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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Unfortunately, if Jana's story continues as it has thus far, any minute now these guys will be calling press conferences to declare emphatically that they have absolutely no interest in going anywhere near her. 

I swear the poor woman has triggered more public announcements about how guys absolutely are not dating her and never would consider such a thing than anybody else I ever heard of. It'd be enough to give her a complex if she didn't probably have about 3 million complexes already. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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I think this time it may be legit. Not sure I really care or want her with anyone but one of them could be true.

At least this time these are guys she seems to have met even if they're on the other side of the picture. Tim Tebow had never met her.

I think the best for ratings would be a Jana love triangle. #JanaW?

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What's funny to me is that just yesterday morning I thought to myself "Jim Bob better announce a Jana courtship soon to distract from all the speculation about Joy's massive baby bump" and here we are today with two potential suitors.

Any idea how old either of these guys are or what they do for employment? Where does the Wilson guy live?

It does seem somewhat suspect that these guys are appearing in photos just lIke the other spouses did right before courtships were announced, but it's strange that they're both present when there aren't really other Duggar daughters available. Unless one is paired with Laura?

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2 hours ago, Temperance said:

I think this time it may be legit. Not sure I really care or want her with anyone but one of them could be true.

At least this time these are guys she seems to have met even if they're on the other side of the picture. Tim Tebow had never met her.

I think the best for ratings would be a Jana love triangle. #JanaW?

Good point.

On the other hand, though, she did know Jonathan Hartono. And better than she knows these guys, as far as I can tell. And he made a big public statement about how very not accurate the rumors were! I thought that was more insulting than the Tebow statement, actually, since he really does know her and has known her for years. I'd be pissed if a friend talked about a rumor like that the way he did -- on social media that'd certainly get picked up by tons of other media! 

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1 hour ago, Stacey1014 said:

I'm surprised Jana hasn't tried to set up Laura with JD. She'd have a SIL and bff all in one. 

If Jana is actually courting one of these guys, I hope it's the good looking one just to piss Jessa off since she probably thinks she has the hottest husband in Duggarville. 

Laura looks like a lovely girl that any Gothard boy would be thrilled to marry.  I don't think JD could do any better, but then, maybe Laura is not interested.

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2 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I'm surprised Jana hasn't tried to set up Laura with JD. She'd have a SIL and bff all in one. 

If Jana is actually courting one of these guys, I hope it's the good looking one just to piss Jessa off since she probably thinks she has the hottest husband in Duggarville. 

Which one is that?

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51 minutes ago, Fuzzysox said:

I'm confused too! I'm really debating if I should buy a dress for the wedding or not.

Don't worry, just throw on a t-shirt,  jean jacket, your best full-length skirt, and flip-flops and you'll be all set for the wedding of the year!

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People have been speculating if Jana was possibly courting the guy in this picture behind Laura so he decided to make a post denying it. He coud have just written a simple "No we are just family friends" but he and Jonathan Hartono decided to embarrass her like this.

The big blurr is Josh, the person who posted it on Tumblr does not allow pictures of him in her blog.


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19 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Unfortunately, if Jana's story continues as it has thus far, any minute now these guys will be calling press conferences to declare emphatically that they have absolutely no interest in going anywhere near her. 

I swear the poor woman has triggered more public announcements about how guys absolutely are not dating her and never would consider such a thing than anybody else I ever heard of. It'd be enough to give her a complex if she didn't probably have about 3 million complexes already. 

you called it, churchhoney!

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41 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Wow, so this is what, the fourth guy to publicly release a statement denying involvement with Jana? That must be doing wonders for her self-esteem. 

These guys are starting to piss me off, though. A simple "we're just friends" would suffice. Did he really have to write a thesis and USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS to get his point across? And then for the Hartono kid to chime in with his two cents? Do they even consider that it might make Jana feel like shit to know there's an apparent club of guys bonding over their lack of interest in her? Such a bunch of douchebags.

What an asshole thing to do.  He looks the part, too.  Another Smuggar shithead.

Love that the real Smuggar is blurred out.  

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2 hours ago, Lunera said:

People have been speculating if Jana was possibly courting the guy in this picture behind Laura so he decided to make a post denying it. He coud have just written a simple "No we are just family friends" but he and Jonathan Hartono decided to embarrass her like this.

The big blurr is Josh, the person who posted it on Tumblr does not allow pictures of him in her blog.


Ah, with lifelong "friends" like these .... and with married sisters (aka her BFFs, according to Dugg fam lore) who refuse to have her come out to dinner with them on their stupid "couple" nights.... 

...Jana does not need enemies, does she? 

And Hartono? Christ. These emojis that both these little bastards put on here .... I can't even. 

And yet we'll see her keep on smiling. Talk about anesthetizing yourself. Wonder if her teeth are ground down to the gum line yet.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Maybe they wanted to be in a courtship with her and she rejected them.  Maybe she seems sweet to us and is quite lovely to look at, but, in real life she is either a "rhymes with witch" or some other not pleasant personality trait that some men don't like.  Maybe she says she likes men, but, really doesn't.  Maybe she doesn't even like women that way.  Some people don't need to be in a relationship.  Lots to ponder.

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I don't remember, but I wasn't as bothered by Jon Hari's post. 

This guy is a jerk.  What bothers me most (I don't mind the sentence in capital letters: he has a right to be angry with the media/fans) is the f***ing Tears of Joy emoji.  Tears of Joy (the stupid crying smiley face) is supposed to convey you're laughing so hard you're crying. But it's not a proposal of marriage kind of laughter it's a laughing AT someone else and often at times when someone is dealing with something painful.  (Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die. Mel Brooks)

Someone at The Guardian actually wrote an article about Tears of Joy emoji. They describe it as "gloating". 

I wouldn't be surprised if this Wilson actually wanted to court Jana, and she rejected. Good! She deserves better than this. 

Edited by Temperance
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1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

Maybe they wanted to be in a courtship with her and she rejected them.  Maybe she seems sweet to us and is quite lovely to look at, but, in real life she is either a "rhymes with witch" or some other not pleasant personality trait that some men don't like.  Maybe she says she likes men, but, really doesn't.  Maybe she doesn't even like women that way.  Some people don't need to be in a relationship.  Lots to ponder.

Maybe Jim Boob is so intent on keeping her an indentured family servant that the men have to react that way to keep him from putting a target on their backs...?

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1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

But I don't see the point of writing these "Oh, God, no!" things and posting them to all the world even if someone does reject you.

Shows no class whatsoever, including in cases like that, to me. And I don't see what it accomplishes either. Anybody who'd be interested in you would already know that you hadn't been in the relationship. And saying something like this about one woman is not going to bring a ton of other women rushing from afar to offer themselves to you, no matter what some may hope. 

Although I guess I don't know why I'd expect class from this bunch of uneducated, patriarchy-soaked Jim Bob- and Bill Gothard-admiring idiots, come to think of it. 


5 minutes ago, queenanne said:

Maybe Jim Boob is so intent on keeping her an indentured family servant that the men have to react that way to keep him from putting a target on their backs...?

Yup.  All possible.  And we only see small snippets of their life.  wonder what goes on in all the hours of all the days that we don't see except for an hour or two once a week for a few weeks.

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7 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

If Jana ever gets married her new thread title should be Old maid no more. 

Maybe "Start doing your own &@$%^*+! work, Blob and Mechelle"

The overly vehement denial reminds me of how 10-12 year olds react when someone suggests they and someone else are an item. Either they fancy Jana and are pretending to be cool with not being her headship, or they're just mentally tweens. Either way they're probably doing whatever the male equivalent is of writing your name with his surname and drawing a heart around it.

Personally, I'm in favour of Jana and Laura, and I don't mind if it's a relationship or just them escaping the Duggar/Gothard madness, running into the distance with their middle fingers raised high in the direction of Blob and Mechelle.

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1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

Maybe they wanted to be in a courtship with her and she rejected them.  Maybe she seems sweet to us and is quite lovely to look at, but, in real life she is either a "rhymes with witch" or some other not pleasant personality trait that some men don't like.  Maybe she says she likes men, but, really doesn't.  Maybe she doesn't even like women that way.  Some people don't need to be in a relationship.  Lots to ponder.

Jana sure is a mystery. She seems to have a genuine fondness for her siblings,  goes above and beyond helping out at her sisters' weddings, and is the only one on whom the younger J's can depend. Yes, she is pleasant and always smiling, but she ( and her twin JD)  just seem as dull as dishwater. They have no spark, no enthusiasm.  She  seems so submissive,  You would think that submissiveness would attract those patriarchal fundie guys, but it hasn't as yet. And, if she is attracted to a woman she would never act on it. I fear she will be tethered to the TTH for a long time.

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4 hours ago, Lunera said:

People have been speculating if Jana was possibly courting the guy in this picture behind Laura so he decided to make a post denying it. He coud have just written a simple "No we are just family friends" but he and Jonathan Hartono decided to embarrass her like this.

The big blurr is Josh, the person who posted it on Tumblr does not allow pictures of him in her blog.


Fuck you two losers!! What the hell is wrong with these douchebags? Would that be the worse thing to happen to you two morons. I'm so angry...how incredibly mean and thoughtless. 

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37 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

I suspect this douchebag needs to make it clear because he's got his eye on some other fundy gal with a less intrusive family and doesn't want to blow it. And, being a fundy gal of the same stripe as the Duggars, his potential courtee somehow sees it as manly and desirable that he emphatically denies any notion of courting Jana. However, all he had to say was that Jana is a wonderful, lovely woman and any guy would be lucky to have her; but rumors that he's courting her are false.  There's no need to make it seem like Jana has cooties.

Maybe he is interested in someone else.....                But fundies don't look at other women that way. The constant need for accountibility partners, the I-can't-have-dinner-with-someone-who-isn't-my-wife, the can't-work-too-closely-with-women, etc.  A young fundie girl isn't going to be amused although she will see him as more manly and desirable. She's going to be jealous and possessive.  She has been taught to see other women as a threat to her relationship/future marriage. Jana becomes a threat for being in the same room with the guy.  A " Jana is a wonderful, lovely woman and any guy would be lucky to have her" statement would make his theoretical gal even more suspicious and upset. So if he is in the relationship, it might contribute to the adamant denial, but not the emojis. (See my earlier post.)

Edited by Temperance
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Maybe the married sibs all got together and petitioned JB never to allow Jana to abscond. After all, the competition for auntie-mom kid-wrangling is getting higher and higher with fewer and fewer people to accomplish it. 

With the Dullards back in the US and Joyless getting ready to pop her first, there'll soon be 10 grandbabies in Arkansas ready to be dumped off at the TTH. (and probably at least two more in the oven, from Kendra and Jessa ...) And nobody to look after them but Jana, Hannie, Jennie and Jordyn. Without Jana's presence it'd be exactly like the old days when barely-school-age Jana, Jilly Muffin and Jessa were wrangling Meeechelle's tribe from dawn to night. 

Okay -- I'm not serious about the petition to keep Jana there. ... But I am horrified by the inevitable days when all those grandbabies get dumped off on Jana and those three young girls. Disgusting. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

But I don't see the point of writing these "Oh, God, no!" things and posting them to all the world even if someone does reject you.

Shows no class whatsoever, including in cases like that, to me. And I don't see what it accomplishes either. Anybody who'd be interested in you would already know that you hadn't been in the relationship. And saying something like this about one woman is not going to bring a ton of other women rushing from afar to offer themselves to you, no matter what some may hope. 

Although I guess I don't know why I'd expect class from this bunch of uneducated, patriarchy-soaked Jim Bob- and Bill Gothard-admiring idiots, come to think of it. 

Do we know how old these guys are? They have to be in their 20's but those postings are more like something a teenage kid would do. It's got to  be so humiliating for her to have 3 guys in one week post such strong denials. These jerks and the Duggar boys with their childish pranks act like they haven't matured beyond the age of 12. Every tabloid has an article about one of them. They're probably getting such a kick out of all the attention. I know the Duggars are fair game, but this is just mean. Poor Jana.

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2 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Maybe they wanted to be in a courtship with her and she rejected them.  Maybe she seems sweet to us and is quite lovely to look at, but, in real life she is either a "rhymes with witch" or some other not pleasant personality trait that some men don't like.  Maybe she says she likes men, but, really doesn't.  Maybe she doesn't even like women that way.  Some people don't need to be in a relationship.  Lots to ponder.

Great points. Also, even if they wanted to be with Jana, attaching themselves to this fucked up family might be a step too far to consider.

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I just wonder if Boob makes these guys deny a relationship with Jana?  It's odd that they all take the same approach to denying it.   And, why isn't Jana the one denying it?

Or Boob starts the rumor and the guys are just so tired of Boobs lies, they fire back ?

Edited by MsJamieDornan
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6 hours ago, Lunera said:

People have been speculating if Jana was possibly courting the guy in this picture behind Laura so he decided to make a post denying it. He coud have just written a simple "No we are just family friends" but he and Jonathan Hartono decided to embarrass her like this.

The big blurr is Josh, the person who posted it on Tumblr does not allow pictures of him in her blog.


Why didn’t she just not post the picture?

He was still there.

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I'm honestly not seeing the problem with the guys' denials of a relationship with Jana. If they're just friends, then Jana thinks the rumors are as absurd as they do. And imagine it from their perspective. They associate with a famous family but aren't famous themselves, and all of a sudden actual well-known tabloids and websites are reporting something untrue about them. It's funny because she's a friend and she doesn't see them that way and vice versa, as well as being a weird to all of a sudden see they're names getting that much attention when they never has before. I think a lot of people's first instinct would be to over explain. Minimal comment seems to be a learned skill when it comes to the press. 

If Jana is upset/embarrassed about anything, it's the tabloids and sm constant speculation about her (lack of) love life, not the guys' denials, I think.

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1 hour ago, Aja said:

I think I've made this offer before, but Jana Duggar--IF YOU CAN HEAR ME--please come and visit me! I live alone in a big apartment smack-dab in the arts district of a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig city where Prince is from. You can stay as long as you want! I won't try to talk you out of helpmeeting, and I won't force my views on you. Thing is, I really, really, really thought I needed a man for 40 years, too. Life is very different now. I had to free myself from the bonds of my old ways of thinking--long story, but I really didn't have much of a choice in the matter, like you currently have. Like you, I would have probably stayed in the "comfortable and predictable" existence indefinitely had I not been forced out of it. I'm waaaaaaaay more like you than you probably think. Which means you're waaaaaaay more like me than you probably think. You got this family gig, I get it. You're indoctrinated, that's hard. And not your fault. But I also get the feeling that there's something in you that just won't let you settle. You know something isn't right. You may not know what it is exactly, or have the first clue what to do about it, but you shouldn't let that worry you--it's normal. The worst thing you can do is ignore that feeling, Jana, like I did for 40 years. Full disclosure: I'm a lesbian. Don't worry, I won't hit on you because, despite what you have been taught, I'm a human being with respect, compassion and love for other human beings. Besides, I have women that I see already. The woman I currently see is a retired dominatrix. The other woman I currently see is a practicing dominatrix. There is a whoooooole lot in this world, Jana, that your philosophy never even dreamed of. I'm saying that because I want to emphasize that there are literally MILLIONS of paths out there other than the one you continue to push yourself to follow.  One of them will feel right to you, and make you happier than you ever dreamed you could possibly be. Ten years ago, if you would have told me that women and spankings were the way forward for me, I would have laughed in your face. How crazy does that sound??? How weird? Consciously letting go of the extreme control you think you need to have over every living thing is SO freeing, Jana. Whatever form that may take. There are so many men that would never laugh at you, never force you to be a brood mare, who wouldn't dream of praising you for being fearful, weak and submissive. This isn't my opinion, it's a FACT. Other facts: You were born into a cult. It isn't your fault, but it is your responsibility to get out of it, if you ever want to take ownership of your own life and your own future. Your parents are insane. Your eldest brother is sick. And your cult does not glorify God--it glorifies Bill Gothard, your father, your sick brother and the douchebags that couldn't stop crying with laughter at the prospect of being in a relationship with you. You don't need a single one of them. Also fact.

Come visit me.

Aja!  Neighbor!  *high five*

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Despite the rumors, however, Jim Bob insists that ultimately it's his children's choice who they become involved with.

'I do not choose who my children marry,' he told People. 

'Over the years, I have suggested guys to my daughters or we have had a lot of guys that approach us and are interested in this girl or that girl, but each of our girls have chosen their spouse on their own.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2863773/Tim-Tebow-denies-rumours-s-dating-Jana-Duggar-says-ve-never-met.html#ixzz4u152U1IA
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The lying liar who lies !

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7 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:


Love that the real Smuggar is blurred out.  

LOL, the way they have Smuggar blurred out makes him look like evil BOB from Twin Peaks.

Edited by ariel
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