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S07.E18: Diamonds Under Pressure

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2 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Does anyone else think that Eileen is maybe seeing the writing on the wall that there is a possibility that Rinna will not be invited back?  I noticed that she seems to be distancing herself from Rinna, and not really defending her as much.

Plus, Eileen seems to have made peace with Lisa Vanderpump, at least for the time being, and Eileen even admitted in her talking head that she is beginning to "like" LVP.

Something tells me that Eileen is doing a preemptive strike in her own favor - she's buddying up to Erika, who, like her or not, is becoming a prime player, and LVP, who has definitely had a good season.


YES.  I have been sensing something the last few episodes that Eileen has grown somewhat bored with Lisa R's mess and she's now up Erika's ass most of this season.  Eileen is looking for a new Frick to her Frack.

I believe nothing that Eileen says about liking LVP.  I think she tolerates her because they do a show together and have to coexist but they'll never be good like they were when Eileen first came on the show.

  • Love 15
1 minute ago, Jel said:

Okay, I'll be the forum cynic tonight!  I will also add to this that I think Eileen has taken a real good look around and has finally realized that Lisa V has a lot of fans, and feuding with her is not going to help Eileen's popularity. 

You would think she'd jump off of Rhinna's sinking ship, but judging by her blog she still seems very much team Rhinna. 

  • Love 6
52 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I assume Erika is built in such a way that she only remembers sincere apologies.

In hindsight, the panties were a terrible joke. Not because Dorit was being shady, mean, or making Erika the butt of the joke, but because Erika when the Brits were ribbing each fucking other found it necessary to butt her nose in and chastise them over something that none of the Brits had an issue with and when no one was addressing her. Erika barely has a sense of humor and is generally too insecure for self deprecation. There is no way that she was ever going to be cool with the panties. Unfortunately, Eileen didn't know her friend well enough to tell Dorit not to go through with the joke.

PK lurking wasn't great, but I thought he was a lot more respectful than other instances when husbands have been in the middle of housewife arguments.

I've run out of words for Rinna. Every time I use a metaphor, I feel like I'm accidentally defaming something quasi beneficial. I was going to use ?, but ? can be turned into fertilizer. Rinna is not ever going to be that useful. So I'm just leaving a blank space where people can fill in just how odious Rinna is.

Lisa Rinna is ____________________________________ !!!!

Eileen, shut uppa your face. You somehow managed to escape this season practically unscathed. Don't borrow trouble.

Kim did look great and I mostly hate the bitch so that's saying something. 

I'm not so sure about the highlighted.

I mean, Eileen was the one who came closest to actually explicitly suggesting that Erika had an intentional strategy to entice: "That's an interesting choice because it almost looks like you're doing it on purpose."

She is also the one who most aggressively mocked Erika's general inconsistency of personae by spreading her legs and mimicking "I'm shy."

She is also the one who revived the subject repeatedly despite admitting that she knew Erika had been embarrassed by the topic.

All in all, I'd say Eileen knew EXACTLY what she was doing for the entirety of the season with this.


If I had to guess, I'd say Eileen doesn't really like Erika much, if at all. Is she willing to kiss her ass for bags and bathing suit coverups? Ehhh, why not? She, Eileen, already hates LVP and needs Erika as a number on the Rinna alliance anyway. Crawling up Erika's anal is not especially difficult or complex. 

Erika is also a lot more popular right now than Rinna and possibly even more so than LVP. Coverage from Jezebel to Vulture and other media sites loves to fetishize Erika as a victim and promote the myth that she's somehow an embodiment of feminism.

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 12

Wow, wow, wow.  RHOBH is trending on Twitter - and the award for "Most Hated Housewife" Goes to.......PK!!!

He's called out for being a slime ball, bully, thirsty, a pig, repulsive, sexist, misogynist. 

He's also being trashed on his physical appearance (or lack of).


and the worst part about it was that Dorit’s husband, PK, a broken beer bottle full of sharts, kept staring at them, lingering off to the side. He’s poking his pudgy little head in, watching the action unfold and just dying to get in the fray. God, these two just want to be on reality TV so bad it’s disgusting.

PK, a rat sculpture made out of pubes, decides to come over just at that moment to “bring his wife some water,” which was just a lame excuse so that he could join the fight.

He had absolutely no business being there, but Erika took the bait and asked him a question. Instead of answering the question, he launches back into how Erika is “inherently cold” and keeps calling her “honey.” Erika is not going to stand for that, and tells him not to call her honey. He responds, “I call people honey.” Well, of course he does, that is because PK is not just a moldy burrata stuffed into a sheep-skin condom, but he is also an awful jerk who hates women and demeans them by refusing to use their names in their face.


Edited by escape
  • Love 15
16 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

I'm not so sure about the highlighted.

I mean, Eileen was the one who came closest to actually explicitly suggesting that Erika had an intentional strategy to entice: "That's an interesting choice because it almost looks like you're doing it on purpose."

She is also the one who most aggressively mocked Erika's general inconsistency of personae by spreading her legs and mimicking "I'm shy."

She is also the one who revived the subject repeatedly despite admitting that she knew Erika had been embarrassed by the topic.

All in all, I'd say Eileen knew EXACTLY what she was doing for the entirety of the season with this.


If I had to guess, I'd say Eileen doesn't really like Erika much, if at all. Is she willing to kiss her ass for bags and bathing suit coverups? Ehhh, why not? She, Eileen, already hates LVP and needs Erika as a number on the Rinna alliance anyway. Crawling up Erika's anal is not especially difficult or complex. 

Erika is also a lot more popular right now than Rinna and possibly even more so than LVP. Coverage from Jezebel to Vulture and other media sites loves to fetishize Erika as a victim and promote the myth that she's somehow an embodiment of feminism.

And her 'victim' photo is in the dictionary near "vagina' and "vicious"

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 5

Rinna was just plain awful.  She was acting like she was Queen of the Show.  It must be all that QVC money.  The last scene with Lina Lamont in Singing in the Rain kept coming to me.  "From now on, as far as I'm concerned, I'm running things.  Lina Lamont Pictures Incorporated!"

Erika - you can grab your pussy or you can grab for a storyline.  Don't do both.  It comes across as greedy.

Kim - the dress was too low cut.  In the scene before a cut for commercial, Kim tenses her chest and the skin under her breast goes all crepey.  Ugh.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

I love the fact that Dorit mentioned that Eileen was the one who kept bringing pantygate up.

Yes! And that has been her only contribution - and I use that word lightly- all season. She has no story line, nothing interesting going on in her life. Her job is to validate rabid rhinna's crazy and constantly bring up issues between the others that have been put to rest.  She is boring and needs to go, right behind rhinna.

  • Love 23

Well, from the other side of the yard.... I'm over here petting the bedazzled ponies.  I'm on no one's 'side'.

PK is a famewhore.  When did this 'gang' up on Dorit happen?  I didn't see it that way at all.  I did think Dorit used a passive aggressive move with telling LR to get out of her face.  LR wasn't in her face.   But before that declaration, Dorit was clearly shown leaning toward LR.  Dorit is a player just as much as PK.

I don't like Erika but I do like the way she handled PK.  She called him out.   I also liked the way she handled PK calling her honey.  PK got thrown off his 'game' plan.  I'm not saying Erika was right to say she didn't get an apology but I also can't stand it when people say "I'm sorry if I offended you."  That's a non apologetic apology. 

And sorry Dorit, you did imply that LR had a drug problem.  You tried very hard to run with that.

I know many people love LVP but she is a mean girl who uses 'humor'.  And, she never lets go of grudge.

Oh God, the eternal victim Kim Richards is back. 

Yikes, Eden is needy.  I hope she isn't coming back.  She offers nothing that I'm interested in.

As for LR....  I don't feel her being the evil monster that others see her as being.  I take it in balance to what these other women have done to help create the situation.  I'm not saying she's always right in her actions.  They all need to own up to their crap.

Eileen doesn't bother me all that much.  It's all relative.

Back to the ponies.   Maybe I can find one of LVP's goldens around with a tennis ball.

Oh.  PS.  What the hell was that dress Pandy was wearing.  Was there a crane underneath to hold those breasts up?

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 22
2 hours ago, bosawks said:

I do not care of knickers, damn!

I do not care Vanderpump, ma'am!

Erika might not wear them in the house.

Erika may not wear them with her louse.


Not on her box!

Not with a fox!

Not in the house!

Not with a louse!


I do not care about knickers, damn!

I do not care Vanderpump, ma'am!

I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me...i still have tears rolling down my face!

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

If PK isn't permitted to talk to Erika, maybe she shouldn't ask him to enter into the conversation.

Sorry.  No F's to give to Erika either.  I think PK is shady. If my husband interrupted like PK did, and inserted himself into the discussion, I would feel like an idiot. I can fight my own battles thank you very much!

Edited by Missmissie173
  • Love 9
11 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

PK did not insert himself into the conversation, Erika ordered him over and pulled him into it. 

Must have missed that. Looked like he was watching/lurking/skulking and then parted the group to give Dorit a bottle of water. When he turned his back, that's when Erika said, "Pk, can I ask you a question?"

at points did her best snidely antagonize with condescending shit like "I know it's hard for you, but try your best

Because there's nothing antagonistic about calling someone inherently cold.

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

Must have missed that. Looked like he was watching/lurking/skulking and then parted the group to give Dorit a bottle of water. When he turned his back, that's when Erika said, "Pk, can I ask you a question?"



So realistically it's a little bit of both. Erika did technically invite him into the conversation while simultaneously PK was lurking around the periphery waiting to get into it I think.

  • Love 13

Until the reunion this is my take: Has no one noticed how bad lisaR looks this season? Gaunt/flaps of skin on the face when the camera angle is just so, ridiculously thin. It's not cool. She looks almost sick. The lips seem large and the face seems caved in. Did she stop the fillers? The hair. Which day was a wig and which day was the real hair? I think the real hair was looking thin and lifeless. Nothing about her looked expensive. Nothing. Her clothing sucked. If she has that much money it is scary that is the best they can do for her. Damn, I look better in Chico's clothes!  Sorry. She really bugged me this season. Her tirades were unhinged. Maybe that's why she looks so bad. The inside reflected on the outside because Rinna was nasty all season. Like a mad dog. 

There. I said it. 

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Watermelon said:

Eileen, Lvp, and Ericka all took turns stirring the shit.

It was like they were competing for a spot on the main cast. 

I'm proudly team Rinna and Jayne. I thought pk entered show history as one of the more desperate househusbands. It sucks there's no place on reality TV for him, unless they do marriage boot camp or something. 

I don't remember the rest. Y'know, to keep with this year's theme. 

  • Love 6
On 4/2/2017 at 0:07 AM, AndySmith said:

True, and while I can't say Eden wasn't a nosy busybody with a savior complex...I also can't begrudge her for going off on Rinna the way she did. Was she trying for a bit of final drama to stay relevant? Possibly. But I'm glad she said what she said.

It can't hurt. I think giving Rinna hell adds to most situations . Kinda like in Steel Magnolias when Sally Field's character is angry about her daughter dying and is encouraged to slap the shit out of Oiser. 

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

More the point, the discourse didn't involve Eileen AT ALL. If anyone inserted themselves into it, it was her. Imagine that! But eliciting a rejoinder that she talks over with "don't care! Don't care! Don't care!" is somehow reflective of her victimhood as well, I guess.

Eileen shouldn't be saying nothing about the situation between Dorit and Erika especially as it pertains to the dinner party where Lisa R was present!  She wasn't fckin there.  As she hasn't through 75% of the season but it amazes me how Eileen can form her opinion on every damn thing and person without seeing it most first hand. 

  • Love 18

Did Eden get some sort of procedure done so that her lips are always pursed like a duck or something? She does it even in he resting face and it looks like a combination of trying to look like she has a permanent pout. 

So Rinna spent all that time ensuring Dorit about her 6th sense and then she wants to call out Eden for not backing her up? Eden substantiated the insinuation that Rinna called out Dorit for. Nothing wrong with Eden taking a step back and letting Rinna handle her business...she already had Erika stepping in anyway. Besides, Rinna was fine with leaving Eden out to dry when she kept watching her continuously shove her nose in Kim and Kyle's business knowing full well that she fed Eden information and suggested that Eden's experiences may get through to Kim and Kyle. Rinna always holds others to a standard that she seems incapable for herself. 

It was rich hearing Kim talk about Rinna not being able to take accountable because Kim is the exact same way. However, Dorit hit the nail on the head. It's tiresome dealing with the exact same behaviour all of the time - rage, revenge, and then regret and apology. Every apology is sincere...until Rinna does the exact same thing soon into the future. I thought it was funny that LVP was giving instruction to Kim about how to respond to Rinna and Erika was giving Rinna instructions on how to approach Kim, haha. 

Why do the women continually go to Kyle to air their grievances regarding Kim? Kyle has said many times to that she doesn't want any part of drama that anyone may have with her sister and they continually try to go through Kyle to figure out Kim. Eileen if it's going to bother you so much that you need to figure it out, why wouldn't you go to the source rather than continue on with questioning Kyle about her sister's comments? 

Dorit can be so damn annoying but I'll give her credit, she handles herself well in an argument. Rinna was within her right to address the information with Eden in however way she interpreted it but she continues to blame Dorit for something she had no real proof of despite Dorit denying ever saying those things and denying any intention of ever insinuating that. And after all of this time, Erika's hold up on the panty situation was because someone told her tat Dorit and PK were going around telling people that she deliberately flashed PK. Why the hell did it take her so long to share that information? And why did it take so long for anyone to ask her why she thought that's what they were saying? I could take 3 guesses as to who gave her that information...and for kicks, the first two don't count, lol. I'm glad it seems that Erika and Dorit have finally settled things...I just hope that it ends up all for naught by the time they're forced to rehash the whole thing at the reunion. 

PK looked liked such a creeper trying to lurk around the conversation so he could hear. 

I'm loving Kyle and LVP's friendship...has brought some much needed light heartedness to the strained drama that the other women were trying so hard to create.

Rinna, please fuck off...like far away. Any saint out there willing to pay this woman to NOT show her damn face on TV? While it's hard, she'd do anything for a buck...probably the best way to keep her inflated lips closed for a bit. 

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, howivesforever said:

I'm not mad at PK at all! Stand up for your wife. Eileen is a real bitch and comparing everything to what would Vince would do. Shut up!

I agree with you about Eileen.  Vince can't even be bothered to attend an event with her so how does she know how he would have handled it if someone came for her?  Does he have that many gambling gigs that he can't escort his wife to a party from time to time?  Same with Harry Hamlin.  Do you not want to be seen with your wife?  Makes me wonder.


4 hours ago, dosodog said:

 PK.  Everyone hates you.  Not me.  You were great.  You defended your wife.  You had it out with Ericka.

My NeeNee Leakes voice: "PK, you need to stop being a BITCH and stay out of women bidness, okay?!!!"  LOL!

  • Love 9
23 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Rinna, please fuck off...like far away. Any saint out there willing to pay this woman to NOT show her damn face on TV? While it's hard, she'd do anything for a buck...probably the best way to keep her inflated lips closed for a bit. 

I stopped watching RHOBH because of Mrs. Hamlin-- but was sucked in (Spanx pun) because of how BADLY Erika dances on Dancing with the Stars (stars...hahahaha).  That woman has confidence up the wazoo.

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Yes,  but don't forget,  LVP, telling  Kim," just tell her that you were just talking about her". Which set off the ridiculous conversion. 

I wonder if LVP thought "Damn, it just gets easier to manipulate these fools with each passing year..."


there is a possibility that Rinna will not be invited back?

I think Rinna might be safe, since Andy loves the drama.


She then at points did her best snidely antagonize with condescending shit like "I know it's hard for you, but try your best."

He was condescendingly calling her honey, and she wanted him to stop.

If Ericka is inherently cold, then PK is inherently a douchy asshole.

PK's drink of choice when thirsty:


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