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Social Media: What's Up With Her?


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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

She wouldn't last one month with Dr. Now because she is somehow convinced that all she needs to do to lose weight is find the perfect exercise, but not one that makes you sweat or anything. 

Sadly,  this reminds me of my BFF. Doesn’t like any kind of exercise,  makes no effort to control what she eats. She used to be a tiny thing,  5'1" 98# ... now she's inching close to  190. And it's  jeopardizing her health. She's had 2 heart attacks and has COPD.

I mean really.  If 2 heart attacks doesn't get your attention,  WTF will?

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On 11/12/2020 at 5:22 AM, Me from ME said:

I rarely look at Instagram but yesterday I happened upon the recent video she posted before the first episode was broadcast. She was opining how weird it was to see herself on TV (as if it was a unique experience for her.) She was shoveling some food in her mouth, drinking some kind of soft drink and talking with her mouth full. The sight of it, the sounds of it were beyond words. She couldn't wait a few minutes? Now, remind me again why she doesn't have a romantic relationship.

Whitney must be practicing for the "My 600 lb Life" camera shots of food-shoveling 😂

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Hi all. I’m not a regular poster on Twit’s forums but I do post occasionally and definitely peruse often. That said - has anyone heard from Dot? She posted quite often and I haven’t seen any activity from her in a while. I apologize if this was asked and answered already. 

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12 hours ago, Colleenna said:

Sadly,  this reminds me of my BFF. Doesn’t like any kind of exercise,  makes no effort to control what she eats. She used to be a tiny thing,  5'1" 98# ... now she's inching close to  190. And it's  jeopardizing her health. She's had 2 heart attacks and has COPD.

I mean really.  If 2 heart attacks doesn't get your attention,  WTF will?

Whitney's apparent good health continues to astound.  I'd like to see a neutral (i.e. not paid for by Whitney) doctor's assessment of her health.  She was found to be "pre-diabetic" several years ago, wasn't she?  Did she manage to bring that sugar level down through weight-lifting?  And how are her heart and lung functions?  I think it's immoral for TLC to continue to support a show such as hers, showing a super-morbidly obese person doing (or trying to do) all sorts of strenuous things (like throw a leg over a log) without warning the audience of the physical dangers involved, showing at the beginning of each episode her BMI and a chart showing where her various bodily functions fall vs. normal limits.

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3 hours ago, Mothra said:

Whitney's apparent good health continues to astound.  I'd like to see a neutral (i.e. not paid for by Whitney) doctor's assessment of her health.  She was found to be "pre-diabetic" several years ago, wasn't she?  Did she manage to bring that sugar level down through weight-lifting?  And how are her heart and lung functions?  I think it's immoral for TLC to continue to support a show such as hers, showing a super-morbidly obese person doing (or trying to do) all sorts of strenuous things (like throw a leg over a log) without warning the audience of the physical dangers involved, showing at the beginning of each episode her BMI and a chart showing where her various bodily functions fall vs. normal limits.

I'd love to hear an honest opinion on Twit's health.  At the very least her blood pressure is probably on the high side.  She's entering the second half of her 30's, 40 is not far off.  The body becomes much less forgiving as you get older. 

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10 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

I'd love to hear an honest opinion on Twit's health.  At the very least her blood pressure is probably on the high side.  She's entering the second half of her 30's, 40 is not far off.  The body becomes much less forgiving as you get older. 

She supposedly went to the hospital twice during the quarantine because of ‘break up with Chase’ stress. So I would think she would at least know her blood pressure since I would think that would be taken then. But I wouldn’t be surprised if in general she avoids medical doctors so she can ignore honest input on her health.

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10 hours ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

Hi all. I’m not a regular poster on Twit’s forums but I do post occasionally and definitely peruse often. That said - has anyone heard from Dot? She posted quite often and I haven’t seen any activity from her in a while. I apologize if this was asked and answered already. 

She's still around. I think I saw her posting offsite a couple of weeks ago. Pretty sure she's doing okay. 🙂 She posts in another MBFFL group, but I miss her on here, though. 

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13 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

I'd love to hear an honest opinion on Twit's health.  At the very least her blood pressure is probably on the high side.  She's entering the second half of her 30's, 40 is not far off.  The body becomes much less forgiving as you get older. 

Ain't this the truth. I've seen plenty of obese people a lot smaller than Whitney breeze through their 20s and 30s (and even their 40s) suddenly get clocked by major health issues later in life that can be at least partly (if not directly) attributed to their excess weight. It's a truth that many in the fat acceptance community just don't want to acknowledge - that obesity is a risk factor in the way that smoking is. Sure, some lifetime smokers get away without developing lung cancer, but a huge percentage don't. And a huge percentage of obese people will develop heart disease, diabetes, cancers, arthritis, etc. 

And Whitney isn't just obese. She's in the super-obese category. The show hasn't hidden that on-camera, Whitney has had several significant health scares. It's only going to get worse as she gets older. Whether she likes it or not, if she wants to have the kind of life that she wants, she is not going to accomplish that at the size she currently is. It is possible for her to lose weight with diet changes and increased activity (since she likes to show off how physically fit she is, that part should be a breeze). Doing it now could save her a lot of misfortune in the future.

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She could probably lose 150 pounds and still be fat, but it would be a lot better for her health and she’d still have her fat positive spiel for her job.  Being fat doesn’t make you an asshole, but being an asshole makes you an asshole and that’s what Whitney is.  I’d never wish the kind of embarrassment this woman goes through on this show on anyone, but she is so unlikeable I don’t even care.  With the possible exceptions of Ryan and Todd, these people kiss her ass way too much for a check.  I’d include Chase, I guess, because although he’s cordial enough, he just seems to put in the bare minimum effort to engage in this at all, not that I blame him.  Hell, I would have done the same thing.

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13 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I suspect a lot of the fat shaming, and other incidents are set ups for the show, and are as fake as the boyfriends, and every thing else on this show.  

There is no question that fat people have to deal with a ton of what we woke folk call "microaggressions" and even outright bias. It's been proven that they will earn less than a thinner coworker, be less likely to be promoted to positions that they are qualified for, have health concerns downplayed by doctors (in favor of just being told to lose weight, which while helpful doesn't address their underlying concerns). People have a right to be treated fairly and like human beings and have their weight not be the sole focus of whatever is happening in their lives, both good and bad.

But the outright harassment and aggression that Whitney claims to face isn't nearly as frequent or probable as she overstates. She puts herself into situations where she is all but daring people to comment and if any of the comments turn negative, she cries bias. Like the St. Patrick's day parade where she decided to fulfill all the negative stereotypes of the fat, incapable woman because her ego wouldn't allow her dance group to march without her. We keep seeing these stunts where she either fails because she's trying to do things that she's physically incapable of doing, or dependant on others to help pull her weight (literally). She likes to show that she's pushing herself, but does so in ways that are either dangerous, destined for failure or  she "succeeds" because others are there to drag her along. She's made herself into a complete joke with these stunts and totally shattered what was the show's original premise.

Whitney wants to cry victim all the time because so long as she can point the finger at the "haters" and anti-faf bigots she doesn't have to examine her own role in this. It's easier to bemoan someone insulting her than ask herself what she's doing that brings so much negative attention. There ware always going to be assholes in the world, looking to cut down someone that they see as different or vulnerable. But she goes out of her way to give them ammunition to use against her. By rejecting her own responsibility, she just leaves herself open to criticism.

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I would add that Whitney also calls every perceived slight, comment, criticism, etc to be a comment on her weight instead of facing that maybe someone is making a negative comment on her behavior because her behavior is abhorrent. Of course Whitney thinks that fat shaming is a near constant event because she defines anything she doesn’t like as fat shaming. 

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10 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

She puts herself into situations where she is all but daring people to comment and if any of the comments turn negative, she cries bias. Like the St. Patrick's day parade where she decided to fulfill all the negative stereotypes of the fat, incapable woman because her ego wouldn't allow her dance group to march without her. We keep seeing these stunts where she either fails because she's trying to do things that she's physically incapable of doing, or dependant on others to help pull her weight (literally). She likes to show that she's pushing herself, but does so in ways that are either dangerous, destined for failure or  she "succeeds" because others are there to drag her along. She's made herself into a complete joke with these stunts and totally shattered what was the show's original premise.

SPOT ON.   Her demeanor, voice and attire just scream for negative attention.  Her "feats of strength" are as phony as her "boyfriends".  I think many of us continue to watch just to see how low she'll go to keep the show going. 

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I caught something in the preview  where she had the hissy fit because nobody told her Chase's baby had been born.  Wait... you FOLLOW  him on IG...he POSTED on IG about the baby, INCLUDING  pictures,  and yet "nobody told me."

Scripted meltdown.  

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On 11/10/2020 at 7:15 AM, Irate Panda said:

The dog was the only interesting part of the video and she looked as bored as I did.  I’m not sure if I’m deaf, but I could barely hear Jessica on parts and heard Whitney way too much. Jessica seems nice, but doesn’t really seem to fit in this video. I’m not sure why exactly, it was like she was doing the workout but seemed to forget the people at home. Also, please plan who is doing what (like counting reps) before the video.  I think Ryan had more of a “personality” for this. Whitney should just make videos of her dog and cats, they’re more interesting. 

You are correct - Jessica does not have the personality for this.  Most of the time her eyes are either up towards the corner or, more often, down on the floor so all the viewer can see is her eyelids.  It looks to me like she tried to design a decent workout for the show but doesn't know how to present it.  I also think Whitney is happy about that because now SHE seems like the main host, suggests modifications, etc. whereas before she looked like Ryan's sidekick.

On 11/10/2020 at 4:23 PM, Nicmar said:

eh, fupa has gotten bigger and her workout is pure shite. I'm not sure what that sitting on the bench and walking your feet is supposed to accomplish but whatever..

I also think Ryan pushed her a little more in the videos as a trainer is supposed to do.  She did that entire warm-up sitting on the bench, when she could/should have been doing it with slower steps than Jessica.  

On 11/10/2020 at 9:24 PM, Gramto6 said:

I just don't see why the barnacles still hang around this $hitstorm of a show. They can't believe this will advance their TV presence or prestige...is it just for the TLC $$?  

Yes.  Other than Buddy they all have what I would call regular old jobs - a couple of months acting fascinated by Whit's fabulousness can pay for kids' colleges or nice vacations or whatever each of them might be interested in.  I'd do it 😄 

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21 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

I would add that Whitney also calls every perceived slight, comment, criticism, etc to be a comment on her weight instead of facing that maybe someone is making a negative comment on her behavior because her behavior is abhorrent. Of course Whitney thinks that fat shaming is a near constant event because she defines anything she doesn’t like as fat shaming. 

Absolutely. ANY criticism is "fat shaming" to Whitney.

But--while she doesn't deserve discrimination or humiliation, she has a problem. She can't hop a stream, she can't clean herself in certain areas, she can't shave her own legs, she can't get up from her skis, she can't do a lot of things. Most men aren't going to give her a second look for evolutionary reasons--obese tends to signify something's wrong, this person is not a good mate, this person can barely get around, this person may not be able to reproduce, etc. Now, while there are those who look past that, I can see that Chase has zero interest in Whitney. He's almost repulsed was probably over the moon when his gf became pregnant. 

Whitney: "It's because I'm faaaaaaaaaaaaat." Well, partly, yeah. the other part is the shitty personality. 

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I had a great therapist years ago who told me that everyone has things that they want to do but can't for various reasons. Being physically incapable of doing so is one of them. If it's something that you really, really want to do, it's important to honestly example if your physical limitations are something that you can do something about or if you can't. For example, at 5 foot 2 inches, my mom is never going to reach anything off the top shelf without help because she can't change her height. If I decided that I wanted to run a marathon, I could work up to it by increasing my exercise and building up my admittedly crappy endurance.

Whitney clearly wants a lot out of life but refuses to accept that for a lot of them, her weight is holding her back. Maybe it's not fair that the universe isn't designed for things to be as easy for her to do as someone who's two hundred pounds lighter, but whining that something isn't fair doesn't change things. Her mass doesn't allow her the agility or flexibility that likely comes easier to someone who is smaller and physical activity will often be easier for a thin woman who doesn't work out than an extremely obese one who does strive to be physically  active. That's just how things are.

Whitney can't change her height or having PCOS, but she can do something about her weight. She can also strive to change her behavior in order to be more social gracious tp gain friends and decent romantic partners. She can work on her hygiene issues so that people don't find her unpleasant to be around. If she really wanted to become a professional trainer, she could get the education she needs to become one with a hint of credibility. But, of course, that would admit that she's not totally perfect and that her life would totally suck if a video of her "dancing" didn't go viral.

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1 hour ago, Hana Chan said:

I had a great therapist years ago who told me that everyone has things that they want to do but can't for various reasons. Being physically incapable of doing so is one of them. If it's something that you really, really want to do, it's important to honestly example if your physical limitations are something that you can do something about or if you can't. For example, at 5 foot 2 inches, my mom is never going to reach anything off the top shelf without help because she can't change her height. If I decided that I wanted to run a marathon, I could work up to it by increasing my exercise and building up my admittedly crappy endurance.

Whitney clearly wants a lot out of life but refuses to accept that for a lot of them, her weight is holding her back. Maybe it's not fair that the universe isn't designed for things to be as easy for her to do as someone who's two hundred pounds lighter, but whining that something isn't fair doesn't change things. Her mass doesn't allow her the agility or flexibility that likely comes easier to someone who is smaller and physical activity will often be easier for a thin woman who doesn't work out than an extremely obese one who does strive to be physically  active. That's just how things are.

Whitney can't change her height or having PCOS, but she can do something about her weight. She can also strive to change her behavior in order to be more social gracious tp gain friends and decent romantic partners. She can work on her hygiene issues so that people don't find her unpleasant to be around. If she really wanted to become a professional trainer, she could get the education she needs to become one with a hint of credibility. But, of course, that would admit that she's not totally perfect and that her life would totally suck if a video of her "dancing" didn't go viral.

I completely understand and agree with what you are saying except for one point. She isn’t being held back because of her weight. She’s being held back because she’s too lazy to put needed effort into anything - and that INCLUDES her weight. All of those things mentioned in the last paragraph could be fixed if she put any effort into her life. Frankly if she put effort into those things, especially eduction to become something - ANYTHING -  it would give her purpose and something to do and she’d probably lose weight just by the pure fact that she wasn’t sitting around staring out the window for her food delivery. 

Her weight is an impediment to physical things. Sure. But even if she was skinny she still would be the same person getting nothing she wants out of life because she doesn’t put effort into anything. 

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5 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

If she really wanted to become a professional trainer, she could get the education she needs to become one with a hint of credibility

In fact, if she put in the effort and lost 180 lbs and got certified through a reputable  personal training organization,  clients would  flock to her because she would have tremendous credibility.  

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People don’t want to date her, it’s fat shaming.  She doesn’t want to date fat guys, it’s some sort of personal preference.  Has anybody seen anymore of the new NOBSACTIVE videos.  The last one was pretty horrendous just wondering if the improved. Many pics of Heather on SM for her birthday!

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2 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

People don’t want to date her, it’s fat shaming.  She doesn’t want to date fat guys, it’s some sort of personal preference.  Has anybody seen anymore of the new NOBSACTIVE videos.  The last one was pretty horrendous just wondering if the improved. Many pics of Heather on SM for her birthday!


That is what is fascinating to me about many women in the fat positivity/ acceptance movements. Many will typically NOT try to date a man their own size. They will say it is because the sex would be difficult because you need one to be smaller or something along those lines. They will post pictures of an obese woman drawing being held by a classically good looking/build man and say that men should love them for who they are... but it begs to question why are they not drawn to men who share their same lifestyle of obesity?

I still have about 40 lbs to lose - so I am still obese although definitely pass for just overweight. I stay very active, I watch my food intake, I work out... I can't fathom being with a man whose life revolves around sedentary activities and food. My boyfriend and I spend a significant amount of time training for rifle matches, playing golf, playing frisbee golf, hiking, skiing in the winter, etc. Neither one of us would be attracted to someone who cant ski, cant easily handle a brisk 2.5 - 3mile dog walk daily, hike, golf, etc. The reality Whitney is trying to delude herself in is that even with a wonderful personality most people do not want a partner who is so completely divergent from them in their interest and activity levels.

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19 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

I completely understand and agree with what you are saying except for one point. She isn’t being held back because of her weight. She’s being held back because she’s too lazy to put needed effort into anything - and that INCLUDES her weight. All of those things mentioned in the last paragraph could be fixed if she put any effort into her life. Frankly if she put effort into those things, especially eduction to become something - ANYTHING -  it would give her purpose and something to do and she’d probably lose weight just by the pure fact that she wasn’t sitting around staring out the window for her food delivery. 

Her weight is an impediment to physical things. Sure. But even if she was skinny she still would be the same person getting nothing she wants out of life because she doesn’t put effort into anything. 

THIS. Whitney wants trophies without practice. She doesn't have the mindset for the "long game". She quits things when they become challenging or if she is not an "expert" after 3 lessons. 

Same thing with her weight. She could be down a significant amount by now had she just put some effort and applied patience, but here she is, still blaming everything on her weight when she could have done something bout it by now (and done something constructive with her platform/show besides making it fake AF). 

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Congratulations @ovetheduns! Those are such amazing accomplishments. 

16 hours ago, lovetheduns said:

That is what is fascinating to me about many women in the fat positivity/ acceptance movements. Many will typically NOT try to date a man their own size. They will say it is because the sex would be difficult because you need one to be smaller or something along those lines. They will post pictures of an obese woman drawing being held by a classically good looking/build man and say that men should love them for who they are... but it begs to question why are they not drawn to men who share their same lifestyle of obesity?

I think that it's an aspirational thing, like a poor man lusting after getting a Tesla when he can barely afford the payments on the crappy used car he's currently driving. It's the ideal partner that Whitney sees for herself and plays into the fat positivity myth. That there are men out there who aren't chubby chasers or feeders who will love a woman for who she is and not be concerned about what size she is. That she isn't being fetishized but loved and adored for the goddess that she is.

And there's a lot of contradictory thinking here. The women want to be accepted for who they are, but they aren't particularly interested in men who are specifically attracted to fat women. They want to be seen as more than just their weight, but their weight is a primary focus of their identities. They want handsome, physically fit men and aren't interested in men who are in the same physical condition that they are. They want to be seen as sexy and desirable as thinner women, but again, they don't want to be fetishized or seen as just their physical sizes. They don't feel like they should have to settle for a less than ideal man when their prospective partner will clearly have to settle for someone that society has dictates is less than ideal. 


Edited by Hana Chan
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6 hours ago, Hana Chan said:


And there's a lot of contradictory thinking here. The women want to be accepted for who they are, but they aren't particularly interested in men who are specifically attracted to fat women. They want to be seen as more than just their weight, but their weight is a primary focus of their identifies. They want handsome, physically fit men and aren't interested in men who are in the same physical condition that they are. They want to be seen as sexy and desirable as thinner women, but again, they don't want to be fetishized or seen as just their physical sizes. They don't feel like they should have to settle for a less than ideal man when their prospective partner will clearly have to settle for someone that society has dictates is less than ideal. 


It’s called hypocrisy!!! 

Edited by Kid
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On 11/12/2020 at 7:22 AM, Me from ME said:

I rarely look at Instagram but yesterday I happened upon the recent video she posted before the first episode was broadcast. She was opining how weird it was to see herself on TV (as if it was a unique experience for her.) She was shoveling some food in her mouth, drinking some kind of soft drink and talking with her mouth full. The sight of it, the sounds of it were beyond words. She couldn't wait a few minutes? Now, remind me again why she doesn't have a romantic relationship.

Twit is so gross  w/ a personality to match

why why why does she waste time with all that weightlifting if she’s gonna have a shit diet & no cardio or walking 

glen has a cardiac condition & Babs had a stroke so Twit is worried about Covid19- that’s a legit worry at their age. Twit better look in the mirror- with her super morbid obesity she’d be in grave danger☠️ if she contracted covid 

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33 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:


Whitney wants to share her leg definition with you

I saw that this morning and almost posted that I work out so that I don't have Whitney's physique, but then I figured that it wasn't worth it.  (I'm not fat shaming, I used to be over 200 lbs and I worked hard to get down to get down to a healthy weight and keep it off.)  I didn't see what leg definition Jessica was pointing to, at first I thought Whitney had bruised her leg or something.  Edited to add: We should all be grateful she was wearing a shirt.  

Edited by Bookworm 1979
To add something.
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Leg definition? That's one of the poor overworked muscles that holds up Whit's flab. If she didn't have SOME muscular strength, she'd be in a wheelchair. Taking credit for being able to support your own mass for a few hours(?) a day is absurd.

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I think she is trying to say her leg muscles are "cut" (a/k/a "defined.")  Why isn't Jessica kindly but firmly pointing out that if you have to hold back flaps of skin and fat to show the line of the muscle, by definition that muscle isn't "cut."  Sort of like the time Whitney pulled up her shirt and some of her flab to show poor Glenn and Babs that she had "upper abs." No, Whitney, you were  displaying your rib cage, not your abdominal muscles. That this woman thinks she's qualified to be a personal trainer is beyond ridiculous.

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*sigh* We all have muscles. How "defined" they are boils down to being able to see them under the layer of skin and fat that we all have. If you work out heavily, you build up muscle mass, so I can buy that Whitney has built up some muscle. But it's all covered up by a very, very thick layer of blubber. You are not going to see the line of her muscles unless she is pulling her flesh very tightly (and even then, you're going to see more of the shadow created by the skin pulling than actual muscle). And forget about abs - not with that huge flesh apron Whitney's carting around. You don't see abs on most normal sized people unless they have minimal bodyfat. I'm half her size and I don't have visible abs, never had visible abs and there is a high probability that I never will have visible abs.

I'm glad that Whitney seems to be in better shape and has been working out. It'll be good for her over the long run, but the idea that she should be held up as some kind of female Adonos when she's still the size of a subcompact car. 

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4 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

*sigh* We all have muscles. How "defined" they are boils down to being able to see them under the layer of skin and fat that we all have. If you work out heavily, you build up muscle mass, so I can buy that Whitney has built up some muscle. But it's all covered up by a very, very thick layer of blubber. You are not going to see the line of her muscles unless she is pulling her flesh very tightly (and even then, you're going to see more of the shadow created by the skin pulling than actual muscle). And forget about abs - not with that huge flesh apron Whitney's carting around. You don't see abs on most normal sized people unless they have minimal bodyfat. I'm half her size and I don't have visible abs, never had visible abs and there is a high probability that I never will have visible abs.

I'm glad that Whitney seems to be in better shape and has been working out. It'll be good for her over the long run, but the idea that she should be held up as some kind of female Adonos when she's still the size of a subcompact car. 

I work out a lot.  I do a LOT of ab work,  and they're very strong. I am NOT "cut," however, because my strong abs are covered by a layer of fat. I'm working on reducing the fat through diet, but as you get older,  calorie restriction becomes more difficult.  Whitney is delusional.  

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4 hours ago, ccphilly said:

And 40 is coming sooner than later.  Trust me-after 40 it takes twice the amount of effort to loose a few pounds.

I am in my early 40's, I used to be able to snap my fingers and lose weight. Now I am doing cardio 5 times a week and tracking my calories (still working on this part) and the needle hasn't moved in a month. I do feel better though! 

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I'm turning 54 this year and I can also testify that weight comes off a lot more slowly than it did when I was in my 20s and 30s. I apparently have the metabolism of a lethargic Galapagos tortoise no matter how much activity I squeeze in. 

It's rather sad that for Whitney, she's probably in the best shape that she's ever going to be and this is her best last chance to really be able to lose weight to a significant degree. It's only going to be downhill from here and once her body really starts to give her problems (like her knees going out on her), she's going to have a serious problem. She is definitely the kind that can become bedbound if she's not careful.

Edited by Hana Chan
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3 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

I'm turning 54 this year and I can also testify that weight comes off a lot more slowly than it did when I was in my 20s and 30s. I apparently have the metabolism of a lethargic Galapagos tortoise no matter how much activity I squeeze in. 

It's rather sad that for Whitney, she's probably in the best shape that she's ever going to be and this is her best last chance to really be able to lose weight to a significant agree. It's only going to be downhill from here and once her body really starts to give her problems (like her knees going out on her), she's going to have a serious problem. She is definitely the kind that can become bedbound if she's not careful.

Absolutely. I've also discovered that you heal at a much slower rate as you age.  It's much harder to just bounce back like you could in your 20's.   Twit's already had knee problems, all she needs is an injury from one of  her "challenges".  That would be the beginning of the end for her, next stop "My 600 pound life".  

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5 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

I'm turning 54 this year and I can also testify that weight comes off a lot more slowly than it did when I was in my 20s and 30s. I apparently have the metabolism of a lethargic Galapagos tortoise no matter how much activity I squeeze in. 

It's rather sad that for Whitney, she's probably in the best shape that she's ever going to be and this is her best last chance to really be able to lose weight to a significant degree. It's only going to be downhill from here and once her body really starts to give her problems (like her knees going out on her), she's going to have a serious problem. She is definitely the kind that can become bedbound if she's not careful.

Isn't she the wrong side of 30?  Her joints are going to start to be severely affected if she doesn't lose some weight. Her 20's and early 30's were the optimal times to make such changes as weight loss would have been easier and her body would have been able to sustain longer cardio sessions. Weight training is great for the joints and bone density but only if you are not morbidly obese. She needs to work on her diet and get in some cardio. Jessica is doing her no favours by celebrating a 20 lb loss while Whit arrogantly states she isn't eating 'crap'.  Lady, if that were true you would weigh a lot less than 325. Overweight sure but not morbidly obese.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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21 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

Absolutely. I've also discovered that you heal at a much slower rate as you age.  It's much harder to just bounce back like you could in your 20's.   Twit's already had knee problems, all she needs is an injury from one of  her "challenges".  That would be the beginning of the end for her, next stop "My 600 pound life".  

For real. I'm a life-long runner and it's not just aging that's a challenge--like Whitney, I was also diagnosed with PCOS. Now over 40, I want to do the same workouts I did 15 years ago but need recovery days. I also only eat around 1500 calories a day unless I run over 13 miles or else I will gain weight (it sucks, but it what it is). 

Unlike Whitney, I have changed and adapted my life to remain fit versus blame PCOS and society for my woes. It's kinda hard and requires long term commitment and that's something Whitney does NOT want to hear. She's going to be in a heap of trouble the longer she goes without addressing both her food addiction and her weight. 

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So Whitney’s IG story today has a video of some guy walking Whitney’s dog. Why isn’t Whitney walking her own dog? Anyone who can see the video know who this guy is? It’s hard to tell because it only shows his face from the side and he’s wearing a mask. I’m sure we are supposed to think it’s a new boyfriend but I’m not that stupid. 

Edited to add... there is also still an IG story post from yesterday that says she needs Buddy to set up her Christmas tree. Does this woman do nothing for herself??? 

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His t-shirt looks like it's from a gardening service company. He also looks a lot younger than Whitney. My guess - hired dog walker. I assume she is saying "Hey goo" [?] to the dog, not the guy. 🙂


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35 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

His t-shirt looks like it's from a gardening service company. He also looks a lot younger than Whitney. My guess - hired dog walker. I assume she is saying "Hey goo" [?] to the dog, not the guy. 🙂


I forgot I had my iPad on mute so I didn’t hear her say ‘Hey goo’ (or maybe Hey Goose) but yea that was mostly likely to the dog. I still don’t get why she isn’t walking the dog, especially since she seems to be there. If for no other reason she would at least get some exercise if she walked the dog herself. If she’s walking with the guy, why pay him to take care of the dog? Is this a sign that even just walking is difficult enough that she can’t control the dog and walk at the same time? 

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I figured the guy is her friend, if he’s a dog walking why is she walking with them? Is she that hard up for human contact?  Thank God, it’s an instastory and not a post, the fans would have her marrying the guy by Thanksgiving, saying how jealous Chase is, or how Buddy should fight for his “woman”.  I don’t even know why the producers come up with storylines, they should just take the comments off her IG and turn them into episodes.

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All kinds of stupidness happening on the show and all kinds of stupidness happening on her SM too.  What does she mean she doesn’t have the time, energy, or space to be prepared with a tampon or pad in case she gets her period unexpectedly.  These last 40 years of having a period I must have been doing it wrong. I had no idea it was so time and space consuming or so exhausting to prepare for. 


Edited by 3girlsforus
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18 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

All kinds of stupidness happening on the show and all kinds of stupidness happening on her SM too.  What does she mean she doesn’t have the time, energy, or space to be prepared with a tampon or pad in case she gets her period unexpectedly.  These last 40 years of having a period I must have been doing it wrong. I had no idea it was so time and space consuming or so exhausting to prepare for. 


I think just getting out of bed everyday is exhausting for her.  Those menstrual cups are before my time so I've no idea how they work, but looking at that little cup and remembering some of my heavy days I kind of doubt it would have given me much protection.  I could be wrong I've never used one maybe someone that has can let me know.

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37 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

All kinds of stupidness happening on the show and all kinds of stupidness happening on her SM too.  What does she mean she doesn’t have the time, energy, or space to be prepared with a tampon or pad in case she gets her period unexpectedly.  These last 40 years of having a period I must have been doing it wrong. I had no idea it was so time and space consuming or so exhausting to prepare for. 


Sorry to paint any sort of an unpleasant visual in your head, but if she can’t wipe her bum without assistance, how can she use one of these?  I know nothing about them, but we are talking about application in the same general vicinity . . .

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