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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion


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Chelsea Peretti (Brooklyn 99) is also a Big Brother fan and even watches the feeds.

But I think going on that show is too dangerous, toxic, and F-List for even C-List non-reality TV star or anyone who hopes to have a career that is not just being a reality TV-show contestant.

Like, I'd bet on Bachelor/Bachelorette contestants and Aaron Carter.

I just came back because I realized that Frankie Grande is exactly the type of celebrity they'd want.

Please, for the love of Grodner, no!

Edited by mooses
  • Love 5

I can't believe I'm de-lurking after all this time to say Celebrity BB!!! and that I know this is not at all realistic but... Crispin Glover would be feeds (and discussion) gold!!!

Who else do you guys think would be fascinating to watch play this game? (Not who do you think will actually agree to play.)

On topic: Jason's bewildered response to Paul's goodbye after having just heard Paul's game get blown up was possibly the highlight of this season for me. 

  • Love 7

@Michichick Once a week is not bad at all. I was up to every other day before things went south very quickly. He was on the fluids for six months. One more tip: not sure if you're in the US but Drs. Foster and Smith will have what you need much cheaper than your vet. But it takes FOREVER to get it from them, so if you use them, give yourself plenty of time! I hope you and your kitty have a long time together. I recently lost 2 of my cats six weeks apart and it has been devastating. And this damn show is not serving as a good distraction! 

6 minutes ago, Devils Chick said:

@Michichick Once a week is not bad at all. I was up to every other day before things went south very quickly. He was on the fluids for six months. One more tip: not sure if you're in the US but Drs. Foster and Smith will have what you need much cheaper than your vet. But it takes FOREVER to get it from them, so if you use them, give yourself plenty of time! I hope you and your kitty have a long time together. I recently lost 2 of my cats six weeks apart and it has been devastating. And this damn show is not serving as a good distraction! 

I'm really sorry about your cats. That's so hard. I hope for more than six more months with my girl, but she's 19 so you never know what will happen. I ordered food from Drs. Foster and Smith ages ago and am still waiting for it. i might rather pay more at the vet that's five minutes away. :)

I turned off the feeds after Jason's interview so not sure if they've come back up yet. Interested to see who wins HOH but not enough to keep staring at the feeds waiting.

  • Love 1

Wow, 19, that's great! Mine was two months from turning 18 when he died. The other was 2 months away from 16. It's never enough time though. You are so right about F&S. They are terrible! I love Chewy but they don't sell prescription items (other than food). I will say that after my cat died, F&S gave me refunds on all the fluids and meds I had left over, no questions asked. 

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

Yep.  It's so strange how these people blame one specific person for their own actions, or for their teammates' actions.   It's bizarre how they can twist things around like that. 

Yes, Paul dictates how everyone should vote, he even tells them who should win comps.  Yet, they blame each other when things go according to Paul's plan, and nobody ever says "that's what Paul told me to do!" 

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, backformore said:

Yes, Paul dictates how everyone should vote, he even tells them who should win comps.  Yet, they blame each other when things go according to Paul's plan, and nobody ever says "that's what Paul told me to do!" 

Exactly.  It is so frustrating.  This whole season has been unbelievably mind-boggling and headache-inducing.   The seasons always start out with me trying to get everyone's names straight, so there is a lot of me talking to the TV or PC and saying "Wait... who is that again?"  Sometimes it takes a long time to figure out who everyone is.  Paul was someone who was easy to identify, obviously, since he had done the show before, so I was kind of expecting the same Paul from last year.

I think that, when there were still soooo many people in the house and various arguments were breaking out (like between Josh and Cody/Jessica or between Cody and Mark, or between Josh and Mark), and Josh was crying about missing his family, and the showmances were already forming, I wasn't noticing quite as much of what Paul was doing as far as his manipulations.  In his first season of BB, he seemed to be more about being Mr. Outrageous, saying and doing things for shock value.  But now, in his second season, I feel like he has sharpened his brain and has laser focus on exactly how to get where he wants to be, and who to employ to get him there.

It really is fascinating to watch his assorted machinations, although I don't really like Paul's tactics -- or Paul -- too much.

When more people started getting evicted and it was easier to make sense of what was going on and what Paul was telling everyone, I began realizing exactly how much of the puppet master Paul really is in this game.  He has got everyone in his back pocket, and they all think they are his true friends and that he has their best interests at heart.  Christmas is even telling Josh things like "He (Paul) has been through a lot... he is going through a LOT."

...As if the others in the house are not going through a lot?  Didn't Josh say his grandfather or grandmother is sick?  Isn't Raven's mom in poor health?  Doesn't Kevin have a bunch of kids he would like to see?  Why is everyone supposed to care specifically that "Paul is going through a lot"?  So weird.

Josh had the power tonight to expose Paul and turn the game on its head, and he didn't take it (at least he revealed Paul's plan to Jason in the goodbye message, but it looks like Jason is going to have to chew on that info for a while before he believes it).  As Elena said in the Jury House, they are all playing "Big Paul."

  • Love 5

OMG, y'all. CELEBRITY BIG BROTHER IS EVERYTHING I COULD EVER WANT. I can probably list half the cast already because they show up on all of the reality shows (and I love all of the reality shows) so I'm super excited. And feeds?! We gets feeds of them being dicks and not washing their hands and picking their noses and saying horrible things? SQUEEEEEE!!! I'm here for this, y'all. I'm already reserving my spot in the feed thread. I'll leave my sweater on the chair so you know which one is mine.

24 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Gary Busey on Celeb BB needs to happen.

And yes this. I need this. So badly. 


1 hour ago, Michichick said:

@Callaphera, is Duke home and starting to pay you back in cuddles for all the money he's cost you? :)

Today I learned how to give subcutaneous fluids to a cat and I get to start doing that to my cat next week. They used their sweet fuzzy vet office kitty as the demo subject to teach me. She was a good girl. 

He's home but the cuddles have to wait for a few weeks. We had to wait for him to pee and then they decided to release him anyway because some cats prefer home... and he unleashed on the nurse when she went to scoop him up and put him in his carrier. Which really, I expect no less from Big Duke. He's exhausted and sleeping on his new post-op litter, the poor thing, and tucked away in an extra large soft sided dog crate (because what's another $100 when it comes to my now $5500 kitty?) with his bigger Cone of Shame and shaved back end. I may lose my mind at the end of these two weeks of inactivity. And we officially have pee at home! I'm calling it a win even if he did it on the puppy pad rather than in the litter box.

Also, you're so much braver than I am. The husband and I talked about everything over the past few days because we weren't quite sure what we were looking at when it came to Duke's overall result but we quickly determined that he will be the needle wrangler if we ever need one. Mainly because I pass out at the sight of one. Even if I'm not the one being injected. My friend used to love to bring me along for blood draws when we were teens because the nurses would get a kick out of watching me turn white and slump down against the wall. 

  • Love 11
38 minutes ago, backformore said:

Here's your shot, Josh!   time to make a BIG MOVE!  it's now or never. 

Christmas will talk him out of that by saying "You need to shut your mouth now." Josh will cry and nominate Alex and Kevin. I hope Christmas sits next to Paul in f2 and loses to Paul. She is very idiotic. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Eyeland Baby said:

Who else do you guys think would be fascinating to watch play this game? (Not who do you think will actually agree to play.)

Tiffany "New York" Pollard is still a delicious mess, so I think she'd make an interesting houseguest.

Lewis Black. In real life he's much more chill than his stage persona but I bet the BB house could bring out the classic, finger-ing Lewis Black (at least in DRs).

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Michichick said:

I can't wait to see how many times I jab myself instead of the cat. I already stabbed myself today when I did my practice run on that poor innocent vet office cat. 

Poor Duke, he's had a rough time of it. Hooray for peeing at home!

I've been depressed ever since I learned the fate of an vet office cat.  I knew they were blood donors, but I had no idea they were fucking practice lab animals.  Now I feel even worse.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Michichick said:


Today I learned how to give subcutaneous fluids to a cat and I get to start doing that to my cat next week. They used their sweet fuzzy vet office kitty as the demo subject to teach me. She was a good girl. 

i did that to my cat for 2 years. The vet's office had told us it would only extend his life by about 6 months (he was 17 when his kidneys started failing, and 21 when we started hydrating him) and they kept being amazed when we came in every few weeks for another saline bag. If your cat will stand for it, you can use the smallest needles and just take a few minutes. Or the big needles go through them in less than a minute! Our cat was old and frail and spent most of his time on his kitty heating pad, so we'd stick the saline solution bag under his pad to heat it up for a few minutes. Remember that their skin is very tough, not like ours. Our cat would just lie there and purr because he was the center of attention. We'd hang the bag up on a hangar on our entertainment center. If you get one of those little thin 3m tags, you can put it on the line on the bag where it will need to be when you're done hydrating, and then you'll know. 

The fortunate thing is that the cat feels instantly better. Being dehydrated is just like being hung over (well, the opposite, I guess-- hangovers are dehydration) and you can see right away that they feel better, they start grooming themselves and their eyes kind of shine a little more. So that makes it easy to do. Good luck. 

When I read here the idea that Paul might take Kevin, wondered if Paul might be planning to tell the "Kevin took the $25k" news at the last minute, to get people to vote for him instead. 

  • Love 5

LOL - All this talk about celebrities reminds me .........  I can remember when a star was STAR, someone incandescent like Elizabeth Taylor or Cary Grant, not any Tom Dick or Harriet who has been a D list celebrity forever or maybe appeared on a couple of reality shows . Even the word "celebrity" had more meaning. 

  • Love 4

My dream scenario is that Alex/Kevin are up, Kevin wins veto, Paul goes up...then Kevin votes to evict Paul while Christmas evicts Alex. Then Josh realizes that this is the moment to get Paul out, and he takes it. Then Kevin wins F4 HOH and puts up Alex/Christmas, with Josh winning veto and evicting Alex. 

It'll be even sweeter since Paul won't be in jury long enough to influence anyone's votes. Even if he tried, he'd only have maybe Matt and Raven. 

ETA: I also read that Kevin threw HOH and then tried to get praise from Paul. Fuck Kevin; he's a fucking idiot if he's still throwing competitions for this guy.

Edited by Lady Calypso
  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I feel like this moment needs to be relived, just for Jason's very subtle and not so subtle facial expressions:


Jason's reaction to Alex is really cold. I think he was thinking about all the times he expressed concerns to Alex about ... well, a lot of things and Alex simply laughed him off and guzzled another 2 liter bottle of Coke. 

  • Love 22

Just realized that since Paul made it to F2, he had no experience being evicted and having to listen to good bye messages.  His good bye message to Jason was bad.  I'm sure Jason wanted some explanation of what happened and he got it from Josh not Paul.  Wonder if the Paul will come clean if he makes it to F2.

I'm on the fence on what Josh should do this week.  He clearly has an opportunity to take out Paul this week (utilizing Kevin) but Paul is willing to take him to the end.  If Paul goes, that leaves Alex, Xmas and Kevin competing for HOH next week which would likely result in Alex winning.  While Alex is probably stupid enough to target Kevin, she would be a threat for F3 HOH but then again, so is Paul.

Either way, I feel that Josh has to put Paul on the block at some point this week to stop his "never been on the block argument".

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, link417 said:

Tiffany "New York" Pollard is still a delicious mess, so I think she'd make an interesting houseguest.

She shares her birthday with me and Julie Chen.

I have another book coming out in October. Maybe it'll make me famous and I won't have to audition for the regular show with all the other plebes.

I've decided to make spontaneous, Raven-like high kicks my new thing. I'm working on my cartwheels, too. So far, they're looking a little indelicate because I'm built like a hockey player, but I think I'll have them down for the BBCAN auditions.

  • Love 9
10 hours ago, Christi said:

Celeb BB is probably a month long or less ...but its sumthin :/

Unless Paul comes back cause now hes famous and all...kill me

yea they said it would be 'concentrated' but still include multiple episodes each week. So if they go a month... have a couple double evictions... that maybe gives us 7-8 HGs? 

I had to turn feeds off last night because I couldn't stand Paul acting like the victim. 

  • Love 4

I am afraid that Paul has another plan to remain clean with Alex's eviction. Hear me out: Josh nominates Alex and Kevin. Lets say these two don't win veto and noms stay the same. They all agree that Alex is gonna get evicted but come eviction night Christmas votes to evict Alex while Paul votes to evict Kevin so there's a tie. Josh gets blindsided by Paul and is put in the position to either vote out Alex and lose her jury vote forever or vote out Kevin, lose his jury vote and leave Alex in the game to fight with Paul for HoH and probably evict Josh! If Paul does that I will once more recognize that he is a masterful player.

Edited by himela
  • Love 2

Here's what I would do if I were Josh. He won't mind you but here's what I would do. I would get with the "team" and tell them I've got to nominate them both in order to hide the alliance so no one suspects. When they start to protest pull out the "trust the team" mantra that Krampus has thrown in his face ad nauseum maybe even pull out a you're sounding like you don't trust me and I'm not liking what I'm hearing. Give them both a taste of their own dirty medicine. Then I'd just let the week play out and see. Make no deals with anyone until veto but make sure everyone knows that Paul is his target for attacking him after the vote. It would make sense to everyone and Paul and Christmas wouldn't have a leg to stand on to fight him on it since it's the same ignorant gameplay they've been forcing him to do all season, except this time it benefits him and has the potential to get rid of Paul.

  • Love 8

I still hate Paul and this season but he's doing a great job. I think he dropped the ball a little in his good bye with Jason but I don't think Jason has enough pull in the jury house. I'm not really sure who is going to end up sitting next to him on finale night but i think he will probably win. Even, stupid Alex who will get back stabbed and evicted by Paul would still vote for him.

  • Love 1

Ok, hear us what I don't understand. Paul's goodbye message was a blatant lie. Doesn't he realize that anyone evicted after Jason is going to know the truth? Hell, even Raven knows what happened and can tell Jason.

plus, Josh's message was so honest and heartfelt.

honestly, there was no reason to lie to Jason like that in the message. 

Poor jury management.

and is Alex really that stupid. Won HOH for revenge but targeted the mastermind of Jason's eviction, kevin.

i would love to know how Kevin pulled it off while being shunned.

jedi mind tricks? Some x-men power to control minds? Hell, beats Dans funeral.

  • Love 8

I agree, Paul made a mistake in his good bye message to Jason.  Time to drop the pretense when talking to someone you voted out.  I love he did that though.  

Catching up on twitter now.  Christmas wonders how her book sales are doing.  LOL  They weren't good before BB and now you have killed them. 

I am bummed we are not seeing any jury house footage.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5
23 minutes ago, himela said:

I am afraid that Paul has another plan to remain clean with Alex's eviction. Hear me out: Josh nominates Alex and Kevin. Lets say these two don't win veto and noms stay the same. They all agree that Alex is gonna get evicted but come eviction night Christmas votes to evict Alex while Paul votes to evict Kevin so there's a tie. Josh gets blindsided by Paul and is put in the position to either vote out Alex and lose her jury vote forever or vote out Kevin, lose his jury vote and leave Alex in the game to fight with Paul for HoH and probably evict Josh! If Paul does that I will once more recognize that he is a masterful player.

I hope Josh does the same as he did with Jason's goodbye message and Paul is caught in his lie again.

8 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

Ok, hear us what I don't understand. Paul's goodbye message was a blatant lie. Doesn't he realize that anyone evicted after Jason is going to know the truth? Hell, even Raven knows what happened and can tell Jason.

plus, Josh's message was so honest and heartfelt.

honestly, there was no reason to lie to Jason like that in the message. 

Poor jury management.

and is Alex really that stupid. Won HOH for revenge but targeted the mastermind of Jason's eviction, kevin.

i would love to know how Kevin pulled it off while being shunned.

jedi mind tricks? Some x-men power to control minds? Hell, beats Dans funeral.

That was a huge mistake on Paul's part... HUGE!!!!!! He totally dropped the ball and didn't take into account that someone else could give opposing info in their goodbye speech.  Hell, he's probably coached Josh on what to say - and it wasn't that! lol

The only way paul doesn't win is if someone in the jury throws out how Paul was so insistent that people get bullied and isolated and used josh, alex and christmas to do it.  That's the only way he loses.  Jason can go back and tell them what an ass paul was for playing him the whole game, making him think that him and alex had a F3 with him just to blindside him and everyone is going to "yea... what an ass... but what an amazing game move"

  • Love 5

I guarantee it's because Paul never expected people to actually compare notes, and he underestimated Josh telling Jason the truth. He knew that Josh wanted to tell Jason that he was going, but he never expected Josh to out him, and I'm sure Paul had no idea that BB would actually air Josh's goodbye message with no edits. It's not typical for the jurors to actually get game changing information, especially secret alliances. I believe they show game changers to pre-jurors, but they tend to keep the goodbye messages to jurors light. 

So, because BB clearly wanted Paul's game to blow up, Josh's goodbye message allowed that to happen. I think they just wanted something to change instead of everything going Paul's way. It has to be just as boring for people working on the show to watch as it is for the viewers. 

So, because of Paul trying to protect himself, he underestimated someone actually turning on him and trying to play for themselves. 

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I hope Josh does the same as he did with Jason's goodbye message and Paul is caught in his lie again.

Unfortunately, Alex is so dumb that she probably wouldn't even believe Josh or she wouldn't put any blame on Paul. She probably won't be upset if she gets evicted and Josh tells her it was Paul's plan. I basically have zero faith in her. She still won't have all the information, so she probably won't start to get it until after the finale. Jason's anger was due to him being blindsided. Alex will probably be told after the veto that she's going home, so Paul has time to get her jury vote. Alex is just a huge, massive disappointment.

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