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S07.E20: Reunion Part 2

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10 hours ago, njbchlover said:

maybe Tom's lawyer friends aren't quite as uptight and staid as Erika has alluded to, when saying how much the wives hated her.

kinda similar to the way a combination of projection and traditional outlook on women's agency have driven hatred of her on here...

Edited by Drumpf1737
  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Giselle said:

Well I'm sure Golum doesn't think it's gross. A good many people don't think oral sex is gross. And to give due, LVP said something similar first.

You may want  reread my posts and those of others. We have never said she deserved it nor have we said she is wrong to be upset.

I don't think the act is gross. I bolded it because of the raunchy phrasing. lol 

I definitely don't need to reread. A great  majority pile on Erika for being "irresponsible" for not wearing underwear, "what did she expect" and so on and so forth, implying she deserved the looks and gossip. The majority of them call her out for not getting over it, implying she is ridiculous for feeling how she does. There really is no way to explain it away.

  • Love 9
15 hours ago, Mojoker said:

I'm constantly hearing people on TV using the word "whenever" when they mean "when", as though those two words are interchangeable (they're not!), but that doesn't mean it's actually an acceptable thing to do.  


6 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I always find it weird too but think it's regional; I've read it in several places, one being Damien Echols's bio. I have a friend in that area; maybe I'll ask him if he's noticed it.

People say it on Judge Judy ALL THE TIME. Drives me nuts!

ETA: Aaaand I need to read further before I respond next time--I see Mojoker already mentioned JJ!

Edited by bref

I loved Kyle's finger biting reaction and I'm surprised that people found it so perplexing. She has the BEST reaction faces, bar none. She was watching her unpredictable sister drop something of a "bomb"!She was not expecting the whole bunny thing and she was biting her finger...then her hand (as it progressed), because she was trying not to intervene...all the while hoping that Kim wouldn't embarrass BOTH of them. I totally got it and I would have done the same thing! Love Kyle!!

  • Love 11

I think Rinna's tears were real, and here's why.  I don't think it had anything to do with Kim or the bunny.  She hates Kim.  I think she realized Andy had set her up, and that hurt.  I certainly could be wrong, but that is my take on it.

And to take it a step further, I think the producers egged her into the cocaine accusation.  The timing, the way in which she said it, the video footage of Rinna and Mintz alone at the table....  I just do, I think Rinna was prodded to do it.  And she did it, she brought Bravo and Andy the big wow moment they were looking for, so I think she felt safe and protected on her side of the couch and was stunned to realize Andy had set her up with the bunny.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, renatae said:

The problem was, LVP wasn't trying to make her look bad. LVP was interrupted by Kyle many times, and everyone was talking over everyone else, but, thankfully for me, I watch with closed captions. LVP was saying, "But you thought it was funny," so Kyle and others thought she was trying to throw her under the bus, but what LVP finally managed to say, which Kyle never heard, was that Dorit was being playful and that Kyle found it funny because she realized Dorit was just being playful. In other words, it was obvious that Dorit's intention was not to be nasty, and Kyle picked up on the real intent.

It doesn't matter to me what LVP was trying to do.  Or even if Kyle was lying or not.  I was just happy to see Kyle stand up to, and put a hand up to Pinky.  It shows me that Kyle has evolved into her equal.  Finally. Maybe she's matured.  Or the therapy she's gotten to stop being Kim's enabler helped her be stronger in her other personal relationships. Or her and Mauricio's successes have made her confident enough to put a hand up to Lisa.  Whatever it was I loved it.  Because I know LVP likes to have her puppets.  I'm just glad Kyle isn't allowing herself to let Lisa keep pulling the strings. 

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, bref said:


People say it on Judge Judy ALL THE TIME. Drives me nuts!

ETA: Aaaand I need to read further before I respond next time--I see Mojoker already mentioned JJ!

Yes, I have to grit my teeth a lot through Judge Judy. "Whenever I started making dinner, that's whenever he got home, and then, whenever I told the kids to go wash their hands, that's whenever he hit me."  Jesus wept!

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, ryebread said:

It doesn't matter to me what LVP was trying to do.  Or even if Kyle was lying or not.  I was just happy to see Kyle stand up to, and put a hand up to Pinky.  It shows me that Kyle has evolved into her equal.  Finally. Maybe she's matured.  Or the therapy she's gotten to stop being Kim's enabler helped her be stronger in her other personal relationships. Or her and Mauricio's successes have made her confident enough to put a hand up to Lisa.  Whatever it was I loved it.  Because I know LVP likes to have her puppets.  I'm just glad Kyle isn't allowing herself to let Lisa keep pulling the strings. 

I loved it too. Kyle has never really stood up to LVP and she is still dealing with the Bobby Fisher comment to this day.

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Lisa revealed her exceptional acting talents with her crying over Kim's bunny return.    Tears flowed (kind of), then the dramatic walk off - straight to the dressing room, took a swig of water, no wiping of tears, no repair of makeup - just the amazing timing of Eileen coming in to cheer her on to go back and fight.   No smeared makeup, no "why was she so mean", nope - just an amazing performance.   Those years on soaps sure came in handy.  

It would have been amazing if the cameras or Eileen hadn't followed her. Can you imagine her sitting there backstage, waiting, waiting, waiting, then coming back to find everyone just carrying on without her?

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, kitten59 said:

I loved Kyle's finger biting reaction and I'm surprised that people found it so perplexing. She has the BEST reaction faces, bar none. She was watching her unpredictable sister drop something of a "bomb"!She was not expecting the whole bunny thing and she was biting her finger...then her hand (as it progressed), because she was trying not to intervene...all the while hoping that Kim wouldn't embarrass BOTH of them. I totally got it and I would have done the same thing! Love Kyle!!

How could Kyle not have known?  I tried to open a cellophane-wrapped cough drop the other night without waking my husband and failed.  How could Kim sneak that Bunny in a Bag behind the sofa without Kyle, or anyone else, knowing about it? 

That whole thing seemed manufactured to me and Kyle was biting her finger because A.) acting and B.) she was nervous that Kim no longer had the acting chops to pull it off.

  • Love 13
8 minutes ago, ryebread said:

It doesn't matter to me what LVP was trying to do.  Or even if Kyle was lying or not.  I was just happy to see Kyle stand up to, and put a hand up to Pinky.  It shows me that Kyle has evolved into her equal.  Finally. Maybe she's matured.  Or the therapy she's gotten to stop being Kim's enabler helped her be stronger in her other personal relationships. Or her and Mauricio's successes have made her confident enough to put a hand up to Lisa.  Whatever it was I loved it.  Because I know LVP likes to have her puppets.  I'm just glad Kyle isn't allowing herself to let Lisa keep pulling the strings. 

I don't think Kyle has been a shrinking violet over the years.  Kyle wasn't being entirely truthful about what went down.  I had questions about her last year in Dubai, and for some reason thought them unimportant because Kyle said she forgave LVP and loved her.  Now I am questioning a lot about Kyle and her perception of events.

Kyle seems to be doing what she accused LVP of doing so many years ago-each move is strategic.  I have a problem with Kyle all of a sudden saying she knew what Erika was thinking about Tom, because her mind went there about she and Mauricio.  I don't think Erika gave a damn until it suited her.  She can't even keep the story straight when she told Tom.  Tom of letters and degrees is probably far more appalled at his beloved's  forgetfulness, using him as a way to garner sympathy and lastly being a crude ole broad spitting out profanities and clapping like a seal while being filmed.  I am sure all his partners (both make and female and their spouses) are well aware of spoiled Erika Girardi.

  • Love 15
1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

I don't think Kyle has been a shrinking violet over the years.  Kyle wasn't being entirely truthful about what went down.  I had questions about her last year in Dubai, and for some reason thought them unimportant because Kyle said she forgave LVP and loved her.  Now I am questioning a lot about Kyle and her perception of events.

Kyle seems to be doing what she accused LVP of doing so many years ago-each move is strategic.

Oh, Kyle has never been a shrinking violet - to those who she thinks are beneath her. She never had a problem pointing a witchy finger or being a bitch to those people.  But I always felt she kissed LVP's arse a little too much. And that LVP could take or leave Kyle because she thought herself above Kyle.

I agree with you about questioning Kyle and her perception of events.  About anything really.  I'm not a fan.  But I did enjoy watching her stand up to LVP whom I dislike equally as much.

  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

Yes, I have to grit my teeth a lot through Judge Judy. "Whenever I started making dinner, that's whenever he got home, and then, whenever I told the kids to go wash their hands, that's whenever he hit me."  Jesus wept!

That would drive me insane!! I haven't watched JJ a lot but WHEN I do I will be sure to listen more closely for WHEN they say that lol!! 

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, ryebread said:

How could Kyle not have known?  I tried to open a cellophane-wrapped cough drop the other night without waking my husband and failed.  How could Kim sneak that Bunny in a Bag behind the sofa without Kyle, or anyone else, knowing about it? 

That whole thing seemed manufactured to me and Kyle was biting her finger because A.) acting and B.) she was nervous that Kim no longer had the acting chops to pull it off.

I agree that Kyle was nervous, but I think it is because of Kim.

Forrest Gump life is a box of chocolate, you never know what you''re gonna get.

Kim is a box of crazy and you don't know which psycho is going to come out each minute.

Kyle's anxiety level sky rockets when Kim is around especially with the cameras. I do think she knew about the bunny cause Kim probably told Kyle what she had "planned" and when Kyle needs to brace it comes out in nervous ticks (in this case Kyle was gnawing at the fingers like like an animal trying to free itself from a bear trap)

  • Love 9
40 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Oh, Kyle has never been a shrinking violet - to those who she thinks are beneath her. She never had a problem pointing a witchy finger or being a bitch to those people.  But I always felt she kissed LVP's arse a little too much. And that LVP could take or leave Kyle because she thought herself above Kyle.

I agree with you about questioning Kyle and her perception of events.  About anything really.  I'm not a fan.  But I did enjoy watching her stand up to LVP whom I dislike equally as much.

Kyle kept repeating and not accurately what she said as if she had said to Dorit.  She said it after, presumably after Dorit's panty presentation crashed and burned.   Kyle was laughing and she was laughing with LVP when LVP made the munching comment and she was guilty of talking about what she saw. 

Since LVP and Kyle were out shopping the day after the Reunion I guess all is well.

  • Love 14
1 minute ago, Beachdreamer said:

I certainly hope that when Rinna gets back on the couch Andy or someone address the fact that Rinna and Erika were both very ungracious in their acceptance of Eden's gifts. 

Then I'd like for both Erika and Rinna to turn to Eden and say simultaneously

Well, Eden...and both turn to take cellophane packages out from behind them.. One containing a ring, the other containing an empty love jar with healing quartz and matching pouch

It'll be a Not So Secret Santa free for all

Erika can throw in the panties as compensation and Rinna will just say Fuck You in lieu of thank you

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Kyle kept repeating and not accurately what she said as if she had said to Dorit.  She said it after, presumably after Dorit's panty presentation crashed and burned.   Kyle was laughing and she was laughing with LVP when LVP made the munching comment and she was guilty of talking about what she saw. 

Since LVP and Kyle were out shopping the day after the Reunion I guess all is well.

I bet all is well partly because Kyle knows that LVP wasn't wrong.  I'm sure Kyle was annoyed because anytime someone talks over you and tries to explain your intentions and thoughts, it would be annoying.  Even more so if you had carefully concocted a way to make yourself look beyond reproach.

I like Kyle, and I think LVP is manipulative, but in this case, I think Kyle was the one manipulating, and what she was manipulating was everyone else's memory and interpretation of what we've seen.

  • Love 11
On 4/18/2017 at 10:04 PM, Bronzedog said:

What a co-winky-dink that Andy just happened to have a viewer question about the bunny and Kim just happened to have said bunny with her her.  Set up!

This could have easily been 2 parts if the unnecessary appearances of PK and Kim were eliminated.  Why do they always insist on including Kim?

Exactly.  I was thinking that she wasn't even supposed to have a "friend of" role this season, yet the further into the season we got, the more we saw of poor ol' Kim.  I think that Andy is enamored with Kyle & Mauricio, thereby providing Kyle with a pretty big hammer to wield.  As such, she's going to do what's in her power to do regarding Kim, and keeping her employed.  More Kim makes, the less M has to fork over to her.

Oh, I'm new, hello all.  (Name was developed for the other forum I follow here, the Shopping TV page.)  

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
  • Love 5

The main reason Kim doesn't want the gift from Rinna.

It isn't because she hates Rinna and it isn't because she thinks the bunny has bad ju ju.

Kim was at a loss for words and disappointed and pissed because she didn't get the product she usually receives from an item wrapped in cellophane. I think the bunny needs to be checked out by the stuffed animal vet cause she might have touched it's no no places searching.

This was her when she first heard the rustling sound.


  • Love 5
14 hours ago, ChitChat said:

It was interesting how fast Kyle shut LVP down when the viewer asked her why she didn't say something when Dorit bought the panties for Ericka.  That's something I've questioned on here several times.  Kyle should've been a little more vocal about it if she felt that it would hurt Ericka, but she didn't protest too much about it at the time.  Then again, if she did and we didn't see it, then it was ultimately Dorit's decision to go through with it anyway.  I'm not saying it was up to Kyle to stop her, but I don't think she objected very loudly.  LVP was right in this instance, IMO.  Kyle must've gotten this comment after the episode aired, because she distanced herself from any blame quicker than one could drop their panties.

She is a fence sitting, complicit, shite meister.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, chewycandy said:

I don't think the act is gross. I bolded it because of the raunchy phrasing. lol 

I definitely don't need to reread. A great  majority pile on Erika for being "irresponsible" for not wearing underwear, "what did she expect" and so on and so forth, implying she deserved the looks and gossip. The majority of them call her out for not getting over it, implying she is ridiculous for feeling how she does. There really is no way to explain it away.

Thank you for making my point. I wrote it that way for effect to affect perception.  Just the same way Erica announced she wasn't wearing any underwear. We both could have chosen other words.

Most of us on the other side of the argument have said it's never been that she didn't wear underwear. It's that we feel she purposfully announced it to be provocative. It obviously upset Dorit and Erica has never been aware enough to see that it did nor has she apologized to Dorit.

Speaking of of acting a lady, is it ladylike to announce it as she did in front of 2 married couples? I find it disrespectful of Erica to have pointed out her hairless cat to married men in front of their wives. Very disrespectful to the wives in my opinion.

  • Love 20
11 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

But she said that AFTER Dorit said, "now I'm not saying you did it on purpose or that you were trying to seduce my husband". I think the logical reply to something like that would be to say that no, indeed I did not do it on purpose. 

Didn't Dorit question the propriety to Rinna and Eileen who both acted like they understood her concern even to the point of Eileen mocking Erica?

IIRC Dorit in that same conversation told both Eileen and Rinna that she did NOT think it was intentional but felt compelled to say something about it, which is when I think she told them she was going to gift Erica the undies?

  • Love 8
34 minutes ago, msblossom said:

Erika is a bore. She's about as interesting as watching grass grow. I hope her career soars at Y&R and takes her cooch elsewhere. And take the Soap Twins with ya.

Can Tom afford another Erika Girard career?  It looks to me like every time she gets a job she spends more than she makes.  First the entourage videos costumes, work out space, playhouse and $50k a week villa and private jet to Greece for Erika Jayne.  $500k a year for Erika's hair and make-up because now she is on TV.  Tom had to be somewhat delighted Erika didn't make the finals in DWTS as she had promised her partner a Lamborghini.   Can't image what working for scale on soap opera would cost Tom.

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Can Tom afford another Erika Girard career?  It looks to me like every time she gets a job she spends more than she makes.  First the entourage videos costumes, work out space, playhouse and $50k a week villa and private jet to Greece for Erika Jayne.  $500k a year for Erika's hair and make-up because now she is on TV.  Tom had to be somewhat delighted Erika didn't make the finals in DWTS as she had promised her partner a Lamborghini.   Can't image what working for scale on soap opera would cost Tom.

Y&R has much better stylists than the Sham Squad, I often wondered why Eileen dresses so badly when she could just go to "Wardrobe" for advice.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, hecate2909 said:

Didn't Dorit question the propriety to Rinna and Eileen who both acted like they understood her concern even to the point of Eileen mocking Erica?

IIRC Dorit in that same conversation told both Eileen and Rinna that she did NOT think it was intentional but felt compelled to say something about it, which is when I think she told them she was going to gift Erica the undies?

One of the problems with Dorit and how she conveys things.  The reverse of your examples is when Rinna accused her of doing coke-most people would give a hell no answer and be steamed.  Dorit decides to run down what offended her about the accusation ( a coke den, my children) and never gets to the bones-HELL NO. 

Dorit would have been better off to just ask Soapy and Sudsy if Erika going pantiles was a common thing for her.  Instead she goes round and round about a lady with a short skirt crossing her legs.  Just ask-they will give you enough filler so you can get plenty of camera time. 

Everything Dorit did regarding gifting the panties was bad, but at some point people needed to understand her intent.  Instead people decided to say-oh Erika gets judged, I judged Erika.  They put their state of mind on Dorit's shoulders and decided what her intent was.  Gee next season they can find yet another person who has never heard of Erika Jayne and then have what has become a litmus test for judging Erika Jayne.

  • Love 14
1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

One of the problems with Dorit and how she conveys things.  The reverse of your examples is when Rinna accused her of doing coke-most people would give a hell no answer and be steamed.  Dorit decides to run down what offended her about the accusation ( a coke den, my children) and never gets to the bones-HELL NO. 

Dorit would have been better off to just ask Soapy and Sudsy if Erika going pantiles was a common thing for her.  Instead she goes round and round about a lady with a short skirt crossing her legs.  Just ask-they will give you enough filler so you can get plenty of camera time. 

Everything Dorit did regarding gifting the panties was bad, but at some point people needed to understand her intent.  Instead people decided to say-oh Erika gets judged, I judged Erika.  They put their state of mind on Dorit's shoulders and decided what her intent was.  Gee next season they can find yet another person who has never heard of Erika Jayne and then have what has become a litmus test for judging Erika Jayne.

Yup, she should have been more firm rather than the weak "I certainly wasn't".

I think she was a little shocked by the accusation, which makes her naive as hell.

  • Love 9

Sure, it was rude to return the bunny to Rinna, but, that thing wasn't gifted from a place of good, it was Rinna manipulating. So no way was she crying from hurt feelings from that. As someone upthread mentioned-Rinna realized she had been set up by Andy and Bravo. She deserved it though. 

Speaking of Rinna, why won't she shut up? Erika obviously doesn't need her to advocate for her. 

I wanted to throat punch Erika when she told PK to "get the F outa here", and then got lecturey with Dorit about not giving up her swimwear line. Pretty sure Dorit doesn't need any advice from the blowup doll trophy wife. 

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

The main reason Kim doesn't want the gift from Rinna.

It isn't because she hates Rinna and it isn't because she thinks the bunny has bad ju ju.

Kim was at a loss for words and disappointed and pissed because she didn't get the product she usually receives from an item wrapped in cellophane. I think the bunny needs to be checked out by the stuffed animal vet cause she might have touched it's no no places searching.

This was her when she first heard the rustling sound.


She returned it because even Kingsley refused it as a chew toy. Even poor Kingsley recognized bad juju coming off a gift given with alterior motives. Rinna gave it on camera to look the better person.


4 hours ago, kitten59 said:

I loved Kyle's finger biting reaction and I'm surprised that people found it so perplexing. She has the BEST reaction faces, bar none. She was watching her unpredictable sister drop something of a "bomb"!She was not expecting the whole bunny thing and she was biting her finger...then her hand (as it progressed), because she was trying not to intervene...all the while hoping that Kim wouldn't embarrass BOTH of them. I totally got it and I would have done the same thing! Love Kyle!!

To me it looked like over acting. 

Edited by Giselle
Gave not have
  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Sure, it was rude to return the bunny to Rinna, but, that thing wasn't gifted from a place of good, it was Rinna manipulating. So no way was she crying from hurt feelings from that. As someone upthread mentioned-Rinna realized she had been set up by Andy and Bravo. She deserved it though. 

Speaking of Rinna, why won't she shut up? Erika obviously doesn't need her to advocate for her. 

I wanted to throat punch Erika when she told PK to "get the F outa here", and then got lecturey with Dorit about not giving up her swimwear line. Pretty sure Dorit doesn't need any advice from the blowup doll trophy wife. 

I agree with most but not this.

I think Erica actually grew a new respect for Dorit when she heard about her accomplishments sans PK,

When she was telling Dorit not to let that go, I (in my head) saw her telling another women who may be in her(Erica's) position which is basically at her husbands whim to make sure she had an "Escape Route"!


  • Love 9

Ok I'm only 6 pages in.....Yikes!

Erika Jane-Wear a thong if you don't want panty lines. Sorry this old lady has no sympathy for someone who went out without undies and was FILMED completely naked just to get attention. Should we ALL apologize to Tom because we watched her try to squeeze into a to tight costume? You are responsible for Yourself! If you don't want people seeing your tits--keep em covered. If you don't want people seeing your ho haw wear panties. End of problem.


I LOVE Kyle and her crawling into herself every time that sister of her does something makes me so sad. IMHO she has PTSD from all she has seen and heard and it still effects her like it did when she was a kid. I've always defended Kim and I have mental problems of my own so I do feel for her but GIRL! Giving back that bunny was just plain MEAN. Ne reason to do that except to be a BITCH. And I don't even like Rinna but........

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

Sure, it was rude to return the bunny to Rinna, but, that thing wasn't gifted from a place of good, it was Rinna manipulating. So no way was she crying from hurt feelings from that. As someone upthread mentioned-Rinna realized she had been set up by Andy and Bravo. She deserved it though. 

Speaking of Rinna, why won't she shut up? Erika obviously doesn't need her to advocate for her. 

I wanted to throat punch Erika when she told PK to "get the F outa here", and then got lecturey with Dorit about not giving up her swimwear line. Pretty sure Dorit doesn't need any advice from the blowup doll trophy wife. 

As if Dorit needs advice from a woman who chose her career over raising her 3 year old child. She's got 2 young children under 3 she is right where she should be, raising them, nurturing them and a daily presence in their lives.

Dorit hadn't given up anything she has gained a young family she can always go back into fashion when they are older or take on small projects to keep her in the mix but able to stay at home.

Dorit is educated and provided well for herself long before PK. She can make a career for herself if she should ever need to. 

I think her intelligence and past accomplishments is why PK has respect for Dorit and they are equals in the marriage. We've seen Tom scold Erica like a child in public we've seen who has the real power in that marriage.

If you took the money and marriages away. Erica would go back to slinging drinks while looking for another sugar daddy while Dorit would start another business or go back and work for another company. I have more faith that one would have a better chance of landing on her feet than the other.

  • Love 22
8 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Ok I'm only 6 pages in.....Yikes!

Erika Jane-Wear a thong if you don't want panty lines. Sorry this old lady has no sympathy for someone who went out without undies and was FILMED completely naked just to get attention. Should we ALL apologize to Tom because we watched her try to squeeze into a to tight costume? You are responsible for Yourself! If you don't want people seeing your tits--keep em covered. If you don't want people seeing your ho haw wear panties. End of problem.


I LOVE Kyle and her crawling into herself every time that sister of her does something makes me so sad. IMHO she has PTSD from all she has seen and heard and it still effects her like it did when she was a kid. I've always defended Kim and I have mental problems of my own so I do feel for her but GIRL! Giving back that bunny was just plain MEAN. Ne reason to do that except to be a BITCH. And I don't even like Rinna but........

I agree it was a bitchy move but Rinna DESERVED it!

Kyle may very well be traumatised from her upbringing, and I am no Kim fan aside from "Witch Mountain" of course,

yet feel (I dunno) compelled to point out that Kim had the same exact upbringing and maybe I credit Mauricio a little more on reflection.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

The main reason Kim doesn't want the gift from Rinna.

It isn't because she hates Rinna and it isn't because she thinks the bunny has bad ju ju.

Kim was at a loss for words and disappointed and pissed because she didn't get the product she usually receives from an item wrapped in cellophane. I think the bunny needs to be checked out by the stuffed animal vet cause she might have touched it's no no places searching.

This was her when she first heard the rustling sound.


LOL! @ hearing the cellophane rustling

They could have had Eden loooooong hugged the Bunny to give it good energy.  

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

kinda similar to the way a combination of projection and traditional outlook on women's agency have driven hatred of her on here...

That's like apples and oranges!

I dislike Erica either of em!

I actually dislike Eileen more!

I can't stand Rinna!

Yet I don't hate any of them, might hate (kinda strong word) I would prefer intensely dislike, their personalities.

Edited by hecate2909
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

I wanted to throat punch Erika when she told PK to "get the F outa here", and then got lecturey with Dorit about not giving up her swimwear line. Pretty sure Dorit doesn't need any advice from the blowup doll trophy wife. 

Yes, I didn't think that came from a good place either.  She was just being the queen and deigning to drop a crumb of a sideways compliment onto Dorit.  Really?? What has she done that she should give advice or approval in this field.  It's nice to encourage each other, but that was so disingenuous.  Plus has anyone else noticed her little hand gestures at times.  It's like she's the pope dispensing a blessing on us poor peons.  Such an overstuffed jerk of a person.

I may not like everything LVP does, but she's right --- leave the crown where it belongs.

  • Love 17

It shows me that Kyle has evolved into her equal

I like both Kyle and LVP...but yes, glad to see Kyle being more assertive with her, and their friendship evolving to being one that is of equals.


Erika can throw in the panties as compensation

"But...aye bowt those panties fore you, not Eden, you husband-flashing slag! Wait, did aye say that last paht out loud?"


I wanted to throat punch Erika when she told PK to "get the F outa here"

I wanted to give Ericka the highest of high fives for that.


or take on small projects to keep her in the mix but able to stay at home.

She already is working...she is helping PK run his business. So she didn't quite exactly become a stay at home mom, she just stopped designing clothes and is now helping PK manage Boy George's career.


Yes, I didn't think that came from a good place either.  She was just being the queen and deigning to drop a crumb of a sideways compliment onto Dorit.

I thought she was genuinely being sincere, actually lololol

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 9
2 hours ago, MerryMary said:

Drunk or sober, Kim is an asshole.  Having read House of Hilton, I suspect this condition is genetic.  The best thing Kyle could do is cut ties with her family and live her life.  Instead, she's dwelling on the past and creating a television show about it.  I don't get it.

Every season she gives Kim a pass and every season Kim is back in rehab.  Then she wonders why they keep talking about her sobriety.  

I also give Rinna a pass. She is just saying what most of us are thinking.  "No way is Kim sober"

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To be clear, I think Kim is a jerk -- drunk or sober, but I do root for her to continue to do well in recovery.  That said, I understand her not wanting that stupid bunny (should this now be referred to as bunnygate??).  I think when it happened, it came from left field and she was unprepared to handle it by simply declining the gift.  That could be because she might be like me and not think quickly on her feet.  It could also be from post acute withdrawl, which can last a couple of years.  Substances cause damage and it takes time to come back, for some people it takes a lot of time. This is one of the many reasons I feel Kim would be better served by not participating in a reality show.

The gift was given on camera for effect.  The gift was returned on camera for effect.  When Eileen said Kim should have mailed it back, well my thought is that had the gift been truly from Rinna's cold, black, little heart, she would have mailed it or given it off camera, but instead she wanted the fanfare of appearing superior.  It was a dumb event all the way around, I'm just inclined to give Kim a bit more of a pass on this one. 

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