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S13.E22: Leave It Inside

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Just now, Daisy said:

I don't think the fact that Camilla was pregnant helped matters. 

That excuse for me anyway is a cop out. She wasn't heavily pregnant all season. They ignored her almost completely until the back half of the season when it was obviously going to be more difficult for her to film. Instead we got multiple episodes of the Mer/Nathan/Maggie saga and Owen/Amelia having the same fight over and over. They barely touched on Jo. Instead her abuse storyline became all about Alex and DeLuca.

They had ample opportunity to develop it more. They just chose not to.

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Just now, Chas411 said:

That excuse for me anyway is a cop out. She wasn't heavily pregnant all season. They ignored her almost completely until the back half of the season when it was obviously going to be more difficult for her to film. Instead we got multiple episodes of the Mer/Nathan/Maggie saga and Owen/Amelia having the same fight over and over. They barely touched on Jo. Instead her abuse storyline became all about Alex and DeLuca.

They had ample opportunity to develop it more. They just chose not to.

Just because she wasn't heavily pregnant doesn't mean she didn't want to take it lighter, though.  I was just saying that would probably be the reason why they didn't. Maybe Camilla didn't want to do super much. I doubt it, but I don't think her being pregnant made it any easier (or made the decision not to focus on her - that much easier). 

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9 minutes ago, Daisy said:

I don't think the fact that Camilla was pregnant helped matters. 

they are focused on Shonda's new show. Happens all the time. 
Private Practice is coming up - writing REALLY crappy. 
Scandal first comes up - writing REALLY crappy on both shows)
How to Get Away with Murder... see above. 
The Chase. (see above)

Now it's "Still Star-Crossed" and i swear to God my love of historicals is warring with the fact I am gonna get sucked into another Shonda show.


Shonda isn't really involved at all with How To Get Away With Murder. She's just a name on the series because she's a producer. She isn't part of the writers' room at all. Ditto for The Catch. 

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1 minute ago, BaseOps said:

Shonda isn't really involved at all with How To Get Away With Murder. She's just a name on the series because she's a producer. She isn't part of the writers' room at all. Ditto for The Catch. 

Don't they share writers? (I thought they did).
Regardless. i do stand corrected on that. (I just find all Shonda Shows bug me after a while) LOL

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12 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Just because she wasn't heavily pregnant doesn't mean she didn't want to take it lighter, though.  I was just saying that would probably be the reason why they didn't. Maybe Camilla didn't want to do super much. I doubt it, but I don't think her being pregnant made it any easier (or made the decision not to focus on her - that much easier). 

It's possible of course that she may have asked for a lighter workload. She didnt stop altogether though and when she was available and filming the fact that they decided to focus more so on how the men around her (Alex or DeLuca) were feeling rather then give her any development makes me think that they just weren't bothered.

Edited by Chas411
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Is there some covert Minnick fan base I'm unaware of? Like on Twitter or something? I don't get it - doesn't the show realize how hated this character is by fans? How badly she's ruining what remains of Arizona's integrity? You'd have to be willfully ignoring viewer feedback not to know Minnick is the most despised character on the show right now.

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

I don't think the fact that Camilla was pregnant helped matters. 

they are focused on Shonda's new show. Happens all the time. 
Private Practice is coming up - writing REALLY crappy. 
Scandal first comes up - writing REALLY crappy on both shows)
How to Get Away with Murder... see above. 
The Chase. (see above)

Now it's "Still Star-Crossed" and i swear to God my love of historicals is warring with the fact I am gonna get sucked into another Shonda show.

I didn't even know she had a new show.  But this one has really slid downhill.  

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Okay, here's my theory.  Minnick and the Minnick/Arizona relationship exists only to be so bad that viewers quit being upset about all the other relationships on the show.  Honestly, I still do.not.understand Riggs and Meredith but I'm willing to go with it--why?  Because at least it isn't Minnick and Arizona.  I can even limit my eye rolls when they try to remind us that Owen and Amelia are a thing because no matter how tired and ridiculous that relationship is, it still isn't a bad as Minnick and Arizona.

19 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Is there some covert Minnick fan base I'm unaware of? Like on Twitter or something? I don't get it - doesn't the show realize how hated this character is by fans? How badly she's ruining what remains of Arizona's integrity? You'd have to be willfully ignoring viewer feedback not to know Minnick is the most despised character on the show right now.

I was wondering the same thing so I checked out some of the comments on some of the show's official social media posts and the feelings here seem pretty much universal.  There are usually a few (less than a dozen) comments about Arizona "deserves to be happy," but other than that...nope.  I think Minnick may have surpassed Erika Hahn on the hate-o-meter.

Speaking of Minnick, I am a little confused about some of her reactions to the residents here.  First of all, Ben is "conservative"?  Really, because up until this episode he has been the polar opposite of conservative.  But, hey, the show tells us he is conservative, so we need to just accept that (grrr.....).

As for Alex using the Minnick method, I wasn't sure what Minnick's issue with that was.  Was it because it made excused Alex from any legal action (and possibly made her responsible)?  It also didn't make sense that Minnick thought that Stephanie's behavior was because of her dead boyfriend, but no one mentioned her personal history of dealing with illness as a child.  *That* actually makes Stephanie's behavior in this episode much more realistic.  If Minnick's issue was that Alex put Stephanie in a position she was not ready to handle, well Minnick--of all people--can just suck it.

I wish this show would just put a moratorium on relationships for a while.  As I said, I still don't understand Riggs and Meredith.  They keep beating the dead horse that is Owen and Amelia.  Jo and Alex have been in limbo land *for an entire season.*  At this point, I'm not sure April and Jackson even exist on the same planet.  

But here's the thing...I really enjoyed Meredith, Maggie, Amelia, and April all working together (or in some combination thereof).  I would much rather watch these 4 (actually 5, adding in Arizona) characters navigate professional challenges and deal with friendships/sister issues between each other than whatever the hell the show has tried to do this season.  

This show wasn't completely frustrating for me.  I actually liked the story line with the heart tumor--it was serious but a little bit silly, which is very old-school Grey's (and not nearly as disgusting as last week's worms).  I also thought they handled Meredith's "getting over" Derek well (although I wish she were doing it because she was feeling it was time and not because she wants to have sexy times with Riggs for still no understandable reason).  I was also beyond relieved that Amelia didn't have another one of her breakdowns over it.

I also liked seeing Alex again and getting an actual story line.  It has been way, way too long....maybe Justin Chambers was pregnant this season?  Ha!

ETA: Also loved the residents turning on Minnick.  I've been waiting for that since she showed up on the scene!

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40 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Is there some covert Minnick fan base I'm unaware of?

Yeah. Shonda Rhimes.

Minnick and Arizona together make no sense.  Literally, it is just a case of  'hey here are two lesbians, they must be hot for each other.'  I would have loved it just on principle if they had looked at each other and figuratively shrugged and not been attracted to each other.  Also she is being used to dumb down Arizona to give her sex-fog brain.  Minnick had been here for a minute and she trashes the other doctors in Arizona's hearing and all Arizona could say is "let's go have sex!"  So disappointing.

I'll be so mad if they have Stephanie leave in disgrace, fired or killed off.  Just let her go gracefully.  It is typical that they give her interesting stuff to do just when she is leaving.  Oh well.  I do plan to watch her new show, it sounds interesting and I like Alan Ball's stuff.

I really enjoyed seeing the Twisted Sisters plus one more (April) together.  Amelia did not annoy me, but that could just be because she had barely any lines.  And, I am -- gasp -- kinda ok with the idea of April and Maggie becoming friends.  Outside of the sister dynamic, female friendships have been sorely neglected.  It feels like after Derek died, the show forgot how to write a good romance,  and after Cristina left, it forgot how to write good female friendships.  And Meredith and Nathan are really together, I guess, but they are already boring me.  HA!

That last scene.  Oh, Alex.  What have you done?

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I'd completely forgotten about Minnick until this episode. Even when she showed up I was all "Harpo, who dis woman?" until I remembered her. Minnick and Arizona boning made me wonder when are we ever going to see Arizona tell a potential lover about her leg. I'm not an amputee so this could just be projection on my part but I feel like that would be a real intimacy milestone in a relationship. 

The storyline with the kid was a good one. When that poor child showed up at the ER again, I kept wondering if they could use that as a way to legally help him. He was basically begging these doctors to save him from his parents. It was pretty much the equivalent of a child walking into an ER and saying he was being abused. Also, that young actor did a very good job. Every time he was on screen my heart broke which is funny because I'm completely unmoved by everyone else on the show. Stephanie's rant against the parent was a little over the top but I was there for it because these types of stories always drive me crazy when I read them in real life. 

I also liked the story of the heart tumor patient. The way these surgeons browbeat patients has always bothered me especially because it's often more about their God complex than the patient. 

Edited by marceline
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57 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

Minnick and Arizona together make no sense.  Literally, it is just a case of  'hey here are two lesbians, they must be hot for each other.'  I would have loved it just on principle if they had looked at each other and figuratively shrugged and not been attracted to each other. 

And apparently there are no other lesbians in this large hospital with whom Arizona might actually have some chemistry?  I mean, when she first pursued Callie, she talked about all the other hospital employees she'd dated, so surely there has to be someone besides Minnick.  Unless Arizona has already dumped every lesbian in a five mile radius of Seattle Mercy Grey Sloane Death.

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I didn't even think that he was looking for Jo's husband. I figured it had something to do with the boy he had treated. 

That was also my thought, given Alex's reaction when the father did that backhand motion while barking at his wife.


That's because part of this episode was supposed to be in a previous episode.

Oh, so that explains the WTFness with the time/storylines. TPTB should've just edited out the previous scenes of Deluca professing his love for Jo to Stephanie, and Arizona/Minnick carpooling.

I guess Leah was only brought back as a tool to facilitate the Minnick mess. Which sucks, because at least she and Arizona had some chemistry, and a basis for hooking back up. Not to mention, Tessa Ferrer is a better actress and has more screen presence than whatshername.

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19 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I don't know why Minnick is here. She clearly has very little to no respect for anyone she works with and Arizona's response to her insulting Alex, her friend and number one protégé, was to take Eliza home for sexytimes?

And all of a sudden Meredith and Nathan, despite never being on an actual date, are serious enough that she feels the need to start de-Derek-ing her bedroom?

This made me laugh out loud! seriously! I am getting looks here in the office! I think I love you <3

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2 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

And apparently there are no other lesbians in this large hospital with whom Arizona might actually have some chemistry?  I mean, when she first pursued Callie, she talked about all the other hospital employees she'd dated, so surely there has to be someone besides Minnick.  Unless Arizona has already dumped every lesbian in a five mile radius of Seattle Mercy Grey Sloane Death.

Because surgeons can apparently only date other surgeons. Ben was an aenethesiologist, but became a surgeon. They all turn!

Is Leah still on the show? They made a big deal about her returning and then she disappeared. Is she in the parking lot with Hahn?

I can see Meredith and Riggs playing out like this-they become an openly dating couple. Riggs wife/fiancé comes back. Meredith has been here before ala Addison. Riggs goes back to long lost love. Meredith goes on her way, knowing she's ready to love again.

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It seems to me that Shonda's shows start out strong, as others have pointed out, but, then fizzle.  After a few seasons they are miserable.  I've had to walk away from most.  I'm not sure how her being the producer, but, not writer works.  I can't imagine being the producer for a show with such poor writing.  Apparently, the producers do oversee and/or edit the writing.



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5 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It seems to me that Shonda's shows start out strong, as others have pointed out, but, then fizzle.  After a few seasons they are miserable.  I've had to walk away from most.  I'm not sure how her being the producer, but, not writer works.  I can't imagine being the producer for a show with such poor writing.  Apparently, the producers do oversee and/or edit the writing.



I couldnt either. but i've read a lot of articles that even when actors think their characters wouldn't do this (or say it - even grammatically) Shonda gets on them. Basically you need to do whatever Shonda says and be all "yes ma'am, no ma'am." (so it makes you wonder how many Grey's people at this point is like. get the paycheque, get exposure, get out." 

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1 hour ago, chitowngirl said:

Is Leah still on the show? They made a big deal about her returning and then she disappeared. Is she in the parking lot with Hahn?

She served as a device to get the whole "Richard is doing badly managing the intern program" started and then wandered off. It's a shame, I would have rather had Leah stick around than be force-fed Minnick.

1) Leah has connections to other characters on the show (Alex, Arizona, Richard, Stephanie, Jo) that could have been picked back up or create new connections (April? Riggs? I don't know) without having to create a whole new character

2) Because she had previous connections, having her interact with new characters doesn't seem as forced

3) The "intern program" storyline still could have happened with her return, but instead of bringing in Minnick they tap one of the other attendings to be in charge (jump right to that whole "April is in charge" plot if you want)

Long story short, they should hire people on this board as writers because we'd do a much better job!

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Leah on this show and T.R. Knight on The Catch (George on Grey's) was hyped a lot preseason but both disappeared quickly.  It almost seems like a bait and switch.

Like others, I enjoyed the females working with each other and behaving like friends.  I'll add that I miss the friendship that April and Arizona used to have.  

I'm interested to see what the next two episodes have to offer.  

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11 hours ago, deaja said:

If they have to write off Stephanie, after portraying her as such a rock star, couldn't they have had another hospital make her an offer she couldn't refuse?  Instead, we get this backtracking of painting her as unstable, angry, etc.  Ugh. 

Exactly.  My hope was that they'd bring Christina Yang back, and maybe even at Shane Ross' suggestion, to hire Stephanie away from G/S.....to go to Switzerland.  Stephanie was the most likable of the last crop of interns, and she was written as the smartest and with the most interesting background.  She should have been given a great send-off, instead of making her out to be some head-case.   Perhaps even have Christina & Mer welcome her to a fantastic new medical adventure with a dance party send-off, after spectacularly saving a patient or something.

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9 hours ago, dmc said:

This season is utter crap, worst story lines, poorly written, just a complete mess.  I don't know what is going on their writer's room. 

It's worse than the Pegasus/Alana Cahill season (9?), and that's saying something!

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5 hours ago, jaync said:

I guess Leah was only brought back as a tool to facilitate the Minnick mess. Which sucks, because at least she and Arizona had some chemistry

Minnick has big shoes to fill if Greys expect fans to accept this relationship. Season 9/10 story line created the chemistry between AZ and Leah because Callie was in the picture, like we saw the chemistry between AZ and Lauren, very hot. I don't think they could have written a love interest for AZ that would have worked this season, this season was awful. Wonder if the writers changed!  

18 minutes ago, jschoolgirl said:

This season is utter crap, worst story lines, poorly written, just a complete mess.  I don't know what is going on their writer's room. 

You're so right. I'm hating Season 13 so much, Im watching season 1 again, just to remind me how good Greys use to be. 

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5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It seems to me that Shonda's shows start out strong, as others have pointed out, but, then fizzle.  After a few seasons they are miserable.  I've had to walk away from most.  I'm not sure how her being the producer, but, not writer works.  I can't imagine being the producer for a show with such poor writing.  Apparently, the producers do oversee and/or edit the writing.



Producer can be kind of a vague title though. Sometimes they are involved in the writing as that link describes, but sometimes it is just someone who invested in a project or who used to be involved and left, but still gets money. I think JJ Abrams was credited as a producer on Lost for the entire run and he had nothing to do with it in later seasons. And sometimes they credit someone as a producer to get ratings. 

I agree her shows tend to fizzle after the first few seasons, but most shows do. It is just that hers are really good at the beginning so they seem even worse once they fall.

Edited by KaveDweller
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Guys, you are right, Minnick is totally awful. Her resting bitch face expression seems to be smirk.  I think that Stephanie was correct to tell those parents that if they refused care, Liam could die. Why did Minnick get on her case for doing that? Should she have let them go on their merry way without that knowledge?

I liked Mer giving Amelia Derick's tumor drawing.

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To me, Minnick was brought in for two reasons:  (a) to shake up the status quo with respect to the resident program and (b) to be a love interest for Arizona.  Because they failed everything in bringing her in on the professional level, they guaranteed that her introduction would fail as a love interest for Arizona.  Swing and a miss...

Here and there throughout the Minnick era, if you will, I have thought that there were good issues that she raised that deserved discussion that got lost in the awfulness of the character's introduction.  For instance, I think she was right in her conclusions about Ben and Stephanie....absolutely right. And, with more care taken with the character of Minnick, we wouldn't hate her for making those judgments and all would be the better for them and then she would exit.  Now, we're stuck with her apparently, when there isn't a measurable unit that could record the chemistry of her with Arizona because it has flatlined from the start and not gotten better.  

Oh, show, let her go gracefully!  Soon!

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Guys, you are right, Minnick is totally awful. Her resting bitch face expression seems to be smirk.  I think that Stephanie was correct to tell those parents that if they refused care, Liam could die. Why did Minnick get on her case for doing that? Should she have let them go on their merry way without that knowledge?

I liked Mer giving Amelia Derick's tumor drawing.

Yes, she does seem to have a "smiley smirk" all the time. She has no depth or compassion. Very boring and superficial character.

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The episode was all over the place, and therefore an honest representation of Season 13, which deserves appraisal before the show turns to its inorganic cliffhanger-driven finale to improve the year's reputation (see also: Season Six). This will be known as the season where stories both potential-filled and ill-advised were stymied, undermined, and ruined by plotting. The problem wasn't caused simply by scripts having to work around several maternity leaves; the problem was caused by the show's response to these scheduling demands: self-contained, gimmicky bottle shows that interrupted the action and didn't foster the kind of artistic merit that the series presumably intended.

The juxtaposition between the typically structured Grey's narratives and these high-falutin episodic one-offs inhibited any storyline from earning the required emotional investment and progressing with the necessary character motivation. Good ideas veered off course. Bad ideas became worse. At a time when the show had seemingly rediscovered a sense of purpose, it tried to reinvent its structural rules. But with a cast this big, forsaking proven formula proved unwise. Going forward, I think the show has to recommit to its recognizable narrative design or reduce its narrative ambitions, which means decreasing the number of members in its ensemble.

At this point, it's easier to change the players than the game. Savvier writers wouldn't hurt either. 

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21 hours ago, shantown said:

She served as a device to get the whole "Richard is doing badly managing the intern program" started and then wandered off. It's a shame, I would have rather had Leah stick around than be force-fed Minnick.

The thing is, the idea behind Minnick -- an outsider coming in and assessing the program to see why some residents don't do so well -- was a great one, imo.  It also had some real possibilities for complicating existing relationships.  It was promising for ambitious residents like Ben and Stephanie to see that there are possibilities that they hadn't been shown before and for long timers like Webber to be shown that while he is a good doctor, teaching methods can evolve.  We could have seen him struggle over feeling obsolete instead of creating some inane "war".  Actually it would have been nice to see all the doctors do some self examination and struggle during this period.

The problem is they bungled it: 

First by  making Minnick this all powerful creature who had such broad based authority not just over the residents but over the attendings and the department heads as well.  It made her omnipotent.  Since she was coming in as an antagonist anyway, she was already going to be unsympathetic.  Making her all powerful just makes for a boring antagonist.  

Second, by making her an terrible teacher.  At least if you are going foist this "fabulous" method and this terrible person on us, then at least show us that there is some steak under that sizzle.

Third,  by having all the doctors succumb to her greatness even though she never really earned any of their regard or trust.  This is disappointing from basic storytelling standpoint.

Fourth, by telegraphing from the second episode she was in that she was a love interest for Arizona.  They hadn't shared more than one scene together and they had her hitting on Arizona.  Again, this feels like an unearned reward for a marginal character.

And finally, by casting an actress who is unable to give the character any depth or manufacture any empathy from the audience.  Even if the character on paper isn't great, a good actor can make even a flat character somewhat interesting.  This actress makes Eliza about as a deep as a teaspoon.  I can't help but think of Alex in the first season of the show.  Alex was a dick.  Very unlikable, but Justin Chambers managed to give Alex just a little bit of humanity under that hard veneer, and this was even before we learned anything about Alex's background.  This actress just has dead eyes.

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As usual with Shonda, we have top many characthers and no time to develop them all properly. 

Minnick is awful, a waste of time, and she is ruining Arizona. I wish Arizona had told her off. Like: they are good people, good surgeons, you know nothing about them, só take some and teu to deeply understand them before judging. Yeah maybe Stephanie was stressed also because of her not exactly boyfriend death, but more because of current events like losing her First patients (thanks Minnick for not helping with that) and nos treating a child like she once was. 

That little boy was heartbreaking. I also got that his Mother drive him. It was top much in one episode, they addressed Karev, Warren, Richard, Stephanie, Mer and Nathan, huge tumor girl, Maggie, Bailey, Amélia, Jo and Andrew, Arizona and Minnick. I guess Just Owen and other few residents were out.

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I was just thinking about how much I dislike the character of Minnick when it occurred to me that some writer somewhere is still giggling about naming a lesbian "Men? Ick."

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I love how Minnick walked in to the middle of brain surgery to yell at the surgeons and even said "you have to stop right now and talk to me." Uhhh...they're busy? 

I find it very annoying that Arizona has to date every single lesbian. Even one that insults her friends and her teaching skills.

I wish they would have written in Camilla's pregnancy. Maybe it wasn't possible, but I would have loved to see Alex deal with his upbringing and anger issues; in the end we all know he would be a great dad. And there could still be drama with Jo's husband and her issues. I usually hate pregnancy story lines but this one I would appreciate for Alex's character.

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On 5/5/2017 at 0:39 PM, Daisy said:

Don't they share writers? (I thought they did).

If all of these Shonda shows share writers, can they please teach the Dick Wolf productions how to do that?  Those are 4 shows where the characters actually do cross over from time to time, yet they don't all share writers.  Lately, a character from Chicago PD has been completely out-of-character when he's been a guest on Chicago Med.  It's ridiculous, especially because TPTB want fans to watch all 4 shows.  Frustrating.

I would highly doubt that all the Shonda shows share writers though.  They are all so different.

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On 5/4/2017 at 11:24 PM, Stacey1014 said:

I didn't even think that he was looking for Jo's husband. I figured it had something to do with the boy he had treated. 


me too! or one of his random siblings!

At first I thought he was calling a lawyer to act as an advocate for the kid.

On 5/5/2017 at 6:13 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'm okay with Meredith's process, whatever it may be and however long it may take. It's different for everyone. If she wants to get rid of his stuff, that's up to her. But I hope she doesn't feel pressured to get rid of his stuff. You can love someone and have mementos of them and still begin having a relationship with someone new. It's totally fine if she wants to get rid of the giant tumor and the post-it note. I just don't want her to think that she has to purge her entire home of his existence in order to begin dating Riggs.


I was just glad there were no worms. 

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I absolutely hated this episode. 

Way too much Minnick and her annoying self. The Warren thing seems out of left field. 

Hated Meredith giving the tumor away and putting the post it in the drawer.   

Maggie was also awful.  

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On 5/5/2017 at 1:13 AM, izabella said:

Is that how he got to the hospital?  I was wondering how he took buses if he couldn't see.

It's good that she brought him there, but it would have been a hell of a lot better if she walked in with him and gave permission for the surgery.  Her husband could yell all he wants afterward, but their child would be alive.

I'm thinking it was along similar lines as a patient of Addison's way back when, who had 12 zillion kids, and asked Addison to "accidentally" tie her tubes while delivering the last one so she couldn't have any more, since her husband would not be OK with any form of birth control. By not openly admitting to asking for it herself, she lets the husband's anger descend on someone other than herself.

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8 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I wish that Meredith had put the tumor drawing in one of the kids' rooms instead of offering it to Amelia. I think when the kids are older, they will be glad to have something like that.

What?  Meredith has kids?  (snicker)

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On 5/5/2017 at 11:00 AM, esco1822 said:

This. Flat, wooden, and not a very good actress. .... I miss Callie. 

Minnick has a strange vocal affect, too.  I just don't enjoy seeing or hearing this character on my screen.

I SO miss Callie.  Loved the actor, and the character, despite the strangeness of how she and AZ ended.  

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