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S21.E03: Week 3: The Backstreet Boys


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6 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

She doesn't seem to understand that she is offering herself up to be used and left.

Don't give the milk away or they'll never buy the cow...

And speaking of phobias I would have lost it with those plexiglass 'walls' being all that was separating me from falling to my death from atop a building. I'd have had to take my meal indoors instead. Yikes.

I also heard 'Atlanta' btw.

  • Love 3

That said, I don't think Vanessa or any of the girls have anything to complain about. They knew he'd be dating more than one person (and that means kissing, etc more than one person) and they knew that this fact was likely to be rubbed in their faces (because, reality show). I mean, the entire goal of the show (season after season) is to make a girl for special and then show her that she's not the only special one and then film the emotional fallout.

Vanessa's issue didn't seem to about Nick kissing other women. Yes, that is uncomfortable and awkward to watch but they knew what they signed up for. Her issue was this 36 year old man who says he's looking for a wife, jumping around a bouncy princess castle and dry humping a 24 year old who has the mental capacity of a 13 year old, where others could see. That's why she didn't make her issue about Corinne, like the other women with their tattling about Corinne and her nanny. Her issue was strictly with Nick and his actions. And she told him, if he's there to fuck around instead of looking for a wife then let her know so she doesn't waste her time. In my opinion, that's how a woman and an adult handles shit. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 22

Kaitlyn didn't dumb him right after sleeping with him, she continued on sleeping with him right through the end before she dumb him for someone she knew she would pick since day 1.

Andi said it was always Josh since day 1 so she was just having her last day of freedom and in her books after the break up with Josh she went to his apartment and thought about sleeping with him again, only to back out because his apartment didn't meet her standard.

Liz, well she wanted to be on the show and she wasn't about to gave a guy her number to ruined her chance of getting rich like her BFF Jade did. And if we believe Jade, Jade encourage her to apply so she could pursue Nick, which I do not believe

Edited by gator12
  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Sup wit dat said:

Yeah, Andi dumped Nick after sleeping with him, Kaitlin dumped him after sleeping with him, and Liz didn't want to give him her number after their hookup.  I get the feeling Nick gets that a lot.  Maybe just coincidence...or not, haha.

I think there's a good chance it was just coincidence. Who knows? But in all fairness how many people in life have failed relationships? They just don't get broadcast on national TV and they don't always pertain to sex. Kaitlyn was just horny and took advantage of it but she was always going to pick Shawn from day one. Didn't watch Andi's season but from posts I've gathered she claims Nick wasn't good but also I've gathered she was already over Nick when the deed was done and was just going through the motions. And Liz...please. That was just a drunken one night stand which in most people's opinion wouldn't be the best indicator of performance. In short there could be a correlation but it's flimsy at best.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, McManda said:

BSB 4eva. </nostalgia>

If you're a fan, I'd recommend watching their documentary. It's really interesting, and they touch on the struggle Brian went thigh and how rough hee had it with his voice during their recording of In A World Like This.

Loved the documentary!  The confrontation between Brian and Nick over vocals was something to see but pretty in line with their personalities - Nick was losing his mind on Brian and Brian was as cool as a cucumber but threw some serious shade at Nick. Implying that Nick was mostly concerned with Brian's vocals because now Brian wasn't able to do his job for him...ouch, it was a good read but I bet that stung. BSB was my adolescence - there's too much nostalgia there not get excited every time I see them. I would have totally fan-girled if I was on that group date, haha.

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, waving feather said:

For the record, BSB > 'Nsync. BSB had so many more hits.


13 hours ago, jade.black said:

Are you trying to start a 90s gang war here?! I will throw down for BSB!


12 hours ago, McManda said:

BSB 4eva. </nostalgia>

I'm tearing up over all this beautiful BSB love. My first concert was BSB, man. Memories! I need to find this doc you're all talking about. What is it called, @McManda?

To try to make this on topic, I had forgotten they do those extra scenes at the end of the eps, so I had deleted this one before seeing Josephine singing. I went back and watched it yesterday and that is the type of content I am watching this for!

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Back to Corinne for a moment - everything about her screams insecurity. I do think that she's genuinely attracted to Nick

I don't know, I feel like she hasn't even really looked at him!  When someone acts that psychotically attracted to you without knowing you, it seems shallow, and not even about the person at all.  Maybe that was one of the points Vanessa was trying to bring up.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 3
15 hours ago, jade.black said:

It'd be fun to have just a ridiculously sexy Bachelorette since usually the producers choose more of the cute type. The men would lose it.

That is exactly what kept saying before Jojo's season, but alas, it didn't turn out that way at all.  I think Jojo is incredibly sexy, but the season was so boring.

Also, Danielle L. is just way, way way too stupid.  I can barely listen to one sentence of her 'speaking'.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 2

I was multi-tasking, too, and heard "L.A." just fine. Since I'm in PST, I'd already read some posts, including the one about "Atlanta" so after hearing it, realized that was what it supposedly sounded like to some. Maybe he has some kind of regional pronunciation that sounds "off" in other parts of the country.  Sounded fine to me.

I don't think being dumped by Andi or Kaitlyn says anything about his love-making ability (and per Liz, he seemed to want to have "sex + actual conversation" which would be a turn off to some, but a turn on to others). Andi already clearly only had eyes for Josh and was probably just hedging her bets in case the overnight with him was a bust. (Quite mean of her, esp when Nick told her "If you're not feeling the way I do, please don't do the overnight." And after his little sister begged her not to hurt him because he'd been hurt before. Eh, I think Andi's a biatch so there's that.)

I liked Kaitlyn even less. And, again, she was into Shawn from Day 1. I think, again, Nick was just a way to have a back up in case Shawn wasn't interested, someone she could still have propose to her on national television and not be embarrassingly dumped. 

I thought Kaitlyn and Andi were both women I would never, ever want (or trust) as friends--and, in addition, I thought Kaitlyn was crude and stupid.

I liked Nick from the beginning, and the show/neg attention has toughened him up emotionally in a way that seems positive.  The only negative thing I see about him is how could he have fallen in love with Andi and Kaitlyn? Andi seems way too aggressive and self-centered, and Kaitlyn seems shallow and stupid.  I guess they both were very attractive to him, but that's not love.  That part of what we've seen from him is strange to me.

That said, I like him a lot, especially after the vomit thing.  And how refreshing is it to have a Bachelor who is capable of engaging the women in actual conversation ABOUT something? And who has a vocabulary? (Imagine Ben or Chris S using the word "angst" or showing any real interest in hearing the answers to any question other than, "So, are you really into me?" or making any observation other than, "You look amazing.")

I'm rooting for Nick, not just to find a good relationship with someone this time, but to not get a bad reputation in the process.

Oh, and re: Corinne.  She looks like Pia Zadora to me--very pretty. Her parents are doing her no favors encouraging that "nanny" thing though. The very least they could do is, for a 24 year old's helper, call her a "personal assistant".

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

That is exactly what kept saying before Jojo's season, but alas, it didn't turn out that way at all.  I think Jojo is incredibly sexy, but the season was so boring.

Also, Danielle L. is just way, way way too stupid.  I can barely listen to one sentence of her 'speaking'.

I suppose I haven't been paying close enough attention to her conversations with him. We've had more than enough unintelligent Bach picks on both shows, so if she is that stupid, I'd pass on her after all. And I guess I ignore Jojo being sexy because I couldn't stand her season or most of her men. I don't know why this show can't seem to pick good Bachelorettes. Aside from Trista's, I didn't see any of the early seasons so missed Jillian or others that seem to be popular (I think I picked up again with Ali), and the only recent one who I've enjoyed was Emily (the men loved her, she was confident, her final 2 were awesome, she made a surprising pick in the end). It's like either they find nice girls who the guys aren't interested in (Ashley), intelligent women who are awful people (Andi), or seemingly attractive and nice picks who are deadly boring or have terrible taste in men (Jojo). Then again, Nick is the first Bachelor pick I've been excited about pretty much ever, so let's hope it's the start of a positive trend. I'm getting ahead of myself anyway, we're only on episode 3!

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, jade.black said:

I was not pleased with the weird editing at the beginning of the episode. Last week we ended with Nick telling the girls he had sex with Liz, then this week we just had a bunch of cuts of those girls telling the other girls and then all of a sudden the cocktail party is starting? I actually thought we were still watching the preview for the episode. Also not pleased with returning to the "cliffhanger" format where we don't end with a rose ceremony each episode.

I so agree with you on the cliffhanger format.  I liked when it was a clean episode.  Start with a new date card and then wrap up with the RC.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I do think that she's genuinely attracted to Nick

I think she likes him as a prize. A lot of her talking heads are about how she's going to win, and how she's got something else up her sleeve, etc. This is a conquest for her. I don't doubt she is attracted to him, he's attractive, and apparently more so in person, so she'll screw him to get the win, but I don't for a second think he is more to her than a prize to be won then tossed aside when something shiny catches her attention.


55 minutes ago, Padma said:

The only negative thing I see about him is how could he have fallen in love with Andi and Kaitlyn? Andi seems way too aggressive and self-centered, and Kaitlyn seems shallow and stupid.  I guess they both were very attractive to him, but that's not love.  That part of what we've seen from him is strange to me.

I think Nick loves falling in love, so he does it easy and often. This is a negative thing if he wants a long term relationship but it's kind of sweet, too. He does say he likes a strong, challenging personality and though completely different, both Andi and Kaitlyn have strong personalities and were difficult in their own ways. I think when Nick meets "the one" he's not gonna know what hit him. But until then he's going to think that every girl he dates is "the one".

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I don't know, I feel like she hasn't even really looked at him!  When someone acts that psychotically attracted to you without knowing you, it seems shallow, and not even about the person at all.  Maybe that was one of the points Vanessa was trying to bring up.

Oh I should clarify - what I mean is that I don't think Corinne is pretending to be into Nick in the physical sense. I think she genuinely finds him attractive but again - in a very superficial sense. I also think it's highly possible that because of her insecurity (constant need for attention, comparing herself to the other women or talking down other women to make herself seem better), Corinne is likely to romanticize the idea and any man that she feels has 'chosen' her.  I think she's constantly feeding attention because she needs to remind herself that he's interested in her. She needs to have reason to convince herself that Nick wants her and all the other women are there because he's not allowed to send them all home and propose to Corinne.

Not to get too deep, but she displays all of the symptoms of someone with daddy issues. Are her parents separated? Did she grow up with her father who maybe worked a lot or didn't see her a lot for whatever reason? That would also explain her attachment to her nanny. She thinks her nanny loves taking care of. She's given herself a huge importance in her nanny's life and it seems like that's the most substantial and dependent relationship she has in her life. And I say all this not as judgment but just talking out what might be the case that leads Corinne to behave the way she does. She's not malicious, or vindictive so far - she just seems utterly immature for this process is all.

  • Love 1
45 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

She thinks her nanny loves taking care of. She's given herself a huge importance in her nanny's life and it seems like that's the most substantial and dependent relationship she has in her life. And I say all this not as judgment but just talking out what might be the case that leads Corinne to behave the way she does. She's not malicious, or vindictive so far - she just seems utterly immature for this process is all.

I think the nanny does love Corinne, because what other "kid" could give her that kind of job security?

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I think the nanny does love Corinne, because what other "kid" could give her that kind of job security?

Yeah, the way she said that her nanny likes doing her laundry and making her bed was weird.  Made me think of the show Devious Maids, where the rich women are oblivious as to how poorly they treat their maids.  

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I think Nick loves falling in love, so he does it easy and often. This is a negative thing if he wants a long term relationship but it's kind of sweet, too. He does say he likes a strong, challenging personality and though completely different, both Andi and Kaitlyn have strong personalities and were difficult in their own ways. I think when Nick meets "the one" he's not gonna know what hit him. But until then he's going to think that every girl he dates is "the one".

Great point, and makes sense. When you put it like that, I think it's kind of sweet, too. And I like it that he likes strong personalities--true that was the commonality I hadn't noticed with dumb Kaitlyn and intelligent Andi. Both are extroverts, too, I'm not sure if that comes into it at all. It may, as Nick seems a bit shy (a good thing, imo) and may enjoy a woman who sparks the interactions with people more easily than he does.


I think when Nick meets "the one" he's not gonna know what hit him

I hope we get to see this.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Padma said:

Both are extroverts, too, I'm not sure if that comes into it at all. It may, as Nick seems a bit shy (a good thing, imo) and may enjoy a woman who sparks the interactions with people more easily than he does.

Well, that would sure explain part of Corinne's appeal. She is certainly more than able to spark interactions. LOL And she's certainly extroverted.

I agree that he seems kind of shy. There's an awkwardness to his interactions and I think that Corinne might be a nice break for him. With all the other women he seems to have actual conversations, tries to get to know them, then when that becomes too taxing, he can go make out with Corinne, no talking, no pressure to get to know her, no thinking or interaction involved. Just dry humping and boob touching. It's like a mini vacation. I think he knows she's not a real contender and assumes (possibly erroneously, I don't know how much of her stupid is real and how much is put on) she is only there for fun and to be on TV and get into the Nation.

  • Love 2

I am repelled by Raven's face.  The wide-set, droopy eyes make me think she has some kind of genetic issue.

I am in love with Vanessa.  So elegant. 

Agree that Nick was mortified by the the whole whipped cream debacle.  Was there a preview showing Corinne freaking out next week?  I don't want her to go just yet, because I'm enjoying how she makes me cringe with shame for her. 

Most of the other girls are indistinguishable--more so than usual, I think.  However, I have to give them props for having different hairstyles this year.  Looks like the "Jo-Jo" (middle hair part with loose curls) is no longer de rigueur for the whole crew.

Edited by WhoAmIReally
9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm tearing up over all this beautiful BSB love. My first concert was BSB, man. Memories! I need to find this doc you're all talking about. What is it called, @McManda?

It's called "Backstreet Boys: Show 'Em What You're Made Of" and it premiered in 2015. I saw it when it aired on MTV later that year, but I think it originally released on iTunes as a digital rental/download. It's since been released on DVD. 

I'd totally recommend watching if you're a fan. 

  • Love 1

Oh my god. The other women's faces trying to process Corinne and her nanny were priceless. And I actually made some sort of "Oh no she didn't" sort of sound when she said that doing all that shit for her makes Raquel happy. I can't even. And, girlfriend, get a new shtick. You used the "my nipple fell out" line last week.

Dominique's confrontation with Nick was definitely an example of how not to do that. Did she honestly expect that, after having "known" her for all of two minutes, he should be able to tell when she wasn't being her usual self and seek her out to find out what's wrong? I think that might even be more ridiculous than when the twins expected their date on BIP to be able to tell the difference after meeting them just that day. You can't attack your lead for failing to read your mind and expect that to turn out well.


And then there's Vanessa, who seems to be able to ask him some fairly pointed questions and call him out on his bullshit quite calmly, and if spoilers are to believed, that does work. And while I normally just roll my eyes at contestants who are all "you're being too cozy with all these other people," his shenanigans with Corinne, right out in the open in front of everyone, have definitely been a bit much. I also really love that she's basically treating him like she expects him to have some control over his own impulses. So often, behaviour like his is just dismissed because, well, when a hot girl throws herself at a guy, how could he possibly be expected to resist? I love that Vanessa evidently has no truck with that. And the fact that he doesn't just get completely defensive and boot her immediately does speak at least somewhat in his favour. Of course, he also keeps Corinne around, so...

And I laughed at Danielle's observation that being serenaded by the BSB while dancing with Nick was super romantic, as the camera cuts to the rest of the group. Because there's nothing more romantic than being glared at by all the other women your "boyfriend" is "dating."

Edited by kingshearte
  • Love 3
11 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Vanessa's issue didn't seem to about Nick kissing other women. Yes, that is uncomfortable and awkward to watch but they knew what they signed up for. Her issue was this 36 year old man who says he's looking for a wife, jumping around a bouncy princess castle and dry humping a 24 year old who has the mental capacity of a 13 year old, where others could see. That's why she didn't make her issue about Corinne, like the other women with their tattling about Corinne and her nanny. Her issue was strictly with Nick and his actions. And she told him, if he's there to fuck around instead of looking for a wife then let her know so she doesn't waste her time. In my opinion, that's how a woman and an adult handles shit. 

Also, she seemed to allude to an off-air conversation they'd had about the fact that, of course, he was was going to have to make out with other women, but there's a way to do that without appearing sleazy to either the other girls or the TV audience. (I think I remember hearing the word "perception" in that conversation?) It appreciated the hint of that conversation, because I've always wondered if it's something the leads discuss with the contestants they really like.

36 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Also, she seemed to allude to an off-air conversation they'd had about the fact that, of course, he was was going to have to make out with other women, but there's a way to do that without appearing sleazy to either the other girls or the TV audience. (I think I remember hearing the word "perception" in that conversation?) It appreciated the hint of that conversation, because I've always wondered if it's something the leads discuss with the contestants they really like.

Yeah she told him that he said he knew being The Bachelor, there would be a lot of speculation around him for the things he does, so why would he do that (meaning the stuff with Corinne). What I thought was interesting about that was it made me think he shared about his fears and concerns about being The Bachelor with her.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

Yeah she told him that he said he knew being The Bachelor, there would be a lot of speculation around him for the things he does, so why would he do that (meaning the stuff with Corinne). What I thought was interesting about that was it made me think he shared about his fears and concerns about being The Bachelor with her.

Well he did tell her on the dinner date that he was concerned about being rejected again and his conversation with her gave him new hope. Remember that's when he cried. I also noticed that he had a certain look on his face that I hadn't since with any of the other woman but he had it on the first night when he talked to Vanessa and then again on the rooftop. A kind of puzzled, mesmerized look is the best way I can describe it.  The first time I noticed it because it was kind of odd so when I saw it again I thought, there's that look again. I think he's smitten with her.

And regarding Vanessa someone had commented they thought Nick was more into her than she was into him. Her reaction to the bouncy house was that she was, "pissed". That's not the reaction of someone who's not that into you. Also she comes across as very classy, smart and confident who knows what she's worth and how to convey that. I also think some of her confidence on the dinner date was a result of how caring and attentive Nick was earlier on. So the fact that she was reserved in terms of not being overly sexual (Corrine) and lavishing attention on him was not a indicator of how much she's into him. I think it's obvious that there's a lot of chemistry between them and both are equally attracted.

Also wanted to add that I had posted earlier that Nick had eliminated all the blondes but then I remembered Josephine and Danielle M. Josephine is filler and will be gone soon enough. I think Nick admires Danielle but I don't see a spark of chemistry there so I still believe he has a preference for brunettes. 

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 2
4 hours ago, WhoAmIReally said:

Agree that Nick was mortified by the the whole whipped cream debacle.  Was there a preview showing Corinne freaking out next week?  I don't want her to go just yet, because I'm enjoying how she makes me cringe with shame for her. 

Yeah, I would have loved if he had claimed to be lactose-intolerant, and declined the whipped cream.  

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, kingshearte said:

Did she honestly expect that, after having "known" her for all of two minutes, he should be able to tell when she wasn't being her usual self and seek her our to find out what's wrong?

I had the same thought. It almost seemed she started the sentence, then realized how silly it was, then tacked on "based on what you've seen of me before. <when I was more lively>" Like when?

1 hour ago, wings707 said:

I am not buying that. A friend of mine is lactose intolerant and she has the typical and very uncomfortable symptoms.  Abdominal pain and diarrhea.  He was clearly uncomfortable and that was an easy out. 

Well its not like we seen everything, maybe he did get the typical and very uncomfortable symptoms and the producers left it on the cutting floor because it didn't fit their storyline. Or maybe the producers made him take one of those lactose intolerant pills. 

And if you believe UnReal, there is no easy way out when it comes to these producers or they treat you like Juan Pablo (didn't watch his season) and Kaitlyn.

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, gator12 said:

And if you believe UnReal, there is no easy way out when it comes to these producers or they treat you like Juan Pablo (didn't watch his season) and Kaitlyn.

Yeah that was my first thought too. If Nick really is lactose intolerant than I'm sure the producers made provisions for that. There is no way they were going to scrap that drama inducing scene. It was so obviously scripted that you could tell even Nick knew beforehand what to do. He asks Corrine what does whipped cream have to do with what she's planning and she says, "everything". Then she proceeds to tell him, "get the whipped cream". He immediately turns around and stretches way behind his back to get the can. As if he knew exactly where it was at. For someone who's supposed to be surprised with this I thought that was odd. He knew he had to go along with the producers wishes but even still he couldn't convincingly deliver it as he looked uncomfortable to me and slightly bored honestly. Even when Jasmine walked behind and then away from them he calls her back like he was thinking, "saved by the bell". Or in this case Jasmine. Corrine noticed this and I think that's one reason she was so upset. She could tell he wanted out of that mess.

  • Love 2

I think it's always the producers egging on these confrontations. It appears they target those ladies with lower self-esteem to manipulate. It's probably the producer whispering in Dominique's ear that Nick would wanna know about her issues, when in fact it couldn't be further from the truth.

And who was Corrine talking to in the bathroom after she humiliated herself with the whip cream stunt? It sounded like even Corrine felt stupid about it afterwards but her handler was telling her how well she did and encouraging the whole thing.

I did like how Corrine went to bed and didn't come down for the Rose ceremony. The other ladies can bitch about how disrespectful it is but I would be very tempted to do the same thing if I were in her position. She'd already gotten a rose, why would she want to stand around in heels with full make-up on for the whole night if she could go to bed early? I wish more girls did that.

I hate the middle of episode rose ceremony too. I can never recall who got a rose and who didn't when they do it this way. They started doing it since Kaitlyn's season.

Edited by waving feather
  • Love 5

I don't know about him knowing beforehand (wouldn't surprise me) but he was definitely uncomfortable and thinking how to get out of it without hurting Corinne's feelings. Because it's clear she's so insecure, which again, is why everything between him and her is slightly creepy. Because she's like an oversexed child. Like with someone like Courtney, she was a woman and legitimately sexy, however you felt about her.

So I remember I was one of those not the least bit bothered by the skinny dipping, sex in the beach with Ben scene. Sure it sucked for the other women but it didn't make me feel uncomfortable and embarrassed like I do watching Corinne and Nick's scenes. And yeah Nick definitely quickly called Jasmine back and was almost pushing her to interrupt and take him away.

Now I'm not absolving him entirely because I do think despite being uncomfortable, knowing it was a bad idea because it would not play well to viewers when it inevitably aired, he allowed his tiny head to control him for a few minutes when he actually licked the whip cream off her boob. But when he shut it down, I do think he was trying to do so in a way that wouldn't make Corinne feel bad and like he was rejecting her but she still felt that way. Which again shows how insecure she is and the producers are completely manipulating that. 

I'm sure a handler threw out the whip cream idea and said, "oh he'll love it and it'll keep his interest and give you an edge over the other women". So she does it and Nick seems slightly turned on but mostly uncomfortable and awkward. And since the only way she's apparently learned to communicate with guys she's interested in is through sex, she sees his discomfort and his saying to maybe slow things down as a rejection. I agree with former bachelorette Ali in her recap that Corinne is actually a little sad to be honest. 

eta: What waving feather said.

Btw, I watched the confrontation between Nick and Vanessa at the end of the episode again and I cracked up. When Vanessa mentions Nick riding Corinne, Nick goes, "that's fair but I mean...like, how much did you see..." And Vanessa, in a no bullshit tone answers, "it was only 2 seconds but enough for me to just walk away" And Nick just goes again, "um, okay..."

The whole thing was so hilarious because I don't know if it's the teacher in her but the whole scene had a vibe of him being scolded and having nothing to say. And she did it in the most effective way - no yelling, no weepiness or histrionics, just calm and unyielding. And she also did that thing of making it clear that it's not even that she's mad but that she's disappointed. I just found the whole thing funny, especially if he ends up picking her in the end after all that. Should make for an interesting relationship dynamic. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, wings707 said:

I am not buying that. A friend of mine is lactose intolerant and she has the typical and very uncomfortable symptoms.  Abdominal pain and diarrhea.  He was clearly uncomfortable and that was an easy out. 

I'm with you.  If he were so uncomfortable that he didn't want to do it, saying "I can't, I'm lactose intolerant" would be an easy out, especially if it's the truth.


I'm with you!! and they have a Name for us--as if it's odd??  Well let's have a parade.  Emitaphobia pride.   Honestly I would have tried to jump.        And the LAST thing I want when I'm sick is some guy chasing me around fawning on me and crawling all over me.  GTF away from me! And then kissing..WHY??   

Ugh, same here. I was watching this going "why is he staring right at her as she's throwing up?" I get caring and all that, but throwing up in public is uncomfortable enough without a guy shoving his face in yours and not breaking eye contact. And the kissing...shudder. 


Oh, I almost forgot about Josephine singing at the end.  Did you see Nick's face?

That was so embarrassing. Does she think she's a good singer? Even if she was, what an awkward way to show it. Nick looked like he wanted to crawl under the chair. 


I don't think Nick is making out any more than most leads. It's just that Corinne may be one of the most annoying and sexually gross "villains" they've ever had. And the producers, who clearly love her brand of trash (gee who do we think prodded her to pull out that whip cream stunt and where else would she get that bouncy castle) are taking the cue from that and therefore there just seems be a higher sleaze level to the season. 

There were no less than 3 (possibly 4) Reddi-Whip commercials during the show, so I guess that was product placement...but a desperately insecure 24 year old unsuccessfully trying to seduce a 35 (36?) year old man is not the kind of advertising I'd want if I were them.


It's starting to get really icky the way Corinne is so childish and hyper-sexual at the same time. Her parents have a lot to answer for.

That's grossing me out too. I miss villains like Olivia and Kelsey Poe, they were terrible people but had some air of maturity and appeared to be on a level playing field with the lead. Corinne's Tiger Beat crush on the much older Nick that's making her basically offer herself up on a platter is uncomfortable to watch. 


Girl is a genius though. She gets her time and then takes a nap. No drinking, no socializing, no fear of reprisal - just find a bed and sleep. I hope future 'ettes try this tactic in the future. 

She's definitely doing some (read: quite a bit) drinking. I don't think these are naps so much as passed drunk episodes. 

It was a nice touch for the producers to lay that rose in her bed while she slept through the rose ceremony though, I guess they don't think she's come off sufficiently crazy yet. 


I was not warming up to Vanessa at all but this episode completely changed that. She's my new fave. The "I'm not judging her, I'm judging you," really solidified it. I stood up and cheered! 

I liked the way she handled that, but I couldn't get a read on Nick's reaction, so I'll be curious to see how that goes. The whole Corinne thing seems so overdone that it makes the rest of the relationships seems kinda pointless. Like, if he's making such a connection with people like Vanessa and then doing the whipped cream/bouncy house routine with Corinne...those things can't exist in conjunction. 


I think it's always the producers egging on these confrontations. It appears they target those ladies with lower self-esteem to manipulate. It's probably the producer whispering in Dominique's ear that Nick would wanna know about her issues, when in fact it couldn't be further from the truth.

Totally forgot about this bit of awkwardness. First of all, I have zero recollection of Dominique before this episode (there were some blondes eliminated at the rose ceremony that I could also swear I never saw before), but what on earth was that confrontation about? Someone hasn't noticed you in a sea of 30 others vying for his attention and you think yelling at him is the way to get him to like you? 

Edited by ljenkins782
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, gator12 said:

Well its not like we seen everything, maybe he did get the typical and very uncomfortable symptoms and the producers left it on the cutting floor because it didn't fit their storyline. Or maybe the producers made him take one of those lactose intolerant pills. 

And if you believe UnReal, there is no easy way out when it comes to these producers or they treat you like Juan Pablo (didn't watch his season) and Kaitlyn.

I hear you.  I don't think there is a pill, though, or my friend would have them.  He would not risk explosive toilet trouble. No way!

43 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I hear you.  I don't think there is a pill, though, or my friend would have them.  He would not risk explosive toilet trouble. No way!

There are pills, I've seen them when I go to CVS looking for aspirin. 

Google help me out with the name of them. Lactaid, Lactase, Lactaid Ultra, SureLac.  All of them are over the counter and help people consume dairy public without the issues that come with being Lactose Intolerant.  There are even generic/store brand versions of them.10989565?wid=450&hei=450&fmt=pjpeg

Edited by gator12
ETA to add image
  • Love 1
29 minutes ago, gator12 said:

There are pills, I've seen them when I go to CVS looking for aspirin. 

Google help me out with the name of them. Lactaid, Lactase, Lactaid Ultra, SureLac.  All of them are over the counter and help people consume dairy public without the issues that come with being Lactose Intolerant.  There are even generic/store brand versions of them.10989565?wid=450&hei=450&fmt=pjpeg

Funny!  Thanks I just called my friend and she said, and I quote, OTC products don't work for shit. There may be varying degrees of this condition, too.  Her mother thinks it is in her head and sneaks cheese into things like meatballs, with disastrous results.   Sorry for the OT. 

Edited by wings707
6 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

I'm sure a handler threw out the whip cream idea and said, "oh he'll love it and it'll keep his interest and give you an edge over the other women". So she does it and Nick seems slightly turned on but mostly uncomfortable and awkward. And since the only way she's apparently learned to communicate with guys she's interested in is through sex, she sees his discomfort and his saying to maybe slow things down as a rejection. I agree with former bachelorette Ali in her recap that Corinne is actually a little sad to be honest. 

Oh I totally agree they egged her on like that. And I also agree that Nick didn't want to hurt her feelings and tried to handle it in the best way (because I think even he realizes she's a bit sad) but after watching it back I do believe Nick wasn't totally in the dark there. He knew exactly where that can of whipped cream was at. No hesitation. No, "where's it at?" Instead when she asks him to get it he says, "yeah sure" and goes right for it. And it wasn't like it was sitting in plain view. I guess it's always possible he saw it while he was waiting for her to come out but then why would he ask her, "what's whipped cream got to do with it". If it was supposed to be such a surprise why didn't she pull it out of her coat or something? How did she know he would know where it was at? Maybe they were both aware of the set up but told to ad lib and just go with it and somehow convinced Corrine that he was enthusiastic and delighted with the idea. I don't believe the whole show is scripted but these over the top hard to believe scenes (bouncy house) are highly questionable. I saw a interview with Ashley I on a People mag internet show and they asked her about why Corrine would keep talking about and dwelling on her nanny. Ashley kind of reluctantly admitted that the contestants are pushed to do that. She specifically said she was told to keep up the virgin angle. So we know the producers prod to get what they want. Maybe I'm reading to much into it but that scene just didn't add up.

6 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

The whole thing was so hilarious because I don't know if it's the teacher in her but the whole scene had a vibe of him being scolded and having nothing to say. And she did it in the most effective way - no yelling, no weepiness or histrionics, just calm and unyielding. And she also did that thing of making it clear that it's not even that she's mad but that she's disappointed. I just found the whole thing funny, especially if he ends up picking her in the end after all that. Should make for an interesting relationship dynamic. 

Your right and I think it's another indication that he's really into her. I just can't see him letting any of the other women be that confrontational and not sending them home. For instance, Dominique. Of course he could send her home shortly but I highly doubt it.

Edited by yorklee2
2 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:


I liked the way she handled that, but I couldn't get a read on Nick's reaction, so I'll be curious to see how that goes. The whole Corinne thing seems so overdone that it makes the rest of the relationships seems kinda pointless. Like, if he's making such a connection with people like Vanessa and then doing the whipped cream/bouncy house routine with Corinne...those things can't exist in conjunction. 


And I feel that was effectively Vanessa's point in her comments toward Nick. It's one thing to have those moments of attraction, but it happens quite frequently in front of the women that's all they see between Nick and Corinne. It certainly contradicts the notion of wanting a real relationship and potential wife at the end of the process when you eagerly invite those interactions with disregard to the other women who are trying to establish something genuine with him. I also liked that Vanessa didn't compare her values to Corinne by saying 'if that's the type of girl you want, then I'm not the girl for you'. I liked that focused on his actions and how his reception to certain behaviours that contradict what he says he wants out of the process. Essentially, 'if that's the type of relationship you want to take out of this process, then don't waste my time and give me a rose because I'm not looking for someone to fuck around with'.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

Yeah that was my first thought too. If Nick really is lactose intolerant than I'm sure the producers made provisions for that

There are degrees of lactose intolerance, and effective meds for it.  I eat yogurt every day, but can't handle more than a little cheese or milk unless I take LactAid with it. 

And I keep thinking of Unreal too.  Imagine putting whipped cream on your tits, and asking a guy to lick it off - with a camera crew right there filming!   That's more like a soft core porn movie than a TV show that's supposed to lead to a proposal.

  • Love 4

Sad to see Dominique go home.  I thought she was gorgeous, one of the few people there who doesn't look vaguely inbred to me.  Every time I saw Rachel with her, with that gap-toothed grin, I had to fast-forward until that mouth was off my screen!

Agree with other people that Alexis needs to be on some Jersey Shore type of show.  And she can take Corinne along with her, as she's just about as classy.  It's mac and cheese, not cheese pasta, dumbass!

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, wings707 said:

Funny!  Thanks I just called my friend and she said, and I quote, OTC products don't work for shit. There may be varying degrees of this condition, too.  Her mother thinks it is in her head and sneaks cheese into things like meatballs, with disastrous results.   Sorry for the OT. 

Lol, I don't have lactose intolerant, I've just seen these pills around. Wouldn't know if they work or not.  

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