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I can't handle Farrah. Her whole act with Dr Drew was weird and totally bitchy and almost uncomfortable to watch. And I dislike Dr Drew he's a total tool. I should've enjoyed him being talked to like that lol.

Kind of boring part 2 tho. Meh.

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It seemed to me that once Debra (and David) started claiming that because Farrah grew up in a million dollar home that she couldn't possibly be abused (Huge side eye from me.) Drew followed them down that path in order to see if they really understood what they were saying. If they honestly thought that Farrah is delusional and doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality then one would think that they would be concerned about Sophia being around someone like that. "Should someone call CPS?" might've been a way to get D&D to see that the accusations they were making were serious. Drew never got there because Deb was spewing her usual bullshit.

Drew's job is to ask the Teen Moms the questions MTV tells him to ask. He watches a few clips and goes from there. I thought he was appropriate with Farrah because she was being defensive, sarcastic and had innapropriate responses to the situation.

"I'll talk about anything you want."

"So David..."

"I'm not talking about him."

"So are you with Simon?"

"Why are you asking about him? Why would I know?"

"So what DO YOU want to talk about?"

"I'll talk about anything."

Jesus! Farrah's insufferable and hateful. Drew tries as many therapist techniques as possible to get these women to talk, but they're heavily cloaked in sudden ethics, morals and wishes for privacy. I think the reason he doesn't press so hard is that he doesn't follow the Moms on social media or watch the full episodes so he likes them a bit more and has a lot less invested than even we do!

I also thought it was super nice of Dr. Drew to ask Leah what her hobbies were now. It saved Amber the embarrassment of having to ask. 

Edited by Meatball
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I think Caitlyn got a "good edit" for many years, when MTV helped to hide her pot use (and god only knows what else).  Caitlyn likes being seen as a good, kind person who takes care of everyone else and tried to project that image on the show.      MTV has in recent seasons  been less willing to hide her flaws - plus she's really enjoyed ganging up on Farrah on camera with the other teen moms.  Her story used to be a lot more sympathetic when she was just the poor girl who was forced to give up her child for adoption or else she'd lose Tyler.  But now she's the mother of a fairly neglected child, whom she regularly dumps off on her abusive mother or crackhead grandfather.   

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We know MTV writes up the questions Dr. Drew asks the cast members, but we also know he asks a lot of questions on these shows and doesn't always get a direct answer. Kail has done the same shitty behavior towards Dr. Drew. She avoids questions, she says, "I don't wanna talk about it" and next thing you know, Dr. Drew changes the topic or Kail walks out. Amber talks in circles, she just does it differently than Farrah. Cate and Tyler throw out the judgment card and they both interrupt each other while talking so it is a bit hard to get a straight answer from those two for the most part. 

Dr. Drew bringing up Simon was MTVs way of talking shit about him. What does Simon asking for a payment of $20k something dollars have to do with Farrah? And why exactly did she need to be told that? Why was Drew telling her about him not wanting to be at the reunion show? Farrah doesn't care and was likely told by production backstage. We know the producers tell them all kinds of information. There was a lot more to discuss than Simon. 

I believe the cast members should stop throwing out the "stop judging us" mentality. They get judged more for trying to cover-up rather than saying, "Look, I did this and I shouldn't have. I know better now." They are idiots for not realizing that by now. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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While I haven't seen all of Catelynn and Tyler's life and I know they've had it rough, I've seen a lot of their life and a lot of it cosisted of MTV editing them a certain way because their story was "two down on their luck teens who made a mature decision to give up their baby, despite their parents wishes" and the show showed us clips of them talking about their grand plans of college and dreams of better things. And now mtv can't help but show us what their lives are really like.

The same can be said for Maci, she was edited as the good girl who couldn't go to school because her boyfriend wouldn't take care of their son but in recent years, MTV has dropped that facade story and shown is what she's really like.

The only two on this version who have never quite gotten a good edit is Amber and Farrah. 

And yes Farrah is awful and rude, but I think Catelynn and Tyler are rude as well. They just get a pass because their lives were shown from day one that they grew up awful and Farrah grew up in a nice home so she couldn't be hurt. Although we all saw what Debra did to her when they went car shopping (and actually point for Panda for pointing that out) and Debra's hand waving of that whole thing "I didn't even know where I was hitting, I was watching the street".. what? 

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2 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Despite all that Caitlyn has always been sweet and polite, she listens to people that are talking to her, she never yells or curses at people and always seems to have a smile a hug and a kind word to greet people with.

Cate tells people to fuck off and shut the fuck up and calls people retarded on twitter quite often. It's not on the show but she certainly doesn't seem sweet and polite in real life.  I cringe at all of these idiots posting stuff like that on their public twitter accounts.  It's like they are trying to make themselves as unemployable as possible.

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Catelynn is such a liar.   So now Matt took the hoodie so Catelynn couldn't show Amber the Xanax?   Then why was she thanking him for helping her out by giving her that Xanax the next day?   

Then made that comment about motherfuckers sitting on the couch judging aren't nova's fucking parents?   Yeah that's too bad since most people would  have enough  common sense to not leave their kid with a known crackhead.   Catelynn is trash.  Tyler probably wants to punch her in the face every time she shows her true colors when he's trying to be his MTV character.   

Edited by lexiexx
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I also agree that Cate is by no means a nice girl. She throws in her snide remarks whenever she gets a chance. "Farrah who?" She's just as bitchy as Farrah but is two-faced about it. Also, every other thing out of her mouth is "fuck the haters". Someone needs to tell these people that just because a person doesn't worship you, doesn't mean they are a "hater". 

Why did Matt not get asked about the xanax last week? 

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Don't worry guys, Tyler cleared up his entitled comment on twitter: 

I think about her parents EVERYDAY when I walk past Carly's baby picture. I'm not saying I actually AM entitled...I just FEEL entitled


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Tyler on being entitled

Tyler Baltierra @TylerBaltierra

I think about her parents EVERYDAY when I walk past Carly's baby picture. I'm not saying I actually AM entitled...I just FEEL entitled twitter.com/nikiandbb19/st…

7:31 PM - 10 Jul 2017

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10 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

My takeaway is that Farrah's childhood was full of instability . Debra is not right in the head and it sounds like Farrah was witness or victim or both. 

At least Michael is able to admit to some of the dysfunction in the home. He mentioned them fighting a lot and him being away because of it. He recognized the impact both of those could have on a child. Deb just wants to act like all was peachy keen because they had a nice house.


7 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

What about Cate's bogus story about the xanax.  I'm with you all on Dr. Drew, but at least he brought the subject up.  Matt gave her a bar?  What does that even mean?

Xanax comes in a bar shaped form. It's like a long, thin rectangle with 4 segments. (I know this not from using them, but from counting them....I was a pharmacy tech before I had kids.) Typically, though, I've only heard those who buy and sell them illegally refer to them as "bars" or "Zanie bars". It's really only the 2mg (in brand or generic) that comes in that long bar form. The other strengths are more of oval shaped tablets. 


7 hours ago, Poohbear617 said:

I have always thought that Judge Judy should be the one who hosted this show. I would pay big money to see her handle Farrah,  Deborah, Amber , Maci and Matt.

Oh my gosh, someone make this happen. I kind of want to see her yell at Tyler!

6 hours ago, Meatball said:

"I'll talk about anything you want."

"So David..."

"I'm not talking about him."

"So are you with Simon?"

"Why are you asking about him? Why would I know?"

"So what DO YOU want to talk about?"

"I'll talk about anything."

To be fair, Farrah said she would talk about anything that happened on the SHOW. Drew kept trying to ask her about things that happened 2 days ago, things he saw on Instagram. He never really asked her about her scenes with Simon on the show. 

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Good Lord! What going on with Cate? I can no longer tell where her head ends and her neck begins. 

I am going to call bullshit on Butch watching Nova for one night; they left Butch witb what looked like a instruction manual on how to care for Nova. 

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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I gotta admit I loved Farrah giving Drew without a clue a hard time.  He shows up, doesn't watch the series, asks a bunch of questions, gets lame answers and collects a check.  He can sit there and squirm a bit.  Deb should have acknowledged that Farrah is a damaged person and she (Deb) is responsible for not getting Farrah the help she needed.  Instead, she got all defensive.  The woman is so pathetic.  The thing I don't understand, is why Farrah would always have her mom babysit if she was such a crappy parent.  Now that they've limited the relationship, maybe Farrah will move on. 

Yep, I can see Tyler and Caitlynn and their litter sitting around the Thanksgiving table eating Boston Market turkey and pining for Carley. 

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Could Tyler or Cate just STFU and let the other speak? I could barely get through their segment because all they did was talk over each other. Seriously, one of you just shut the fuck up already. And Catelynn - all that money spent for braces and your teeth look NASTY. You do this thing with your lips where it looks like you try to wipe the fur off your teeth (when you don't have your fingers in your mouth chewing on cuticles). GROSS.

Farrah was ridiculous, but entertaining as hell. Why so many reaction shots of the audience during her segment, MTV? Debra is delusional, plain and simple. I totally believe she mentally, emotionally and verbally abused Farrah, which is probably where Farrah learned how to do it back to her.

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I believe that Debra had/has substance abuse and anger issues while Farrah was growing up. Michael hit the road because he couldn't handle it. I'm guessing that Debra would go off on drunken rages regularly, threatening to hurt her kids and kill herself (she says those words way too easily whenever she gets stressed). Then the next morning she would act like everything was fine, nothing to see here, we  live in a nice house. That is enough to seriously screw with a child's head. Debra won't acknowledge what happened when Farrah was growing up, which makes Farrah crazy. I really think that it's better for Farrah and Sofia not to have Deb around. It's not good for Sofia because she 1) has to watch the crazy between Farrah and Deb and 2)  it very well might end up being the dynamic between Deb and Sofia. I notice that Farrah allows Deb to take care of Sofia alone lass and less,  and that's a good idea. I wonder where Farrah's sister is on all this. We haven't seen her on camera in years.  

I just can't with Cate and Tyler. Your father has been in and out of prison and you left your kid with him. When asked, your story is that another family member never showed, but then go on to say that family member (not sure if it was a sister or cousin) was just as bad as Butch. Duh. That makes you sound like a neglectful parent. And I would love to be the lawyer or judge who got to read or write a motion by April and Butch, known druggies and convicts, convince the court that they should have custody of iCarly. I'm not even sure that actually happened but if it did, I give that a big WTF

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15 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I believe that Debra had/has substance abuse and anger issues while Farrah was growing up. Michael hit the road because he couldn't handle it. I'm guessing that Debra would go off on drunken rages regularly, threatening to hurt her kids and kill herself (she says those words way too easily whenever she gets stressed). Then the next morning she would act like everything was fine, nothing to see here, we  live in a nice house. That is enough to seriously screw with a child's head. Debra won't acknowledge what happened when Farrah was growing up, which makes Farrah crazy.  


I think you hit the nail on the head here. Michael likely knows he didn't do enough to stop it, but he also eventually left, likely because he was a target of said rages as well. The arrest with the knife, the creepy religiosity, the refusal of any wrongdoing on the basis of wealth, the unhinged screaming about wanting to die in a nail salon because your daughter doesn't like your fiance-- some weird, bad stuff went on at home. I know Farrah says she was called names after she got pregnant, but I assume they were more of the "worthless whore" (screamed drunkenly) variety rather than normal levels of anger about a teen pregnancy. Debra is good at playing victim now that she's on TV and Farrah is crazy too.

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Farrah and Debra have mastered the art of talking over anybody that even remotely wants to help. 

I think Farrah is in trouble and I think Dr. Drew knows that.  Honestly watching her last evening I am afraid for her.  No young girl wants to feel and speak that way. 

Debra is just plain nuts.  Her mothering skills are down the toilet.  She taught Farrah all the wrong things to do.  Poor Sophia.  Sometimes they show her with such a sad face.

I can't believe they keep Farrah season after season.  Do people really want to watch her decline?

Simon wants $250,000 to appear on the show.  Really? 

It's kind of strange that Amber wants Farrah to know she has real friends in the three of them.  I don't think that includes Catelyn or Maci but more Amber.  I kind of think Amber is seeing what I am seeing.  Farrah needs help...she's going down a dark tunnel but nobody sees it because of her mouth!

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I can't believe they keep Farrah season after season.  Do people really want to watch her decline?



11 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I mean, Jenelle and Amber are still on the show, so I'd say yes. 

These girls are so stupid that they don't recognize one of the truths about celebrity. Once you become one, people wait for, root for  and sit back and watch your eventual fall. The savvy ones control their public persona, the stupid ones don't. Everyone wants to see a trainwreck.

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11 hours ago, snarts said:

Oh, and what the fuck was Debra wearing?

Agree.  But what was Farrah wearing?  I'm pretty sure they know by now that their "job" that day is sitting on a couch in front of a camera, so why wear something that is awkward to sit in and doesn't even look good while you're doing it?  And there's probably going to be some stomping off the set, so perhaps lower heels might be a good idea, to avoid teetering in your romper.


10 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

You know, right now I am applauding Farrah. Yeah she can be a bitch and an asshole, but when did Dr. Drew ever interrogate any cast member the way he did with her tonight? I mean, he was pressuring her to answer questions. How many times did cast members refuse to answer a question? His smarmy attitude and that face he made as he asked the audience whether Farrah said this or that. He never got smarmy with any one else when they chose to ignore questions or deflect a topic. Did he pull that shit when Leah yelled "monkey"? Did he talk to Adumb that way when he refused to talk, answer questions, and put MTV on blast? What about when Matt side-stepped so many of Dr. Drew's questions on the episode last week and the previous reunion episodes? Fuck you, Dr. Drew. 

I'm of a different mind on this.  I've been wanting Drew to ask questions for years and he's never done it...until now.  And Farrah is a worthy opponent, with her word salad and dismissive demeanor. 

I'm hoping he keeps it up with her, and with the others.


9 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Farrah while not my favorite is probably the only one I would talk to from this program.

I wouldn't talk to her because nothing she says makes sense.

And another annoyance is that she always couches things in terms of wasting her time.  I think there were 4 or 5 last night alone.  Things like, "I don't waste my time with people who are critical."  "I don't have time to deal with negativity."

Just say you don't like it.


9 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

I am never, ever one to fat-shame anyone, but seriously...Gary looks like he is about to keel over, and he has a wife and kids to think about!

And speaking of the kids, does Leah just have a really big wide face?  Because she's looking overweight to me, and she's definitely got the genes for it.


25 minutes ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

Could Tyler or Cate just STFU and let the other speak? I could barely get through their segment because all they did was talk over each other. Seriously, one of you just shut the fuck up already. And Catelynn - all that money spent for braces and your teeth look NASTY. You do this thing with your lips where it looks like you try to wipe the fur off your teeth (when you don't have your fingers in your mouth chewing on cuticles). GROSS.

When they talk over each other like it gives me an enormous amount of anxiety.  And thanks for the description of what wiping fur off her teeth--that sucking thing she does drives me crazy. 

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3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I have to say, as much as I find Farrah's antics tiresome generally, but I have to say - I loved her taking it to Drew. Dude doesn't even watch the show, save the clips MTV provides him, but he wants to comment on social media? Get the fuck outta here with that. I just loved when she asked him, "Do you need the whole crowd backing you up?" Bahahaha! 

But actually, I sometimes feel sorry for her. I think a lot of her attitude is a big shield. I don't know if she'll ever talk about it, but I do think something major happened in her childhood, and that's why she has so much anger. Of course, that's no excuse for being a massive bitch to anyone and everyone. And as an adult, she should just cut ties instead of bringing the dysfunction back in every 5 seconds. But it really makes me angry how dismissive Deb is of the entire thing. She totally tried to minimize her part in things and she makes me sick. 


Cate and Tyler just make me roll my eyes. Cate is doing so much better now because she has taken time to focus on herself? Bahahaha, when HASN'T she focused on herself? 

And I really didn't like how they were making excuses for Butch watching Nova - "Well, that was before he had relapsed". Ummmm, like you didn't know that was coming? Dude has a 20+ year history of relapsing!!! It was a given he'd relapse, the question was - WHEN? What if it happened while he was responsible for your daughter? Come on now....

And then Tyler closes by claiming he's entitled to more interaction with Carly because he made her. Well, you also gave her away, so...no. You're not entitled to jack shit. If I sell my car, I'm not entitled to drive it on Sundays whenever I feel like it. I know, I know....not the same. But still, his logic just baffles me. 

I didn't watch Farrah's segment but I think of all the girls on the teen mom shows talking about their mental illness, Farrah is the one who has a legitimate mental issue.  

Also cate and Tyler sat there and said it was Tyler's sister who was supposed to watching nova but she is like butch.  Is she on drugs too?   Sounds like it and if that was their original plan it's still shit parenting.  How many times did cate use the word fuck on this reunion?   She has gotten really cocky and full of herself.   

Edited to add that it's interesting that it took 3 weeks for them to sign off on the adoption.  Considering cate was at Tyler's for a month afterward before Kim said she should go home.   He kept her right in his pocket till it was official.  

Edited by lexiexx
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14 hours ago, Linny said:

I can't get over the image Tyler painted of him and Cate having four kids, all gathered together around the Thanksgiving table. I can see it clearly: Tyler, Cate, Nova, Quesadilla, Velveeta, and Chipotle all fighting over the turkey and wrestling for the last piece of pie. Meanwhile, Carly's in another state feeling thankful she escaped this fate.

I about died when Tyler was waxing eloquent over future Thanksgiving dinners. I picture it with all the babies tumbling about on the floor and Catelynn humming at the stove as she made the family heirloom recipe cranberry sauce. Right. Come on! I have never seen either one of them cook, and Cate is overwhelmed and "exhausted" with her one nearly feral child. She's going to host Thanksgiving? In what world?

2 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:


I am going to call bullshit on Butch watching Nova for one night; they left Butch a what look like a instruction manual on how to care for Nova. 

And he wanted to know how much money they were leaving him. Why would he need money at all? If he's staying one night it would be child's play to make sure there was food in the house, sufficient diapers, milk and toilet paper.

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10 hours ago, salvame said:

I beg to differ - I wish to dog they would can Farrah from the screen entirely and get her the help she so desperately needs.  That is the biggest thing I hate about this show, that they are enablers more often than not.  The producers totally drive what we see, and I think they try to build up or sensationalize the situations and behaviors they hope will get more viewers. I can't believe they go through all they do to keep Farrah separate from the rest of the group.  To use  Farrah speak, I would have told her "bye bye, bitch" long ago.  

I reserve judgement on Cait and Tyler.  Though not my favorite by any means, I have never had to live, nor can imagine living, the messed-up, complicated life they live.  From being brought up by that bunch messed up folks, plus putting their firstborn up for adoption, though they were still a couple and got no support from any of their dna donors, I cannot imagine living the life they do.  Also, what's with the fat-shaming of Cait.  If she's still seeing her psychiatrist, I'm willing to bet she's on some serious meds for her mental issues, and those meds can cause a lot of weight issues.  

Bottom line is, we have not walked a mile in any of their shoes, so I don't think any of us can judge any of these young people who were given way too much access to way too much notoriety and money when very young and without knowing how to handle either.  What I really feel for them is sorrow or pity, more than any other emotion.  
Drew is merely a facilitator, or moderator, as it were.  I don't believe the finale specials are supposed to be counselling sessions.  I guess I look at them as more similar to the "talking heads" segments of other "reality" shows.

Cate admitted last night she doesn't see any therapist or ptofessional. 

This is a snark board, thus the snark.

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11 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:


And he wanted to know how much money they were leaving him. Why would he need money at all? If he's staying one night it would be child's play to make sure there was food in the house, sufficient diapers, milk and toilet paper.

Methinks this was another production trick to give the story clarity.  I think the instruction list scene with Butch was shot after the fact to explain what was happening with Nova while they were on vacation.  I think it would have been confusing with Tyler's sister in the mix and they would have had to explain Butch's issues, the sister's issues, etc.  It might have been more realistic, but the real storyline was the trip with the other moms.  

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I wonder if Farrah bullshits and browbeats the therapists that she sees? She says that she goes through them rapidly, once they start telling her things that she's "sick of hearing." I really wonder where she'll be in 10 years. Nowhere good, I imagine.

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11 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Catelynn shut that shit down quick by throwing out how people sit on their couches as they judge. 

They're called viewers, Cate.  Without them, there's no show.  No show = no money.  No money = no octagon house, no horse, no leisurely lifestyle, oops, I mean no iCarly Foundation.

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5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

But actually, I sometimes feel sorry for her. I think a lot of her attitude is a big shield. I don't know if she'll ever talk about it, but I do think something major happened in her childhood, and that's why she has so much anger. Of course, that's no excuse for being a massive bitch to anyone and everyone. And as an adult, she should just cut ties instead of bringing the dysfunction back in every 5 seconds. But it really makes me angry how dismissive Deb is of the entire thing. She totally tried to minimize her part in things and she makes me sick. 


@ghoulina I agree!

Farrah is definitely in the mind frame of I am going to hurt you before you hurt me at all times. If she even slightly thinks you are going to take a dig or try to make her look or feel  bad she will strike first. This is totally a defense mechanism. I know, I used to use it all of the time, just not to the extent she does. I have not had the best of childhoods growing up and there was a lot of dysfunction but I have managed to not be an asshole to everyone I come into contact with. At some point she needs to take personal responsibility for her words and actions.  

I watched the Family Boot Camp and Debs was in all kinds of denial about everything. She would blame everything on Michael and he would just sit there. She even left in the middle of the taping for a few days so that the good Dr could propose to her and then lied about why she left!!! Debs is all kinds of off in the head. 

Edited by IgnoranceisBLISS
to add more comments on Debs
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I'm of a different mind on this.  I've been wanting Drew to ask questions for years and he's never done it...until now.  And Farrah is a worthy opponent, with her word salad and dismissive demeanor. 

I'm hoping he keeps it up with her, and with the others.

That's the thing, we are going on 8 years of this crap and he doesn't interrogate the others at all. Last night it was as if he went in for the jugular.  He was inquiring about Farrah's social media rather than the show. It would be nice if Dr. Drew went after others the same way. If he did, I wouldn't complain: 

"Amber, you say you and Matt are broken up, but your twitter page is filled with Matt photos and references. If you two are truly done, why are you keeping up this façade?"

"Leah, you say you take care of the girls and follow the doctor's advice, but your social media clearly shows the opposite. Can you explain why Ali is not in her wheelchair and not wearing her helmet?" 

"Cate, you sit there and tell people they are judging from their couches, but you put everything about your life on this show and on your social media. In fact, you posted a naked Nova on your Snapchat. You also had CPS called on you according to the gossip sites. Do you want to elaborate?" 

And this one is what I wish Dr. Drew would interrogate Tyler about: 

"Tyler, according to the various gossip sites and what is floating around out there, you had the time of your life in New Orleans with your agent. Want to share with us about that time?" 


1 hour ago, Marisagf said:

Methinks this was another production trick to give the story clarity.  I think the instruction list scene with Butch was shot after the fact to explain what was happening with Nova while they were on vacation.  I think it would have been confusing with Tyler's sister in the mix and they would have had to explain Butch's issues, the sister's issues, etc.  It might have been more realistic, but the real storyline was the trip with the other moms.  

We know what are Butch's issues. They don't need to explain it. It is just like knowing Ryan's issues. They really don't even need to explain away who was watching Nova because frankly, her whole life has been spent with anyone else BUT Tyler and Cate. Those two going on vacation comes so natural to them because it is all they do when they are not at home. Shipping off Nova to April, Butch, a relative, a seller in Boogie Town, it doesn't matter.

I don't think the instruction list was a staged scene, but even if it was, it still doesn't negate the fact Butch, a crackhead, was left with Nova at all. 

Dr. Drew didn't ask them about April watching Nova. That would have been a good question. He also could have told them if you don't have a reliable babysitter, you, as parents and adults, need to rethink about going on vacation. Plenty of people have to change vacation plans. It isn't as if these two have 9-5 jobs to get back to. Hell, they have money to change their plans. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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I would have LOVED for him to have asked Leah and Corey why Ali is allowed to play T-ball against medical advice, Tyler and Cate why they are so rampantly disrespectful about the adoption and why they would even consider leaving Nova alone with April or Butch, Maci why she clearly drank pregnant, Amber-- I can't even choose the number of things I'd love him to grill her about...  Ironically the only two people I've seen him be somewhat hard on are Chelsea (for hooking up with Adam at the time and not showing more of her dating life onscreen... eyeroll) and Farrah. 

Edited by Lm2162
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Exactly @Lm2162. So much to touch upon with the others and yet, such a let-down. MTV is the biggest enabler of all these people. 

Dr. Drew should acknowledge how Farrah leaves a relationship that she is not happy to be in. Wouldn't that have been a great thing to say to a cast member on this show? It would have been some worthy shade to the rest of the girls who find themselves in unhappy relationships. Let's bring up females by letting them know it is ok to not be in a relationship, and breaking it off with a guy when things are toxic. Yes, I know Farrah has her own issues and is part of the reason why her relationships fail, but at least she doesn't remain in those relationships like Amber and Cate.  

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2 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Instead he ENCOURAGES Amber and Matt to stay together!

Oh God, YES! He encourages couples to "work it out." No. Just NO! There are limits to what any person should tolerate. I know people have to find their own rock bottom, but let's not encourage them to stay together either especially when you see one of them is a controlling fucker. Amber's anger is clearly still an issue with her and Dr. Drew just tip-toes around that shit.

Why didn't he interrogate her about that damn lie detector test? There is so much more to discuss than the actual test. Trust, habitual lying, the pattern of emotional abuse, Matt taking away her freedom to drive, oh geez, so many things he could have interrogated Amber about and he didn't. 

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1 hour ago, LilaFowler said:

I wonder if Farrah bullshits and browbeats the therapists that she sees? She says that she goes through them rapidly, once they start telling her things that she's "sick of hearing." I really wonder where she'll be in 10 years. Nowhere good, I imagine.

I don't think she berates them and, honestly, I do think a lot of her behavior is better than it used to be. I just think she fundamentally does not respect Dr. Drew and knows that he does not really have her interests at heart. He's just there to collect a check. Why should she demure to him?

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2 minutes ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

I don't think she berates them and, honestly, I do think a lot of her behavior is better than it used to be. I just think she fundamentally does not respect Dr. Drew and knows that he does not really have her interests at heart. He's just there to collect a check. Why should she demure to him?

..she treats everyone like that. I don't think she's any better at all. In fact, in some ways she's worsened. That rage is always just below the surface and it's like she pushes people just to have a reason to go there. She very hostile and belligerent.

They are all just there to collect a check. Is there supposed to be some altruistic angle to this show?

Edited by LilaFowler
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1 minute ago, LilaFowler said:

..she treats everyone like that. I don't think she's any better at all. In fact, in some ways she's worsened. That rage is always just below the surface and it's like she pushes people just to have a reason to go there. She very hostile and belligerent.

They are all just there to collect a check. Is there supposed to be some altruistic angle to this show?

No, I see Farrah negatively engaging with her mother less. In the past Debra would escalate and then Farrah would escalate to match. Now, she says "I'm done with this topic" and walks away or she tells her mom "You need to leave". Is her delivery always great? No, but that's still a change. 


And in Dr. Drew's case we already know he doesn't watch the show or know what's really going on. 

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1 minute ago, TeenMomAngerMgmt said:

No, I see Farrah negatively engaging with her mother less. In the past Debra would escalate and then Farrah would escalate to match. Now, she says "I'm done with this topic" and walks away or she tells her mom "You need to leave". Is her delivery always great? No, but that's still a change. 


And in Dr. Drew's case we already know he doesn't watch the show or know what's really going on. 

So instead of raging out sooner, she waits until later? That's not improved behavior IMO. Deflecting arguments and suppressing emotions until you explode is a recipe for disaster. Farrah pulled that passive-aggressive bullshit with Dr. David and instead of walking away, she engaged in an explosive fight that was days in the making. The fact is, Farrah might be mentally ill. She has no method for processing her thoughts and emotions in a healthy, productive way and more worryingly, seems to blame everyone else for everything that she's ever done. Until she realizes that she is accountable for the way that she treats people and the way that she behaves, she will never be better. She will continue to spiral downward.

As for Farrah v Dr. Drew, as far as I can tell they are one and the same. Neither one wants to fully participate with the show. Both are full of themselves, entitled and think they are special.

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3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Agree.  But what was Farrah wearing?  I'm pretty sure they know by now that their "job" that day is sitting on a couch in front of a camera, so why wear something that is awkward to sit in and doesn't even look good while you're doing it?  And there's probably going to be some stomping off the set, so perhaps lower heels might be a good idea, to avoid teetering in your romper.


I'm of a different mind on this.  I've been wanting Drew to ask questions for years and he's never done it...until now.  And Farrah is a worthy opponent, with her word salad and dismissive demeanor. 

I'm hoping he keeps it up with her, and with the others.




Farrah's is not the only one who has worn questionable attire. What was Cate wearing in the Ask the Moms special? Cate has a habit of wearing clothes that expose too much skin, particularly her legs and thighs. On the After Show specials she was exposing so much that she couldn't sit comfortable. We then have Jenelle who has had tits up to her chin on several occasions. Amber has revealed far too much of her titties in the past year and then there are the skin-tight outfits...blech.

Sadly, that wasn't Drew asking hard-nose questions. That was MTV asking Drew to look at his card and ask those Simon questions and to mention what Simon was trying to weedle out of MTV as far as how much money he should get. You know, let's talk about the earnings of the girls for once, shall we? Let's grill them about their finances.

I don't care what Simon asked for, he obviously didn't get it. He has his own Being Simon special coming up so MTV, just stop. You are in cahoots with these people.

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Dr. Drew is the same hack "doctor" that told Christina it was up to her to get Amber more time with Leah, after Gary had left the stage, Christina had that horrified look on her face at the last reunion/check-in whatever the fuck.

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3 hours ago, lexiexx said:

I think a lot of her attitude is a big shield. I don't know if she'll ever talk about it, but I do think something major happened in her childhood, and that's why she has so much anger.

I agree 100%.

9 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Farrah might be mentally ill.

I agree 100%.

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@Poohbear1234 @Poohbear617


If anyone had the right to be a colossal bitch, it would be Caitlyn.

What is the statue of limitations for adults to continue their assinine behavior due to their upbringing? At some point adults need to be held accountable for their behavior and stop with the flagrant excuses of how they were shorted in life because they weren't raised by Mike and Carol Brady.

I know this poor teenage boy who lost his mother to domestic violence. He watched her get shot to death by his father. He was raised in an abusive home. He was abused by his so-called dad. His dad is a cocaine addict. He endured trauma, hatred, abuse, cold and callous behavior from the person who should have protected him from harm. This boy roamed the streets with gang members to escape his home life. He smoked pot and drank. He has recently mentioned wanting to kill himself. He misses his mother terribly. Thankfully, he is with a family member who lives down the street from me. He is in therapy. He has such a sweet disposition. He is courteous and he has such a calming voice. He has talked to me about wanting to be a better person than his father ever was to him. He is so kind and loving to my pets. He comes around every once in a while to sit with them and brush them. He has a sibling younger than him. He is so protective of him. He doesn't curse, he doesn't yell, he gives these warm hugs, and is so well-mannered.

I point out all that because this person is someone who would have every right to say fuck you to society and be the biggest asshole on the streets. He could put so much blame on how he grew up and yet, he talks about the present and the future. I'd love for him to show Cate, Farrah, and the rest of these loons what a hard life is like.

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This applies to almost all the girls, but I'm sick of a "bad childhood" being used to excuse behavior. Yes, a bad childhood/upbringing might explain some of the behaviors we see, but these are all adults now, and they need to take some responsibility for their actions. Millions of people have less than ideal childhoods, it really sucks... even people who feel they had good childhoods, we've all been through something at some point that made life varying degrees of difficult. It really sucks, but sometimes you have to put on you big girl/boy pants and move the fuck on.

Also, my take on Dr drew... it's hard to say who has the vendetta against Farrah because we know he doesn't watch the show and reads the questions he's given, but it does seem regardless he is team 3 stooges. I don't blame him since he had that beef with Farrah a while back, but if he is gonna host the reunion he should at least act unbiased. I don't mind the harder questions, but honestly, hers weren't the things I would really want asked if we had to prioritize and not ask everyone difficult questions.

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I think they definitely need to move on. Part of it is complicated, though, by the fact that the parents are still around and toxic in most cases. Debra and Farrah are still somewhat codependent and Deb's crazy is all in our face, partly because she clearly wants a reality show paycheck (and a rap career apparently). With Butch and April-- I no longer feel "bad" for Cate and Tyler about their own experiences with them, but they're other toxic, messed up people on the show who continue to act in toxic, messed up ways. So it's not really about "excusing" anything for me as much as it is, "wow, all these people are effing crazy." Just as the former teens on the show are adults now responsible for their actions, the middle aged adults on the show are reality show participants too who are choosing to get judged in exactly the same way as their kids by appearing on TV and acting insane. And the show they're on is about their family dysfunction, so of course we are going to notice and comment on that. 

Edited by Lm2162
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