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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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@Temperance thank you for the tag!


Forum Members- take the rest of the day & tomorrow to keep suggesting Thread Titles for Jed & Katey’s thread here. 

Monday morning the suggestions with the most hearts will go in a poll pinned to the top of the forum.

If need be we will have two rounds. The poll will stay open for 48hrs. 

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8 hours ago, beckie said:

They're getting married so he can go into politics as a married couple.  That's all.  I'm sure she fit the bill for "wife" that Jed needed.

Agreed, I assumed this was just to further his political career when he runs again, make him seem more adult and independent, and to let him have sex. 

im up for any title that includes Jed! and bunk beds!

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On 3/19/2021 at 10:30 AM, madpsych78 said:

Good point. Hilaria clearly had no problems with the wedding and especially no issues with famewhoring, so that was why Justin and Claire's wedding was much more publicized. This is the only other wedding that took place in the pandemic, so probably the best one for comparison.

Kendra and Lauren's families were totally down with the marriages and had no problems with TLC filming the wedding. Same with the Kellers and the Burnetts, although the parents of each appeared less fame-whorish compared to the Caldwells and at least Dwain Swanson. But all of these weddings took place before the pandemic, so of course they wouldn't be virtual. 

From https://fundie-names.tumblr.com/post/645887471467593728/introducing:

Actually, yes!  Here’s what I know…

As of March 2021, Katelyn Koryn Nakatsu is 22 Years Old.  Her Date of Birth (DOB) is July 29, 1998.  She goes by Katey—usually spelled that way, but sometimes also spelled “Katie.”  (See Also.)  She lives in in Arizona with her…

Father   Kory Raymond Nakatsu  (DOB c. May 31, 1966)

Stepmother   Kerry Anne  (DOB c. May 26, 1968)

Sister   Lauren [Unknown Middle Name]  (DOB December 16, 2002)

Katey and Lauren have the same Biological Mother; however, nothing is known about her…  Their Father, Kory, proposed to Kerry [Unknown Maiden Name] on June 3, 2009, and they were married on August 1, 2009.

The Nakatsus have a public Family Blog, dating back to April 2004.  Based on their posts, it’s clear that, like the Duggars, the Nakatsus are deep in the Kool–Aid of IBLP / ATI.  Their Blog chronicles their regular attendance at a multitude of IBLP events, including the Big Sandy Homeschool Conference (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018); Family Connection (2014, 2015, 2016); Sound Foundations (2019); and Journey to the Heart (2013).  Additionally, the Blog reveals that the Nakatsu Family are friendly with some notable ATI families—e.g., the Bateses, Burnetts, and Waller–Kellers.

Katey was baptized on March 25, 2012, at Age 13. 

Apparently, the Nakatsus didn’t homeschool until 2012.  Until then, Katey and Lauren attended public school.  When they started homeschooling, they were part of a homeschool co–operative.  Katey graduated on May 24, 2016.  After that, she quickly started evangelizing to others.

One very odd thing on the Blog is a Post from June 10, 2018, entitled Biblical Betrothal.  The Post is password protected.  Not sure what to make of it…

76 notes Mar 17th, 2021

The first post on the Nakatsu's blog (www.nakatsus.com) is the Katey/Jed engagement video. Jed apparently proposed on February 14th, 2021.

Katlyn Koryn, Kim, Kerry- so many K names!

And Nakatsu is a Japanese name yet I don't see Japanese in the dad.

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Yes I had been extremely confused about the family's ancestry. Their website mentioned only Katey's paternal great-grandmother being Japanese, which suggested that Kory was 1/4 Japanese and Katey was 1/8, but I kept seeing other things mention he was 1/2 and the great-grandmother wouldn't have explained the surname. According to this, which is the most detailed breakdown I've seen, so I trust it, that great-grandmother married another a Japanese immigrant the day after she arrived as a picture bride. One of that couple's sons is Kory's dad, so he is 1/2 Japanese and Katey is 1/4. 

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4 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Kory actually made a film about his family history. He confirmed that he's half Japanese.

Do you have a link? I skimmed a really interesting novella about Japanese picture brides when I was supposed to be shelf-reading at the library a few years ago, and the topic has always interested me since, but I don't know much beyond what I picked up while I was reading on the sly. 

Or wait do you mean like a film FILM and not a video? I was just envisioning something with a URL, but I realize that's probably not the case if it is a film. Sorry for my confusion! Still I'd be interested in more information on it. 

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Just now, emmawoodhouse said:

No link, sorry, but I have seen pictures of his grandparents and his father as a tot elsewhere. 100% Japanese.

No worries! Thanks for the info! I'd not seen any mention of anything he'd said about his family history beyond the blog. I'll have to dig around and see what I can find.

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With all of these Duggar boys marrying, I think it is Jana who is 'dancing in her dreams' that she may be finally rid of these dirty laundry-making, sweaty, sloppy brothers in HER house. I think she will be happier when it's just her and the 4 younger girls + Jackson...never mind about her parents; they are non-participants in the daily running of the household any way. Maybe then she and Laura can relax. 

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I really don't see a huge difference between the Duggars' getting-to-know-you/courtship/engagement and the betrothal. The only difference I see is they combine the getting-to-know-you with the courtship. The asking the dad and the option to say no is the same as well.

I see the awkwardness of the engagement more as, oh shit, all I can do is side hug you. I can't front hug you, I can't kiss you, I can only show this stilted affection until we're married.

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49 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I really don't see a huge difference between the Duggars' getting-to-know-you/courtship/engagement and the betrothal. The only difference I see is they combine the getting-to-know-you with the courtship. The asking the dad and the option to say no is the same as well.

I see the awkwardness of the engagement more as, oh shit, all I can do is side hug you. I can't front hug you, I can't kiss you, I can only show this stilted affection until we're married.

In a way I don't want to watch that video again because it's so staged and stupid (fireworks??? Really???) but I also do. You see something completely different from what I see, so I'd like to look for that!

What I saw -- or what I thought I saw -- was two people whose demeanor together suggest they may hardly know each other at all. And where you see kind of frustrated desire and affection, I see near strangers who don't look like they feel any of either at this point. I just don't see any repressed desire to kiss or even to front hug or reach out, and I think we've seen that with pretty much all the other Duggarlings, except maybe Josiah -- although even he seemed quite full of enthusiasm of some variety for Marjorie, at least, although not necessarily Lauren.

I see Katey's rehearsed-looking smile of "Oh, what a surprise!" two or three times. (But of course it's not a surprise when you know someone's hired a videographer!) She has a nice smile but it seemed to appear on cue as it would if she were in a play.....And then I hear a bunch of very impersonal big-picture religious talk said by rote. And it doesn't sound like anything that Jed!, at least, would have written.

One question I have for the tradition-makers here is this -- You won't let people hold hands, but you will let them put food in each other's mouths, both by hand and with cutlery?! What kind of nonsensical rule is that? To me, feeding another person is way more intimate -- and suggestive -- than hand holding or a front hug.

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14 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

One question I have for the tradition-makers here is this -- You won't let people hold hands, but you will let them put food in each other's mouths, both by hand and with cutlery?! What kind of nonsensical rule is that? To me, feeding another person is way more intimate -- and suggestive -- than hand holding or a front hug.

Well not expecting them to make sense has solved any question of incongruity where this bunch of nuts is concerned. For me, at least. I read about them to stay informed about what crazy is out there and might be attempting to sway the more gullible in this country. My spouse laughed when I beefed up my knowledge of nonsense creationist talking points 20 years ago. Now he doesn't laugh since his BSC family has spouted those "facts" at the dinner table.

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2 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

Well not expecting them to make sense has solved any question of incongruity where this bunch of nuts is concerned. For me, at least. I read about them to stay informed about what crazy is out there and might be attempting to sway the more gullible in this county. My spouse laughed when I beefed up my knowledge of nonsense creationist talking points 20 years ago. Now he doesn't laugh since his BSC family has spouted those "facts" at the dinner table.

Very good -- if depressing -- point. I'm asking for logic from people who aren't just super-fundies but passionate devotees of Bill Gothard. Logic must be thousands of light years away from them. 

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I really don't see a huge difference between the Duggars' getting-to-know-you/courtship/engagement and the betrothal. The only difference I see is they combine the getting-to-know-you with the courtship. The asking the dad and the option to say no is the same as well.


Well, the stuff that's written about "biblical betrothal" asserts that, in the minds of those who embrace this philosophy, there is no courtship.

There's not just no dating -- there's no courtship, either. i.e., there's no period during which the couple slowly gets to know each other via gradually less supervised phone calls and meetings. With Duggarlings Jill and Jessa, we saw how the courtship period started with phone calls in which the parents participated. And then the parents participated less. And then there were date nights with the parents. And then that moved toward date nights with an accountability partner. And after that they moved to engagement, when they got some actual alone time. 

Biblical betrothal, as proponents describe it, has none of that.

In biblical betrothal, a decision that the people should marry is made by the parents. And then the couple gets engaged.

But even after the engagement, there's no slow movement toward being alone together. In fact Jed! pledged to her in his engagement vows that he'll never be alone with her until they're married. And that's what the biblical betrothal proponents say. The couple are allowed to see each other in their parents' company a bit, but there's never a period during which they see each other on their own. 

Another difference, of course, is that the Jill and Jessa courtships all started because guys came along who were either very very interested in the women -- Bin re: Jessa -- or at least very very interested in marrying into the Duggar clan -- Der re: Jill/Jim Bob.

So those relationships could never have been called "biblical betrothals," even if they'd followed these stricter "no courtship" rules once they'd begun. Because a biblical betrothal, as I understand what I've read, is never based on attraction or liking between the members of the couple. It's parent-arranged and initiated, from both sides. Period. And the relationship, such as it is, is conducted entirely in the parents' presence until the couple is married. 



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20 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Well, the stuff that's written about "biblical betrothal" asserts that, in the minds of those who embrace this philosophy, there is no courtship.

There's not just no dating -- there's no courtship, either. i.e., there's no period during which the couple slowly gets to know each other via gradually less supervised phone calls and meetings. With Duggarlings Jill and Jessa, we saw how the courtship period started with phone calls in which the parents participated. And then the parents participated less. And then there were date nights with the parents. And then that moved toward date nights with an accountability partner. And after that they moved to engagement, when they got some actual alone time. 

Biblical betrothal, as proponents describe it, has none of that.

In biblical betrothal, a decision that the people should marry is made by the parents. And then the couple gets engaged.

But even after the engagement, there's no slow movement toward being alone together. In fact Jed! pledged to her in his engagement vows that he'll never be alone with her until they're married. And that's what the biblical betrothal proponents say. The couple are allowed to see each other in their parents' company a bit, but there's never a period during which they see each other on their own. 

The Duggars, (and the Bates) other than maybe JD, were never alone until after they were married. At one wedding, maybe Jill's, they needed an accountability partner to pray together about 10 minutes before the actual ceremony. It went from get-to-know-you, with parental involvement, to official courtship, with parental involvement and accountability partners, to engagement, which allowed hand holding and also had parental involvement and accountability partners.

All the Duggar sons discussed proposing with JB and M and then asked her parents for permission to propose before actually proposing, and all the SsIL asked JB & M for their daughter's hand in marriage.

There are differences, very subtle ones, but the overall feel of it is very much the same.

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27 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:


There are differences, very subtle ones, but the overall feel of it is very much the same.

Oh, I agree that it's absolutely in the same bucket.

What I'm saying is that the people who've openly espoused Biblical Betrothal -- and defined and invented it really, I suppose -- are very adamant that it's quite distinct from the courtship model!

They like to repeat that no courting is involved because they deem courtship just as bad and dangerous as dating (which nobody else does, obviously). But the people who've pushed BB would absolutely deem something like Derick and Jill going on a courting picnic with one minor Duggarling as their only chaperone as way out of bounds and just as ungodly and unbiblical as two regular people going unchaperoned to a drive-in movie, even for an engaged couple. 

And since the Nakatsus keep their "Biblical Betrothal" stuff password protected, I expect that they do take this very intense view. 

Courting and BB may look very similar to the rest of us, but BB proponents particularly stress the ways in which they think their method differs from and is far superior to courtship. They fear courtship just as much as they fear dating, it appears. So I think that's worth keeping mind because I think their ideas about how the thing should operate are relevant to how people feel and act when they're involved in it. The difference is subtle, but I'd say it's certainly there.

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I'm shocked they went to Crystal Bridges. I've not been since 2019, amd I'm sure some of the exhibits have changed, but it is not a Duggar friendly museum AT ALL. Some of the art on display would definitely have them shouting Nike and foaming at the mouth. And I'm not just talking nudity either. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


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Based on the video, I don't think Jed and Katey have interacted beyond a handful of heavily chaperoned visits. These proposals are no surprise, but at least the Duggar daughters and in-law daughters seemed genuinely happy at that moment. Katie faked a couple smiles, accepted the ring, and promptly stuck her hands in her pockets. She and Jed then proceeded to make small talk like two strangers at a sales convention. 

This whole thing is about Boob wanting to rebrand Jed. The Bert-and-Ernie set up must've made him the laughingstock of Arkansas politics. 

3 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

Jed, Katie and Jim Bob dreaming of the White House

Lie back and think of Washington?

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More on Crystal Bridges: I can't find the specific painting I was thinking of. But the museum highlights a lot of abstract art and prioritizes highlighting diverse perspectives, including art by women, people of color, and the LGBT community. This is obvious in both the collection but also the supplemental material, such as the explanations accompanying the paintings. I saw an article from the Washington Post asking a couple of years ago if Crystal Bridges is the wokest art museum in America. It definitely has that vibe. It still shocks me this museum is in Bentonville (and not Fayetteville) and funded by Walmart Alice. And I can't adequately explain how shocked I am the Duggars did anything there. It is a swanky place, and I think they are trying to impress Katey's family. But it seems like it would offend them too.

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Something must have been wrong with my sound on that video. The only thing I could hear was the voice overs. I could only tell they were talking by their breathe in the cold.

I'm guessing the only thing that was a surprise was when/where Jed was going to propose. The father would have told Katey he was going to ask. I'm sure she figured it out the minute Jed said we're going to the barn.

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