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S05.E15: Beads, Beers and Tears

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She is less tolerable for me.  Fake as a 3 dollar bill comes to mind when I think of the king and queen.  Trashy in her own unique way of being above it all AND participating in this show that celebrates drunkenness and narcissism. 

So no concurrence for the two of us when it comes to Princess Aboveitall. 

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Wow, StASSi, way to be a buzzkill.  I know we're talking about Schwartz and Katie here but typically on a bachelor/bachelorette party, the last couple I would pawn myself off on would be the prospective bride and groom.  Didn't StASSi have a local friend she could call to come and hang with her so she'd feel more coupled up?  

I've got news, hon.  No one in your group has matured.  With the exception, frighteningly enough, of maybe Kristen, who isn't going BSC every episode like she did the first season or two.  If Jax isn't cheating on Brittany, I guess that might qualify.  But otherwise, everyone else is exactly the same.

We all know that Schwartz and Katie got married so I'm really over the 5,983 showers/parties/events they must have pre-wedding.  Enough already.  All every event does (along with every episode) is prove that neither of you should get anywhere near a pastor with a ring, much less together.  I give them 2 years.  I think they'll last a year because they will probably have another 5,983 showers/parties/events to celebrate the marriage but after the "newlywed" thing wears off, they are done.  Pretty sad (and immature) when you have to take a fucking vow to not fight and stand up for each other before you leave for your fucking bachelor/bachelorette party.  

It is painful watching Scheana and Shay, knowing the outcome.  I'm sure they were already having serious problems and were doing the Fabreze thing (thank you, Jax.)  I couldn't help but think that for a recovering addict, going to New Orleans with these chucklefucks would be the worst thing imaginable.  Actually going to the AM/PM with these chucklefucks would be pretty horrific but most especially a locale where it is encouraged to get completely shitfaced in the first 5 minutes you're there.  

Tequila Katie getting smacked with the beads gave me a warm fuzzy feeling - - like that feeling I get watching OC Vicki getting hit with the football. 

The Nugget continues to annoy me with her "I'm always so above it."  Sure, sweetheart, that's why you're with this group.  And while I will agree that she is in great shape and has a body to be very enviable of, there is NO WAY I would wear a thong bikini to a friend's mom's house for a pool party.  Tacky. 

Flat Iron trying on the butt pads had me FFing.  And why was he wearing what looked to be a band on his important ring finger?  

I guess Lala is completely gone?  Fine by me.  

DJ James and Gigi continue to keep it klassy.  

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I'm not saying that Schwartz is innocent in all of this, but it's weird to me that Katie constantly harps on how he never has her back and seems to think that being in a couple means you always, always agree with the other person regardless.  If she's being completely unreasonable about Ariana, why shouldn't Tom tell her she's being unreasonable, especially when they're alone?  It's weird.

After seeing Ariana in that bathing suit, I instantly knew that Katie's problem with her was jealousy.  Ariana looked amazing in that swimsuit!  Plus, the whole "how much blonder, cooler" do I have to be speech was an even bigger tell.

For someone who was so stressed out about Katie having a good time in NOLA that she was having nightmares about it, Stassi sure did everything she could to ruin the party, what with the crying and everything.

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4 hours ago, SFoster21 said:

No.  Don't give them an opening.

I guess I see thinking of her boyfriend as more important than making sure those stupid bitches KNOW she's not their friend. Tom and Tom have been friends a LONG time, and having animosity between the girlfriends can cause trouble with the friendship. I am NOT saying she has to be friends with these girls. But, IMO, she goes out of her way to prove that she won't be. I just find it unnecessary. 


4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I get the sense that Shay tried to tell Scheana what he needed, but she kept interrupting him.

Scheana ALWAYS overtalks him. It's infuriating. 

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19 minutes ago, hilaryvm said:


I'm not saying that Schwartz is innocent in all of this, but it's weird to me that Katie constantly harps on how he never has her back and seems to think that being in a couple means you always, always agree with the other person regardless.  If she's being completely unreasonable about Ariana, why shouldn't Tom tell her she's being unreasonable, especially when they're alone?  It's weird.


Katie could murder Schwartz's mom and get all pissed at him for not having her back. Conversely, she could murder Charles Manson and Schwartz would be all, "Well, I mean, he wasn't THAT bad. You really should have tried to hear his side of things Katie". They are just the worst match I could think of. 

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10 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Katie could murder Schwartz's mom and get all pissed at him for not having her back. Conversely, she could murder Charles Manson and Schwartz would be all, "Well, I mean, he wasn't THAT bad. You really should have tried to hear his side of things Katie". They are just the worst match I could think of. 

I think he's just terribly passive (passive-aggressive in interactions, though).  He knows he's supposed to be a "grown-up" now, and Katie said he needs to get married.  I think Katie will tell him when she wants kids...and then Katie will have kids, and an extra giant man-child to take care of her whole life.  I wonder if it would work if she tried to make him get a job?

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12 minutes ago, hilaryvm said:

After seeing Ariana in that bathing suit, I instantly knew that Katie's problem with her was jealousy.  Ariana looked amazing in that swimsuit!  Plus, the whole "how much blonder, cooler" do I have to be speech was an even bigger tell.

Ariana has a great figure that she works hard to achieve. And she dresses to accentuate that, which is obviously within her right to do. She's revealing but I don't think she's trashy--a bikini is appropriate attire for a pool party (I was actually more surprised by Scheana's cute and kind of modest one-piece... a cute and sort of modest one piece is hard to find. But I digress).

But, I wonder if it's not so much that Katie is jealous of *Ariana* for what she looks like, than it is that she's hurt by how much Schwartz seems to value Ariana over her. I took her "blonde enough, cool enough" comment as more of a sadness about why *Schwartz* didn't seem to take her side, rather than necessarily jealous of Ariana. I think, personally, that Katie genuinely dislikes Ariana because of her attitude (and, even if subliminally, for her cheating with Sandoval). I have a feeling that, even if Ariana looked different, or acted differently, Katie would still be pondering what A had that she didn't.

YMMV, and perhaps I'm projecting too much of my own past experience on to this ;)

3 minutes ago, teapot said:

I think he's just terribly passive (passive-aggressive in interactions, though).  He knows he's supposed to be a "grown-up" now, and Katie said he needs to get married.  I think Katie will tell him when she wants kids...and then Katie will have kids, and an extra giant man-child to take care of her whole life.  I wonder if it would work if she tried to make him get a job?

Didn't she try this (job at Pump) and he quit because he got too anxious?

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5 minutes ago, ivygirl said:


Didn't she try this (job at Pump) and he quit because he got too anxious?

oh, true story....homegirl is pretty much screwed....ummm...he might age well, despite the dad bod???

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I guess I see thinking of her boyfriend as more important than making sure those stupid bitches KNOW she's not their friend. Tom and Tom have been friends a LONG time, and having animosity between the girlfriends can cause trouble with the friendship. I am NOT saying she has to be friends with these girls. But, IMO, she goes out of her way to prove that she won't be. I just find it unnecessary. 


Scheana ALWAYS overtalks him. It's infuriating. 

Scheana is a "friend" to the coven; they want a bended knee, not a handshake.  She would rather have a good time than wallow in misery like those three.

Crazy Kristen returned the other week at James' set and no one cared.  We used to watch to see K; now we've moved on.  YMMV.

Edited by SFoster21
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I'm so tired of hearing about Stassi and her ex that no one has seen and therefore is not invested in. 

Can someone make it illegal for Katie to own a phone? What the hell is this crazy girl's problem always bitching at people via text? She can't communicate in person or via text. How the hell do you have a decent conversation with her? 

I find it interesting that Jax can actually be insightful and on the nose about other relationships and issues happening on around him but he lacks that insight when it involves himself, lol. 

When does Katie finally take ownership that all she needs to do is behave like a rational human being. Katie's insecurities are shining through. She probably feels threatened by Ariana because she's jealous of Ariana and probably thinks that she's the type of girl that Schwartz would leave her for if Ariana gave Schwartz the time of day. I can't even feel bad for her. Not even a little. In fact, I love seeing her upset when people are calling her out on her shitty behaviour and she walks around slumped over with a sad face until someone finally gives in and gives her some temporary validation that she's some queen and only her feelings are truth and matter. Katie's conversation with Tom shows exactly why I can't stand her. Tom didn't come to New Orleans to hear you blame him and his girlfriend  about tension in your relationship. Tom said something reasonable that there's underlying issues in your relationship and don't use me, my girlfriend or anyone else as scapegoats to hide from the truth. Tom took an indirect insult and lie and was able to give something constructive back (who the hell would disagree that Katie and Tom wouldn't benefit from therapy) and she made it all about how Tom was attacking her when it was really her who started the entire thing. And her defense about the Lala thing - the nasty comments she gossiped about Lala was okay because apparently Tom didn't like her back then either...but as far as I can remember, Tom and Ariana never talked shit about her even when they didn't like her. 

Stassi would have flipped the fuck out if she was in Brittany's situation and having to listen to her boyfriend apologize to his ex like that. She already got her apology from Jax seasons ago. She expects that everyone else should tone down their relationships because she's going through a break up...how many times have we heard about this break up? At this point, she needs to stop mentioning it as if it's a current thing. It's in the past...stop trying to give the impression that this shit happened last night and then you had to jump on a plane to New Orleans. She needs to blame Jax for the demise of her relationship because it's easier than being accountable. If my boyfriend had a problem with being civil to a guy he knew did me wrong, why wouldn't I reassure him that I didn't need him to go out of his way to be even courteous and that it's possible to be in the same room as each other and not having to acknowledge each other. There's no reason that they would have to. It sounds like Stassi never gave reassurance that she would be act as the buffer so that Patrick could be somewhat comfortable in her world...she just decided to keep her worlds separate. How is that on anyone but her? 

Kudos to Brittany for picking up on the situation and admitting that she was jealous.

Oh and by the way, this is the bachelor/bachelorette party from hell. Shame that such a horrible group of people ruined what otherwise could have a been a great experience in such an awesome city. Thankfully my interest in visiting New Orleans was well beyond my exposure from VPR, lol. 

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10 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I could watch Katie getting hit with the beads over and over again! It made me laugh so hard!

I thought Schwartz looked like he had a gun to his head on WWHL. He kept giving the same stock answer. It was like he was kidnapped an reciting the ransom demands. I doubt Katie has changed that much unless something major happened to wake her up. They keep acting like Katie is just a bitch when she is drunk (I guess the mean texts come when she is drunk), but she seems pretty miserable when sober as well. I think Ariana hit the nail on the head when she said Katie just seems so unhappy all the time.

It reminded me of Vicki getting hit in the head with the football on OC HW. So satisfying.  

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7 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Never thought I'd say anything in support of Ariana, but I'll say this: her mom looked and acted like... a mom. No frosted lipstick, no preening for the cameras, no insisting on going to the parties. She basically sat there and talked to Ariana and Sandoval like a normal mom might. 

I have to say I found out interesting Brittany's mom said she's Pentacostal. The ones I know wear no makeup or jewelry and long dresses. Maybe she's a member of a more progressive church...

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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Scheana ALWAYS overtalks him. It's infuriating. 

Maybe Shay found someone who doesn't?  She's so over bearing towards him, I could see he finding comfort in another woman who listens to him.  It was a red flag to me that she was looking for him at 3am and he got mad at her because he was trying to write.  Uh huh, he was trying to fuck is more likely.  Her giving him the pics was also a red flag.  Look at how sexy your wife is, remember how you want me. Seems like an effort to get his attention.  jmho

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14 hours ago, ticklemepink said:

Katie is so painfully insecurely it is scary. Her frank jealousy of Ariana is blatant. Also, she has failed to realize that if Tom were just even one iota less hot, she would then be able to clearly see him as the clear passive-aggressive bum that he is. Tom is not only not marriage material, he is not relationship material. He's completely lame but all of that is hidden by how good he looks. He has gotten through life without ever needing to try and has absolutely not activation energy for anything (dude can't even work to tighten up his dad bod because he knows he can get away with just his face). This episode just made me feel complete pity for Katie for not realizing who her man really is.

Word to all that except I don't find Katie pitiable. She's too mean to pity. The Tom's were on WWHL and Schwartz defended Katie's behavior ("she's changed, she's self aware now") like a neutered pup. Tom's best move - in classic form looking for an out - was making sure they had a prenup.

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5 hours ago, hilaryvm said:

I'm not saying that Schwartz is innocent in all of this, but it's weird to me that Katie constantly harps on how he never has her back and seems to think that being in a couple means you always, always agree with the other person regardless.  If she's being completely unreasonable about Ariana, why shouldn't Tom tell her she's being unreasonable, especially when they're alone?  It's weird.

After seeing Ariana in that bathing suit, I instantly knew that Katie's problem with her was jealousy.  Ariana looked amazing in that swimsuit!  Plus, the whole "how much blonder, cooler" do I have to be speech was an even bigger tell.

For someone who was so stressed out about Katie having a good time in NOLA that she was having nightmares about it, Stassi sure did everything she could to ruin the party, what with the crying and everything.

Schwartz will never ever be an innocent because he made out with some chick in Las Vegas before they got engaged.  Katie can't get over it and deep down she loathes anyone who tolerates or is friendly with Schwartz, because how could he do that to her.  The fact she became engaged to him and married him would indicate to most people they had moved on, but no one is allowed to move on because Katie is so hurt and terribly insecure. Since Ariana was selected to be a groomsman by the big cheater, Katie is really, really angry with Ariana. 

I never understand the elitist comments from Katie, as these folks are about the furthest thing from elite.  Just ask Stassi.

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The Stassi breakdown to Jax in front of Brittany was almost too much even for this show. The debauchery is easier to watch than this twisted shizzle. Jax couldn't have done anything else but say what he said and even go to tears. I would be crying too if my ex was now friends with my current and they drink together and braid each other's hair! 

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Stassi is such a Debbie Downer.  WhoTF orders food for others AND themselves and THEN sends it to the room of the engaged couple?  Someone who is desperate for airtime and company

The same person who accompanied Tom and Katie on their honeymoon as a third wheel, I kid you not.  I saw it on their Instagram page.

Katie, I'm sure Tom doesn't want someone thinner or blonder (a la Ariana).  I think just a good personality will do.  Try that.  

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Back to Shay--am I the only one who thinks he looks really good now?  Better hair & possibly weight loss   Hopefully he found someone who isn't self absorbed and shallow and doesn't have to drink around him all the time. 

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6 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Bourbon Street and Pat Obrien's good thing they had a New Orleans native otherwise the would have never known about these hidden gems.

Seriously. Also, isn't it like, late July? There are no parades, no reason to throw or get beads. Didn't Stassi tell them that the last weekend in August when the Black Men of Labour Social Aid and Pleasure Club kick off second line season through Father's Day Sunday, when the Uptown Swingers roll, is the only window for throws? Granted, Bourbon Street is a year-round shitshow and I can't imagine any local saying Pat O'Brien's is her "favorite bar," although the fountain courtyard is nice in the off season, if you stay away from Hurricanes. Better to hang at Johnny White's and watch the bridesmaids line up at O'Brien's in their penis tiaras or whatever.

Katie remains the worst. She is so prickly, so touchy, so looking for a fight. I'm no fan of Schwartzie, unless he's shirtless with his mouth taped up, but she's the definition of high maintenance in a really sneaky way--not the obvious Scheana type high maintenance, but emotionally. This union will not last.

Voice Of Reason Kristen tickled me no end. "Do you want a return of crazy Kristen?" Oh, yes, I do! But I'm loving smart, reasonable Kristen. Not that any of these chucklefucks listen to her.

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47 minutes ago, Rosemadder said:

Back to Shay--am I the only one who thinks he looks really good now?  Better hair & possibly weight loss   Hopefully he found someone who isn't self absorbed and shallow and doesn't have to drink around him all the time. 

 Every time he's in a scene, I keep thinking how good he looks. (And then he opens his mouth and it all goes away...)

I don't get Stassi's outburst. How many times is Jax going to have to apologize? I think she was either projecting stuff from Patrick onto Jax and/or thinking about how if she and Jax were together, she wouldn't be the only single one. 

The Schwartz and Katie thing both annoys and confuses me to no end, but some couples love this sort of push/pull dynamic. The fighting must be a turn on for them or something. 

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12 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Stassi would have flipped the fuck out if she was in Brittany's situation and having to listen to her boyfriend apologize to his ex like that. She already got her apology from Jax seasons ago. She expects that everyone else should tone down their relationships because she's going through a break up...how many times have we heard about this break up? At this point, she needs to stop mentioning it as if it's a current thing. It's in the past...stop trying to give the impression that this shit happened last night and then you had to jump on a plane to New Orleans. She needs to blame Jax for the demise of her relationship because it's easier than being accountable. If my boyfriend had a problem with being civil to a guy he knew did me wrong, why wouldn't I reassure him that I didn't need him to go out of his way to be even courteous and that it's possible to be in the same room as each other and not having to acknowledge each other. There's no reason that they would have to. It sounds like Stassi never gave reassurance that she would be act as the buffer so that Patrick could be somewhat comfortable in her world...she just decided to keep her worlds separate. How is that on anyone but her? 

Like I said before, I think the real reason is that Patrick wanted nothing to do with these losers.

BTW, I seem to remember when she was dating him she didn't want anything to do with them either.

8 hours ago, Silly Angel said:

Seriously. Also, isn't it like, late July? There are no parades, no reason to throw or get beads. Didn't Stassi tell them that the last weekend in August when the Black Men of Labour Social Aid and Pleasure Club kick off second line season through Father's Day Sunday, when the Uptown Swingers roll, is the only window for throws? Granted, Bourbon Street is a year-round shitshow and I can't imagine any local saying Pat O'Brien's is her "favorite bar," although the fountain courtyard is nice in the off season, if you stay away from Hurricanes. Better to hang at Johnny White's and watch the bridesmaids line up at O'Brien's in their penis tiaras or whatever.

Yeah, I wondered about people throwing beads on the off-season b/c I don't remember encountering that the times I was there.

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2 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

Like I said before, I think the real reason is that Patrick wanted nothing to do with these losers.

BTW, I seem to remember when she was dating him she didn't want anything to do with them either.

Whatever the reason is, I don't think Stassi has actually said the truth up until this point. Her story doesn't add up and you're right, she was talking about two different worlds but at the time she met and got into a serious relationship with Patrick, she had fractured all of her relationships with all of the cast so how was it really an issue of two different worlds colliding? Stassi is just feeding excuses so that she doesn't have to take accountability for her own decisions that may have impacted her relationship. I suspect that Stassi thought that she had built up a strong enough following that she would have gotten a lot more financial opportunities after the show, even after moving to NYC but those opportunities didn't come in the way she thought. She made the move back to LA and she wanted back on the show but that meant interacting with all of the people she had burned bridges with. She needed to grovel to build back friendships, get screen time but she already talk down all of these people to Patrick and there was no coming back from it.

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I thought it was interesting how practically EVERYONE had an introspective scene or at least a line or two about their personal growth EXCEPT for Katie, who has no issues at all--the problem is having friends and a fiancé who "don't have her back" (i.e. Kowtow to every irrational outburst at all times).

i actually think Jax was sincere in his apology. Granted, he's still a jerk with his "look at all I've done for you!!!" spiel, but I think he's gotten a LITTLE bit better. I do think he has at least been faithful to Brittany. Granted, maybe because he's no longer good looking like he was in those flashbacks to the early years with Stassi, lol. But he seemed genuinely aware of how much pain he caused Stassi and wished it hadn't been like that. 

The other personal growth scene that gave me the biggest kick was Scheana and Shay about how after everything they've been through, they're now better than ever. I chuckled when Scheana said, "I know it's bad luck to toast with water, but I don't care!" It was like from my couch, I wanted to launch through the TV in slow motion and knock the water out of her hand: Noooooooooooooooooooooo! Oh, Scheana, you cursed yourself! They filed for divorce very soon after this, right?

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18 hours ago, Teddybear said:

The same person who accompanied Tom and Katie on their honeymoon as a third wheel, I kid you not.  I saw it on their Instagram page.

You have got to be shitting me! Wow. She really has no boundaries. 


17 hours ago, Rosemadder said:

Back to Shay--am I the only one who thinks he looks really good now?  Better hair & possibly weight loss   Hopefully he found someone who isn't self absorbed and shallow and doesn't have to drink around him all the time. 

Nope. I've always found Shay to be cute, even when he was heavier. He's just more my type than the thinner, metro type guys. But he definitely looks a lot better now. I used to think he and Scheana made a good couple, maybe that their different personalities balanced each other out. But the way she reacted to his addiction problems, and her refusal to quit partying, really soured me on her role as a wife. "I don't want you to stop drinking entirely, then you'd be boring! Just don't get drunk." Because that's how addiction works. Not supportive at all. 


17 hours ago, Silly Angel said:

Voice Of Reason Kristen tickled me no end. "Do you want a return of crazy Kristen?" Oh, yes, I do! But I'm loving smart, reasonable Kristen. Not that any of these chucklefucks listen to her.

I was yelling at the TV. "Yes, YES! I need crazy Kristen to return!"


17 hours ago, dhilde85 said:

The Schwartz and Katie thing both annoys and confuses me to no end, but some couples love this sort of push/pull dynamic. The fighting must be a turn on for them or something. 

Except they never have sex. 

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On 2/14/2017 at 3:22 PM, biakbiak said:

Bourbon Street and Pat Obrien's good thing they had a New Orleans native otherwise they would have never known about these hidden gems.

Growing up Stassi must have been the NOLA-adjacent equivalent of the North East's bridge & tunnel kids bragging about NYC being "their city" and cutting class to take the train in and heading straight to Times Square. She's from New Orleans and her first time on Bourbon street wasn't until after prom?!  We know those thirsty parents of hers were unlikely to be super protective, so I wonder what the real story was. 

I really did want to see some hidden gems! Silly me. 

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On 2/14/2017 at 5:27 AM, ghoulina said:

Am I the only one who finds boudoir shoots a bit narcissistic? It's like, "Here, I know what you'd really like for our anniversary, hun, hot pictures of me. Because I'm so hot." Anyone? No, okay....

Given Scheana's predilection for decorating their apartment with colossal wedding photographs, I think its safe to say that "narcissistic" is her middle name.

I wonder if she asked for the boudoir book back after the divorce, so she can give it to someone else?

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On 2/15/2017 at 3:06 AM, Ubiquitous said:

Like I said before, I think the real reason is that Patrick wanted nothing to do with these losers.

BTW, I seem to remember when she was dating him she didn't want anything to do with them either.

Yeah, I wondered about people throwing beads on the off-season b/c I don't remember encountering that the times I was there.

That makes three of us.  I was on Bourbon Street in late June and not only did I not have beads hurled at me, there was NO one on the balconies.

16 hours ago, xtwheeler said:

I hope next, she introduces them to this new, hot, up and coming NOLA chef, Emeril Lagasse

Or Paul Prudhomme.

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There's no bead throwing in the summer because it's 99 degrees and 90% humidity! WHO GOES OUTSIDE THEN?  Chucklefucks.  And I'm seriously starting to HATE Katy AND Tequila Katy.  Maybe it's just bridezilla Katy that's pissing me off.  But she works for $30/hour for LVP, so does Tom really NEED a job?  And does anyone know why their dog "Butter" had a cone on her head??

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My theory on the filming at the most popular places vs. Stassi's "I'm a native and know all the cool spots!" might be that some bars might not be willing to have a reality show film inside. Outside in Bourbon Street? Yes. But the gang stuck to the big places and major areas because the producers could get the most footage there. (I'm reminded of when The Real World filmed in DC and a lot of the most popular bars refused to let MTV film inside or hand out release forms.)

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On 2/18/2017 at 7:42 PM, AbsoluteShower said:

$30 an hour to pick out paint chips? What the actual fuck?!?!?

Hell, sounds like a plum gig to me! 30 bucks an hour to help Lisa Vanderpump pick out paint colors, buy doggie treats/clothes, pick up sangria bottles, tend to her every fabulous whim? Sign me up for that  job, please!!

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17 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Hell, sounds like a plum gig to me! 30 bucks an hour to help Lisa Vanderpump pick out paint colors, buy doggie treats/clothes, pick up sangria bottles, tend to her every fabulous whim? Sign me up for that  job, please!!

Don't forget driving luxury cars over to her home. Yea, I could handle that.

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On 2/16/2017 at 1:57 PM, Zizzlezazzle said:

Growing up Stassi must have been the NOLA-adjacent equivalent of the North East's bridge & tunnel kids bragging about NYC being "their city" and cutting class to take the train in and heading straight to Times Square. She's from New Orleans and her first time on Bourbon street wasn't until after prom?!  We know those thirsty parents of hers were unlikely to be super protective, so I wonder what the real story was. 

I really did want to see some hidden gems! Silly me. 

I think it probably has more to do with allowed filming locations, like someone else said. I don't know much about the geography of NO but she went to high school at Mt Carmel Academy, which has a New Orleans address. On her podcast she mentioned how she basically never drank in high school and was a drama nerd, essentially. Remember, she looked a lot different then too...

Edited by Rebecca
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On 2/14/2017 at 0:41 PM, ivygirl said:

Ariana has a great figure that she works hard to achieve. And she dresses to accentuate that, which is obviously within her right to do. She's revealing but I don't think she's trashy--a bikini is appropriate attire for a pool party (I was actually more surprised by Scheana's cute and kind of modest one-piece... a cute and sort of modest one piece is hard to find. But I digress).

But, I wonder if it's not so much that Katie is jealous of *Ariana* for what she looks like, than it is that she's hurt by how much Schwartz seems to value Ariana over her. I took her "blonde enough, cool enough" comment as more of a sadness about why *Schwartz* didn't seem to take her side, rather than necessarily jealous of Ariana. I think, personally, that Katie genuinely dislikes Ariana because of her attitude (and, even if subliminally, for her cheating with Sandoval). I have a feeling that, even if Ariana looked different, or acted differently, Katie would still be pondering what A had that she didn't.

YMMV, and perhaps I'm projecting too much of my own past experience on to this ;)

Didn't she try this (job at Pump) and he quit because he got too anxious?

I have never liked Adriana, but even I will admit that she very pretty, has a great body, and is the only girl on this show that knows how to dress to her best effect. Her style is a bit more Urban Outfitters then I would care for, but it works for her and she does it well.

But I totally agree that Katie's jealous is that Tom respects Adriana and he doesn't respect her. Which...is a legitimate problem. I mean maybe it's easy to say "Well it's Katie so...", but if that's true Tom shouldn't marry her. It's just such a fucked up relationship. And Adriana doesn't really help the dynamic with her "bros before hoes" attitude all the damn time. She is under no obligation to be friends with anyone, but she does make an extra effort to make sure the girls know she looks down on them while she buddies up to the boys. The girls suck so fair enough, but so do the boys. It just feels like she is willing to overlook the horrible shit the boys do while making sure to get in snide comment about all the girls. It's her right, but it comes across as super shady to me. 

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I´m catching up on a ton of vanderpump episodes and I´m really far behind obviously, I just totally forgot about them. I need to get some things off my chest. I don´t exactly care that much if at all about any of these characters but I´m really annoyed about Katie and Swartz relationship. He´s such an easy going guy, seems fun and nice, but Katie is the biggest sour-faced drag. Whenever something cool or fun is happening around her, she puts on the sour-face and looks bored and can even get mean just ´cause... I just feel sorry for him to be getting married to her. There must be something really wrong with him, that no-one knows about except Katie. Scheana and Shay looked so lovely together this episode, I´m also a bit bummed that they´re getting divorced.

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1 hour ago, halkatla said:

I´m catching up on a ton of vanderpump episodes and I´m really far behind obviously, I just totally forgot about them. I need to get some things off my chest. I don´t exactly care that much if at all about any of these characters but I´m really annoyed about Katie and Swartz relationship. He´s such an easy going guy, seems fun and nice, but Katie is the biggest sour-faced drag. Whenever something cool or fun is happening around her, she puts on the sour-face and looks bored and can even get mean just ´cause... I just feel sorry for him to be getting married to her. There must be something really wrong with him, that no-one knows about except Katie. Scheana and Shay looked so lovely together this episode, I´m also a bit bummed that they´re getting divorced.

he's a cutie-pie but he's basically a man-child.  Say the words "responsibility" or "work" to him and he runs away scared.  Hopefully he'll grow up, because after this ends, Katie's gonna be working hard to support them both!!!

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