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S03.E07: The Unveiling/ S03.E08: Children of Wrath

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Is Madison gonna turn into a Walter white kind of character??... Looking FWD to what the dynamics are when the show gets back.. Will the ranch still be a whites only haven... Will Alicia continue to be disgusted by her mom... Will nick have a relapse dealing with killing Jeremiah and luciana leaving... Will Jake eventually figure out Madison is trying to take over the compound.  .and most importantly when will Victor "Flame shades " Strand show up

  • Love 5

Wow, too much back-and-forth between the natives and the preppers, exchanging hostages, having peace talks, nighttime raids, exchanging various skulls. Whew! Then, surprise!Ophelia, 30 seconds of a Daniel hallucination and Strand contacting a Russian astronaut. Huh?  The one thing that keeps me watching is the relationship between Troy and Jake.  It's messed up but compelling.

At least they addressed Madison's stiff personality - having Alicia point it out was funny. Wonder if it was added due to viewer comments about Kim Dickens non-reactions.

Edited by patty1h
Fix formatting
  • Love 7

Thank you Ofelia for showing up so I didn't have to watch another episode of them treading water :)

When Jake and Troy were driving off to bury their dad, I had a split moment of happiness, thinking that Madison was sending them to Taka as part of the deal. No such luck. I mean honestly, they had the Clarkes on the porch of that big house in the sky, why not just get rid of Racist Jr and Ticking Timebomb?

And apparently I can no longer give the rest of the ranch the benefit of the doubt of not being white supremacists, that kid looked disgusted that Taka and his people were coming to live on the ranch. 

Alicia yelling at Madison :) 

Why does Nick keep falling for these older men? I have to admit though, as much as I hated Otto, I laughed out loud when Nick showed up and he said Nick clutches to Madison's teats, lol. Like he's wrong, but that was such an unexpected line and the actor nailed it.

  • Love 2

Whelp, I called that wrong: Madison actually does care about Alicia!  She cares so much, that she was willing to spill more blood and basically fuck over a parlay for her, even thought it was even Alicia's idea to stay behind.  Yay?

At long last, Ofeila returns!  It turns out that she was with Walker and the rest of the tribe this entire time, after she was saved by him.  Also, it turns out Jeremiah left her for dead because any subtly has been tossed aside, and he's truly just a racist, drunk' white supremacist asshole.  Not exactly the most shocking news out there.  No wonder she agreed to help them, although really, the Ottos, Madison, and the rest were idiots to automatically accept her story about getting kicked out, and even let her work around food.  I would have thought that the collective paranoia of this group would have prevented something like that, but I guess I can't underestimate how dumb these guys can be.

Once Jeremiah truly revealed who he was (racist, stole the land, even killed Walker's father), I figured he was a goner.  Won't exactly miss the character since he was an one-dimensional asshole at the end, but I will miss Dayton Callie being awesome.  But with him gone, I guess there will be a power struggle between Jake and Troy, with I'm guessing Alicia backing Jake, Madison backing Troy, and who the fuck knows what Nick will do.

Oh, Alicia.  You aren't perfect, but you really deserve better family members then the jackasses you are stuck with. 

I really think they're aiming for some kind of Walter White-ish arc with Madison, but I doubt they'll end up holding her feet to the fire and owning to her horribleness like Breaking Bad.  Plus, BB had Bryan Crantson being awesome, all while Kim Dickens still seems to have forgotten how to emote.

I somehow both eye-rolled and loved Strand putting on the shades while he burned down Abigail.  Can't they find some way to have him stroll over to the East Coast eventually, and then later on the mothership, an older wiser Strand meets Rick and the gang?

A few loose threads with neither Daniel or Luciana making appearances.

Oh, Fear the Walking Dead!  To be fair, I actually think you were trying this time at least, but outside a few moments, you just aren't there, buddy.

  • Love 7

There can't be much left of the founding ranch/colony either. The 4 founders are dead and the militia got hit hard during the fight. They need more bodies to protect and work the ranch,with plenty of Indians leftover from the fight. It is not going to end well though. Period.

I think Otto was probably always a selfish, nihilistic asshole. But the end, which happened not like he thought, really brought it out. I think that was a large reason why he let Madison, is because she had "lived it". His soul was torched and she had some moxie. He liked it. The problem is, Madison sucks. Period. She can't lead anything. As we found out, she is also not a stable person. Maybe instead of fighting each other, Otto and Walker should have agreed to brain Maddie. That would have been the right move.

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Whelp, I called that wrong: Madison actually does care about Alicia!  She cares so much, that she was willing to spill more blood and basically fuck over a parlay for her, even thought it was even Alicia's idea to stay behind.  Yay?

At long last, Ofeila returns!  It turns out that she was with Walker and the rest of the tribe this entire time, after she was saved by him.  Also, it turns out Jeremiah left her for dead because any subtly has been tossed aside, and he's truly just a racist, drunk' white supremacist asshole.  Not exactly the most shocking news out there.  No wonder she agreed to help them, although really, the Ottos, Madison, and the rest were idiots to automatically accept her story about getting kicked out, and even let her work around food.  I would have thought that the collective paranoia of this group would have prevented something like that, but I guess I can't underestimate how dumb these guys can be.

Once Jeremiah truly revealed who he was (racist, stole the land, even killed Walker's father), I figured he was a goner.  Won't exactly miss the character since he was an one-dimensional asshole at the end, but I will miss Dayton Callie being awesome.  But with him gone, I guess there will be a power struggle between Jake and Troy, with I'm guessing Alicia backing Jake, Madison backing Troy, and who the fuck knows what Nick will do.

Oh, Alicia.  You aren't perfect, but you really deserve better family members then the jackasses you are stuck with. 

I really think they're aiming for some kind of Walter White-ish arc with Madison, but I doubt they'll end up holding her feet to the fire and owning to her horribleness like Breaking Bad.  Plus, BB had Bryan Crantson being awesome, all while Kim Dickens still seems to have forgotten how to emote.

I somehow both eye-rolled and loved Strand putting on the shades while he burned down Abigail.  Can't they find some way to have him stroll over to the East Coast eventually, and then later on the mothership, an older wiser Strand meets Rick and the gang?

A few loose threads with neither Daniel or Luciana making appearances.

Oh, Fear the Walking Dead!  To be fair, I actually think you were trying this time at least, but outside a few moments, you just aren't there, buddy.

Jake and Alicia are two peas in a pod. Dreamers, idealists. Maddie and Troy, realists and mentally damaged. What could go wrong?

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

I somehow both eye-rolled and loved Strand putting on the shades while he burned down Abigail.  Can't they find some way to have him stroll over to the East Coast eventually, and then later on the mothership, an older wiser Strand meets Rick and the gang?

Assuming he doesn't run into Negan first lol

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

I spent a good part of this episode imagining Walker french-braiding Ofelia's hair ... le sigh.

I would love to see that. Maybe there is a chance for a sex scene with both of them because I find him hot as hell. I totally get Ofelia's attraction to him beyond his hotness. He is very much like her father in character; dangerous and untrustworthy. Since they killed off Travis, I hope that they intend to make Walker a regular. He might the only thing that helps stop this show's plummeting ratings.

Until the preview for the next episode, I didn't realize that Walker had so many people. Those RVs could be encircle a space to protect from walkers. I get Walker's sentimental attachment to that land, but it is indefensible from a herd of walkers or human marauders. But I guess, it is early days and they probably think that they are safe out in that desert/open area.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Big Papi Juan said:

Am I the only one that hates Madison?! I hate her more with every episode. Kill this bitch off ASAP! Really, they kill off Travis but keep this fucktard on board?! I love, love, love a tough strong confident woman, but Madison comes off like some self centered arrogant vainglorious bitch. I can't stand her.

Madison was stupid to try and invade Walker's camp to rescue Alicia. Jake & Walker had  a deal & they knew each other for a long time. She created chaos for no reason. Madison has wrecked every group she has joined since leaving L.A. She even left the gate open in LA so her neighbors would get attacked.

  • Love 10

Ugh, I don't think I've ever hated a character more than Madison Clark.  She struts around like the head badass but is a self righteous, judgmental bitch, sticking her nose into everything that doesn't concern her.  She has destroyed every community they barged into.  Every time she spoke with Walker I was shouting at the tv SHOOT HER, SHOOT HER, SHOOT HER!  But alas, he didn't so I guess we're stuck with her for the rest of the season.  And I was not moved at.all by her sob story of shooting her abusive father.  (The poor acting didn't help.)  Strand's talk with the doomed cosmonaut was much more emotional.

Ofelia has suddenly become more interesting.  Dump Maddie, Show, and let's have Ofelia and Alicia be the female leads.  Bring Strand and Daniel on board, along with Walker, and we have a compelling cast!

RIP Abigail.

I almost didn't recognize Frank Dillane with his new haircut.  (Missed the beginning of the show if it was addressed.) It makes him look a lot younger.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Big Papi Juan said:

Am I the only one that hates Madison?! I hate her more with every episode. 


Yep, that's a pretty universal opinion.  I have no idea what the show thinks it's doing continuing to center on this self-righteous self-serving character who thinks she's so much smarter than she actually is, or why it's forcing more interesting characters to prop her every other scene.  Having Strand or Walker or any of the others tell me what a badass she is or what huge balls she supposedly has doesn't make it so.  The only way any of this makes sense is if we're watching the evolution of a Big Bad from the beginning, and even then I doubt she's capable of pulling it off.

The actress has been at least competent in other projects, but she's been resoundingly awful in this.

  • Love 7

I know we shouldn't comment on things like this, but if you had to chose who to lead a new show and your only material to base your decision would be clips of the Taling Dead, then I would chose Mercedes Mason over Kim Dickens. Mercedes Mason was funny, attractive and told good stories. She was bright looking and sounding. 

The only time Kim Dickens came to life last night is when she was engaging with Mercedes Mason, proving to me, that MM has that ability to "bring out" other actors.

  • Love 1

Madison doesn't generate enough emotion for me to hate her. She is just so bland. Kim Dickens' acting hasn't been anything to write home about, but I mostly blame the writing on the show which has been uniformly dreadful from day one. Despite the constant love that Strand and Daniel get here, I don't think they or any of the other characters fare much better. Strand talking to the Russian cosmonaut over the radio was just so dumb. What were the writers thinking there?  

  • Love 6

This show is so bad, I honestly don't know why I continue to watch it. 

I saw the Ophelia trickery right away. So dumb that Nick ( the scrawny addict) survives because he "is strong", yet all the militia died. If someone slipped Anthrax into my kid's drink I would bury them alive to the neck. Alicia is now like a gaunt, emotionless zombie, just like her mom and brother. 

There is not one character on this show that I care about. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, bookrat said:

Am I supposed to hate Madison because I do.

I have actually come to enjoy my hatred of Madison. The most entertaining moments of the show are when I yell "Goddammit Madison!"

As in "Goddammit Madison, if only you would have worked to learn what was going on before you. . ."

Decided to be complicit in the murders of Otto camp members.

Decided to send a team to "rescue" Alicia.

Decided to confront Walker with Ophelia as a hostage.

Comrade Veshenko! Hit your retro rockets, pop your parachute and join Stand on earth! The two of you would be much more entertaining than following the Clark family.

  • Love 6

So can anyone tell me what Travis saw in Madison that convinced him that she was a better partner than Eliza?  Awesome Eliza who could heal people and actually emote?  Anyone?  Bueller?

And I totall agree wiwth the bangs on Nick - sooooooooooo much better than that six-head he's been sporting since season 1.  Who knew drugs caused hairl loss?  Guess that's why the old man clothes of season 1 worked for him.  Now at least he doesn't look like Alicia's grandfather.

Now the debate - who has worse judgement?  Madison or Rick?  Who has unintentionally killed more innocent lives?  Ruined more sanctuaries?  Acted more arrogantly?  Who do you hate worse?

  • Love 9

Okay, I give up—What's a six-head????

1 minute ago, riverheightsnancy said:

Nick actually looks fatter now (his face) than in season one. The haircut, while an improvement, doesn't help that situation.  You know the show is bad, when you spend most of your time commenting on the hair styles of the actors. 

I thought Ofelia's hair looked GREAT!!!  Madison needed a little mousse or something to poof it up.

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I really can't deal with this level of stupid.

So, let me get this straight. 

Long ago, Ofelia drives off from the hotel leaving everyone behind to fend for themselves. Proving she can't be trusted.

Otto later sees her out in the desert and gives her water.  Leaves her behind because of her skin color. 

Ofelia, gets saved by the indians.

Ofeila eventually ends up back at the douche bag ranch, and Madison puts her to work in the kitchen.  What could possibly go wrong?

Evidently Otto didn't recognize Ofelia later when she shows up at the douche bag ranch.

Ofelia poisons the food and nearly kills Nick in the process.  Granted, she had no idea that the poison was anthrax and people could die, or so she said.

Madison wants to kill Otto, even though the indians via Ofelia are responsible for poisoning the food, making Nick sick.

The indians shot down the helicopter.   Resulting in Travis getting shot in the copter, he falls out and is presumably dead.

Nick comes in and saves the day by shooting Otto, before Madison gets the chance to.

Why is Madison on the side of the indians? 

Why didn't Madison kill Ofelia?

Why do I care?

Because it can't be said enough, this show sucks.

More Strand, please.

This is one of the things that really pissed me off last night.  Madison has been badmouthing Walker and his people from the very beginning.  She's pushed for war with them.  She even COVERED UP FOR TROY AND BLAMED THE INDIANS FOR THE MURDER OF THE TRIBBLE (sic) FAMILY!  Oh and let's not forget that they murdered Travis.  But suddenly Madison is on the Indian's side?  What the everlasting fuck?  Suddenly Madison is on the voice of truth and justice when she's been a lying, sneaky monster for ages?  I call bullshit.

Technically, Walker's argument is the right one.  The land belongs to his people and Otto has murdered his family members to get it.  But when Alicia sees the helicopter and tells Walker that he murdered her 'stepfather' his response is basically 'when you make an omelet, you have to break some eggs'.  And Alicia BUYS it!

Walker isn't a good man.  He was ready to sacrifice his people's lives for a personal beef with Jeremiah.  So I can't see the upside in siding with him.  But I think the show runners want to prove how progressive they are.  That's the only reason I can come up with for dragging a race war into a show about ZOMBIES.

  • Love 9
16 minutes ago, JackONeill said:

Okay, I give up—What's a six-head????

I thought Ofelia's hair looked GREAT!!!  Madison needed a little mousse or something to poof it up.

How many fingers you can put between the eyebrows and hairline. Many people are 4 or 3 (2 is more Neanderthal like-that chick from Real Housewives of NJ is a 2 head) . I remember when I watched Top Model, there was a lot of talk at how far back Tyra's hairline was. That sometimes happens with people who get weaves, or always wears tight ponytails, or buns for good portions of time. The constant pulling on the hairline makes it fall out permanently. 


I don't think Madison is on Taka's side. She knew they weren't going to give up. She saw how defense oriented his men could be. She saw they had a planning ability, and they wanted to take the ranch more than the fractured "leaders" of the ranch wanted to defend it. Also, letting them in helped Madison gain an even bigger foothold (getting rid of Papa Bigot) than just nursing/playing to Unhinged Troy, who will eventually snap and whose actions will turn people against her. It was smart.

Unfortunately, we now know the rest of the ranch is just as racist as Papa Bigot, so yeah, that's not gonna end well. The Clarkes can only hope to hold the ranch together long enough to find a new place to go to- cuz like others have pointed out, that ranch is horrible to protect with no walls and being so freaking open.

I enjoyed Strand's scenes just for the simple fact that he had to deal with walkers and wasn't annoying the crap out of me.

Another thought- Taka said that the skull Madison showed him was a white (dude's) skull, so who was it? Any guesses? I'm leaning towards one of his wives just because I want to find out who he shot in the head lol.

Edited by william0102
  • Love 4

I didn't get the impression that Madison was on Walker's side. She was on her own side. She wanted to stop them from attacking and destroying the ranch so she was willing to sacrifice Jeremiah which I had no problem with because he was an obnoxious racist.

As for why Madison didn't kill Ofelia, most people would find it difficult to murder someone, especially someone who they care(d) about. It is easy to talk about killing someone, it is another to actually go through with it unless you are a psychopath which Madison isn't.

@william0102, great minds about Madison and Walker. Ha

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, william0102 said:

Another thought- Taka said that the skull Madison showed him was a white (dude's) skull, so who was it? Any guesses? I'm leaning towards one of his wives just because I want to find out who he shot in the head lol.

I think he said it was a white man's guilt. What I got from that was that it was his father, but he didn't think the offer was sincere. It was just offered up as currency and not out of respect.

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I was so hoping that Madison's back story would include the following:

She went to acting school to become an actress.  Flew out to Hollywood thinking she would hit it big, only to end up as a really horrible high school guidance councilor.

I'm trying to figure out who made the worst career choice, Kim Dickens on FTWD or Penny (Big Bang Theory) in the Serial Ape-ist.

  • Love 1

One nice thing about FTWD’s half season is that they moved things along briskly. TWD could learn a thing or two. As far as the episode goes…

The Good: Alicia had some great moments – double call-outs on sanctimonious native American man and on Madison herself! Kudos to the actress for nailing each scene and if they have succeeded in one thing this half-season, they have actually rehabilitated Alicia into a decent character. And we also verified that she is 18 so even if there is some squickishness with her being with Jake, it’s legal.

The Good: The expository scene with Strand and the cosmonaut, just for the perspective it provides us and to Strand. Apparently, the Soviet space station isn’t the ISS since you would presume there would be enough supplies to keep someone in space for at least 6 months past the day the lights winked out, and it hasn’t been that long yet.

The Good: Nick cut his hair!! The Bad: It was still Nick underneath.            

The Bad:  If the goal is to make almost everyone in the main cast unlikable, you have succeeded! Madison, Ofelia, Taqa, none of them are people you really want to sink your concern into since it’s obvious that they are all out for themselves. After being off-camera all season, Ofelia is a huge disappointment: ‘I just put the stuff in their coffee, but it was only supposed to make them sick’. Really? Really, Ofelia? Madison’s righteous anger towards Ofelia was her only good scene. And that includes her big reveal scene about her family history which I guess justifies in her mind why she can do what she does. Hint, Madison: it doesn’t.

The Ugly: Thank goodness Taqa didn’t finish scalping Jake, but even the start of that was revolting and nothing I really wanted to see.

I don’t think they used Dayton Callie in the right way, but his heart didn’t look to be in it either, so perhaps it’s best they just killed him off quickly. God help them if Madison ends up in charge.

  • Love 4

Thanks @Haleth and @xaxat I clearly misheard, so I'm glad you guys heard :) 

Ofelia didn't know what the poison was though, that's why she was so upset when she went back to her crew. I mean if anything, it was naive of her to think that it would just be something to incapacitate the ranchers, she didn't know it would kill people.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Ofelia nearly killed Nick, that is more than enough reason for Madison to kill Ofelia.

It might be more than enough reason for some people, but most people still couldn't murder someone that they cared about in cold blood. Also, if Madison had killed Ofelia, she would not have been able to find out if there was a chance to save Nick from the poison.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 1

So the Griswold family did it again.  Great! 


I wonder how they will manage to get the survivors of the camp killed (And all the indians?), the job is not over yet.


When Madison gave the head to the indian at the end it reminded me that my cat did the same when he put a mouse head between my slippers on the side of my bed. 


But my cat was way more exciting than Madison doing so...

  • Love 5

Evidently Otto didn't recognize Ofelia later when she shows up at the douche bag ranch.

He definitely did recognize her, as per their talk when she was locked in a barn.



Okay, I give up—What's a six-head????

A play on the "fore" (four) part of "forehead." So one that's bigger than "normal" is a fivehead or sixhead.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

Alicia is now like a gaunt, emotionless zombie, just like her mom and brother. 

Agreed. Alycia Debnam-Carey looks like she is really phoning in her performance. In the last three episodes, and specifically in these last ones, she looks dead-eyed and blank. At first I thought it was to show the character's descent into sadness about their circumstances, but I remember the actress' performances from the early days of the show where she conveyed Alicia's feelings with a range of emotions. 

But then again, I can say the same of Frank Dillane. Kim Dickens never did anything for me though - she was emotionless from the start, but I digress.

On another note, one thing that definitely cracked me up this episode was the talk of "brown people" not being welcome over at Brokejaw Ranch; seeing Frank Dillane next to other actors at the ranch makes it seem like the preppers/white supremacists are blind. 

Last night's episodes made me wish this season did not focus solely on the ranch. although I thought the duality of Jeremiah's personality was interesting. He hates "brown people", but is cool with sharing his canteen with one of them. It was also interesting that Ofelia drank so greedily from the canteen, and was going to finish the water, but was stopped by Jeremiah... just a few episodes ago, this self-same act of  Strand greedily drinking water from Daniel's canteen was considered a negative character trait  by Ofelia's dad (whom I can not stand, but like better as a character than Madison). So watching another thirsty person gulping offered water voraciously just a few episodes apart, I wondered what the writers were saying there... was there a comparison to be drawn or am I overthinking?

Lastly, I was secretly hoping that the characters from those 30-second vignettes would have made it to Walker's hotel, and have been a part of the group of other "brownish people", but yet, another missed opportunity. Maybe they will show up when we return from the break.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, william0102 said:

Another thought- Taka said that the skull Madison showed him was a white (dude's) skull, so who was it? Any guesses? I'm leaning towards one of his wives just because I want to find out who he shot in the head lol.

Taka said the skull was just a symbol of an old white man's guilt (or shame, I forget), meaning Otto.

In response to someone else above, Otto and Ofelia did recognize each other, and had a cryptic conversation in which Otto essentially said "let bygones be bygones". All the more reason why he should have been keeping a close eye on her. Troy couldn't, because he can't spare the eye.

Edited by Gobi
  • Love 5

I wonder if the next season is going to be more of these people fighting over land in the middle of nowhere, where they have a water problem, are eventually going to run out of supplies and it looks hotter than hell all the time. Some of the prepper people are still living in tents. 

At least on TWD they move around from time to time to different places where there might be a chance at better shelter and finding supplies. 

This show is dumb. 

  • Love 2

I know they have a huge basement/warehouse/whatever full of food and guns, and I know they gave Walker (not the Texas Ranger) some water, but does the ranch have a replenishable water supply? If not, with the number of people they now have, they're going to have problems.

I don't know why Madison is so insistent on staying. It's a big sprawling heap of land with all kinds of places that walkers (the infected) could come swarming in. Sure, there are people and weapons, but we saw how well things went after the Ofelia-poisoning episode.

  • Love 3

I can only assume they're thinking that they're in such an unpopulated area with such inhospital terrain that they won't see more than the stray walker now and then that can be handled as opposed to the sizable herds we know tend to congregate in areas where there used to be more people.  It's an idea you see a lot when people start playing rounds of how they would ride out the ZA:  Getting to an isolated area away from living or dead people.

Or I've just given it more thought than Madison or the writers ever have.  In this franchise, stuff somebody else collected that I don't have to hunt for always seems to win out over is it actually defensible or sustainable.

  • Love 6

I think they have a well? I thought one son mentioned it to the dad? 

I don't know why one second they're all like, "Stay out of it, Madison!" and the next she's some important part of their conversations. And if she's so content to just stop running and have a place, she should settle down and pretend she see sees none of that bad shit. What exactly does she want already?

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, blaksheba said:

Agreed. Alycia Debnam-Carey looks like she is really phoning in her performance. In the last three episodes, and specifically in these last ones, she looks dead-eyed and blank. At first I thought it was to show the character's descent into sadness about their circumstances, but I remember the actress' performances from the early days of the show where she conveyed Alicia's feelings with a range of emotions. 

But then again, I can say the same of Frank Dillane. Kim Dickens never did anything for me though - she was emotionless from the start, but I digress.

On another note, one thing that definitely cracked me up this episode was the talk of "brown people" not being welcome over at Brokejaw Ranch; seeing Frank Dillane next to other actors at the ranch makes it seem like the preppers/white supremacists are blind. 

Last night's episodes made me wish this season did not focus solely on the ranch. although I thought the duality of Jeremiah's personality was interesting. He hates "brown people", but is cool with sharing his canteen with one of them. It was also interesting that Ofelia drank so greedily from the canteen, and was going to finish the water, but was stopped by Jeremiah... just a few episodes ago, this self-same act of  Strand greedily drinking water from Daniel's canteen was considered a negative character trait  by Ofelia's dad (whom I can not stand, but like better as a character than Madison). So watching another thirsty person gulping offered water voraciously just a few episodes apart, I wondered what the writers were saying there... was there a comparison to be drawn or am I overthinking?

Lastly, I was secretly hoping that the characters from those 30-second vignettes would have made it to Walker's hotel, and have been a part of the group of other "brownish people", but yet, another missed opportunity. Maybe they will show up when we return from the break.

I have a feeling that even though Dillane is bi-racial, he's passing for White on the show.  Although, I think it would be interesting if Nick and Alicia WERE bi-racial and they'd pulled a massive con job on Brokejaw.

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