of his relationship with her. I bet this has been going on for a long time.

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Yeah, I'm convinced Si was sent to ALERT because of his relationship with her. I bet this has been going on for a long time.

Or his lack of one with her. Who knows how he was pushed?

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They're not allowed "relationships" without parental permission, so I doubt that's why Josiah went to ALERT. I'm pretty convinced he was sent there to "straighten up and fly right," according to Boob's rules. I don't think Josiah, with all of his metrosexual ways, has been a favorite of his he-man, lunkhead father. I still remember how Boob shoved him out to get splattered in the paintball battle, and the Jubilee announcement. Neither makes Boob look like a loving father to this particular son.

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The kids didn't get individual camera time until courtship, and no social media. There was a lot less data to go on. The more we learn about each Duggar, the less people tend to like them. I don't see that trend reversing. Too much ugliness under the big, dumb smiles.

Everyone keeps saying this, but I swear Si had an Instagram a year ago - I feel like I saw one of the girls tag him in something with his handle. Then it went away and just recently came back. Maybe I'm going nuts, but I remember seeing it and being surprised he had one.

Edited by starving artist
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Everyone keeps saying this, but I swear Si had an Instagram a year ago - I feel like I saw one of the girls tag him in something with his handle. Then it went away and just recently came back. Maybe I'm going nuts, but I remember seeing it and being surprised he had one.

I bet they all have them, and they are ready to be rolled out when appropriate. Si may have gotten tagged by mistake.

Jana could easily have her own, especially since the internet is her "jurisdiction", but she seems uninterested in sharing anything extra about her life, other than the minimum required by the show.

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Well, I do mean it in the context of the Patriarchy, which makes even the most ineffectual man look like a king. More of a call-back to "traditional" gender roles and whatnot. I think Josiah's dress and typically sweet mannerisms threaten his father. 

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I wonder why Jim Bob found suitors for the other girls and not for Jana?  I wrote suitors, but what I really mean is sloberring puppy dog men.  Is there one family in their circles that could be a good and equal match?  They say patriarchy but I beg to differ, those Duggars are all matriarchy.  Every time I see Jessa and Jill, they act polite and seem to respect their men, but inside my head I hear them say, I'm gonna have to do everything myself, he's too busy fawning over me".


I'm sure it won't be difficult for J'Boob to find a suitor for Jana. In the Gothard world, I'm sure they are almost royalty. 

My hypothesis is that the lack of courtship for Jana has more to do with Michelle than J'Boob.... It is very obvious Michelle loathes Jana.. Since she had her in her womb... So I think that, out of jealousy, she doesn't want Jana to get the spot light and enjoy all the attention a wedding and a little blessing bring... PLUS, and this is the most important thing, it would mean she'd actually have to be involved with her blessings! Imagine that! Honestly, I think it's a combination of these factors. I'm sure J'Boob might have told her that he thinks x, y, z guy would be a good match for Jana, but I can see Michelle dismissing that just as quickly...

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Good point. I'd say that Si's intelligence is what bothers his family the most. He seems that type to see through party lines, and realize how he's been lied to. Dumb/willfully ignorant people can't control a smart person.

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Josiah might really be enjoying spending time not only with Marjorie, but the rest of her family as well. And I don't blame him one bit. Her parents seem more normal (then again, just about anybody seems more normal than the Duggars) and she has a lot less younger siblings. Maybe it's a relaxed and peaceful household to be in. Josiah could be the first Duggar to spend significant time with his wife's family, from what we have seen, Josh and Anna spend way more time with the Duggars than they do with her family. It's probably the same for Jessa and Ben though maybe Jill and Derrick can split their time equally because his parents are close by. We never see the Kellers at Jim Bob and Michelle's house, I wonder if in years to come whether or not we'll much of the other inlaws visiting.

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I do think Josiah was sent to Alert for so long to bring him in line.  He'd already met Marjorie, and I think he thought about her and her family a lot while there.  I think he really wanted to work in Marj's dad's field, and this was an apprenticeship Boob didn't pay for.  He paid plenty for a year at Alert.  Could have gone to an Ivy League for the moneyl  So Si starts hanging at Marj's house so kind of fell in love with the whole family.  They are considerably different than his, and Marj's dad and mom both look at things differently.  Marj has such an outgoing personality and has performed singing in presentation of stage plays with plenty of secular music.  So I think these things are the hook for him.  He's never seen outspoken sisters, laughter, apparently love independence and secular fun before.  I think he is really proud of her.

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If the Duggars pushed Josiah into a courtship because of speculation about his sexual orientation, I hope there's a very special place reserved in hell just for them. Of course I have no way of knowing if my perception is right, but I've always had a feeling Boob has been a little disappointed in Josiah because perhaps he's not as "manly" as Boob would want him to be, thus the shipping-off to Alert Academy. Obviously, with this bunch, the preferred means of dealing with a "non-manly" son is to marry him off, a la TFDW, with no thought to the woman involved in the union, their future children, and what likely will happen down the road.

IMO, the happiness of these children is of zero concern. What IS of concern: the way their life choices reflect on MEchelle and Boob's (alleged) parenting.

They're already not going to heaven. They follow man not god. Gothard is man. I honestly think a scandal would help them with ratings. Jose is too young uneducated to be married.

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I agree with Carol, but with a twist. I think both Josiah and Marjorie are attracted to the other's family. This is the first courtship of longstanding family friends. That makes it interesting, at least to me.

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I think JB has struggled finding good matches in his world. Anna was a good one, but otherwise all of his other matches have been very, well, ordinary, often very young, local choices. Not "royalty" choices at all.

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I think JB has struggled finding good matches in his world. Anna was a good one, but otherwise all of his other matches have been very, well, ordinary, often very young, local choices. Not "royalty" choices at all.

Yeah, I've noticed that both derick and ben aren't really, you know, as Gothard as they are. Derick was a lucky shot, college educated with a job! I ferl like Jana knows that if she wants to be courted soon, she's going to end up with a Ben. Without the looks.

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a Ben. Without the looks.


That makes me laugh. Ben without the looks ... I can't see a purpose for such a thing. What would we be left with, exactly? His staggering intellect? :)


I still prefer to live in a fantasyland in which Jana fell in love with Frank Sun and was banished to Journey to the Heart to get over him, and is waiting until the little girls are a little older before she runs away and meets up with him somewhere exotic and travels the globe before perhaps giving birth to -- at the most -- two adorable children.

Edited by Literata
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That makes me laugh. Ben without the looks ... I can't see a purpose for such a thing. What would we be left with, exactly? His staggering intellect? :)

I still prefer to live in a fantasyland in which Jana fell in love with Frank Sun and was banished to Journey to the Heart to get over him, and is waiting until the little girls are a little older before she runs away and meets up with him somewhere exotic and travels the globe before perhaps giving birth to -- at the most -- two adorable children.

from your mouth to God's ears!
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No, he's too "foreign looking" for the Duggars.

And dang! I was scrolling from right to left on that photo & thought JD was JB!

I'd have said Marge was too, but here we are.

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Wow he is cute. Was Jana interested in him?


No tangible proof except we know for sure she was interested in someone and nothing ever came of it. It's all pretty much fanfiction but I like to believe it's true because that family could use some fresh blood. Although can't you just imagine JB saying "hola" to him and pretending he's being clever?


I've glanced at his Twitter and he seems much too secular to ever go for Jana, plus he must have so much dirt on the family.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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He's pretty cute.


Gee whiz.  I'd seen him with before and thought he was a good looking young man, but in that photo I thought "What is Jimbo doing posing for a pic with Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker?"  I don't know if that's his best photo. 


I do think someone like Frank Sun would be a good match for Jana. 

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Gee whiz.  I'd seen him with before and thought he was a good looking young man, but in that photo I thought "What is Jimbo doing posing for a pic with Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker?"  I don't know if that's his best photo. 


I do think someone like Frank Sun would be a good match for Jana. 


My bad, this one is better. I actually don't think he'd go for her - she's lovely and sweet, but he seems to be a bit more hipster and I don't see any non-Christian secular guy going for one of the Duggar girls and their courtship rules. Of course, stranger things have happened. He seems fond of them.

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Well, I do know of such pairings- it really depends on the couple's mutual respect


yes, and I think this could work if he could take her out of Duggartown. 

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