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S13.E22: Leave It Inside

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Well seeing Minnick in the first three minutes just told me this episode would suck. I didn't read the episode blurb beforehand, so yeah. I was hoping for another Minnick free week.

And ugh. I understand Maggie's mad Mer lied to her for months(?) {has it been months since she and Nathan hooked up} but the more the show goes on and on about it, the more I hate this storyline and it makes Maggie look like a 16 year old.  

I think Mers patient was my favorite person in this episode. I don't know why, like almost everything lately with this show I feel like we saw a version of her in a previous season.

With the little boy, I know this has been in the news with parents refusing medicine/medical for their kids but when do child protect services get called in these scenarios?  The child was going blind because of the tumor. Shouldn't the doctors have called CPS? Remember when Mer was doing her trial thing with Derek and the mom needed the treatment and the dad was busy working and the son was falling all the time and taking care of the mom and remembering her pills and the other ped doctor was like we need to call CPS to look into this and Mer flipped. This is probably the only time this season where I am legit on Alex's side.  And Minnick sucks. That can't not be said enough. 

And ew I can't deal with Minnick and Arizona as a couple. And Arizona she was insulting you as a teacher, BY INSULTING ALEX! 

Oh DeLuca. You deserve more. Can we spin him off somewhere better? Let's give him a show a la Private Practice. 

Bye Stephaine. I will actually miss you. I'm sorry your only storyline was dating Fez and then he died.  

This episode felt REALLY long. 

  • Love 15


It always makes me upset when the show has fanatic religious parents... and that's all they show. I'm not going to be that naive that there aren't fanatic religious parents who act like this. But it would be nice of shows would show the more nuanced people (or at least show some sort of struggle in believing in God and hoping that He'd help vs. the very real fact that it doesn't always work like that and God actually gives you the information and tools to actually go and help out). and i'm glad it was implied that the Mom drove Liam to the hospital the second time - but seriously. it's such a bug up my hoohah. 

With that being said I did like the storyline. 
So Stephanie has like PTSD or something? Because straight up. I would have thrown the iPad at the guy's head too. And actually aim for said head, not the wall. 

Ben being 'safe'. makes sense to me. 

Sex Girl's tumour and life view.. makes sense to me.

Everything else. brzt 

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I don't know why Minnick is here. She clearly has very little to no respect for anyone she works with and Arizona's response to her insulting Alex, her friend and number one protégé, was to take Eliza home for sexytimes?

And all of a sudden Meredith and Nathan, despite never being on an actual date, are serious enough that she feels the need to start de-Derek-ing her bedroom?

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 16

Arizona skipping into that elevator like she doesn't have a prosthetic leg. Okay... 

Dr. Minnick is horrible, and it is reinforced for me every time she is on screen. She leaves Stephanie hanging after her stupid "method" killed a child, and now she has the audacity to throw Stephanie under the bus. Stephanie was painted as the best resident in that bunch, and now she gets treated like this. It's the age-old "when an actor leaves, we drag the character down to help build the new/remaining characters up" shtick that Grey's has the propensity to do. 

I feel like Meredith's closing voice over was a not so subtle way of the writers telling us all to get on board with the new couples/"change". No thanks! 

Edited by funnygirl
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It was a good episode that suffered from the same issues most of the season has. Meredith and Riggs are talked about more than seen; they barely shared any screentime the last two weeks, and even then it all seems rushed (despite being dragged out for moooonths). The pacing has thrown the storylines way off. Ditto for Arizona and Minnick who haven't shared any real interesting moments. Weeks ago they were having sleepovers which I assumed meant they were already sleeping together, but tonight seemed to imply that it was their first time. Minnick is such a half-baked characters with no real personality or convictions, and the actress is flat. I assume she'll be a regular by next season. The Jo and DeLuca scene was super random (as was Steph being surprised even though he told her like 3 weeks ago that he loved Jo). 

It's so strange to me that April and Jackson haven't even crossed paths since 13x16. April has had nothing but random supporting parts in episodes since. 

Alex presumably looking up Jo's husband was a nice little cliffhanger. I'm hoping the last two episodes really do shoot some adrenaline into the series going into next year. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, BaseOps said:

Alex presumably looking up Jo's husband was a nice little cliffhanger. I'm hoping the last two episodes really do shoot some adrenaline into the series going into next year. 

I didn't even think that he was looking for Jo's husband. I figured it had something to do with the boy he had treated. 

As for Stephanie, I hope she makes it out of the finale alive. I'm hoping that based on her own medical history and this case, she decides she wants to work with/advocate for kids and gets a good recommendation from Alex and Arizona to work at another hospital. 

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This show sucks so bad now. There's no ensemble feel anymore. It's just pockets of annoying pairings.

Arizona and Minnick suck. No chemistry. Am I supposed to care about them ? Because no they suck and their relationship has been like 5 mins of screen time.

Meredith and Riggs? Another no chemistry couple. If you are gonna put Meredith with someone else atleast build their relationship and put her with someone who she has chemistry with.

I should be happy tho..after I saw Meredith getting rid of Derek's tumour picture after having like one official date with Riggs I cancelled my series recording. I am finally free! This show was my jam since like 2005 when I was graduating high school but it has finally got to a level of such suckiness that I can finally stop watching.

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5 minutes ago, Marley said:

This show sucks so bad now. There's no ensemble feel anymore. It's just pockets of annoying pairings.

Arizona and Minnick suck. No chemistry. Am I supposed to care about them ? Because no they suck and their relationship has been like 5 mins of screen time.

Meredith and Riggs? Another no chemistry couple. If you are gonna put Meredith with someone else atleast build their relationship and put her with someone who she has chemistry with.

I should be happy tho..after I saw Meredith getting rid of Derek's tumour picture after having like one official date with Riggs I cancelled my series recording. I am finally free! This show was my jam since like 2005 when I was graduating high school but it has finally got to a level of such suckiness that I can finally stop watching.

Right? I've been with this show since 2005- when I was a junior in high school! Wow- and it  was so good. I remember being in high-school and we would all talk about it the next day and now.. I hardly remember anything to talk about from the episodes. I'm always surprised it keeps getting renewed. It seems so stale now. They do tend to repeat storylines, at least patient wise.  It's very stale. My guess is the show is going to keep going on until EP wants out, I guess. I don't see ABC pulling the plug, I know it still gets...decent ratings and I know ABC likes Shonda and her plethora of shows that they want first dibs on so until Ellen wants out, it will probably keep going.

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15 minutes ago, NUguy514 said:

I could absolutely believe Minnick would throw Stephanie under the bus to Bailey and Webber without owning up to her large part in that when she could not do her fucking job and be an ACTUAL mentor to Stephanie after that kid died, but I could NOT believe that Arizona would listen to this fucking asshole blame every single person in that hospital for Stephanie's entitlement and not call Minnick on her bullshit and point out her own part in that.  I mean, idiot showrunners, we the viewers can, in fact, remember details from more than seventeen seconds ago, and we remember VERY CLEARLY Minnick's major role in Stephanie's random breakdown.  What. the. fuck. is. wrong. with. you?  Stop shoving this terrible actor and this abominable character down our and Arizona's throats.

Also, at the beginning of the episode, she was saying that Ben doesn't take enough risks, when I'd think it's perfectly normal after he was suspended before. He's had enough confidence to do good, regular surgeries. That should be good enough. He took too big of a risk before, and as you said, she got a boy killed, and ran off, rather than taking responsibility. Left Stephanie freaking out. I feel bad for the actress, because the character is awful. 

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42 minutes ago, Anela said:

So the mum drove the boy to the hospital? And had him walk in there by himself, so that they would think he was alone again. I hope she steps in somehow, so that they don't get sued. 

I would have thrown the ipad, too.

Still don't like Minnick. 

Is that how he got to the hospital?  I was wondering how he took buses if he couldn't see.

It's good that she brought him there, but it would have been a hell of a lot better if she walked in with him and gave permission for the surgery.  Her husband could yell all he wants afterward, but their child would be alive.

Edited by izabella
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I had to pause the episode because I was laughing so hard when Minnick asked Edwards, "Who taught you it was okay to speak to patients that way?" Uhh, have you had ANY interaction with these doctors, Minnick? None of them are above trying to bully patients, parents, or other family members into procedures. To be honest, excluding her last interaction with the father, what Edwards said earlier about the AMA was pretty mild compared to some of the other pushy things that some of the other doctors have said to patients. I mean, Maggie was pushier with Holly than Edwards was with the kid's parents.

For the record, Edwards may have exercised poor judgment when she threw an ipad at the wall, but her judgment was spot on when she told DiLuca to let it go with Jo. DiLuca, you're a hot doctor with good hair. You can do better than chasing after someone who clearly has no interest in you.

Could Liam have had the hospital request an emergency injunction to allow him to give consent for the surgery instead of his parents?

Since Holly is a fictional character, I can say this without feeling the least bit guilty - I'm glad that Maggie wasn't able to remove her tumor because it proved Holly's point - every surgeon got super excited about her tumor thinking that they were smarter than all of the other surgeons because of course they're arrogant surgeons who are convinced that they can do anything when in reality, none of them are able to fix her. And now poor Holly has lost a chunk of the last year of her life to recuperating from heart surgery because Maggie insisted on cracking her open. Great job!

Ugh, Minnick. I mean, I'm saying that just on principle but even more so in this episode. Her "cancel whatever you plans are because we are having sex for the first time tonight" speech was so lame and annoying. I'm sure that I was supposed to find Arizona's elevator speech charming but I found it immature and eyeroll worthy, as was her "shut up and come home with me and take off my sexy underwear" speech at the end. It's totally fine for you to talk shit about me, my surgeons, and my friends because I'm so desperate to fuck that I'm willing to overlook the fact that you're a crybaby hypocrite who doesn't respect me professionally.

I'm okay with Meredith's process, whatever it may be and however long it may take. It's different for everyone. If she wants to get rid of his stuff, that's up to her. But I hope she doesn't feel pressured to get rid of his stuff. You can love someone and have mementos of them and still begin having a relationship with someone new. It's totally fine if she wants to get rid of the giant tumor and the post-it note. I just don't want her to think that she has to purge her entire home of his existence in order to begin dating Riggs.

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I  think Minnick is really unprofessional. The talks between her and Arizona feel so forced to me, no chemistry.

Stephanie should have had a talk with her right after that kid died, I don't know why they got over it. It would make more sense that that kid's parents made problems, and not this one. 

Jo and DeLuca just didn't fit in this episode, it felt weird. Owen and Amelia still don't go anywhere. April and Jackson too. It feels like nothing happens, and the relevant storylines get forgotten. 

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Minnick is one of the most awful characters this show has had. She is just loathsome. I wish Stephanie had hit her in the face with the iPad. And I actually, physically gagged when she and Arizona were having their little lovey-dovey talk in the elevator - wow - that was vile beyond belief. There was nothing even remotely erotic, sexy, or compelling about that scene. I'm neutral on Arizona most of the time...she can bug me but she has had her stellar moments...but the way she talks and acts around Minnick is repellent. I fervently hope that their relationship is short-lived because it brings nothing to the table at all.

Speaking of relationships...I am one of the very, very few people who sorta likes Riggs. I'm not sure why...clearly, seeing him pant after Meredith for so long with no success did little to impress me, and should have made me really dislike him, but for some reason, I am still OK with him. Is his budding romance with Meredith going to be the epic saga that Meredith had with Derek? Of course not - the show won't be on the air long enough for that to happen! And even though Meredith was shown putting away her reminders of Derek, I was OK with that as well. For some people, that's how they show themselves that they're ready to move forward with another stage of their lives. I have an acquaintance whose wife died, and after about a year, he finally stopped wearing his wedding ring. He didn't throw it away, he has it saved away. I understood why Meredith was removing from sight those very tangible reminders of Derek. He's imprinted on her brain forever. There isn't a moment in her life when she won't be reminded of him. Putting the framed post-it note in her dresser drawer doesn't mean she's ridding herself of Derek, but rather, making emotional room for someone else. I remembered the episode in which she said she'd never have sex and love again, that that part of her life was over. Well, at that time, that's how she felt (although I totally disagreed with her, and of course, this being a soap opera, we all knew she'd never stay celibate and alone), but now she feels differently. Anyway, as heavy handed as it was for her to physically remove the tumor drawing from her bedroom, it made sense. I wouldn't want such a blatantly visible reminder of my dead husband in sight while having sex with my new boyfriend! As for the lack of chemistry between her and Riggs - I think they're actually now somewhat more compatible. They seem to be in a quiet groove. Everyone in the hospital knows they are "together," and even Maggie has seemingly gotten over her anger at Meredith and is no longer interested in dating Riggs. Mer and Riggs are free to do as they wish, which admittedly in the world of TV dramas isn't as scintillating or interesting as couples who either have to sneak around or have some sort of conflict keeping them apart. Riggs has always struck me as a fairly down to earth guy. I'm not sure what the writers see down the road for this couple, but I can stomach them far, far better than Arizona and Minnick!

DeLuca - well, that blew up in his face, didn't it. But Stephanie was right in what she told him - let it go.

  • Love 14
10 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I didn't even think that he was looking for Jo's husband. I figured it had something to do with the boy he had treated. 

As for Stephanie, I hope she makes it out of the finale alive. I'm hoping that based on her own medical history and this case, she decides she wants to work with/advocate for kids and gets a good recommendation from Alex and Arizona to work at another hospital. 


I got the impression that he felt like the wife was being abused (when the husband told her to be quiet or something). When he was outside, I got the feeling that he was looking up Jo's husband. I could be wrong, but given the logline for next week I think my hunch is right. 

10 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

 And I've had enough with the trying to make religious people look like crazy fanatics.  That is the exception, not the norm.


Honestly I think Grey's has largely treated religion with more respect than many other shows. April is religious, so was Burke. In this case, it's sort of a ripped from the headlines thing: dealing with parents who don't believe in medical intervention is a very contentious thing. In this case, the mom obviously wanted what was best for her child, ie. driving him to the hospital after without the dad knowing. 

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, BaseOps said:

Alex presumably looking up Jo's husband was a nice little cliffhanger. I'm hoping the last two episodes really do shoot some adrenaline into the series going into next year. 

The thing is though, as far as we have seen, Alex knows absolutely nothing about the husband, nothing about Jo's former life or name or even exactly when any of this took place.  How on earth could he start a search with absolutely NOTHING to go on?  He and Jo apparently haven't had one conversation in months.  Unless of course he and Jo have been talking offscreen per or maybe they even got back together offscreen.  Lord knows its happened before.  It just seems like a whole chunk of this storyline is missing.   And unless Jo and DeLuca is going to end up going somewhere, I don't see what the point of that crush was and I would have much preferred to have the time used on even just one conversation between Alex and Jo.  And I'm sure that we will never get an explanation about how Alex got enough information to even start a search.  


For the record, Edwards may have exercised poor judgment when she threw an ipad at the wall, but her judgment was spot on when she told DiLuca to let it go with Jo. DiLuca, you're a hot doctor with good hair. You can do better than chasing after someone who clearly has no interest in you.

Seriously.  I felt kind of bad for him because he is cute puppy dog, but dude, what sane person would want to get involved with that hornet's nest?  She's married to a violent guy, she is possibly still in love with a violent guy, who is your boss and who you have a bad history with.  Find some nice girl without a trainload of baggage.  


1 hour ago, Snow Fairy said:

Jo and DeLuca just didn't fit in this episode, it felt weird. Owen and Amelia still don't go anywhere. April and Jackson too. It feels like nothing happens, and the relevant storylines get forgotten. 

That's because part of this episode was supposed to be in a previous episode.  That's why we got the scene of DeLuca telling Steph that he was in love with Jo 5 episodes ago and in this one he hints around that he might like her.  The plot holes and inconsistencies are SO glaring at this point, its embarrassing.

I have to admit that I did like April being included on the Girl's Team and I thought that their patient was really good.  April and Meredith were funny together and I would really like to see them mix it up every now and then.  I feel like we have seen the Alex goes up against religious patients before and I thought this one was kind of boring, but the little kid was a pretty good actor (unlike the woman who plays Minnick, yeesh).  I wonder if we have heard the last from the dad?  

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

I got the impression that he felt like the wife was being abused (when the husband told her to be quiet or something). When he was outside, I got the feeling that he was looking up Jo's husband. I could be wrong, but given the logline for next week I think my hunch is right.  

I figured the same, but I didn't put two and two together with Jo's ex. I figured he was a mandated reporter and he was calling in regards to the boy needing a legal representative to act in his best interests if the father decided to deny him medical care again. 


7 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

I have to admit that I did like April being included on the Girl's Team and I thought that their patient was really good.  April and Meredith were funny together and I would really like to see them mix it up every now and then.  I feel like we have seen the Alex goes up against religious patients before and I thought this one was kind of boring, but the little kid was a pretty good actor (unlike the woman who plays Minnick, yeesh).  I wonder if we have heard the last from the dad?  

I liked April with the girls. I enjoy her interactions with Meredith, but I wish we would have gotten a scene or two with April and Amelia.  Amelia's story is so odd. It's like they've forgotten that she's married. It's like she never left Meredith's house. 

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

I got the impression that he felt like the wife was being abused (when the husband told her to be quiet or something). When he was outside, I got the feeling that he was looking up Jo's husband. I could be wrong, but given the logline for next week I think my hunch is right. 

Honestly I think Grey's has largely treated religion with more respect than many other shows. April is religious, so was Burke. In this case, it's sort of a ripped from the headlines thing: dealing with parents who don't believe in medical intervention is a very contentious thing. In this case, the mom obviously wanted what was best for her child, ie. driving him to the hospital after without the dad knowing. 

In regards to April's religion, I think they've toned it down (a lot) especially when she first found out she was pregnant (with Samuel etc). But I remember after she had sex for the first time and they kept... I don't know. it bugged me. basically all the "Jesus won't talk to me. JESUS WON'T TALK TO ME!" it drove me bananas. 

You know. I totally forgot Burke was. Like. 100 percent out of my mind. (but I do remember Christina was Jewish). I can't speak for the person you quoted, but I think my frustration is more of - shows in general (including Greys). And I think this episode would have been so much better actually, if this was just the case of the week. Okay so... 

Picture it. Yesterday's Episode. 
Kid walks in. alone. Lying about how he got there. Ben (doing pit) finds him first, and starts doing prep. He doesn't like what he sees. (and this ties into the whole "Ben plays it safe vs. Playing it smart" story. he doesn't want to go above and beyond the basics with this kid because maybe he gets hurt maybe Ben will get in trouble). 

The kid vanishes

Kid shows up, and then you can have the Stephanie MInnick (if we must) and Alex angle. Ben comes back and is all "Hey! We get the cute Charlotte's web family thing (that was really adorable), and the kid has a seizure. Amelia is called right away and they are talking.

Cue parents. Parents show up and they are like what's up. 
Doctors explain. 
Parents say can we take a moment and talk about this? then we see  a scene of maybe parents and their pastor or whomever talking, praying, getting counsel. Debating what to do because they don't want to go against what they believe (which is no unnecessary medical action, because they feel this is an act of God) vs the whole (non Biblical) God does help those who help themselves/God gives the tools and knowledge to make the best decisions (this is what April fights for and to Jackson all the time). the Dad (who is not douchey canoey in my story), decides to take Liam home, because they have faith that God will answer their prayers and they have to talk and think about it (and pray) some more. 

Cue the Medical debate staff. This could touch a cord in April (who could have articulated both sides of the matter), Alex could still be Alex, Stephanie can still be stephanie, and Minnick can do... whatever she was doing. Ben keeps stressing the safety of the issue, and Amelia recalls her baby and is having a sadz and gets mad that she can't help this kid, but kid is gone.  Bailey goes, okay look the kid is gone we can't do anything about it  go on, and just.. whatever is is. 

Cue the kid again. this can play out very much like the whole "OMG the ER is closed but this kid needs help right away thing" Alex still does his thing but Amelia is in on it. Ben sees Stephanie faking the seziure information, and wants in, but is scared to do anything about it. he sighs and and goes back into the pit (cueing up the whole discussion between he + Webber). Ben instead of being all "oh i'm gonna be on my game baybee, articulates that everytime he picks up a scapel, everytime he makes a decision, he keeps flashing back for one moment to the elevator door opening. He still remembers not seeing the door but at the same time he keeps thinking, what if i took one more second, what if i played it safe. that's why he doesn't really want to to do anything too risky. 

Everything plays out the same (including Stephanie's throwing of the iPad), and the Dad is doing the whole I will sue you blah blah blah, and the Mom goes, we're not suing anyone. they saved our son. (and you can put the whole God helps those who help themselves, etc in there). 

(sigh) Grey's in my head is so much better. 

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

With the little boy, I know this has been in the news with parents refusing medicine/medical for their kids but when do child protect services get called in these scenarios?  The child was going blind because of the tumor. Shouldn't the doctors have called CPS?

Absolutely.  Yes, state law may require that they respect adult patients' religious views regarding their own treatment, but different standards apply when the patient is a minor, and the parents don't want to allow life-saving medical treatment due to their religion.  There have been many cases on just this subject over the past few years, and I highly doubt the state of Washington would prevent a hospital from attempting to get a court order for treatment in a case like this.  Yet another situation where Shonda and her writers demonstrate how little they actual know about the law.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

had to pause the episode because I was laughing so hard when Minnick asked Edwards, "Who taught you it was okay to speak to patients that way?" Uhh, have you had ANY interaction with these doctors, Minnick? None of them are above trying to bully patients, parents, or other family members into procedures. To be honest, excluding her last interaction with the father, what Edwards said earlier about the AMA was pretty mild compared to some of the other pushy things that some of the other doctors have said to patients. I mean, Maggie was pushier with Holly than Edwards was with the kid's parents.

Exactly.  The patient didn't really want Maggie's miracle surgery, but she and Mere kind of bullied her into it.  Then it turns out that it wouldn't work.  You'd think some of their fancy scanning equipment would've shown how extensively the tumor had infiltrated her body.

I have to admit, though, Minnick was right to be surprised that Stephanie had just come immediately back to work without any counseling after her boyfriend died.  Doesn't surprise me, given some of the other crap that's happened at this hospital, but still.  Hate to agree with Minnick about anything.

Edited by proserpina65
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I suppose Alex could start by looking into Jo - there has to be a record of a name change, no? So If he digs into Jo Wilson, finds out her real name, he could get the name of her husband. Far-fetched, but we're talking about a primetime soap here... people get banged by ghosts, survive horrific plane crashes and go back to work after cutting LVADs. If it moves the Jo / Alex plot along, I'm happy. Perhaps we'll even get Jo and Alex in a scene together in the finale.

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

Absolutely.  Yes, state law may require that they respect adult patients' religious views regarding their own treatment, but different standards apply when the patient is a minor, and the parents don't want to allow life-saving medical treatment due to their religion.  There have been many cases on just this subject over the past few years, and I highly doubt the state of Washington would prevent a hospital from attempting to get a court order for treatment in a case like this.  Yet another situation where Shonda and her writers demonstrate how little they actual know about the law.

Thank you.  Children's services would file motion to take control and get child medical care.  This is done all the time.  How lame.  The show solved it another way.  So lazy.  

I'm a former fan who tuned in last night because there wasn't anything else on.  I see that it's still frustrating.  lol  Why is it still on? Does it get good ratings?  I'd be surprised. 

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1 minute ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Thank you.  Children's services would file motion to take control and get child medical care.  This is done all the time.  How lame.  The show solved it another way.  So lazy.  

I'm a former fan who tuned in last night because there wasn't anything else on.  I see that it's still frustrating.  lol  Why is it still on? Does it get good ratings?  I'd be surprised. 

I agree that going to CPS would be the legally appropriate thing for the doctors to have done the *first* time the kid showed up there. He had a seizure, which is absolutely an emergency, and needed to be treated right then - but did *not* require emergency surgery.

Sometimes, though, the legally appropriate thing to do is *not* the *morally* appropriate thing to do! Doctors know it would take several days or (probably) weeks for the CPS procedure, which would require a CPS evaluation and a judge's ruling to play out. And by then the kid would probably never see again. The tumor might even have become inoperable. 

21 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

I have to admit, though, Minnick was right to be surprised that Stephanie had just come immediately back to work without any counseling after her boyfriend died.  Doesn't surprise me, given some of the other crap that's happened at this hospital, but still.  Hate to agree with Minnick about anything.

It's amazing (not really) to me that Stephanie is getting mandated counseling and yet Alex, Maggie, DeLuca and even Jo weren't. 

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Deanie87 said:

It's amazing (not really) to me that Stephanie is getting mandated counseling and yet Alex, Maggie, DeLuca and even Jo weren't. 

It's fascinating how this show handles the subject of counseling.  Izzie had to get it, and I presume Shane did, but Alex, whose reinstatement absolutely should've included anger management counseling at the very least, apparently isn't required to do anything.  It's a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, covered in bad writing.

  • Love 10
15 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

I suppose Alex could start by looking into Jo - there has to be a record of a name change, no? So If he digs into Jo Wilson, finds out her real name, he could get the name of her husband. Far-fetched, but we're talking about a primetime soap here... people get banged by ghosts, survive horrific plane crashes and go back to work after cutting LVADs. If it moves the Jo / Alex plot along, I'm happy. Perhaps we'll even get Jo and Alex in a scene together in the finale.

I guess but it seems like if Alex could do that so easily then so could the husband. It's dumb of me to even try to apply logic to this I know. Also, as glad as I am that things are finally moving, I'm pretty uncomfortable with the fact that Alex is making the decision to do this, possibly without Jo's consent. Maybe he's just telling himself he just wants to know, but I loathe how little of her perspective is shown in any of this.

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12 hours ago, BaseOps said:

Minnick is such a half-baked characters with no real personality or convictions, and the actress is flat.

This. Flat, wooden, and not a very good actress. I just don't get why the show is doing this again.  At least Penny was a decent actress, she just had terrible chemistry with Callie. Now we have Arizona with someone she has no chemistry with AND is a crappy actress. We all deserve better but I assume it's out of some kind of allegiance to Scott Foley. I'd rather see Arizona alone than with this awful character/actress. I miss Callie. 

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I knew I was losing interest in this show when I saw I had 6 episodes not watched on my DVR.  Yesterday, I caught up.  However, I was able to do that by fast forwarding anytime I saw Owen, Amelia, Minnick, Arizona with Minnick, and Maggie (including her whole mother dying episode).  Read the preview of last night's episode and cancelled it before it finished recording.  Amelia especially makes me want to tear my hair out.  Accept her for what she is, though that's not how she represented herself before and Owen who basically shouts from the mountaintops he wants kids is wrong.  Maggie who belongs on a show about teenagers.  Minnick, who's supposed to be some superstar from a sports medicine background and breaks down when she loses a patient?  I also skipped the airplane episode....been there, done that.

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38 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

I guess but it seems like if Alex could do that so easily then so could the husband. It's dumb of me to even try to apply logic to this I know. Also, as glad as I am that things are finally moving, I'm pretty uncomfortable with the fact that Alex is making the decision to do this, possibly without Jo's consent. Maybe he's just telling himself he just wants to know, but I loathe how little of her perspective is shown in any of this.


Totally, but that's always seemed like a glaring issue to me. Granted, I don't exactly know how all that would work (changing your name, I mean) but I figured that if Jo's husband really wanted to find her, he could. I do think that Camilla's pregnancy affected how much she could be involved in the storyline. I believe she was absent more than they planned - she's been gone from 6 episodes so far. Only DeLuca has been absent from as many. Alex looking him up now feels strange because he hasn't even shared a scene with Jo in weeks. 

Overall this season has been a total mess in terms of the storytelling. I said it over and over and over, but if they ever want to regain focus they need to cut a few characters. I'd love it if season 14 is the year we actually see a solidifying of Alex / Jo as a couple but I have my doubts. 

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As it stands, there is no group of fans that can be particularly happy. 

April / Jackson - Slept together in 13x16 and then never spoke about it again. They were both involved in the 'civil war' storyline but basically as pawns in Richard and Bailey's fight. Had a baby last year that is never discussed. 

Meredith / Riggs - Were ignored nearly all season, given awful stunted 'development', and then suddenly got together without the audience ever even seeing them go on a date. They have sex on the plane, stay in a hotel offscreen, and suddenly she's hiding every memory of Derek and it's 'serious'. A few good, fun scenes aren't enough to carry a storyline this important for an entire season.

Alex / Jo - This explains itself. Instead of wasting her few scenes on the yawn-worthy side plot with DeLuca, they should have given us at least one real scene between 13x09 and now where Alex and Jo just talk. 

Amelia / Owen - Again, this is fairly obvious. Their 'issue' could have been resolved with one honest conversation, and while I get that they had to write Amelia out for a bit (just like with Jo and Meredith), they should have fixed this right after that. Having them go in circles or just go weeks without talking is insane and ridiculous. 

Arizona - I get the feeling that most people don't like Minnick. She's a one-note character who, like Penny, came in more as a wrench for another storyline than as a character. There's been no real development here, basically just 'Hey, you're a lesbian and I'm a lesbian, lets flirt for a week or two and then fuck.' Like, okay. This is Arizona's follow-up to Callie? I guess it's fitting since Callie left with Penny.

Maggie - There's a big group of very vocal Maggie / DeLuca fans online. Maggie had a nice storyline with her mom, but otherwise, she's been even more childish and annoying than before. Her crush on Riggs was very 'season 2 of 90210'. 

I could go on and on. Basically, no storyline is getting enough consistent attention to make it great or enjoyable. Every single story moves at a snail pace while we get bits and pieces of other storylines. 

Edited by BaseOps
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Favourite quote of the recap



There is a third tumor lurking, though not explicitly mentioned in the episode. Her name is Eliza Minnick, and she is a malignant growth in the heart of Grey-Sloan. Since medical intervention won't work in her case either, I could suggest prayer. But much like poor Liam's case, it would probably not get rid of her either.

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1 hour ago, Chas411 said:

It's ridiculous - if it were any other character on the show they'd get at the very least an episode dedicated to it. Poor Jo gets ignored and when they finally acknowledge it it's because they're showing us how it's affected Alex.

I don't think the fact that Camilla was pregnant helped matters. 

1 hour ago, dmc said:

This season is utter crap, worst story lines, poorly written, just a complete mess.  I don't know what is going on their writer's room. 

they are focused on Shonda's new show. Happens all the time. 
Private Practice is coming up - writing REALLY crappy. 
Scandal first comes up - writing REALLY crappy on both shows)
How to Get Away with Murder... see above. 
The Chase. (see above)

Now it's "Still Star-Crossed" and i swear to God my love of historicals is warring with the fact I am gonna get sucked into another Shonda show.

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