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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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On 3/21/2017 at 8:04 AM, Arwen Evenstar said:

Am I the only one here who wonders how a religious group can be so much into redemption and forgiveness, yet also so much into guilt,shaming, and blaming?

It's the only way they can maintain control over their congregations. As we've seen demonstrated many, many times now, the pastors and other leadership in fundie churches can't even control themselves. Shame and embarrassment are a powerful motivator. Those who've spent any time at all in the fundie world have watched church members single out a "sinner" (real or not) and the ensuing carnage would do a National Geographic special proud. (These "sinners" are not typically the pastor's best friend, board member, or big donor to the building fund, BTW. It's interesting how that never happens.) There's a reason the oft-used cliche "Only Christians kill their wounded" is still employed.

When those in the church figure out it's a scam, they don't have to answer to anyone else for their decisions, and they can run their own lives, they leave.

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On 3/19/2017 at 11:11 PM, RedheadZombie said:

Not only Jill and Joy, but bitchy all-chin Jessa.  I've been convinced for a long while that Jana is held back.  She's the prettiest, IMO, seems appropriately meek (unlike her mouthy sisters Jill and Jessa), has a gentle spirit, and has been beaten down since birth.  She's absolute perfection in GothardLand, yet she's the perennial loser.  I blame Michelle.  And I have no doubt JB and Michelle let her think no one wants her, when the truth is they can't lose their most valuable slave.  I'm sure JB realizes that Jana is all that stands between Michelle and another laundry room breakdown.  She's a human sacrifice.

I agree!  I find it hard to believe that nobody has showed any interest in Jana.  And while I can understand why she might be tired of raising children and doesn't want to start popping out a baby each year she's been raised to believe that is her purpose in life.  I think Jimbob and Michelle have no interest in raising the younger children or taking care of the house.  Plus I really think they want to have a daughter around to care for them in their old age.  I could see Jana marrying in a few years once the Lost Girls are old enough to really run the household but if she does I suspect one of the little girls will end up never marrying or leaving home.  They didn't have all those children to be alone in their old age.

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Sometimes when someone is looking for someone "perfect" it is a barrier to finding anyone because no one is perfect after all.  I have personally known several men and women who rejected anyone appropriate as less than perfect, until time passed and they revised their standards (and probably matured in that way) and ended up finally in nice marriages.  Of course this isn't saying I know what is in Jana's head, or that it always works out like that, but, it can be a way to keep people at arms length.

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3 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Sometimes when someone is looking for someone "perfect" it is a barrier to finding anyone because no one is perfect after all.  I have personally known several men and women who rejected anyone appropriate as less than perfect, until time passed and they revised their standards (and probably matured in that way) and ended up finally in nice marriages.  Of course this isn't saying I know what is in Jana's head, or that it always works out like that, but, it can be a way to keep people at arms length.

With the exception of Jeremy (until proven otherwise), it seems Jana is just plain wary. She's already seen Favorite Son Joshley, Derelict, and Bin become nonstarters. Jana also knows about the pasty, creepy, greasy looking piece of offal that sweet, lovely, virginal Tabitha was forced to settle for so she can sit at the "adult's table".

I think she's wise enough not to jump from the frying pan and into the fire.

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9 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Sometimes when someone is looking for someone "perfect" it is a barrier to finding anyone because no one is perfect after all.  I have personally known several men and women who rejected anyone appropriate as less than perfect, until time passed and they revised their standards (and probably matured in that way) and ended up finally in nice marriages.  Of course this isn't saying I know what is in Jana's head, or that it always works out like that, but, it can be a way to keep people at arms length.

Or, as has been speculated, there was someone in her past, maybe a mutual spark of something which, for whatever reason, was impossible to follow up on. And for  someone who is of that introverted, wallflower personality, this can bloom into an all-consuming one-sided passion which makes it darn near impossible for anyone else to ever live up to. Ask me about that! Well, don't, actually, because too much reminiscing, even 40 years later, is,  I've found,  a good window for a nice bout of depression to sneak in...

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I'm sure plenty of guys have contacted Boob (note that all of the guys who've married in had an "in" to the Duggar family prior), but were shut down because he was wary. They could pass the 50 page essay, and he'd still shut them down. Look at the two latest; they came from family friends/current pastor. Anna was the only real "outsider," but they knew she was IBLP/ATI, so she was approved (although it was really Pa Keller who had to approve Chester). 

The Gothard people are intermarrying these days; there are lots of double first cousins out there. Who else? Can Jinger maybe drag some new blood into the picture that would get Boob's approval? Flame's already taken. LOL

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My stance on Jana is that yes, she's sheltered, introverted, afraid to interact, etc., but she's also stubborn and stands her ground. That's not a bad thing in my opinion, but to these Gothardized Beta males who might think she's pretty, but are shocked when they figure out she has a brain and won't be controlled, they their flee in fear or repulsion. She doesn't chase them or fawn over them, so she's not quite the ideal woman they'd imagined her as being. Jana didn't have the luxury of being playful, friendly, carefree, etc. while she was indentured into being the primary caretaker and homemaker all those years. At least her sisters had some wiggle room besides having a bunch of babies and toddlers attached at all times.

Jessa could pack a suitcase and Jinger could fling some laundry at Grandma, and Jill did whatever (still haven't figure that out), but Jessa couldn't really turn away from being the one who ended up disciplining and wrangling all the toddlers and smaller kids. 

I agree that Jana probably has had some weirdos and people she just has zero attraction for approach Jim Bob, and Jana hasn't sought anyone out or had a sister to help set her up. I also agree that Jana, as the oldest, with no older sister as an example, and as the brunt of all of Michelle's wrath and being the 'trial' daughter for all of the Gothard Bull Shit, has no idea what a nice, loving, normal conservative dating/courtship relationship looks like. Jana's been literally hated, bullied and beaten down by her mother and their faith, and as the oldest, she's been the one they've most closely watched and tried to correct. I think Jana may be strong willed, but not some rebellious juvenile delinquent like they make her out to be. Of course, not having 100% robotic obedience is pretty much sinful rebellion to these people. 

Summary = Jana has not only idealized the image of a man who doesn't exists, but she's also been held back and tried to have her spirit crushed by her parents for her whole life. She's also been the ideal image of a perfect fundie girl, which is intimidating to these insecure Beta Males, who then decide to run and flee the first time Jana actually expresses any sort of opinion that shatters their picture of her. Plus, she seems to withdraw from as much as she can from the show, filming crap with her siblings, basically going anywhere where people are going to torment her over being single at 27. 

I hope Jinger has some sympathy, or maybe Joe, and Jana sets aside some pride and actually gets to meet someone who makes her happy. 

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1 hour ago, Mollie said:

Just announced:  JANA IS COURTING!

"With three younger sisters married and one courting, oldest Duggar daughter Jana Marie was developing a reputation as a spinster at the ripe old age of 27.  No more.  At the wedding events for the former Duggar family's childminder, Tabitha Paine, in Powell, Tennessee, this weekend, Jana upstaged the rehearsal dinner party by announcing her courtship.

"So who is the lucky young man?  Well, he's not young at all.

"Jana's partner in courtship is 82-year-old William W. "Bill" Gothard, Jr., founder of the Institute of Basic Life Principles and its sister organization ATI, which provides homeschooling programs.

"Jana's proud father, Jim Bob Duggar, announced to the gathering that the formerly confirmed bachelor Bill Gothard will be moving to the Duggar compound in Arkansas next week.  'If the courtship leads to marriage, we can hope the couple will soon be blessed with the birth of a baby boy to carry on the Gothard mission and legacy', he said.

"Standard Duggar courtship rules will be in force, but will also allow for the touching of feet and hair, though 'not immorally or with sexual intent.'

"The occasion of Tabitha Paine's wedding to a convicted rapist seems like an appropriate time to announce the courtship with Gothard, who has been accused of sexual misconduct involving dozens of young women.

"Jana expressed her gratitude to all of her fans who have expressed their concern over the years for her marital status and prospects.  'Happy April Fool's Day', she said."

Good one.

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15 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

there us a rumor floating around that Lawson Bates and Jana may be pre-courting.

I can't see that as a good match.

ETA: From the Bates family blog:

A rumor has been floating around the internet that Lawson Bates, who turns 25 in July, is in a courtship with Jana Duggar, 27. (The Duggars were in East Tennessee visiting the Bates last week.) Gil and Kelly Bates put the rumor to rest:

"I think that probably Lawson and Jana would both be shocked by that news, although we have heard that rumor," said Kelly. "They are very good friends but no courtships that either of our families are aware of."


Edited by riverblue22
did a little looking around
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The rumor apparently started on a Jana Duggar roleplay Instagram. Boy, there a lot of stupid people out there. And it also explains why nobody here heard of this particular rumor. I guess fundies don't know what .rp stands for in a username, and nobody here bothers to follow that crap. LOL

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58 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

The rumor apparently started on a Jana Duggar roleplay Instagram. Boy, there a lot of stupid people out there. And it also explains why nobody here heard of this particular rumor. I guess fundies don't know what .rp stands for in a username, and nobody here bothers to follow that crap. LOL

I learn something new every day. So I had to look up .rp. Thanks @Sew Sumi.

Edited by Love2dance
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Yup. Apparently, there are many, many of these roleplay, or straight-up fake accounts. I think people find them by either doing a striaght-up name search or maybe hashtags? The only time I've ever done a hashtag search was the day of Jinger's wedding to see if any pictures had leaked aside from the formal portrait that People released. 

Someone in another group I belong to found some really bad fanfic written from Joy's POV. It was truly awful. 

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6 hours ago, Nysha said:

Someone pretends to be poor Jana Duggar?!? And then posts crap on Instagram? The things people do for fun these days...

That's just weird. Like I said before, no wonder Jana wants to hide under a rock and not be filmed. She didn't exactly sign up for any Of this herself. 

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Jana is still appearing on the show, she's fair game. She knows what it entails and she knows the kind of scum her parents are. She's nearly 30. At this point, it's on her. I don't think we can necessarily interpret all her actions to not wanting to be seen. She's got the cipher mystique going for her.


My Jana role play account would be a lot better that that - pictures of cash "just embezzled another 5 grand from daddy! #sucker", a Dropbox link "sent another chapter to my tell-all to my publisher #blessed", a shot of Michelle asleep at noon "mother of the year #lazy", her hand wrapped around a black mans hand "just saw my bae #quicky". Etc.

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1 hour ago, JoanArc said:


My Jana role play account would be a lot better that that - pictures of cash "just embezzled another 5 grand from daddy! #sucker", a Dropbox link "sent another chapter to my tell-all to my publisher #blessed", a shot of Michelle asleep at noon "mother of the year #lazy", her hand wrapped around a black mans hand "just saw my bae #quicky". Etc.

Oh, I like yours. 

It probably wouldn't get much of a fundie following, however. 

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Damn, so Jana was publicly denied again? First Tebow, now Lawson? Her self-esteem must be in the gutter at this point. I do agree they'd be a horrible match. They have nothing in common and their personalities are polar opposites.

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Damn, so Jana was publicly denied again? First Tebow, now Lawson? Her self-esteem must be in the gutter at this point. I do agree they'd be a horrible match. They have nothing in common and their personalities are polar opposites.

She has more in common than a Bates boy than Tim Tebow. I mean seriously, first round draft pic and B-list reality kid? Jana's an nice girl, but just not in the same circles. Only thing they had in common is being born again Christians.

If Jana had publically put it out there and been denied, I could see her feelings would be hurt. Everybody knows not to give away pieces of your heart! LOL She didn't put any of it out there, so I doubt if she's anything but annoyed.

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17 minutes ago, Catfin said:

Pa Ingalls was a 'ner do well! Head in the clouds dreamer. 

Last I heard, he has more than just his head in the clouds.  He's dead.

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53 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

The perfect match for Jana would be Pa Ingalls.

Pa was a major defauder.  He went shirtless a lot around his unmarried daughters.  Major boy NIKE offender, Pa was.  He was forever bathing in the creek too.  Public nudity right there.  

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11 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Well, he was an actual person (albeit still married and dead)...

Yeah, but based on what's in a couple of books I've read about the making of the Little House books, I doubt that the Pa Ingalls depicted in them had much, if anything, to do with the real-life Pa Ingalls! A whole lot of fictionalizing going on there, mostly engineered by his granddaughter, it appears. For ideological purposes, among other reasons. S

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2 hours ago, ariel said:

Michael Landon in real life wasn't a true "family man". He had many families by many different wife's.

He also couldn't really play the fiddle (sorry for bursting everyone's bubble--his fake fiddling was SO REALISTIC!). So he'd never make a suitable mate for a Duggar woman.

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7 hours ago, SMama said:

He adopted his first wife's bio child, had a bunch of kids with wife 2, then humiliated #2 by leaving her for #3. I hate myself for knowing this.

Three wives.  Nine children.

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5 hours ago, Mollie said:

Three wives.  Nine children.

Was also known to be a heavy drinker not Duggar like at all.  I love Little House and have read a ton of info on the real life Ingalls.

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On 4/5/2017 at 4:05 AM, JoanArc said:

Jana is still appearing on the show, she's fair game. She knows what it entails and she knows the kind of scum her parents are. She's nearly 30. At this point, it's on her. I don't think we can necessarily interpret all her actions to not wanting to be seen. She's got the cipher mystique going for her.


My Jana role play account would be a lot better that that - pictures of cash "just embezzled another 5 grand from daddy! #sucker", a Dropbox link "sent another chapter to my tell-all to my publisher #blessed", a shot of Michelle asleep at noon "mother of the year #lazy", her hand wrapped around a black mans hand "just saw my bae #quicky". Etc.

Um I am dying for you to do this!  I think she should also like Indigo Girls.  And YG (he sings a song bagging on the new President that they all voted for, it would be a good rebellious move!).  OH!  And a Happy 420 Day announcement!

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On 6 April 2017 at 3:43 AM, RazzleberryPie said:

She has more in common than a Bates boy than Tim Tebow. I mean seriously, first round draft pic and B-list reality kid? Jana's an nice girl, but just not in the same circles. Only thing they had in common is being born again Christians.

If Jana had publically put it out there and been denied, I could see her feelings would be hurt. Everybody knows not to give away pieces of your heart! LOL She didn't put any of it out there, so I doubt if she's anything but annoyed.

Kathy Griffin would be fuming....

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