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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Plus they're not allowed to have any real emotions, so their sibling relationships don't grow into an adult sibling relationship. Between Gothard's weirdness that kids don't need any friends but their siblings, Josh's actions, which was minimized, traumatic, and kept the kids from developing true emotional attachments to the siblings closest in age, and the buddy system that turned the older girls into parental figures, this family is an emotional quagmire. The boys aren't allowed to say they're close to their sister-moms because Josh has poisoned all brother-sister relationships. Their father treats them like despised rivals, their mother is barely aware of their existence, and the girls who raised them abandoned them, leaving the compound to have an actual adult life, something they're not allowed to have. This family sucks so much.

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"Me and her are closest in age"  - great SOTDRT training.  Maybe just maybe they will learn enough about shopping, etc. to make them less of a burden on their wives.  Oh wait, not happening.

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3 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

I realize this is a dumb question, but I can't help it.   Is there a reason that Michelle can't grocery shop for her own family?  She IS the mother after all.  

The missing back muscle strikes again!

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4 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

I realize this is a dumb question, but I can't help it.   Is there a reason that Michelle can't grocery shop for her own family?  She IS the mother after all.  

This. This right here. Although I do think all these over 18 year old boys should be able to make their own damn sammiches and wash their own clothes, does Michelle do anything? Joe at least looks like he wants to smack Josiah.

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5 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

I realize this is a dumb question, but I can't help it.   Is there a reason that Michelle can't grocery shop for her own family?  She IS the mother after all.  

Because she has 19 children -- and, she delivered every one of them -- and, she might have DIED at any time. What do people want from her? That she should, in any way, care for any of them.

On another note, what is the deal with that video? Did those two go to a studio somewhere to do that interview? Could Josiah really not have found a clean shirt? Is he now wearing dirty, schlubby shirts to show us all how very not gay he his? I doubt very seriously that that "interview" was in any way spontaneous. In the three years since Jill got married, they haven't been able to come up with a stock answer to the question about the changes around the house since your sister(s) got married? They are, truly, the laziest people on Earth.

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2 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

This. This right here. Although I do think all these over 18 year old boys should be able to make their own damn sammiches

Yes, especially since they basically eat sh*tty food to begin with.  Just get some crappy Wonder type white bread,  Velveeta "cheese" , some cheap quality "lunch meat" & call it a Duggar meal.

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7 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

I realize this is a dumb question, but I can't help it.   Is there a reason that Michelle can't grocery shop for her own family?  She IS the mother after all.  

Josiah really annoys me in this video.  What  loser.  He reminds me of Josh. 

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So TLC has moved on to tormenting the boys about who might be in a relationship. Boob doesn't have any girls ready for a while and the boys are sitting around not impregnating females, people at the homeschool camp are starting to peep sideways and speak with their hands over their mouths and Joy will have a hard time filling a season...yep, there will be a boring loser boy courtship soon. Those brides better be outrageous for entertainment purposes.

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This makes me worry so much for Hannie. That if they don't find anyone willing to take on the JBoys, she's going to be forced into a courtship at an ever younger age than Joy, just to keep their story going.

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12 minutes ago, kalamac said:

This makes me worry so much for Hannie. That if they don't find anyone willing to take on the JBoys, she's going to be forced into a courtship at an ever younger age than Joy, just to keep their story going.

Maybe Hannie will be the one to figure out viewer-fatigue, run away to college with the TLC camera crew and revive the franchise.

Hoping sinner-twin does this and starts the trend way before we get to the lost girls.

Edited by sometimesy
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Hannie's only 11, and I think 17 is probably the very youngest JimBoob could push a courtship. So, for the next 6 years, they're going to have to come up with something to keep viewer's interest. He's gonna have to find women for those boys to marry and pray they're better at being husbands than Josh.

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It's so strange to me that none of the boys have been married off.  I went to a Christian college and they actually had to tell us on the first day not to date anyone until after October 1st so that we could get settled in and focus on being away from home during that first month.  There was a seminar for parents on the same day where the president of the college joked that students show up alone but leave in pairs. Girls were literally marking October 2nd on their calendars because that was *the day* boys could finally ask them out. To top it off, a couple of semi-successful Christian bands were formed at the school so girls were throwing themselves at any guy with a guitar, hoping beyond all hope that her future husband would be the next big star to emerge from the school. 

The Duggar boys aren't conventionally ugly by any means.  We snark on them but if they weren't a part of their family, we wouldn't think twice about how they look. These guys are semi-attractive, have a television show and presumably a lot of money (doled out by JB or not).  Young Christian women are praying day in and day out for husbands--I could take Joe to church with me and find a girl before Wednesday night Bible Study.  I don't understand what's holding them back from being married off like their sisters.  Is Jim Bob just not letting it happen?

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That's your problem right there - they never go anywhere, let alone a Christian College, to have girls show an interest in them. Even the one who did go to that clown college for a bit didn't last long, and didn't live on campus.

Unless they meet a girl who's buying a car off the side of the road (or more likely is accompanying a male relative who's buying a Duggar refurbished roadside car), they have very little options. 

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Joe did live on campus. Clown College's rules state that you have to live in the dorms if you live something like 40 miles from the school. It had rules about bunking with friends, so no, Joe never lived with the Bateses. 

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I'm thinking that Jim Bob isn't pushing his sons into courtships because he realizes he'd have to support another wife and growing family, a la Josh and Anna and their 4 kids. The only one right now who seems to be truly independant of the Duggars is Jinger. Jeremy gets paid for the show but he has a legitimate job in that he's a pastor of a small church with a regular paycheck and doesn't have to live in one of the Duggar households. Jim Bob would be better off making sure his sons succeed in a business and can be independant of him before they marry. That said, I think John is the only one right how who has the potential to support and wife and family of his own since he appears to work out of the house and I'm not sure it's all related to Duggar businesses- but I could be wrong. 

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3 hours ago, Nysha said:

Hannie's only 11, and I think 17 is probably the very youngest JimBoob could push a courtship. So, for the next 6 years, they're going to have to come up with something to keep viewer's interest. He's gonna have to find women for those boys to marry and pray they're better at being husbands than Josh.

I guess they're banking on the continual baby-having from the married girls to tide us over till the next courtship. But I'm sure that doesn't get the ratings weddings do so he's wringing his hands. If ratings get too low in the intervening years, he may be persuaded to release Jana. 

1 hour ago, Spencer Hastings said:

It's so strange to me that none of the boys have been married off.  I went to a Christian college and they actually had to tell us on the first day not to date anyone until after October 1st so that we could get settled in and focus on being away from home during that first month.  There was a seminar for parents on the same day where the president of the college joked that students show up alone but leave in pairs. Girls were literally marking October 2nd on their calendars because that was *the day* boys could finally ask them out. To top it off, a couple of semi-successful Christian bands were formed at the school so girls were throwing themselves at any guy with a guitar, hoping beyond all hope that her future husband would be the next big star to emerge from the school. 

The Duggar boys aren't conventionally ugly by any means.  We snark on them but if they weren't a part of their family, we wouldn't think twice about how they look. These guys are semi-attractive, have a television show and presumably a lot of money (doled out by JB or not).  Young Christian women are praying day in and day out for husbands--I could take Joe to church with me and find a girl before Wednesday night Bible Study.  I don't understand what's holding them back from being married off like their sisters.  Is Jim Bob just not letting it happen?

Ha, so true.  I went to a Christian college too!

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I'm curious about money. As in does JB control the money the older J-boys use to buy and sell cars and flip houses? Isn't it a Gothard thing that men have to be self-sufficient before they can think of pursuing a potential mate? Could any of them, including JD support a household? 

I'm also curious about quality of life. Even within the Gothard community I'm thinking parents don't dream of their daughters having to sardine themselves into less than practical homes and live off church offerings.  From that standpoint, the Duggar males, even minus their name and Josh, don't seem like great prospects considering marriage is less than a year from a first chaperoned date.

Edited by GeeGolly
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1 hour ago, awaken said:

I guess they're banking on the continual baby-having from the married girls to tide us over till the next courtship. But I'm sure that doesn't get the ratings weddings do so he's wringing his hands. If ratings get too low in the intervening years, he may be persuaded to release Jana.

Bingo! Exactly what I think will happen. I have been predicting this for a while. Jana will be married by the end of 2020 if not sooner. 

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13 hours ago, truthtalk2014 said:

Josiah really annoys me in this video.  What  loser.  He reminds me of Josh. 

He really is annoying. But I'd bet that, like many others including Josh, part of that is the toll that blighted hopes take on people. I mean, how many times did Josiah go to Alert -- and I don't think it's because he liked it? And then there was Marjorie dumping him. And didn't he want to be an accountant at some point? But he certainly wasn't afforded any education for that ....

And, yeah, dad gives them "jobs," but imagine if you had no hope of a job except for dad.... and you know that dad basically treats you like a lame-ass indentured servant. Jim Bob's a freelance speculator and semi-con-man-seller-of-chancy-cars-and-properties-that-probably-fall-apart-two-days-after-he-sells-them -- It's not as if he's actually built some kind of real family business these kids could be involved in. 

I think the Duggar kids suffer from the kind of malaise that you get with some kids in families that are very poor and very dysfunctional families -- just kind of withering on the vine, turning sluggish, bitter. Instead of just having to climb out of a bad situation, they get slapped down, locked up and sent to Gothardville if they give the slightest indication of trying to climb, looks like. 

We know they're dysfunctional, so we expect that part, but because they're on tv and all, it seems as if they should at least escape the poverty-induced stuff. But as people were mentioning the other day, because of the particular brand of dysfunction they've got here, they get the bad nutrition and the horrible sleep habits and other failure-to-thrive inducers as well. And to some extent I wonder whether these things may look worse in the smarter kids, at least at certain times in their lives, because they may have had bigger and more realistic hopes to blight. 

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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm curious about money. As in does JB control the money the older J-boys use to buy and sell cars and flip houses? Isn't it a Gothard thing that men have to be self-sufficient before they can think of pursuing a potential mate? Could any of them, including JD support a household? 

I'm also curious about quality of life. Even within the Gothard community I'm thinking parents don't dream of their daughters having to sardine themselves into less than practical homes and live off church offerings.  From that standpoint, the Duggar males, even minus their name and Josh, don't seem like great prospects considering marriage is less than a year from a first chaperoned date.

Yeah, and the Gothard community keeps dwindling and dwindling, too. So there goes a big pool of potential young women.  

And whereas non-Gothard guys can come running after Duggar girls -- two from a considerable distance -- fundie girls obviously can't pursue guys over hundreds of miles unless they have strong parental cooperation. And most parents can probably find suitable guys who live closer, won't put their daughters on tv to earn a living, seem to have a means of earning a living themselves, and don't expose the daughters to the risks of living forever trapped in JimBobVille.

After all, if three guys who were actual strangers to their would-be wives hadn't come running from relatively far away to beg to marry a Duggar girl, the first three girls married wouldn't be.

And no fundie young woman is going to do that. The Duggar girls have a national pool of would-be suitors, while I'm pretty sure the boys don't. Even if a young woman in, say, Maine or Kansas, who didn't know the Duggars conceived a passion for Joe via the television, I don't think she'd be able to get to Arkansas or even into Jim Bob's email to start a courtship. Few parents would help with that and young women of their ilk woudln't try it, for the most part. 

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I think KJB will do what it takes to make sure John David marries soon.  He's getting up there is age and it's probably looking odd to the cult that he hasn't yet found a wife.  KJB will find some young thing to corral.  I'm sorry it wasn't Tabitha--I hate to see what's in her future.

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I think part of the reason the boys aren't rushing into courtship is because they're not really in any hurry to become adults. Marriage is the only way for the Duggar girls to get a little bit of freedom and escape the drudgery of cleaning that huge house and raising their siblings. I seriously doubt Ben, Derrick, or Jeremy require their wives to take a chaperone with them to Starbucks or the grocery store and even though 2 of them have kids, at least it's their babies and not their spying siblings. 

For the boys it's different. They're allowed to go off the compound alone, I'm betting their work hours aren't that much, and they have free room and board. If they get married, they're going to have to have a job that supports their family, plus a wife and a quiverfull of kids that will take up their free time. Given that emotionally most of them act like they're 13-14, they're probably just not ready for marriage, yet.

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It's easy to forget that, minus JD, the rest of the boys are still quite young. The Twins just recently turned 18, and Joe is younger than Jinger so that would make him around 22. I think it's pretty normal that they'd have no interest in marrying or courting at this point. 

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7 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

He really is annoying. But I'd bet that, like many others including Josh, part of that is the toll that blighted hopes take on people. I mean, how many times did Josiah go to Alert -- and I don't think it's because he liked it? And then there was Marjorie dumping him. And didn't he want to be an accountant at some point? But he certainly wasn't afforded any education for that ....

And, yeah, dad gives them "jobs," but imagine if you had no hope of a job except for dad.... and you know that dad basically treats you like a lame-ass indentured servant. Jim Bob's a freelance speculator and semi-con-man-seller-of-chancy-cars-and-properties-that-probably-fall-apart-two-days-after-he-sells-them -- It's not as if he's actually built some kind of real family business these kids could be involved in. 

I think the Duggar kids suffer from the kind of malaise that you get with some kids in families that are very poor and very dysfunctional families -- just kind of withering on the vine, turning sluggish, bitter. Instead of just having to climb out of a bad situation, they get slapped down, locked up and sent to Gothardville if they give the slightest indication of trying to climb, looks like. 

We know they're dysfunctional, so we expect that part, but because they're on tv and all, it seems as if they should at least escape the poverty-induced stuff. But as people were mentioning the other day, because of the particular brand of dysfunction they've got here, they get the bad nutrition and the horrible sleep habits and other failure-to-thrive inducers as well. And to some extent I wonder whether these things may look worse in the smarter kids, at least at certain times in their lives, because they may have had bigger and more realistic hopes to blight. 

Yes, I have a friend from college like this!!! Brilliant, brilliant guy, who made straight A's and graduated with an accounting degree. Yet, he has an overbearing mother who will not allow him to move out of the house (yeah, he's 30) because she'd "miss him too much," and doesn't seem to care that she is holding him back. After all these years, he has no chance at a good job anymore, and works the waiter job he had in college. I think he is a lot like the duggar boys, but he still has a little hope left that things will get better for him and he'll be a normal adult in a few years. He is way too inexperienced in multiple areas to realize how hard that will be...

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33 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Yes, I have a friend from college like this!!! Brilliant, brilliant guy, who made straight A's and graduated with an accounting degree. Yet, he has an overbearing mother who will not allow him to move out of the house (yeah, he's 30) because she'd "miss him too much," and doesn't seem to care that she is holding him back. After all these years, he has no chance at a good job anymore, and works the waiter job he had in college. I think he is a lot like the duggar boys, but he still has a little hope left that things will get better for him and he'll be a normal adult in a few years. He is way too inexperienced in multiple areas to realize how hard that will be...

Wow. That's heartbreaking. Hope he finds an escape route. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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I really do not believe that JD is staying at the TTH.  He has too many other activities and interests and I think I read a while back that he owned a little house.   If he even owned part of a storage facility, it would make for better sleeping than a dorm style room with your brothers. 

Here's to hoping he stays off campus, has friends over, serves beer and plays PS2.  

BTW, they never seem to show the boys dorm.  It must be really nasty.  I wonder if Josie is allowed to go in there and lick the bedposts.

BTW, Wednesday March 8th is a "Day without Women".  Women are supposed to take the day off and do nothing, buy nothing, etc.  I know MEchelle will be celebrating, but do you think Jana will take the day off?

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@Truthtlker  I'm with you in not believing John David has actually lived at TTH for quite a long time.  We've seen a few glimpses of him being out of town working or doing other things without accountability partners.  There is no way I see him continuing to bunk with all the little brothers, most of whom are not so little anymore, but gee, he'd might as well be in an army bunk.  I do think he has a place of his own.

One thing all these shows do is shut down comments on what's going on from the whole blasted community.  I can't see people in my community keeping mum.  Or you'd think some rag or another would do an expose and follow them around or something.  Nada.

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On 3/5/2017 at 10:42 AM, Churchhoney said:

He really is annoying. But I'd bet that, like many others including Josh, part of that is the toll that blighted hopes take on people. I mean, how many times did Josiah go to Alert -- and I don't think it's because he liked it? And then there was Marjorie dumping him. And didn't he want to be an accountant at some point? But he certainly wasn't afforded any education for that ....

My memory was he wanted to be in graphic design like Marjorie's father. He initially went to see the family for the purpose of learning graphic design.  When he started courting Marjorie I remember JB saying "I knew there had to be a reason he was going to them so much." It still annoys me that wanting to learn more about a profession by someone who actually practices the profession wasn't a valid reason to visit the family.  But whatever graphic design ambitions were mostly killed by the end of the courtship. 

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Was it just last season JD was talking about still living at home and his sisters doing his laundry and preparing meals?  Sure, he's old enough to live on his own, but he's shown no signs of wanting to responsible for the details of his own life.

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48 minutes ago, Temperance said:

My memory was he wanted to be in graphic design like Marjorie's father. He initially went to see the family for the purpose of learning graphic design.  When he started courting Marjorie I remember JB saying "I knew there had to be a reason he was going to them so much." It still annoys me that wanting to learn more about a profession by someone who actually practices the profession wasn't a valid reason to visit the family.  But whatever graphic design ambitions were mostly killed by the end of the courtship. 

Well, I think that he designed the Duggar Academy diplomas, FWIW, which in this case, is pretty much nil since a third grader could pick a font and center type. 

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Oh I thought josh was the "graphic designer". 

 Yes, that's very curious, how do they have the whole community not constantly posting on their whereabouts and the real story regarding where JD lives, and the airplanes?  And if any of them go out without accountability partners?

Edited by awaken
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8 hours ago, Temperance said:

My memory was he wanted to be in graphic design like Marjorie's father. He initially went to see the family for the purpose of learning graphic design.  When he started courting Marjorie I remember JB saying "I knew there had to be a reason he was going to them so much." It still annoys me that wanting to learn more about a profession by someone who actually practices the profession wasn't a valid reason to visit the family.  But whatever graphic design ambitions were mostly killed by the end of the courtship. 

Well of course there had to be a reason to see the graphic designer more than once. Being a Duggar, Josiah would have learned everything he needed to know in one afternoon! Why would he need to go back since was already a professional?

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52 minutes ago, awaken said:

Oh I thought josh was the "graphic designer". 

 Yes, that's very curious, how do they have the whole community not constantly posting on their whereabouts and the real story regarding where JD lives, and the airplanes?  And if any of them go out without accountability partners?

I think both of them dabble in "graphic design." IIRC, Smuggar designed Jessa's horrible wedding invitations. I'm sure Jinger, whose invitations were 1000% better, didn't make that same mistake. Who knows? Maybe Josiah did them! LOL

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6 minutes ago, AUgirl said:

She looks uncomfortably like his sisters to me. 

My first thought was she looks exactly like Joy. The sibling resemblances are starting to creep me out. First Austin and now this girl. 

I need to see more of them to determine if they're for real or if this is another arranged marriage to show the world the Duggar boys aren't defective merchandise. IIRC, Boob and Pastor Caldwell are thick as thieves, so I'm skeptical on this being True Love.

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Well, the rumors were true. She's been seen with him since before Jinger's wedding. She's also the Duggars' current preacher's oldest daughter. Pastor Caldwell is the guy we've seen giving Justin mechanic lessons.

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5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

My first thought was she looks exactly like Joy. The sibling resemblances are starting to creep me out. First Austin and now this girl. 

I need to see more of them to determine if they're for real or if this is another arranged marriage to show the world the Duggar boys aren't defective merchandise. IIRC, Boob and Pastor Caldwell are thick as thieves, so I'm skeptical on this being True Love.

Boob just should have had the announcement say:  "see, my boys aren't total losers".

Doubt Kendra had any choice in this;  Joseph probably didn't either but neither knows of any other way.  Of if they do, they don't care to explore anything different.

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