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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Josiah/Marjorie was in 2015, so he would have been 18! Yikes! 

(eta: they broke up before his 19th birthday, in between the Joshgate scandals)

I noticed a tweet from Josiah across my feed today (pimping out his IG post) and decided to go down that rabbit hole. It took all of two minutes, but the takeaway is that he came back online last October, so this has been in the works for a few months. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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9 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Josiah is only 21? I feel like his last engagement was 3 or 4 nephews ago. How old was he when he was courting Marjorie? 

Josiah was 18 and Marjorie was 17.  They broke up after a four month courtship.  Josiah learned his lesson and this time he will probably be married within four months of starting the courtship.  

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2 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:


To me this sounds like the Duggars are saying, Josiah has found a girl that has been fully indoctrinated. She will not question or defy what she is told. She will accept Josiah fully even though she doesn't know him or knows if she even loves him. It's the Lort's will they they marry so the TeeVee monies keep filtering in. 

Lauren is Anna 2.0. Drowning in the Kool-Aid, willing to birth an army for Christ and not likely to ask too many questions. I'd say she's a perfect choice for a loose cannon like Si, but all those trips to ALERT seem to have done their job. He's an obedient puppy now. 

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Haven't been following. Who is Lauren, what's her deal -- another family friend? Apparently they're engaged and yet the TLC promo said he proposed at her family home in Georgia where her parents got married. Is she not a local Arkansas gal?

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Josiah really needs to get to a dermatologist. I hope that Lauren can cook and has heard of fresh fruits and vegetables because I doubt there will be any real medial care in his future, and a decent diet could help his complexion a lot.

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Josiah is only 21? I feel like his last engagement was 3 or 4 nephews ago. How old was he when he was courting Marjorie? 

Jill had surreal, Jinger had a word I can't remember, Joy doesn't have any words and Lauren has shocked. Jessa, did she have a word? 

I recently saw some scale that has Trump speaking at the 4th grade level. Very curious to see where any of the Duggars would fall on that scale.

Bahahahaha. 3 or 4 nephews ago. I'd say it was 6 nephews and a niece ago (Israel was barely born when he was courting Marjorie, then Meredith, Spurge, Henry, Sam, Mason, and now Gideon). It's been about three years and look how many Duggar grandkids were added to the mix.

To the bolded...most accurate observation ever. And I'm sure Jessa had plenty of words.

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35 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yes, they moved to AR from GA. The Swansons are long-time Gothardites. I think the dad speaks at the conferences. 

eta: Scroll down on this link. Dwain Swanson is indeed slated to speak at Big Sandy. 


Wow...Conference speakers including TFDW, Duggars, Bates, and now Swansons.  Ol’ Dwain married into the fundie spotlight, didn’t he?

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

Haven't been following. Who is Lauren, what's her deal -- another family friend? Apparently they're engaged and yet the TLC promo said he proposed at her family home in Georgia where her parents got married. Is she not a local Arkansas gal?

She was on the old show 19K&C along time ago in 2010, so she's an old family friend. Just like how Lily and Elle found all those old pictures of Kendra. 

She also went to Bontranger retreat for young women a few years ago. 

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The Bontrager retreat is much cheaper than Journey to the Heart. And depending on when Lauren went, she may or may not have had a face-to-face with Gothard, which was part of the deal before he was deposed. 

Here's the Bontrager's advert for their latest retreat. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I'm really starting to wonder if Jim Bob is arranging all of these sudden marriages the last couple years because of his interest in keeping the show on the air, or getting rid of his kids so he won't have to support them anymore. Probably a little of both.  That said, I have no interest in seeing another 18 year old girl get married. With this bunch, it just seems wrong because they are all so young and immature.

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

The Bontrager retreat is much cheaper than Journey to the Heart. And depending on when Lauren went, she may or may not have had a face-to-face with Gothard, which was part of the deal before he was deposed.


Gothard! WTF! It looked like someone's house, hardly a big program, and no sign of a man in the photos. The Bontragers are fans of Bill Gothard and Roy Moore! That speaks volumes about them.

Edited by Temperance
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2 hours ago, Annb67 said:

Omg...Lauren's voice.

Holy crap, I just happened upon the TLC engagement video announcement after turning off a basketball game that isn't going my way. She sounds even dimmer than Joy. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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2 hours ago, Temperance said:

She was on the old show 19K&C along time ago in 2010, so she's an old family friend. Just like how Lily and Elle found all those old pictures of Kendra. 

She also went to Bontranger retreat for young women a few years ago. 

I need more caffeine.  I read Bontranger and somehow my brain when Bon Temps - as in True Blood and imagined Lauren in LA with Eric, Alcide, and Jason in their various states of nakedness.  LOL

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17 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

He hasn't been particularly fabulous since they seem to have knocked it out of sight at almost a year of Alert training. Man, when you think about it he got more time than Josh. Priorities people, priorities...

Wait, what? What were they trying to beat pray out of him?

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30 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

Not only does Josiah look like Smuggar, but this whole relationship reeks of Smuganna 2.0. I wonder if we'll see hand sex?

Sweet Baby Jesus ... who’s got the brain bleach?

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17 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

I need more caffeine.  I read Bontranger and somehow my brain when Bon Temps - as in True Blood and imagined Lauren in LA with Eric, Alcide, and Jason in their various states of nakedness.  LOL

Good lort I miss that show.

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1 hour ago, madpsych78 said:

Not only does Josiah look like Smuggar, but this whole relationship reeks of Smuganna 2.0. I wonder if we'll see hand sex?

When the moment is right...finger condoms for Gothard-sanctioned hand sex.  Practice safe hands!


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On 3/5/2018 at 10:21 AM, Mollie said:

In January Lauren said she was "totally shocked" that he asked her for a courtship and that they were still "learning about each other."  Now, only six weeks later, they're engaged.  Lauren says, "It's exciting being engaged.  Definitely I'm so surprised at the idea." 

She sounds like she has no idea what she is doing. 

Just another robotic response that many of us have come to expect from these control freak parent's offspring.  SAD and then some.  Baby after baby, year after year, with someone who you've never been alone with, and had a real conversation with.  

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On 3/5/2018 at 1:21 PM, Mollie said:

In January Lauren said she was "totally shocked" that he asked her for a courtship and that they were still "learning about each other."  Now, only six weeks later, they're engaged.  Lauren says, "It's exciting being engaged.  Definitely I'm so surprised at the idea." 

She sounds like she has no idea what she is doing. 

She is freakin’ 18 years old. And sheltered. Of course she has no idea what she is doing. 

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On 3/5/2018 at 4:25 PM, PoshSprinkles said:

But they're ready to marry each other?

Maybe their title should be Josiah and Lauren: What's Love Got to do With It?

Tina Turner notwithstanding, apparently, nothing.  

He's got a middle-aged hairline and butt spreading going on, and I'm sure he (and Boob) realized his prospects, even in the fundie universe, are sort of limited.

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17 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

As ridiculous as it seems to me for someone to marry a person they've been dating for 6 weeks, I can see why they do it. They all have to be bored to tears -- no job, no school, no television/movies, no books/magazines, no friends, no activities, etc. "Courtship" is an opportunity to have a conversation with someone other than an immediate family member; it's an opportunity to get out of the TTH and do something other than 1) chores and 2) lolling around on the sofas in the TTH doing nothing.

They're all desperately starved for attention and affection -- I've posted before that I think they'd all be ripe-for-the-picking for any cult if they weren't already cult members. Marriage opens up the door for potential attention and affection -- a huge draw for most of us, even those who weren't deprived as children.

The first year is probably fun, too. There's the novelty of the courtship, planning the wedding and the honeymoon (thanks TLC!), and setting up their first home. There's the novelty of forbidden fruit (television! pants! unsupervised internet usage!), and a new level of autonomy and privacy.

By year two, though, the babies have started dropping, and there may be grumbling about living under JB's "umbrella." The issues of marrying someone you don't know have to start to become obvious, and the side-effects of the Duggar's complete lack of experience in interacting with someone outside of the immediate family have got to start showing. I wish them well, but I think they've all got a rough road ahead.

You have hit it on the nail.

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1 hour ago, Fostersmom said:

The more I see of Jed, (he's sinner twin, right?) the more I like him. He seems to know the deal and seems to actually have a sense of humor. 

I think Jer is the sinner twin, but I also thought Jed was pretty funny with the seed comment on a recent episode. 

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11 hours ago, Genevrier said:

They are remarkably unenthusiastic. He says ‘the whole thing was very meaningful.’ She says ‘I’m shocked.’ Wow.

Just what I would love to hear after I got engaged. It was very meaningful...that's what you say after a eulogy at someone's funeral.

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On 3/5/2018 at 12:20 PM, Fuzzysox said:

Does he actually want to get married or is it  a requirement to stay in Boob's good grace?

People raised by sick control freaks aren't allowed to want anything. 

And from the time they're babies their parents make it clear -- by tormenting them in various ways -- that to express or even to have a personal want of any kind invites having the want used relentlessly as a weapon against you. In any way they can come up with, although this is pretty much unconscious, purely instinctive behavior on the part of these parents, I think. 

It works. Been there, done that. As have Josiah and Lauren. One way or another, you come out of it terrified by any wants you may feel. Also any honest emotions you may feel. 

Sick control freaks are madly attracted to the Gothard cult because he promises that the parents should and can always always always have their way, forever and ever, amen. And that this is the way God wants it. 

I'm still hoping for the Duggar kid who comes out of this vile brainwashing with enough bruised fury to explode and reject it at some point. Too bad for Josiah and Lauren that Josiah apparently isn't the one who will. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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On 3/5/2018 at 7:00 PM, Almost 3000 said:

He hasn't been particularly fabulous since they seem to have knocked it out of sight at almost a year of Alert training. Man, when you think about it he got more time than Josh. Priorities people, priorities...

By their lights, Josh didn't do anything particularly wrong (at least not before Ashley Madison).

The sister thing was just something that happens in a lot of families. And they're only girls, so who gives a shit?  They have to learn to do everything that men want at some point. Nothing particularly wrong with their brother "teaching" them (except that their having any experience at all might make some desirable mates think of them as tainted, of course -- that's a bit of a problem. But of course it's on the girls, more than it's on Josh.).

That, seriously, is what Jizm Bob and Meeechelle (and all of their ilk and "community") believe. It's what they taught their family until the bad mean non-godly people got hold of the news and decreed that what had happened was wrong -- according to their non-godly morality. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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On 3/5/2018 at 7:43 PM, Mollie said:

Josiah was 18 and Marjorie was 17.  They broke up after a four month courtship.  Josiah learned his lesson and this time he will probably be married within four months of starting the courtship.  

Plus Marjorie was an artsy, spunky girl who likes theater and is open to meeting different kinds of people, etc. I.e., somebody who did have clear appeal for the Josiah that Josiah was then ordered (and ordered and ordered) to brain with a shovel and bury deep.

So he's also learned the lesson that reaching out to people and things in the world that really appeal to you only gets you heartache and trouble. Mission accomplished, for JB. 

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13 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

When the moment is right...finger condoms for Gothard-sanctioned hand sex.  Practice safe hands!


That's Immodest and Lewd. you always need two layers, slut!


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On 3/5/2018 at 12:02 PM, Lunera said:

That poor girl sounds like she wanted none of this, but that's what God wants so who cares.

Josiah looks like a huge creep and she looks dead in the eyes. I feel bad, I think deep down she wanted one of the twins.

If my only choices were Si or the twins, I'd take either twin over Si in a heartbeat, 

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22 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

If my only choices were Si or the twins, I'd take either twin over Si in a heartbeat, 

Wasn't it rumored that Kendra was interested in one of the twins but was led to Joe instead? Maybe the same thing happened with Lauren?

I think JB wants the boys married off in birth order, with exception of JD of course. The girls were married off in order too, except for Jana. Jessa and Ben began courting before Jill and Derick. But Jill and Derick got engaged and married in less than 6 months(?), while Jessa and Ben courted for more than a year. There really are people who think older kids should be married before younger kids.

For example, my mother-in-law told me I couldn't marry my husband until his older sister got married, as it wasn't right for him to get married first. In her eyes, older sister had to be the first one to do everything.  His sister was dating her now husband at the time, but they weren't engaged yet. We got married two years before they did and had kids 8 years before they did, so there! ?

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2 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

If my only choices were Si or the twins, I'd take either twin over Si in a heartbeat, 

Me too. The twins are cute and funny. Si is Smuggar Jr. with the hairline to match.

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1 hour ago, Triple P said:

Wasn't it rumored that Kendra was interested in one of the twins but was led to Joe instead? Maybe the same thing happened with Lauren?

I think JB wants the boys married off in birth order, with exception of JD of course. The girls were married off in order too, except for Jana. Jessa and Ben began courting before Jill and Derick. But Jill and Derick got engaged and married in less than 6 months(?), while Jessa and Ben courted for more than a year. There really are people who think older kids should be married before younger kids.

For example, my mother-in-law told me I couldn't marry my husband until his older sister got married, as it wasn't right for him to get married first. In her eyes, older sister had to be the first one to do everything.  His sister was dating her now husband at the time, but they weren't engaged yet. We got married two years before they did and had kids 8 years before they did, so there! ?

Reminds me of the Brady Bunch when Jan wanted to get married. The parents thought Marcia should get married before Jan. I still find it interesting JB got Josh and his four sisters who he molested married off before anyone else. Did the Lord tell him to do it this way?

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2 hours ago, Triple P said:

Wasn't it rumored that Kendra was interested in one of the twins but was led to Joe instead? Maybe the same thing happened with Lauren?

I think JB wants the boys married off in birth order, with exception of JD of course. The girls were married off in order too, except for Jana. Jessa and Ben began courting before Jill and Derick. But Jill and Derick got engaged and married in less than 6 months(?), while Jessa and Ben courted for more than a year. There really are people who think older kids should be married before younger kids.

For example, my mother-in-law told me I couldn't marry my husband until his older sister got married, as it wasn't right for him to get married first. In her eyes, older sister had to be the first one to do everything.  His sister was dating her now husband at the time, but they weren't engaged yet. We got married two years before they did and had kids 8 years before they did, so there! ?

My sisters are 12 and 6 years older than me. My eldest sister did eventually first, naturally, but my next older sister dated her husband for over 10 years before they got married and had kids. I beat her in marriage and first child, too. Like, hello, you had a 6 year head start and I wasn't waiting any longer. We got married Feb 05, they got married Nov 07. I had our first child Sept 08, she had hers Nov 09. 

20 minutes ago, PikaScrewChu said:

Marry off Jana would disrupt the flow of the TTH and marrying off JD would mean that he wouldn't be able to drop everything at a moment's notice to fly the plane.

Nah. Jana I'm iffy about on whether or not staying is her choice. I lean more towards her choice because Lord knows what would happen to the youngers if she did. But JD---I think JD is absolutely by choice. I think he likes and wants the idea of marriage, but I don't think he's found the 'her' yet and when he does, even JB won't stop him. 

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JB probably would tell JD no flying if he did not pick JD's future bride. I cannot see JD having the money to fly especially since the expenses are not cheap. Nope...JD is only allowed to do certain jobs and things because JB allows it. He may be looking at Josh, Joe, and now Josiah and his brothers-in-law and see how JB controls them except for Jeremy and does not want to end up in the same boat.

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4 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

If my only choices were Si or the twins, I'd take either twin over Si in a heartbeat, 

Is there a ‘None of the Above’ option? Because if those were my only choices, I’d kill myself. 

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