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S05.E04: Honeymoons Part 1

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I think that Sheila needs to open up and talk to Nate about it. From what we have seen that hasn't happened at all. Just like the jetski, she wasn't saying to him slow down. After the are off she is saying in her TH she wish he would have slowed it down. While I think he isn't ready for this at all still, I will say it doesn't seem she is not communicating certain things to him that she needs to. My husband even doesn't see it here though with these too and thinks Nate is a jerk. 

OMG I think if Danielle really wants to give sex a try with Cody she is going to have to take the lead and jump him. Which she might want to start ask about his experiences in that area maybe. He is seeming very awkward over it. I don't think its he isn't interested but maybe just not very experienced...if at all. He keeps talking about it being special or whatever it was he said exactly. I am not sure about them if this is how it will be. 

Anthony and Ashley are good together. He was awesome with her and she was awesome for going along with trusting him in things. My husband even thinks they are a good match. He totally read her when she was hinting at wanting sex. Unlike another LOL I could see him sitting down with her sister and discussing things in a way that would be respectful of the relationship they have so as not to step on toes. Its just will she be able to handle it?

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Sheila has shown her moody, closed off, uncommunicative, cold side to Nate and he doesn't know how to respond.

Damned, if he tries to cajole her out of her funk and damned, if he leaves her alone to snap out of her foul mood on her own.

Both of them are too thin skinned and prone to crying.

What an emotional mess...looks like Lil'Bro is going to be the stable one.

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I think Nate and Sheila's biggest problem will come from his being, as he himself said, "high-sprung." 

I find Sheila's facial contortions make her unwatchable.

Anthony looks much better without the hair product and his t-shirt in the bedroom scene looked positively grungy. 

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6 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

OMG I think if Danielle really wants to give sex a try with Cody she is going to have to take the lead and jump him. Which she might want to start ask about his experiences in that area maybe. He is seeming very awkward over it. I don't think its he isn't interested but maybe just not very experienced...if at all. He keeps talking about it being special or whatever it was he said exactly. I am not sure about them if this is how it will be.

Seriously! She's all "he has to take the lead" and "I need him to be the man and make the first move" --- um, no. Nope.  She has many ways in which she can "get him" to take the lead, or show him that it's okay to make a move. He's not a mind-reader.  If she's ready for sex, and she makes the first move, she still has to be prepared for the possibility that HE's not ready for sex.  She just doesn't want to risk it -- she wants him to risk it. That whole "a woman is 'taken' by a man" fantasy just needs to go away. Everybody grow up, put yourself out there, and take responsibility for your own selves.

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Sheila, it is mean and politically impolite to mimic stroke victims when you talk.

Anthony's t shirt was dingy but his swim trunks were a Polynesian tragedy...

Cody's farmer tan...tanned neck with blazingly white skin unfortunately accentuated his boobs and loose skin

Cody, shut up about the progression to sex...Danielle is on the runway ready for take off, bro...

Expect her to spend extra time in the shower or spa jets if you don't put out.

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I can't snark on Sheila's hair because she is so naturally beautiful. It's nice to see her wake up looking normal instead of heavily made up and pretending it's natural like most of the others do. Plus, she is dealing with a man child for a husband and that must be exhausting. 

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So I'm liking Nate more and Sheila less. This whole orgasm thing is getting tedious. The fact that A) she never had one, and B) won't shut up about it , tells me it's part of some bigger issue. Her entire attitude changed after they "consummated their marriage". How many times do we need to hear it?

Nate is young and energetic. That's not a crime. However, I honestly don't think the jet ski was the issue. I think she was just disappointed that he didn't magically cure her sexual dysfunction. To me, it looked like she was having a pouty little meltdown. So now it's going to be his job to read her mind and manage her moods? 

Apparently, no one can give her any relief, not even herself. It doesn't make Nate a selfish lover. He may be, but the issue was around long before he was. She's had her body for thirty years. If Sheila doesn't know how to navigate the territory, how can she expect him to? 

There's something off about her. It's going to be exhausting for Nate.

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11 hours ago, JAndy said:

I tuned in late, what happened with the orgasm? I keep on seeing it mentioned. 

@JAndy this is the comment of the day! It made me laugh. Sheila, the whole internet is talking about your orgasms. To the point that people are rushing over to forums panting "what about the orgasm??" Too funny!

11 hours ago, roseslg said:


Nate and his whole bs about her apologizing to him for her mood and what's not can miss me.  


Nate is dead to me after that. "I'm prepared to forgive her". Really? How magnanimous of you. This is their whole married life in a nutshell. She will have to apologize for everything and he will generously forgive. He will never, ever admit to being wrong. Run, Sheila.

11 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

She is going to be a mess with kids!(Ashley)

Ashley redefines high maintenance! She never ever stopped needling Anthony for being relaxed, taking his time, not automatically bowing to her neurotic need to be "punctual", and not automatically getting ready for the day in the way she deemed to be proper. And I say this as a punctual person myself. I loathe being late and I give no quarter to those who keep me waiting. But Jesus girl, lighten up! Her lack of ability to be easygoing or good humored about perfectly manageable things was telling--the AC goes down and she freaks out? She's so scared of sharks she can't relax on the pedal boat? And yes, girlfriend will need a hard reality check once she has kids. Funnily enough, they don't always do things according to schedule! One lost sock or missing homework is going to send this woman around the bend.

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Is it me or does Nate look wayyyy older than 25? To me he looks almost 40. My god do I feel bad for Sheila. His personality and the my queen/ kingdom nonsense would turn me off instantly and there would be no way back. 

At first, I thought Cody was the cutest of the 3, but he kind of has a lack of a personality so, eh. Anthony is a case of being okay looking, but his personality makes him much better. I like Ashley, but I wouldn't be into her if I were a guy. She has that needy, whininess to her and she is the type that thinks that any sort of activity is so dangerous and scary. It's kayaking, not sky diving. 

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Sheila is the highest maintenance because you don't know what will set her off into one of her moods.

She shuts down and Nate gets to guess what pissed her off...this time.

Sheila is the opposite of "high sprung" (does anyone else think of Tigger bouncing on his tiger tail as you say the phrase?) as she sinks into a Black Hole taking all energy matter into the core of her mood.

Edited by humbleopinion
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Sheila is driving me nuts with her moodiness.  Why is it ok to be moody and not tell your NEW husband what is wrong?  I like Nate, did not sense the player vibe in him like some posters.

Ashley and Anthony are adorable.  They seem natural with each other.

Cody and Danielle- can't really get a read on those two except to say they are not as comfortable as Ashley/Anthony or Sheila/Nate.  I don't think it is a problem at this point.  

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Ashley kinda bugged me this episode.  She was getting frustrated with Anthony because he wasn't ready when she was, and he was like, I have to wait til you are done with the bathroom, which, in my mind, is a totally acceptable excuse.  And then the whole "icing" her down because the air is out? Sheesh.  Plus her fear of sharks coming after an orange and yellow kayak.  Really, all she wants to do is lie around and do nothing, on vacation, which is boring.  *Yawn* 

I don't mind Nate calling Sheila his queen, as I think that's a cultural thing.  I've heard it used on other tv shows.   

Not sure about Cody and Danielle.  I like them both, I hope they can start getting closer. 

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2 hours ago, TeapotWakeen said:

Seriously! She's all "he has to take the lead" and "I need him to be the man and make the first move" --- um, no. Nope.  She has many ways in which she can "get him" to take the lead, or show him that it's okay to make a move. He's not a mind-reader.  If she's ready for sex, and she makes the first move, she still has to be prepared for the possibility that HE's not ready for sex.  She just doesn't want to risk it -- she wants him to risk it. That whole "a woman is 'taken' by a man" fantasy just needs to go away. Everybody grow up, put yourself out there, and take responsibility for your own selves.

Agree!! We get reminded she wants "a man to take charge". Well she might have to take it in this area first to get the point across she wants it. Its not like she is giving him any hints at all, speaking up when its mentioned or touching him in a way to say she wants it. Haven't seen her go to bed in something that screams "take me now" either. Maybe if she did that it would be a different story. 

1 hour ago, Booger666 said:

I can't snark on Sheila's hair because she is so naturally beautiful. It's nice to see her wake up looking normal instead of heavily made up and pretending it's natural like most of the others do. Plus, she is dealing with a man child for a husband and that must be exhausting. 

Danielle is the worse. The only time I noticed no makeup was on the boat. Otherwise she has it on "going to bed" and "waking up". Ashley wasn't even that bad either with it. As for her hair, I like when she has it styled better than not but when it comes to bed no one is going to wake to it all nicely done. 

1 hour ago, Hockeymom said:

So I'm liking Nate more and Sheila less. This whole orgasm thing is getting tedious. The fact that A) she never had one, and B) won't shut up about it , tells me it's part of some bigger issue. Her entire attitude changed after they "consummated their marriage". How many times do we need to hear it?

Nate is young and energetic. That's not a crime. However, I honestly don't think the jet ski was the issue. I think she was just disappointed that he didn't magically cure her sexual dysfunction. To me, it looked like she was having a pouty little meltdown. So now it's going to be his job to read her mind and manage her moods? 

Apparently, no one can give her any relief, not even herself. It doesn't make Nate a selfish lover. He may be, but the issue was around long before he was. She's had her body for thirty years. If Sheila doesn't know how to navigate the territory, how can she expect him to? 

There's something off about her. It's going to be exhausting for Nate.

I don't think her meltdown had to do with the jetski either but more so the sex was a big let down. I don't know if its because she though it would just finally happen or what but if she is melting down over that she needs to deal with the issue on her own first. He should have made sure though she was all good during it too though since it was a first time together. Yet I am going to assume she has never taken business into her own hands and its something any real therapist would probably tell her to do at this point. She has no clue what will get her there so she can't tell him. I am going to bet if she even knew she wouldn't tell him still. I am not a fan of his but the girl needs to speak up on shit. Whether its her orgasm issue (which please stop with it already), or taking things slow on the jetski or just needing a little down time...she has to say something and probably explain why as well. At this point though she isn't very likable either right now. 

1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

@JAndy this is the comment of the day! It made me laugh. Sheila, the whole internet is talking about your orgasms. To the point that people are rushing over to forums panting "what about the orgasm??" Too funny!

Nate is dead to me after that. "I'm prepared to forgive her". Really? How magnanimous of you. This is their whole married life in a nutshell. She will have to apologize for everything and he will generously forgive. He will never, ever admit to being wrong. Run, Sheila.

Ashley redefines high maintenance! She never ever stopped needling Anthony for being relaxed, taking his time, not automatically bowing to her neurotic need to be "punctual", and not automatically getting ready for the day in the way she deemed to be proper. And I say this as a punctual person myself. I loathe being late and I give no quarter to those who keep me waiting. But Jesus girl, lighten up! Her lack of ability to be easygoing or good humored about perfectly manageable things was telling--the AC goes down and she freaks out? She's so scared of sharks she can't relax on the pedal boat? And yes, girlfriend will need a hard reality check once she has kids. Funnily enough, they don't always do things according to schedule! One lost sock or missing homework is going to send this woman around the bend.

LMAO about the orgasm comment. Agree that I wasn't happy with that whole scene at all. When he was talking to the "expert" all I heard him say was "me, me, me". Nothing about what he might be suggested in working things with her. While Sheila wasn't coming off that. Yet asking advice from these "experts" is the kiss of death IMO. They will tell her to apologize and just suck it up no matter what he does. 

I get the whole time thing. Being late is something I do not like. I have one son that is worse than I am on it too. Yet when you have one bathroom in a place to share its a bit hard to do everything you need before leaving. I will say he could have gotten dressed in the room while she was in the bathroom and all he would have to do is whatever bathroom business. LOL Sadly the sharks fear and some of her other issues are because of her sister. Yet I think Anthony did a good job in letting her know sharks were not going to go after an orange kayak. LOL 

6 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

Sheila is driving me nuts with her moodiness.  Why is it ok to be moody and not tell your NEW husband what is wrong?  I like Nate, did not sense the player vibe in him like some posters.

Ashley and Anthony are adorable.  They seem natural with each other.

Cody and Danielle- can't really get a read on those two except to say they are not as comfortable as Ashley/Anthony or Sheila/Nate.  I don't think it is a problem at this point.  

Its not just a vibe he has but he talked about it during his bachelor party and how he had to put whatever he called himself away for now. Plus he had shoes in his car during this whole process that to me says he was out and about knocking boots (heels) knowing he was being looked at for this show. I do agree with what you said about Ashley and Anthony though. They are the one couple since the first season that I am hoping makes it. Cody and Danielle are just both so awkward to but it nicely. 

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Sheila is the highest maintenance because you don't know what will set her off into one of her moods.

She shuts down and Nate gets to guess what pissed her off...this time.

Sheila is the opposite of "high sprung" (does anyone else thing of Tigger bouncing on his tiger tail as you say the phrase?) as she sinks into a Black Hole taking all energy matter into the core of her mood.

I think she was very clear when she spoke to him and told him that she is more even keeled and not as hyper as he is and that he was crowding her.  Maybe she needs to say back up off me and let me breathe, but I think even when it's told to him that bluntly, he wouldn't care because it's not about him.  

Did she tell him anything before the jet skis and what's not?  Not sure, but her body language from the start has been screaming take it slow.   Perhaps he could have asked her how she liked to ride jet skis.  Maybe they had that conversation and it was edited out.  From what I have seen so far from Nate, he seems like  a dick.  Maybe it's all editing.  


Also, I know the my "queen" thing is somewhat cultural, but all the men who I have known to use it are all jackasses (even family members).  I've been rolling my eyes at that expression for over 30 years.  Too late to stop. 

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I am the same way as Ashley with being late, ESPECIALLY when you're on vacation. My fiance takes so long to get ready and usually waits until i'm completely ready to start doing what he needs to do. In this case I think it was different because they had a very small space to get ready in so he probably just wanted to wait till she was out of the bathroom,  but it does irk me in any situation where I am ready to go and the other person just starts getting ready.

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humble opinion, who is "Frankie"?  (ETA, oh. Got it.)

Nate didn't say he needs "social interaction;" he said basically he unwinds from his "serious job" with physical activities, not lounging in a beach chair. IOW, "How I chill" would have been a good topic for potential compatibility.

I hope never to have Sheila's sexual "needs" discussed again. Sorry, but that's my reaction to TMI. 

I'm pretty much done with Cody's Opposite Grammar ("Me and Danielle were...."; "to Danielle and I"), as well as his irritating Vocal Fry.

 Now Anthony thinks the topic of children is too soon, when he knows full well that it was one of his own criteria for a match? I also think Ashley dealt with NO AC pretty well, as did Anthony. What bride wants to sweat like a proverbial pig on her honeymoon? Plus, I think her point about getting ready was that she tries to be punctual, but Anthony like a doofus made himself "late" by not getting ready until Ashley was, thus causing her to wait for him! No, Anthony; the man waits for the woman, if need be (a Time Immemorial female prerogative). 

Furthermore, sharks! Don't pooh-pooh the possibility, Anthony! Or Nate or Cody! 


Edited by LennieBriscoe
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Nate is such a spoiled man-boy! Shelia is just an introvert. He can't handle someone being different than him. If someone isn't the way he thinks they should be-then they are wrong/abnormal. He's in love with the idea of being married- he's not in love with her now nor will he ever be. Being around people sucks the energy out of introverts-and that's okay. He is an extrovert and gets energy from being around people she is not and needs a minute to recoup.  My H is an introvert and as soon as I realized that and let him be an introvert instead of trying to get him to be like me-an extrovert- our relationship got a lot better. 

Edited by NoJustNo
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1 hour ago, roseslg said:

I think she was very clear when she spoke to him and told him that she is more even keeled and not as hyper as he is and that he was crowding her.  Maybe she needs to say back up off me and let me breathe, but I think even when it's told to him that bluntly, he wouldn't care because it's not about him.  

Did she tell him anything before the jet skis and what's not?  Not sure, but her body language from the start has been screaming take it slow.   Perhaps he could have asked her how she liked to ride jet skis.  Maybe they had that conversation and it was edited out.  From what I have seen so far from Nate, he seems like  a dick.  Maybe it's all editing.  


Also, I know the my "queen" thing is somewhat cultural, but all the men who I have known to use it are all jackasses (even family members).  I've been rolling my eyes at that expression for over 30 years.  Too late to stop. 

While she did tell him that at one point. He obviously wasn't going to get it with how she said it. I agree that even being blunt he might not care but I think its how she needs to be with him. 

I did not see her talk to him about slowing down on so either she didn't or if she had it was edited out. I'm going to take it thought she might not have said a word though but who knows. Either way though if she is griping him a certain way that should have said to him to chill a bit. Like I said she might have had some fun but I think she would have enjoyed it even more if at times he had taken it slow. 

42 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Furthermore, sharks! Don't pooh-pooh the possibility, Anthony! Or Nate or Cody! 

There is so many here and a girl just ended up attacked last week down the shore. Last summer our beach was closed so many times for sharks being spotted. Yet for the most part they don't care you are there as long as you don't mess with them or look like a seal or some other water creature they'd eat. LOL You talk to any surfer and even warnings are up they will jump in that water with no fear. Oh and there was a shot caught on a camera of a huge one jumping out of the water a little bit over from a big group of surfers in the one area down shore.

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59 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

humble opinion, who is "Frankie"?  (ETA, oh. Got it.)

I'm pretty much done with Cody's Opposite Grammar ("Me and Danielle were...."; "to Danielle and I"), as well as his irritating Vocal Fry.


Have you seen the boy chew?? Ugh.

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Sheila is exhausting.  She really does expect Nate to somehow automatically know her moods and when to talk to her/when not to talk to her.  Also, when she starte talking to him, it was all what he was doing wrong and what his problems were.  I hate to say it (but I will...) she kind of reminds me of Ashley, but she was at least willing to consummate the marriage.

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PSA:      What to Doo Doo about pooing in a shared hotel suite with your stranger wife...

Anthony, you go down to the gym or spa or lobby's bathroom and do your daily evacuation there...an anonymous dump...

Grab your day's outfit and take your shower gel, hair products and do your whole beauty routine in the gym's showers and locker room.

Then you will be prompt when your wife, Big Ben, is ready to go when you return back to the room.

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I think Nate's immaturity is showing. Sheila is probably very different for him & he just doesn't 'get' her. To his credit I think he was patient with her moodiness. I'm a moody introvert myself, so I understand. I get tired & can become a different person until recharged- alone, or at least with some quiet. But she could give a bit more effort to at least not looking so sullen. This is something that might work itself out once they are doing real life together.

Sheila would do well with figuring out her own anatomy instead of relying on Nate to do it for her. That would help when they do come together. But at this point I'm dreading a possible sexual intervention from Rachel.

So we're past the brother reveal; now onto whatever the full blown meltdown is about, next week presumably. It looked like they were still honeymooning.

Danielle & Cody just don't look right together. She seems too far ahead of him in maturity. I really didn't like Cody's "if it were Friday night Cody I would've gone in" comment. You're married now, so you can't 'go in' ?? I get wanting to have a relationship base, but if he friend zones her it will be tough to bounce back. With his big talk & no action I'm starting to suspect he is a virgin.

Cody's needs some good ointment or salve for that neck irritation. It's been there from the get go; maybe he's too aggressive shaving to get his scruff to end so abruptly. I dislike it & think it makes him look like an 17 year old who can't grow real facial hair.

I agree on Danielle's make up - too much, at wrong times, & not done well.

Otherwise I think it's kind of amusing how horny she is & how Cody is deflating her balloon.

Ashley's baby talk might be contrived for some drama between them. If not she could calm that down. They matched them on both wanting a family, but it seems like she wants a honeymoon baby & they just met.

I like A&A together, but also wonder if Anthony will get tired of icing Ashley down (in more ways than one).

Edited by gonecrackers
forgetting words
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I totally feel Sheilas pain and now I can't stand Nate. I would ofpegged her for the last to consumate her marriage.  I'm an introvert and I dated an extrovert like Nate (although my guy was very giving in the bedroom and not selfish) he was exhausting, always full of energy and "on". Constantly wanted to do things with big loud groups of people.. All things that wear me down and drain my energy. And he'd poke at me and try to get me to be more fun and outgoing.  And he'd refuse to let me have down time because he didn't want to be alone. Exhausting! Nate is an ass because he wants to change Sheila. The woman who graciously accepted his brother living with them. But because she doesn't have the same obnoxious energy level as nate he thinks something is wrong with her. 


I'm really liking Anthony and Ashley . They are cute together. Cody seems so young! He's adorable but I don't think Danielle is into him. Funny that she's uncomfortable talking about sex. Maybe just because she's on TV. 

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50 minutes ago, kira28 said:

Nate is an ass because he wants to change Sheila. The woman who graciously accepted his brother living with them. But because she doesn't have the same obnoxious energy level as nate he thinks something is wrong with her. 

I don't understand how you came to this conclusion.. I don't think Nate tried to change her, he was trying to understand her. It's only day 4 and she has been moody several times. It's also normal to try to cheer someone up when they are moody. If Nate was the moody one and Sheila was trying to cheer him up would we be having this discussion. Sheila would have been the hero for being understanding. We probably would have called for his head and assumed he wanted to bail after having sex. Double standard people. 

BTW I don't think she is an introvert. She was probably having mood swings. Maybe stress induced one. 

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4 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I am the same way as Ashley with being late, ESPECIALLY when you're on vacation. My fiance takes so long to get ready and usually waits until i'm completely ready to start doing what he needs to do. In this case I think it was different because they had a very small space to get ready in so he probably just wanted to wait till she was out of the bathroom,  but it does irk me in any situation where I am ready to go and the other person just starts getting ready.

Talking about being late and waiting (Ashley).  Every year the husband & I drive to Florida with the 3 kids.  I pack the clothes, buy food & snacks for the trip, clean the house & give key to the neighbor, put pillows & blankets in car, plus luggage, make sandwiches, go to bank for cash, blah, blah, blah.  Last minute, husband showers .. We wait for him to get in car.  He shuts the door and turns on the ignition and away we go.  And Ashley complains?

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6 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

I don't understand how you came to this conclusion.. I don't think Nate tried to change her, he was trying to understand her. It's only day 4 and she has been moody several times. It's also normal to try to cheer someone up when they are moody. If Nate was the moody one and Sheila was trying to cheer him up would we be having this discussion. Sheila would have been the hero for being understanding. We probably would have called for his head and assumed he wanted to bail after having sex. Double standard people. 

BTW I don't think she is an introvert. She was probably having mood swings. Maybe stress induced one. 

Maybe PMS.  That could make a woman moody, bitchy & crazy.

5 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Talking about being late and waiting (Ashley).  Every year the husband & I drive to Florida with the 3 kids.  I pack the clothes, buy food & snacks for the trip, clean the house & give key to the neighbor, put pillows & blankets in car, plus luggage, make sandwiches, go to bank for cash, blah, blah, blah.  Last minute, husband showers .. We wait for him to get in car.  He shuts the door and turns on the ignition and away we go.  And Ashley complains?

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19 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Anthony will be the Ashley Whisperer...calming her, reassuring, showing he has confidence in her.

Understanding and dealing with her insecurities will be their bus on the beach.

He is doing a good job but if he needs to bring out the big guns he needs to call Reed who is the "Aviva Whisperer" from the Real Housewives of New York.  She took being neurotic to a whole other level and her husband Reed is a miracle worker.      

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18 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Danielle (?) just kept talking about how handsome her husband Cody was, and good for her. I'm glad that she's attracted to him. I'm just sad that he hasn't been taking her clues that she was ready to seal the deal.  Is he a virgin? I also thought for a gym owner that he needed to work on his love handles a wee bit more but that's just a shallow observation on my part. 

I disliked that we got that same coming attraction showing Shelia extremely upset over something. I (after not seeing it this week) don't trust that it will be on next episode either. 

I thought Ashley and Anthony are cute as a button together. Her eyes light up. He's going to have his hands full with her sister but on the kayak he mentioned that he'd have a chat with her sister upon their return. Hmm...can't wait to see how that goes. 

OMG, I KNOW!!  Now, that being said, I do not at all have the perfect female body but if I owned a gym and was a walking advertisement, I sure as hell would be in the best shape I could possibly be in. 

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52 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Maybe PMS.  That could make a woman moody, bitchy & crazy.

True, or she could just be tired from all the recent events. That would be a whirlwind for anyone & totally overwhelming for some, & she did say she is a lower energy level type of person.

1 hour ago, ctbabe said:

BTW I don't think she is an introvert. She was probably having mood swings. Maybe stress induced one. 

Could be any of the above or introvert burnout symptoms. She definitely seems overwhelmed though so it could just be that.

Another thing that impressed me a bit about Nate in this episode was he picked up on the fact that she may be feeling more vulnerable since they barely know each other & just had sex for the first time. She said 'it's getting real'. I thought that was a rather sensitive observation on his part.

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1 hour ago, ctbabe said:


BTW I don't think she is an introvert. She was probably having mood swings. Maybe stress induced one. 

I was just going by what Sheila said. She said she's an introvert. She also spoke of being emotionally exhausted by the process. I think she was just sick of Nates constant "criticism" of her laid backness and of his clingingness.  I did think Sheila was rude when she basically refused to talk to him because she said she doesn't have conversations when she has nothing to say. I'm an introvert but would never be that rude to someone. 

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sort of off topic - Sharks in water - not every shark is feeding  and ready to attack you.  On a very hot day with everyone one in the water pretty much shoulder to shoulder for rows, I suddenly got a big hit in the back like with a surf board,  when I turned around it was not a surf board, but a shark. . I shoved the guy next to me and we called out to the others and pushed the shark past all of us,. I think it got caught in the breakers and wanted to get back out to sea but there were all these people!!!.  Did I ever imagine having to do that, no, but hey it was between me and the shore, so you do what you have to do, I don't think any of us discussed this, just went and did it and then discussed it after the shark swam away. also it was a baby less than 6 feet long, but my back really had a large bruise on it from the hit.  I think most of the time sharks are not feeding,  and this was probably a sand shark which doesn't eat people anyway.  They are in the water a lot, you just ignore them.

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Nate seemed completely turned off when Sheila started talking about being low key. I could see him deflating lol. As an introvert married to an ambivert, I am trying to see it from his side but I just don't get people who are on 10 all the time. Like go over there with all that lol. I foresee problems for them because he doesn't seem empathetic and she doesn't seem flexible.

My husband calls me high maintenance. He now has Ashley to thank for me trying to change because she annoyed the crap out of me. I just kept thinking "is that me? Good lord, I must suck to be around." Also, her weave was bothering me. They seem to vibe well though.

Danielle and Cody are not giving me chemistry yet. 

Edited by ridethemaverick
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5 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Sheila is exhausting.  She really does expect Nate to somehow automatically know her moods and when to talk to her/when not to talk to her.  Also, when she starte talking to him, it was all what he was doing wrong and what his problems were.  I hate to say it (but I will...) she kind of reminds me of Ashley, but she was at least willing to consummate the marriage.

I'm exhausted just watching her.  Something about her reaches right into the TV and makes ME feel depressed.  Ugh.

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On 5/4/2017 at 9:15 PM, JAndy said:

Lol at "having my brother live with us should be no big deal". Do we think the experts considered this before matching Nate and Sheila together? 


On 5/4/2017 at 9:19 PM, VanSensei said:

Same show that said "we paired them because they'd be sexy together". They don't think things through.

Same show that paired a real estate agent who wanted a home to reflect her success...to a man who lived in a converted van.

I think its obvious, these kinds of situations are added to the show for drama.


On 5/4/2017 at 11:01 PM, Adeejay said:

I have a sneaking suspicion that Shelia isn't as thrilled with the idea that Nate's brother is going to be living with them as she would have us believe.  I think she is just saying all the right things for the camera.  She didn't appear the slightest bit upset about not having the big O, but after his revelation, her demeanor and attitude seemed to have changed.

I don't think she's "thrilled" about it but I don't think she's lying or putting on for TV. I think she just may be a kind caring person who truly does honestly see the big picture of it---that it's nice that he takes care of his little brother. Even though CLEARLY it's not the IDEAL situation. She has to make peace with it. She said it herself, she also can't be that bitch who tries to kick is brother out.

Edited by ralph
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5 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Sheila would do well with figuring out her own anatomy instead of relying on Nate to do it for her. That would help when they do come together. But at this point I'm dreading a possible sexual intervention from Rachel.

Danielle & Cody just don't look right together. She seems too far ahead of him in maturity. I really didn't like Cody's "if it were Friday night Cody I would've gone in" comment. You're married now, so you can't 'go in' ?? I get wanting to have a relationship base, but if he friend zones her it will be tough to bounce back. With his big talk & no action I'm starting to suspect he is a virgin.

Cody's needs some good ointment or salve for that neck irritation. It's been there from the get go; maybe he's too aggressive shaving to get his scruff to end so abruptly. I dislike it & think it makes him look like an 17 year old who can't grow real facial hair.

I agree on Danielle's make up - too much, at wrong times, & not done well.

Otherwise I think it's kind of amusing how horny she is & how Cody is deflating her balloon.

Ashley's baby talk might be contrived for some drama between them. If not she could calm that down. They matched them on both wanting a family, but it seems like she wants a honeymoon baby & they just met.

I like A&A together, but also wonder if Anthony will get tired of icing Ashley down (in more ways than one).

OMG I really do DREAD Rachel talking to them about sex. She is so pathetic. She looks like she is drooling over it all when she talks about sex and more so with the couples. Its disgusting really. The only thing that needs to be said is to tell Sheila to figure out what works for her by herself then go from there. Please though do not send them to some insane tantric lady trying to get it on with them though like she did last season or to some other freaky thing. 

Cody I wonder too if he is a virgin with how he is talking. I get the feeling she isn't sure how to just tell him she wants to have sex already. The thing is that I would think if he was a virgin they would play that up as some big bombshell secret he needs to tell her. It could just be he has very little experience though and maybe they weren't the best. Who knows but they are just so awkward together and blah. For his neck, it could be weather causing it as well but he should have put something on it to try to help that irritation. 

The baby talk, it could to try to create the drama for them. I think if he says let's see how we are in a year and talk about it then she might be ok with that. Since they are in the get to know each phase still she can't expect it to happen now. I can't see either really would want that right now so soon. I know it happens before the first anniversary but usually you know each other. It happened to us. Got pregnant and had our son at the beginning of the month of our first anniversary. So we had a newborn baby when our anniversary rolled around at the end of the month. 

5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Anthony, double bag your groceries...if you get my drift...

Ashley's egg is waiting impatiently for your swimmers....


5 hours ago, kira28 said:

I totally feel Sheilas pain and now I can't stand Nate. I would ofpegged her for the last to consumate her marriage.  I'm an introvert and I dated an extrovert like Nate (although my guy was very giving in the bedroom and not selfish) he was exhausting, always full of energy and "on". Constantly wanted to do things with big loud groups of people.. All things that wear me down and drain my energy. And he'd poke at me and try to get me to be more fun and outgoing.  And he'd refuse to let me have down time because he didn't want to be alone. Exhausting! Nate is an ass because he wants to change Sheila. The woman who graciously accepted his brother living with them. But because she doesn't have the same obnoxious energy level as nate he thinks something is wrong with her. 


I'm really liking Anthony and Ashley . They are cute together. Cody seems so young! He's adorable but I don't think Danielle is into him. Funny that she's uncomfortable talking about sex. Maybe just because she's on TV. 

4 hours ago, ctbabe said:

I don't understand how you came to this conclusion.. I don't think Nate tried to change her, he was trying to understand her. It's only day 4 and she has been moody several times. It's also normal to try to cheer someone up when they are moody. If Nate was the moody one and Sheila was trying to cheer him up would we be having this discussion. Sheila would have been the hero for being understanding. We probably would have called for his head and assumed he wanted to bail after having sex. Double standard people. 

BTW I don't think she is an introvert. She was probably having mood swings. Maybe stress induced one. 


I know she has said it but I don't think she is an introvert either. I actually find the labeling of them all introvert or extrovert or whatever else a bit much at times. If you are on a tv show letting cameras follow you around and willing to talk about having sex or orgasms you are not introverted at all. Now with that though it doesn't mean someone doesn't just want a few minutes of quiet. She had explained that the 2 weeks and that time was a lot on her. It would be on anyone. She finds out she has to get married, find a dress, marries the stranger, dealt with a little family drama, whisked off to the honeymoon now and decided to do the deed with him with no happy ending for her. I think anyone would need some time to breath for a little bit. Just relax and take it all in though. I don't know if she assumed he would just magically make things happen for her in the bed or not but it could be part of it as well. Trying to figure out what to say to him on it and if she isn't thinking of that she should be. 

1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I'm exhausted just watching her.  Something about her reaches right into the TV and makes ME feel depressed.  Ugh.

She doesn't come off as a very happy person. Like I said right now I am not liking her much either. I wonder why they picked these 2. There had to have been 2 others that would be more enjoyable to watch. 

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10 hours ago, cardigirl said:

I don't mind Nate calling Sheila his queen, as I think that's a cultural thing.  I've heard it used on other tv shows.

I still mind him giving her a crown.

Whenever Danielle gives one of her speeches about MAN MAN MAN, all I can think of is the 60s song "Johnny Get Angry":

Oh, Johnny get angry, Johnny get mad
Give me the biggest lecture I ever had
I want a brave man, I want a cave man
Johnny, show me that you care, really care for me

I think Sheila is looking for a religious, bookish guy who enjoys quiet, intellectual pursuits. She was not matched with that man.

Anthony, I'm sure the hotel has a cleaning service so you don't have to wear a pit-stained tee shirt to bed.

Who else wants to read a memoir from Cody about all that wild partying he did from age 21-24?

Edited by Lord Donia
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I think there is an possibility that the problem with the matches is not a desire to create drama. There should be should stuff that naturally occurs to cut together some drama in the editing room.
I think they really do want couples who might last to decision day and sometimes the 6 month mark. If all the couples fall apart it could loose some of the shows appeal. They know naturally many won't last so no need to stack the deck against themselves.
I do think they have a legit problem finding decent candidates, especially men, that meet the "look" they are going for. They need people in the right age range, TV ready, related to their core audience and not obviously dangerous. Oh yeah and want to do this show.

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1 hour ago, Evil Queen said:

Please though do not send them to some insane tantric lady trying to get it on with them though like she did last season or to some other freaky thing. 

Cody I wonder too if he is a virgin with how he is talking. I get the feeling she isn't sure how to just tell him she wants to have sex already. The thing is that I would think if he was a virgin they would play that up as some big bombshell secret he needs to tell her.

Eeesh; forgot about that. Now I really dread what's up her sleeve for these two.

I'm thinking Cody wouldn't admit it if he is; a lot of guys would not, especially on TV.

57 minutes ago, Lord Donia said:

Whenever Danielle gives one of her speeches about MAN MAN MAN, all I can think of is the 60s song "Johnny Get Angry":

LOL.  I don't know how she's feeling like 'the woman' with a guy who seems like such a boy (to me anyway)...  & a boy who also doesn't want to have sex with her.

Edited by gonecrackers
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Now I remember why I stopped watching last season... the producer-driven long sighs, pauses and fake fights. It's hard to enjoy the couples as they are. Frankly, I wouldn't care how they were as long as they were themselves. 

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1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

Eeesh; forgot about that. Now I really dread what's up her sleeve for these two.

I'm thinking Cody wouldn't admit it if he is; a lot of guys would not, especially on TV.

LOL.  I don't know how she's feeling like 'the woman' with a guy who seems like such a boy (to me anyway)...  & a boy who also doesn't want to have sex with her.

He might not admit it on tv but he would have to the "experts" when Rachel and Pepper are prying into the sex life of all those they talk to. Either way there is something not right there. 

41 minutes ago, ethalfrida said:

Now I remember why I stopped watching last season... the producer-driven long sighs, pauses and fake fights. It's hard to enjoy the couples as they are. Frankly, I wouldn't care how they were as long as they were themselves. 

LOL Its hard as well when they pick some stupid people and reasons for matching. Then throw in all those crappy edits, "experts" comments and prying into the couples every move then wash, rinse, and repeat.....and its just craptasic. 

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Ashley: I don't trust the ocean, it is tipping me in the water.

Anthony: I won't let you fall in.

Ashley: I don't trust California, there are earthquakes, the earth will open and swallow me whole.

Anthony: I'll hold your hand to keep you from sliding in.

Ashley: I don't trust the sky, meteorites will crash into our house.

Anthony: I'll stand over you and block the roof from falling on you.

No matter what perceived fear she has, Anthony just has to acknowledge her and reassure her that he will protect her.

He seems to be a guy who will do just that...we shall see...

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I think Danielle has realized that Cody is not the "manly man" she was hoping he would be.  Dude is not stepping up to the plate.  She's being obvious and he is acting like he needs time.  Really?  What is he so afraid of?  Perhaps he wasn't ready for this and it's showing now?  Then again, sometimes guys need the woman to make the first move because they're afraid of offending her even if she seems to want it.  This could end up being a needless Mexican standoff.  She shouldn't be insisting on him making the first move when he has said he wants to have sex.  He probably just needs "permission".  I understand she wants a "manly guy" but sometimes even manly guys need a "kick start"!  It may be that he's just a gentleman, not conflicted.  I think Danielle may be subtly sabotaging things because she's realizing how immature Cody is compared to her.

I think Nate is oppressive and draining Sheila's energy so much that her meltdown in those previews had everything to do with him exhausting and frustrating her at every turn.  Plus she has the feeling that she's being criticized.  Yes to the "introvert burnout".  I recognize the signs being one myself.  That's the cause of her moodiness, IMO.  I wouldn't look too pleasant after all that either, so I'm giving Sheila a break for her behavior - for now at least.

Theirs is a classic introvert/extrovert conflict, however I don't think Sheila is really that introverted, it's just that Nate is such an extreme extrovert he'd make anyone look positively antisocial by comparison!

After all his talk about Sheila being "my queen", and Nate's still too oblivious and immature to really pay attention to what she needs.  He's so focused on the way he thinks she should be that he is missing and not caring about the way she is - A common immature guy thing.  And ITA with those that said he should have been focused on giving her pleasure - He may have tried to and failed and she didn't tell us that, but I'm getting the impression that he didn't and that's yet another cause of her moodiness.  She needs to make him aware of where he's going wrong.  Sometimes people aren't good at mind reading but if you give them a clue, they get it.  Unfortunately with Nate I think he won't get it and will expect her to take what he gives her and not complain.  Again, that's an immature guy thing.  I think Sheila's sullenness is her realizing he's that immature and won't take it constructively if she tells him how to pleasure her or that she needs some space.  I do hope he's more mature than he seems so far but I'm not holding my breath on that.

Maybe it's me, but I was kind of surprised that Sheila had sex with Nate so soon.  A woman that has never had an orgasm is that willing to jump all in right away with sex?  I don't get it, it doesn't seem to fit with that or her personality.

Oh, and the jet ski incident - Didn't nasty Ryan from Season 2 do the exact same thing to Jessica?  She was really pissed at him for that as I recall.  I wouldn't blame Sheila for being pissed.  Some of her moodiness is looking justified to me.  If I were paired with a guy like that, I'd look pretty moody too.

Forgive me for this, but I think Ashley is a little shallow and self indulgent with the neurotic stuff.  Anthony seems to be very tolerant of it so far but it could end up getting really tiresome.  Either it's that or they could be a match made in heaven!  I have known strange relationships like that where the woman is a handful and the man just eats it up, meanwhile most men would be tearing their hair out!  If she continues this way she'll be like those wives of my bosses that call them every 15 minutes from home because the baby spit up, or they broke a finger nail and they're freaking out.

Is it me?  This season I have to put on the closed captioning to make out what some of them are saying.  Nate is especially hard to understand.  They swallow their words.  Maybe that's a Chicago thing?

Again with Cody and the "Me and Danielle".  I almost fell over when in his last talking head in this episode he actually said, "Danielle and I"!  Just when I was ready to throw something at the TV if he said it ONE MORE TIME.  I used to think it was just the people on this show that had bad grammar, but it seems to be rampant among young people these days.  I don't think they realize that everyone over a certain age was slapped upside the head by the nearest adult every time they said "Me and" when they were kids and have a visceral aversion to it.  I'm not a parent but I wonder how these people got through school without being corrected.  Maybe teachers don't do that anymore and now it's out of control?

Edited by Snarklepuss
Grammar, ha!
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People keep talking about Nate not giving Sheila her first orgasm, and not realizing that she didn't have one---but i'm pretty sure she didn't tell him she'd never had one and i'm pretty sure she fakes it

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11 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

Who else wants to read a memoir from Cody about all that wild partying he did from age 21-24?

Omg, right! Farm boy has not lived. He kept saying "It needs to be right" or "I want to get it right" or "we're doing it right"  so many times I wanted to smash the teevee. He is very nervous in front of the camera. Hopefully he will get more comfortable with it as the filming goes on. I find it very telling that both he and his younger brother both tried out for the show. I don't think either one really wants to get married, just another famewhore situation. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Hi...I have high hopes for Anthony and Ashley. They had a connection from the start. Danielle and Cody are both attractive but something off there...he is really young. I think he and his brother got caught up in the comptative auditioning....he won but doesnt know how to handle it?

Nate and Sheila... Drama from the start lol. I hope his awful dad is kept away. She may be upset or angry but I do think she is commited. The religion aspect may work for them . I never knew a Preachers kid ..I'm Catholic. ..but while they say they rebel..Katy Perry...many also seem to remain religious. I think Sheila takesvthis very seriously. Nowvif Nate can just calm down....and shutup with the Queen nonsense.  I think they have a chance

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16 hours ago, Evil Queen said:



I know she has said it but I don't think she is an introvert either. I actually find the labeling of them all introvert or extrovert or whatever else a bit much at times. If you are on a tv show letting cameras follow you around and willing to talk about having sex or orgasms you are not introverted at all. Now with that though it doesn't mean someone doesn't just want a few minutes of quiet. She had explained that the 2 weeks and that time was a lot on her. It would be on anyone. She finds out she has to get married, find a dress, marries the stranger, dealt with a little family drama, whisked off to the honeymoon now and decided to do the deed with him with no happy ending for her. I think anyone would need some time to breath for a little bit. Just relax and take it all in though. I don't know if she assumed he would just magically make things happen for her in the bed or not but it could be part of it as well. Trying to figure out what to say to him on it and if she isn't thinking of that she should be. 

She doesn't come off as a very happy person. Like I said right now I am not liking her much either. I wonder why they picked these 2. There had to have been 2 others that would be more enjoyable to watch. 

I think it's a, common misconception that introverted means shy. All introverts are not shy. It just means you get overestimated by noise and too much commotion easily. Sort of like a cat that bites you when you pet it too much lol. Sheila explained it as how kids have so much energy and bounce around making noise and talking constantly and that it annoyed her and wore her down. Introverts have their energy drained by lots of social interaction. Doesn't mean she isn't comfortable being  on TV or talking about sex. She probably wouldn't enjoy a high energy game show environment but this show is pretty one on one and more laid back. Sheila does seem like an unhappy person though. 

Edited by kira28
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