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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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1 hour ago, beagletime said:

Does Jana have free rein to organize and decorate the TTH? Otherwise which rooms is she working in?  Jana doesn't have a personal room that we know of.  I do have to say Jana's outfit looks very much like something I would and do wear.  Personally I prefer skirts and dresses and also like my legs covered.  Leggings and footless tights are more comfortable.  I live in a diverse urban area and often see women dressed this way.  To each their own.

I wear leggings, too! Although I usually wear them with long tunics instead of with skirts .... I do wear them with an above-the-knee skirt from time to time, though.

I don't care how people dress, in general. But the fact that she's doing it because it's what Gothard prescribes makes me crazy.

Because, pushing 30, she's never ever had a chance to try out her own clothing ideas. Ever! ...

That dries me insane.  The fact that adults have never had a chance to decide what they'd like to wear on a daily basis....because of three old control-freak assholes -- JB, M, and BG. It makes me want to not just criticize Jana's damn clothes but, depending on the day, pull my hair out, frankly. .... AND, of course, the fact there are people all over the internet and the American TeeVee audience who still hold these people up as models of living and of parenting. 

So "to each their own" is quite ironic here. In Duggarland, it's "to each what Gothard, Jim Bob and Meeechelle prescribe." "To each their own" is completely verboten. To adults. 

People are actually talking about whether Jill has a damn right to appear in her parents' house in jeans. As if there's something in the sick, nutso cult that JB and Meechelle have made money from that deserves "respect." Please. These people have no respect for anyone, starting, of course, with no respect for the fact that their children are individual human beings. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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42 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

People are actually talking about whether Jill has a damn right to appear in her parents' house in jeans. As if there's something in the sick, nutso cult that JB and Meechelle have made money from that deserves "respect." Please. These people have no respect for anyone, starting, of course, with no respect for the fact that there children are individual human beings.

Yeah- JB and Michelle don’t have the right to tell any of their adult children what to wear (even when they visit the TTH). Now if they wish to be so petty to say “you cannot wear xyz in our eyesight” the children have the right to either comply, or not be in their eyesight. I do believe that adult children should respect their parents, but respect is a two way street, the Duggars have never respected anyone. 

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1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

I wear leggings, too! Although I usually wear them with long tunics instead of with skirts .... I do wear them with an above-the-knee skirt from time to time, though.

I don't care how people dress, in general. But the fact that she's doing it because it's what Gothard prescribes makes me crazy.

Because, pushing 30, she's never ever had a chance to try out her own clothing ideas. Ever! ...

That dries me insane.  The fact that adults have never had a chance to decide what they'd like to wear on a daily basis....because of three old control-freak assholes -- JB, M, and BG. It makes me want to not just criticize Jana's damn clothes but, depending on the day, pull my hair out, frankly. .... AND, of course, the fact there are people all over the internet and the American TeeVee audience who still hold these people up as models of living and of parenting. 

So "to each their own" is quite ironic here. In Duggarland, it's "to each what Gothard, Jim Bob and Meeechelle prescribe." "To each their own" is completely verboten. To adults. 

People are actually talking about whether Jill has a damn right to appear in her parents' house in jeans. As if there's something in the sick, nutso cult that JB and Meechelle have made money from that deserves "respect." Please. These people have no respect for anyone, starting, of course, with no respect for the fact that their children are individual human beings. 

That's all true, however the Duggar children don't have the same feelings as you do toward their religion and their parents.

Taking into account that Jill doesn't hate Michelle it seems odd that she wouldn't consider her feelings. But again I've never heard Michelle say she is upset that some of the adult girls are veering into eye trap territory either.

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17 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

That's all true, however the Duggar children don't have the same feelings as you do toward their religion and their parents.

Taking into account that Jill doesn't hate Michelle it seems odd that she wouldn't consider her feelings. But again I've never heard Michelle say she is upset that some of the adult girls are veering into eye trap territory either.

I don't believe Meechelle or Jim Bob gives a crap about any of this Gothard rule-giving any more for things like this. I don't think they've given a crap for years and years. It's a role they play that they see as setting them apart and making them special. And they still earn money by pretending to keep it up so they can make Gothard DVDs still. Plus, of course, it's given them numerous ways to exert control over their children AND get public attention. Both things that are highly enticing to people like them -- malignant narcissists, or whatever. 

Maybe Jill knows that her mother doesn't actually care. The question of "to wear or not to wear pants' doesn't appear to have caused much angst for either Jill or Jinger, does it? That, too, makes me question how much any of this reflects anything like a faith or a meaningful belief and how much is just a habit they all do for show. 

and when it comes to the Duggarlings ... Well, to me, it doesn't matter whether the Duggarlings want to be treated like free individuals or not! The fact that their parents apparently have never viewed them that way or treated them that way is just plain flat-out wrong, in my opinion, no matter what the kids want. Or imagine they want! And, again, I don't believe any of this has had to do with religious faith. It has to do with a couple of publicity-mad control freaks deciding they'd make their fortune and get their fame by pumping out a ton of kids and then treating them like pretty worthless appendages to the parents' fame machine!

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1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

I wear leggings, too! Although I usually wear them with long tunics instead of with skirts .... I do wear them with an above-the-knee skirt from time to time, though.

I don't care how people dress, in general. But the fact that she's doing it because it's what Gothard prescribes makes me crazy.

Because, pushing 30, she's never ever had a chance to try out her own clothing ideas. Ever! ...

That dries me insane.  The fact that adults have never had a chance to decide what they'd like to wear on a daily basis....because of three old control-freak assholes -- JB, M, and BG. It makes me want to not just criticize Jana's damn clothes but, depending on the day, pull my hair out, frankly. .... AND, of course, the fact there are people all over the internet and the American TeeVee audience who still hold these people up as models of living and of parenting. 

So "to each their own" is quite ironic here. In Duggarland, it's "to each what Gothard, Jim Bob and Meeechelle prescribe." "To each their own" is completely verboten. To adults. 

People are actually talking about whether Jill has a damn right to appear in her parents' house in jeans. As if there's something in the sick, nutso cult that JB and Meechelle have made money from that deserves "respect." Please. These people have no respect for anyone, starting, of course, with no respect for the fact that their children are individual human beings. 

Good point!  There is a difference in choosing to wear the outfit and feeling like you have to.  If Jana is ever married it will be interesting to see if she sticks with the "uniform" or follows the Jinger, Jill route.

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3 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

I don't believe Meechelle or Jim Bob gives a crap about any of this Gothard rule-giving any more for things like this. I don't think they've given a crap for years and years. It's a role they play that they see as setting them apart and making them special. And they still earn money by pretending to keep it up so they can make Gothard DVDs still. Plus, of course, it's given them numerous ways to exert control over their children AND get public attention. Both things that are highly enticing to people like them -- malignant narcissists, or whatever. 

Maybe Jill knows that her mother doesn't actually care. The question of "to wear or not to wear pants' doesn't appear to have caused much angst for either Jill or Jinger, does it? That, too, makes me question how much any of this reflects anything like a faith or a meaningful belief and how much is just a habit they all do for show. 

and when it comes to the Duggarlings ... Well, to me, it doesn't matter whether the Duggarlings want to be treated like free individuals or not! The fact that their parents apparently have never viewed them that way or treated them that way is just plain flat-out wrong, in my opinion, no matter what the kids want. Or imagine they want! And, again, I don't believe any of this has had to do with religious faith. It has to do with a couple of publicity-mad control freaks deciding they'd make their fortune and get their fame by pumping out a ton of kids and then treating them like pretty worthless appendages to the parents' fame machine!

I think JB & M started this whole trip with deep blind faith into Gothard's teaching of the KJB. They were poor and unknown in the beginning. I believe it was attention from a campaign photo that gave JB idea he could cash in on their weirdness and call it their ministry.

I'm not sure whether Michelle's fear of hell has decreased as she's aged or not. Kelly Bates has alluded to easing up on some of their Gothard beliefs, yet Gil is still part of the dog & pony show.

It's hard to know what's for show or what is a belief with these families anymore.

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4 hours ago, ginger90 said:


Okay, one at a time:

Jana doesn't know what a "weekend" is, and she doesn't understand the concept of "weekend project" any more than she understands "work week."

This isn't the first photo that we've seen of Jana looking contemplative over a pile of pre-cut lumber. The Duggars have all of the heavy equipment they could ever need, so why can't they cut down wood for shelving?

Where is Jana "building a few shelves, painting a few walls, and de-cluttering?" The TTH has very few rooms. She's already "renovated" her parent's bedroom, and the girls' dorm was renovated recently. That leaves the boys' dorm and the laundry room bedroom for Jana's special ministrations.

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6 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

Okay, one at a time:

Jana doesn't know what a "weekend" is, and she doesn't understand the concept of "weekend project" any more than she understands "work week."

This isn't the first photo that we've seen of Jana looking contemplative over a pile of pre-cut lumber. The Duggars have all of the heavy equipment they could ever need, so why can't they cut down wood for shelving?

Where is Jana "building a few shelves, painting a few walls, and de-cluttering?" The TTH has very few rooms. She's already "renovated" her parent's bedroom, and the girls' dorm was renovated recently. That leaves the boys' dorm and the laundry room bedroom for Jana's special ministrations.

JB & M both have an office perhaps she decorating them or the guest room? she sounds bored, honestly if she’s decorating different rooms in that house she must not have anything to do. Perhaps she doesn’t do as much as we think. 

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40 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I think JB & M started this whole trip with deep blind faith into Gothard's teaching of the KJB. They were poor and unknown in the beginning. I believe it was attention from a campaign photo that gave JB idea he could cash in on their weirdness and call it their ministry.

I'm not sure whether Michelle's fear of hell has decreased as she's aged or not. Kelly Bates has alluded to easing up on some of their Gothard beliefs, yet Gil is still part of the dog & pony show.

It's hard to know what's for show or what is a belief with these families anymore.

Sure is! 

Not surprisingly, though, I have a completely different view about why JB got into it. I think he was a massive control freak with a major jones to be da BOSS MAN of his household and was jealous and nervous about maintaining that control over the cheerleader he captured and the sperm he'd sent out to become children. Not to mention that he was also unhappy looking at those uppity women around the world imagining that they had rights that might threaten an entitled but not massively competent piece of white maleness like him. 

And when he saw Gothardism, he saw immediately that it was exactly what Gothard created it to be -- A system cooked up by another insecure control-freaky guy to exert and maintain "patriarchal" control over your woman and your offspring, forever and ever amen.

LIke many insecure, control-freaky men, JB LURVED that idea and grabbed onto it with great enthusiasm. It had nothing to do with faith of any variety, except faith that Gothard's system includes a ton of safeguards and "teachings" designed for absolutely nothing except to preserve the patriarchal delusions of insecure, control-freaky guys like Jim Bob in an age when women and others were trying to change the paradigm. Gothard doesn't market his stuff as faith, either. He explicitly markets it as a way to get control back to the rightful power group -- fathers -- when women and teens listening to rock music are wresting it away. God mainly comes into it as big guy who'll send you right to hell if you question whether he really did appoint your father as your permanent boss-for-life, no matter what kind of a jerk he may be. 

What Jim Bob loved and "believed in" is that system full of strategies and methods and institutions like Alert and the like that are set up for no purpose but to browbeat everybody but the fathers into ceding all the control to the fathers. 

He knew what the thing was and he got what he wanted. It's a bonus, of course, that Gothard seems to imply that you not only get to be the patriarch over your family for life but that you get it for eternity if you can keep them all in line. Just more to feed Jim Bob's dumb combination of insecurity and arrogance, of course. 

Besides being able to avoid hell, Meeechelle got to ride along with Jim-Bob-the-Patriarch as long as she did her part to keep turning his sperm into kids and upholding the pact to keep those kids ignorant and brainwashed-into-Gothard-mania.  And of course that ended up feeding her ego bigly, too, and made her mother of the year. Seems to me evidence points to her being much more invested in all that than in faith. Who knows what she "thinks" now, though, since she doesn't seem to have had many functioning brain cells left for quite some time, as far as I can see. 

But, notice, Jim Bob still gets to be the patriarch of those kids, even when the boys have grown up. What does that have to do with Christianity? These patriarchal cults are smacked on top of Christianity by men who don't evah evah want to lose their power -- and they want a million kids so they can enjoy a power trip over as many people as possible. All the Jesus and the blood stuff? That's there to keep the kids in line. I don't believe it's ever meant thing one to Jim Bob. He's certainly never looked as if it did. He's been preening himself nonstop ever since he became a patriarch-on-the-Gothard-system, as far as I can see. 

Bottom line, in my opinion: JB could have been a Christian of any sort, including the most devout sorts, without being a part of that cult. And he could have focused on his supposed Christianity instead of focusing on the "Gothard wisdom" and rules. But he didn't. He largely shunned the churches and only really wanted to have a "church" in his own house with like-minded GOTHARDITES ... not people who were primarily Christians. People who were devoted to that cult above all......... And there was a reason for that: The CULT, not Christianity, promised him EXACTLY what he wanted. "Faith" meant next to nothing to him. Jim Bob getting the control he craved, on the other hand? That meant everything. Gothard could give him that. Faith couldn't. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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4 hours ago, beagletime said:

Good point!  There is a difference in choosing to wear the outfit and feeling like you have to.  If Jana is ever married it will be interesting to see if she sticks with the "uniform" or follows the Jinger, Jill route.

Not that I'm wishing for either JB & MeeeeChelle's early demise or Jana's interminable spinsterhood, but it would also be interesting to see whether Jana would keep up the uniform if there were no actual headship for her to answer to.

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Jana will always have a headship. If she is still unmarried when Jim Bob dies, Josh will become her headship. She will have to answer to him, as will the rest of her unmarried sisters. In theory, he will also become the widowed Michelle’s headship, but I’ll bet that she’s already made sure that she will control the family trust fund when Jim Bob is gone. There’s no way in hell that Michelle is going to spend her old age doing Anna’s laundry.

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9 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Sure is! 

Not surprisingly, though, I have a completely different view about why JB got into it. I think he was a massive control freak with a major jones to be da BOSS MAN of his household and was jealous and nervous about maintaining that control over the cheerleader he captured and the sperm he'd sent out to become children. Not to mention that he was also unhappy looking at those uppity women around the world imagining that they had rights that might threaten an entitled but not massively competent piece of white maleness like him. 

And when he saw Gothardism, he saw immediately that it was exactly what Gothard created it to be -- A system cooked up by another insecure control-freaky guy to exert and maintain "patriarchal" control over your woman and your offspring, forever and ever amen.

LIke many insecure, control-freaky men, JB LURVED that idea and grabbed onto it with great enthusiasm. It had nothing to do with faith of any variety, except faith that Gothard's system includes a ton of safeguards and "teachings" designed for absolutely nothing except to preserve the patriarchal delusions of insecure, control-freaky guys like Jim Bob in an age when women and others were trying to change the paradigm. Gothard doesn't market his stuff as faith, either. He explicitly markets it as a way to get control back to the rightful power group -- fathers -- when women and teens listening to rock music are wresting it away. God mainly comes into it as big guy who'll send you right to hell if you question whether he really did appoint your father as your permanent boss-for-life, no matter what kind of a jerk he may be. 

What Jim Bob loved and "believed in" is that system full of strategies and methods and institutions like Alert and the like that are set up for no purpose but to browbeat everybody but the fathers into ceding all the control to the fathers. 

He knew what the thing was and he got what he wanted. It's a bonus, of course, that Gothard seems to imply that you not only get to be the patriarch over your family for life but that you get it for eternity if you can keep them all in line. Just more to feed Jim Bob's dumb combination of insecurity and arrogance, of course. 

Besides being able to avoid hell, Meeechelle got to ride along with Jim-Bob-the-Patriarch as long as she did her part to keep turning his sperm into kids and upholding the pact to keep those kids ignorant and brainwashed-into-Gothard-mania.  And of course that ended up feeding her ego bigly, too, and made her mother of the year. Seems to me evidence points to her being much more invested in all that than in faith. Who knows what she "thinks" now, though, since she doesn't seem to have had many functioning brain cells left for quite some time, as far as I can see. 

But, notice, Jim Bob still gets to be the patriarch of those kids, even when the boys have grown up. What does that have to do with Christianity? These patriarchal cults are smacked on top of Christianity by men who don't evah evah want to lose their power -- and they want a million kids so they can enjoy a power trip over as many people as possible. All the Jesus and the blood stuff? That's there to keep the kids in line. I don't believe it's ever meant thing one to Jim Bob. He's certainly never looked as if it did. He's been preening himself nonstop ever since he became a patriarch-on-the-Gothard-system, as far as I can see. 

Bottom line, in my opinion: JB could have been a Christian of any sort, including the most devout sorts, without being a part of that cult. And he could have focused on his supposed Christianity instead of focusing on the "Gothard wisdom" and rules. But he didn't. He largely shunned the churches and only really wanted to have a "church" in his own house with like-minded GOTHARDITES ... not people who were primarily Christians. People who were devoted to that cult above all......... And there was a reason for that: The CULT, not Christianity, promised him EXACTLY what he wanted. "Faith" meant next to nothing to him. Jim Bob getting the control he craved, on the other hand? That meant everything. Gothard could give him that. Faith couldn't. 

I agree that Gothardism feeds right into JB's Napoleon-ish complex. I disagree that JB looked around and found a religion to allow him to act it out though.

I believe both JB & M fell into Gothardism purely by happenstance. First I don't think JB was insightful enough to have recognized his insecurities and secondly I don't think he was smart enough to search deeply into different Christian religions to find one that fit his emotionally stunted needs.

I believe if JB & M saw a different OB after Michelle's miscarriage they would be two Fundy realtors living in Arkansas with 3 kids. However I also believe that many other folks that saw this same OB after a miscarriage did not become Gothard Fundies. 

It was pure 'luck' that JB & M walked into an office of a man who was selling what they needed. And I'm not even sure how quickly either one of them realized what they fell into. However, once JB figured it out he wasn't willing to let it go which is evidenced by them continuing to have children after Michelle's breakdown. 

I believe having church services in the home was/is a Gothard thing that fed JB's ego. Being Quiverfull, female dress codes, husband/father next in line to Jesus, joyously available wife - all Gothard teachings - were/are a goldmine to JB. 

As I've said before I don't think JB & M are exceptionally smart but I do believe them to be opportunists. I really believe they fell into Gothardism and if they ever had doubts about it JB wasn't about to let it go.

So yes, the Duggars could have joined a different Christian church and most likely would have if JB wasn't an insecure bumbling doofus who bought, hook, line and sinker what an evangelizing OB was selling.

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8 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

If she is still unmarried when Jim Bob dies, Josh will become her headship.

I don't see anyone in this family following Josh, unless Michelle makes them or he holds the financial reigns.

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I agree that Gothardism feeds right into JB's Napoleon-ish complex. I disagree that JB looked around and found a religion to allow him to act it out though.

I believe both JB & M fell into Gothardism purely by happenstance. First I don't think JB was insightful enough to have recognized his insecurities and secondly I don't think he was smart enough to search deeply into different Christian religions to find one that fit his emotionally stunted needs.

I believe if JB & M saw a different OB after Michelle's miscarriage they would be two Fundy realtors living in Arkansas with 3 kids. However I also believe that many other folks that saw this same OB after a miscarriage did not become Gothard Fundies. 

It was pure 'luck' that JB & M walked into an office of a man who was selling what they needed. And I'm not even sure how quickly either one of them realized what they fell into. However, once JB figured it out he wasn't willing to let it go which is evidenced by them continuing to have children after Michelle's breakdown. 

I believe having church services in the home was/is a Gothard thing that fed JB's ego. Being Quiverfull, female dress codes, husband/father next in line to Jesus, joyously available wife - all Gothard teachings - were/are a goldmine to JB. 

As I've said before I don't think JB & M are exceptionally smart but I do believe them to be opportunists. I really believe they fell into Gothardism and if they ever had doubts about it JB wasn't about to let it go.

So yes, the Duggars could have joined a different Christian church and most likely would have if JB wasn't an insecure bumbling doofus who bought, hook, line and sinker what an evangelizing OB was selling.

I certainly didn't mean he did it consciously!

None of these insecure greedy men picked up Gothard consciously for this reason.

But they didn't have to. Gothard completely sold it as exactly what it was. He sold it entirely as a system for keeping any and all rebels in check and a way to maintain what every man has a right to from God -- his own personal patriarchy. This cult sold to guys (and to a lesser extent the second-class umbrellas, mothers) because they saw -- but not consciously! -- what it would do for them, and that's why they stayed. 


Edited by Churchhoney
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25 minutes ago, fonfereksglen said:

If JB died today, Josh would bolt by the end of the day. 

I do wonder where he'd go, though. I'd be surprised if he knows very many people outside the family at this point, and I think he's pretty much of a coward. 

I can see him going, but I can also see him quickly slinking back because he doesn't find any options outside. I mean, you're supposed to pay a hooker. And that's in addition to paying your rent ....

And he hasn't been on tv for ages, so a hooker who'd do it just so she could tell the tale might not have many takers for her tale these days....

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10 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

Jana will always have a headship. If she is still unmarried when Jim Bob dies, Josh will become her headship. She will have to answer to him, as will the rest of her unmarried sisters. In theory, he will also become the widowed Michelle’s headship, but I’ll bet that she’s already made sure that she will control the family trust fund when Jim Bob is gone. There’s no way in hell that Michelle is going to spend her old age doing Anna’s laundry.

I meant that if JB & Michelle were both to pass away relatively young. I know Josh would become a theoretical headship, but given that she probably doesn't have any respect for him, and he probably doesn't have much ambition to worry about it, would he even hand down any laws? And if neither of her parents were around to enforce anything he tried to tell her which she disagreed with, would she go along with it simply because of his theoretical position in the family?

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Great posts everyone. 

@Churchhoney - I'm still laughing how you used "good china" in reference to Jana's lady parts. 

Has JB said how he came across Gothard?  Was it because of their home schooling program? How many kids did they have at the time? 

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2 hours ago, JoanArc said:

I don't see anyone in this family following Josh, unless Michelle makes them or he holds the financial reigns.

I think the chances are much greater that John David is the heir apparent now and would take over the reins.  He's much better liked publicly, especially since the wedding.  

1 hour ago, fonfereksglen said:

If JB died today, Josh would bolt by the end of the day. 

Honestly, I wish Josh would bolt and run to the strip club!!!  What he did was reprehensible, but his parents shoulder a lot of that blame in my book.  Don't get me wrong, I don't absolve him tho.  But if a grown ass man wants to do that (and it's okay with his significant other) then go have fun.  Life should be enjoyed and these people bleed all the fun out through their fear and control.  I wish Josh would write the tell all book.  I think he could stand to come out good financially and even temper some of the horrors by really shedding light on what those kids have been through.  Plus, he was there through the hard times.  

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I do not think someone who molested four of his sisters should make money off a tell off book. Yes he did have a crappy childhood, but it does not give him the right to violate four of his sisters. There are millions of people who suffer because of the mistakes of their parents or other adults in their lives, but they do not hide behind God and blame the devil and call out others because they do not agree with them by calling them child molesters when in fact, he is a child molester himself.

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9 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I do not think someone who molested four of his sisters should make money off a tell off book. Yes he did have a crappy childhood, but it does not give him the right to violate four of his sisters. There are millions of people who suffer because of the mistakes of their parents or other adults in their lives, but they do not hide behind God and blame the devil and call out others because they do not agree with them by calling them child molesters when in fact, he is a child molester himself.

Luckily, I don't think he'd write it anyway. Because an actual "tell all" would really really really have to involve him -- what he did, how his parents mainly swept it under the rug, how it did or didn't relate to their relationship with Gothard, etc.

And Josh is a big weenie, seems to me. No way would he want to involve himself in a true account of things. 

I don't think any of them are likely to want to grapple with a true tell-all, actually. But least likely of all would be Josh, I would think. 

Any "tell-all" any of them writes will be a purely phony tell-all that will sell only to leghumpers, is my guess. And I think the odds are against that, too. Because at this point they know they'd get crap from non-leghumpers for doing another of their sunshine-and-rainbows books. And I can't imagine any mainstream publisher -- even a conservative-Christian one -- would be interested in another of those books. They're not just tarnished now, they're old hat. 

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3 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Luckily, I don't think he'd write it anyway. Because an actual "tell all" would really really really have to involve him -- what he did, how his parents mainly swept it under the rug, how it did or didn't relate to their relationship with Gothard, etc.

And Josh is a big weenie, seems to me. No way would he want to involve himself in a true account of things. 

I don't think any of them are likely to want to grapple with a true tell-all, actually. But least likely of all would be Josh, I would think. 

Any "tell-all" any of them writes will be a purely phony tell-all that will sell only to leghumpers, is my guess. And I think the odds are against that, too. Because at this point they know they'd get crap from non-leghumpers for doing another of their sunshine-and-rainbows books. And I can't imagine any mainstream publisher -- even a conservative-Christian one -- would be interested in another of those books. They're not just tarnished now, they're old hat. 

I agree that it would be completely phony from any of them, unless you finally get one who sees the light and completely rebels, which is doubtful.  I still think the best chance comes from Josh because he actually has rebelled and has seen more of life outside.  Plus, when Josh wants or need something, I don't doubt he would do whatever he needed to get it.  That's probably a big reason they didn't cut him off. Boob knew better. 

I'm not so sure it wouldn't sell at least pretty well, as long as it were real and not the fundie drivel they always repeat.  People love scandal.  I just want someone to really shed the light on these jackasses and what they have done to their kids.  So disgusting. 

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26 minutes ago, Normades said:

I agree that it would be completely phony from any of them, unless you finally get one who sees the light and completely rebels, which is doubtful.  I still think the best chance comes from Josh because he actually has rebelled and has seen more of life outside.  Plus, when Josh wants or need something, I don't doubt he would do whatever he needed to get it.  That's probably a big reason they didn't cut him off. Boob knew better. 

I'm not so sure it wouldn't sell at least pretty well, as long as it were real and not the fundie drivel they always repeat.  People love scandal.  I just want someone to really shed the light on these jackasses and what they have done to their kids.  So disgusting. 

I would certainly think more of Josh if he wrote one -- one that was real, anyway,  because he'd have to do some bashing of himself, too! .... 

And I completely agree that if it were real it would sell pretty well. 

I used to think Josh was a candidate too, actually.

But for some reason I've started to think of him as somebody who's really really weak as a person -- not tough enough in the least to be a rebel of any variety -- and that he now just kind of hides behind the family and is clingy.....

That could be completely bogus. But I always think of him crying in the damn driveway when he was moving to DC -- and leaving Mama and Daddy! -- Because I really don't believe the alternate explanation that he cried because he was worried about the molestation story coming out. I think he was dumb enough to figure that was far behind him... To me he acted like a little boy who was scared of being homesick and living in the big world without Daddy  protecting him! .... For all I know, of course, he could have been having an allergic reaction! .....

And since then I've seen his apparent failure to just go get himself snipped as a big sign of weakness -- he clearly knows they're going to have trouble supporting all those kids...And he could have that operation with noone the wiser, yet he apparently hasn't done it. And -- further weakness, to me -- is the fact that the father of five doesn't just suck it up and try to go get a job for somebody else instead of living off Daddy, or take some training online or somewhere so he can have a career of some kind beyond Daddy.  But of course Daddy and Daddy's cult leader say, No! to that, so he wouldn't dream of doing it, apparently. He just looks to me like somebody who hasn't got the guts or the gumption to face anything or anybody, in any cause. 

And somebody like that wouldn't tell truths that would upset the people whose skirts he hides behind, I don't think. Hell, he probably wouldn't even have the physical and mental stamina to tell the story to a ghostwriter. Let alone the stamina to withstand what would happen when it was published....or, of course, the nerve to tell truths about himself. 

Of course, this could all be my fantasy. Josh might surprise me with that book some day. And I agree that if he wrote it, it would sell. Although I can't picture any Duggar book attaining anything like blockbuster status any more. They really are old news today, I think. How long's it been since he's even been seen on tv? 

Edited by Churchhoney
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14 minutes ago, Lunera said:

This looks like a maternity dress 

She needs to lay off the filters and the overly exaggerated brows. Good grief, she looks old and awful. 

If the border between the solid color and stripes were even all around, it really would look like a maternity dress. Queue the rumors! JANA DUGGAR IS PREGNANT! 

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I had no idea it was possible to make an empire dress look unflattering on anyone... or to make an unflattering one in the sweatshops, really.  Maybe it's the angle at which she's standing?  

Because no, I don't find that cute at all.  The skirt has a sort of organza look to it, which could be good and flattering with something sophisticated and cocktail-ish atop it instead, or maybe even a blazer-type jacket; but the striped portion, with the curved seam at the waist no less, drags the rest of it down.

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Jana mentioned in the comments that she cut off the bottom of the dress to make it shorter.  And she didn't bother to hem it.  I thought Jana was a seamstress.  She should hem it.  Otherwise it'll just unravel on the first washing.

Also, the ugly dress is only handwashable!  How would you even begin to handwash a dress?

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1 hour ago, louannems said:

Jana mentioned in the comments that she cut off the bottom of the dress to make it shorter.  And she didn't bother to hem it.  I thought Jana was a seamstress.  She should hem it.  Otherwise it'll just unravel on the first washing.

Also, the ugly dress is only handwashable!  How would you even begin to handwash a dress?

Good Lord, can't believe Jana of all people didn't sew a hem in it.

I'm no seamstress so I've used the iron on hem tape or fabric glue to fix a hem. 

Those clothes look so cheap. Like you said, that will be one unraveling mess.

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It almost looks as though Jana is trying to stand up straight without emphasizing her chest. That one pic of Jill in the jumpsuit and Jessa's bump pictures, probably have Jana worried about accentuating any body parts that could tempt others with desires that can't righteously be fulfilled.

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5 hours ago, louannems said:

Jana mentioned in the comments that she cut off the bottom of the dress to make it shorter.  And she didn't bother to hem it.  I thought Jana was a seamstress.  She should hem it.  Otherwise it'll just unravel on the first washing.

Also, the ugly dress is only handwashable!  How would you even begin to handwash a dress?

4 hours ago, Barb23 said:

Those clothes look so cheap. Like you said, that will be one unraveling mess.

26 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

That's the point?

Yep. These are Duggars. They have two commercial quality dishwashers and yet they eat everything from one-use-and-toss Styrofoam™ plates and bowls, with one-use-and-toss plastic cutlery. 

This is probably a disposable dress. I assume she got the dress for free and it will get tossed into the TTH dumpster instead of into the laundry room.

ETA: I agree, the eyebrows look like cr*p. But those eyebrows seem to be the thing right now. I've been seeing them on young women in several places lately. As in, different towns, different states. And here's the deal. If I actually *notice* the eyebrows on someone I'm just casually encountering? That's a fail. The brows should enhance and complement the rest of the face, not dominate it. But if everybody's happy with their loud dominating big bitch eyebrows, hey, it's their face to do with as they wish. They have their eyebrows, and I have my opinion, which I keep to myself, and everybody just gets on with things.

Edited by Jeeves
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6 hours ago, louannems said:

Jana mentioned in the comments that she cut off the bottom of the dress to make it shorter.  And she didn't bother to hem it.  I thought Jana was a seamstress.  She should hem it.  Otherwise it'll just unravel on the first washing.

Also, the ugly dress is only handwashable!  How would you even begin to handwash a dress?

Well, it's got a skirt and then the chiffon overskirt. ... (why a sort of attempting-to-be-sporty dress like that wants a chiffon overskirt is beyond me....but it has one...)

So....maybe she isn't crazy the dress either. Which would mean that putting in two hems -- with one of them rolled so that, you know, you have to do it by hand with little tiny stitches -- was more effort than she wanted to spend. After all, she's just telling other people to buy the contraption!   ;  )

I suppose the handwashing is because the thing's made out of two (or three!) incompatible fabrics....so if it spent any time in the washer, they'd likely all shrink differently and the thing would fit even worse than it does right now. 

All in all, that dress is high maintenance....and so not worth the effort....

If I were citrus and lemon (argh), I'd just chalk this dress up as a failed experiment ... Though I don't know why they tried it in the first place ..... Preppyish striped top and a chiffon overskirt? What? 

Edited by Churchhoney
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40 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

No I don't think so. I think she's a stupid bigoted fundy who belongs to a rich and famous family of hillbilly compulsive breeders, and she makes bad fashion, hairstyle, and makeup choices. But her hands look fine. Their size is nothing she has control over.


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6 hours ago, Barb23 said:

Good Lord, can't believe Jana of all people didn't sew a hem in it.

I'm no seamstress so I've used the iron on hem tape or fabric glue to fix a hem. 

Those clothes look so cheap. Like you said, that will be one unraveling mess.

There are some fabrics that don’t fray - knit like in T-shirts is one of them. Sometimes I end up with a T-shirt that is too long so I cut it to my length. The bottom rolls nicely. But - I wear these T-shirts to the gym. Pretty darn sure I wouldn’t do it on an item I would wear “out” but this dress looks like it is posing doing yard work. Maybe it is her gardening outfit. I know- posing and such. But who gardens in a dress. 

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:


I usually don't do my gardening wearing my new chiffon overlay dress but I realize this picture was just a part of the Jana/Citrus & Lemon photo shoot.  I actually like it. 

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9 hours ago, louannems said:

Jana mentioned in the comments that she cut off the bottom of the dress to make it shorter.  And she didn't bother to hem it.  I thought Jana was a seamstress.  She should hem it.  Otherwise it'll just unravel on the first washing.

Also, the ugly dress is only handwashable!  How would you even begin to handwash a dress?

The model on the website doesn’t look much better in the dress than Jana.Her side view is very unflattering.

I can’t imagine that any Duggar hand washes anything much less a dress. It will probably go in the machine with everyone else’s clothes and come out with the skirt unraveled. 

If you zoom in on the skirt, she did cut it. You can see the raw edges, and the model’s dress has a hem.

Maybe, one day they’ll get a clue. Not today.

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