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S34.E06: Vote Early, Vote Often

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Aubry, what a good sport. She reminds me of my sister, not in looks, but attitude.  Nice snake in the tree. And Tai - good work, I guess, but watching you find an idol is kind of boring. So I guess Tavua no longer exists. Ha ha ha Debbie is a woman without a tribe!! I wonder if she'd have a temper tantrum with no one looking. Gosh, the tribes will really work hard to win Immunity, but more not to have Debbie on their tribe than to win Immunity. What did Jeff mean by PTSD when he talked about being at the bottom of his new tribe and charging in head first?

Yeah, Brad, at least there's a man on the same tribe as you so you aren't by yourself with all those icky girls. Ooh, Troyzan's scared of girl germs, too! Now over at Nuku. Looks like Sandra has bruises on her legs, or else they're dirt smudges. Time for Zeke to strategize! Nice, we get to hear Andrea speak! Tai found that idol just in time. So, he's going to look for another idol?? And he found it! Just in time!

Now for fun times with Debbie!  So Exile is a ship! Wow, everyone's going to want to be exiled now. Like a floating Ponderosa. She reminds me of Gollum when she does that dancing. "My precious!" And it's Gandalf come to join her with words of wisdom for fighting the dark side, oh, no, it's just Cochran. (No one guessed Cochran in the Speculation thread! Didn't occur to me!) So she has met presidents and prime ministers, uh huh! And she get's an advantage and Cochran gets a kiss! His lucky day! A fake immunity idol kit? I would take the extra vote, too. A fake idol does nothing for you and there's no guarantee your tribe will win with a tribal advantage.

Now Zeke is playing!

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Tai found not one—but TWO idols????  Grrr…if I’m Troyzan watching this at home, I’m grinding my teeth at how easy they made it for Tai (and previously J.T.) to get their idols.

I love how “Exile Island” was a ship full of luxury items, even if Debbie was the beneficiary of it.  But then…Cochran turned up.  And Debbie was “awestruck” to meet him?  It was an “honor and privilege”???  *massive eye roll*  And she gets an advantage, complete with Cochran having to beat us over the head with the season’s theme again.  Interesting that she picked the second vote—that has yet to work for those who get it.

Mom quote of the night, after Nuku lost: “Well, Debbie will be happy she’s no longer on a tribe with Culpepper.”

*sigh*  Sandra.  She was savvy enough not to trust what Varner was being told and then tried and tried to turn things to her advantage.  In the end she couldn’t.  And so the Queen is overthrown.  But she gave them something to think about on her way out, didn’t she?  Not that Tai did anything to help his cause by telling Varner the truth.  And then to throw out Ozzy’s name at Tribal?  I swear, that man is more chaotic than Khaos Kass.

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I'm bummed.  Sandra was good entertainment, the perfect shield, because no way in hell would she win again.  People would be too bitter to let someone win a third time, deserved or not.  She's still the Queen to me.  At least she's succeeded in doing something none of these people will ever accomplish-winning twice. 

Bitter post coming, because I'm really over this season (but I'll keep watching).  Hope it picks up at the merge, even though there's only about 5 people left I really care about, and the rest I want to float off on the EI yacht.  Cochran was just about the last person I expected to see pop up on EI.  I have a lot of people I was dreading seeing, but I guess I had successfully blocked Cochran from my mind because I never even thought he was an option.  Hell, give me Rupert and Colton all season again over seeing Cochran.  Can not stand him.  And of course, Debbie gets to go to EI Paradise.  Don't they want to make anything on this show hard anymore?  At least she's away from Hali.  I don't know what was better for Mana: winning immunity or not having to put up with Debbie.  Hope she uses the extra vote as successfully as it's been used in the past.  I'm waiting for the day for these twists, advantages, and massive idols to finally just blow up in the producer's faces.  Maybe the biggest twist they could have is to have no twists, idols, advantages, etc.

I hope Tai blows his new idols again on someone, and then winds up needing it.  I hope someone in his alliance that he saved dangles there's in front of him when he knows he's going home, but says they are keeping it.  I wish the show would sense a pattern if the same people are continually finding idols, and again either put rules in place, or maybe make it just a tad harder for them to find.  Why was Troyzan the only person who had to find his in a challenge, but Tai and JT were able to take a Sunday stroll around camp and easily locate theirs?  Really over him, can not wait for him to get voted off.  The cameramen will probably just start handing them to him from now on so no one else can find them, because they know he'll use them to save the producer pets.  Also, he's the worst at this game.  Who would want to align with him?  I think he's a worst casting choice than Sierra.

If they're going to do 2 tribes-3 tribes-2 tribes, I kind of wish they'd change it up and make the third tribe one of the two new tribes.  Seems like a waste to have them go set up camp for what, 6 days, only to switch back again.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Off with her head! Ding dong the Queen is gone :-) Lesson #1 in leadership in the 21st century is not treat everyone else like they're stupid or you're better than them, because neither are true or you wouldn't be on this season together. Well correction, JT and Tai are stupid. This makes up for me missing the show last week, the woes of being a GM. I will always give Sandra props for being a Succubus or a spider waiting to trap her flies, she reads people well and respects the game. 

Please Tai next. 

I like the luxury exile game changer plus the advantage. Why was Cochran not a game changer? Nice to see him again. 

That turquoise iguana was beautiful.

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Holy smokes, another crazy ass tribal council.  It looked like Sandra was this [] close to talking everyone into voting for Tai.  I thought he'd play an idol and Ozzy would go.  I guess they all were resolved not to change the votes, no matter what was said.  Well played!

Loved the #giddyup.  Debbie continues to be BSC.

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OK, Zeke is selling this plot pretty well to Jeff. Now I'm kind of rooting for Sandra! I see why people like her - she has a good grip on the situation but isn't afraid. She'll deal. OK everybody, for immunity (and not Debbie), GO! Michaela up in the front pulling that sled! Now pulling these sleds on logs on the sand remind me of an Amazing Race challenge from a long time ago. Wow, Mana finished before Nuvu even started!! That was fast. Jeff: "Tai's going home tonight unless Tai pulls out an idol." Ha! He might pull out two.

Oh no, Tai is blowing the plot!! Ha ha, Tai! I can't believe he said that to Jeff. Well, he may have two idols but they won't do any good if they're left behind at camp. There's that viola again.  Everyone smiles fake smiles at Debbie. Hmm, Tai and Debbie on the same tribe together. Fun times for the rest of them. I guess Tai was taking strategy lessons from Keith.  This tribal is getting so weird. Last week it was the weird Debbie show and now it's the weird Tai episode. Well now Tai will play his idol so I guess whoever Tai votes for is the one going. Interesting. Well, he didn't play his idol.

Well, good-bye, Sandra. It was fun watching you play! I wish she had made jury.

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Oh my god, Debbie and her pony. I'm visualizing this.

Holy cow, is right Tai. Too many idols.

Who's coming on the boat; Cochrane?! I would never come up with his name for who was making a visit.

Lol, Cochrane has Debbie pegged 100%. Debbie really has a story for every situation.

Ohh, hard decision for me what I would have taken. Maybe not the extra vote because so far its backfired both times. I'm thinking idol making kit.

The boat part of the challenge looked super hard, but the puzzle seemed easy.

I know Sandra is dangerous but Tai just proved how unpredicable he is, they should have voted him out.

Bye Sandra. I liked that they clapped she deserves that, 94 days is amazing.

Edited by dkb
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They should have had Sandra give Debbie advice, she's the one who won twice, Cochran only won once. And why try to give Debbie advice? Doesn't she know everything already? She's met presidents, ambassadors and has had multiple careers. smh.

Zeke had a point about Tai. He's all over the place, flip flops, you can't trust him. I'm surprised he didn't play one of the idols. The Queen is gone, at least everyone agreed she was the most dangerous player. 

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3 hours ago, susannot said:

The Queen will always be the Queen.  She went out fighting and did nothing to tarnish her amazing legacy.  The tribe applauded her after they voted her out!  That has never happened before.

Exactly. They wanted it to be a blindside, and it wasn't at all. She knew the score and played as best as possible. It was just the roll of the dice.

Edited by vb68
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6 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Brad and Troyzan's assessment of their potential alliances aka "We're the only 2 men on this tribe": Nothing gets past you two.

Ha! ha! ha! I enjoy Khaleesi's comments!

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I have no idea what is going on.  It is so hard for me to defend Tai there.  I can't believe Ozzy and Andrea playing Masterpiece Theatre.  I guess it was necessary, but then again it wasn't, because Sandra never packs idols.  So gobsmacked, but glad, because I love Ozzy , I love him so desperately so much (Cook Islands all over again) and he is so goddamn gorgeous to look at.  Feels like I'm watching Jesus.  

I'm still really not sure what was going on there.  I screamed.  I was shocked (but glad) it wasn't Tai or Ozzy.

Cirie is always on the winning team.  Cirie and Zeke used to be the dream team, but now I see Cirie doesn't even need him.  Plus, now she has Michaela who loves proving herself.

Sandra: "Dey don't know da Quayn."

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Somewhere in Boston poor Julia must be banging her head against the wall at how Debbie got to spend her days in exile on a yacht with all the food and drink that she wants, plus she gets an advantage.  Though Julia didn't have to spend anytime with Cochran so she atleast lucked  out there.

No surprised to see Sandra go, that has been building up all season. I only wished Tai had wasted an idol in the process.

Please let Hali-Cirie-Michaela-Aubry and form an alliance, maybe bring Andrea in at the merge.

Well with Sandra vted out, Amanda Kimmel keeps the record of lasting the longest without getting her torch snuffed. of course unlike Sandra she lost twice.

Edited by LanceM
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The Queen is dead. Okay, she's just out of the game. And she didn't make the jury. She had the potential to unleash epic questions. Worse, Tai didn't even play an idol. Was he that confident that Sandra would be voted off? Or was he that clueless? I'm telling you, if Sandra had persuaded Tai to let the tribe kill and eat him instead of the chickens, he probably would've been good with it.

First reaction was to pity Debbie. Even Probst turned on her in the opening narration. But she got a sweet boat, her choice of advantages (I would've gone for the extra vote; more straightforward, and I'd fuck up an idol), and she got a visit from a champ. Okay, it was just Cochran, but I like him. He could probably have coped with Debbie's crazy better than most of the cast.

And Sandra and Cirie didn't wind up together. Shit. That was my dream, man. Would they have worked together or take each other out immediately? We will never know.

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It would have hard for me to not vote for Tai.   It's hard to put a plan together with someone who about ruined it, but he has no clue that he did. 

"Tai, you look lost in thought."  No - he's just lost. 

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Today's small moment in Andrea is awesome: she's the one who gave Sandra a crown in her vote.

Pretty telegraphed, and I don't feel like they did a great job of demonstrating why they fell behind in the immunity challenge, though I suspect it's that Varner and Sandra are not exactly graceful on a rope balance thingy.  Sandra should be booted while you're still relying on team immunity and if those four are pretty tight like it appears they should just go ahead and do it.  She's much more entertaining than Tai though so it's sad.

Speaking of, I guess he was just invited back to be an agent of chaos?  He's so dumb and random in his thinking.  Ozzy as a strategic person?  What show have you watched?

Cochran is more tolerable than in his first season, but an entire segment devoted to him and Debbie is not appealing.

Can we please let Cirie talk?  She's one of the funniest intentional comics the show's ever had but it feels like she's not even here.  And now the undisputed best strategic player left with Sandra being booted.  I know she hasn't even been to tribal council yet so that's part of it.

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2 minutes ago, enlightenedbum said:

Cochran is more tolerable than in his first season, but an entire segment devoted to him and Debbie is not appealing.

And it lasted forfreakingever! Or seemed to... I was begging to get back to the actual game.

The only thing worse that Tai with an idol is Tai with two idols!!

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Not only has Debbie met presidents and prime ministers, she provided security to Queen Elizabeth in Buckingham Palace and was special advisor to Scotland Yard. She was a Commander!! 

On the other hand, maybe the president was president of her high school class.

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1 minute ago, susannot said:

I feel that that she almost-almost persuaded them to vote out Tai.  But I think Ozzy had said ahead of time to stick to the plan no matter what.  Sandra was like the Sirens in the story of the Odyssey, who lure men to their doom against their will and even as they fight against it.  The mariners had to tie themselves to the ship to avoid succumbing to the sweet song of the Sirens.  I know, too long of a metaphor, but the tribe had to bind themselves to Ozzy, who is just as dangerous as Sandra.

Ozzy is the opposite of dangerous.  He protects you and saves you until the very end, where you can just vote him out, because he doesn't know how to scheme.  I mean, I guess he does somewhat, because he schemed me tonight, LOL.  But I still see him the opposite of dangerous.  You can keep him all the way to the end.  The tribe did the smart thing in voting out Sandra- colour me incredibly surprised - you can always keep Ozzy!

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"It's the betrayal", stupid.  They should have whacked Tai and his idols.

Interesting swap.  Loser gets Debbie.

Tai now has 2 idols?  Gag me with a spoon.  Painting a F3 goat??

Culpepper immediately goes to Troyzan for a meat shield. No, he hasn't changed in spite of his attempts to be humble.

And Debbie gets reward by being exiled.  Game Changer (tm).  Then she goes off.  I've met Presidents, Prime Ministers, Sultans, Emperors, Chancellors, Czars, Queens, Kings, etc., etc. and noe the epitome,  Johnny Cochran........ he knows she's crazy, but did a good job trying to explain some strategy to her'.

Well Johnny you may be correct "IF" she takes your advice.  I have a feeling that is not going to happen.  Even with her extra vote, I don't think it will save her from her own delusions

Zeke playing Varner.  Interesting.  Sandra smells a rat.

Big Stakes!  You lose.  Somebody gets whacked and you get Debbie.

Super tough challenge pushing those sleds.  But the puzzle.....fastest in history.  Oh my.

That spit-take by Sandra was priceless.  May be her finale.  Caught on the wrong side of a Game Changer (tm) swap.

Sandra working her magic?  Black tipped shark. Tai catching on?

Ozzy gives it away? More Sandra magic?  Tai is going to play an idol?  gag.  Now he has 2 idols and a big goat on his head.

Adios Sandra, you are still the Queen.  "There will never be another two-time winner".

Are we now winner free this season?  I'm so old I can't remember :)

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I think Sandra is awesome, but I was ready for her to go, it was beginning to feel too much like the Queen Sandra show.  So, I was worried when Sandra was sweet talking Ozzy, Andrea and Sarah -- then Sarah said that she felt like she was being groomed and I heaved a big sigh of relief.  You go, Sarah!  You broke the Queen's spell.

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So Brad's alliance is in pretty good shape.  Still have numbers, Tai has two idols that he can tell him what to do with, and Debbie has an extra vote he can tell her what to do with (and then have her play revisionist history with it).

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6 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Ozzy is the opposite of dangerous.  He protects you and saves you until the very end, where you can just vote him out, because he doesn't know how to scheme.  I mean, I guess he does somewhat, because he schemed me tonight, LOL.  But I still see him the opposite of dangerous.  You can keep him all the way to the end.  The tribe did the smart thing in voting out Sandra- colour me incredibly surprised - you can always keep Ozzy!

This is the most scheming that I have seen by Ozzy on any season.  It's good, I love him just like everyone else.

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2 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I think Sandra is awesome, but I was ready for her to go, it was beginning to feel too much like the Queen Sandra show.  So, I was worried when Sandra was sweet talking Ozzy, Andrea and Sarah -- then Sarah said that she felt like she was being groomed and I heaved a big sigh of relief.  You go, Sarah!  You broke the Queen's spell.

And trust me, I was shocked.  Hahahahha.  Sarah?!

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I'm actually not even sure who the second most (intentionally) dangerous person here is at this point.  Cirie is obviously the most dangerous.

The remaining fourteen:

Andrea, Ozzy, Sarah, Zeke, Jeff, Debbie, Tai
Andrea and Zeke are semi-dangerous in that they're plotters, but both were relatively easily fooled/dispatched in the mid jury phase.  Ozzy is a strategic moron, Jeff's never made the jury, Sarah is a follower, Debbie is a loose cannon, and Tai is an agent of chaos.  The last two are dangerous, but not intentionally.

Troy, Brad, Cirie, Hali, Sierra, Aubry, Michaela

I didn't watch Aubry's season and she hasn't been featured a ton here.  I gathered she has a good reputation though so she's up there.  Sierra's a follower, Hali consistently seems to end up on the bottom of alliances, Michaela is kinda Ozzyish (good athlete, not a strategic mastermind) but with more of a temper, Cirie is a Jedi obviously, Troy thinks he's a mastermind and isn't, and I guess Brad has played well this season so maybe he's like fifth.

It's really kind of a dire cast, strategy wise.

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Just now, susannot said:

This is the most scheming that I have seen by Ozzy on any season.  It's good, I love him just like everyone else.

I'm not "everyone else."  I can't stand the guy.  I seem to be the only one to remember his douche-y smile when he threw the challenge to get rid of Billy in Cook Islands, his general assy, bitter attitude when he lost Micronesia, and his worsening douchiness throughout South Pacific.

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Whenever a player starts squawking about having it in the bag, I begin actively rooting for their elimination. Doesn't matter how much I liked them before. 

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2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Sandra is loyal as hell. If she's on your side, she's really on your side.

Varner might disagree, since she repeatedly said in THs and TCs that she'd happily write down any name that wasn't her's. 

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They finally dethroned the queen and got her out and they sure as hell needed to do that. 

This season is still very blah so far. Not actively rooting for anyone, I'm just watching it.

They really do need to get rid of Tai and I think now he has the tribe believe that he doesn't have any idols since he didn't play it and just blabbing through TC. It sure as hell would have been funny if Tai went home being another person to go home with the idol. 

This episode was just very MEH.

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4 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Varner might disagree, since she repeatedly said in THs and TCs that she'd happily write down any name that wasn't her's. 

Why would Varner have sour grapes with her?  She never went after him, especially not in this episode where her back was up against the wall.  I'm confused on that. 

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I can't figure out if the whole Tai acts crazy at TC was just an act to convince Sandra Tai was the target or if Tai really did dodge a bullet.  Tai sure played his part well if he knew what was going on.  I was surprised he didn't play an idol, so he must have been in on the plan.

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I found "Exile" utterly ludicrous, but suitable in a season where They Just Keep Feeding Them.

I hated to see Cochran there. Hated it. It's antithetical to Survivor. Nobody can tell you how to play. Nobody can give you advice. The game is this living, breathing creature that changes on a weekly/daily/hourly/minute-ly/second-ly basis. Cochran (of all people) has no effing clue about the dynamics. It's not like...I don't know, chess where you can look over people's shoulders and see what they're doing wrong. It's personality and luck and skill.

You could chat with each and every winner and nobody -- and I mean nobody -- is going to tell you how to play better Survivor unless they are playing it themselves.

And the extra vote again? Because that's worked out for anybody ever? (I sort of loved the fake idol kit, though. Heh.)

::pours one out for Sandra::

Edited by Eolivet
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3 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

I can't figure out if the whole Tai acts crazy at TC was just an act to convince Sandra Tai was the target or if Tai really did dodge a bullet.  Tai sure played his part well if he knew what was going on.  I was surprised he didn't play an idol, so he must have been in on the plan.

Either it was an elaborate plan to fool Sandra, or someone (Zeke?) pulled the group together and got them back on track to vote out Sandra.  Obviously, if it was the latter, they didn't want to show it and spoil the suspense. 

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15 minutes ago, Vyk said:

I'm not "everyone else."  I can't stand the guy.  I seem to be the only one to remember his douche-y smile when he threw the challenge to get rid of Billy in Cook Islands, his general assy, bitter attitude when he lost Micronesia, and his worsening douchiness throughout South Pacific.

You aren't alone. In past seasons, Ozzy very much appeared to be a jerk to players he saw as weaker and not in power. He was at his best when he wasthe underdog and had to work with everyone else.

The Brad-Troyzan chat about being the only two guys made me roll my eyes. I realize that gender is a natural bond for many people, but why are so many of the men on Survivor so freaking paranoid about women?

9 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

I can't figure out if the whole Tai acts crazy at TC was just an act to convince Sandra Tai was the target or if Tai really did dodge a bullet.  Tai sure played his part well if he knew what was going on.  I was surprised he didn't play an idol, so he must have been in on the plan.

I don't think Tai was in on the plan other than being told they were voting Sandra. I think everyone else just stuck with what Ozzy said earlier. Sandra was the most dangerous. Boot her now, then think Tai.

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