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S13.E23: True Colors

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1 minute ago, Laurie4H said:

Was I the only one that had sound issues?  All you could hear was the music.

Nope, I had the same problem.  No dialogue, just music.  Closed captioning was the only way I knew what they were saying. I don't know if it happened everywhere, though.  People on Twitter were asking what was going on with the audio.  Some commercials were muted, too.  For me, the sound came back when there was only 15 minutes left in the episode.

  • Love 1
34 minutes ago, readster said:

The plot holes were so big you could drive a ferry through them. Soon as the rapist was missing, there would have been a Code Orange. No: "I can't find Stephanie anywhere." talk. He was already gone and as shown, Steph shouldn't have been anywhere near a patient or anything. She was suspended. Here's the problem with Owen's sister being alive besides we knew it was coming for like... ever. Ok, she was leaving him, Riggs pretty much knew his cheating was going to end his marriage. So yes, alive, but in the end, it changes nothing. He did it, he did it for stupid reasons and now, just sign the damn divorce papers and move on. 

  Minnick is such a joke of a character, she puts Erica Hahn to shame from way back when. How this person could have at any time been what Baily and Katherine would think would turn the intern program around? I mean, she is so stupid and can't act to save her life. Then we go back to Alex and Jo's husband. Ok, we get it, he's a hot shot doctor, award winning and so forth. He isn't some freaking corrupt US senator who has former military people at the snap of his fingers. Plus, in one of Alex's fantasies with him killing Jo. I'm sorry, he would have been screwed. No way he could have hired someone to save his ass if he killed Jo or anyone. Problem with shows like Grey's who hype up characters that are the BIG BAD and then the writing is too stupid. When it was all said and done, it basically makes Jo look really stupid since she lives IN THE SAME CITY where her husband lives! 

Riggs and Megan were engaged, not married. However, he spoke of her like she was the love of his life, that's what was supposed to have bonded him and Meredith in that they both lost their "great loves". 

The conference Alex went to was in Los Angeles. Did they say if the ex husband lived in Seattle, because I do not recall but admittedly I may have missed it. 

Meredith better not be pregnant. I'm sorry, but after everything Meredith and Derek went through on their journey together, this would be a huge middle finger to all of that. Meredith has three (that we rarely see), she doesn't need anymore. This show is already in daytime soapsville territory, but that's taking it too far IMO. Meredith has known Nathan for 5 seconds in comparison. 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Riggs and Megan were engaged, not married. However, he spoke of her like she was the love of his life, that's what was supposed to have bonded him and Meredith in that they both lost their "great loves". 

The conference Alex went to was in Los Angeles. Did they say if the ex husband lived in Seattle, because I do not recall but admittedly I may have missed it. 

Sorry, didn't look like LA the way they were doing. However, still if they weren't married that makes things even more stupid, because then he cheated on her because they were in a war zone? Umm... ok. Then why was he calling Megan and Owen's mother: "Mom" Plus, he said he wanted to stop her, but realized he hurt her and then she went and disappeared on the helicopter. Yet, hey, let's move on and hook up with someone else and tell them to move from their husband like they are in MIddle school. Makes Riggs look pathetic, not "sexy". 

  • Love 1
47 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

And I don't think Meredith was saying Owen wasn't important to Megan, she was just pointing out that Nathan was important too

Agreed.  Amelia was essentially saying it was okay to wait a couple of hours until Nathan came over to tell him.  Meredith was disagreeing and saying that if it were her spouse she would want to know immediately that he was alive.  She felt Nathan deserved that same regard as Megan's significant other. We all knew this was coming, but I was pleasantly surprised at Meredith's mature reaction to the news that his former fiance was alive and coming back to town--her only thoughts were of Nathan's needs.  So, we may get the triangle we all expected, but I'm now interested in seeing how it plays out.

As for Stephanie, I really wished that they had given him the type of injuries that didn't have us all sitting at the tv shouting "Kick him in the liver, kick him in the liver!".  I did love that her prayer was "please bleed out".  I'm still noodling on what happened here.  On the one hand, she should have just taken him down and not tried to set him on fire as the first choice solution.  On the other hand, once she realized the consequences of what she did and what he was trying to do, she was bad ass in trying to save the hospital from the explosion.

I think the writers were trolling everyone always complaining about not seeing Meredith's kids when they had Meredith be the one to say: "Some people need a nanny" regarding that girls father.  I laughed out loud.

On to next week, striving to keep myself spoiler free for one whole season (outside casting news from general media)......gonna be a helluva final week of willpower!

Edited by pennben
  • Love 6
39 minutes ago, shantown said:

I thought for sure she was going to end up being the killer patient, not the guy. The way she went for that needle before Meredith stopped her, and so quickly finding the little instrument that made fire... Child of the Corn material. 

And I think she brought up her "dumb baby sister who was choking" both times when Meredith found her and when Nathan did. For a little while I wondered if she had stuck the quarter or whatever it was in the baby's mouth when she was unsupervised for the 100th time.

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, WhosThatGirl said:

At least Stephaine gets to leave as a hero of some kind. But once again.. it's a death end. As that's how most of the characters end their time on this series. There are exceptions sometimes but mostly it's death.

No one really leaves out on top. Except Christina. 
Addison left a sobby mess. 
Burke left completely... douchebagedly. 
They literally threw George under the bus
Izzy was a poophead
they killed Derek
Teddy was a sobby mess and had to be forced out
Callie left for the stupidest reasons
They killed Lexie
They Killed Mark

like be creative y'all. 

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

At least Stephaine gets to leave as a hero of some kind. But once again.. it's a death end. As that's how most of the characters end their time on this series. There are exceptions sometimes but mostly it's death.

IF the Child of the Corn lives to tell about it. And I don't think she'd realize why Stephanie ran toward the flames.

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

At least Stephaine gets to leave as a hero of some kind. But once again.. it's a death end. As that's how most of the characters end their time on this series. There are exceptions sometimes but mostly it's death.

Most regulars leave rather than die. George / Mark / Lexi / Derek (/Steph?) vs Burke / Addison / Hahn / Izzie / Cristina / Leah / Shane / Callie.

24 minutes ago, jschoolgirl said:

IF the Child of the Corn lives to tell about it. And I don't think she'd realize why Stephanie ran toward the flames.

Oh man, I love that you called her that, because I was getting The Bad Seed vibes from her.  I was sure she had stuffed that penny in her sister's throat.  And I still give her the side eye for giving him the fire-sparker thing. Like really little girl?

  • Love 7
39 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

Most regulars leave rather than die. George / Mark / Lexi / Derek (/Steph?) vs Burke / Addison / Hahn / Izzie / Cristina / Leah / Shane / Callie.

There was also that other new intern that Tina Majorino played, wasn't she a regular? And the other doctors that came on from Mercy West with April and Jackson. They all died. But Teddy did just leave.

Meredith's mom and Adele also left by death, but they were only guest stars, not regulars.

Edited by KaveDweller
  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

There was also that other new intern that Tina Majorino played, wasn't she a regular? And the other doctors that came on from Mercy West with April and Jackson. They all died. But Teddy did just leave.

Meredith's mom and Adele also left by death, but they were only guest stars, not regulars.

Yup. I understand that many have left to but I feel like it depends on how Shonda feels about you I guess. Or how much of an issue it is with you and the show I guess.

2 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

So if Meghan is Nathan's wife, isn't he the next of kin and not Owen?

They were engaged, not married, but legally (next of kin is a legal designation), Megan and Owen's *mother* is Megan'a next of kin. Spouse, child (if over 18 in terms of next of kin for medical decision-making, etc), parent, THEN sibling(s).

(Not sure why people seem to think Megan and Nathan were married when Nathan said engaged/fiancée; maybe because he called Mrs. Hunt "Ma"? But that he and Owen were good/best friends and that he was serious with/engaged to her daughter doesn't make that a reach; there are longtime close friends' mothers, when I've known them well and for years, I call "Mom" - more familiar than Mrs. ___, but more "subordinate" and respectful than their first name.)

But yeah, unless Owen's mom married her firefighter boyfriend and changed her name and the military just couldn't find her (at, likely, her same Seattle address from when she would have been Owen's next of kin when he was last deployed), BS on their coming to inform her brother - they would have informed her mother. Unlike Owen. But if he's the one who insisted on accepting reality/her death (logical, no stink-eye from me on that) and got Riggs to accept it and stop looking for her, he's now got a world of guilt feeding his shock and denial in accepting that it was really her. I certainly hope he or Amelia manage to tell his mother now.

I didn't see Mer as implying to Amelia that she was more important than Amelia to Derek. (Though, well, wife and mother of children does technically trump sibling in terms of notifications, but I thought it was AWFUL that she didn't even call his *local* sister to give her a chance to say goodbye before removing life support - I just tend to give TV characters' bad behavior a pass when it's clearly just for story set-up or emotional resonance - for the SHOW, Meredith there alone with Derek at the end was far better.) I really liked that, once Mer knew, she couldn't NOT tell Nathan ASAP. Even if one (us, Owen, Megan, Riggs) considered her and Riggs as having just ended things when she got on the chopper, SHE'S still terribly important to Nathan and it's information he would want to know. Ideally Mrs. Hunt should be told (and before Owen, writers), but once Mer knew she couldn't just sit tight with it.

2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Megan was Nathan's fiance.  Maybe blood kin is considered closer man you're not married to.

I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked that she's alive.  (It was sweet to see Amelia with Owen once she figured out that it wasn't all about her.)

Yeah, Amelia did really well with him. (And I can't stand the way GA writers have written her character, though she was a favorite of mine on PP.) Loved the Teddy shout-out, too, and had hoped she'd be involved if Megan were found.

2 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Dumb question did we know Teddy was in Germany? I thought MEDCOM was in Texas or DC. I know it was mentioned in the alt-universe episode she was in Germany.

When they wrote her out, Owen told Bailey (?) that MEDCOM ran all of military whatever for Europe, so I certainly assumed she'd be based in Europe/Germany.


The rapist being a total creep (and then some) didn't surprise me, since he was playing him creepy and his narcissistic (at best) obsession with the girl not waking up alone without him threw all kinds of flags. He creeped me out (pre-reveal) more than the Girl Of The Corn, though I was pretty busy judging and hating on her parents/father.

Wish they could have just had Stephanie decide to transfer (due to Minnick, even!) for a great neuro department or mentor - she's going out a hero, but no one may ever know. Really badass and above and beyond to very knowingly risking being burned to death/killed by explosion shockwave (I hope, vs burning) to prevent the explosion, though she and the girl were locked so close to the imminent explosion's source she was probably figuring she'd just as likely be dead either way.

  • Love 6

Well, that was fucking terrible.  Owen is the worst always and forever, that horrible girl was the worst, the 17 billion black-hole-sized plot contrivances with Stephanie and the dying rapist whom she could easily have overpowered were the worst, Alex's pointless flights of fancy regarding Mr. Schue were the worst.  I. can't.

R.I.P. Stephanie!  (I assume.)  Should've been Minnick!  (Can it still?)

Edited by NUguy514
  • Love 6

Yeah I mean look it was hard for me to suspend disbelief that Mr. Schue was an abusive husband but literally did Alex do anything? No. He had two what if scenarios and then he and Me. Schue bumped into each for a cab-was that on purpose? I might've blinked and missed it- and then Mr Schue was nice about it and offered to share and Alex was like "oh no, abort mission" uh what was the point? To have Matthew Morrison on the show? Obviously he's probably coming back next season because well.. nothing was resolved here but still.

  • Love 4

Didn't Jo previously tell Alex that her ex-husband is a police officer, which is why local law enforcement didn't go after him when she reported him? And now he's a prominent doctor who gives keynote speeches at conferences? Am I missing something?

Of course Megan is alive, and that news comes on the day Mere was going to introduce Riggs to her kids. Megan having been held and possibly tortured in Iraq for ten years - is this going to be a cheap rip-off of the first season of Homeland? At least we got a Teddy mention, and nice continuity that she's still at Landstuhl (a prominent military hospital close to the Ramstein air base in Germany).

I just can't get over how stupid the Stephanie plot was. I mean, she said several times that his liver is in really bad shape, and then she approaches him from behind while he has both arms in the air, perfect opportunity to kick him in the liver and/or slice him with the scalpel, and ... she pours lighter fluid on him. Oy.

The actress who played Erin also played an annoyingly precocious little girl - a six-year-old who says "motherfucker" and listens to The Temptations - on HBO's Big Little Lies.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yeah I mean look it was hard for me to suspend disbelief that Mr. Schue was an abusive husband but literally did Alex do anything? No. He had two what if scenarios and then he and Me. Schue bumped into each for a cab-was that on purpose? I might've blinked and missed it- and then Mr Schue was nice about it and offered to share and Alex was like "oh no, abort mission" uh what was the point? To have Matthew Morrison on the show? Obviously he's probably coming back next season because well.. nothing was resolved here but still.

I think the point of Alex's adventure was for him to realize that trying to be Jo's knight in shining armor isn't particularly wise.

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, sadie said:

This!!! I thought she would grab the knife, cause, you know, she's a surgeon and probably knows eight places to knife someone that would immobilize them. But I guess we needed an explosion so the writers just worked backwards from that idea. Sigh.

I still have 10 minutes of the episode, but I am constantly expecting Stephanie hit him with her leg or something in the stomach. Anything that could cause him extreme pain. They said he shouldn't move, so...

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Snow Fairy said:

I still have 10 minutes of the episode, but I am constantly expecting Stephanie hit him with her leg or something in the stomach. Anything that could cause him extreme pain. They said he shouldn't move, so...

Yeah. Even with Stephaine holding him up on one side, wouldn't that have been a lot of pain? And then at the end he was up on his own by himself many times? I assumed his pain was bad enough for it at some point to cause him to buckle and fall down. Plus Stephaine shouldn't have been been able to hold him up for so long. She can't be that strong. None of it made sense. 

  • Love 5

Awwww, Alex making a mature decision!

But damn it, Mr. Schue, why do you have to keep taking such un-Schue-like roles now that Glee is over? First the sheep fucker and now this?

I am disappointed but not at all surprised that Megan was miraculously found about two seconds after Riggs and Meredith decide to give things a go. Also disappointing: having to see Owen cry again. Realistically, I know the show doesn't have him cry every week, but each time he cries I feel like ugh, didn't I just see this? And that's even when I KNOW it's been ages since he's cried. Heh, was I supposed to laugh when Amelia said the PTSD specialist was for him? Because I TOTALLY DID.

I had to laugh when Meredith's reaction to that kid running around the hospital was to say that some people need a nanny. Truer words were never spoken, and Meredith would know!

10 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Richard talking to Stephanie as if she's always been some temperamental flight risk is ridiculous seeing as Owen continues to walk the hospital halls sans suspension, and his temper is at a steady 8 on a calm day. 

I KNOW! Especially considering that he took the news about his sister being alive that he shoved a patient's mom away from him while Edwards was treating her patient professionally (well, until she set him on fire, but you know). Owen's been walking PTSD since he came to the hospital but it's okay for him to actually punch people at the hospital (not just hurl expensive electronics near them)!

Ugh, Minnick. Does anything more really need to be said at this point?

I think the show wants me to be all heart eyed because Amelia is helping Owen through this difficult situation, but all I see is that, like many people who survived a traumatic event, she can step up when the shit hits the fan for someone else.

When Stephanie was looking at the stuff on the ground, I thought she was looking at the knife so when she snuck up behind him at first I was like girl, what are you doing? If you're that close to him, punch him or something!

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, readster said:

Sorry, didn't look like LA the way they were doing.

How did it not look like LA? They were inside a hotel most of the time (and they did have a fountain in the lobby that looked similar to the Spanish Colonial Revival style I've seen in LA/southern California).  In the last scene, they were outside the hotel and all you could see was the front of the hotel and some trees. I promise, we do have trees that aren't palm trees in California and we also have high rise buildings/hotels with more than five floors!

ETA: the cab also had California license plates!


7 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

he and Me. Schue bumped into each for a cab-was that on purpose? I might've blinked and missed it- and then Mr Schue was nice about it and offered to share and Alex was like "oh no, abort mission"

I didn't see it as Mr. Schue being nice. Alex was waiting for a cab and then Mr. Schue cut right in front of him and stole his cab. Then he tried to be fake nice by offering to share it IF Alex was heading to the airport. He was a dick on both counts. If he were actually being nice, he would have said, "Sorry, I didn't realize that you were waiting for a cab. Take this one and I'll wait for the next one."

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 10
10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Megan was Nathan's fiance.  Maybe blood kin is considered closer man you're not married to.

I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked that she's alive.  (It was sweet to see Amelia with Owen once she figured out that it wasn't all about her.)

I fell sorry for Edwards but gosh, she was stupid.  Why didn't she knee the guy or try to escape some other way when Ben asked her if she was okay?  Why didn't she protect herself and Erin instead of running towards the obvious explosion?


In the military, fiancee means nothing.  You might as well be the kid who sat next to him in second grade. It was part of the reason my husband and I moved up our wedding was because his deployment got pushed up and we wanted it to be legal in case anything happened. 

10 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Dumb question did we know Teddy was in Germany? I thought MEDCOM was in Texas or DC. I know it was mentioned in the alt-universe episode she was in Germany.


MEDCOM is in Texas (Fort Sam, to be exact).  However, they mentioned Germany when she left which would have really only left Landstuhl since it is the major hospital for EUCOM (and really CENTCOM since major medical issues from Iraq, Afghanistan, etc go there. 

9 hours ago, DearEvette said:

Oh man, I love that you called her that, because I was getting The Bad Seed vibes from her.  I was sure she had stuffed that penny in her sister's throat.  And I still give her the side eye for giving him the fire-sparker thing. Like really little girl?


That kid is seriously evil.  How did she figure out what that thing did?  I remember it from Chem class in high school and college.  I could barely get the thing to make sparks even then!

8 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yup. I understand that many have left to but I feel like it depends on how Shonda feels about you I guess. Or how much of an issue it is with you and the show I guess.


From what I remember, that was part of the reason she killed off Derek.  She was mad at Dempsey for cheating on his wife and being a general arse on set so she just killed him off.  It was also why she wrote off Callie like she did. She adores Sara Ramirez and wanted to leave it open to her coming back one day. 

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, shantown said:

I thought for sure she was going to end up being the killer patient, not the guy. The way she went for that needle before Meredith stopped her, and so quickly finding the little instrument that made fire... Child of the Corn material. 

Or Lizzie from The Walking Dead.  Erin creeped me out so much that I wondered if she stuffed something down her baby sister's (or was it her brother?) throat.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Didn't Jo previously tell Alex that her ex-husband is a police officer, which is why local law enforcement didn't go after him when she reported him? And now he's a prominent doctor who gives keynote speeches at conferences? Am I missing something?

Of course Megan is alive, and that news comes on the day Mere was going to introduce Riggs to her kids. Megan having been held and possibly tortured in Iraq for ten years - is this going to be a cheap rip-off of the first season of Homeland? At least we got a Teddy mention, and nice continuity that she's still at Landstuhl (a prominent military hospital close to the Ramstein air base in Germany)..

I wonder how much Owen and Teddy keep in touch. When Amelia spoke with her, she introduced herself as a coworker. Even if they had never met (I'm sure Amelia's PP crossover appearances coincided with Teddy's time on Grey's), in sure that she probably knew that Owen had remarried. 

I did like that little moment where the baby's mom hugged Owen and he got irritated and KMcK's accent appeared for a slight second. 

9 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

There was also that other new intern that Tina Majorino played, wasn't she a regular? And the other doctors that came on from Mercy West with April and Jackson. They all died. But Teddy did just leave.

Meredith's mom and Adele also left by death, but they were only guest stars, not regulars.


Nope, they were all recurring guest stars. April and Jackson became regulars in S7 and Jo, Leah, Steph and Leah became regulars in S10. 

4 hours ago, dr pepper said:

Call me a bad person, but when Owen opened the door at the start of the episode, my immediate reaction was "thank goodness, the bad news officers are here, we're finally done with that missing sister subplot!"

If that makes you a bad person, then I'm one too. When those guys showed up at the door, I was hoping they were bringing bad news. But when we didn't get to hear what exactly they were even saying, I knew it wasn't as simple as "Your sister is dead." Bummer though. I do not look forward to this lost sister story at all. I feel like I've seen/heard enough of it as it is.

I don't believe Stephanie will actually die, but I do wonder how she could get out of this without any major/distorting burns? On a side note: The effects at the end with the burning rapist and everything were actually pretty cool. So that's one thing that I liked, I guess.

I am extremely lukewarm on the whole Alex/husband stuff. I wish a storyline for Alex and Jo would actually include Jo and, you know, have actual talks between Alex and Jo. How would Alex even be able to find her husband? He started with zero information and for all we know he and Jo haven't talked in months. Hell, for all we know, they might as well be over each other anyways.

Be that as it may, and plot holes aside, there's exactly one scenario that could make me look past the utter mess that is that storyline. I don't actually believe it, but maybe TPTB meant this episode as a way for Alex to move forward, to get some kind of closure. Now he's met the husband and in the end he realised there's no way a confrontation with him would not end badly for either him or Jo. And Jo already took care of things her way and it worked for her, so maybe Alex has reached the conclusion that he should let things be as they are? Jo is safe and at the end of the day that's the most important thing. They love each other (although there hasn't been any actual on-screen evidence of that in months), so maybe they can start over. But if they are indeed headed towards reconciliation in the finale, I need them to actually talk this time. Talk about how Jo feels, talk about her past, let her explain things, give us some real insight, show us how the husband has affected her, etc... But I know this would never happen on Grey's Anatomy, so I'm really not sure what to think right now.

Edited by GSMHvisitor
  • Love 5

The last stuff with the rapist was just ridiculous. He is bleeding out, can barely walk, is in tremendous pain and going down stairs. He didn't even have the small scalpel to her throats some of the time. Just throw him down the stairs, even if she went with him it is doubtful that he could have done anything, Then they get locked out of the emergency stairwell? Is that even legal? So he starts a fire, puts the scalpel down she decided to slowly squirt him with flammable liquids instead of stabbing him in the neck or slitting his throat?  And she obviously knows that any fire in an enclosed space like that is bad, really bad and she decides to make the fire bigger? then he goes into the open room without a fire door and the door propped open where the hospital is storing massive tanks of explosive gas? This room is also accessible to patients. Why? What are they storing? Why is it stored that way? How does the fire get into the massive tanks so quickly? Why does she notice this and run to the rapist instead of shutting the door or even staying in the room like she told the child to do? What was the plan here?

I agree with the other poster, they decided she was going to die in an explosion and worked backwards, no matter what ridiculous things they needed to do to make it happen.

Edited by John M
  • Love 14
13 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

There's the episode we've all been waiting for!!! I knew it was there somewhere!

You can't set off the alarm by holding fire to the sprinkler, can you?

Yes.  A flow mechanism inside the sprinkler would activate the alarm.  Heat (fire), not smoke, would trigger a sprinkler to activate.  The sprinkler would spray to begin extinguishing the fire.  But an alert system is in place so human response can be initiated as well -- both to rescue/evacuate those who might be in danger and to extinguish the fire completely.  That way, even if someone isn't in an area where a fire has started, they don't have to wait until someone witnesses it to be alerted.  Fires can get out of control rapidly.  So, the sprinkler says, "Yo!  This is happening!  Get on it!"  (Well, not quite...but you get my drift. :)  )

  • Love 7

Is it too much to hope that Teddy will bring Owen's sister to Seattle? I miss her. Maybe she can tell Arizona that Minnick sucks. I'm going to just write that story in my head.
With regard to rapist, one of my soccer teammates lacerated her liver in a game a few weeks ago. She could barely stand without help after it happened let alone move around this guy was with probably a worse condition. The degree to which we need to suspend our disbelief to watch this show is really impressive. 

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

Is it too much to hope that Teddy will bring Owen's sister to Seattle? I miss her. Maybe she can tell Arizona that Minnick sucks. I'm going to just write that story in my head.
With regard to rapist, one of my soccer teammates lacerated her liver in a game a few weeks ago. She could barely stand without help after it happened let alone move around this guy was with probably a worse condition. The degree to which we need to suspend our disbelief to watch this show is really impressive. 

A pleasant thought, but alas, I don't think so.  Teddy told Amelia that Owen's sister was already on a flight stateside.  We could use some Teddy to snap Owen out of what ails him, mainly a lunatic wife. 

14 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

P.S. How much of a see you next Tuesday do we think Minnick will be over Stephanie likely dying because Webber signed the forms when she probably shouldn't have been working yet?  

Maybe Baily will realize that Minnick is a really shitty supervisor, and give her the boot?  Of course, that would be too much to ask.  If she's the "director", she should have put her foot down as soon as she saw Stephanie, instead of whining.  And seriously, how does Minnick have the authority to stop several other doctors from treating their patient in the middle of the ER by inserting herself into the situation.  Minnick (the character as well as the actress) has some serious flaws, the major one of which is the horrible writing/lines/situations they've her.    Truly, Shonda needs to just ditch this whole Minnick thing, it's a total fiasco whichever way one looks at it.  AWFUL.  The very worst story line, ever, on Grey's.

  • Love 8

I wasn't sure what to make of Maggie's scenes with Jackson. Sometimes it seems like they're chemistry testing them and other times it's like they're trying to establish a brother/sister relationship. Based on her pissy looks towards Meredith and Nathan this episode, I wonder if she'd act the same way if/when Jackson reunited with April.

I'm a little disappointed that Megan is alive. I like Meredith and Nathan together. I'd almost prefer it if they kept the two of them together and let Megan start fresh with a newly single Alex. 

  • Love 3

Am I the only one who immediately thought the guy was a rapist when the doctors were talking about the great/inappropriate sex the patient they were taking care of must have had? And then the patient woke up and first thing she asked was if she killed the guy, not if he was still alive or hurt. Thought it was very predictable, them talking about letting the 'boyfriend' see her against the rules was another give away.

The whole Owen thing was boring to  me, but then I'm not a big fan. After ten years he learns his sister is actually still alive and instead of being overcome with joy/relief/happiness and being an actual adult by informing his relatives (and yes, parent trumps sibling) and Riggs, he's being his incredibly aggressive and rude self again. The guy has issues. If anyone needs to see a counselor, it's him, not Stephanie. Considering the way Minnick has been acting with ordering doctors/attendings around, I'm surprised she didn't order Owen to get therapy. 

Stephanie was so idiotic. Also, how come those sprinklers didn't go off? I was expecting them to go off, for her to grab the girl and open the door (since she said that would unlock it) rather than hide in the next room. Pretty much in agreement with everyone else here about the whole thing. I figured Stephanie went to the burning rapist to get him away from the (in)conveniently placed gas tanks, but no idea how she was planning on actually moving him because using a blanket (which there were none, apparently) or her coat wouldn't work when he's covered in alcohol. She should have just kicked him down the stairs or grabbed him a little higher than his waist and aggravate his injury...

A shame Minnick and Maggie weren't anywhere near the explosion, could have done without them.

Oh, and where the heck were all the cameras in the hospital? You know, the ones that filmed Warren with that patient near the elevators and everything. Security could have easily located the rapist/Stephanie by checking CCTV.

Webber would have known that and would have initiated the lockdown right away rather than wait around like Bailey did. She's not right as chief. The security guys won't even listen to her; she told them there should be 2 officers watching the patient all times and the moment she walks off to activate the lockdown, all of them follow her!

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48 minutes ago, Blonde Gator said:

A pleasant thought, but alas, I don't think so.  Teddy told Amelia that Owen's sister was already on a flight stateside.  We could use some Teddy to snap Owen out of what ails him, mainly a lunatic wife. 

Owen and Amelia should get on a chopper to pick up Owen's sister at the airport and transport her back to the hospital. Only after take off it needs to crash into like a tanker full of gas that burns for like an hour so we make be assured they are actually dead and not just horribly burned creating another story line for the two of them.

And have Minnick be driving the tanker truck because she needs to go too and given the things this show has asked us to believe over the years I don't need an explination on why she was driving a gas tanker.

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We knew that there would be some twist to the couple that went off the cliff. When the failed rapist stated that the girl needed to see him when she woke up, I started thinking, "wait, what if it turns out that she's mentally challenged and he's going to try to cover it up?" 

I get it. This hospital has windows that can be opened, but no cameras. 

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