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Commercials That Got Us Misty, Choked Us Up Or Made Us Cry

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Okay so there's a commercial on right now where a little blond haired tyke is carrying stuff outside and the dad asks him if he needs any help. The little boy says no, he's good. Then it flashes to the kid grown and his parents are hugging him goodbye, the dog has grown old and he drives away. Gets me every time.

Is there anybody else out there that has a commercial that brings on the tears?

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The one with Duck the dog.  It's similar only starts with the kid encouraging puppy Duck, who is having difficulty climbing into the car and ends with the adult encouraging elderly Duck to climb in the car. 

Now excuse me because someone must be chopping onions somewhere near my desk . . .

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What is it about dogs? There's another one where a guy (who looks to be a veteran) is walking through a shelter and the woman who is showing him the dogs goes "this guy's been through a lot" and you look into his sweet, sensitive eyes and you think OMG how could anybody hurt or neglect that darling creature. And the the guy takes him home. Makes me sad and happy at the same time. It seems like cats make us laugh and dogs break our hearts.

Edited by peacheslatour
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There was a car commercial (probably Subaru; they are notorious for the tearjerker dog spots) a few years back with a guy giving his dog its bucket list- giving him a nice leather shoe to chew up, going to the beach, etc. Part of the feeling was just the commercial itself, but the fact that a friend from work really did that when her dog was fighting cancer made it a bigger gut punch.

In non-dog-related viewing, any commercial where you see kids or spouses being surprised by returning military personnel make my living room get really dusty. 

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I love all commercials with animals anyway but this one is my favorite of all time.                                                

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11 minutes ago, smittykins said:

Anyone remember the one with the male nurse who sings "The Name Game" with his young patient as he's administering her chemo?  Some sort of nurses' organization, I think.

Yes. 40 some years ago when I was working as a med tech in a hospital lab, I did fingersticks in pediatrics. Those kids tugged my heart strings. If you didn't lie to them and say it wouldn't hurt, but it would be a little prick and they needed to be brave, they did it. I loved the kids.

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The one for Pet Smart or Petco where they are having an adopt a pet day, and the older gentleman goes home with a dog. He is reading or watching television, and the dog is sitting on his lap. Makes me tear up and reach for the Kleenex.

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I can't handle that!

30-40 years ago, I was struggling emotionally. The thing that kept me getting up in the morning and putting one foot in front of the other was a Cocker Spaniel named Emily.

I always keep dogs now.

Edited by friendperidot
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I hate to admit this about a Mcdonalds commercial, but there's a new one where this kid comes dashing into a McDonalds, envelope in hand and gives it excitedly to what I presume is his manager. The manager calls for everyone to take "two seconds" and they all gather round. The envelope is opened and ta da! The kid has been accepted at what one can only assume is the college of his choice and everybody cheers. *eyes tear up, blink, sniff*

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On 5/2/2017 at 7:29 PM, CoolWhipLite said:

Animals and elderlies are my top two cry-starters. This Volkswagon commercial focuses on grandparents, and it decimated me in the first 15 seconds.


I just posted this in the Favorites Commercial thread. It's a beautiful commercial. 

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On 5/2/2017 at 8:29 PM, CoolWhipLite said:

Animals and elderlies are my top two cry-starters. This Volkswagon commercial focuses on grandparents, and it decimated me in the first 15 seconds.


I saw scarletine's post in Favorite Commercials and came here to post about it.

I've never seen it on TV but oh yes, it qualifies as making me misty.  And choked up.  And okay, yes, I cried.

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I guess it's local, the company isn't even on iSpot - it's for Dignity Health, and there's a baby in a crib, just old enough to be standing, crying and trying to climb out. In comes dad who tries a bit to settle the baby, but then climbs awkwardly into the crib, where the baby instantly snuggles up and settles down.

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11 minutes ago, smittykins said:

Anyone who's ever adopted a cat knows the exact moment when that happened.  :-)

That guy got off easy.  The light hadn't changed, nor apparently had the day of the week.

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This one actually makes my husband more misty-eyed (although I admit, it gets me right in the feels, too). It's the AT&T "Stay With Me, Mrs. Parker" commercial about the guy in the auto accident, where the first responders and hospital personnel keep saying, "Stay with me, Mr. Parker" as they get him to the hospital. Then, as he's recovering, he takes his wife's hand as she's falling asleep in the chair next to his bed and says, "Stay with me, Mr. Parker." Yes, you could question why he won't let his poor wife doze when she's clearly been by his side throughout all this, but it reminds both of us of when my husband had quadruple bypass surgery ten years ago, so... 


On 5/2/2017 at 11:23 AM, SoSueMe said:

I am cranky and cynical and hate being emotionally manipulated, but damn, kids and animals get me every time.

The little boy who's lost his mom....


OMG, I just watched this for the first time. Tears AND goosebumps. Damn dust. And who turned the air conditioning down so low? 

Edited by kirinan
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As a change from sad tears for animals and such, here's a choking-up-for-happiness one, a minute-long award-winning MacDonalds commercial from 1980. (I have a feeling I've mentioned it before in another thread, but it's been a long time.) I remember watching it with my father, who made a living directing commercials and was always cynical about their methods, and when it was over he said only "Isn't it the craziest thing? They break your heart over their stupid hamburgers."

Edited by Rinaldo
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On 6/12/2017 at 11:37 AM, peacheslatour said:

There's an ad out now for some flea medication where the animals are crying and looking at their hooman's in such a sad, pleading manner. I get a catch in my throat every time.

Is it this one?

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12 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

Dogs and elderly people.  Check

I think Glade enjoys going for the emotional jugular, especially at holiday times.  

Now that's cute. The one where the well-meaning strangers decorated the inside of their elderly neighbor's place - yeah, not so much.

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I don't remember which peanut butter brand this was, but a cute little boy is playing and then he goes to the kitchen and asks mom to make him and invisible friend Charley a peanut butter sandwich and he looks and Charley has taken a bite! and little boy is so excited about this and mom talks with peanut butter mouth and my son is nearly 20 and that ad makes me cry and want to create time travel because I miss my little boy.

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3 hours ago, xaxat said:

I feel bad for that dog. She's like "I look ridiculous! Besides, I was here first!"

Was the kid just adopted? Because if not, how old is that kid and why are the parents just introducing her to the dog now?

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