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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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12 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

Growing up, I attended many a wedding where the food was the centerpiece of the reception.  In addition to the cake, a cookie table was set up and it was scandal if the table wasn't laid with hundreds of gourmet cookies made by aunts and grandmothers.  It is unheard of for a wedding not to be full of food, liquor and dancing.  It's a CELEBRATION, after all, and it's expected.  I agree with everyone who said that anything less will be seen as insulting to the guests.

Just thinking...maybe to keep peace and save face there will be two celebrations.  First, a 1,000-guest fundie wedding in Tonitown, with all the fundilicious trappings, followed closely with a fitting and classy reception for his family in Philly.  If I were Jeremy's family I would insist upon it, based upon past Duggar weddings.  It wouldn't be unheard of to do so, considering the distance from Philly to Tonitown...many wouldn't be able to attend the wedding.  

I think I read somewhere that Jeremy's parents kind of put a wedge between themselves and their Catholic families when they went the IFB route? If that's a big enough split, the extended family wouldn't really expect to go to a Jeremy wedding, perhaps. And his parents have been IFB for years, so they clearly know about the culture, even if the Duggars are a really really extreme example of if. I have a hard time seeing the Duggs cottoning to a second wedding ceremony just to please some non-Duggar's extended family. Can't help but remember that the Seewalds had to sit behind the Duggars at their own son's graduation ceremony. lol

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29 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

I think I read somewhere that Jeremy's parents kind of put a wedge between themselves and their Catholic families when they went the IFB route? If that's a big enough split, the extended family wouldn't really expect to go to a Jeremy wedding, perhaps. And his parents have been IFB for years, so they clearly know about the culture, even if the Duggars are a really really extreme example of if. I have a hard time seeing the Duggs cottoning to a second wedding ceremony just to please some non-Duggar's extended family. Can't help but remember that the Seewalds had to sit behind the Duggars at their own son's graduation ceremony. lol

It's not about Jesus, or the bride and groom, or the graduate! It's all about Jim Boob and MeChelle. Never forget that.

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10 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I believe he also graduated in three years from Hartwick; from what I understand, it's a 3-year program, but he could have APed his way out of his freshman year. No one knows for sure. At any rate, the 3-year undergrad degree is why he had a year of soccer eligibility left for Syracuse. 

eta: He graduated HS in 2006, and the article I read from the Syracuse paper on Monday was dated 2010, so the dates fit this scenario. 

Actually, allow me to explain.  What happens is, if you're an athlete at a lot of these schools, you go early entry and start your classes the summer after your graduate from high school, and go straight through for three years - all three summer sessions, fall, intercession, spring, wash, rinse, repeat.  Provided you avail yourself of the tutoring help the NCAA mandates that schools provide to scholar-athletes, you can graduate with a BA in three years.  If you do that, you still have *at least* another year of NCAA eligibility left over (two if you red-shirted).  You can then start your graduate level studies, either at the same school and play out the string on your eligibility or at a school that offers a graduate-level program that will accept you and needs your athletic talents.  (Back in the day, before deciding to have a "traditional college experience", a D1 school offered me this option.  I declined, mainly because I did some quick math, figured out I could pay for school on my own and not have to sacrifice my every waking moment to the soccer gods and thus, well go to school and debauch myself.)

Edited by Lemur
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24 minutes ago, Fuzzysox said:

I would LMAO if one day Jeremy had a revelation and God laid it on his heart to ditch the fundie bs and become a practicing Catholic after he marries Jin.

Oh, pleeeeeez let this be the outcome. 

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They wouldn't film another wedding so similar to Josh, Jill and Jessa would they? Maybe Jinger will have a destination wedding! Or an intimate sophisticated ceremony. How many sequels will the public accept? 

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1 hour ago, MunichNark said:

It'll just be another shoddy affair, with disgusting crap masking as food. Yawn.

When reading about all the possible wedding scenarios, I keep thinking of the extravagant Italian family festivities hosted by the  Manzo, Giudice & Gorga families on RHONJ.  Geez, that affair after Audriana's christening way back when was like a wedding reception.  Those folks know how to throw a party!!  VS "we're backyard people" with bare feet &rice krispie treats & melty ice cream floats (that were made & served in the not so cleanlinest of conditions.)

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17 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Something I noticed in the pictures of the two of them:  Jinger doesn't have eye crinkles--you know, the crinkly eyes people have when they smile.  She's smiling a "cheese" smile--all mouth, no eyes...no joy.  She just looks sad.

Orrrrrrrr...... maybe the crinkles were spackled with makeup?

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Alert all the Goodwills and Salvation Armies in the area surrounding the Duggar compound-we got a wedding party to clothe!

Have the dude from say Yes to the Dress with go to Goodwill to help coordinate the bridal party outfits.

Let's enjoy him recoiling from the horror.

Hopefully, the groomsmen will be ex soccer team mates from college/pro days and not the bloaty, pasty Duggar boys and in laws.

Anyone want to bet Jessa stomps all over this wedding out of jealous spite?

Watch Jessa sabatoge and side eye her way through all the wedding preparations.

Catch all her micro agressions and green eye envy towards her sister.

I'd watch that.

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2 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Alert all the Goodwills and Salvation Armies in the area surrounding the Duggar compound-we got a wedding party to clothe!

Have the dude from say Yes to the Dress with go to Goodwill to help coordinate the bridal party outfits.

Let's enjoy him recoiling from the horror.

Hopefully, the groomsmen will be ex soccer team mates from college/pro days and not the bloaty, pasty Duggar boys and in laws.

Anyone want to bet Jessa stomps all over this wedding out of jealous spite?

Watch Jessa sabatoge and side eye her way through all the wedding preparations.

Catch all her micro agressions and green eye envy towards her sister.

I'd watch that.

That may be this upcoming season's salvation.

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7 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Not bloody likely....Boob is all about "The Cheap".

They could still change it up and have an artsy boho theme (more Jingerish), and stay within the budget. Instead of spending the budget on 1500 people for root-beer floats, they could have a nice dinner for 200. Besides, TLC is probably footing the bill and the budget talk is probably just to fit in with their ruse of being economical. They travel to CA with 25 people every second month, drive gas guzzlers and eat in restaurants more than home, the least they can do is stop pretending and throw one nice wedding. Wishful thinking haha. They are like those British gypsies that just have weddings and if you hear of it, you go. Besides, how will they take in the registry haul if they limit the peeps. Boo. 

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More of the same.  Jim Bob has probably been feverishly searching for a potential husband for Jinger ( I have lost all hope for Jana at this point) since Joshgate  broke.  

Nothing will ever change in this family.  In fact, I can only see it getting worse.  All pretense of education has pretty much disappeared- there have been no "graduations" since Josiah's two years ago, and I sincerely doubt that any of the kids after the twins even have a rudimentary education- in fact, I would bet that some of them are illiterate.  Without even a homeschool GED, the chances of anyone breaking free are slim to none.

Michelle will continue to live in her own little world, praying for "one more miracle", and completely ignoring the kids still at home.  The kids will get progressively wilder and dirtier.

It is just sad.  At least Jinger is getting out, but she will probably be knocked up within months of her wedding, and the cycle will continue.

Give me the Bates Family any day.  I know they drink the koolaid too, but at least their kids seem clean, happy, well cared for, and educated.  Crown College, such as it is, is still better than nothing.  And they seem to be doing well in the marriage department- no one is mooching off the parents- the married couples are actually self-supporting.

Edited by 3 is enough
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15 hours ago, cereality said:

That being said -- I'm convinced he will only invite his immediate family and maybe his grandparents (maybe - depending on how devout they are). I mean how exactly can he invite an entire Catholic family to a wedding when his life's work is to reform the sinners -- i.e. the Catholics and the gays. Surely at some point some 3rd cousin will ask why the wedding is in a church that looks like a convention hall rather than a cathedral; why is there no communion; why no one has made the sign of the cross the entire day. What exactly will he say -- well bc I think you're a sinner and I disagree with it!?

I have no idea how close his extended family are with him and his immediate family, but I wouldn't rule out them inviting Catholic family members- growing up as an evangelical, and having been to many of these events (my own wedding was one), weddings and funerals are PRIME opportunities for witnessing for Christ and displaying a godly example.  The hope is that the "unchurched" will see their example of purity and want to learn more and do the same.  This is exactly when you WOULD want "unsaved" friends and family members to come hear the testimony that the preacher will give during the sermon.  So much to the point that I've been extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed at events where the focus is mainly on evangelizing and pointing out the sinfulness of those in the room, rather than celebrating the couple, or the deceased, as the case may be.  

9 hours ago, MarysWetBar said:

Yes especially once he starts going to Jessa's House of Fundy Do's for his haircuts.

Yes!  And he can also start wearing his hat backwards, and the transformation will be complete!

2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Can't help but remember that the Seewalds had to sit behind the Duggars at their own son's graduation ceremony. lol

Really?!  Wow, I did not see that.  Which ep was that?  I wonder how they finagled that!  Better camera angle from the front row, I'm sure.

48 minutes ago, sometimesy said:

They wouldn't film another wedding so similar to Josh, Jill and Jessa would they? Maybe Jinger will have a destination wedding! Or an intimate sophisticated ceremony. How many sequels will the public accept? 

My unfortunately suspicion is that they very well could do the same exact drivel and fans would eat it up.  They have continued to film the same exact scenarios over and over, even film nothing happening over and over, and rehashes of rehashes of nothing happening, and it hasn't seemed to affect their popularity.  For our sake I do hope there is something different or interesting about Jinger's "journey" but I'm not counting on it.  ("Counting on" it, haha)

14 minutes ago, Aja said:

Maybe Derick can do an interpretive dance depicting meekness and soccer.

Oh, YES!!!!!  PLEASE!  May they book Derick NOW for the reception entertainment!  It is my heart's desire to see this.  Think of the lost souls he could reach with such a display of his heart.  

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I wonder if Joshgate 1 hadn't occurred if the kids would have been less stunted. Other Gothardites like the married Bates and Waller kids have all launched, so I put this more on Boob and Starbucks than on Gothard, vile the ideology it is.

I never understood their mentality of absolving the kids in courtships of all their jurisdictions. If I hadn't done my chores and homework, dating or not, there was no going out.   Their courtships are so controlled so they just sit around the house waiting like milk fed veal for the next text, visit, chaperoned outing.  Why can't they do something.

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If we want to have an impact we have to goad them. Here's how it works: 'they would never ever stray from the wedding template' ... then they fu the internet. So let's do our part. 

Edited by sometimesy
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16 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

If the Italians come to the wedding they will be in for a hell of a culture shock! I'm seeing it now. Nonna saying, "Mi, no food how cheapa." *Mi means WOW and not in a good way

HA!!!  I LOVE this.....it's funny because it's true  :)

On another note--I'm laughing at how gingerly (see how I did that?) Jinger is keeping her hand away from FutbolJeremy's crotch!



Edited by Teena
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Fingers crossed for FU internetz where they do serve good food and it is a classy event. It will never happen because Jim Bob is too cheap. Also, Jinger would probably take any offered TLC money and cheap out on everything.  I want it to be classy just to see Jessa's face. 

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1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I wonder if Joshgate 1 hadn't occurred if the kids would have been less stunted. Other Gothardites like the married Bates and Waller kids have all launched, so I put this more on Boob and Starbucks than on Gothard, vile the ideology it is.

I never understood their mentality of absolving the kids in courtships of all their jurisdictions. If I hadn't done my chores and homework, dating or not, there was no going out.   Their courtships are so controlled so they just sit around the house waiting like milk fed veal for the next text, visit, chaperoned outing.  Why can't they do something.

Do you mean if Joshgate hadn't occured as in never happened at all, or just never got released to the public?  

As for why they can't do something, that is a question that applies to all 20 of the adults.

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1 hour ago, Teena said:

HA!!!  I LOVE this.....it's funny because it's true  :)

On another note--I'm laughing at how gingerly (see how I did that?) Jinger is keeping her hand away from FutbolJeremy's crotch!



Does jim bob ever pose with michelle without touching her? Here he looks like he's holding her up.

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14 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Does jim bob ever pose with michelle without touching her? Here he looks like he's holding her up.

She does always look like she's about to tip over. Probably from the weight of the possum on her head.

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1 hour ago, TaxNerd said:

Do you mean if Joshgate hadn't occured as in never happened at all, or just never got released to the public?  

As for why they can't do something, that is a question that applies to all 20 of the adults.

Yes. I meant if it had never happened at all. 

For the second part of your post, that assessment is accurate.  What I had meant was what is it about being in a courtship that makes one too precious to do their bit around the house.  No doubt once a J daughter marries, she's got to do everything, unlike her husband, who usually is self employed at little to nothing...he eats, sleeps, screws, and does other headshippy things. These failure to launch doughy pasty douche canoes will only make these girls unhappy years later.

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3 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I wonder if Joshgate 1 hadn't occurred if the kids would have been less stunted. Other Gothardites like the married Bates and Waller kids have all launched, so I put this more on Boob and Starbucks than on Gothard, vile the ideology it is.

I never understood their mentality of absolving the kids in courtships of all their jurisdictions. If I hadn't done my chores and homework, dating or not, there was no going out.   Their courtships are so controlled so they just sit around the house waiting like milk fed veal for the next text, visit, chaperoned outing.  Why can't they do something.

You ALMOST owe me a tablet, I nearly spit out a mouthful of Diet Coke with that 'milk fed veal' analogy.  Well done.  I didn't realize that all their jurisdictions were forgiven once they're courting.  So how do they train the replacement J slaves to clean the bathroom or do laundry?  Never mind, I'm sure Mechelle jumps in and assists.  /s

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2 hours ago, Teena said:

HA!!!  I LOVE this.....it's funny because it's true  :)

On another note--I'm laughing at how gingerly (see how I did that?) Jinger is keeping her hand away from FutbolJeremy's crotch!



Okay now the soccer player/preacher's shirt isn't tucked in.  Isn't that a major faux pas for Boob?  And speaking of Boob, that phony smile/grimace on the front of his Lego block head just never changes.  Not sure who first noticed the Lego/Boob's head similarity on this site but it's genius and completely apropos. 

And another thing.  Mechelle, the picnic called, it wants its tablecloth back. 

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Jim Blob is digging his finger in her back to keep Michelle's eyes open for the picture before she slumps over from the lethargic effects of her "distract me from my life" pills.

Michelle takes to her bed after breakfast.

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On 6/21/2016 at 5:49 PM, cereality said:

I think all those "preacher" guys dream of a multi million dollar TV empire, complete with book signings and appearances; all of that requires a hot woman standing behind the man -- ala Joel and Victoria Osteen.

Hate to say it but she's just as naïve as Anna was in chasing her man and the risks are the same. You'd think having that happen once in his OWN family, JB would much much more careful giving a daughter's hand in marriage to a guy who seems like a religious fundamentalist and seems a bit off already.

There was no multi-million dollar TV empire, but he sure as hell managed to make millions and also demands the "hot wife" -- Mark Driscoll. I'm sure Bin aspires to his "ministry".

Never met the guy, don't want to, but I'm telling you, there's as much of a problem with the young Mr. Vuolo (if not more) than Bin and Triple D. If this guy played professional soccer and could not find a woman interested in marrying him as a result, he most likely has some fairly serious personality defects. If he thought spilling the story about the former team's psychologist questioning him about fortune and fame was adorbs, I have news for him: Pro teams don't want to spend millions on a contract with anyone who is going to make life hard for his coaches and the front office. I'm guessing he did, and they parted ways with him. 

The only way any pro athlete gets carte blanche to act like an asshole is if he or she is the best in the world at what they do. (See Brady, Tom, Peterson, Adrian, Bryant, Dez, or Solo, Hope.)

Kim Jong Boob (h/t Sew Sumi) doesn't care if any of his daughters are unhappy with their spouses. He didn't care when his eldest son was molesting them! It's all about the money and who he can exploit in order to keep it coming in. They're happy if he tells them they're happy.

Jinger is marrying her father. I am also wondering if we're going to see the tell-all of all tell-alls in five years or so and how many of the Duggar daughters will be divorced by then.

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Is it me or does this guy and ginger seem mismatched? Like he's the hot jock and she's the quirky nerdy gamer girl?

she seems to have the personality that she'd be ok married to anybody just to be married, so good luck to them

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I think Jinger's really pretty despite the cake mix makeup and the hideous hair.  Full disclosure, all my friends say I missed gay school when the topics were decorating and makeup.  

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Trust me....no one gets out of Syracuse U without some drinking/partying and some hooking up....those winters are just too long and cold. (Said from direct knowledge.)

Jeremy looks cute in some pix, and not so much in others. Jinger is adorable and seems very sweet....I hope this works out for her. I could give a rat's ass about most of the Duggs, but I kinda like Jinger.

My grassy knoll theory on Jana is that she had her eye on the Gold Medal of Fundydom, aka Chad Paine, and Erin Bates snagged him, so she's sad and dispirited.

And wedding duds from Good Will and Savers? Good on them. Those places are great....I think a lot of the J-girls' better stuff comes from there. (Mustard sweaters come from the 70% off racks at Target. You can get nice cashmere for less at GW.)

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2 hours ago, Aja said:

Spews hate toward gay people.

Yes, and he also spends an hour or two each day convincing insecure Catholics that good deeds done in the name of Jesus are, in fact, "filthy." .... Add to that his traveling roadshow for convincing preteen and teenage boys that masturbation is a quick one-way ticket to hell and I'd say his career consists of boosting America's self-loathing quotient through the roof, especially among the vulnerable.

How nice.

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33 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Is it me or does this guy and ginger seem mismatched? Like he's the hot jock and she's the quirky nerdy gamer girl?

she seems to have the personality that she'd be ok married to anybody just to be married, so good luck to them

Omg, yes! I don't know what it is, but they look completely wrong together. It has nothing to do with Jinger's appearance because she's an attractive girl, but she always struck me as artsy and bohemian. That type usually doesn't pair well with egocentric jocks. If you look at a couple like Derick and Jill, they sort of "go" together even if they were practically strangers before they got married. I'd even say the same for Smuggar and Anna. Jeremy and Jinger are like an outfit that just doesn't match.

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4 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I never understood their mentality of absolving the kids in courtships of all their jurisdictions. If I hadn't done my chores and homework, dating or not, there was no going out.   Their courtships are so controlled so they just sit around the house waiting like milk fed veal for the next text, visit, chaperoned outing.  Why can't they do something.

I really don't get it, either.  I'd love a more detailed explanation from them.  What exactly do they do all day when they're courting?  I mean, supervised phone calls, skype, and texting can only take up so much time.  I know sometimes the guy comes over for dinner, they pray together not holding hands, he gets grilled by her brothers, etc but still....what else are the doing the other 22 hrs a day?   Wedding planning, I guess?  Setting up their registries?  

2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Does jim bob ever pose with michelle without touching her? Here he looks like he's holding her up.

Or restraining her!

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Oh I am so late to the party, I take 4 days off Ptv and all the fundie Fun breaks loose! 

I tried really hard to watch block head Boob and Jeremy wish James (I think it was James) a happy 16th birthday, but I lasted maybe 15 seconds of block heads condescending speech talking down to 5 year olds.  So far I haven't managed to bring myself to watch any more of their "testimonies", but I am so hoping that Jinger goes to Laredo and doesn't get sucked into the vortex of living in Arkansas, then she may at least be allowed out of the house with out siblings and tag alongs and although (thanks to everyone taking the hit who has watched Jeremy's videos etc) he might be a controlling fruit cake, being in Laredo might mean Jinger gets that little bit of freedom...I hope! 

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I would have really loved to have seen Jeremy's twitter account, but by the looks of things he deleted it in June 2013 (searched #JeremyVuolo). He doesn't appear to have any other social media accounts.

He seems like the kind of guy who would just preach at you when you tried to have a conversation with him. His videos are creepy.

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5 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

More of the same.  Jim Bob has probably been feverishly searching for a potential husband for Jinger ( I have lost all hope for Jana at this point) since Joshgate  broke.  

Nothing will ever change in this family.  In fact, I can only see it getting worse.  All pretense of education has pretty much disappeared- there have been no "graduations" since Josiah's two years ago, and I sincerely doubt that any of the kids after the twins even have a rudimentary education- in fact, I would bet that some of them are illiterate.  Without even a homeschool GED, the chances of anyone breaking free are slim to none.

Michelle will continue to live in her own little world, praying for "one more miracle", and completely ignoring the kids still at home.  The kids will get progressively wilder and dirtier.

It is just sad.  At least Jinger is getting out, but she will probably be knocked up within months of her wedding, and the cycle will continue.

Give me the Bates Family any day.  I know they drink the koolaid too, but at least their kids seem clean, happy, well cared for, and educated.  Crown College, such as it is, is still better than nothing.  And they seem to be doing well in the marriage department- no one is mooching off the parents- the married couples are actually self-supporting.

I think WAY too much about this family for my own good.  I was musing that MAYBE he was feverishly looking for a husband for Jinger so he can have all his daughters that were groped by Josh married to say LOOK, they are fine.  If Joy suddenly becomes engaged or begins courting, maybe??  Jana hasn't been foisted off on some stranger cause well, someone needs to stop Josie from licking everything and she isn't tarnished goods that needs to be saved asap.

2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Does jim bob ever pose with michelle without touching her? Here he looks like he's holding her up.

He's trying to keep her from escaping!

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