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S12.E01: Auditions 1

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Producer monkey shines (in my opinion) in two of the first three acts -  Preacher the comedian's act seemed rather short until Simon asked him for another joke.  He pretended to be reluctant and then came up with a string of grandma jokes.  I liked him, though.   Next, the plus size girl who just happened to sing an out of date song, judges asked for something more current, and the sound guys just happened to have her soundtrack ready.  Sorry if I seem cynical, but we've seen it before.  Oh yeah, then the stupid guy act comes on.  It's okay to watch as long as we aren't gullible like the hubby.  It bursts his bubble for me to call them out.

Edited by Babalooie
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that chicken was more talented than most people on this show. the golden girls had a chicken that played the piano.

the magician was amazing.the singing trump isnt likely to make it far. puddles pity party is a guy on you tube named mike geir. 

what an incredible escape.

darci is adorable and so talented. she deserved the golden buzzer.i can see her performing with terry fator.

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The magician was the best of the evening, IMO. The escape artist showed the back panel flipping out as he rolled out. Liked the young 12 yo dancer. The ventriloquist needs more of an act. It is like she wants to be a singer but is too afraid and uses the dummy. She is talented butbI wouldn't say golden buzzer talented. I will add that I would like to see the animal band. The chicken was cute so let's see what else they have.

Edited by HowdyTV
Another thought.
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The 12 year old dancer was on the ill-conceived SYTYCD: Next Generation

Puddles has shown up in a couple of Postmodern Jukebox's Youtube videos.

Ventriloquist girl's normal, country-ish voice we heard for two seconds was pretty good for being 12.

Magician was on pointe. The piano playing chicken is the WTF factor I'm looking for when I watch AGT. Salsa dancing couple was good, but probably just there to make up numbers for the next round.

I FF through most of the judges nonsense, but what I saw of Tyra wasn't a deal breaker for me at least.

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There used to be, and maybe still is, a chicken in New York's Chinatown who would play tic-tac-toe with you.

Did the magician just paraphrase the opening lines of Kubo and the Two Strings?

Puddles, wow who really expected that? And since I don't spend a lot of time on Youtube, I didn't.

Little girl ventriloquist was a better golden buzzer pick than Grace, so America...meet your next winner!

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Boy, did they hide Tyra.  And booooooy, was there a lot to hide!  Remember the famous, "Is that act worth $1 million?"?  Well, is Tyra worth the millionzzzzzz she is getting????  Holy cow, no.  No coinkydink whatsoever that we did not see her for even a second off/backstage pal-ing round with Heidi or Mel.

The open was as over-produced and edited as any I've ever seen.  If she is getting paid by the word, it must be something like $10K each.  I may have missed it, but I can not recall a single extemporaneous/instant reaction beyond, "It's OK.  You're OK." and so forth.  

Then, shockingly, she comes out in sweatpants!!!!! during the meh big girl singer?  Were Pasadena Po Po called in to solve the robbery of Simon by Tyra?  

So...big girl singer sings a classic torch song and Simon intervenes demanding current.  Out comes the BLUES!  And it is hailed as a semi-miraculous event.  Arguably the biggest pile of BS in AGT histoire.  Oh.  Girl had a decent enough voice.  Not enough for a yes, imo.   

Loved the magician and the chicken.  Trump and the transvestite escape dude were worth a chuckle, but not a yes.  Puddles is a Prince Poppycock wannabe.  He may have the voice to back it up.  Preacher was a hot mess and unfunny. After so many really good comics getting short shrift, I am angered that this one, out of all of them, was handed platinum opportunity.   Sand escape dude did a nice Magnum PI impression ("There's always time" (to pick a lock)) but once again, it's all about the secret compartment underneath.  ZZZZZZZ  Watching Simon read from a script when he talked to rabbit girl was sad.  She definitely deserved better and she totally merited a unanimous pass to the next round.  Golden buzzer?  Nah.

Too bad AGT no more merits a Must See TV designation.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Loved the magician.  Loved the young dancer.  He was probably my favorite.  Loved the ventriloquist.  Puddles had a decent enough voice but hate the clown shtick.  Salsa brother/sister were too repetitive for me.  Too much spinning and kicking - they did that move way too many times.  Would have liked to see more actual dancing from them.  Trump anything needs to get off my screen immediately.  Was he actually singing or just lip syncing?  I honestly couldn't tell, but I don't want to see him again.  Chicken playing the piano totally surprised me - I thought it was going to be a bust at first.  Definitely want to see the drummer next time.  Escape artist was what I expected, although I did not expect him to be the guy with the hammer.  But that was all that surprised me there.  Tyra Banks was not as bad as I expected, but neither did she wow. 

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14 hours ago, Babalooie said:

Next, the plus size girl who just happened to sing an out of date song, judges asked for something more current, and the sound guys just happened to have her soundtrack ready.  Sorry if I seem cynical, but we've seen it before.  Oh yeah, then the stupid guy act comes on.  It's okay to watch as long as we aren't gullible like the hubby.  It bursts his bubble for me to call them out.

I thought Simon had asked her if she had a second song prepared, and she said she did.  So I assumed that probably mot of the singers bring at least two options, since this isn't the first time we have seen Simon ask a singer to try something else.  Which was the "stupid guy act?" 

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I really liked the magician; at first I thought his sleight of hand was *really* good, then I realized there were multiple ways to do part of that trick, and he might have used several of them, but it would have been easier to just use one, so I'm not sure.

The escape artist took a classic escape (Houdini did it as a water can escape) and added a clever touch with the sand.  Having the wife be scared twice won't work, even though a trick like that *can* go wrong and it's dangerous if it does.

I think almost-Trump was lip-syncing (or at most, occasionally singing along) and dancing.  I'm not sure what you follow that up with.

I suspect Tyra's personality was edited down for the first show.

Putting another golden-buzzer act at the end reduced the suspense.  The girl's talent had nothing to do with my hatred of the golden buzzer on principle. 

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The ventriloquist impressed me, she didn't move her lips at all and many do a little bit.  

I agree that singers have given at least 2 songs to the audio guy.  Comics also come with plenty of material.  

The magician was good but I have become jaded.  I find them boring for the most part.  I never doubted the guy in sand was going to survive, even with his wife screaming in the wings.  

I am looking forward to the chicken band, though.  

I want more animal acts and comics, they never have enough. 

Edited by wings707
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So that's how they did it. I Ave had live chickens  before, not the smartest  animal . I would  still see the rest of the "band" the owner  did a good job in training  then that is a talent . 

Just now, crazycatlady58 said:

So that's how they did it. I have had live chickens  before, not the smartest  animal . I would  still see the rest of the "band" the owner  did a good job in training  then that is a talent . 

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20 minutes ago, ketchuplover said:

Sorry if I am about to burst some bubbles but apparently the chicken was hitting lighted keys.  They made sure not to show it.  I read that this morning.

Ha.  Well, when you think about that, still have to teach her to peck the light.  :-)

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Ah, we've come to the begining of another season of Amercia's Got Talent, but this time, and it's a first, without Nick Cannon. Tyra Banks takes over as host and already I wish she would be replaced. She tried to be like Nick by going out there in support of the act that just got 4x'ed, but it didn't work because if she wants to succeed as host she has to make it her own, but that's what I don't like about her. She doesn't come across as genuinely interested in the acts. It's all about Trya, and that's no good. Enough about Tyra, lets get to the ones that caught my eye:

. The Magician - Wow! A very good performance! I can hardly wait until his next performance.

Now, a little about the other acts on the show:

. The chubby singer - Too predictable. To me both songs were similar. Both were slow. So I just didn't see the big deal about her. Her voice was just o.k.

. Trump - Look, the guy did a pretty good job in impersonating him. I think it's ridiculous that people don't like him because he's impersonating Trump. Look at the guys act! It'a pretty good but I don't think it's good enough to make it through the later rounds.

. The siblings dancers - Too much spinning and the same thing. I wonder of they showed all their stuff in this one performance. 

. The little boy dancer - Sigh! I didin't like the kid. I've seen much better kid dancers before. Again, if you can't say "no" to a kid then there should be an age limit! Look what happened to last years overrated horrible winner. The judges couldn't say no to her!

. The escape artist - No, I've seen better!

. The clown - Uhhhh, no!


Until next time...  

29 minutes ago, ketchuplover said:

Sorry if I am about to burst some bubbles but apparently the chicken was hitting lighted keys.  They made sure not to show it.  I read that this morning.

I thought I had seen something on the keys.

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I think I now know why they "hid" Tyra so much. She changed clothes like 12 times. In every shot her hair is long, then short, then curly, then finger-waved. She's wearing sweats then a pantsuit then a dress then her hair is blonde, then PINK! Damn Tyra. They're trying to give us the illusion of all this happening in one night, in one take, no breaks. Way to kill the illusion. Personally, on a purely personal level? I hate Tyra. So much. And some of the online buzz for the season states that the Powers that Be are already sorry they hired her, as she's being "not so nice" to the contestants that don't  make it.

The magician was amaze-balls. I kinda figured out how he was doing it and I was STILL amazed and awe-struck. Somebody should've golden - buzzered him instead. So far, not hating it.

Oh and Simon is famous for the interrupt-you-got-another-song-choice? Bit. He does it alllllll the time on Britain's Got Talent. All the time. I don't think THAT one was a set-up to be honest, I've seen it done before. I kinda figure the singer/musicians/dancers may be told to have a back-up routine just in case. Only common sense to me though. Just in case the act before yours sang your song, you have an alternate.

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I think I would like ventriloquist girl better if she just sang, rather than doing the ventriloquism act.  She's an excellent singer, but a mediocre ventriloquist.   Still, you know what?  I could understand every word she sang; her enunciation with her lips almost closed was 100% better than Grace Vanderwhat's gargling and mumbling.

Tyra completely annoyed me.  The show is not about you, Tyra.  I thought it was awful what she did to the "big" girl singer when Simon said her act was too old.  When Tyra ran onstage, roughly messed up the girl's hair, yanked her earrings off her ears, then took her shoes away, it seemed to me that the girl was crying more from Tyra's multiple boundary invasions than she was from Simon's comments.   Blergh.

Mel B, you're on my last nerve already!  The Trump impersonator didn't deserve such atrocious, rude behavior from you.  There have been professional impersonators of every President during my lifetime, rather [R] or [D].  The better ones aren't about politicizing their acts.   You'd be hard-pressed to know for sure if the Trump impersonator liked or disliked the President he was impersonating, as it should be!  As for his act, I think it would be equally funny if an Obama, Bush, or Clinton impersonator came onstage and sang those particular songs while doing those exact same dance moves.  For a judge to say, "No, absolutely no!" the instant he walked onstage, and continue with her openly hostile disgust, because she didn't like the person he was impersonating?  That sucks hard, Mel B.  

Dancing boy was a little too giggly and precious for my taste.  Puddles the clown isn't nearly the singer that is Prince Poppycock.  Not by a long shot.  Nor is his persona as unique and creative as Tape Face.   The brother/sister dancers were too repetitive, as others have already said.   The escape artist wasn't unique enough for me.  I am interested in seeing the magician again.  The chicken was fun!

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16 hours ago, ketchuplover said:

Magician was either really good and or really fake.  YMMV.

How would it be fake? It actually looked like things were popping in and out due to editing, like on the old "Bewitched" show or "I Dream of Jeannie." But the show was taped live. wasn't it?

22 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

 Preacher was a hot mess and unfunny.

Agreed. Being manic and high energy doesn't automatically translate to being funny. I thought he was overpraised. So was the boy dancer, because the robot thing is so overdone, even if he did add a twist to it. And I thought the escape artist was ho hum. We don't even know if those were legitimate locks. And as someone else said, the screaming wife act can really only be done once.

2 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

Mel B, you're on my last nerve already!  The Trump impersonator didn't deserve such atrocious, rude behavior from you. 

Agreed. Yes, we get it, you don't like Trump. But come on, chill, this is an entertainment show. She was so close minded she didn't get he was actually making fun of Trump's ego and pompousness. Which makes me doubt he's a fan of Trump.

9 hours ago, wings707 said:

Ha.  Well, when you think about that, still have to teach her to peck the light.  :-)

Probably not that hard. But hopefully cruelty free. In the old days there were acts that made chickens dance by having them stand on a heated plate.

2 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

  I could understand every word she sang; her enunciation with her lips almost closed was 100% better than Grace Vanderwhat's gargling and mumbling.

I had the same thought. It brought back bad memories seeing a little blonde girl get the Golden Buzzer at the end of the first show, but at least this one actually does have talent.

And I'm already exhausted from watching the number of Tyra Banks hair and wardrobe changes. I never thought she had any talent other than being pretty. Nick was so great as MC that you never even thought much about him. He made it look easy. If the producers had the idea that "anyone can do this" they were dead wrong.

Edited by bluepiano
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Howie Mandel showing up in my twitter feed? Screams of horror echoing in the night? It can only mean one thing...

AGT IS BACK!!!111 *confetti drops* Yes it's once more time to revel in overwrought sob stories, slow-motion shots of people walking down a hallway and endless montages set to Fleur East. The judges remain the same cheerful bunch as usual, while Nick has done something weird with his hair again and looks like an entirely new person. Ah well, I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Lets's get down to business and rank these:

10: A flock of seagu...I mean Jokgu of the Flockstars. I'm sure there is a much easier way to explain this than what it initially seems like, but as far as novelty animal acts go, this wasn't bad at all. There's very little they could show us after the initial surprise wears off, but it was...neat.

9: Yoli Mayor. I remember last year when the judges stopped Sal's initial performance to guide him in the right direction of singing nothing but Ed Sheeran songs, they really helped him find his TRUE voice...Oh wait, that never happened. Meh. Everything about this felt forced, from the sob story to the judges going overboard with their praise. I feel like we've heard much better on the show before and I was left underwhelmed by her. If anything she came across as Alicia Michilli lite and a desperate attempt by the judges at creating excitement where there is none.

8: The Singing Trump. I was waiting for something like this to happen, it was pretty much inevitable. Trump impersonators are dime a dozen these days and are soon going to outnumber even people walking around as Disney mascots. That being said, this was a bit of good fun and he knew how to be witty on the spot. It's also very clearly a gimmick to hide the fact he's not actually that great of a singer or a dancers, but it worked as an audition piece. Probably not much more though...

7: Merrick Hanna. Cute. Most of the robot dancers we get on these show just do their moves to Mr. Roboto and call it a day, but creating an actual story was a clever idea. It was pretty much a modern dance number, but done with robotic moves instead. I can imagine some pretty neat things once we get to the lives if he can keep the creativity up.

6: Junior and Emily Alabi. Another dance act mixing it up a bit, this time the usual ballroom/salsa dancing we see and the more edgy hip-hop show dancing the groups usually take part in. There's clearly a LOT of talent here and it's the best human dreidel I've ever seen, but it's going to be hard for them to be anything other than fodder if they get to the lives.

5: Preacher Lawson. Chris Tucker, look out, there's a new model out. Yeah I liked him, not the funniest guy we've had on the show, but he was lively and had personality to spare, very much interested in seeing where he can go with this...

4: Demian Aditya. It's been a long time since we've seen a proper Harry Houdini escape artist/magician and he's one of the best if not THE best to appear on the show. Things like this tend to be less appreciated these days than close-up magic since the methot for each trick/escape tends to be the same, but he's a wonderful showman.

3: Darci Lynne.  If it feels like I'm underrating her, then it's only because I see a bit more potential in my top 2, but she absolutely deserved that golden buzzer and if Terry Fator ever needs to take a day off he knows who to call as a replacement. Ventriloquists obviously have a history of doing well on the show so her journey will be interesting to see, however her age probably means she's a bit more limited in her range. Still, excited to see what she can show us in the future.

2: Puddles Pity Party. I've heard of postmodern jukebox, but never came across Puddles for some reason and that has been a BIG mistake. Wow, it's EXACTLY the type of creativity this show needs, not only does he have a wonderful voice, but the character he's created is enrapturing. It's clear this isn't just a quick gimmick thrown together to stand out in a sea of singers, but a very carefully worked out character that shines through every moment he does ANYTHING on stage. The performance that was absolutely captivating to watch and listen to, he has so much emotion and personality not only in his face but his voice too. It's the first time in YEARS I've genuinely been excited and interested about a singer on the show and I'm incredibly interested in seeing what he can bring next. Forget Yoli, THIS is a dark horse. 

1. Will Tsai. This went viral days before the show even aired, which is quite telling. I've mentioned my frustration with some of the magicians on the show before, as good as Jon Dorenbos or even Matt Franco were, they were also performing minor variations on decades old tricks thousands of other magicians have done (and done better). This on the other hand was beautiful, smooth, captivating and most importantly ORIGINAL. Videos are already online explaining how he did it, but none of that matters when he managed to make it seem as effortless as he did while also being the mastermind behind the trick itself. I've been waiting for someone like him to come on the show for years now, my only real worry is that America might be getting a bit tired of magicians at this point, but if he can keep the creativity up and continue showing us original, beautiful things like this, he's a lock for the top 3 at least.

So there you have it, I started wathing season 12 with some trepidation, as much as I have enjoyed the last few seasons the format of the show has become stale and acts are starting to fall into boxes and become predictable. While the former is still true, this episode proved to me that there are still a LOT of cool stuff the show has to show us and I walk away with genuine excitement after a really strong opening episode. Whether the show can keep this momentum up is another thing entirely, but even if all the other acts here on out end up being mediocre I have at least 5 or 6 to root for and look forward to from this episode alone.


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On ‎5‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 7:46 PM, Babalooie said:

Producer monkey shines (in my opinion) in two of the first three acts -  Preacher the comedian's act seemed rather short until Simon asked him for another joke.  He pretended to be reluctant and then came up with a string of grandma jokes.  I liked him, though.   Next, the plus size girl who just happened to sing an out of date song, judges asked for something more current, and the sound guys just happened to have her soundtrack ready.  Sorry if I seem cynical, but we've seen it before.  Oh yeah, then the stupid guy act comes on.  It's okay to watch as long as we aren't gullible like the hubby.  It bursts his bubble for me to call them out.

the comedian was mediocre and lower energy until SImon asked for more.  and the singer?  it was so obvious that the whole thing was set up!

On ‎5‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 2:50 AM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

So...big girl singer sings a classic torch song and Simon intervenes demanding current.  Out comes the BLUES!  And it is hailed as a semi-miraculous event.  Arguably the biggest pile of BS in AGT histoire.  Oh.  Girl had a decent enough voice.  Not enough for a yes, imo.  

Yes, I thought it was absolutely planned and staged.   She was cut off way too early in the song for it to be anything else.   It was just SImon showing off his "I'm a record producer who recognizes raw talent, and I can turn you into a STAR!"  thing.  And it was completely set up for Tyra to take her over-done jewelry.  I was surprised they didn't have Tyra slit the skirt, add a different necklace or scarf, and change her lipstick too.  

She wasn't a good enough singer to get through. she wouldn't have made it on Idol or the Voice.   I think she only advanced because she had agreed to go along with the script.  (and was that second song more current? I didn't think so)  The whole thing would have come across as MEAN if they had made her change it up, and STILL not voted her through. 

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13 hours ago, backformore said:

Yes, I thought it was absolutely planned and staged.   She was cut off way too early in the song for it to be anything else.   It was just SImon showing off his "I'm a record producer who recognizes raw talent, and I can turn you into a STAR!"  thing.  And it was completely set up for Tyra to take her over-done jewelry.  I was surprised they didn't have Tyra slit the skirt, add a different necklace or scarf, and change her lipstick too.  

She wasn't a good enough singer to get through. she wouldn't have made it on Idol or the Voice.   I think she only advanced because she had agreed to go along with the script.  (and was that second song more current? I didn't think so)  The whole thing would have come across as MEAN if they had made her change it up, and STILL not voted her through. 

Agree with you totally about how fake this was, including Tyra changing her look, which we're supposed to think was spontaneous. (It was a way to try to establish some personality from Tyra). The girl didn't sing more than a handful of words before Simon held up his hand, with the authority of God Almighty. And as others have said, even though the second song was contemporary, it was hardly different in feel from her original song.

I do disagree with you though about the quality of her performance. She didn't blow me away, but I think she's a good singer, as good or better than a number of people who go pretty far on Idol or The Voice.

Edited by bluepiano
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18 hours ago, Frankenstein123 said:


10: A flock of seagu...I mean Jokgu of the Flockstars. I'm sure there is a much easier way to explain this than what it initially seems like, but as far as novelty animal acts go, this wasn't bad at all. There's very little they could show us after the initial surprise wears off, but it was...neat.


How it's done, using Spoiler Tags so only people who really want to know find out:


Chickens have eyesight in a wider range than humans--in a bigger range of colors I mean. And it's no coincidence that was an electronic keyboard. Many modern electronic keyboards have a training mode where they light up keys to train you to play a song. This is what was done here, except the visible light in the keys was replaced with UV. Which the chicken can see and react to, but we can't.

There you go. How a chicken can play a song on a keyboard. It still takes a trained chicken, but what it has to be trained to do is different than what you'd expect if you didn't know the information under that spoiler tag.

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Ohwell: Can't we just enjoy the chicken?  Who needs "the truth"?  Sheesh. 

LOL. Can't we just enjoy the chicken is a great enough sentence by itself, but adding the one about truth and finishing it off with a sheesh totally makes it hysterical. Thank you for the laff!  I'm going to try to incorporate "Can't we just enjoy the chicken?" into my vernacular.

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I think I agree with most on the standouts. My favorites were the magician, the ventriloquist, and the young boy robot dancer. I usually don't like the kiddos but I just thought those two were both super talented and gosh darn cute in a non-annoying way.

I am a little curious about this barnyard band being put together, but I think what really worked about the chicken was the element of surprise. Amazing way to start the season and good for one laugh, but not really sustainable long-term.

Is anything about 45 funny anymore? I don't want to see him or anything that looks like him on my television screen ever again.

Count me in a sick of Simon's "stop, do another song" shtick. Dude, we've been watching you on several shows for almost 20 years. We know your go-to lines. Come up with something new!

On 5/31/2017 at 0:08 PM, wings707 said:

The magician was good but I have become jaded.  I find them boring for the most part.  I never doubted the guy in sand was going to survive, even with his wife screaming in the wings.  

I hate when they turn up the drama for the "death-defying" acts, because, yeah, we know he's not gonna die. First of all, if a contestant died during a tryout for this show, it would have made national news. Also, there's no way the show would actually put someone dying on air because I think the FCC would flip if a broadcast network aired what is essentially a snuff film.

That tension works much better in the live rounds. Remember that one danger guy last season who got shot in the neck with a flaming arrow or whatever?

On 5/31/2017 at 6:18 PM, hnygrl said:

I think I now know why they "hid" Tyra so much. She changed clothes like 12 times. In every shot her hair is long, then short, then curly, then finger-waved. She's wearing sweats then a pantsuit then a dress then her hair is blonde, then PINK! Damn Tyra. They're trying to give us the illusion of all this happening in one night, in one take, no breaks. Way to kill the illusion. Personally, on a purely personal level? I hate Tyra. So much. And some of the online buzz for the season states that the Powers that Be are already sorry they hired her, as she's being "not so nice" to the contestants that don't  make it.

They don't really try to pretend that everything in a given episode occurred on the same day anymore. Mel and Heidi always have very obvious wardrobe and hair changes between acts. It's been about three or four seasons since they structured episodes around things like "We're in San Antonio!" or "We're in Nashville!"

On 6/1/2017 at 0:22 PM, backformore said:

She wasn't a good enough singer to get through. she wouldn't have made it on Idol or the Voice.   I think she only advanced because she had agreed to go along with the script.  (and was that second song more current? I didn't think so)  The whole thing would have come across as MEAN if they had made her change it up, and STILL not voted her through. 

"Make It Rain" was written by Northern Irish musician Foy Vance, but made famous by Ed Sheeran a few years ago when he recorded it specifically for an episode of Sons of Anarchy.

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Finally watched. My favorite way to watch this typeof show is recorded, muting, fastforwording through the intros and just watching the performances. I was impressed that the ventriloquist girl's singing was actually good - every word clear, not that naselly twang you usually get with ventriloquists.

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Can't we just enjoy the chicken? is my new How are you today?

Oh! Almost forgot!! Just give the chicken the money now! is what I'm saying in all my meetings at work going forward.

Ohwell, you are my AGT hero.

Edited by PepperMonkey
Ohwell's obvious musical chicken love.
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Put me on the Can't We Just Enjoy The Chicken love train. I volunteer to drive the locomotive on that train if OhWell will let me. And on a shallow note, that magician didn't look older than 16, much less 33, and was so cute. I already have a crush on him. As for Tyra, I really disliked Nick's showboating so I'm ignoring Tyra just like I used to ignore Nick. No big deal to me.

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3 hours ago, UncleChuck said:

I enjoyed the chicken, but "America the Beautiful" is NOT the National Anthem!

*since you like exclamation points!*  It's not my fault!  The chicken hypnotized me!

I had the Star Spangled Banner in my head for some reason.   I think what threw me off was the judges were standing with their hands over their hearts, and I thought of the National Anthem.

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28 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

*since you like exclamation points!*  It's not my fault!  The chicken hypnotized me!

I had the Star Spangled Banner in my head for some reason.   I think what threw me off was the judges were standing with their hands over their hearts, and I thought of the National Anthem.


3 hours ago, PepperMonkey said:

UncleChuck! But it should be and this talented chicken knows that!!

Can't we just enjoy the chicken, ya'll? ?

Edited by giaNtsandYankees
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12 minutes ago, PepperMonkey said:

I don't think I can eat chicken anymore.

I'm a vegetarian now.

I'm gonna still eat chicken.  ; )

If that chicken could find me, it would pretend I was a keyboard and peck me to death.     

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On ‎6‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 4:40 PM, giaNtsandYankees said:

Can't we just enjoy the chicken, ya'll? ?

To me, can't we just enjoy the chicken sounds like what Mom says at Sunday dinner of fried chicken, to interrupt the talk of politics. "Stop arguing, can't we just enjoy the chicken?"

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25 minutes ago, backformore said:

To me, can't we just enjoy the chicken sounds like what Mom says at Sunday dinner of fried chicken, to interrupt the talk of politics. "Stop arguing, can't we just enjoy the chicken?"

?Sounds like my family. When I go to visit them, they seriously get into it with politics, then I jump in trying to calm everyone down. Then I say, "So how about those Ravens?" which makes them laugh.

Okay, so it's not a chicken. But it's still a bird. ?

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On 6/4/2017 at 4:14 PM, Ohwell said:

I think what threw me off was the judges were standing with their hands over their hearts, and I thought of the National Anthem

Might be a bit confusing when they stood...except those four judges are a Canadian, two Brits and a German.  Not an American citizen to be found. 

I'm not complaining about their nationalities.  I like the judging panel, but they might not be the best to identify the National Anthem.

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1 hour ago, UncleChuck said:

Might be a bit confusing when they stood...except those four judges are a Canadian, two Brits and a German.  Not an American citizen to be found. 

I'm not complaining about their nationalities.  I like the judging panel, but they might not be the best to identify the National Anthem.

Actually Howie's an American citizen. He took the test about 5 years ago.

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I saw the chicken a while ago on Jimmy Kimmel and it made me laugh more than any other late night skit in recent memory. In that show, it had less musical but better comedic timing. I guess you can't have both at the same time.

I don't even mind that it's a dumb trick. I just love the fact that someone thought of putting a chicken on stage to play the piano.

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