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S07.E10: Hostile Hacienda

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13 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

This is the last thing I will say about Dorits children EVER since I realize this is a touchy subject.

Both of her children have had issues. Her son (per his speech therapist) may have Apraxia and her daughter had to wear plastic molds on head for skull support/reformation.

If this was not shown in the episodes I would not be making any comments at all about it.

The head thing is actually very very common amongst babies, due to the whole "back is best" rule now.  That's not something that's "wrong" with the child and it's not genetic.  As far as the other one's speech, they said he MAY have Apraxia.  Or he just might be a late talker, that's not exactly rare either.  We had to get my now almost five year old son evaluated due to talking late.  Turned out he was totally fine and now we can't get him to shut up.

It's not like these kids were born with downs syndrome or some other genetic abnormality. 

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57 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

The laundry bag represented the womb, and etc. 

Kids sometimes just do stupid shit. 

I once heard that men spend 9 months trying to get out of the womb and the rest of their lives trying to get back in?

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4 minutes ago, lezlers said:

The head thing is actually very very common amongst babies, due to the whole "back is best" rule now.  That's not something that's "wrong" with the child and it's not genetic.  As far as the other one's speech, they said he MAY have Apraxia.  Or he just might be a late talker, that's not exactly rare either.  We had to get my now almost five year old son evaluated due to talking late.  Turned out he was totally fine and now we can't get him to shut up.

It's not like these kids were born with downs syndrome or some other genetic abnormality. 

He's not a late talker.  I'm sorry, I hate to keep harping on this, but he is talking.  He is having trouble with certain sounds.  He could possibly have other problems with motor function.  He is most probably highly intelligent, but could be viewed differently because he hasn't been given the tools to communicate properly.   Right now, he is being told by a professional that his condition is normal and doesn't mean he is dumb or deficient. 

I'm just not seeing the problem.  "My kid took a long time to talk, so Jagger is being coddled?" " He wasn't born with down syndrome, so obviously other kids have bigger problems?"  Is that it?

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23 minutes ago, Bluedog100 said:

Dear Food Elitists...It's Erica's vacation  If she wants a burrito give her a fucking burrito.

No word from anyone on PK wearing the white undershirt at the restaurant?

Mentioned it on page 2.

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50 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Yes, I was just noting that she is clearly making a very conscious effort to help him with his speech issues.

Oh, OK. Look at it this way, if Dorit spoke like that with everyone else she would be accused of acting/talking like Heather Dubrow (OC)! LOL

1 minute ago, SFoster21 said:

Mentioned it on page 2.

Was it an "undershirt" or a  "T shirt"? I wasn't paying attention to the guys clothes. LOL

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3 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:




I want guacamole.

I know.  I'm so sorry.  No bueno. 

LVP.  Awesome with the updo, but WTF with that dress? No!  Seeing her glee in finding out Rinna was behind everything makes me think she isn't the "behind the scenes" genius the cast paints her to be.  She couldn't wait to tell Kyle that Rinna did her wrong, That's not a woman who is hiding shit.  That's an "I told you so.." moment.

Eileen who?

First time I've like Erika. She seemed to be having fun. I can't figure her out. Love that after flying off the jet ski that she wasn't wearing sunglasses.  Amateurs wear sunglasses.

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No offense, but taking a Xanax doesn't make one "not sober." Alcoholism and drug addiction are completely different animals from the two xanax and bag o' vitamins that Lisa Rinna carries around with her.

If one has a massive anxiety disorder, one takes medication prescribed by a doctor. It doesn't affect sobriety - it just allows you to function. I get that Kyle's annoyed with Rinna and Eden, but making that comparison made her sound foolish and... like the enabler she truly is.

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No offense, but taking a Xanax doesn't make one "not sober." Alcoholism and drug addiction are completely different animals from the two xanax and bag o' vitamins that Lisa Rinna carries around with her.

If one has a massive anxiety disorder, one takes medication prescribed by a doctor. It doesn't affect sobriety - it just allows you to function. I get that Kyle's annoyed with Rinna and Eden, but making that comparison made her sound foolish and... like the enabler she truly is.

I think the problem is that a lot of Kim's pills are also one taking medication prescribed from a doctor and that's what Kyle was seeing as hypocrisy from Eden and others.  That's ignoring the pills Kim took from Monty and what she scrounged up off the floor in bathrooms, but it does muddy the waters somewhat.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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4 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Jagger is pretty adorable, he such a cute smile :)

Last week I noticed Eden's pursed lips and now it's all I see when I look at her.

I have to say, I know Erika isn't too popular round these parts but she was the MVP in this episode for me. She was gracious guest, her and Kyle had a nice conversation, she had fun on the jet ski and she actually dressed comfortably to travel, wearing sneakers instead of ridiculous high heels. And now I'm craving burritos!

This season I am warming up to her and she is starting to be one of my faves.  She seems like a roll with the punches kinda gal.  Erika Jayne doesn't even bother me.  I applaud her doing what makes her happy.  And it isn't driving them into the poor house.  Besides, I think she is the sexiest of the wives.  

My husband, who is not a kid person, saw Jagger and said he's a cute kid.  He really is.  I am thinking he just doesn't have much to say yet :).  

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49 minutes ago, CatMomma said:

He's not a late talker.  I'm sorry, I hate to keep harping on this, but he is talking.  He is having trouble with certain sounds.  He could possibly have other problems with motor function.  He is most probably highly intelligent, but could be viewed differently because he hasn't been given the tools to communicate properly.   Right now, he is being told by a professional that his condition is normal and doesn't mean he is dumb or deficient. 

I'm just not seeing the problem.  "My kid took a long time to talk, so Jagger is being coddled?" " He wasn't born with down syndrome, so obviously other kids have bigger problems?"  Is that it?

I'm sorry, I'm confused.  I didn't say there was a problem.  I was responding to a previous poster who keeps saying Dorit's kids have "genetic" problems and maybe she should get tested before having more.  My point was these aren't genetic conditions which, from your post, you seem to agree with. 

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14 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Thank You!

Once again I apologize for my original post as it was not well thought out and insensitive.

My parents had two children, my brother who had no issues whatsoever, I on the other hand had to wear shoes with a fixed brace /metal bar to sleep each night until about third grade due to a badly turned in right foot. It was horrible and I still remember it being so uncomfortable and having to call to my mom if I needed to use the restroom since I couldn't walk with the damn thing on.

You'll be happy to know medical advancements have come a long way since you were a kid.  My son was born with club foot almost 5 years ago. He had to have a series of casts until he was 4 months and then had to wear the brace you're talking about for a few months then at night until he turned 4.  His foot is completely corrected now and he barely remembers the brace.  I'm sure when he reaches adulthood he won't have any memory of it.

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I am wondering if Rinna is angling for a spin-off.  She seems to have done her best to continue the heightened drama and try and shift her focus to her daughters' careers.  If she has the standard three year contract, it would seem she would negotiate her way away from the others and make it all about her.  The odd comment to Camille about having to spend so much  with the RH, just made me think she would rather be calling the shots and have an easier time of filming.  I believe in her mind she sees herself as the next Kris Jenner with a miniature stable of spokesmodels, are whatever the Kardashians and Kylie are suppose to be. 

I am still unsure why she thought, "don't hustle the hustler," was a good tag line.  It screams of dishonesty.  If one considers hustler as one who is go-getter that would be one thing, but once again with Rinna it may not mean what she thinks it means.   

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1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

I am wondering if Rinna is angling for a spin-off.  She seems to have done her best to continue the heightened drama and try and shift her focus to her daughters' careers.  If she has the standard three year contract, it would seem she would negotiate her way away from the others and make it all about her.  The odd comment to Camille about having to spend so much  with the RH, just made me think she would rather be calling the shots and have an easier time of filming.  I believe in her mind she sees herself as the next Kris Jenner with a miniature stable of spokesmodels, are whatever the Kardashians and Kylie are suppose to be. 

I am still unsure why she thought, "don't hustle the hustler," was a good tag line.  It screams of dishonesty.  If one considers hustler as one who is go-getter that would be one thing, but once again with Rinna it may not mean what she thinks it means.   

I tried to give Rinna a chance but she bugs the shit out of me. Everything that comes out of her mouth feels insincere or rehearsed. Conversely, I find Erika to be genuine and really likable. 

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2 hours ago, AndySmith said:

Actually, this was one of the ones that cracked me up the most (and lord knows there was lots of fun stuff in that article):

"Considering his mother sounds like Madonna doing an imitation of her Guatemalan maid and his father sounds like a Mary Poppins fart, his first word will probably sound like that of a Senegalese taxi driver."

There are so many gems from his review!  I thought about quoting this, too!


1 hour ago, CatMomma said:

Sorry, I'm currently going to school for speech pathology.  This is not a hack science or voodoo. If a speech pathologist has diagnosed Jagger with Apraxia, he probably has Apraxia.  It wouldn't surprise me if he were also in physical therapy.

Ok, nerded out for a moment.  But, we are only seeing a snippet of what Jagger is going through.  That short scene in the restaurant tells me that Dorit is doing EXACTLY what she should be doing.  Visual cues with an emphasis on certain consonants and vowels, while pausing between each word.

I don't doubt that there may be something going on, the only reason the diagnosis is being debated is because Dorit said something like, "the speech therapist thinks he may have Apraxia."  Like it has been discussed, but not for certain.  There were a lot of diagnoses batted around when my son was not speaking at 3, but none made for certain.  Turns out there was nothing wrong.  

I guess from that snippet, we can't be sure if he has it or not.

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On LisaR's insta she is hastagging Proud mommy.... like Yoland does. It just made me think she is really hoping to make her girls the next IT girls. I wouldnt of thought Gigi and Bella would have gotten so far but maybe there is a chance for her brats.

The Mexico trip looked fun, relaxing and I wish Eileen and LisaR werent invited.

I'm loving all this house porn this season! I wonder how long until Kyle upgrades her house. I mean its beautiful but with the cash Mauricio must be making I can see them upgrading soon.

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4 minutes ago, janie2002 said:

On LisaR's insta she is hastagging Proud mommy.... like Yoland does. It just made me think she is really hoping to make her girls the next IT girls. I wouldnt of thought Gigi and Bella would have gotten so far but maybe there is a chance for her brats.

The Mexico trip looked fun, relaxing and I wish Eileen and LisaR werent invited.

I'm loving all this house porn this season! I wonder how long until Kyle upgrades her house. I mean its beautiful but with the cash Mauricio must be making I can see them upgrading soon.

I thought the same thing. I would not be surprised if they moved to Malibu.  Not the house he is selling but on the water.

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Actually alcoholism and drug addiction are very similar, and recovering alcoholics are generally advised to avoid any and all mood altering substances. 

When Dorit first mentioned I Love Lucy I thought she was making fun of Mauricio! She was not happy about their room assignment but PK has such a crush on Maurice that he put the kaybash on her complaining! 

In the preview for coming episodes LVP looked like a cow chewing its cud. Girl must love her some Mexican food! 

So curious about what keeps Erika up at night! Looks like PK goes after her at some point! 

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34 minutes ago, janie2002 said:


I'm loving all this house porn this season! I wonder how long until Kyle upgrades her house. I mean its beautiful but with the cash Mauricio must be making I can see them upgrading soon.

I remember when they moved into that house that she said it was her dream house, so maybe she wants to stay there.  

I really hated when Mauricio was talking about the fish he caught (I also thought he was joking about having caught it himself), and Erika said something about being a master fisher-woman, and PK totally started to talk over her!  

Edited by heatherchandler
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13 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:


I really hated when Mauricio was talking about the fish he caught (I also thought he was joking about having caught it himself), and Erika said something about being a master fisher-woman, and PK totally started to talk over her!  

Are you saying he really caught a tuna?  I missed the discussion on this.  

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55 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Not that this is an explanation, but I believe the boy is 13. 

I think he was also in a suitcase on the driveway at one point as well.  Maybe the kid just likes enclosed spaces.

I think Erika's crying in the previews has something to do with her son who's an LA police officer.  Maybe she's worried about him, I sure as hell would be.   I'd love it if she was crying about her devastating disappointment in the bedroom with Tom or something juicy like that but I doubt it.    She probably wouldn't embarrass Tom on tv.

Rinna read the room instantly when she arrived in Mexico.  Hahaha.  Kyle's going to rip her a new one and LVP is going to love it.  Should be good.

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23 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Are you saying he really caught a tuna?  I missed the discussion on this.  

I think so!  He seemed to be f-ing with them at first, but then he got serious.  I wonder if he caught a blue fin - I read an article about them and how rare they are now, and how hard to catch.

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3 hours ago, lezlers said:

As far as the other one's speech, they said he MAY have Apraxia.  Or he just might be a late talker, that's not exactly rare either.  We had to get my now almost five year old son evaluated due to talking late.  Turned out he was totally fine and now we can't get him to shut up.

It's not like these kids were born with downs syndrome or some other genetic abnormality. 

I was responding to this.  I was pointing out that a professional has probably seen other signs that would lead he/she to believe it is Apraxia. Not just "late talker". Again, speech pathologist aren't idiots. They can tell the difference between delayed speech and serious issues. 

No, it's not genetic, which makes it even harder to diagnose. It's fair to say that term set me off, because if it's not genetic, it isn't real.  So, apologies for that.

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7 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

[my snip]

Also, Eden was walking so weirdly when going into Lisa V's house. 

That's because her heels were too high her her. When you have your high heels on...if you can't then stand a bit higher on your tippy-toes it means your heels are too high for you and you will have to do that weird walk. 

I have tried...so hard... to be able to wear Louboutins, but I just can't ::super sad face:: ?

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17 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

Yeah, my dad was the smartest person I ever knew and my grandmother always used to tell me how much he worried her because he didn't really start talking until he was four. He used to joke that he just didn't have anything to say until then. In any case, it appears that Dorit is being proactive to address any potential issues, but not forcing anything. I'm not a parent, but that seems like a healthy approach to me. 

My BIL was a late talker too.  He's the only one of the siblings with a Master's degree.  

Edited by ihartcoffee
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1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

When Dorit first mentioned I Love Lucy I thought she was making fun of Mauricio! She was not happy about their room assignment but PK has such a crush on Maurice that he put the kaybash on her complaining! 


I forgot about this - every season one of these women pisses me off by being a crybaby about the room she's been given (in a beautiful, luxurious house on a free vacation!) Dorit wasn't as bitchy as, say, LVP or Yolanda, but on the other hand - I really didn't need to hear (more than once!) about all the sex she and PK were hoping to have on the trip!  If she mentions it again I bet Mauricio will give them separate rooms next time :) 

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57 minutes ago, zulualpha said:

I think he was also in a suitcase on the driveway at one point as well.  Maybe the kid just likes enclosed spaces. 

I think Erika's crying in the previews has something to do with her son who's an LA police officer.  Maybe she's worried about him, I sure as hell would be.   I'd love it if she was crying about her devastating disappointment in the bedroom with Tom or something juicy like that but I doubt it.    She probably wouldn't embarrass Tom on tv.

Rinna read the room instantly when she arrived in Mexico.  Hahaha.  Kyle's going to rip her a new one and LVP is going to love it.  Should be good.

My bold...

Ding ding ding!!!! I think you might be on to something!

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I have no problem with Lisa V telling Kyle what Eden had been told by Rinna - after all, the original convo was filmed. Lisa V and Kyle are friends. It also answered the question as to why Eden was so concerned about Kim (although she certainly had her own baggage with that situation).  I don't see the parallel with Brandi blabbing to everyone about Adrienne's surrogacy - we didn't see that original conversation and  I think that was done to be malicious.  Some may feel that Lisa V was stirring the pot - I don't. Will she be happy if Rinna is taken down a notch or two - perhaps - I certainly will be!  I do think that LisaR is a huge shit disturber - don't like her at all - she's just too fucking much all.the.damned.time.  She's exhausting.

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31 minutes ago, CatMomma said:

I was responding to this.  I was pointing out that a professional has probably seen other signs that would lead he/she to believe it is Apraxia. Not just "late talker". Again, speech pathologist aren't idiots. They can tell the difference between delayed speech and serious issues. 

No, it's not genetic, which makes it even harder to diagnose. It's fair to say that term set me off, because if it's not genetic, it isn't real.  So, apologies for that.

Oh, that's not what I meant.  I was going off of what Dorit actually said in her TH which was "the pathologist said he may have signs of Apraxia."  I took that to mean there wasn't a firm diagnosis.  Therefore, it's possible he could just be a late talker.  Like I said in my post, I was responding to a much earlier post saying she should get testing before having more kids.  I absolutely wasn't trying to minimize what he's going through.  My oldest had to go through testing because he had delayed speech.  I know how freaked out it can make you as a parent.  I would never be dismissive of something like that.

I think we're actually on the same page, it's just not coming through right in the written medium.

Edited by lezlers
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3 minutes ago, whydoievencare said:

I have no problem with Lisa V telling Kyle what Eden had been told by Rinna - after all, the original convo was filmed.

LVP also told Eden that she would tell Kyle, and Eden told her to go ahead and tell Kyle everything, also on camera.

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5 hours ago, Jel said:

I am curious, too, about what Erika has to go though every night. 

And am I missing something here or does "They're this close to Kim dying" pretty much mean "Kim is close to death"?  I can't see how those two statements are in any way different in intent.

No. You're not missing anything!

They're (they are) and is... yes, they are the same. Rinna is trying to get us to believe that when she said "they're this close to death" she meant they were close to death, back when Kyle talked about it way back when. If I was Rinna I would be saying whoops, I meant to say they 'were' close to death. But she ain't the smartest sandwich in the picnic basket.

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1 hour ago, janie2002 said:

On LisaR's insta she is hastagging Proud mommy.... like Yoland does. It just made me think she is really hoping to make her girls the next IT girls. I wouldnt of thought Gigi and Bella would have gotten so far but maybe there is a chance for her brats.

The Mexico trip looked fun, relaxing and I wish Eileen and LisaR werent invited.

I'm loving all this house porn this season! I wonder how long until Kyle upgrades her house. I mean its beautiful but with the cash Mauricio must be making I can see them upgrading soon.

I think she is going to use the kids as an excuse for why she is so busy she can't remember what she said to Eden.

Kyle and Mauricio just spent $1.5 updating/remodeling their home.  I can't see them wanting to make the commute.  Portia goes to a very, very good school that is nearby.  Maybe they will buy a beach house for weekends and summer use.  Erika said she and Tom use to have a beach house.  

1 hour ago, Runnergirl said:

I tried to give Rinna a chance but she bugs the shit out of me. Everything that comes out of her mouth feels insincere or rehearsed. Conversely, I find Erika to be genuine and really likable. 

I find it laughable she is putting the onus on Eden for betraying her confidence.  It seems to me Rinna kind of stepped in it when she had the conversation on camera.     

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5 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

No. You're not missing anything!

They're (they are) and is... yes, they are the same. Rinna is trying to get us to believe that when she said "they're this close to death" she meant they were close to death, back when Kyle talked about it way back when. If I was Rinna I would be saying whoops, I meant to say they 'were' close to death. But she ain't the smartest sandwich in the picnic basket.

But was Kim even really that close to death back then or was it just a worry at the forefront of Kyle's mind?  I worry about my crazy friend on his motorcycle all the time, but it doesn't mean he's actually cheating death, just that I'm worried.  Either way, I think Rinna either misspoke or is full of shit, probably the latter.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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9 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

These women need to lay off the botox, lip plumpers and other procedures.  Camille barely looked human when she met with Rinna in NY.  Her face looked plastic and she could only move her lower lip, the rest of her face was completely immobile.  She's a very pretty woman, I don't understand why women do that to themselves. imo, it doesn't make them look younger or prettier, it just makes them look like they've had procedures done. Does anyone know people in real life that do this? Is the frozen face as distracting in person as it is on tv?

Camille was at Dr Injectibles Office and was retelling her horrific experience. She was on Rodeo Drive when someone grabbed her Birkin. Right at the point of the story where she realized she was being mugged/robbed – Dr Injectible plunged the botox into her eyebrows. I think she’s had to shave her hairline back just to apply brow pencil


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19 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Erika is starting to become a parody of herself.

She should take the bait from Eileen and get herself on a soap opera. She was really good in her audition and that's a place she can age gracefully. But she's gotta get off the pole. Soon.

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7 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

But was Kim even really that close to death back then or as it just a worry at the forefront of Kyle's mind?  I worry about my crazy friend on his motorcycle all the time, but it doesn't mean he's actually cheating death, just that I'm worried.  Either way, I think Rinna either misspoke or is full of shit, probably the latter.

When Kyle was opening her store, I believe Season 3, Kim said she was very ill physically, and in peril.  Of course Kim picked the middle of Kyle's opening to tell her.  Timing is not Kim's friend.

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I like the way that Kyle is doing her hair lately, flat-ironed and pinned back on the sides.  It's very flattering.  The super-long sausage curls of seasons past were so dated and aging IMO.

I feel sorry for Eileen's therapist. It must be exhausting listening to her non-problems.  Hope she's being paid well.

IDK what Lisa Rinna was wearing in that lunch scene with Camille but it looked like a nightgown.  Then VDP was wearing something very similar but at least she was in Mexico on vacation, not downtown NYC.

Stay out of the ladies' drama, Ken.  I hate when he interjects.  Eat your food.

Once again, Lisa Rinna's big mouth spurs an elaborate game of telephone and it takes over the season.   Who walks into a patio shouting hello like that?  She's obnoxious and clearly feeling very chuffed because her short, ordinary daughter walked in a fashion show.  Ring-a-ding-ding, lady.

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9 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Kyle's extensive surgery and fillers appear to be paying off, but her clothes still wear her, rather than the other way around

I agree wholeheartedly with this. Kyle is constantly swamped in her clothes. This episode, the blue skirt and the off the shoulder top she had on were ghastly, my eyes were ping ponging back and forth between LVP with the hair piled on top of her head and Kyle's strange ensemble during their talk about What Rinna Said to Eden. At this stage of her life, with her scripted series happening and everything else, Kyle should hire a REPUTABLE stylist and take heed. She's very attractive but her clothing choices are off. And she's in the boutique business! 

I still have the image of her from episodes ago, in a pleated satin skirt and bomber jacket burned on my retinas. Kyle is quite short and she's curvy too. So pleats and flared skirts are just not her friend, even with the highest of heels. She looks good in jeans and tailored shirts that are body skimming, and most of her cocktail looks are great, but she seems (like we all do) to see something sometimes and love it so much, she HAS to wear it when she can't.

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2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

When Dorit first mentioned I Love Lucy I thought she was making fun of Mauricio! She was not happy about their room assignment but PK has such a crush on Maurice that he put the kaybash on her complaining!

I'm pretty sure it was the twin beds. A sitcom standard of that time.

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Kyle told us last year in the Hamptons that what keeps her up at night is the thought of getting the dreaded phone call about her sister. I did not say “Kim was on the path to destruction” or “near death” the way Eden relayed it to her eager listener. What I said was, “They’re this close to Kim dying.” And again, the reason I even mentioned that to Eden in the first place is because I felt Eden could empathize with Kyle’s fear of receiving that phone call letting her know that something has happened to her sister. Those six words, “They’re this close to Kim dying,” have now been twisted into a dirty piece of gossip that implies that I think Kim is on the brink of death when what I was talking about was what Kyle shared with us all in the Hamptons last year. (Lisa Rinna's blog)

Rinna is shown talking to Lisa V. and Kyle in the previews and rambling on how she doesn't remember what she may have said to Eden just a few days before or even a few weeks before, but she can remember what Kyle said in the Hamptons last year? GTFOH

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12 hours ago, AndySmith said:


I found Simon's social-climbing ways to be rather amusing, and hey, his sense of fashion was interesting to see. PK is just gross all over.

I agree.  I could laugh at Simon, but PK just skeeves me out.

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