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S01.E17: What Now?

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14 minutes ago, camom said:

Also, they said that Jack loved to tell the story about Randall learning to drive, which would indicate that he told it several times, presumably over some period of time.  Jack may be involved in a drunken car crash, but I don't necessarily think he will be immediately killed by it.

The dark side of me thinks that maybe he'll be so badly injured that he asks Kate to 'help' him along to death some time later and she does.

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3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Plus, I thought the actor who played the mailman acted the shit out of that brief scene. Made me tear up to see him tearing up.

Good Lord, he certainly did! As he walked out of Randall's house I thought, DAMN what a great actor that mailman was!


25 minutes ago, Cardie said:

Yes, Hayward and Richard Conte in I'll Cry Tomorow (1955) biopic of singer Lillian Roth, who had to come back from a serious accident.


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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

What is ridiculous about this show is if drinking is going to ruin his life ultimately, they could have shown him drinking more during those flashback scenes.  Seemingly someone who has 3 kids -- each with their own unique set of problems -- could lead a drinker to drink.  They could've weaved this problem in better and shown him being a functional alcoholic before he goes off into the deep end.

Sometimes non-addicts would go to a party, drink too much, get behind the wheel of a car and die in a car crash.  It happens all the time. I don't feel the need to have the show make a big storyline out Jack's fondness for alcohol (if that's how he's going to die).

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decent episode, loved randall giving the boss a piece of his mind and about the pears, would have been more epic if he actually brought back the gift basket and threw it back at their awful faces



here's a possible plot twist with kate and jack


jack dies for what ever reason and rebecca knows how he dies but allows kate to blame herself for years when in reality it was never her fault at all and in fault it was rebecca's fault, kate finds out what rebecca was hiding and it causes a massive fight in the family, even more massive then the William one

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I just finished watching and wanted to post my thoughts before reading the previous 4 pages because, well, you know...

Anyway, I did find this to be one of the more satisfying episodes of the season.  I will admit that this may be, in tiny part, because I spent 3 freakin' hours in a complete mess of a funeral last weekend, and seeing an actual functional celebration of a life (even if it was unrealistically pulled off by two little girls) to be a nice change.

I loved the fact that we FINALLY got a Randall and Kate (sorry, I originally had Rebecca there....) moment.  To me, this has been glaringly absent so far and I just thought that one scene was wonderful.  I think it also said a lot about the big three dynamic--that they have sort of this circular support system.  Kate supports Kevin in a way no one else can, Kevin supports Randall in a way no one else can (at least lately), and Randall supports Kate in a was no one else can (at least in this episode).  

I was also surprised to like both Toby and Miguel in this episode.  Well, young Miguel--not that either old nor young Miguel had big parts in this episode.  I will say that I really feel a disconnect in his character.  Young Miguel is this sort of a smart ass guy who is professionally successful and, I assume, ambitious.  Old Miguel is sort of a dork who is socially awkward.  I don't see how young Miguel can become old Miguel in any sort of believable way.

Another thing that is bugging me...I just can't get on the Kevin and Sophie train.  I actually like second chance love stories and, on paper, I'm sure I would love this...but I just see absolutely no chemistry between the two.  Kevin's words say she's the love of his life, but watching him--it just doesn't seem like that.  Sorry, but he was just far more interesting with either Sloane or (gulp) Olivia than he is with Sophie.  And, I don't see it on Sophie's side either--although I would REALLY like to see what happened with her and Kate and see if the show would actually explore a female friendship.

Oh, and Sophie...I don't think you know what charm is.  Kevin's "charming" is actually begging and desperation. 

And, goshdarnit Kevin!, you had better take that job with Opie!!!!

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15 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

Sophie and Kevin, I just can't care about.  Ron Howard was twist-y and fun, but wasn't it established that Kevin can't work in t.v. or film for 2 years? 

I believe the threat was that he couldn't (wouldn't) work in TV for 2 years.  Or something like that....I can't remember what Brad Garrett's character actually said, but I kind of remember it being more of blunder and threat than anything specific in his contract.  

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25 minutes ago, deaja said:

I can't quite get there from the scene.  Seeing a worker in the neighborhood embraced William is far different than the other wealthy homeowners embracing him.  YMMV of course.

I did wonder this last night. I think he'll die on the way to/from Cleveland and this will be an inconsistency or we will later find out the kids were in driver's training.  But I did wonder if it was a subtle clue that "This is not what you think." 

The mailman said "This neighborhood will miss him."  That could be interpreted as 'he made the neighborhood better' or (as I did) 'William talked to a lot of people in the neighborhood and was well liked.'

And your comment triggered me to rewatch the scene (iTunes) and DAMN. That mailman hit it out of the freakin' park. Holding back tears with his "wow".  That was good acting.  And (again to me) it felt like I feel when I find out something I didn't expect but don't want to cry and yet have to say something and then leave.  I wanted Randall to hug the guy.  And that's weird, but that's how I felt.  

And now I'm crying again.  Dammit. 

Edited by SueB
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17 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

The dark side of me thinks that maybe he'll be so badly injured that he asks Kate to 'help' him along to death some time later and she does.

I highly doubt that teenage Kate would decide to euthanize her dad, especially without his consent.  And Jack is not a big enough of a turd to allow his teenage daughter to take that responsibility when there are other, older, people who could help him with that.  I actually think he's just going to die in a car crash, either on the way to the show, or something will happen when he gets there which causes him to run out again and get in a crash.  Did you see all those beer cans on the front seat? 

I also think the kids are already 16 in that flashback.  But, maybe they're not allowed to drive after dark.  That's the law a lot of places now, and I remember it was here at least in the late '90s. 

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6 hours ago, Haleth said:

Kevin.  Taking up the offer for the movie would seem like deja vu to Sophie, but there would be no reason why Kevin can't continue to live in NY and travel for his movie career.  She doesn't seem like a character who will be around for the long haul anyway, so I bet he goes back to LA.  The critic didn't show up for the play which means it won't be a long running show.  Boom.  Now we have all 3 Pearson sibs together in CA.

That's what I thought...the filming starts in a couple of MONTHS....not next week.  And how long does the actual filming of a movie take?  I guess it depends on the film, but I always thought it was 1-2 months.  It's not like he would be moving back to LA.  But, I'm sure that is how the show will paint it...

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6 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I highly doubt that teenage Kate would decide to euthanize her dad, especially without his consent.  And Jack is not a big enough of a turd to allow his teenage daughter to take that responsibility when there are other, older, people who could help him with that.  I actually think he's just going to die in a car crash, either on the way to the show, or something will happen when he gets there which causes him to run out again and get in a crash.  Did you see all those beer cans on the front seat? 

I also think the kids are already 16 in that flashback.  But, maybe they're not allowed to drive after dark.  That's the law a lot of places now, and I remember it was here at least in the late '90s. 

Awww, I was just musing...and I did say something about Jack asking for her help.  We're all wondering about red herrings, my thought was that maybe he DOESN'T die from the accident, but from something that happens later.  (Gosh I'm dark. Ha ha) 

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Re: the kids learning how to drive.  They may have their licenses, but that doesn't mean they get free reign on the car.  They are (so it would appear) a one car family.  I doubt that the kids get to take it anytime they want.  When I got my license, I was still carted around by my parents most of the time.  So, I can buy that they are 16, Dad taught them how to drive, they have their licenses.  Or, as some have said, he was at least in the process of teaching them.

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15 hours ago, Amethyst said:

Seems like Randall was practically one of the founders of the company, though.  I can see sending an informal condolence card for a new employee that people hardly know, but not someone who's been there 10 years.  You could handwave the pear incident (assuming Tyler forgot that Randall was allergic) but that pathetic card would have been an insult to anyone.  It was just a quick throwaway note that had no real thought or consideration, and Randall was right to call Tyler out for it.  You don't have to be best friends with your coworkers to show decency.

I've been with my company 10 years and I didn't even get a card when my Dad passed. 

Actually, I split my time between two separate offices within the company.  The one I'm primarily at was super supportive.  I was given time off to help my Mother cope and everyone one from that the office came to the funeral.  I couldn't really ask for better co-workers.

From the other office, I got the barest minimum and no card, nothing.  One person attended the funeral.  A couple of coworkers simply offered offered their condolences verbally, and two of them actually apologized because they had better things to do than attend the funeral. One actually claimed they couldn't make it because they already had tickets to a theme park.  The rest just acted like my taking time off for such things was an inconvenience to them.

Now granted, I specifically asked for no flowers (the few we got, I was allergic to).  But I do think there are better ways to handle a co-worker's loss than "sorry I already had tickets to Disney" or "I'm sorry you're grieving, but could you come to work anyway." 

Getting the one thing I was allergic to from that office would have made sense.

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HELP help...Does anyone know what song and who was singing it at the end of the episode when it showed Jack pulling out of the.parking lot and heading towards Cleveland.   I could not make out all the lyrics but it kept saying something like "Every road leads to love" or "leads to an end" something like that. I thought this song was forshadowing just like the movie clip of I'll Cry Tomorrow"  that Jack was watching on tye TV. 

Oneed other thing that bothered me was after hearing the mailman's story and seeing how upset he was why didn't they invite him and the other neighbors to the fun-eral ...or even the new cousins and family he meet in Memphis...by the way, where is William? Did he get cremated like Jack?

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17 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

Now see, as someone who has been, at least in part, basically in customer service my whole life, my first reaction was 'what a fucking bitch'. She hadn't spoken to 'tammy' yet, so to be so nasty and combative right outa the gate seemed really hateful and entitled and out of line. 

But it sounds like she Kate frustrated after being on the phone for a while with someone who was very unhelpful. I'm not sure what store she was dealing with, but customer service people know that most people get transferred to them haven't gotten the help they need and, therefore, are gonna be a little snippy. But Kate was getting balloons, not the nuclear codes. How hard was it? Even dollar stores sell helium balloons.

I liked the "Can you help me?" line, too.

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On 3/8/2017 at 8:41 AM, Clanstarling said:

The shoot is in LA, that doesn't mean he needs to relocate to LA, but it will, of course, create problems either way. If he turns it down, no matter how much he loves Sophie, he's bound to resent not being able to take his shot. If he takes it, it may mess things up with Sophie. What will he do? <sarcasm>

Also, the insinuation that Kevin will have to limit his professional opportunities to things that don't upset Sophie doesn't make me any more excited about this relationship.  Kevin is an actor with enough success that he is widely known and, at that point, he can't just stay in one place.  To continue with his career, he's going to have leave NYC now and then.  That's just the nature of the beast.

(I'm also one of those who doesn't think that Rebecca should limit her singing career to gigs where she can be home at night to tuck her nearly-grown kids in.  But, yeah, that's so last episode.....)

On 3/8/2017 at 9:57 AM, AuxArx said:

Poor Kevin...the reviewer thought he was 40!

Well, Justin Hartley IS 40, so.... 

(couldn't resist....)

On 3/8/2017 at 1:02 PM, Katy M said:

I highly doubt that teenage Kate would decide to euthanize her dad, especially without his consent.  And Jack is not a big enough of a turd to allow his teenage daughter to take that responsibility when there are other, older, people who could help him with that.  I actually think he's just going to die in a car crash, either on the way to the show, or something will happen when he gets there which causes him to run out again and get in a crash.  Did you see all those beer cans on the front seat? 


I doubt it would be a euthanization situation.  I could possibly see Kate being the one to convince Rebecca to cut off life support, though. (I consider euthanization to be like "death with dignity," and not like turning off life support.  Just my take on it...)

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Well,  you guys have already covered most of the things I loved, and found heart-breaking, in that episode. However, one thing I will mention, because it's still bugging me: much as Randall's work sucked, I can't feel too happy that he quit. I mean, clearly his family has a financially lovely life, and we're meant to believe that much of it is due to Randall's job. I can't remember what Beth does, I imagine she has a good job too, but it's Randall's that we hear about, and whose penthouse office we see.

Anyway, if this life is largely funded by Randall's job, his quitting seems to be an act that could have pretty huge consequences. Yeah, I'm guessing he has savings, and that he's so amazing he can get another job immediately, but I still get annoyed when TV shows toss off things like that. I'm sure they'll be just fine, but in real life?

That, and it's breaking my heart that Kate has to carry this guilt, or feels she does. Also-and I'm saying this as someone with a years-long weight problem myself-I can't help being struck with the difference in degrees between adult Kate's weight, and the younger Kates'. Yes, the younger versions have issues too, but it's clear that her weight really rocketed in adulthood, and it seems clear why. This really does my heart.

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I was surprised but happy Randall quit his job because a couple things.about that job have been bothering me.

For. a while I was worried he was going  to be fired due to his having to leave the office to deal with william, being distracted etc..the office never seemed supportive especially with bringing in Sanjay.Even though i was pleasently surprised when Sanjay "helped " him during the conference call. I know it hit me hard with the no support cause we went through it. When my sister and I had to put our mother into a hospice for the.last month of her life my sister's  job made snide comments about her having to quickly leave early or  come in late because you can't predict when the end would come and of course you.want to be at their side so if that phone call comes in you go. When she did pass my sisters boss said "I guess this means you.won't be running off and missing work anymore" !! My sister had a desk job which she could get up and go. Unlike my  job as a teacher meant we had to get subs and other teachers to cover my classes on little or no warning and they happily did so to help me. Even my students behaved  so well cause they knew where I was headed and they did not want me to come back and deal with trouble they got into. When 14/15 year olds behave more mature than adults its sad. Randall's work just brought it all back. I have had friends who say their jobs were nasty about it also, that is what this show does so well..it shows how the everyday or small thing affect us.

1 more episode till the new fall.season. what will I do

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15 minutes ago, Poohbear617 said:

I was surprised but happy Randall quit his job because a couple things.about that job have been bothering me.

For. a while I was worried he was going  to be fired due to his having to leave the office to deal with william, being distracted etc..the office never seemed supportive especially with bringing in Sanjay.Even though i was pleasently surprised when Sanjay "helped " him during the conference call. I know it hit me hard with the no support cause we went through it. When my sister and I had to put our mother into a hospice for the.last month of her life my sister's  job made snide comments about her having to quickly leave early or  come in late because you can't predict when the end would come and of course you.want to be at their side so if that phone call comes in you go. When she did pass my sisters boss said "I guess this means you.won't be running off and missing work anymore" !! My sister had a desk job which she could get up and go. Unlike my  job as a teacher meant we had to get subs and other teachers to cover my classes on little or no warning and they happily did so to help me. Even my students behaved  so well cause they knew where I was headed and they did not want me to come back and deal with trouble they got into. When 14/15 year olds behave more mature than adults its sad. Randall's work just brought it all back. I have had friends who say their jobs were nasty about it also, that is what this show does so well..it shows how the everyday or small thing affect us.

I'm sorry your sister had to deal with that.  Sadly, her experience is not unique.  In my last job, my managers let me know that it was inconvenient that I would take time off for my wedding and honeymoon and I was told by a Project Manager, repeatedly, that his program (one of several I worked on) should be my #1 priority--not just in my job, but in my life.   Needless to say, I was more than happy to leave that job a few months after returning from my honeymoon.

Honestly, Randall's "quitting scene" was a highlight for me.  It was overly dramatic, but in a way I would expect from any show.  He WAS overworked and we had seen nothing to indicate that Randall was considered anything more than a cog in the wheel to his boss.  And, yeah, the pears were tactless.  The boss should have known that, of all things, the pears were a no-go.  Although, let's face it, his secretary probably ordered them--which makes it even worse.  It's not so much that he got  fruit box, but that he didn't get a personal call.  Also, that he was expected to be in the office the night of his father's funeral (fun-eral).  I think, in that scene, Randall played out the fantasy of many, many people.

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1 hour ago, AuntiePam said:

Another thing that bugged me about this episode was Beth seeing the letter under the pillow, reading it, and then saying to Randall "You'll want to read this." 

My gripe was this - why did SHE read it? Why didn't she hand it to him to read? Then again, just thinking through my own question - maybe she thought this letter was the goodbye to HER from William. Or maybe it was addressed to all of them or both of them. Unless it said "Beth" on it though, I would not have opened it if I were her.

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There is one other thing about Randall's job. When he quit he spoke of being there at the beginning when there were only a few workers and how he brought in most of the clients. But the suicidal friend from the Choist master party talked about how he made bad investments and it was only a matter of time till people saw the money he had lost/Stolen. At the time i worried it meant the company would go bankrupt at that was the last thing Randall needed put upon him. It caughty attention because i could not see "Pre-william" Randall letting that go,but that was never mentioned again and I guess that plot was dropped. But since that was the same night that he found out his father was gay and Toby has a heart attack in his living room, I guess he was a little distracted.

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Jack may be involved in a drunken car crash, but I don't necessarily think he will be immediately killed by it.

No, I don't think so for the same reasons you mentioned. You have to be 16 1/2 to get a driver's permit in PA, I think, so if Jack told the story for a while of teaching Randall to drive, it would be some time after this night that he died.  I wouldn't be surprised if there is a prolonged death. It's possible, too, that if there's an accident, the other driver is drunk.  OR, Jack's car goes off the road and he's missing for months, or even years before they find his body. Or he gets amnesia from an accident that he walks away from, and he's working as a day laborer in Cleveland months later when someone stumbles upon him. Oh, the possibilities in these soap operas.

Didn't read all the posts, but saw that some people were wondering if Kevin would take the part and move to LA. As if that's the only choice. It's just a movie he's doing, so he might have to be away for a few months. That doesn't mean an LA relocation. Some of our more prolific actors reside on the east coast. Also, meeting Ron Howard in LA doesn't mean the movie will be shot there. 

I liked this episode. Loved the William-Beth parts especially. 

The mailman was a nice touch. I had a similar experience as Randall when my father died. It, too, was moving.

I suspect that anyone who thinks we're going to find out what happened to Jack this season will be disappointed.

Edited by mojito
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9 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

I noticed that the postcard was addressed to Beth in Alpine, NJ on Anderson Avenue. That is a real street and the homes on the end of that street and on the cross street are gorgeous. 

AND there's a Hillside Elementary nearby. Good catch!!!

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17 hours ago, elle said:

Wish I knew about a "fun"-eral when planning my mom's memorial.

For my mom's we had a "memorial cocktail party" in the backyard, invited all her friends and family and we had a blast. Played all her favourite music (she loved to dance), and also put up her collection of 'naughty' cocktail napkins and other things with naughty sayings on them around the house and yard. A place of honour went to her battery operated flower pot which, when the right button was pushed, played Glen Miller songs as the flowers danced up and down. lol  She also loved food so we had all her favourite dishes, as well as licorice cigars for dessert.  She would have loved it!

Seeing the 'fun'-eral last night made me smile for more reasons than just one.

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13 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

Unpopular opinion -- I thought it came out of the blue and was undeserved  What I remember most about Beth and William's interactions is her asking him how long he planned to stay.  I totally believe that she came to love him -- we just didn't see it on the show.  I also believe that she felt left out of the grieving, but her telling Randall that she missed him, and her reaction at the postcard -- that was enough.  The eulogy was Randall letting Beth have her moment, and I didn't like it.  I also hate it when someone starts a conversation with "Listen to me . . . "

The show had a few Beth/William moments.  They showed her being his caregiver while Randall was working (making sure he took his meds, etc.).  We also know they smoked together, and discussed his love for Blue Hawaiian :).  

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Why did Ron Howard call so late?  It couldn't wait until the morning? 

Well.....there is a 3 hour time difference....  ;-)

As far as people saying that we don't know for sure that Jack is going to die this season - I don't think they knew they were being renewed before they were done filming for this year, so.....

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1 minute ago, doublek61 said:

Well.....there is a 3 hour time difference....  ;-)


Unless Ron Howard left the play and IMMEDIATELY got on a plane to go back to LA before he called Kevin....well, that would STILL be the middle of the night, on both coasts.

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2 minutes ago, doublek61 said:

Well.....there is a 3 hour time difference....  ;-)


If he took his niece to the play wouldn't he have to have been in NY also?  Probably had to get his excited niece off to sleep first.


28 minutes ago, mojito said:

You have to be 16 1/2 to get a driver's permit in PA,

I just looked it up.  You have to be 16 to get your permit and then hold it for 6 months to get your license, so you can get your license at 16 1/2. Which I think is kind of stupid. Why would they delay the permit getting to 16, don't they want you to practice more as opposed to less.  Anyway, that's now.  I don't know what it was in the 90s

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Didn't opie say his niece was visiting them? So maybe he lives in NYC. Or was he visiting his niece? Either way, he was in NY. 

I like Ron Howard and think Kevin should take the job but I'm not sure it's a sure fire career maker or that Howard wields omnipotent power in Hollywood anymore. What's the last true hit or moneymaker he had? I can't remember. Still, he's opie Cunningham! 

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54 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

 Also, that he was expected to be in the office the night of his father's funeral (fun-eral).  I think, in that scene, Randall played out the fantasy of many, many people.

I don't think he was expected in the office. The boss sounded happy to see him and relieved, but it wasn't like they were sitting around all "Where's Randall?!?!"  (Unless I missed something, which is definitely possible.)  Randall and William didn't really have a father-son relationship until what... the last week?  So I don't think it would be implausible for him to want to return to work after a minimum of two weeks away. 

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I agree that the hints that Jack died driving while drunk on the way to see Rebecca are probably red herrings. If so, I wonder what Kate did that made her feel responsible for his death. And I also agree that there's a good chance the Big Three and their significant others all decamp for LA net season.

Kate pretty much told him to go to Rebecca and make things right. Rebecca was only 2 hours away. When he talked to Kate on the phone he told her he was following her advice. So yes, I can see how she'd feel it was her fault. This coming from someone who takes on needless guilt, myself.

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I said to my sister in law months ago my theory is Jack dies in a car accident getting Kate something to eat, so I like the theories that he doesn't die going to see Rebecca in Cleveland. 

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9 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

Didn't opie say his niece was visiting them? So maybe he lives in NYC. Or was he visiting his niece? Either way, he was in NY. 

I like Ron Howard and think Kevin should take the job but I'm not sure it's a sure fire career maker or that Howard wields omnipotent power in Hollywood anymore. What's the last true hit or moneymaker he had? I can't remember. Still, he's opie Cunningham! 

He seems to stay busy directing, producing and even acting. Not as frequently as before, but, he does have a few pics that came out in 2016.

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As far as people saying that we don't know for sure that Jack is going to die this season - I don't think they knew they were being renewed before they were done filming for this year, so.....

No, but by the end of filming, they probably knew they had a hit on their hands.  So I propose a friendly wager, @doublek61. I say they leave us hanging. You say they tell the story this season. A'ight? (I hope you're right. I've lost interest in Jack and his death.)

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Well we do know when, in theory. When the kids were teens. Not specifically by date, though. I thought Kevin said about 16 years ago when he was at that lady's house whose husband died. If that were the case, they'd have been 21. But, he could have been 16 when it happened.

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This isn't really a complaint, because family dynamics differ, but it seemed so odd to me that Kate would be all up in her parent's marriage like the pushy best friend in a rom-com.  My mother sometimes went out of town for a week or two when I was that age and if my father was ever against the trip they would never have let us know about it.  If I had sensed friction between them, about anything at all, I would have nervously steered wide and clear of it.  Even from an adult point of view I can't see that it's a good idea for Jack to drive all that way to watch Rebecca perform.  He's seen her do that many, many times.  It might come off as spying.  He can always call her if he wants to let her know things are good at home and he's supporting her tour.

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3 hours ago, Jillybean said:

If, in fact, this is how Jack dies, I can understand why Kate would think this was her fault. What I don't understand is how she has made no progress toward absolving herself in the 20 or so years since he died. Apparently she has never spoken about this...with anyone? Hard to imagine.

Well, since about episode 3 I realized out of me and my 2 siblings, I was the Kate. Last night, it was set in stone. My father is still alive, but in my teens, my grandmother (dad's mom) passed away. Sure grandmas pass away all the time, but mine passed away from stress-related heart failure the early morning after I ran away from home. For context, I ran away from my abusive stepmother to my grandmother's house. It caused many adults to argue at my grandmother's house before my dad and I left her with (what we didn't know would be a final) "I love you." I woke up the following morning with the news that she passed mere hours after my dramatic evening in her home. Not only did I, and still do I, blame myself for my 58 year old grandmother's death. I told no one, including my father until last year which was 16 years after it happened. It also sparked my years and years of disordered eating.

Any easier to imagine now? 

Not so fun fact: My stepmother told me the day before the funeral that my grandma would be alive if I hadn't runaway, and I believed that for 15 years. I had no clue my grandma suffered for years from congestive heart disease. 

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I have no doubt that Ron Howard has massive clout in the industry and could put kibosh on any contract preventing Kevin from doing his film. Is there really an example where an actor has not been able to do a film because of a similar contract?

Would it be that difficult for Randall to get another job? If what he said was true (I don't think he was lying nor exaggerating), I think another firm would take him on asap. I do like the idea of Randall staying at home and Beth going to work, though. 

Is this the first time that Kate and Toby have confirmed that they will be returning to LA? Maybe Kate has not officially quit her job, then. I want Jami Gertz back!

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18 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

Is this the first time that Kate and Toby have confirmed that they will be returning to LA? Maybe Kate has not officially quit her job, then. I want Jami Gertz back!

I don't think it's confirmed.  All Toby said is he can't wait to get back to LA with his boo.  His boo didn't have a say yet.  Before her stint at the fat camp, she was consulting with a surgeon about gastric bypass, there in the NY/NJ area.  That hasn't been revisited, but I think she will have to decide for or against, it's just too big a part of her story to drop. 

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My heart goes out to you @BoogieBurns. I agree with @JudyObscure that your parting gift to your grandmother was trust and love. In fact, you have the unparalleled privilege of knowing that she knew that you loved her when she passed. 

From a daughter whose father died from congestive heart disease and who now fancies herself the WebMD CHD expert, please know it can be triggered by stress psychological or physical stress. It likely may not at all been the stress of the previous night.

I hope that you can find some small comfort in knowing that even if it was the stress of that even that ultimately led to her passing, it is still not your fault. There are lots of intervening causes: abusive stepmom, inadequate protection from dad, adults yelling in grandmother's house, and grandmother's frail physical state all trump you running away as the proximate cause. {{HUGS}}

To bring this back to the show: I would bet that there are similar much more proximate causes to Jack's death than Kate allows herself to see through her guilt.

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4 minutes ago, talktoomuch said:

To bring this back to the show: I would bet that there are similar much more proximate causes to Jack's death than Kate allows herself to see through her guilt.

Agree, she's never allowed herself to contemplate the whole picture, she's buried her feelings, and as Randall advised, she has to talk about it with people who care. 

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8 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

I don't think it's confirmed.  All Toby said is he can't wait to get back to LA with his boo.  His boo didn't have a say yet.  Before her stint at the fat camp, she was consulting with a surgeon about gastric bypass, there in the NY/NJ area.  That hasn't been revisited, but I think she will have to decide for or against, it's just too big a part of her story to drop. 

Kate did also mention that she and Toby were going to move in together once they got back to LA.  It was said in the context of, "Well, since we're going to live together, I guess I should tell you about my dad...."

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Did anyone notice the Randall and Rebecca "I love you/more/most" exchange may have been a reference to Tangled, where Mandy Moore voiced Rapunzel? I noticed it right away and was like "well played, Show."

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1 hour ago, After7Only said:

The show had a few Beth/William moments.  They showed her being his caregiver while Randall was working (making sure he took his meds, etc.).  We also know they smoked together, and discussed his love for Blue Hawaiian :).  

They also got high together in the basement from the laced-brownies.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:


2 hours ago, mojito said:

You have to be 16 1/2 to get a driver's permit in PA,

I just looked it up.  You have to be 16 to get your permit and then hold it for 6 months to get your license, so you can get your license at 16 1/2. Which I think is kind of stupid. Why would they delay the permit getting to 16, don't they want you to practice more as opposed to less.  Anyway, that's now.  I don't know what it was in the 90s

You are not just holding the permit, there are required driving hours that go along with that. But that's the law now. I don't know about 36 years ago.

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5 hours ago, meep.meep said:

I thought it was more Cersei Lannister.  We send cards signed by many people from my work.   And we collect $ for flowers or a donation to an appropriate cause.

You win the snark today! Laughed long and hard.

3 hours ago, luna1122 said:

Now see, as someone who has been, at least in part, basically in customer service my whole life, my first reaction was 'what a fucking bitch'. She hadn't spoken to 'tammy' yet, so to be so nasty and combative right outa the gate seemed really hateful and entitled and out of line. 

Mine too. It was the first time I kind of disliked her. There is a difference between being firm and assertive to being snippy and obnoxious. This was definitely in the snippy spectrum to me. I find treating people with some respect, however frustrating they might be, gets better results.

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