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S07.E18: Diamonds Under Pressure

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16 hours ago, Jel said:

When Eileen was talking about Eden's freak out -- how instead of yelling and going nuts, you should instead write a letter and tear it up, I wondered if that message was also covertly aimed at Erika. 

She was so fucking annoying with that "tear it up".  She thought that was so clever.. She sees herself as the levelheaded peacelover of the group, but she just sucks!

Edited by noveltylibrary65
  • Love 22
Just now, zoeysmom said:

For many years LVP and Ken have not only volunteered at charity kitchen serving meals to those in need they supply the food.  This is a weekly commitment, I believe on Mondays.

People can dislike LPV for a lot of things but being uncharitable isn't one of them.

This reminds me of Eileen snickering about LVP caring more about dogs then people, when in fact Lisa has done more than is shown on the show for LGBTQ community. While Eileen hasn't shown a single act of charity. So she can GTFOH.

I agree Lisa has alot of flaws but she is a charitable woman. 

  • Love 19
1 minute ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

She was so fucking annoying with that "tear it up".  She thought that was so clever.. She sees herself as the levelheaded peacelover of the group, but she just sucks!

Yeah, the "tear it up" thing bugged the shit out of me, too.  So if you have an inconvenient emotion, you should write it down and tear it up instead of having a conversation?  I guess that explains why Eileen seems so fucking uptight all the time -- she's filled to the breaking point with unexpressed emotions.  God help us all when she finally blows.

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

She was so fucking annoying with that "tear it up".  She thought that was so clever.. She sees herself as the levelheaded peacelover of the group, but she just sucks!

I was on Eileen's side throughout her feud with LVP, but from the beginning of this season she's truly grated on me! She makes these comments and doesn't see she's deflecting from her own life; esp. the "enabling of Rinna and Erika to be b!tches and even turn on her with impunity! My mouth went agape when Erika "went off" on Eileen who had brought her on her soap and was so supportive! I would have told the b!tch to "kick rocks" from then on! I've never been in a situation where apologies are flying back and forth; friendships shouldn't be that hard! ;-(

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, CaughtOnTape said:

She is.

However she could have and should have said she wasn't amused by the joke, didn't find it funny and would appreciate it if Dorit dropped it.  She could have pulled her to the side and said it, rather than laughing up a storm and playing into her "Erika gives no fucks and doesn't care what you think about her" image.  Dorit didn't know the joke was offending Erika because Erika played it off like it wasn't.  

Look, she can be cold, aloof and "the bitch" all she wants.  But then don't blame people for actually believing that persona when you don't explain to them otherwise.  Dorit made an obnoxious joke out of it?  Yes.  But it probably would have ended 5 episodes ago if Erika had just pulled her aside like an adult (ya know...that thing she's always spouting off about other people needing to be when they get into stupid arguments about petty crap?) and told her it wasn't funny.

I don't have any sympathy for Erika in this situation.  Her "don't fuck with me" attitude and coldness came back to bite her in the ass.  And yet she shows absolutely NO self awareness or introspection that MAYBE she had something to do with exacerbating this situation.  Nope, it's all about calling PK a pervert and making this her "Feminism Is Good!" moment while simultaneously suggesting another woman's husband looked at her nasty bits because she's just so sexy and beautiful he couldn't help himself.

She's no feminist.  Gimme a break. 

Maybe she's a post-post-post-feminism feminist, where women subjugate themselves to their husbands. For caaassshh. 

Kind of like she's a no fucks giving, on camera vagina spray tanning shrinking violet. She's demure like that, dontcha know.

  • Love 16
13 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

When did PK ever gossip about Erika flashing everyone at the party?  I recall Dorit asking him about the next day, but I don't recall PK ever talking about it unless asked directly

He was gossiping about it with Ken in this very episode. Like a couple of middle school girls. This is just simply not what men do. 

He is just a douche of the first magnitude.

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, Trooper York said:

He was gossiping about it with Ken in this very episode. Like a couple of middle school girls. This is just simply not what men do. 

He is just a douche of the first magnitude.

I just don't understand these friendships! There's an age gap of 20-40 years between these 2 couples! I somewhat feel the same about ol' lady LVP hangin' with Kyle and acting like a school girl at times! ;-)

4 hours ago, pbutler111 said:

I'm actually getting to like Erika less and less. How many times is Dorit required to apologize for something that really required no apology? And, while PK might have been out of place in the middle of the women's argument, he wasn't at all wrong about Erika. Erika takes great pride in what a cold bitch she is until someone calls her a cold bitch, and then she's 50 shades of righteous indignation. 

I am gonna diverge from the majority and say that I kinda saw Erika's point. I think Erika definitely acknowledges being cold. She freely admits it and says it isn't the 1st time she is hearing that. I think it was all the additional adjectives Dorit and PK were using which were veering off into an ugly dark space that Erika was objecting too. For me there is a difference between calling some cold, aloof and hard to get to know as opposed to calling someone cold, frigid and heartless. The latter just have a more negative connotation and strike me as an attack on her humanity. Erika objected to being called heartless, which Dorit denied doing but Dorit did admit to using the word frigid which Erika didn't like. 

I gotta say, I see Dorit as a breadcrumb leaver. Meaning she never says anything outright but she lays out enough pieces and crumbs to lead certain people, who are so inclined, to reach a certain conclusion. YMMV. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 18
2 hours ago, Jel said:

Kay, I feel myself slipping into transportation industry-nerd mode here ...apologies in advance.

Most mainstream cruise ships do not allow pets. I think Cunard does, but with a traveling guest. Those lines that do have kennels onboard I think, and the dogs are required to stay there.  (Also as service animals, but side issue). If there's some sort of side deal with cruise lines about dogs as "cargo" because technically, that's what they would be if they were going on their own, I don't know about it.  Maybe cruise lines would do it if asked, as an act of charity?  

I know nothing about private arrangements on private vessels and if she could arrange that, it could be a way to go, but less expensive than a flight? I dunno. That's a long sail from China to the USA.  

Maybe they could ship them on a cargo ship (on the ship, in the habitable areas, not cargo containers). If they have the extra accommos for the dog handlers, and somewhere for the dogs to get out and stretch their legs, why not. I mean the ship's crew has to live on the ship, so why not? Except that it's a long, slow voyage, and maybe harder on the dogs than a flight in the long run. But shipping has a bajillion rules, old and new, so I don't know.

When dogs travel in the cabin of an aircraft, there's an additional fee, but it's not as much as a ticket and they must travel with a human, and they must be small enough to fit in a carrier that can go under the seat.  In the cargo hold -- there is a small, heated and pressurized area of some planes that is for transport of live animals. The animals must be in their crates, and I agree that's a long time. But on non-direct flights there are often arrangements made for on the ground animal handlers to walk and feed/water animals at lay over stops.  (There are companies that provide that service.) This is a common way for dog breeders to ship puppies ( :(  ), same for cat breeders and for zoos to ship animals.  Most animals survive the flight. Short, snub nosed dogs can fly on some lines or like Erika, private! and when they do they usually do not die, but airlines have liability issues to consider, so they ban them. Snubby noses have a higher probability perhaps of not making it, bit again, most dogs do survive flights. 

Sorry for the long post -- bonus, anyone who reads that at night can avoid their melatonin tablet.

(Have seen every episode of The Wire!)

Do you remember Senator Clayton Davis……Shiiiiiiiiit or the episode where Bunk and McNulty are investigating the murder of a woman as they stand in her kitchen - their entire dialogue is fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck? I sure opened a can of horse puckey with this convo

I can speak on the transport of non-living product from Asia to the US. It is 10 times cheaper to ship via ocean than airfreighting. You can compare it to having a package ground shipped as opposed to FedEx'd – except on an International basis the cost difference is greater.

If they transport these dogs commercial or private via ocean, it might be better for some of the dogs. There are those breeds that have “the short snout” and cannot fly this is just another option to consider. If there are dogs still recovering from injuries or have special needs – the handlers/vets would have access. Being on a vessel – the dogs would have room to be walked, could play, could eat – and not have to spend the majority of time being crated.  You mentioned zoo animals – I would imagine the larger exotic animals are transported ocean not air – so I think this option of boat vessel already exists.

  • Love 1
19 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

He was gossiping about it with Ken in this very episode. Like a couple of middle school girls. This is just simply not what men do. 

He is just a douche of the first magnitude.

You need to watch that again.  I just ran it back on the DVR and PK didn't say anything about it, let alone gossip about it.  KEN made a joke about it, and Lisa told him he was rude.  That was it.  PK has never gossiped about this situatoin.

  • Love 13
38 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

Thanks for proving my point.

She said STFU once, and nowhere did Erika scream.


She said it in just about every sentence.  Repeatedly.  Even after Eileen tried to calm her down and explain she kept her hateful expressions and faux-hyperventilation like she was - in fact - about to explode like a volcano.

So....whatever I guess.

  • Love 14
9 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

I am gonna diverge from the majority and say that I kinda saw Erika's point. I think Erika definitely acknowledges being cold. She freely admits it and says it isn't the 1st time she is hearing that. I think it was all the additional adjectives Dorit and PK were using which were veering off into an ugly dark space that Erika was objecting too. For me there is a difference between calling some cold, aloof and hard to get to know as opposed to calling someone cold, frigid and heartless. The latter just have a more negative connotation and strike me as an attack on her humanity. Erika objected to being called heartless, which Dorit denied doing but Dorit did admit to using the word frigid which Erika didn't like. 

I gotta say, I see Dorit as a breadcrumb leaver. Meaning she never says anything outright but she lays out enough pieces and crumbs to lead certain people, who are so inclined, to reach a certain conclusion. YMMV. 

I saw Erika's point also. She said that she kept Dorit at a distance. Dorit literally said something about Erika being distant on EVERY episode. I think Erika had just had enough in Hong Kong. 

& I think Dorit is annoying because she likes to pretend like she has no idea how people can come to the conclusion that she said something. It's like she has no idea what insinuations are. 

  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Do you remember Senator Clayton Davis……Shiiiiiiiiit or the episode where Bunk and McNulty are investigating the murder of a woman as they stand in her kitchen - their entire dialogue is fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck? I sure opened a can of horse puckey with this convo

I can speak on the transport of non-living product from Asia to the US. It is 10 times cheaper to ship via ocean than airfreighting. You can compare it to having a package ground shipped as opposed to FedEx'd – except on an International basis the cost difference is greater.

If they transport these dogs commercial or private via ocean, it might be better for some of the dogs. There are those breeds that have “the short snout” and cannot fly this is just another option to consider. If there are dogs still recovering from injuries or have special needs – the handlers/vets would have access. Being on a vessel – the dogs would have room to be walked, could play, could eat – and not have to spend the majority of time being crated.  You mentioned zoo animals – I would imagine the larger exotic animals are transported ocean not air – so I think this option of boat vessel already exists.

I don't remember the dialogue, but I remember the sheeeeeutt!  100% agree it's cheaper by far to ship via container ship, with non living goods, in a container. But you canny put dogs in there. Shipping them on a cruise ship, the kind that takes dogs, would be thousands per passenger (plus pet fees).  I don't know about larger zoo animals -- I will investigate further and report back. (I seem to remember my father in law talking about shipping an elephant in a cargo plane).  

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Normades said:

Ok, maybe I'm outting myself as some kind of pervert like PK, but have you ever been in that situation??  I go to an event where everyone sits on the floor.  One older man always sits with loose shorts and when I was across from him he had no undergarments.  I was in a situation where I couldn't move without drawing lots of attention to myself and I'm a pretty socially shy person.  Now, this guy is not attractive, I do not want him, but it can be like a train wreck where your eyes just "go there." We are all human and sometimes for whatever reason, our eyes are drawn to horrible horrible things!! Now, I make sure I never sit across from him if we end up in that same place, cuz he still wears loose shorts and I don't know what goes on underneath.  Hopefully, he has invested in undergarments and is showing class by wearing them, but seriously, how is this my fault??  I guess I need to seek this fool out and apologize ad naseaum to him, his family, his children, his pets, etc.  Hopefully I can find enough sincerity to make it okay.  And here I thought he should really be apologizing to me because there is not enough eye bleach in world to erase that memory!!

Note to guys --- be careful when wearing loose shorts!!!  You may be seen as being loose, too!!  :)

Pk’s fault was not for peeking, your note about loose shorts guy – I would have looked too.

Let’s pretend for a change that it was LVP who was sans panties. Kyle asked LVP if she had any panties she could borrow and LVP said she wasn’t wearing any knickers. Somehow PK got a glimpse. No one says anything to LVP that night, they go to Pump and have a grand old time.

PK, instead of discussing this with Dorit that night (which I believe he did), decides to bring this up as a topic of conversation at breakfast with Jagger sitting there. Dorit makes a comment about how as a woman sitting across a man she should position herself. PK makes a comment saying maybe her lady bits are available for all to see. Dorit makes a comment I don’t know if it was deliberate.

Now Dorit, instead of calling LVP, goes panty shopping with Kyle and brings it up again.

Then, Dorit goes and has drinks with Eileen and Rinna and how a LADY should sit.

Now they all show up at the next group event. Dorit gifts LVP the panties. You don’t think LVP would be embarrassed or hurt that Dorit didn’t tell her this in private or even at the very least not with all of the ladies present?  Do you think just because LVP uses lots of sexualized talk that she’d appreciate being the brunt of the joke? I could see LVP “laughing” it off for the cameras but being upset. I could then see LVP getting angry if she starts hearing that PK and Dorit were questioning whether she did it deliberately. I could then see her getting even more pissed when she sees with her own eyes the footage of PK/Dorit  that yeah they actually said those things…and yeah Dorit went around to everyone else on the cast in front of the cameras.

You don’t think Ken – after seeing the footage wouldn’t knock the sparks out of PK?

  • Love 8

I'm confused.  Going into this episode, Erikas felt that Dorit was a fake and a phony and was hurt by her attempt at humor with the whole panty debacle.  It was pretty clear in Hong Kong, at least I thought so, that Dorit did not meet her standards to be worthy of her friendship.  But now, after talking to PK, she says that all this time, the real reason she was upset was because people were telling her that PK said she flashed him on purpose and was trying to seduce him, and as soon as he and Dorit said that was not the case and they were sorry (again) that she had that impression, the slate is wiped clean, what happened in Hong Kong no longer matters, and now everything's nice and she wants to be friends.. What?  She festered that grudge for the entire season despite being apologized to, and now suddenly everything's fine?  and who were these people talking in her ear?  (Rinna, Eileen, I'm looking at you)  It's an end of season/wrap up the story line miracle!

  • Love 22
2 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

There were only a couple dogs that were to be ambassadors -- the ones they had loose in that room were called out as such.  It will be their "job" to be the face of the cause and go to various events.  For some people you can hear about horrible dog torture and even be shown videos of it, but it doesn't become real until you are presented with a cute furry face that was saved from that horrible fate.  Even on these forums it seemed that seeing the dogs at the ASPCA kennel an episode or two back made a difference because people weren't expecting it to be dogs that looked like pets.

Many of them are family pets. I'm pretty sure they said a few of the dogs rescued still had their collars

16 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Yes it is

LVP in their new 20000 square foot space they want to change into a doggie sanctuary where rescued dogs can play. Let me cry for the cameras and run away from Ken as he talks about things that can’t be unseen.

Wait let me take these lovely things out of a box…wow a Hanky Panky Bikini for a dog – won’t the Yulin Dogs appreciate wearing these? Yes, how else will the dognappers be able to see how much meat they have on their bones if we had manufactured a one piece.

Oh, there’s more…a squeaky toy in the shape of an LVP glass wine bottle – just what a dog that has been beaten wants.

Now let me plan a trip to Hong Kong to talk about my cause, but alas I got waylaid by pussy, sightseeing  and shopping.

Let me show you all the documentary I’m working on by taking you to a backroom studio where all we will be shooting is me and a green screen.

I am not saying LVP does not donate to her various dog charities. But I am saying that I don’t believe 100% of the profit from the center she is building will be going back into her rescue mission. It’s a business and she’s going to make a profit. Do you think that the backdoor studio dude/SPCA dude/COO is not making a salary? Do you think she paid 100% out of her own pocket to make this documentary? 80% of the monies raised by most charities and non-profit organizations go to “administration” meaning staff.

She didn’t need to go into a dissertation about stopping the dog torture in Yulin at her Vanderpump Rose Launch. But she also didn’t have to turn the comment about the dog having a short snout to talk about HERSELF. She could have easily said I’m so sorry but maybe we can brainstorm a solution at a later date.

While I do think that LVP does support causes she's passionate about it, I don't think for a second that she's unaware of how it does benefit her name and brand. I won't assume whether it's her passion for the cause that is the true motivator or her if her brand is the motivator. I'll just be glad that she's at least putting her money to one of the many worthwhile causes out there and I would say the same about any person who does that. I even give Rinna kudos for her charity work in the community. Regardless of their intent, the bottom line is that it's producing something tangible for a cause that is better with their money and promotion than without it.

To clarify, when you mentioned about her building a brand, I interpreted that comment to suggest that she was building up an entire season of her charity because she wanted the payoff in the end for advertising Pandora's Rose. I understand now that you mean that she's been peddling her brand throughout the process so my apologies for that, I responded to that bit based on my own misinterpretation of what you said.  That said, I don't think there's anything wrong with her subtly promoting her brand, especially if she's going to give most of her time to talking about something other than herself and her business. The large majority of the HWs go on the show to either provide additional exposure to their existing brand/business OR they are hoping that the exposure will provide them with business opportunities which they can then in turn promote on the show. Just because they're rich doesn't mean that they aren't working for a dollar - after all, these women are still getting paid to be on the show despite being rich and despite getting free advertisement. LVP is A LOT more subtle about promoting herself compared to a Rinna or a Bethenny and truthfully, that may be because she has the luxury of having a second show on the air that is constantly promoting her business via the use of dysfunctional employees.

If you're a registered charity, you have to meet the criteria for being a non-profit business which means that you aren't making profit, you are simply eliminating your overhead costs before determining the actual dollars that are going toward projects and activities hosted by the charity. Most charities that have a low operating overhead are often unstable and/or reliant on a lot of volunteer contributions. 80% seems like quite a high number and I'd be surprised if that is the average. Maybe Canadian charity laws are different but the acceptable average is 20-35% in overhead expense. It costs money to have full-time employees who can ensure timely processing times, provide client service to donors, to consult and manage projects, promoting the charity and acting as subject matter experts to prospective donors. Transparency and accountability also cost money. It costs money to hire consultants to review your books and summarize the accounting work so that those reports can be released to the public (so that you don't get accused of swindling money). Even if LVP decided to work at the charity full-time and took the market salary for it, it wouldn't be considered a profit, it would still be an expense. The only way it would be considered a profit is if she was swindling money through her charity in order to put in her bank account without any reason to do so. I highly doubt that LVP is taking any of the proceeds from the charity to help finance her lifestyle. For one, she doesn't need it. And secondly, she has publicized her affiliation with the charity that she is welcoming people to challenge the transparency and accountability of her charity and to swindle money for profit would only be a stupid way to set yourself up to ruin the brand you've been trying to build.

  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

You need to watch that again.  I just ran it back on the DVR and PK didn't say anything about it, let alone gossip about it.  KEN made a joke about it, and Lisa told him he was rude.  That was it.  PK has never gossiped about this situatoin.

Yeah, he did. When he was with Ken and Lisa he said something like, "should I have told her instead 'yeah I want to bang you, baby?'" And Ken said "you should have switched places with me" and whatever was bleeped out to which Lisa said "Ken, that's so rude."

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

While I do think that Erika has dragged this pantygate shit out WAY too long, I did feel for her in the beginning. I don't think her on stage persona negates her right to be embarrassed by what happened. Yes, she dresses very scantily on stage. But she's on a stage. She is elevated and removed from people, and she is performing. They paid to see her like that, and it was deliberate. I do find that different than accidentally flashing your friends' husbands in an intimate social setting. I think one of her final points to Dorit last night was the one that should have been made from the get go - that she felt embarrassed by it; and rather than having everyone talk about it and bring her panties to cover up with, she wished someone had said something THAT NIGHT. If one of the women had just whispered in her ear, or pulled her into the bathroom; it might have been a very different story. 

By the way, when Lisa V was making the initial joke about underwear for Kyle, it was ERIKA that decided to state to those assembled that she wasn't wearing any panties.  All she needed to say was "sorry, none to spare."  No one would have known that she wasn't wearing any but for HER comment.  No one would have given her hoo-ha a second glance otherwise.  

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Eden is a bit sad to me as well.  I thought her blow up wasn't quite sincere, sure she was mad but I suspect she blew her lid for screen time.  But she is like that person in your class that you may like at first.  They are funny and kinda wild and you have a few things in common.  Then you get to know her and find out she is a clingy nutcase so you stop liking her but you feel badly because she is somewhat pathetic in her thirst and wants to be friends with you.  I liked her dress but I think it would be better on a woman closer to the age of 20 than 40.  

I am sure Eileen's dress was some designer I don't know but it looked to me like a project for high school home ec.  Eileen needs to stick to scripted shows.  I think she could probably be a good friend but from what we have seen not that interesting.  Her loyalty to Rinna is bizarre.  She really wants to hang her rep on a nutter like Rinna?  Rinna is not right in the head. Someone else said they thought she was a sociopath.  Could be.  When she is trying to show compassion she looks like someone who is 'acting' like someone showing compassion.  I don't see sincerity.

Every time I saw Erika I thought of My Little Pony or my Flatsy doll from the 60s that has pink hair.  Kim looks better without heavy makeup.  She has pretty bad skin (looks like sun damage) and when she wears heavy liner and non matte eyeshadow it brings out all the wrinkles etc.  When she was at the Carnie party and was wearing little makeup she looked younger and prettier.  Kyle needs to dress for her shape and height.  That onesy was cute but would have been better on a taller woman.  She sometimes gets it right though.  LVP dressed up always looks very Joan Collins to me which ages her.  She looks a lot younger when she dresses down.  But I am one that would like to see a makeover done on her.  She is very pretty but her hair is too styled/sprayed.

The concept of her dress reminded me of the dress Molly Ringwald sewed for her prom. It also gave me a this is my Romeo and Juliet dress missing the Hennin



I think Eden knew on some level that this finale was her Go Big or Go Home moment - since she is not part of the reunion seating chart - she failed

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, chewycandy said:


Really, Erika erupted like a volcano? She fought with Dorit, became very upset, cried, unfairly attacked Eileen. It's being so blown out of proportion.

And this whole idea that she sat and stewed and held a grudge for months I don't get. She was frustrated on the boat and brought what happened up again to justify why she had had trouble warming to Dorit. 

Especially coming from LVP who has brought Rinna's comment from last year back up several times this season. She even brought it up at her own Rose and Diamonds Party, but she doesn't understand why Erika won't let it go

  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Do you remember Senator Clayton Davis……Shiiiiiiiiit or the episode where Bunk and McNulty are investigating the murder of a woman as they stand in her kitchen - their entire dialogue is fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck? I sure opened a can of horse puckey with this convo

I can speak on the transport of non-living product from Asia to the US. It is 10 times cheaper to ship via ocean than airfreighting. You can compare it to having a package ground shipped as opposed to FedEx'd – except on an International basis the cost difference is greater.

If they transport these dogs commercial or private via ocean, it might be better for some of the dogs. There are those breeds that have “the short snout” and cannot fly this is just another option to consider. If there are dogs still recovering from injuries or have special needs – the handlers/vets would have access. Being on a vessel – the dogs would have room to be walked, could play, could eat – and not have to spend the majority of time being crated.  You mentioned zoo animals – I would imagine the larger exotic animals are transported ocean not air – so I think this option of boat vessel already exists.

You mean it's not as easy as putting a Pomeranian in your lap for a 16 hour flight?

Doggie Pampers?

I never Lisa Vendor Pets wasn't charitable, I want to see more if it - I can watch chuckleheads 'designing' spaces on HGTV and even then -

Many people have no taste, tons of money, but no taste.

Sorry I asked about it  or questioned it, I'd like to see more substance and less of her 300 dollar shirts, tits and the talking head clips of her cackling like an old hen because someone likes her better?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, chewycandy said:


Really, Erika erupted like a volcano? She fought with Dorit, became very upset, cried, unfairly attacked Eileen. It's being so blown out of proportion.

And this whole idea that she sat and stewed and held a grudge for months I don't get. She was frustrated on the boat and brought what happened up again to justify why she had had trouble warming to Dorit. 

Yes, she did erupted and she didn't cry about anything Dorit said to her. She cried because of what Eileen said.

She did hold a grudge for months, she had plenty of opportunity to talk to Dorit to express her "hurt" feelings but didn't. Also, Erika interrupted an argument between Dorit and Rinna when she decided to share how "hurt" she was.

1 hour ago, chewycandy said:

Thanks for proving my point.

She said STFU once, and nowhere did Erika scream.

Erika said "Fuck" to Eileen numerous times, not just once. I agree that she wasn't "screaming" but she defiantly was yelling at her.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Cajungirl64 said:

I know a few posters regularly link to this site's (Trash TV) recaps, but I'm adding my voice to the chorus. For those of you who haven't read Ronnie's RHOB recaps (and if you like to laugh), check them out. I've been reading them all season and every, single one has made me laugh so hard I had tears. 



If you get the chance on the same website - listen to Ronnie's recaps. I've listened to him so long that now when I watch the shows, I hear Ronnie's impressions and crack up

  • Love 1
39 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I'm confused.  Going into this episode, Erikas felt that Dorit was a fake and a phony and was hurt by her attempt at humor with the whole panty debacle.  It was pretty clear in Hong Kong, at least I thought so, that Dorit did not meet her standards to be worthy of her friendship.  But now, after talking to PK, she says that all this time, the real reason she was upset was because people were telling her that PK said she flashed him on purpose and was trying to seduce him, and as soon as he and Dorit said that was not the case and they were sorry (again) that she had that impression, the slate is wiped clean, what happened in Hong Kong no longer matters, and now everything's nice and she wants to be friends.. What?  She festered that grudge for the entire season despite being apologized to, and now suddenly everything's fine?  and who were these people talking in her ear?  (Rinna, Eileen, I'm looking at you)  It's an end of season/wrap up the story line miracle!

Maybe Erika has a history of seducing husbands - was good ol' Tom married when they met?

Could be a sore spot, so to speak.

Edited by nexxie
30 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

Yeah, he did. When he was with Ken and Lisa he said something like, "should I have told her instead 'yeah I want to bang you, baby?'" And Ken said "you should have switched places with me" and whatever was bleeped out to which Lisa said "Ken, that's so rude."

He wasn't gossiping, he was responding to Lisa, and did so with a single sentence. That's it.  No gossip.  He's never brought it up. He's only ever spoken of it when directed addressed about it by someone else.

6 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

You mean it's not as easy as putting a Pomeranian in your lap for a 16 hour flight?

Doggie Pampers?

I never Lisa Vendor Pets wasn't charitable, I want to see more if it - I can watch chuckleheads 'designing' spaces on HGTV and even then -

Many people have no taste, tons of money, but no taste.

Sorry I asked about it  or questioned it, I'd like to see more substance and less of her 300 dollar shirts, tits and the talking head clips of her cackling like an old hen because someone likes her better?

There's plenty of substance if you're willing to see it.  And I would hope her shirts costs a good deal more than $300.

  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

This is what LisaR wanted to look like, but sadly we got a really bad, ill fitting, bad replica.



Because both dresses are gold you take that to mean that Lisa Rinna was trying to look like Charlise Theron in a perfume commercial?  I don't quite see how that follows.  I hate Rinna, but I thought she looked perfectly fine at the party.

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

The concept of her dress reminded me of the dress Molly Ringwald sewed for her prom. It also gave me a this is my Romeo and Juliet dress missing the Hennin



I think Eden knew on some level that this finale was her Go Big or Go Home moment - since she is not part of the reunion seating chart - she failed

I'm not seeing the similarity between the two outfits?

37 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

While I do think that LVP does support causes she's passionate about it, I don't think for a second that she's unaware of how it does benefit her name and brand. I won't assume whether it's her passion for the cause that is the true motivator or her if her brand is the motivator. I'll just be glad that she's at least putting her money to one of the many worthwhile causes out there and I would say the same about any person who does that. I even give Rinna kudos for her charity work in the community. Regardless of their intent, the bottom line is that it's producing something tangible for a cause that is better with their money and promotion than without it.

To clarify, when you mentioned about her building a brand, I interpreted that comment to suggest that she was building up an entire season of her charity because she wanted the payoff in the end for advertising Pandora's Rose. I understand now that you mean that she's been peddling her brand throughout the process so my apologies for that, I responded to that bit based on my own misinterpretation of what you said.  That said, I don't think there's anything wrong with her subtly promoting her brand, especially if she's going to give most of her time to talking about something other than herself and her business. The large majority of the HWs go on the show to either provide additional exposure to their existing brand/business OR they are hoping that the exposure will provide them with business opportunities which they can then in turn promote on the show. Just because they're rich doesn't mean that they aren't working for a dollar - after all, these women are still getting paid to be on the show despite being rich and despite getting free advertisement. LVP is A LOT more subtle about promoting herself compared to a Rinna or a Bethenny and truthfully, that may be because she has the luxury of having a second show on the air that is constantly promoting her business via the use of dysfunctional employees.

If you're a registered charity, you have to meet the criteria for being a non-profit business which means that you aren't making profit, you are simply eliminating your overhead costs before determining the actual dollars that are going toward projects and activities hosted by the charity. Most charities that have a low operating overhead are often unstable and/or reliant on a lot of volunteer contributions. 80% seems like quite a high number and I'd be surprised if that is the average. Maybe Canadian charity laws are different but the acceptable average is 20-35% in overhead expense. It costs money to have full-time employees who can ensure timely processing times, provide client service to donors, to consult and manage projects, promoting the charity and acting as subject matter experts to prospective donors. Transparency and accountability also cost money. It costs money to hire consultants to review your books and summarize the accounting work so that those reports can be released to the public (so that you don't get accused of swindling money). Even if LVP decided to work at the charity full-time and took the market salary for it, it wouldn't be considered a profit, it would still be an expense. The only way it would be considered a profit is if she was swindling money through her charity in order to put in her bank account without any reason to do so. I highly doubt that LVP is taking any of the proceeds from the charity to help finance her lifestyle. For one, she doesn't need it. And secondly, she has publicized her affiliation with the charity that she is welcoming people to challenge the transparency and accountability of her charity and to swindle money for profit would only be a stupid way to set yourself up to ruin the brand you've been trying to build.

If you don't promote and sustain your businesses and income, then you don't have money to support charities. 

3 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

Of course he was gossiping like a middle schooler. You just don't do that kind of crap. He is a sweaty douche.

But it really doesn't matter. There is no way in hell that Porky Kipper and Tin Foil head will be back next year anyway so who cares?

If he was gossiping, like a middle schooler or otherwise, it's never been shown on camera.  It simply hasn't happened on the show.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

I am gonna diverge from the majority and say that I kinda saw Erika's point. I think Erika definitely acknowledges being cold. She freely admits it and says it isn't the 1st time she is hearing that. I think it was all the additional adjectives Dorit and PK were using which were veering off into an ugly dark space that Erika was objecting too. For me there is a difference between calling some cold, aloof and hard to get to know as opposed to calling someone cold, frigid and heartless. The latter just have a more negative connotation and strike me as an attack on her humanity. Erika objected to being called heartless, which Dorit denied doing but Dorit did admit to using the word frigid which Erika didn't like. 

I gotta say, I see Dorit as a breadcrumb leaver. Meaning she never says anything outright but she lays out enough pieces and crumbs to lead certain people, who are so inclined, to reach a certain conclusion. YMMV. 

She's also a Gold Lame crumb leaver..for some reason there was a lot of it in the bathroom. Mmmmmmmm...guess she had to pee standing by the door

1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

I am gonna diverge from the majority and say that I kinda saw Erika's point. I think Erika definitely acknowledges being cold. She freely admits it and says it isn't the 1st time she is hearing that. I think it was all the additional adjectives Dorit and PK were using which were veering off into an ugly dark space that Erika was objecting too. For me there is a difference between calling some cold, aloof and hard to get to know as opposed to calling someone cold, frigid and heartless. The latter just have a more negative connotation and strike me as an attack on her humanity. Erika objected to being called heartless, which Dorit denied doing but Dorit did admit to using the word frigid which Erika didn't like. 

I gotta say, I see Dorit as a breadcrumb leaver. Meaning she never says anything outright but she lays out enough pieces and crumbs to lead certain people, who are so inclined, to reach a certain conclusion. YMMV. 

The problem is that Erika never heard them use those terms about her (until Dorit said them in HC), she was being feed stories by her minion's, Eileen/more so Rinna. They are the ones that told her Dorit/PK used the terms "whore/Slut" about her even though Dorit/PK never said them.

  • Love 11

So much to snark on in this episode, but I have to rewatch first because I kept pausing to laugh at the great zingers or scream at rhinna. 

I do want to say though that Eden won me over. Finally someone lets rhinna have it  no holds barred. And her exit in that Cinderella dress , which I loved, was pure Hollywood. Bravo!!!!! She may have been silent all season but she brought it at the end.

I think part of the erica's problem with Dorit and PK is that they actually love each other and have a real marriage. Huge difference between their easy way with each other and the way the ericas and her sugar daddy have nothing but uncomfortable scenes together.

Rant on rhinna to follow!

  • Love 14
13 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

He wasn't gossiping, he was responding to Lisa, and did so with a single sentence. That's it.  No gossip.  He's never brought it up. He's only ever spoken of it when directed addressed about it by someone else.

There's plenty of substance if you're willing to see it.  And I would hope her shirts costs a good deal more than $300.

I'm cracking up that anyone watching this show expects the producers to film more substance. They showed enough. More people know about Yulin. Somehow, they managed to fit it in between pantygate and Rinna's big mouth. So, hurrah Bravo.

Look, LVP was able to use a show that focuses on women fighting to expose a tiny bit of what happens to dogs and cats in China. But, ya know, if only she'd stop dressing Giggy in funny clothes, her message would mean more.

Here's what I say. If you hear and read about what is done to animals at Yulin and all you take away from it is that LVP is an opportunist, then LVP ain't the problem.

  • Love 18
5 minutes ago, CatMomma said:

I'm cracking up that anyone watching this show expects the producers to film more substance. They showed enough. More people know about Yulin. Somehow, they managed to fit it in between pantygate and Rinna's big mouth. So, hurrah Bravo.

Look, LVP was able to use a show that focuses on women fighting to expose a tiny bit of what happens to dogs and cats in China. But, ya know, if only she'd stop dressing Giggy in funny clothes, her message would mean more.

Here's what I say. If you hear and read about what is done to animals at Yulin and all you take away from it is that LVP is an opportunist, then LVP ain't the problem.

She dresses Giggy up because he has a bad skin condition that needs protection.  You notice she doesn't dress up the other dogs.

  • Love 10

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