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Season 2 Discussion

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 My takeaway from this episode- all these couples are fucked.  Except for Loren and Alexi. I think they might have a chance.

Chantal was an idiot to think she could bring a guy from a lower socio-economic background in a foreign country back to the US and have him just act like a US guy from her SEB would act. She is just a foolish, foolish girl.  She hid him from her parents because she knew they wouldn't think he was good enough.  And she is too stupid to discuss all this financial stuff before getting married!

His family are idiots too. They could have been so much more strategic if they really wanted to keep the $$$ flowing back for years to come. Their approach is short-sighted- they are clearly not skilled at playing the long game.  And then all this foolishness over "respecting my family" on both sides.

  • Love 12

For the posters who want to take a shot when someone says something, can we add taking a shot every time Paola says "my career" to the list.

Was anyone else grossed out by Paola wearing thong swimsuits and lingerie that had likely been worn by others? Even if they had been washed, it just seemed icky and unhygienic.  

Ithink Russ is worried that the salary he was offered won't allow them to live comfortably in Miami and maintain the Oklahoma house. I get that he tags along because he wants to make sure Paola doesn't get tangled up with a pornographer.  She's so desperate to be a model and is completely full of herself . 

  • Love 14
23 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Was anyone else grossed out by Paola wearing thong swimsuits and lingerie that had likely been worn by others? Even if they had been washed, it just seemed icky and unhygienic.  

Yes. I was thinking about this when the photographer said to her, "Make it like a thong" or however he worded it, meaning to pull it up between the cheeks. How many before her pulled it between their cheeks?

  • Love 7
16 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:


16 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I felt sad for her.  (Shocker there) as to have ANYONE tell ANYONE "You look fat" is cruel, let alone a grandmother.  If you are concerned about health, fine, take them aside and say it like that: "I am concerned for your health" and let the dialogue flow from there.  But to say you look fat is cruel.

No, culturally it's normal. It doesn't have the significance it does in the West.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

For the posters who want to take a shot when someone says something, can we add taking a shot every time Paola says "my career" to the list.

Was anyone else grossed out by Paola wearing thong swimsuits and lingerie that had likely been worn by others? Even if they had been washed, it just seemed icky and unhygienic.  

Ithink Russ is worried that the salary he was offered won't allow them to live comfortably in Miami and maintain the Oklahoma house. I get that he tags along because he wants to make sure Paola doesn't get tangled up with a pornographer.  She's so desperate to be a model and is completely full of herself . 

OMG her whiny "my career". that is not a career!!!lol

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

For the posters who want to take a shot when someone says something, can we add taking a shot every time Paola says "my career" to the list.

Was anyone else grossed out by Paola wearing thong swimsuits and lingerie that had likely been worn by others? Even if they had been washed, it just seemed icky and unhygienic.  

Ithink Russ is worried that the salary he was offered won't allow them to live comfortably in Miami and maintain the Oklahoma house. I get that he tags along because he wants to make sure Paola doesn't get tangled up with a pornographer.  She's so desperate to be a model and is completely full of herself . 

The whole photo shoot made me feel icky and unhygienic. Pao is such a skank to me now, and I felt that way before the photo shoot.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

She's not there to be part of a loving, mutually respectful relationship where she is is his partner, gives as much as she takes, is at least as concerned about his welfare as her own, and is invested in building a life and a future with him.


9 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

She is there to take everything she can possibly get from him, while giving little in return. And if she could find a john who is more generous, with deeper pockets, she would be gone in a snap with zero regrets.

I still find it hard to believe that if Matt or Mark become broke or get ill and the insurance won't cover the treatment, their wives will stay with them long. It soon will be "Oh, I need a better future for my son", and in Nikki's case, well she's low maintenance, but I'm sure she won't be changing his adult diapers.

The only difference is what those men get from those women. For example, Jorge wasn't looking for a "loving, mutually respectful relationship". He was getting love and care from women since he was born (mom and sisters), and he didn't long for it. He's still too young to appreciate it, and so far he only wanted a hot dominatrix, which he got. The other two guys had their hearts broken, and they want a caring relationship (or an illusion of it), and this is what they "bought" for themselves. Also, the difference is how much the women "charge" (if we speak in hooker terms). Nikki is low maintenance, Anfisa is in the higher price range, Alla is in the middle.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

The whole photo shoot made me feel icky and unhygienic. Pao is such a skank to me now, and I felt that way before the photo shoot.

Mike Ohrangutang is a legit very in demand photographer. That said, his work isn't going to be for everyone, but some of it is very well done. TLC must have paid him a pretty penny for his time

 His wife is always there for the shoots by the look of things, so that seems to take some of the sleaze factor out of it. If I were a model, I'd feel more comfortable if the photogs wife or GF was around. Not all of his work is booty shots and partial nudity.

 A beach in Brazil would show more than what Pao did, but that said, I don't see my husband being any more comfortable with it than Russ was.  My hubs is Latino, so he's not repressed like white bread Russ.  I just hope the models get to keep the unmentionables after they use them.  So icky if not.  And , a skank is a skank. No classing that up.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar

Finally got to see this last night.

As much as Family Chantel annoys me, it also annoys me when Pedro screams about respecting his culture, and then makes no attempt to try to understand American culture.  That's a two-way street.  And it's been my experience that the ones who scream the loudest about not getting respect are also the ones who rarely give respect.  That, and the obvious shade thrown by his mom and sister.  I refuse to condone the horrible behavior of Family Chantel at Pedro's Abuela's house, but I don't know how they're going to hold it all together long-term, unless this is all 100% scripted drama, which is always possible.

Wal-Mart Tom is an ass.  I don't know why Danielle went there to begin with, unless she was urged by producers.  And his "I'm neutral" crap, and then saying he was going to meet-up with Mahamitt the next day and tell him everything Danielle said.....they must all know she's not emotionally stable and they are all scumbags for this.  She's not innocent, but she's easily manipulated, and that's not cool.

Every week I like Paola less and less.  Maybe the photog is respected, etc, but she mentioned more than once that he's "all about the booty" and that would unnerve a lot of people, so some of that's on her.  I have family who moved to OK, and their kids weren't born there but were raised there, and there seems to be this pervasive attitude that women need to be "protected".  I don't think it's an insult to women - it's hard to explain.  They feel it's their duty as a husband to protect their wives.  Everyone tells Paola that Russ is controlling, but she's walking all over him, so that's crap.  I did boudoir shots for my husband once (female photog - she was great) and I had a hard time getting all "sexy" and in the end, I look uncomfortable in the photos.  My husband - who is extremely trusting - told me he was a little surprised that I did that, and he was glad I took the time to pick a good photographer because he would have felt weird about me doing that with a male photographer.  So I get where Russ is coming from.  I had no nudity in my photos at all, either.

Alexei and Loren are a little dull, but I see just where Loren gets her neediness - she was majorly babied due to her "illness".  I can't blame her parents - kids are cruel and I'm sure it was hard.  She needs counseling to learn coping skills, and things will improve greatly.  Plus I think that perhaps being the Tourette's ambassador will help her work through this.  I know it's a bit unreasonable to try to get Alexei to come along, but I agree that maybe seeing kids and families will help him get past his issues, and because it's her first speech, it would be nice to have him there.  I get where she's coming from.

  • Love 3

Family Pedro and Family Chantel just showed their awfulness, and according  to the previews things look like they're going to get much worse next week. Yeah Pedro goes on and on about respect much in the way that Mohamed  does, but respect has to be earned and it's a two-way street. I think what Pedro is showing is the machismo that is part of his culture as well. The father is either deceased or absent and if he's the only son of course he feels like he needs to look out for his family.

Things in the Dominican republic are obviously very expensive because most everything probably has to be brought in from somewhere  else. That can't be cheap. I don't think any of us would begrudge his family a few luxury items now and again. I did find the way they behaved at the airport demanding to know where the TV was  pretty rude. That wouldn't be the first thing anyone in my family would've ever said to me had I not seen them for a year or vice versa.

I think the problem that Chantel has is that her parents have always been way too involved in her life and in her face  and up her ass. I think she tends to hide things from them because they seem to be manipulative and controlling. It just saying that mother Chantel was all too quick to put that seed of doubt in her mind with regards to Pedro's true intentions. She is used to being  manipulated so of course she's going to believe what mama Chantel says,  or at least wonder if she may be right.

I think the biggest issue they had and several posters have mentioned it is that Pedro has never been clear about how much money he intends to send to the Dominican Republic  every month.  The amount should be mutually agreed upon however if he does have some extra discretionary income, I don't see it as a big deal that he sounds a little more. As he said money goes a lot further there than it does here.  Renting a respectable apartment in a respectable neighborhood in Atlanta or any other large city in the US is going to be much more expensive.  

Chantel needs to pull her head out of her ass and realize that people from different countries do things differently and many do not understand the American mentality. Even though Pedro should do what he can for his family. Whatever he does should not be at the expense of their own comfort or needs. He also needs to do right by Chantel as well.  She wanted an exotic boy toy for herself so she's got to except that he may not have been at the same level socioeconomically that her family is. She knew this when she married him so she should not look down on him for it

there, I have just about said the same thing that everybody else has said. I wonder how much the fur is going to fly next week and I also wonder how much of it is scripted.

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Chantel needs to pull her head out of her ass and realize that people from different countries do things differently and many do not understand the American mentality

Althought that's probably true, if the marriage continues, Pedro will be living in Atlanta, Georgia, and probably needs to learn as much as he can about "the American mentality."

1 hour ago, Drogo said:

Pedro:  Why you no call me all day bayBEE

Chantel:  Why didn't you call me?

Pedro:  bayBEE my phone is BROKEN

Off topic, but this reminded me of my mother (decades ago):

Mother:   (Answering the phone) Well...I haven't heard from YOU for awhile.

Me::   You can call me; the phone works both ways.

Mother:  You know I don't like to talk on the phone.

  • Love 5

They say ignorance is bliss. When Russ is having marital relations with Pao (bliss) it blinds him to the truth (ignorance) that they never will work things out unless she runs the show her way. He would have had a better shot if he had gone on Married at First Sight. If not at least he would have had his job (temporary leave of absence rather than quitting to move to Miami) and all the money he threw at lawyers and keeping this hussy happy. 

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

Althought that's probably true, if the marriage continues, Pedro will be living in Atlanta, Georgia, and probably needs to learn as much as he can about "the American mentality."

Agreed. But right now,  neither is willing to see things from the others point of view. For the marriage to continue it will take both parties willing to respect and understand the cultural norms that each one of them came from.  Americans do tend to have this hubris that their way is the only way of doing things and the only right way. 

  • Love 4
On 7/30/2017 at 6:04 PM, TigerLily20 said:

I do hate that Russ is acting like he's taking a job at McDonalds or WalMart...it's still a job in the Engineering field (which yes I know there are many different fields of engineering, my husband is one) but it's better than the NOTHING that he has right now.....I mean I'm not Pao fan but he's kind of grating on my nerves right now...

Russ is a spineless little wuss.  He needs to stand up to Pao NOW.  There is absolutely no reason why that woman is not working.  She likes the club life so much?  Find work in the clubs.  She likes Being A Spicy Latina Who Takes Her Top Off?  Then do soft-core porn stuff.  But for God's sake, WORK.  I don't understand her mentality at all.

And then there's Pedro, or, as I like to call him, Santa Claus.  I don't get this whole "his" money and "her" money mentality.  When you are married, it becomes "our" money and there must be a consensus between the two of you as to how the money should be spent.  I see a lot of people begrudging Chantel her wedding ring (which was bought using HER credit) but plenty of people actually defending Santa Pedro coming to the DR on his sleigh bearing gifts that Chantel herself has not enjoyed in the marriage.  Not sorry for saying this: I don't care what the cultural norms or traditions are.  If Chantel says that Santa Pedro and his merry sleigh stops with the money and the gifts back home, it should stop.  Period.  Being Pedro's wife, and Chantel's wishes, trump any need for a hair straightener, vitamins from Costco, or a flat screen TV.  It's not "his" money.  It's "their" money, and Chantel clearly has an objection to the Santa Pedro thing.  For Pedro to continue to do so is disrespectful to his wife in the extreme.

Edited by bethster2000
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

I see a lot of people begrudging Chantel her wedding ring (which was bought using HER credit) but plenty of people actually defending Santa Pedro coming to the DR on his sleigh bearing gifts that Chantel herself has not enjoyed in the marriage.

Right. Chantel is the wicked witch of the west for wanting (and financing in her name) a $3500 ring. I know, I know, on the internet, everyone had a ring made of organic lentils and quinoa - but $3500 isn't really outrageous. Meanwhile, Pedro has a $2500 gaming system and has leftover money not for his household, but to buy big ticket electronics, clothes, lots of toiletries (let's stop pretending like these are cheap - this is where unintentional $100 trips to Target come from), rent and anything his mother and sister desire. But that's his culture and we have to respect it.

Nah son.  It's one thing to help family, but it is not unreasonable to have some limits in place. 

If this is like Melanie and Devar, then 90% of his income goes out of the household and she is basically supporting two people by herself. In that regard, Chantel's Dad is right that she was better off single.

This is why you don't marry your vacation fuck. 

  • Love 18
6 hours ago, brillia79 said:

Right. Chantel is the wicked witch of the west for wanting (and financing in her name) a $3500 ring. I know, I know, on the internet, everyone had a ring made of organic lentils and quinoa - but $3500 isn't really outrageous. Meanwhile, Pedro has a $2500 gaming system and has leftover money not for his household, but to buy big ticket electronics, clothes, lots of toiletries (let's stop pretending like these are cheap - this is where unintentional $100 trips to Target come from), rent and anything his mother and sister desire. But that's his culture and we have to respect it.


Maybe they're using their TLC money for these things. Who knows? I have been known to "blow" surprise money on things I don't need. :-)

9 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

Russ is a spineless little wuss.  He needs to stand up to Pao NOW.  There is absolutely no reason why that woman is not working.  She likes the club life so much?  Find work in the clubs.  She likes Being A Spicy Latina Who Takes Her Top Off?  Then do soft-core porn stuff.  But for God's sake, WORK.  I don't understand her mentality at all.

And then there's Pedro, or, as I like to call him, Santa Claus.  I don't get this whole "his" money and "her" money mentality.  When you are married, it becomes "our" money and there must be a consensus between the two of you as to how the money should be spent.  

My husband and I make our own money. We have separate bank accounts. I have no idea what's in his and he has no idea what's in mine. I mean, we know what each other earns but we don't keep tab on how the other one is spending it. In our marriage, there is no such thing as "our" money. We have a household account that we both contribute to for things like the mortgage, utilities, etc. but I very much have my own money and it is deigned "mine" and not his. We've been married now for 13 years and this works for us; for others, maybe not so much. I have never asked his permission to buy anything. However, if it's a big purchase I at least give him a head's up about it. He does the same for me.

Edited by mamadrama
  • Love 7

I have not trouble understanding Pedro wanting to help his family but what I don't understand is why there is no budget or limit...Chantel might be more agreeable to say $200 a month instead of the free for all it is now.  The other stuff like lack of communication between Pedro and Chantal is another story.

 Even if flat irons are cheaper here let her save up for one, that is how it's done.  Some one tell me why Mother Pedro and sister are not working?

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Former Nun said:

I thought he lost his Oklahoma job "permanently"...couldn't find another he wanted--waited almost a year and THEN deigned to go to Miami.

  I could be wrong. I usually multitask while this is on. I have to keep my hands busy otherwise I might throw something at the tv or alarm the animals yelling at it. 

49 minutes ago, zenme said:

I thought Russ gave up his job to make it to the wedding? The rehearsal dinner? I can't remember, but I thought he gave up the job and knew he'd have a hard time if he did that. I think he said something like, "There are more jobs, but only one Pao."

That's how I remember it. They did zero planning considering the nature of a field engineer's job. They messed around, putting the wedding off, probably to suit this show's producers, then he got called to a two week field job. The job required him to be gone on magical day 90, so he just walked off the job! Why they didn't just get married before he left, is beyond my comprehension. They could have had a party (reception) anytime. He QUIT his job.

On 8/1/2017 at 10:20 AM, Former Nun said:

I know and agree with everything in your post...but your last line says it all.  He has been unemployed for a year.  He owns a house in Oklahoma that he will (most likely) lose.  His credit report will be taken into account too. He needed to do something!

As has been mentioned a few times before Oil/Gas is an incredibly cyclical industry, always has been, always will and everyone in the industry knows it. The jobs also tend to pay extremely well in places with low costs of living.

It would not be unusual for Russ to own his house outright and have enough savings to live on for years if he tighten his belt a little bit and wasn't being bleed dry by a delusional "model" that wants to live in one of the most expensive cities in the US.

I have a feeling what is going on here is that Russ is in no hurry at all to find a job and has more than enough in savings to fund his lifestyle for quite a while, he has probably made it clear that that money is to live off of until he gets his next preferred job and they have to do some belt tightening until then. Pao on the other hand thinks he should just get a job, any job and than that silly money he has to get him through a long period of unemployment becomes her personally piggy bank to fund a lavish lifestyle.

Edited by John M
  • Love 2

I think part of the reason that Pedro is defensive and angry is frustration--he does not speak English well and he is often put in situations where is outnumbered and has no one on his side. For good or ill, that useless whiny little piece of work Chantel is his wife and should be. Her constantly sending him to "meet with" her parents and creepy overinvolved brother is bullshit. She knows his English is halting at best. She cravenly sends him to fight her battles in her place because she's scared to face her parents. Who does that? Talk to your husband honestly and tell your parents to butt out. You are 25, not 15. And the thing is, never once has anyone in Family Chantel said anything like "you two need to sit down and decide how much goes to family in DR". They all say, repeatedly, that Pedro has no right to send anything to his family, especially if a single dollar sent to DR keeps Chantel that much further from the princess style she apparently expects. They say "In AMERICA, we have big fancy apartments, new cars, expensive jewelry and gaming systems". Nothing about financial planning, household budgets, or how grown up married people do things. Its just all about Chantel being first. They were never going to even try to make nice with Pedro's family. It was never about chicken feet or voodoo cauldrons. They despise Pedro, so they despise his people and never had any intention of trying to get along. They want Chantel out of this marriage and they will do whatever it takes to make that happen. Furthermore, Chantel seems to believe that Pedro is a liar and a con artist who is using her for a green card. So when he kicks her to the curb, as he will surely do once it sinks in that she has zero respect for him, her family will shake their heads, and tell Chantel "we told you so".

@mamadrama, my husband and I also have separate bank accounts. Works for us.

  • Love 13

Thanks, Drogo.  I felt the drift to the days my Sociology classes...

I think Pedro and Chantel need some good solid marriage counseling.  They need the advice of a neutral third party, instead of Family Chantel and those in the Dominican Republic.  Actually, that's one thing that I liked about Pedro's friends.  They seemed to encourage Pedro to call his wife and make everything okay.  They seemed to honor Pedro's marriage to Chantal. 

Edited by zenme
  • Love 6
17 hours ago, brillia79 said:

Right. Chantel is the wicked witch of the west for wanting (and financing in her name) a $3500 ring. I know, I know, on the internet, everyone had a ring made of organic lentils and quinoa - but $3500 isn't really outrageous. Meanwhile, Pedro has a $2500 gaming system and has leftover money not for his household, but to buy big ticket electronics, clothes, lots of toiletries (let's stop pretending like these are cheap - this is where unintentional $100 trips to Target come from), rent and anything his mother and sister desire. But that's his culture and we have to respect it.

Nah son.  It's one thing to help family, but it is not unreasonable to have some limits in place. 

If this is like Melanie and Devar, then 90% of his income goes out of the household and she is basically supporting two people by herself. In that regard, Chantel's Dad is right that she was better off single.

This is why you don't marry your vacation fuck. 


Chantel annoys me with her immaturity, her clenched jaw, and her obvious lack of communication skills with her new husband, but I do not think her ring, or her insistence that the luxuries being purchased for the in-laws are too much, were egregious.  

It also made me very uncomfortable when Pedro wanted to talk and she didn't and he was physically blocking her from leaving the room.  NOT cool.  She wasn't acting like a banshee or unreasonable.  In fact, I don't even think she made a big stink about him being out with his buddies and needing to come back right away in the middle of them having a fight.. a lot of women would have lost their shit over not hearing from him all day and would have demanded his return.  

What confuses me is how she isn't aware of the money he's sending to DR.  Don't couples trying to obtain a green card and legal status typically need a joint checking account as part of their "proof" of being a legit couple?  I totally get that many married couples have separate accounts (my husband and I do) but I thought these couples usually had joint funds to show ICE.  (like Dani and Mo.. that's how she found his new address in FLA).  

  • Love 2
On 2017-08-02 at 1:51 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

Mike Ohrangutang is a legit very in demand photographer. That said, his work isn't going to be for everyone, but some of it is very well done. TLC must have paid him a pretty penny for his time

 His wife is always there for the shoots by the look of things, so that seems to take some of the sleaze factor out of it. If I were a model, I'd feel more comfortable if the photogs wife or GF was around. Not all of his work is booty shots and partial nudity.

 A beach in Brazil would show more than what Pao did, but that said, I don't see my husband being any more comfortable with it than Russ was.  My hubs is Latino, so he's not repressed like white bread Russ.  I just hope the models get to keep the unmentionables after they use them.  So icky if not.  And , a skank is a skank. No classing that up.

The idea of a wife being present and making things safer/less sleazy is always weird to me. Women can be pimps and at the end of the day she cares about money just like him and will do what it takes and takes the shots that will sell regardless if it's porn or not and pay no mind to the model or if the husband does anything to them. It's similar to those women that allow their husbands to have multiple mistresses and treat them however they want as long as it's behind closed doors. Not that I'm implying this guy is at all like my examples but I just think neither of them care about anything other than their artistic vision, demand and money.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Hannigram said:

If the proposed new immigration law passed, Mohammit would not have gotten a green card. He doesn't have a steady means to support himself and Danielle can't afford to support him. Pao may not be able to support herself but Russ can so I guess she can get a green card. Questionable about Anfisa. 

Notice how Jorge pays for everything in cash? And I noticed the only card he had was a prepaid debit card. Given the nature of his business I doubt he is able to put much if any income in a real bank account and Anfisa needs to worry about the IRS going after her in the probably likely chance that he is not on the up and up on his taxes. I mean if she wanted to stay in the US, she would probably just say I'm out and go back to Russia if the IRS went after her.

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, John M said:

Notice how Jorge pays for everything in cash? And I noticed the only card he had was a prepaid debit card. Given the nature of his business I doubt he is able to put much if any income in a real bank account . . . <snipped mid sentence>

I remember reading an article about how banking is difficult for legitimate pot employees because, if I remember correctly,  something about banks must follow federal regulations. Plus, do you think the cash would attract drug sniffing dogs?

No way am I googling it. I googled drug tests and hair follicles while watching Southern Charm, and my facebook feed filled with drug rehab program ads.

Edited by Swim mom
How do you spell googling?
22 minutes ago, Swim mom said:

I remember reading an article about how banking is difficult for legitimate pot employees because, if I remember correctly,  something about banks must follow federal regulations. Plus, do you think the cash would attract drug sniffing dogs?

No way am I googling it. I googled drug tests and hair follicles while watching Southern Charm, and my facebook feed filled with drug rehab program ads.

OT but there's a part on Facebook where you can see all the sites that you've visited that factor in to the algorithm of the ads that show up on your Facebook feed and how your likes and profile information is used to fit whatever demographic the ad company is trying to advertise to. I liked someone's post once about parenting and the next thing I knew I had ads about surrogacy. https://www.facebook.com/about/ads/

  • Love 1
43 minutes ago, Swim mom said:

No way am I googling it. I googled drug tests and hair follicles while watching Southern Charm, and my facebook feed filled with drug rehab program ads.

OMG, same feeling. I have a good friend that runs a large-ish charity for people with AIDS, I'm gay, and I have a few good friends that are HIV+ so I generally just try and stay well informed on the subject. But my monogamous partner and myself are both HIV- and yet I'm constantly seeing ads for HIV medication and support services.

I'm sure there is some database somewhere that is pretty sure I am HIV+ and I hope that never comes back to bite me.

Edited by John M
  • Love 3

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