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S07.E11: Backed Into A Corner

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1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

Sometimes it is about being the bigger person.  Kyle has done it time and time again.  Take a page from her book.

Kim and Eden should not be used in the same sentence.  Rinna is a big baby who wants, I don't know what from Kim, but she has been riding her ass since Poker Night. Kim was dead wrong for her behavior on Poker Night. If being mean and humiliating an alcoholic is a cure, Rinna has proven it doesn't work.  Kim's point Game Night was Rinna uses situations in her life to excuse her behavior.  She does.  So does Kim. 

Since Rinna has so much compassion, I am wondering did she go HAM on Jon Hamm after he went to rehab?  Her husband worked with Hamm, so what is the difference-other than the obvious-it is none of her effing business.  Of course she didn't because he asked it remain private and he is a real star.  Why doesn't Kim warrant the same respect? 

Rehab counselors deal with trying to return clients to their previous vocational status all the time.  Kim should be allowed to return without having to have a big ass discussion what she is doing and how she is coping and constantly explaining herself.  Kim for the most part would just die on the vine as she is just not that interesting-until Rinna rides her.

If Eden has so much compassion as someone who is in recovery, why did she out Kim and claim she was drunk at PK's party.  If Eden has so much compassion, why did she continue to talk about Kim behind her back - when everyone else told her to stop. 

I would assume that part of Kim's recovery is to take responsibility for her actions.  Yet she denies she ever said anything about Harry Hamlin.

Again, no one is innocent here.

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1 hour ago, pbutler111 said:

What other choice does she have? She said all the things she swears she didn't say right on camera, so what can she do but "come clean"? Insist everyone's hallucinating?

Yes, of course.  My initial glee was thinking they pushed her. At the reunion is a no brainer. I doubt it will be more than an, I didn't remember.  Doesn't matter. As Erika said, she is fucked. She will never gain credibility. 

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4 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

If Eden has so much compassion as someone who is in recovery, why did she out Kim and claim she was drunk at PK's party.  If Eden has so much compassion, why did she continue to talk about Kim behind her back - when everyone else told her to stop. 

I would assume that part of Kim's recovery is to take responsibility for her actions.  Yet she denies she ever said anything about Harry Hamlin.

Again, no one is innocent here.

Although low ball-Kim never said anything specific about Harry Hamlin. Rinna was the one saying, "did he fuck the dog?"  Kim did the same thing about her niece -Kim is low ball and they should be calling her on dirty tactics than requesting she come up with something.

SO if you are going to say-Kim said that about Harry Hamlin-you have to meet the burden of proof with what that is. 

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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

So glad you said that! I was thinking that I was the only one who saw and heard Kim in all of her nastiness at game night. She clearly started in on Rinna when Rinna was actually trying to be cordial and nice (even if a bit fake).  Then Vanderpump and the others clutching their pearls at Rinna's comment about the arrest. Please. I remember a time when Kim and Vanderpump did not get along at all, either. 

Preach. Ken, of all people, can miss me with him taking up for Kim these days. This is a man who has "gone low" on at least two occasions I can remember - deliberately making fun of Kim's alcoholism on national television. The Vanderpumps are so transparent. It just bothers me that Rinna is going to get blamed for everything just because she dared to confront LVP last season regarding an issue that even bff Kyle admitted to being aware of ("I know when Lisa is up to something, 'If I go down in flames, I'm taking you with me...'"). Rinna, as ridiculous and impulsive as she may be, is not one hundred percent to blame for all this and I hate how the women are only focusing on her.

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Rinna talks so much shit that I can actually believe that she wouldn't remember exactly what she said.

Haha, that actually does make a strange kind of sense, especially considering Rinna is a chameleon that changes her views depending on whom she's with at the time. Must be a a bitch to keep all that straight -- "Wait, do [whichever HW] and I hate [other HW]? Or is that only when we're in the presence of [yet another HW]...but limited to Thursdays and/or when we all have on open-toe shoes? Do we like her when her husband is around, or is it the opposite?" 



God how fucked up is it that a grown ass woman stands in front of a tv like a  teenager memorizing dance steps to an MTV video hoping for a chance to be the center of attention.

I have been known to do this! (For my own [dubious] fun though and not attention, mind you.)

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, parrotlover said:

Just wondering if anyone here who is a soap fan ever remembers reading/hearing that Lisar and Eileen didn't like each other when they were both on DOOL? I haven't watched soaps in many, many years, but used to be into them and buy the magazines, go to forums, etc., and could have sworn I remember reading that. But now they're BFFs - I guess their mutual dislike of LVP last season is when they really bonded. I can't stand Rinna, but I do still like Eileen - just wish she would call Rinna out. Oh and let go of her "feud" with LVP over the apology she is still waiting for.  I swear on every one of these franchises there is a never ending supply of "_______________owes me an apology".

There's a radio interview on Bravo site with Eileen and she mentioned she's known Rinna for years and that they'd worked together so there's this natural comradery on this show! She's been quite protective so far so I can't believe they were ever at odds over anything! ;-)

Edited by Jamie Satyr
Corrected spelling
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21 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I will never be able to unsee PK's hairless, pasty chest with his Saturday Night Fever shirt unbuttoned down to there.   Bleeeeeeechhhhh.

I was actually thinking that her mom is way prettier than her, she doesn't look plastic at all.

LVP also looked really pretty during her shampoo en espanol interlude with no make up on.

She really did.  YEARS younger.  I hope she sees that footage.  She is a very pretty woman but is much prettier IMHO when she looks like that scene.

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2 hours ago, beaker73 said:

You know--if Kyle and Kim don't want people to talk about Kim's past, present or future, her sobriety or lack thereof, arrests, etc. then perhaps they should consider keeping Kim off the show.  Kim's storylines from S1 have all been centered around her substance abuse. What else did she have going on? Moving? A flesh hungry dog? A nose job party? If Kim's going to be filmed then people are going to talk about her.  Period. 

Lisar ever should have said that stuff on camera to Eden.  I don't blame Lisar for believing Kim is not completely sober or that Kyle's an enabler (I don't really disagree with her), but it was stupid to say it while being filmed.  I wish that she just would've admitted it to Kyle and been done with it.  Pretending to not remember isn't doing her any favors. 

For the record, I agree with the other poster that said all of this doesn't vindicate LVP.  I totally believe that LVP, Kyle and Lisar had discussions concerning Yo and the munchies and all agreed she was full of it. LVP just managed to convince Lisar to take the lead and introduce the topic because she knew she couldn't be the one to do it.  Did she force Lisar to do it? No, but Pinky's no innocent either.

This situation doesn't vindicate LVP - it's an entirely separate incident. But what it does show is Rinna caught in the very act that LVP accused her of in retaliation for Rinna's accusations against her. What this shows is that those two slinging words at each other is a right off. We can believe either one of their encounters, or we can believe that the actual truth is somewhere down the middle that was left unsaid, but this is proof that just because it comes out of Rinna's mouth doesn't mean that it can be trusted - just as if it comes out LVP's mouth about something off camera, it doesn't necessarily mean it can be trusted. Rinna has little credibility and while it's fine for anyone to believe Rinna's version of events, Rinna herself cannot be used as a credible source to validate a story one way or another.

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Just now, RHJunkie said:

This situation doesn't vindicate LVP - it's an entirely separate incident. But what it does show is Rinna caught in the very act that LVP accused her of in retaliation for Rinna's accusations against her. What this shows is that those two slinging words at each other is a right off. We can believe either one of their encounters, or we can believe that the actual truth is somewhere down the middle that was left unsaid, but this is proof that just because it comes out of Rinna's mouth doesn't mean that it can be trusted - just as if it comes out LVP's mouth about something off camera, it doesn't necessarily mean it can be trusted. Rinna has little credibility and while it's fine for anyone to believe Rinna's version of events, Rinna herself cannot be used as a credible source to validate a story one way or another.

I was ready to be on Rinna's side when LVP was behaving so petulantly early on, but since then LisaR has done everything to turn that good will against her from attacks on Kim at the GAME party to her rumor-mongering behind the backs of Kyle and Kim to anyone who'll listen! Erika tried to get her to fess up, but Rinna was having none of it; "words taken out of context maybe! I can't agree to take on all this; will have to talk to Eden!" She's getting in deeper! ;-)

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4 hours ago, mjstrick said:

I don't know...I've always likedo Lisar despite her dramatic ways, but she missed me last night.  She is so afraid that someone won't like her.  She should've explained the circumstances under which she said it and apologized.  It is then up to Kyle whether to accept it.  Either way, the truth is out there.  This backpedaling is exhausting.

That said (minority opinion ahead), LVP annoyed the hell out of me.  I too do like her a lot better when she's cutting up and laughing.  But she seemed almost manic in her interactions with Kyle after the Lisar confrontation. Like she knows kyle likes and has missed that aspect of their friendship in the past.  So she was hamming it up to keep kyle "on her side".  This probably makes no sense to anyone but me.  She just seemed a bit more forced.

I feel you on the LVP part, I take that as evidence of production.  As in, production told her to step her game up and get her hands a little dirty, and she's doing precisely that.  

I blame production for a lot, though.  Like 90% of the Eden stuff, wherein they brought in a new character midway through, she came in randomly hot, and there's suddenly traditional housewives drama to be had.  Sort of similar to last season where Kathryn (however you spell it) showed up at "random" all peeved at Faye because of OJ.  This particular latecomer-gooses-things just has a bit more thrust behind it, arguably, but it's the same basic schtick.

I guess that's why I'm having a weird time with this round of "she said what?!" on a housewives show.  I can't get fully immersed.

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I agree with Erika that no one is going to remember everything they say but that these are big words.  I think Lisa was caught up in the moment with Eden, thinking she could trust her, thinking that Eden could perhaps help Kim being in recovery herself.  Instead, Eden (who still needs help herself) way over read the situation and made everyone uncomfortable and when they got on her case about it, she told them it was Rinna who told her to do it.

I think Rinna feels genuinely bad for that conversation getting out into the group especially since she and Kim had reached a truce after a few years.  I think she was trying to help in a weird way by hoping Eden could help Kim.

LVP does want to see Eileen and Rinna fail, she seems to worry they take attention away from her and that they dare to think she has faults.

Rinna needs to apologize to Kyle but tell her she was coming from a good place.  It just worked out badly.

I think it's ridiculous that this is still and issue what 3 years on?  Kim isn't really on the show (she wasn't even invited to Mexico by her sister)?  We all saw what Rinna experienced in that crazy car ride with Kim that night and it was scary.  And Kim repeatedly came after her after that incident.  They aren't going to be friends, they shouldn't even be around each other.  Rinna's right, she doesn't need this drama again.

I liked that Erika was a voice of reason.

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52 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Haha, that actually does make a strange kind of sense, especially considering Rinna is a chameleon that changes her views depending on whom she's with at the time. Must be a a bitch to keep all that straight -- "Wait, do [whichever HW] and I hate [other HW]? Or is that only when we're in the presence of [yet another HW]...but limited to Thursdays and/or when we all have on open-toe shoes? Do we like her when her husband is around, or is it the opposite?" 


I have been known to do this! (For my own [dubious] fun though and not attention, mind you.)

We all have done it and still may do it... harmless fun.  I believe Rinna thought about it, made a plan, practiced like teenybopper to show off in front of the camera (because she has no storyline) and also hopefully score points with Erica.

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8 hours ago, twilightzone said:

No one is claiming that Rinna wasn't wrong.  But Kim and Eden are hardly innocent victims.  Kim should have own up to making accusations re Harry Hamlin - vs making excuses and back pedaling.  That's what set Rinna off.  Eden is a grown up.  She kept going on and on and went from person to person - even after they all told her to shut it down.

I don't think anyone is letting Eden off the hook.  She has definitely been aggressively intrusive into an issue that is none of her business.  I think the revelation that Rinna accused Kim of being close to death because of her alleged lack of sobriety and then calling Kyle an enabler sheds light on what some of Eden's motivation was.  It does not excuse it, but makes her bizarre behavior a little more understandable in that it didn't come completely out of left field. Hopefully, she'll take her mother's advice and stop trying to "help" people that don't want her in their business.

I think the issue with Rinna is (or at least should be) that after telling Kyle she wouldn't talk about Kim anymore, she turned around and talked about Kim. to a complete stranger. with exaggerations and outright lies.  If I were Kyle I would be beyond livid.  What is this stick insect's problem that she can't mind her own damned business and keep Kim's name out of her mouth?!  It is becoming an obsession.


Waiting for or expecting Kim to "own" or apologize for anything is an exercise in futility, imo.  Give up and move on with your life, lest you turn into Eileen, demanding apologies at every turn, yet accepting none of them because they didn't come from a place of sincerity.  

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Or, as the case sometimes is with me, drunken harmless fun. Until the headache the next day because I guess I am old now.

Also, if I were Kyle, I might be less inclined to direct my ire at Eden (while being annoyed by how weirdly overly familiar and annoying she acts), as she's practically a stranger. Rinna's supposed to be Kyle's friend. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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4 hours ago, wings707 said:


Eileen really was sick, Erika mentioned that on WWHL.  She also said "fuck her"  when Andy asked what she thought of Rinna after viewing the episode.  It was bleeped so I am going by lip reading. 

I thought Erika's bleeped words were "she's fucked."

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3 minutes ago, lololol said:


Didn't bother me. It was honestly and efficiently stated.

The most surprising thing I heard from Erika on WWHL is that her son lives with her. He obviously doesn't want to be on the show, probably since he's a cop, but I was happy to hear that they seem close.

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40 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Or, as the case sometimes is with me, drunken harmless fun. Until the headache the next day because I guess I am old now.

Also, if I were Kyle, I might be less inclined to direct my ire at Eden (while being annoyed by how weirdly overly familiar and annoying she acts), as she's practically a stranger. Rinna's supposed to be Kyle's friend. 

This! This is why Rinna's guilt is greater than Kim's or Eden's. Rinna professes to be Kyle's good friend and she has promised Kyle time and time again she would stop talking about Kim out of respect for her, not for Kim, but for their friendship because it places Kyle in a precarious position within her family. But, here we are once again.

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52 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

I agree with Erika that no one is going to remember everything they say but that these are big words.  I think Lisa was caught up in the moment with Eden, thinking she could trust her, thinking that Eden could perhaps help Kim being in recovery herself.  Instead, Eden (who still needs help herself) way over read the situation and made everyone uncomfortable and when they got on her case about it, she told them it was Rinna who told her to do it.

I think Rinna feels genuinely bad for that conversation getting out into the group especially since she and Kim had reached a truce after a few years.  I think she was trying to help in a weird way by hoping Eden could help Kim.

LVP does want to see Eileen and Rinna fail, she seems to worry they take attention away from her and that they dare to think she has faults.

Rinna needs to apologize to Kyle but tell her she was coming from a good place.  It just worked out badly.

I think it's ridiculous that this is still and issue what 3 years on?  Kim isn't really on the show (she wasn't even invited to Mexico by her sister)?  We all saw what Rinna experienced in that crazy car ride with Kim that night and it was scary.  And Kim repeatedly came after her after that incident.  They aren't going to be friends, they shouldn't even be around each other.  Rinna's right, she doesn't need this drama again.

I liked that Erika was a voice of reason.

Everyone also saw Rinna react to WORDS by smashing glass on a table and leaving shards in her wake. We also saw Rinna lunge across a table with an initial intent to choke Kim. We also got confirmation of Rinna sending threatening text messages. Why only recount this issue without acknowledgment that Rinna has acted like a batshit crazy bitch as well? This is a 3 year old issue - you can't continually apologize for the same things and expect it to ring genuine anymore. Rinna can apologize to Kyle all she wants because while she does like Kyle, but she has shown that time and time again that she doesn't value her friendship with Kyle over her issues with Kim. Apologies ring hollow when it serves no purpose in correcting bad behaviour. People aren't willing to give Kim a pass for her mistakes despite having dealing with an addiction yet Rinna's behaviour and repeated same mistakes WHILE SOBER and HEALTHY should still be given a pass as 'coming from a good place'? 

Kim and Rinna aren't all that different. Kim won't apologize because she feels that her life struggles exempt her from owning her mistakes. Rinna on the other hand is willing to apologize but has yet to show that she actually learns from her mistakes - she seems to apologize more to placate someone and ease tension rather than apologizing because she actually thinks she really did anything wrong (and when she does admit guilt, she makes sure to directly or indirectly blame someone else for her wrongdoing). Either way, an apology or lack of apology from either means very little at this point. 

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3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I am confused, Kim is an addict and Kyle enables her, why is that shocking?  I thought it was true.

Kyle may be, I don't know what she does.  I know one thing, it isn't any of Eden or Rinna's business.  

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Exactly what does Eden do?  I mean besides inserting herself into everyone's business?   The crystals, the smoothies, the loooooooooooong hugs.   For a "sober" woman, she seems awfully judgemental (boyfriend trying to quit smoking and using mints, etc.).   But what does she do for money?  Pilates instructor?  Famous person's daughter - is that a profession these days?    I would rather see her mom on the show.      She reminds me of a friend (or ex-friend) who got into every new trend and expected EVERYONE to join in and if you didn't she lectured you on why you are wrong.   She is the definition of tedious.   But, that said, I do think LisaR intentionally put her on a path to "help" Kim.   She chose her words carefully, did the caring whisper voice, and the head tilt.   

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She owns a couple of pilates studios  One is next door to my doctor's office, so I've seen it, but I've never been.  I think she owns a salon and maybe something else, but can't remember what and she probably has at least a little family money.  I think her ex is a director or producer so she might get decent child support.  All said though, her finances are more Brandy Glanville than Lisa Vanderpump.  

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17 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

Exactly what does Eden do?  I mean besides inserting herself into everyone's business?   The crystals, the smoothies, the loooooooooooong hugs.   For a "sober" woman, she seems awfully judgemental (boyfriend trying to quit smoking and using mints, etc.).   But what does she do for money?  Pilates instructor?  Famous person's daughter - is that a profession these days?    I would rather see her mom on the show.      She reminds me of a friend (or ex-friend) who got into every new trend and expected EVERYONE to join in and if you didn't she lectured you on why you are wrong.   She is the definition of tedious.   But, that said, I do think LisaR intentionally put her on a path to "help" Kim.   She chose her words carefully, did the caring whisper voice, and the head tilt.   


8 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

She owns a couple of pilates studios  One is next door to my doctor's office, so I've seen it, but I've never been.  I think she owns a salon and maybe something else, but can't remember what and she probably has at least a little family money.  I think her ex is a director or producer so she might get decent child support.  All said though, her finances are more Brandy Glanville than Lisa Vanderpump.  

Little Easter Egg for Top Chef fans, one of her pilates studios is above the original location of Scratch Bar. Two of my least favorite reality stars are neighbors.

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5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Reaching for a mint was too close to reaching for a cigarette.

Well, how dare someone try to kick a bad habit?! That guy really needs to chill out with one of Eden's Xanax (or whatever it is she takes). 

Why would she date a former smoker anyway if that's how she feels? And why didn't she bitch out Lisa R. over her bag of tricks? She's a tough nut to crack.

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2 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

I agree with Erika that no one is going to remember everything they say but that these are big words.  I think Lisa was caught up in the moment with Eden, thinking she could trust her, thinking that Eden could perhaps help Kim being in recovery herself.  Instead, Eden (who still needs help herself) way over read the situation and made everyone uncomfortable and when they got on her case about it, she told them it was Rinna who told her to do it.

But Rinna did more than just say she didnt remember the words she said she told Eden she wanted no part of the conversation about Kim but she is the one who brought it up to Eden. I am sorry there is no way she completely forgets that she participated in that convo and even initiated it which makes me think she is lying about forgetting saying those things.

Also Erika herself has knowingly lied to the other women when she insisted that she had no idea who told Yolanda about a convo even though it was her and she admitted that she was lying.

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4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

But Rinna did more than just say she didnt remember the words she said she told Eden she wanted no part of the conversation about Kim but she is the one who brought it up to Eden. I am sorry there is no way she completely forgets that she participated in that convo and even initiated it which makes me think she is lying about forgetting saying those thimgs.

Rinna's excuse for the confusion will be the timeline; 2 months apart, so she forgot she said those things! Yeah right! ;-)

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Someone up thread wrote that EJ said "f@$! Her" regarding Lisa Rinna on WWHL, it was bleeped out but I think she actually said "she's f#$#d" I didn't get the sense that EJ was upset with Lisa R, just acknowleding the blunder.

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3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

But Rinna did more than just say she didnt remember the words she said she told Eden she wanted no part of the conversation about Kim but she is the one who brought it up to Eden. I am sorry there is no way she completely forgets that she participated in that convo and even initiated it which makes me think she is lying about forgetting saying those thimgs.

Of course she is lying.  After she said, "those things", Rinna did a confessional and laid out what an enabler is (in her view).  "An enabler is someone that continues to support-whether it is through love  or financially - an addict.  Kyle's enabling her I will say that. " Rinna thinks you withhold love.  No idea for how long, but apparently until you don't argue or disagree with Rinna.  Rinna forgot her confessional which are generally filmed every three weeks or so.

Text of what Rinna said to Eden:

"I would say she is mostly sober right now, I don't think she's completely."

"That's what Kyle is afraid of, she's afraid to turn her back on her sister because of that.  She's afraid she is going to die.  I know it, you know it.  To me that's what is going to happen next.  They're this close to Kim dying." (So much for the nonsense Rinna was speaking about the comment Kyle made in the Hamptons.  She is speaking present and future tense.)

You are so kind to give Rinna leeway.  Rinna totally tossed it back on Eden yet they were her words.  Not Eden's. 

Rinna also compounded her inability to remember things correctly when she was boo-hoo hooing saying they should have come to her and said, Lisa we love you and trust you.  Well they didn't come to you-you went to them and asked. 

Rinna has pretty much shown herself to be an unreliable historian and in the deflection department taking Eden down is pretty much a deflection.  Perhaps Rinna was unaware that LVP told Eden she put her foot up Eden's ass if she continued to talk about Kyle.  Eden pulled her punches once and didn't name Rinna at Kyle's party but I do think she should be allowed to explain to LVP the genesis of her conversations about Kim and Kyle.

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9 hours ago, Giselle said:

The best purse and weekend/tote bags I have  ever had and were made to my specifications by a leather worker and are still going strong after many, many years. I have taken them back to him to replace the zippers once and refresh the leather and linings but they will outlast me.

I'm with you: I've been fortunate earlier in my life to have been able to purchase some designer bags. My favorites have been a Chanel one from a Russian inspired collection they did some years ago and a Gucci one that also has folky Russian designs on it. BUT despite all the hubris surrounding 'iconic' labels like this, they simply don't stand up to normal use. I carried the Gucci one around as my daily bag after I was advised by a stylist to get it out of the closet and use the damn thing! What great advice. There's no point in creating an LVP type shrine, with all the shoes and handbags kept under climate controlled conditions. Normal people, who don't have a Birkin in every color and material, should get as much use as possible out of these confections.

Anyway, the Gucci one started to unravel around the embellishments and the hardware caught on every thing I wore, so I had the same damage in the same place to many of my clothes. On the other hand, the bag I'm carrying around at the moment was made by a saddlery company. I think I might have bought it from a tv shopping network or internet site. People stop me and ask about it and I've now been using it daily for a couple of years and it is in the same condition it was pretty much when i got it. Hermes started as a saddlery company, I believe. They make saddles, anyway, and their scarves often have equestrian related designs on them (I DO love Hermes scarves, but at $1k per scarf....and that was duty free. I bought 1 for my mother and 1 for myself duty free.For some reason, i loaned mine to my Mum as well. A couple of weeks ago, I asked her for it AND SHE'S LOST IT!!!!!!!). 

My point in all of this is, money can't buy you style. It keeps coming up lately with these label whores like Marlo on our screens and Dododorit crowing about her brand new Birkin. I actually bought a very very good quality fake that cost me close to 300 bucks. It's made beautifully and custom coloured in a shade of purple I love and in alligator. I would't do that again. It's ok, but some bag shapes and sizes aren't suited to certain body types or styles. I toted it around for a while, but felt like a wanker. It lives in my closet now!

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10 hours ago, mjstrick said:

That said (minority opinion ahead), LVP annoyed the hell out of me.  I too do like her a lot better when she's cutting up and laughing.  But she seemed almost manic in her interactions with Kyle after the Lisar confrontation. Like she knows kyle likes and has missed that aspect of their friendship in the past.  So she was hamming it up to keep kyle "on her side".  This probably makes no sense to anyone but me.  She just seemed a bit more forced.

And LVP made it all about her, commenting to Kyle twice that it was like last year. To Kyle's credit, she brushed her off and rolled her eyes. Also, funny when LVP said, "Why is she crying?" when crying is a tactic she uses herself when cornered.

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4 hours ago, swankie said:

I would still like to know what is it that Kyle does in regards to Kim that makes people say she's enabling her?  She's not buying Kim booze and drugs.  Is she turning a blind eye?  Maybe, but we've seen her intervene plenty of times.  At the end of the day, Kim is a grown assed woman responsible for her own life.  There isn't much Kyle can do but talk to her sister about her concerns and we've seen her do that.  Enabling means you make it easier for an addicted person to continue on their path to destruction.  Kyle isn't doing that.  Helping to take care of her addict sister's kids is not enabling.  What should she and Mauricio have done?  Watched Kim's kids be neglected by their mother and done nothing?  And just because Kyle doesn't engage with the other women when it comes to Kim's addiction doesn't mean she's enabling Kim either.  Eden insinuated that Kyle should have jumped in and stopped Kim from getting into it with Rinna.  Kyle is not her sister's keeper.  Kim says she's sober, so why is it Kyle's job to monitor her every move?  I'm sure if Kim starts to show signs of using or drinking again, Kyle will react the same way she's done in the past by confronting Kim about her sobriety.  What more could she do at that point?

You quoted me here but you actually quoted the post that I quoted.

My answer to that was.

Kyle may be but I don't know what she does. I know that it is not Edens or Rinnas business. 

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On 2/14/2017 at 9:32 PM, BlackMamba said:

Lisa R doing the painkiller dance had me screeching.   It reminded me of Danielle Staub on Jersey ?


I don't remember Danielle doing the spread eagle. I was traumatized and bleeding from my eyes seeing Kim Granny Pants G try to sling her saggy rear around the pole.

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18 minutes ago, wings707 said:

You quoted me here but you actually quoted the post that I quoted.

My answer to that was.

Kyle may be but I don't know what she does. I know that it is not Edens or Rinnas business. 

The more important thing is that Rinna threw it out into the universe and it is a little like, "What did Harry do?", it is an assertion at best, an accusation at worst, without any basis.  Inviting Kim to her home is not enabling Kim.  Rinna saying it did not come from a place of concern, it came from a place of frustration that Kyle lets her sister back into her life and Rinna doesn't approve.

If Kyle enables anyone it is her constant forgiveness of Rinna and trusting that she will keep her word and not speak of Kim any longer.  Rinna is that person that causes others to have trust issues.

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I would call Lisa Rinna the new Brandi, but at least Brandi took credit for the things she did. Lisa Rinna annoys the living daylights out of me, is more than a few cards short of a full deck, and just keeps proving that she thinks the rules are different for her than anyone else. When Doris said she couldn't remember the Eileen/death conversation at her party, Lisa lambasted her to everyone who would listen, claiming there was no way Dorit could have forgotten such a thing, (Personally if I were ever stuck in a discussion with LR, I'd try to forget it too.) yet she finds it believable that she couldn't remember what she and Eden spoke about for a much longer time, on several occasions, AND she can't imagine why the others don't believe her either? Crazy as a loon. The only joy when she's on camera is her lack of character being discovered and addressed by the other HW.

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9 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Of course she is lying.  After she said, "those things", Rinna did a confessional and laid out what an enabler is (in her view).  "An enabler is someone that continues to support-whether it is through love  or financially - an addict.  Kyle's enabling her I will say that. " Rinna thinks you withhold love.  No idea for how long, but apparently until you don't argue or disagree with Rinna.  Rinna forgot her confessional which are generally filmed every three weeks or so.

Text of what Rinna said to Eden:

"I would say she is mostly sober right now, I don't think she's completely."

"That's what Kyle is afraid of, she's afraid to turn her back on her sister because of that.  She's afraid she is going to die.  I know it, you know it.  To me that's what is going to happen next.  They're this close to Kim dying." (So much for the nonsense Rinna was speaking about the comment Kyle made in the Hamptons.  She is speaking present and future tense.)

You are so kind to give Rinna leeway.  Rinna totally tossed it back on Eden yet they were her words.  Not Eden's. 

Rinna also compounded her inability to remember things correctly when she was boo-hoo hooing saying they should have come to her and said, Lisa we love you and trust you.  Well they didn't come to you-you went to them and asked. 

Rinna has pretty much shown herself to be an unreliable historian and in the deflection department taking Eden down is pretty much a deflection.  Perhaps Rinna was unaware that LVP told Eden she put her foot up Eden's ass if she continued to talk about Kyle.  Eden pulled her punches once and didn't name Rinna at Kyle's party but I do think she should be allowed to explain to LVP the genesis of her conversations about Kim and Kyle.

Rinna is doing real damage control in her blogs. Looking at her 'woe is me' tears at Kyle's party over being confronted about her comments yet in her blog she said 'I called Kyle an enabler, I've put this out there before so it's not news'...why didn't you say that to Kyle's face when she confronted about your comments, which included the enabling comment? And all the context being provided in her blog about talking about Kim being near death as being her describing what Kyle told them in the Hamptoms - at no point did Rinna clarify that she relayed this timeline to Eden (which would have been important) and my guess is she didn't point that out because that didn't happen. I feel pretty positive that she's relaying that context after the fact.

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I had to watch this episode again,  boy, Bravo/Andy was being shady and pulling receipts on Lisa R! ?

First how she sincerely forgot the Eden convo and they used the flashbacks clips that she was full of shit. 

Secondly when she hoped on the table and started dancing to painkiller... throwing shade at her supposed pill popping and how much of a hypocrite she was about the painkiller video last season even though she did playboy twice. 

Seems like Andy is all in making sure Rinna is the victim this season no doubt. 

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Kim is certainly finding her voice on Twitter:

-Never been to the Sassoon house  I think her mom knew she had been making up stories.

-You had the biggest moment with your daughter? SO DID I! We had a baby! And you spread a vicious lie (to Lisa Rinna)

-I was grateful for the girls (Erika, LVP, Kyle) who stood up for what's right and had my back.  I worked hard to get here. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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13 hours ago, Neurochick said:


I am confused, Kim is an addict and Kyle enables her, why is that shocking?  I thought it was true.


I don't think that any of those ideas were shocking. Nobody was spending much time acting confused about why anybody would say those things. (In fact it was really only Eileen who sounded surprised, and that was over Rinna being overly dramatic!)

The news part seemed to be more about Rinna stirring up a current drama. I mean, it seems like Kim, whether she's totally sober or not (and it doesn't seem like she'll ever really work that program honestly), is not in a crisis at the moment and Kyle seems to currently have a healthy relationship with her. She's not running around putting out fires for her, she's not weeping over her, she's not hovering over her or fighting with her (all of which she's done in the past). So it's more like...why are you trying to start all this up again? She and Eden were almost trying to push Kim and Kyle back into less healthy places.

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1 hour ago, BlackMamba said:

I had to watch this episode again,  boy, Bravo/Andy was being shady and pulling receipts on Lisa R! ?

First how she sincerely forgot the Eden convo and they used the flashbacks clips that she was full of shit. 

Secondly when she hoped on the table and started dancing to painkiller... throwing shade at her supposed pill popping and how much of a hypocrite she was about the painkiller video last season even though she did playboy twice. 

Seems like Andy is all in making sure Rinna is the victim this season no doubt. 

I know they're trying to make Rinna look bad but my gosh, she just needs to STFU about that kind of stuff. Just refuse to discuss it. Even just to say "I'm not discussing this, my mouth has gotten me in trouble numerous times."

I found the dance on the table kinda awkward--not in an inappropriate way (I danced my way though college), but it seemed.......forced, not sensual. Like she was just going through the motions for whatever reason, I didn't get it. Rinna is too wound up to pull that off. Erika on the other hand, she's got it. 

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Rinna told Eden things that were said to her in confidence.
Rinna is not a true friend because you can't trust her.
Rinna twists things to "her truth" to try and get herself out of trouble.
Rinna does things maliciously to get even and to make herself look good to those who don't know the whole story.
Rinna can't remember things she said but can remember the exact words someone said about someone else.

I wouldn't trust Rinna with anything.  She wants to be the center of attention in every situation.  It's always about her being manipulated, or trying to please everyone, or looking for sympathy.  She has lost every bit of credibility she ever had.

Eileen better watch her back.  Rinna will eventually spill the beans on everything she has ever said.


Edited by Blondie
Edited because for some reason the word "lost" never made it into the sentence. One of those days folks, one of those days.
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