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S13.E02: Week 2: Celebrity Guests

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11 hours ago, BaileyMae said:

Now for Kenny... Kenny, Kenny. He may not have a girlfriend but he does have someone he's in love with. Kenny is not looking for a wife in Rachel. He's looking for a new mother, with the right background, a female role model for his daughter. When he can't talk about anything other than his daughter... Rachel needs to ask him, "Is there any space left in your heart for me?"


Is Kenny's daughter's mom not in the picture? Is he a single dad? As much as I like Kenny, I admittedly kinda tune out when he starts going on about his daughter (much like Rachel does I think lol!) so I missed any talk of the girl's mom.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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11 hours ago, BaileyMae said:

Copper has several cast covers. You can see his cast looks different in just about every scene with him. This allows those who wear a cast to take a bath, a shower... and get into a pool.

Peter's my fav too. There are just too many signs that they should be together. Natural signs, physical signs and life signs and this is just the first couple of interactions. When you know it, you just do. I get that from both of them. We shall see if it continues and grows or not.

Josiah, he seems like a great guy just not for Rachel. He seems too cocky, to ego driven. No humbleness that makes him personable enough to enjoy him as a mate. There's no spark with them. I get a feeling he feels with everything he's done and has been through, Rachel is the kind of woman he deserves not whether they have a genuine emotional connection.

In fact I heard that from DeMario as well. "I deserve a woman like Rachel." But I'm done with DeMario... "DeMario who?" Hopefully, we will never have to see him again after next week.

Now for Kenny... Kenny, Kenny. He may not have a girlfriend but he does have someone he's in love with. Kenny is not looking for a wife in Rachel. He's looking for a new mother, with the right background, a female role model for his daughter. When he can't talk about anything other than his daughter... Rachel needs to ask him, "Is there any space left in your heart for me?"

As for Dean, I like him but I just don't think he's ready for a permanent relationship for the rest of his life. Rachel notwithstanding, but anyone right now. I just don't see it with Dean. Maybe he can convince me as time goes but no way am I there now. And that's the same for Eric. Although, I can see Eric having a level head and sincerely willing to make that kind of commitment*. I can see him believing he's lucky to have Rachel in his life, not that he deserves a woman like Rachel.

*ETA: much sooner than Dean.

I will preface my response now by saying that I've never watched an entire season of Bachelor or Bachelorette. I've occasionally seen the last episode or two of season out of curiosity regarding the pairings. So I can't speak to what most other one-on-one dates have looked like or anything else. 

Having said that, I don't know what it was that made Rachel gush over Peter so much already, although it might be things we never saw. I saw a link somewhere to a deleted scene of them on the initial plane ride, which was cute but wouldn't have added one way or the other. Regarding Peter's feelings - he didn't reveal his feelings a ton at this point (which is understandable to me). However, I rewatched the scenes after the funny Ellen show people's recap, because their brief highlights made me see something. Maybe I'm seeing more than what is there or I'm crazy, but I think his eyes were actually revealing and more expressive than anything else. When she was talking and he was looking at her, they seemed to show a lot of warmth and interest. It didn't look like just the polite eye contact that someone without interest might give you. 

I likely won't be watching this full season either, as I've never been one who could tolerate these more dramatic reality shows. But I'll be curious to watch out for more scenes with the two of them to see if he opens up more visibly moving forward.

I also like Dean so far, and I don't think his being 25 alone should disqualify him for her. Plenty of 25 year old men are married and even have started having children. If he displays an immature personality moving forward, that would be something else. But I didn't feel like his nerves were necessarily a sign of immaturity. I'm Rachel's age and I'm still super anxious on dates and questioning things I said or did. I found it cute and liked that he tried to be considerate in not pouncing on her for a kiss. But in general, depending on the guy and his maturity level, I'm all about leaving room for guys a bit younger and a bit older than me. Why not? If men can date women a million years younger, why shouldn't we? Especially since women tend to live longer. 

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I think Peter's cute and I liked their conversations, but usually the one who gets the first date is forgotten by the next episode and they continue the season feeling insecure because they haven't had a date in forever.. so I'm expecting that to happen.

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** eyes closed, fingers in ears **  La La La La La La ** eyes closed, fingers in ears ** 

You can't tell me anything bad about Peter.  He is my personal dreamboat.  He is totally fan fic worthy.   He was so quiet because he was devouring Rachel with the power of his eyes!!  All the rest of the guys are there are showy distractions for the tv, but he and Rachel have deep conversations outside of camera range.  They'll make pretty gap-toothed children!!

That is my story and I'm sticking with it!!

** eyes closed, fingers in ears **  La La La La La La ** eyes closed, fingers in ears ** 

Man, I'll be bummed if he turns out to be a dud.

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Mila Kunis is definitely an  A lister, and I feel like Ashton is an A-.... either way, i'm very surprised they would pop up on this show. Usually the lead and contestant gush over some random country music singer that we know neither one of them ever heard of, but that's all producers can get.

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I watched Kimmel last night. Rachel was on, and Kimmel did his usual pick of the F3 guys. He brags he choses correctly every single season (and he is), which makes me swear he gets his info from RS, or his PAs get it from RS and pass it along. So now I consider myself officially spoiled even though I've kept clear of the spoiler thread this season. Thanks A LOT, Kimmel.

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16 hours ago, Sharonbee said:

So it looks like Lee is the chick in the Dixie flag bikini (Unreal fans will get the reference.) He's had some questionable race related comments in his past according to media.


11 hours ago, BaileyMae said:


Who didn't know Lee from Tennessee "country boy" wouldn't have THE problem. For him he may not realize it's a problem.

I just signed in to post about this. The Huffington Post did an article, as well. He compares the NAACP to the KKK. He tells men to get a dog instead of a woman. He writes that he hates Islam. He makes a disparaging comment about the gay flag. He writes that America is becoming an "urban Vietnam" and they should practice their second amendment rights.

The fact that this man is now a contestant on a show to date a Black woman turns me off so much. I'd like to know a bit more about their vetting process and hope this gets more attention.

Edited by slade3
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1 hour ago, slade3 said:


I just signed in to post about this. The Huffington Post did an article, as well. He compares the NAACP to the KKK. He tells men to get a dog instead of a woman. He writes that he hates Islam. He makes a disparaging comment about the gay flag. He writes that America is becoming an "urban Vietnam" and they should practice their second amendment rights.

The fact that this man is now a contestant on a show to date a Black woman turns me off so much. I'd like to now a bit more about their vetting process and hope this gets more attention.

Oh, they vetted him and found reality gold.  This was no mistake. 

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That Lexi was such a mess, that frankly the thing that looked worst for DiMario wasn't that he was with her so close to taping, but that he was with her at all.

And, yeah, Lee does seem like a real piece of shit.  I'll be interested to see if he lets his traitor-state flag fly while he's in the house. 

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7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Oh, they vetted him and found reality gold.  This was no mistake. 

I'm sure you're right. I was willing to stick around if it turned out the show runners were blindsided, but the DeMario stunt makes me agree that they probably knew who he was from the beginning.

It reminds me of the fictional show UnReal, which was created by a former The Bachelor producer, I believe. In season 2, they had a Black American bachelor. One of the producers sees an opportunity for drama when the police pull the bachelor and his cousin over, and it goes awry. I stopped watching the show after that. It was ironic the show runners were trying to make a statement about the fictional producer's misstep because of her naiveté about race and managed to make their own real life misstep that displayed their own naiveté with their tone-deaf storyline about two Black men having a near-deadly run-in with police without following it up in the next episode. It was a weirdly stupid decision on the show's part.

If the producers of The Bachelorette thought it'd be fun to cast a racist White man vying for the affections of a Black woman...well, maybe they've underestimated how much some of us are willing to deal with? They've certainly lost 3 new viewers. When I told my mother about it, she said she wouldn't be watching anymore. My husband bailed after the second episode, but I was pretty sure he would still watch with me. Not anymore.

Oh well. I was thinking about only tuning in for the last couple of episodes to see who was in the final group, anyway. If I read Lee has been kicked off next week or the week after, I'll probably tune in again sooner. 

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I am not opposed to casting some contestants for drama, this show would be more boring than it is without some.  As long as there are some serious contenders and there are every season, so what?   

Now that Lee is getting national attention (Huffington post included) the odds of him getting his ass kicked back home in real life are significantly higher.   It could cost him his job or future employment, too.  

52 minutes ago, slade3 said:

Oh well. I was thinking about only tuning in for the last couple of episodes to see who was in the final group, anyway. If I read Lee has been kicked off next week or the week after, I'll probably tune in again sooner. 

Surely you don't doubt his days are numbered.  He is a ringer for a dramatic boot.  Stick around and watch the fun! 

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Oh, they vetted him and found reality gold.  This was no mistake. 

Of course it wasn't.   If he has stuff like that all over the internet they were sure to have seen it before casting.   I was so hoping this season would be like any other one except with an African American lead.  I was even glad they had the basketball date, because the last few seasons of the Bachelorette they've had a basketball date.  

  If DiMario's actions have upset the Black community because he seems to have disrespected Rachel, just think how awful this will be.

This makes me furious.  We can't just have a silly but sweet reality show about romance with the Disney Princess Rachel as lead, no, we have to confront racism at it's ugliest with a bunch of  young people who are mostly unprepared to deal with it.

My only hope is that Rachel, who no doubt has an IQ twice the size of Lee's, will put him in his place with words that will inspire everyone watching. 

ETA  I'm hoping Wings is right and it will all be over quickly.

Edited by JudyObscure
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2 hours ago, slade3 said:


I just signed in to post about this. The Huffington Post did an article, as well. He compares the NAACP to the KKK. He tells men to get a dog instead of a woman. He writes that he hates Islam. He makes a disparaging comment about the gay flag. He writes that America is becoming an "urban Vietnam" and they should practice their second amendment rights.

The fact that this man is now a contestant on a show to date a Black woman turns me off so much. I'd like to now a bit more about their vetting process and hope this gets more attention.

Yes, this is horrible on the show's part. I was really impressed so far that the casting and interactions were actually a lot like real-life in being color blind for the most part. For a known racist (never mind his misogynistic  etc. side) to be cast is so off-putting and makes the show's producers look stupidly manipulative or just stupid if they pull the "we didn't know" excuse. I don't want to see that and it makes me sick to think young people are going to see this crap too. 

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37 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I am not opposed to casting some contestants for drama, this show would be more boring than it is without some.  As long as there are some serious contenders and there are every season, so what?   

Now that Lee is getting national attention (Huffington post included) the odds of him getting his ass kicked back home in real life are significantly higher.   It could cost him his job or future employment, too.  

Surely you don't doubt his days are numbered.  He is a ringer for a dramatic boot.  Stick around and watch the fun! 

Again, I think you may be right. The national attention will hurt him. I see People magazine has picked up the story, as well as Fox. I assume the evening entertainment shows will cover it tomorrow. All I can hope is there isn't any serious racist drama in future episodes. My guess is that there is, and that's why the story was leaked now.

But, my gosh, if I wanted to see a racist "country boy" screaming at Black men on TV, I'd turn to Fox or MSNBC or CNN. I don't need a reality show about shallow love connections to do it.

41 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I was so hoping this season would be like any other one except with an African American lead.  I was even glad they had the basketball date, because the last few seasons of the Bachelorette they've had a basketball date.   

Yes, exactly. It has taken the franchise 15 years to cast a Black lead...for reasons. I'm going to assume one of those reasons was a desire to avoid issues of race on a show that is meant to be mindless escapism. So why introduce a racist? Especially when the men, as you say, are unprepared for it. That is not entertaining at all. It also makes it clear that we have another candidate who isn't on the show for Rachel. 

50 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

If DiMario's actions have upset the Black community because he seems to have disrespected Rachel, just think how awful this will be.

Speaking for myself, as a Black American woman, I wasn't upset over the DeMario stunt. Like Rachel, I was more annoyed with producers for pulling it. I know the show needs drama to keep viewers watching, but I didn't think this stunt was compelling or natural.

1 hour ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

Yes, this is horrible on the show's part. I was really impressed so far that the casting and interactions were actually a lot like real-life in being color blind for the most part. For a known racist (never mind his misogynistic  etc. side) to be cast is so off-putting and makes the show's producers look stupidly manipulative or just stupid if they pull the "we didn't know" excuse. I don't want to see that and it makes me sick to think young people are going to see this crap too. 

If the media continues to discuss this, I hope they address everything so he's exposed for being a generally horrible person. I thought his comment about America becoming an urban Vietnam and men using their second amendment rights was appalling.

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I totally agree the producers were aware.  It is also possible Rachel was too.  She may have been part of the planning for how it would play out.  But, thats just so I can hold out hope that she isnt being treated like shit by the show that regularly treats people like shit.  

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On ‎6‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 9:50 AM, peachmangosteen said:
  • Is Kenny's daughter's mom not in the picture? Is he a single dad? As much as I like Kenny, I admittedly kinda tune out when he starts going on about his daughter (much like Rachel does I think lol!) so I missed any talk of the girl's mom.

He hasn't mentioned her mother (thank all that is good) but he is definitely a single dad being that he's on a show like Bachelorette. I doubt we will have a another "what's his name" with Kenny. At least I hope.


I totally agree the producers were aware.  It is also possible Rachel was too.  She may have been part of the planning for how it would play out.  But, that's just so I can hold out hope that she isnt being treated like shit by the show that regularly treats people like shit.  

My goodness, I would hope never to believe Rachel had anything to do with someone with tweet droppings like Lee's on the show. But I do agree the show's producers are using race for ratings. I don't care why they are doing it I'm just enjoying the show. A person like Lee is like a fly buzzing over your picnic table. You swat them away and get back to the food.


If DiMario's actions have upset the Black community because he seems to have disrespected Rachel, just think how awful this will be.

I would hope it upset anyone, men and women of any race with at least a modicum of morality. But no, I doubt he will be getting any high-fives from his Bros who watched him play "great" basketball on TV.

Edited by BaileyMae
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8 hours ago, slade3 said:

It reminds me of the fictional show UnReal, which was created by a former The Bachelor producer, I believe.

The funny/not funny thing about this is that UnREAL is, according to its creators, a fictionalized behind-the-scenes look at The Bachelor.  It's not flattering to the show and I imagine The Bachelor would like to pretend to its audience that it's absolute and utter fiction.  So why they  would essentially take a page from the playbook of the "it's not like us at all" drama is baffling.

7 hours ago, wings707 said:

It could cost him his job or future employment, too.  

It could. Or it could get him the presidency.  Or a GoFundMe page with hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

8 hours ago, Alapaki said:

 I'll be interested to see if he lets his traitor-state flag fly while he's in the house. 

He's trying to be subtle but I think he's dying to.  Dying.  First, there was the comment in the first episode about how he was probably going to have a problem with some of the guys in the house.  And there was the conversation in this episode where he said something about a guy sitting across from him was a "piece of shit" and then he said he was kidding.  But was he?  And the gentleman sitting next to him for this conversation was black. 

Edited by Irlandesa
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On 5/29/2017 at 10:59 PM, catrice2 said:

Cannot get over how bored she looked with the guys from the baby challenge date, which was boring as heck. Fred and Jonathan are gone soon.   I cannot believe one was talking about changing a baby's diaper and it is clear she cannot get over babysitting the other.   Her face with Iggy....Lord!!  Even if someone had not told me Blake was the penis guy he would have annoyed me.  Loved the interaction with Dean. I picked him early as someone who could go far, but he is still too young.  There was also a part of me that kind of felt like he was working himself up to kissing a Black girl...and not sure what that would be like.   Maybe it was just general nervousness, but I still thought he was cute.

I raised an eyebrow at Rachel's criticism of the guys being boring. The common element to all of those boring conversations on the group date was Rachel herself. But I have the same reaction when I hear from my single friends that dating sucks because everyone they meet is a dud.

Perfect Peter put forth a perfect performance on his perfect date with Rachel. It was so perfect that it felt a bit robotic to me...almost as if he was saying everything he thought Rachel wanted him to say. But I guess that's dating for the first bit.

How did DeMario's team lose that basketball game? He was miles ahead of everyone else on that court. That shady half-relationship and lying was not good, but that basketball loss against a team of scrubs is what goes on his tombstone.

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14 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Of course it wasn't.   If he has stuff like that all over the internet they were sure to have seen it before casting.   I was so hoping this season would be like any other one except with an African American lead.  I was even glad they had the basketball date, because the last few seasons of the Bachelorette they've had a basketball date.  

  If DiMario's actions have upset the Black community because he seems to have disrespected Rachel, just think how awful this will be.

This makes me furious.  We can't just have a silly but sweet reality show about romance with the Disney Princess Rachel as lead, no, we have to confront racism at it's ugliest with a bunch of  young people who are mostly unprepared to deal with it.

My only hope is that Rachel, who no doubt has an IQ twice the size of Lee's, will put him in his place with words that will inspire everyone watching. 

ETA  I'm hoping Wings is right and it will all be over quickly.

I get what you're saying in that this franchise is generally escapist fare, but the reality for people of color is they deal with racism on both macro- and micro-levels every. damn. day. of their lives. I'm not saying this gives the producers carte blanche to cast someone whose beliefs wouldn't be out of place on Fox News, but sometimes real life has its way of creeping into reality shows :\

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On 5/31/2017 at 10:04 PM, Alapaki said:

is "wife her" a thing now?

That has been around a long time.  

And you can see it in Urban Dictionary added a decade ago:  http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wife her

17 hours ago, slade3 said:

I just signed in to post about this. The Huffington Post did an article, as well. He compares the NAACP to the KKK. He tells men to get a dog instead of a woman. He writes that he hates Islam. He makes a disparaging comment about the gay flag. He writes that America is becoming an "urban Vietnam" and they should practice their second amendment rights.

The fact that this man is now a contestant on a show to date a Black woman turns me off so much. I'd like to know a bit more about their vetting process and hope this gets more attention.

Holy shit!

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On ‎6‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 1:22 PM, DearEvette said:

** eyes closed, fingers in ears **  La La La La La La ** eyes closed, fingers in ears ** 

You can't tell me anything bad about Peter.  He is my personal dreamboat.  He is totally fan fic worthy.   He was so quiet because he was devouring Rachel with the power of his eyes!!  All the rest of the guys are there are showy distractions for the tv, but he and Rachel have deep conversations outside of camera range.  They'll make pretty gap-toothed children!!

That is my story and I'm sticking with it!!

** eyes closed, fingers in ears **  La La La La La La ** eyes closed, fingers in ears ** 

Man, I'll be bummed if he turns out to be a dud.

This is too funny... So here's a little treat for you. http://abc.go.com/shows/the-bachelorette/video/most-recent/VDKA3864793


Copper was like "I'm already sitting. What did I do?"


Edited by BaileyMae
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I'm still trying to figure out Lucas's "Whaaaboooom!" as a personal brand. It's not cute like "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?" But I guess it works like an annoying jingle to get in your head because everyone is talking about the annoying Whaaaboooom guy. Is that the whole purpose? He should really come up with an energy drink called Whaaaboooom! That's the only practical application of Whaaaboom that I can come up with. Or, possibly an off-brand version of the Kaboom cleanser that you might find in a dollar store, though it really would play better in an infomercial like the the original. Tough lyme stains? Whaaaboooom it! [Lucus jumps in the shower, Whaaabooooms, slips and breaks his skull on the tub--but the tile is sparkling!] All I know is that Lucas is going to be the first adult to suffer self-inflicted shaken baby syndrome with his constant and violent Whaaaboooom convulsions.

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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

All I know is that Lucas is going to be the first adult to suffer self-inflicted shaken baby syndrome with his constant and violent Whaaaboooom convulsions.

My head hurts just watching him.

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9 hours ago, Alison said:

I get what you're saying in that this franchise is generally escapist fare, but the reality for people of color is they deal with racism on both macro- and micro-levels every. damn. day. of their lives. I'm not saying this gives the producers carte blanche to cast someone whose beliefs wouldn't be out of place on Fox News, but sometimes real life has its way of creeping into reality shows :\

It particularly has a way of creeping in when they cast for it, which they must have done, this guy is not subtle about his views.  I'm not sure why you think having to deal with it day after day is a good reason for the producers to make sure Rachel also has to deal with it on this cast-controlled  show, in front of a huge TV audience.  The Bachelorette is not a PBS documentary meant to show all the ugliness of racism with Rachel as the target, having to deal with it away from her friends and family.

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18 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

It particularly has a way of creeping in when they cast for it, which they must have done, this guy is not subtle about his views.  I'm not sure why you think having to deal with it day after day is a good reason for the producers to make sure Rachel also has to deal with it on this cast-controlled  show, in front of a huge TV audience.  The Bachelorette is not a PBS documentary meant to show all the ugliness of racism with Rachel as the target, having to deal with it away from her friends and family.


I don't trust TPTB on the show to do justice to a serious issue. Not after Ben's season and those tone-deaf comments the other women made about Jubilee. (And no, I don't know if it was edited that way, or the producers encouraged that behaviour, etc.) It was all in horrible taste.

Unless I know that they've had some sensitivity training or hired some POC to keep them from screwing up, I'm going to be worried. 

I don't understand why Lee was cast, given his background.

Edited by C76
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These shows aren't made so that The Bachelor or the Bachelorette can find someone to love them - despite being deemed attractive and sociable enough to land that role, despite being young, pretty, and available, they can't find anyone to love them in the real world, it is so hard!

The shows are made to make money, and to do that they need ratings - and so these days they cast a few wackaloons who will cause trouble and drama to increase the word of mouth and get more people watching. I mean, Chad was gripping. JoJo's season collapsed  like a soggy balloon after he left, in terms of anticipating anything other than she's going to  pick that guy Jordan, which was obvious from the start. I don't remember the earlier seasons of the franchise having these sorts of stunt castings - but there was always one woman or one man the group detested; and it has been made clear and even said by various producers over the years that reality TV likes to cast people with personality disorders, and so on, for the drama and discord that ensues... 

All of this only makes it more exciting when the lead does find love - Trista and Ryan! Or love of some sort.

It's a fantasy story for grownups. The Bachelorette = Cinderella finds her prince. The Bachelor = There is a Prince Charming waiting for me out there somewhere/I remember when my husband and I met/god bless them that made my heart sing/or for others, plenty of snark!  But one designed to make money for the franchise and the networks and the advertisers.

So, yeah, as UnReal depicted, and as this season makes clear - they will stoop so low as to cast the racist country boy, or whatever. (Why Whaaaabooom, I don't know.) We're meant to get caught up in their journey and the path to true love must have obstacles. Cheaters exposed! Wrong reasons guys! Bad guys! Jerks we can cheer when they leave, etc. Maybe that's Whaaaabooom's role?

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14 hours ago, violet and green said:


So, yeah, as UnReal depicted, and as this season makes clear - they will stoop so low as to cast the racist country boy, or whatever. (Why Whaaaabooom, I don't know.) We're meant to get caught up in their journey and the path to true love must have obstacles. Cheaters exposed! Wrong reasons guys! Bad guys! Jerks we can cheer when they leave, etc. Maybe that's Whaaaabooom's role?

Good post! Agreed! People with villain potential are cast just as readily as those who might actually be a good match for the lead. Likewise, "wacky" contestants are also cast for the "laughs"--at least I presume TPTB think we'll find these people funny, but usually we're left confused trying to figure out whether they're trying to be funny or legitimately are a bit off mentally or emotionally--and we keep watching to figure it out. Whaaaboooom is this season's Ashley S from Chris's season (Mesa Verde, pomegranate onions, etc). Neither has ANY chance of being The One, but they're strange enough to get viewers talking. 

As for Lee, why would this racist asshole even stick around to date a black woman--while living with black men? Just to be on TV? (Guess I answered my own question there.) I would like to hope that maybe he's from some small, isolated, pro-Trump town and just doesn't know any better, and once he actually gets to know black people as friends he'd realize what a fucking ignorant asshole he's been. But he's the one in the previews fighting with some of the guys...who "happen" to be black? I don't think I caught what they were even yelling about. But, alas, doesn't seem like Lee is learning any life lessons here. But I get the feeling he was cast to cause drama amongst the guys, not to disenfranchise Rachel as the lead. The producers/casting for sure would think it would cause some fireworks in the house, but I bet they figure keep him in group dates only and "no harm" to Rachel--even though in reality, that's not feasible to separate the two because, duh, racism is racism, no matter whom you're directing your racist views towards. But I bet some producer will mention BLM--and scene--and then pat themselves on the back that the ensuing fireworks amongst the guys showed the racism in America for the greater good to open people's minds...oh, and garner some decent ratings, too. Anyway, yes, 100% cast because they saw those racist and misogynistic posts.

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On ‎6‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 7:14 PM, BaileyMae said:

He hasn't mentioned her mother (thank all that is good) but he is definitely a single dad being that he's on a show like Bachelorette.

Well, "single father"  can mean a lot of things.  From previous seasons, we know that the Bachelor franchise can call someone a single father, but it doesn't mean that the guy is actually raising his kid.  It means he is single, and that at some point he impregnated a woman.   

4 hours ago, JenE4 said:

As for Lee, why would this racist asshole even stick around to date a black woman--while living with black men? Just to be on TV?

Maybe he signed up for the bachelorette not knowing that he would be competing for the attentions of a black woman.  And I assume the producers know about his social media bullshit, and will use it against him at some point.  Drama! 

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27 minutes ago, backformore said:

Well, "single father"  can mean a lot of things.  From previous seasons, we know that the Bachelor franchise can call someone a single father, but it doesn't mean that the guy is actually raising his kid.  It means he is single, and that at some point he impregnated a woman.   


Yes, to me a 'single father' is someone who is the sole provider for their child and has no to little help from the mother. I don't recall Kenny saying anything at all about his daughter's mom. I just figure they have joint custody, but I have no real idea.

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16 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

No. Politics.  Stick to the episode.

Please, please, please.

People can change, we don't know what Lee's beef is yet. Let it play out. Maybe he will see the light as to that other stuff. I have no doubt he could have turned down the offer regardless. But please can we leave the politics for the nightly news.

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I know it's just a matter of taste but in the battle of who's better looking, Dean hands down is more attractive to me than Peter. I didn't realise what a cutie Dean was until his one on one with Rach. He could the the Bachelor next if Rach doesn't choose him. The only thing is he is a little young. Ben Higgins was around his age too when he was on the show and his immaturity is apparent.

It's obvious how much more Rach was into Peter than he into her. Let's see if that's a good thing or bad.

Edited by waving feather
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9 hours ago, BaileyMae said:

Please, please, please.

People can change, we don't know what Lee's beef is yet. Let it play out. Maybe he will see the light as to that other stuff. I have no doubt he could have turned down the offer regardless. But please can we leave the politics for the nightly news.

I seriously don't understand the use of "politics," here.  I haven't seen anything in this thread that I would call politics.  No Trump or Hillary or liberals or conservative.  ???

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55 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I seriously don't understand the use of "politics," here.  I haven't seen anything in this thread that I would call politics.  No Trump or Hillary or liberals or conservative.  ???

Some posts were deleted.

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9 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

Some posts were deleted.

Oh thanks, Truth.  I was worried I was going to be doing it if the meaning of politics was going to broaden out to things Lee's views.

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On 6/1/2017 at 10:22 AM, DearEvette said:

** eyes closed, fingers in ears **  La La La La La La ** eyes closed, fingers in ears ** 

You can't tell me anything bad about Peter.  He is my personal dreamboat.  He is totally fan fic worthy.   He was so quiet because he was devouring Rachel with the power of his eyes!!  All the rest of the guys are there are showy distractions for the tv, but he and Rachel have deep conversations outside of camera range.  They'll make pretty gap-toothed children!!

That is my story and I'm sticking with it!!

** eyes closed, fingers in ears **  La La La La La La ** eyes closed, fingers in ears ** 

Man, I'll be bummed if he turns out to be a dud.

You are not alone!  I expect your post to turn green!  

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On 6/2/2017 at 3:18 PM, BaileyMae said:

This is too funny... So here's a little treat for you. http://abc.go.com/shows/the-bachelorette/video/most-recent/VDKA3864793

Aww, thanks for that.  I have been rabidly trying not to be spoiled because I understand that the winner has already been spoiled.  And if it is someone I hate then I don't think I can continue to watch and I want to watch this.  So I have been avoiding any videos, even twitter.  But ABC probably won't spoil.  So I did watch the a few other deleted scenes and I have to say I am bummed they didn't air the Bollywood dance lesson with Mohit (I learned his name!) and the other guys.  It actually shows some of the camaraderie between the guys and not just the rivalry makes the show more fun.  I get that the scenes of DeMario being outed or the previews of Lee being  villain are probably high drama tv and will cause conversation, but I think they underestimate how scenes of people getting along are just as appealing.  And some of the guys are legitimately funny.

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I agree, DearEvette, that scenes of the guys having fun and getting along is more appealing to me than the "drama" and backstabbing and hatefulness and infighting. That's why I enjoyed First Dates, it was just people being themselves on a first date, without manufactured drama. Showing the guys having fun, passing the time however they do it, would let us get to know them better so we can be more glad/sad when one is sent home. I'm tired of all the negativity everywhere these days and look to this show to get away from the d*ckheads in the news 24/7. Seeing jerks here is just more depressing. Besides, aren't the bloopers/outtakes one of the things we like the most on ATFR? I'd rather see them than anything else on that final ep.

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9 hours ago, DearEvette said:

Aww, thanks for that.  I have been rabidly trying not to be spoiled because I understand that the winner has already been spoiled.  And if it is someone I hate then I don't think I can continue to watch and I want to watch this.  So I have been avoiding any videos, even twitter.  But ABC probably won't spoil.  So I did watch the a few other deleted scenes and I have to say I am bummed they didn't air the Bollywood dance lesson with Mohit (I learned his name!) and the other guys.  It actually shows some of the camaraderie between the guys and not just the rivalry makes the show more fun.  I get that the scenes of DeMario being outed or the previews of Lee being  villain are probably high drama tv and will cause conversation, but I think they underestimate how scenes of people getting along are just as appealing.  And some of the guys are legitimately funny.

You're welcome. I understand people don't want to be spoiled so I'm very careful what I will put on this tread. I thought it was appropriate for your comment. LOL.

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On ‎5‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 8:32 PM, Koala said:

Lexi: "on my father's grave...never, ever

on my—both of my kittens sleeping in my house right now

on my brother and my dad, my father's grave...

Last time he was in my house, he was f***ing me."

I think this should be the new courtroom oath:

"Do you solemnly swear -on both of my kittens sleeping in my house right now - to tell the truth . . ."

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On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 6:48 PM, JudyObscure said:

It particularly has a way of creeping in when they cast for it, which they must have done, this guy is not subtle about his views.  I'm not sure why you think having to deal with it day after day is a good reason for the producers to make sure Rachel also has to deal with it on this cast-controlled  show, in front of a huge TV audience.  The Bachelorette is not a PBS documentary meant to show all the ugliness of racism with Rachel as the target, having to deal with it away from her friends and family.

Oh, I don't think it's a good reason at all! I think it's shady as fuck for the producers to cast someone whose gross racial views can be discerned by a casual glance at his social media.

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1 hour ago, Alison said:

Oh, I don't think it's a good reason at all! I think it's shady as fuck for the producers to cast someone whose gross racial views can be discerned by a casual glance at his social media.

When Rachael realizes Lee is a feisty racist, she will be furious with production.  I hope we see a glimpse of her anger.  The reasons for CH calling her controlling are becoming clearer with each production stunt.   Go for it, Rachael.  Casting Lee was a diabolical decision and right out UnReal, season two.   

Edited by wings707
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On ‎5‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 6:40 AM, DearEvette said:

You know, I can't believe in 4 pages of comments and all the discussion of DiMario that no one has yet put this gem out there:


“You can either sink with the fishes or you can swim to shore. And we’re gonna see who’s built Ford tough.”

We're falling down on the job here!  Because DiMario's lack of understanding of how fishes actually function is about as bad as his "Who's this?" reaction.  Also why bring trucks into it?

Mario's understanding of fishes is equivalent to Debbie's (Survivor Gamechangers) understanding of how dictatorships and democracies work.

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On 6/5/2017 at 9:48 AM, Lamb18 said:

Mario's understanding of fishes is equivalent to Debbie's (Survivor Gamechangers) understanding of how dictatorships and democracies work.

He may also have a shaky grasp on time. This week's previouslies reminded me of one of DiMario's weak protests that I let slide last week, exclaiming that he met Lexi "many times ago".  WHAT?

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I finally watched this episode and have my two cents to add on Peter:

I think he likes her but is cautious. I was looking at his face and eyes during their date. From his expressions I thought he was feeling, " Can this really be happening to me?" and "I hope I don't blow it."

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On 6/4/2017 at 11:52 AM, DearEvette said:

So I did watch the a few other deleted scenes and I have to say I am bummed they didn't air the Bollywood dance lesson with Mohit (I learned his name!) and the other guys.  It actually shows some of the camaraderie between the guys and not just the rivalry makes the show more fun.  I get that the scenes of DeMario being outed or the previews of Lee being  villain are probably high drama tv and will cause conversation, but I think they underestimate how scenes of people getting along are just as appealing.  And some of the guys are legitimately funny.

This. So much this. The brief little scenes they show at the end of episodes are pretty much always among my favourite moments of each episode, and they almost always show either a contestant and the lead or a few contestants just hanging out and goofing off. They are among the more genuine moments we see, and I for one find them truly delightful more often than not. Why can't we have more of that instead of the shouty, angsty, stupid bullshit they show us during the actual episodes?

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On 5/30/2017 at 8:15 AM, nutty1 said:

I read that Blake did indeed leave for a family emergency, but they didn't edit it that way.

She still didn't pick him though, no matter how it was edited. He was soo on my Radar!

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I´ve been watching this show for years, mostly for the wrong reasons but I also just like guessing who is picked, sent home etc. I´ve always placed Emily on top of the bachelorette list as someone who was incredibly stunning and attractive (to guys at least) but her personality wasn´t that great. Rachel is almost on an Emily level, she´s stunning, but she´s also very smart and incredibly nice. I just love her as the bachelorette. I really like how many of the guys seem ready to fight to the death for her, these guys are much more attractive over all than the guys Emily had (even though her final 2 were among the best ever), and some of the black guys are just dead-set on marrying her, so it will become very dramatic without resulting in some fake, hyped drama. I think she´s the first b´ette to have a guy crying after not getting a rose...

I got some kind of vibe from Diggy, so I hope he´s a dark horse. Peter should also go far. As much as I hate the stupid guy who was obviously there for comedic affect, it´s funny to watch the other guy (Blake?) going after him and hating on him. He´s so dead pan when he´s putting the "wha bow" guy down ( I cant for the life of me remember the slogan or the guys name).

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This is my first post(even though I've been registered for like a year. Totally forgot about this account lol). 


I'm loving this season. I find Rachel to be very charismatic, fun and great at holding a conversation with substance(looking at you Jojo). 

As far as the guys go I really like Peter(soooo hot, so dreamy). I think he is the best looking guy to ever come on this show. I really liked his date with Rachel. HOWEVER, I wasn't blown away by their 1on1 date like some.  I felt a little coldness from Peter towards Rachel. I've been listening to podcast, reading some reviews and watching some recaps and a good portion of them mention this. I hope my gut is wrong about Peter because right now I'm feeling that he's not that into Rachel.  I almost got Brooks and Des vibes. We will see!


I also like Dean. He's adorable. Kenny is not bad either. I don't like Bryan and his cheeks distract me. I also really like Alex.

We also need Adam Jr to stay as long as possible. haha

Edited by XoxoGG
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