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S01.E15: Jack Pearson's Son

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After saying that, it now occurs to me, Rebecca is not just indulging herself - she will actually be earning money. Maybe not a lot, but her tour will allow her to contribute financially to the household. So she is also helping the family.

Sometimes you get lucky and get paid a lot for a gig. A lot of times you do not.

Bands starting out often see tours as an investment. It allows them to "pay their dues", expose themselves to a potential new fan base and  perhaps get noticed by somebody who will pay them big money. Ben himself said that the band had been kicking around for many years with little interest beyond local bars. Now, that Rebecca has joined, they were able to set up a small tour.

But touring isn't free. The band has to pay for transportation, hotels and meals. There may be a booking agent to pay and then all money earned is split 4 ways between the band members. There may not be any money to split and what there is left may not compensate for the dollars Jack loses by working shorter hours.

Here are some recent articles on touring finances for smaller bands (1 2 3). The third article rebuts the second article by saying that you can save a lot of money by finding couches and floors to crash on. IDK. When I was in my early twenties, sleeping on the deck of a ferry was fun. Now that I'm older, I want a bed to sleep in. Is Rebecca planning on a trip of Ramen noodles and floor surfing? Perhaps. Is the venues they are booking willing to assure them of a large fee upfront? Perhaps. Are they sure they can sell 1K in tickets a night? Perhaps. We don't know.

But odds are, it is a tour that will make very little money or be considered an "investment".

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, kili said:

But touring isn't free. The band has to pay for transportation, hotels and meals. There may be a booking agent to pay and then all money earned is split 4 ways between the band members. There may not be any money to split and what there is left may not compensate for the dollars Jack loses by working shorter hours.

Plus Rebecca can't share a room with anyone.  So it's either three guys to a motel room, and Rebecca has her own, which is uncomfortable for the guys, or 2 rooms for the guys and one for Rebecca, which is more expensive.

  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, mojito said:

Isn't Kevin financing this play? So what's Sloane out, anyway? This play would've gone nowhere if Kevin hadn't stepped in. So she's ahead of the game. 

She may have been able to sell it to another producer or theater company (not sure of the terminology). But now that seems less likely, and she'll be known as the woman who wrote that play the Manny walked out on. 

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, kili said:

Here are some recent articles on touring finances for smaller bands

A friend of mine who was in a band on the cusp of actual success in Nashville before caving, and therefore got a bit of support for their tours, told me their bus rental was $14,000 per month.  You play an awful lot of county fairs and other lesser-known gigs to keep up with that bill. 

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I was a little late on the episodes. I've just finished this one and read some of your comments.

Well Miguel, why did you have to be so nice ? Damn it! And listening to him saying to Jack that Rebecca would not have eyes for any other man... So much confidence in their love... Let me thinking how hard it must be for Miguel to fill in Jack's shoes as Rebecca's husband not only for the kids but for the fact that he may think she will never love him as she loved Jack.

Toby and Kate. Loved it! They were mature, they love each other but they don't know each other enough so let's postpone the wedding a little. My hubby would love the waterpark wedding idea! Thank god he does not watch this show, he doesn't need more crazy ideas.

Kevin and Randall. Those 2 break my heart! Randall shuts down under pressure, he doesn't talk and Beth should know that from last episode, called marriage to talk and go to a therapist, not for the chess play. I love Beth and I give her more credit than pretending everything is fine, unless the writters pretend every conversation between them is happening offscreen. The nurse... William was very upset, I'd like to think she is a great professional and wouldn't deny a coke to a dying man, maybe she suggested he should eat something first and William being so stressed flipped out. Kevin ditching the play... Seeing him supporting Randall who was a total trainwreck was adorable but I hate that he couldn't be more professional and tell someone, send a stud, anything not to let the play  just sink because a lot of people like Sloane put a lot of hard working for that night to be ruined. 

The big 3 as teenagers... Gosh, those actors are amazing: faces, even the voice, gestures... I totally could buy them as the adults big 3.

Rebecca and Jack... They are both right and wrong. It doesn't matter how hard you know the other person will react, if you keep information from them specially when you know they would care for that it is a lie. So Rebecca had nothing of hers for 16 years? That is a pretty low rating of her family and lives. Jack should have told her from the beggining. Yes he was a sexist and while I don't like I can understand it was a lates 40's man in middle 90's, so different worldview. And he had his share of sacrifices for the family. Like Randall he shuts down. Like Kevin he worries too much about what others think of him. Like Kate he wants to please everyone.  I think he overteacted in the jealousy because he was already shutting down his feelings about the tour. And I understand because I can't say that I never pretended to be fine with some decisions of my husband just to not rain on his parade. I also think Rebecca having 3 teens at home shouldn't be away for weeks... Because while it may be a dream, she can't think only for herself... She has a family. Couldn't she be happy singing in the city? I am not an artist, maybe I don't understand. 

Overall I still love this show. All the characters and plots. Except the deaths that are coming... 

Edited by justmythoughts
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, jhlipton said:
22 hours ago, Crs97 said:

{W}e've also heard Rebecca talk about scouts coming to watch Kevin play his football game.

The game that Randall sabotaged (intentionally or not) for him; and the game that when it was over, Jack and Rebecca made all about Randall (as I recall).

Oh, I think the sabotage was intentional, and I do cry foul on the Teenage Randall suddenly becoming this great football player so quickly.  I don't remember if we saw what happened after the game beyond Jack telling both of them to "get their asses into the car."  Anyone?

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

A friend of mine who was in a band on the cusp of actual success in Nashville before caving, and therefore got a bit of support for their tours, told me their bus rental was $14,000 per month.  You play an awful lot of county fairs and other lesser-known gigs to keep up with that bill. 

There are differences of scale within the circuits. The musicians I know (who are not particularly intent on making the "big time"), drive to their gigs - but make sure what they make is worth the cost. One of the cross-state gigs my husband had (a four piece acoustic band) involved car pooling and staying with other musician friends. So their expenses weren't huge. Another one, back in our salad days, was the same, and I made the mistake of going along - and slept in a shed in the middle of winter (I had the sweet cot - the hubs and another band member slept in a van). Not too surprisingly, I chose not to travel with the band after that.

I have another friend who tours to perform her one woman plays who takes pretty much the same approach - she drives herself and stays with friends. (she has kids, and her husband has a demanding job, but they each take their turns picking up the slack when the other is away, because they're, you know, partners)

Edited by Clanstarling
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Crs97 said:

 I don't remember if we saw what happened after the game beyond Jack telling both of them to "get their asses into the car."  Anyone?


I don't recall anything after they went home from the game. I also don't think Randall sabotaged the game. In fact, I think he went out for football because he wanted to have something to share with Kevin ( and also an extracurricular for his college applications.)

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I thought it was funny that teen Kevin looked pouty when Randall's freakout interrupted his parents' talking to him about sex.  Most kids would have been really happy for that deflection.  I think most of what we have seen between Kevin and Randall is pretty normal sibling rivalry with the added layer of adoption/race.  Mostly adoption. 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

A friend of mine who was in a band on the cusp of actual success in Nashville before caving, and therefore got a bit of support for their tours, told me their bus rental was $14,000 per month.  You play an awful lot of county fairs and other lesser-known gigs to keep up with that bill. 

One would think you'd be better off buying a bus and either, renting it out for something else, just saving it until next year or probably worse idea selling it off at end of tour.  But, I'm probably wrong. I usually am.

  • Love 1
On 2/14/2017 at 9:02 PM, Spartan Girl said:


You are not entitled to act like the father to your wife's adult children! And you can lament the loss of Jack all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you didn't waste time moving in on his wife after he died! Dick!


I have watched every episode and don't remember that the relationship between Miguel and Rebecca started very shortly after Jack's death.  Can you point me to when we learned this?  


On 2/15/2017 at 9:23 PM, SueB said:

Finally, I'm a little miffed at Kate.  She should have known Kevin was going to be in his own actor-meltdown mode and been ready for a phone call.  It feels like she's totally dumped Kevin.  I know that is NOT the case, and they just made it seem accidental that the ONLY person who could take care of Randall at that moment was Kevin.  But... I want them to show Kate re-taking an interest in Kevin.  

I'm a little miffed at the show for starting out with the Kevin/Kate relationship, which was great, and then just sort of dropping it.  They were close, they were connected, they were very important to each other.....and now it's like they're not.  Very annoying, show.

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, MaryPatShelby said:

I have watched every episode and don't remember that the relationship between Miguel and Rebecca started very shortly after Jack's death.  Can you point me to when we learned this?  . 

Well, Jack died when they were teenagers, and in the last episode, we learned that Kevin and Sophie got married shortly after high school, plus she had known that Rebecca and Miguel were together. Ergo, it's easy to assume that Miguel and Rebecca at least were involved around that time.

But again, we won't know for sure until the show gets more into it.

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Well, Jack died when they were teenagers, and in the last episode, we learned that Kevin and Sophie got married shortly after high school, plus she had known that Rebecca and Miguel were together.

When they got married is irrelevant.  She said she hadn't seen him in 12 years.  That's 24 years old.  So, that's when we know for sure they were together from the fact that Sophie knew.  So, if they were 18 when Jack died, and Miguel and Rebecca got together when the kids were 22, for example, Sophie would still know about it, and there would be 4 years between death and remarriage.  Not that speedy.  On the other hand, Jack could have died and Miguel and Rebecca could have gone to the Justice of the Peace directly after the funeral. 

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

And I feel like it's extremely obvious that he died when the kids are 15. They've basically said so several times over the course of the season.

Several times?  I don't think I remember them saying that even once.  I don't think saying 15 is tough necessarily means that's the year your father dies.  In fact, I kind of felt like the kids were 16 in the last episode.  Would a college football scout even come to check out a 15 year old player?

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This whole "How did Jack die" thing has just gotten way too precious for me after 15 episodes.   If one of the kids wasn't involved in his death, I'm going to be surprised, because all 3 seem to exhibit this high level of trauma.  Still.  20 years later.  So much that Kate can't even explain it to her fiancee.   Maybe she was involved. Because if she wasn't, I don't get her debilitating reaction to even a brief mention of him. 

Of course people grieve differently.  My dad died last year, unexpectedly.  So I get the different stages of grief and how family members don't all move on at the same rate.   But we adored him & talk about him all the time, so I can't imagine those kinds of conversations as being paralyzingly off limits.   But YMMV. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 10
4 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

And I feel like it's extremely obvious that he died when the kids are 15. They've basically said so several times over the course of the season.

I don't remember them saying that once, and I have been listening closely for any hints. We know he died when they were teens/young adults because of the actors in the funeral scene, but that's really the only hint we have gotten.

  • Love 2

I don't recall it ever being mentioned when Jack died. 

Many of us have guessed and its been implied a general time frame, but the show has never said for sure. 

But for this episode, he is back to drinking again.  that can't be good. 

She should have told him they used to date, even if it was only for a few months.  Claiming she didn't do it because she knew he would freak out is a cop out and is an excuse, not a valid reason. 

If that place employs Duke with how he acts, even if it is because his parents own it, she's better off leaving.  And if they kicked her out for what happened, I would think there would be a complaint to the state medical board and there should be a resulting investigation.  And it probably wouldn't be the first time it happened.  He is not just accountable to his parents in this situation, working at a medical facility and acting basically as a sexual predator trying to take advantage of vulnerable women. 

I can't imagine her making that much money of the tour she is going on.  Maybe a little, but that is not her, or probably even the band's, primary motivation. 

I don't really get the point of the hospice nurse denying him a coke.  Its hospice.  Isn't the point to make him as comfortable as possible?  He is dying, nothing is changing that.  He can't hurt himself much. 

  • Love 2

That the kids were



was discussed openly in the media last month by Fogelman after the ep with the funeral scene, presumably because it's clear from the scene that they're





There feels like there was a break somewhere, and it always felt to me, as I thought about this family, that something formative happened to them


in those prominent late teenage years, when you’re really becoming an adult, and getting boyfriends and girlfriends, and forming as a human being in full.


I don't really care which year, either.  I'm actually looking forward to it because it's been dragging on too long.  Let us see the Miguel chapter start already, or anything else.   I'm bored with Jack and Rebecca, anyway.  

Edited by Guest

Wasn't really clear to me they were teens based on what I saw.  I could tell they were younger, but couldn't tell if they were teens or early 20s or what.  ANd I didn't read about it in the media, all I go by is what we see on the show. 

That annoys me a bit from the writers or whoever if that were the case.  If they wanted us to know they were teens, and were going to say they were teeens in the press, they could have shown the kids from the front and a better picture of them at the funeral, not a vague back/side view that still left me at least guessing. 

I still don't think they were 15 though.  Mainly because I got the impression Kevin and Randall were older than 15 in that football game earlier in the season.

  • Love 1
On 2/15/2017 at 1:44 AM, biakbiak said:

We haven't seen Beth's family either, hell I don't remember if they mentioned anyone other than her dead dad. The show has tons of characters and is also delving into the past of course their are storylines we aren't going to see at this point. 

In the "Beth and William get high" episode, she tells William that she grew up in a huge family - she'd actually dreamed of living alone. I was cringing watching Randall, screaming at him internally to take FMLA - this is exactly what it's intended for. 


In hospice we deal with all stages of grief including anger which is frequently leveled at the staff.  We know how to deflect it.  And we do everything in our power to give a quality end of life, not denying anything if at all possible and remaining calm and controlled when people are verbally or even physically abusive.  It comes with the territory.

All four of my grandparents had hospice care at the end of their lives, and the nurses were the kindest people I've ever known. My best friend's MIL has been a hospice nurse for 35 years and she's wonderful. It's a calling. I didn't like the way this nurse was portrayed at all.

I also didn't like Kevin running out - he really treated Sloane like shit. I'm sure she regrets ever meeting him, between the hits he made to her personal and professional life.

Totally agree re: Kate suing the fuck out of that camp. You kick me out of a camp I paid for because you think your son has the right to sexually harass me, I'm going straight from there to a lawyer's office.


Can I just say that one of the things that amazes me about this show is how easily people just drop in on Randall while he's at work? People just come traipsing in to his office. It's even more amazing to me that Kevin can show up there after hours and run down the hall and nobody stops him or follows him asking what's wrong.

Totally unrealistic for a Wall Street firm. The first thing you see is a security desk. You must stop at it, identify yourself, and show them ID. They notify the person you came to see, especially if you don't have an appointment and no matter what time it is (Wall Streeters regularly work late). You can't access the elevators in buildings like those without a visitor's pass from security. They'd never just send you up without telling someone, brother or not. And guards change shifts, so the odds of Kevin knowing all the guards well enough that they'd just be like "Oh, you're Randall's brother, go on in" are slim - and it wouldn't be allowed even if they did know him. 

And even if there were no security, it's rude to drop in on someone at work in the middle of the day. People do not have time to entertain you at their office during a work day. There's a little moment in Insecure where Issa drops in on her best friend Molly at work. Her best friend is a lawyer and Issa does have a legal question, and after Molly answers it, Issa just sits in the office while Molly gets back to work. Molly looks at her like " ... Why are you still here?" Issa's like "Oh, you have to work?" and Molly replies "Yes, bitch, I'm a real-ass lawyer." I love that moment.


Kevin coming in his office at night bothered me.  Frankly, I cannot figure out the entire office set-up.  His secretary came to his office to tell him he had a call?  Where is she in relation to his office, and why didn't she use the intercom to communicate with him?

She likely sits at a desk outside his office.

"Bring it On Home to Me," the song Rebecca was singing, is my best friend's wedding song. I was like, "That song is about a man begging his cheating lover to come back. You sure?" She shrugged. There are much better Sam Cooke songs about love ("You Send Me," "Nothing Can Change This Love").

Edited by Empress1
  • Love 2

But it looked to me like his office is off a long hallway with windows on the other side and the conference room at one end.  Her desk would have to be around a corner, and her getting up to tell him he had a phone call seems unnecessary.  It was just a small peeve that tells me I wasn't emotionally connected to Randall's acting because I found myself instead trying to diagram his workplace.

41 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

"Bring it On Home to Me," the song Rebecca was singing, is my best friend's wedding song. I was like, "That song is about a man begging his cheating lover to come back. You sure?" She shrugged. There are much better Sam Cooke songs about love ("You Send Me," "Nothing Can Change This Love").

I actually laughed when she said "this is for you lovers out there" and then started singing the first line: "if you ever change your mind about leaving me behind." I mean, it's a great song, but it's a heartbreak song. Kind of an anti-Valentine's Day song, imo (or a crying in your beer V-Day song).

  • Love 2

I think the whole Kate-at-fat-camp storyline was crap.   She was distracted enough by Duke to engage him more than once, then she proceeded to GO.TO.HIS.CABIN.  She wanted to make some stupid point to him, so he made the equally stupid point about kicking her out.  

He didn't touch her, he didn't attack her, he didn't assault her.  He screwed with her mind, and she let him.  THREE times.  The things he said to her weren't even mildly threatening or indicate she was in any peril.  

What would she even say to his parents? "He talked to me, and I talked to him.  He told me I was sexy. Then I went back and talked to him again.  He flirted some more. Then he invited me to his cabin.  And I went. Then I insulted him and he told me to leave".   Sorry, I don't see any lawsuit there, but I'm no lawyer. 

I just can't figure out what situation that whole scenario was supposed to be setting up.  And now I find that I don't really care. 

She was obviously gone almost immediately, so I don't think she really cared either.  I think she was looking for any excuse to leave and he gave her the perfect one.  

I'm about 2 more bad scenes and 1 more ridiculous premise away from hate-watching this show.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 3
15 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Wasn't really clear to me they were teens based on what I saw.  I could tell they were younger, but couldn't tell if they were teens or early 20s or what.  ANd I didn't read about it in the media, all I go by is what we see on the show. 

That annoys me a bit from the writers or whoever if that were the case.  If they wanted us to know they were teens, and were going to say they were teeens in the press, they could have shown the kids from the front and a better picture of them at the funeral, not a vague back/side view that still left me at least guessing. 

I still don't think they were 15 though.  Mainly because I got the impression Kevin and Randall were older than 15 in that football game earlier in the season.

It wasn't all that clear but it was the same actors that played the 15 year old versions.  Though I don't know if they've ever really confirmed they're exactly 15 in the prior eps.  They're listed as '15 year old Kate', etc., in IMDB, not that that means much.  

Did they confirm those high school scenes were 1995 at any point?  Jack made an odd comment about 'first time he forgot to kiss Rebecca goodbye in 15 years' but that hardly tells us anything.  


I just can't figure out what situation that whole scenario was supposed to be setting up. 

I think it set up (1) something for people to clutch their pearls and titter about and (2) a cliffhanger-ish ep ending where Kate goes to his door.  

15 hours ago, Crs97 said:

Her desk would have to be around a corner, and her getting up to tell him he had a phone call seems unnecessary.

The secretary also walked down the corridor with William to tell Randall he was there, when William dropped in.  

16 minutes ago, leighdear said:

She was obviously gone almost immediately, so I don't think she really cared either.  I think she was looking for any excuse to leave and he gave her the perfect one.  

Wasn't she going to leave at least temporarily the next day to see Kevin's play? It makes no sense that Toby went up the day before, unless he was planning to drive her back to NY. Very confusing.

4 hours ago, Empress1 said:

In the "Beth and William get high" episode, she tells William that she grew up in a huge family - she'd actually dreamed of living alone. I was cringing watching Randall, screaming at him internally to take FMLA - this is exactly what it's intended for. 

Yeah. It's a wall street company, so it has to have more than 50 employees. NYS also passed a new sick leave law last year that gives some of the paycheck when taking care of a sick family member. Though maybe Randall wants work to occupy himself - since if he were home with William, he will have to face it head on.

9 minutes ago, bros402 said:

Yeah. It's a wall street company, so it has to have more than 50 employees. NYS also passed a new sick leave law last year that gives some of the paycheck when taking care of a sick family member. Though maybe Randall wants work to occupy himself - since if he were home with William, he will have to face it head on.

Some companies have sneaky ways of retaliating against employees who take FMLA. When those employees return to work, they get the least desirable projects. If they complain and/or make the tiniest mistake, they get negative performance reviews. Negative performance review = no raise, bonus, or promotion, and in the worst case scenario, "performance improvement plan" and eventual firing. I wouldn't be surprised if Randall's company is like that, too.

  • Love 13
On 2/15/2017 at 0:38 PM, Packerbrewerbadger said:


I knew all along that Kate was going to his cabin to tell horse guy off, but I hated the abrupt ending to the camp story. I enjoy Kate much more without Toby and was interested in her camp experience.  And she should NOT have apologized---- Toby was an ass at camp!


Toby is an ass all the time. He is forever making grand gestures and doing selfish clingy things. Then, when Kate gets mad and expresses herself, he turns things on her and manipulates her into apologizing to HIM. He is toxic.

Kate was probably not kicked out of camp- she just saw a way out. Just like Kevin avoided his stage fright by fleeing to Randal's side.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, leighdear said:

What would she even say to his parents? "He talked to me, and I talked to him.  He told me I was sexy. Then I went back and talked to him again.  He flirted some more. Then he invited me to his cabin.  And I went. Then I insulted him and he told me to leave".   Sorry, I don't see any lawsuit there, but I'm no lawyer. 

The lawsuit is for his parents kicking her, a paying customer, out on her douchebag son's say-so.

2 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Some companies have sneaky ways of retaliating against employees who take FMLA. When those employees return to work, they get the least desirable projects. If they complain and/or make the tiniest mistake, they get negative performance reviews. Negative performance review = no raise, bonus, or promotion, and in the worst case scenario, "performance improvement plan" and eventual firing. I wouldn't be surprised if Randall's company is like that, too.

I took FMLA leave when my eldest daughter was born, and my boss gave me so much crap about it.  (He was borderline elderly, and this was a decade ago, but still.)  I'm stubborn, but I think a lot of people would have folded under that kind of pressure.

  • Love 4

Hubby took FMLA when our oldest was born prematurely and finally got to come home from the NICU.  New co-worker who wanted his job used the time to trash him, screw things up, and then blame him for "abandoning them with a mess."  Hubby ended up having to go back a month early to clean things up and protect his clients from being collateral damage.  I am still bitter about that co-worker.

  • Love 7
On 2/16/2017 at 9:59 AM, mansonlamps said:

UO here.  I'd have a huge problem with my husband going "on tour" with an old girlfriend who still had the hots for him.  Especially since part of their act seems to be making googly eyes at each other while singing love songs.  Even though I trust him, that's a charged atmosphere fraught with temptation.  And I'm not the jealous type as a rule.  I totally side with Jack on this one, singing in the club should be enough for now while the kids are still teens and need someone home with them. Why not postpone the tour for a couple of years until Jack can go with them?

I'm with you.  I'm not jealous at all.  My husband goes out often with his friend so without me.  Some of his friends are single, and some are terrible people and area marrked but look.  So I know there's aren't women around him sometimes, but I never worry.  I trust him.  However, if he came to me and told me he was going to go on tour with an ex, whom it was clear had the hots for him, I would Have a problem 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, SlackerInc said:

The lawsuit is for his parents kicking her, a paying customer, out on her douchebag son's say-so.

But we never saw his parents or anything even remotely resembling her being asked or told to leave.   No proof he was even related to the owners.  SHE went to HIS cabin.  This is not a blame-the-victim situation, because Kate kept putting herself squarely in the cross-hairs of Duke and his weird flirting.  She kept going back for more.  That's not grounds for a lawsuit.  

If anything, he could claim she was stalking HIM and wouldn't leave him alone.

As I said, I think the whole situation was crap.  She was just pissed from the beginning that he said her voice annoyed the horses and she spiraled from there.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 2
17 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

It wasn't all that clear but it was the same actors that played the 15 year old versions.  Though I don't know if they've ever really confirmed they're exactly 15 in the prior eps.  They're listed as '15 year old Kate', etc., in IMDB, not that that means much.  

Did they confirm those high school scenes were 1995 at any point?  Jack made an odd comment about 'first time he forgot to kiss Rebecca goodbye in 15 years' but that hardly tells us anything.  

I think it set up (1) something for people to clutch their pearls and titter about and (2) a cliffhanger-ish ep ending where Kate goes to his door.  

They haven't confirmed them as 15. I had been assuming at least 16 because of the comment in one episode about a college recruiter at the football game. But we know the younger actors were playing the big three as 8-year-olds, and on their 10th birthday. So presumably, the actors at all ages are meant to span a few years.

19 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Wasn't really clear to me they were teens based on what I saw.  I could tell they were younger, but couldn't tell if they were teens or early 20s or what.  ANd I didn't read about it in the media, all I go by is what we see on the show. 

That annoys me a bit from the writers or whoever if that were the case.  

If they wanted us to know they were teens, and were going to say they were teeens in the press, they could have shown the kids from the front and a better picture of them at the funeral, not a vague back/side view that still left me at least guessing. 

I still don't think they were 15 though.  Mainly because I got the impression Kevin and Randall were older than 15 in that football game earlier in the season.

It also annoys me because I avoid reading interviews because I don't like to know what is going to happen. On other show's forums, that stuff goes in spoiler threads.

Edited by KaveDweller
  • Love 3
11 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Wasn't really clear to me they were teens based on what I saw.  I could tell they were younger, but couldn't tell if they were teens or early 20s or what.  ANd I didn't read about it in the media, all I go by is what we see on the show. 

That annoys me a bit from the writers or whoever if that were the case.  If they wanted us to know they were teens, and were going to say they were teeens in the press, they could have shown the kids from the front and a better picture of them at the funeral, not a vague back/side view that still left me at least guessing. 

I still don't think they were 15 though.  Mainly because I got the impression Kevin and Randall were older than 15 in that football game earlier in the season.

Well, we know that the kids in the funeral scene are the same actors that portrayed the Teen Kids back in the Washing Machine episode, even if we were just given back shots of them. But yeah, we don't know how old they're supposed to be then. It could be 15/16, or they could push them to 19/20. But of course, the show wanted to be as vague as possible, to keep the audience guessing and to delay the information being given to the audience. I get it; they have all this time to give this information out, to tell a compelling story, and to keep the mystery going. But they might be teasing the audience too much here. Fifteen episodes in and we finally get a funeral shot, and that's just to establish that Jack's death was not recent and that it was well over a decade ago.

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1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

They haven't confirmed them as 15. I had been assuming at least 16 because of the comment in one episode about a college recruiter at the football game. But we know the younger actors were playing the big three as 8-year-olds, and on their 10th birthday. So presumably, the actors at all ages are meant to span a few years.

It also annoys me because I avoid reading interviews because I don't like to know what is going to happen. On other show's forums, that stuff goes in spoiler threads.

I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a spoiler, so I went back and spoilered my post.  Maybe you guys who quoted it could do the same, just for others who come after.  I don't think it gives away anything about 'what's going to happen'.  All it clarifies is that the kids were


under 20.  But wouldn't it have been odd to use the 15-year-old actors for a fuzzy scene where they're 21, given the actors themselves are only 36-40?  21 is a full grown man.  

I think a college recruiter scouting 15 year old boys (9th or 10th graders) is silly but nothing in that ep suggested they were older to me, either.  The kids were being driven around by their parents, Randall saying Rebecca wasn't going to like the makeup Kate was applying, the 1992 Buffy poster and then Jack's weird comment about '15 years'.  It could all be explained away for 17 year olds, too, though.  

Edited by Guest
12 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

That the kids were

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was discussed openly in the media last month by Fogelman after the ep with the funeral scene, presumably because it's clear from the scene that they're

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I don't really care which year, either.  I'm actually looking forward to it because it's been dragging on too long.  Let us see the Miguel chapter start already, or anything else.   I'm bored with Jack and Rebecca, anyway.  

YES.  I am ready to move on.  

12 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Totally unrealistic for a Wall Street firm. The first thing you see is a security desk. You must stop at it, identify yourself, and show them ID. They notify the person you came to see, especially if you don't have an appointment and no matter what time it is (Wall Streeters regularly work late). You can't access the elevators in buildings like those without a visitor's pass from security.

You have to suspend reality for the sake of the story in all dramas.  Logically Kevin could not enter the building and unlikely he would have bolted from the play either.  

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

But they might be teasing the audience too much here. Fifteen episodes in and we finally get a funeral shot, and that's just to establish that Jack's death was not recent and that it was well over a decade ago.

I just want some good payoff for slogging through all these angsty episodes so far. I mean, 1st season, Ned Stark-worthy shock payoff would be great.   Those kids have far too many emotional screws loose for it to be a simple traffic accident that took Jackdad.  


1 hour ago, kili said:

I think I may have been watching a different show.

Maybe. Kate walked out of the drumming class and into the stables. She was leaving a voice mail for Toby saying the people there were insane and for him to come pick her up.  Duke said her voice was annoying the horses and him.  Then she exclaims that she's not going to be insulted by the Fat Camp Horse Dude.  More conversation ensues.....

And Kate eventually bales, as she seems to have a habit of doing when things get difficult.  Her job, relationship, birthday party, camp, etc.  

Edited by leighdear
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I do think we're meant to believe the camp tossed Kate out, not that it matters.  But why write it that way if she quit?  Her quitting would almost make more sense because a business with practices like that wouldn't last a year.  Those places are expensive and elective.  Their rep matters.  

I too hope there's some better payoff than a car accident with alcohol involved.  I would prefer they went deeper down the mental health rabbit hole and let Jack spiral into severe alcoholism, depression and maybe even suicide.  But in the media they've said we'll find out


the when soon but not the how for a while yet.  So if that reveal is going to drag on another season... yeah, it better be some red wedding level doozy.  

12 hours ago, leighdear said:

I think the whole Kate-at-fat-camp storyline was crap.   She was distracted enough by Duke to engage him more than once, then she proceeded to GO.TO.HIS.CABIN.  She wanted to make some stupid point to him, so he made the equally stupid point about kicking her out.  

He didn't touch her, he didn't attack her, he didn't assault her.  He screwed with her mind, and she let him.  THREE times.  The things he said to her weren't even mildly threatening or indicate she was in any peril.  

What would she even say to his parents? "He talked to me, and I talked to him.  He told me I was sexy. Then I went back and talked to him again.  He flirted some more. Then he invited me to his cabin.  And I went. Then I insulted him and he told me to leave".   Sorry, I don't see any lawsuit there, but I'm no lawyer. 

I just can't figure out what situation that whole scenario was supposed to be setting up.  And now I find that I don't really care. 

She was obviously gone almost immediately, so I don't think she really cared either.  I think she was looking for any excuse to leave and he gave her the perfect one.  

I'm about 2 more bad scenes and 1 more ridiculous premise away from hate-watching this show.  

I'm with you.  This whole premise doesn't even make sense.  What in the world could the parents have said to force her to leave?   You won't have sex with my son so get out.  I can't imagine we are supposed to buy that.   And, even if they found some bizarre reason, who's to say they didn't refund her money?  She certainly didn't seem that upset about leaving or losing a huge amount of money in the process.  The whole thing is a ridiculous premise.

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It's just so much to-ing and fro-ing. Even before I ponder the logistics, it's exhausting. Go from LA to NY. NJ to NYC.Go to camp upstate(?). NJ to NYC. NYC to NJ again. Sometimes Philadelphia. Off-off-broadway to Wall St. Half the plots here are people constantly going back and forth between home and work or one home to another home and another home. And I mean, I get not every scene should take place in the same location, of course not, but the plots are constantly hinging on people going cross town, or crossing state lines. It's like they can't move the story without someone abruptly "needing to leave" wherever the fuck they are. It's tiresome.

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