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S07.E15: 100

Tara Ariano
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45 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Moving is so fucking expensive anyway. Seriously. And it's a huge pain in the ass, whether or not you have movers.

Most stressful thing ever. I'm determined to de clutter so my last move  to a smaller home is easier. Last time I had a moving company and car transporter to cross country and I still ain't right. Then again my Father and his wife moved into the in law  suite and Hubby is finishing up work. Last week was his last visit. July can't come soon enough. 

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I really could handle an entire episode that doesn't include Javi and Adam.  I can not STAND to look at Javi and to make it worse when he is face timing for tv the direction he holds his cel phone it looks directly up his nose.  Gah! I can't get passed his big freaking uncloseable lips.  

K. Had to get that off my chest.  Lol

I got so mad at Leah raising her voice at Ali because she kept falling. Grrrr 

I also realize during this episode that none of these kids have full blood siblings. They are all half siblings. Kinda sad. 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 14
51 minutes ago, Ffiferoo said:

Chelsea treating her pregnancy and having another kid like it's actually a big deal is very refreshing for this show.  It's very sweet how much she's thinking about Aubree's feelings, too.

This . It's nice to actually see one of the teen moms excited about their pregnancy and also how it's gonna affect the child they already have .. 

usually when one of the teen mom girls get pregnant , it's just another day for them 

  • Love 20
14 minutes ago, amandabanana said:

I really like Chelsea but I think she was trying to get pregnant. Why else would she take ovulation tests?

I agree. You don't go off birth control and take ovulation tests if you aren't trying to get pregnant. 

Leah yelling at Ali for falling. SMH. And then asking her if she wants to wear her helmet. I understand Ali doesn't like it and feels different but I think when doing physical play maybe she should be made to wear it for her own safety. I hope this is the last time Leah moves. 

  • Love 15
16 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Leah yelling at Ali for falling. SMH. And then asking her if she wants to wear her helmet. I understand Ali doesn't like it and feels different but I think when doing physical play maybe she should be made to wear it for her own safety. I hope this is the last time Leah moves. 

And since when is asking a kid this kind of question the way to go?  It's like asking a kid if they want to wear a bike helmet, or go to school, or brush their teeth, or eat all their vegetables?  If you give them a choice, it's always going to be no, I'd rather eat frosting from a can.  But thanks for asking!

And as bad as Leah's denial is, Corey's is even worse.  Tonight he said he has faith that Ali's condition is going to improve!  Doesn't he understand it's a degenerative disease, and it's only going to get worse?

  • Love 23
15 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:


And as bad as Leah's denial is, Corey's is even worse.  Tonight he said he has faith that Ali's condition is going to improve!  Doesn't he understand it's a degenerative disease, and it's only going to get worse?

I caught that too. Corey and his family ,from what I understand , are in denial. Poor Ali. 

  • Love 17

Cole with his DILF shirt and Isaac with his Man Cub shirt were just too cute.  I loved Cole's response that he wants a boy but that he'd love a girl too.  I hope Teen Mom OG's Tyler was watching. I want bubbles like Aubree's.

Jenelle is scared to death of UBT.  I've never before heard her admit anything was her fault the way she did about the custody agreement.  That, and the way she's always explaining everything to him in a slow, overly calm manner makes me think he's a ticking time bomb and she knows it. His fake accent sucked and he's not funny.

Leah is an idiot.  Poor, poor Ali.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

This . It's nice to actually see one of the teen moms excited about their pregnancy and also how it's gonna affect the child they already have .. 

usually when one of the teen mom girls get pregnant , it's just another day for them 

I thought it was sweet, too. And I totally got her feelings about adding another child, and feeling sad about it because it had always just been her and Aubree. We tried for our second child. He was planned. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, however, I burst into tears. My older son (3 at the time) and I had a special relationship. A big part of me was afraid I was giving that up and that things would never be the same. I wanted the new baby, but was sad about things never being the same again. I was also afraid that I'd be giving something up, like perhaps I wouldn't have enough love for both and would have to take some away from my oldest. Finally, a friend with multiple children told me that you don't "make room" for the new child-you grow a totally new heart for them. That's one of the best things I've heard. (Unfortunately, when the second child was 2 months old, he died in his sleep from SIDS so it DID go back to being my oldest on his own again. And that was the saddest thing ever. We had our daughter a year later because we found that we immensely enjoyed having two children in our lives, much more than we'd expected.)

  • Love 18
38 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I understood that conversation as in they were using the natural method of birth control; she was charting her ovulation so that they could avoid having sex during the times when she was most fertile. 

I did, too. Except in the meantime, use a condom or don't have sex if pregnancy is trying to be avoided. 

I swear, the first time Leah yelled she said Addie's name, but the camera showed Ali.

I don't like MILF or DILF logos. 

Why does the crew push Kail to talk to Javi? I know they want the drama, but the kids were there. Back off MTV. 

  • Love 11
Just now, GreatKazu said:

I did, too. Except in the meantime, use a condom or don't have sex if pregnancy is trying to be avoided. 

I don't like MILF or DILF logos. 

Oh yeah, totally. Natural birth control methods have a high rate of failure because most people don't know how to use it properly and even those that do can be off by a few days if their cycles aren't consistent. They were probably not "trying" but not "not trying." 

And I don't like those logos either. They're very conceited, don't you think? Assuming that people want to jump your bones?

  • Love 7

Leah was way tanorexic in the first scene, I'm thinking that a tanning bed is the only appliance that she is capable of operating.  I can't understand how she lives and functions with shit everywhere and just shoved randomly into cabinets.  

I moved last year and had movers.  It was still a clusterfuck.  I haven't gotten my new home totally organized yet, and I don't have 3 nearly feral children running around.  (Note, that isn't anything to do with the kids, it's totally a shot at the lack of care/supervision Leah provides)  

I'm kind of surprised that there isn't some sort of therapy at this point for Leah, Corey and Ali to come to terms with her situation.  Dr Tsao says the same thing over and over, we've seen it on tape, and we clearly know that she's not going to get better, she's only going to decline.  Yet, Leah is letting Ali run the show, rather than stepping up and parenting when it's hard, and Corey just doesn't seem to have a clue.  He wants her to get better so badly that he can't seem to grasp her limitations and is seeing things that just aren't there.  

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I'm not sure why Jenelle's custody agreement says Kaiser must always be with Nathan considering she leaves the kid with any random stranger willing to take him off her hands. Why is it okay for Dave's mother to watch Kaiser, but his biological grandmother can't take him to the playground?

I'd assume this comes from Nathan's position of weakness with no custody rights* having to compromise more than she does. The clause is probably Jenelle having seen Ryan and Adam dump their kids on their parents and shirk their own responsibility...or it's forcing Nathan to keep his romantic interests away from his son. She's both blowing one incident out of proportion, and she's assuming the balance of power will remain constant. I don't think she realizes her own track record could easily upset that balance if Nathan kept squeaky clean and on top of his parental responsibilities**.


* Because doesn't he have a child from his prior marriage, who he also had no custody rights to see?

** Although I thought I heard his now ex GF filed assault charges...?

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I understood that conversation as in they were using the natural method of birth control; she was charting her ovulation so that they could avoid having sex during the times when she was most fertile. 

I think it was both they used the natural method of birth control, and that they were also planning to get pregnant very quickly after the wedding. It was naive not to use prophylactics as a backup BC but they all seem happy so good for them. 

  • Love 3

So we've seen Kaiser with David's mom (who isn't even his grandmother) on multiple occasions. They seem to have no problem fostering him off on HER. Why, then, is it an issue that Nathan's mom has him? I realize the point of Nathan wanting to see him then Nathan should actually SEE him but doesn't Jenelle realize she's doing the same thing when she hands her kid over to someone else like that?

  • Love 15
14 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Moving is so fucking expensive anyway. Seriously. And it's a huge pain in the ass, whether or not you have movers.

I don't know. I moved at least once a year for most of my twenties. It was just a part of being that young (and in my case, in school for part of it). Doesn't necessarily cost a lot, in some areas deposits are not much and I always got friends to move my stuff.

11 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Chelsea, honey...you don't need to "cleanse your body" of the birth control. I mean, I know it can take some time to get back to regular periods, but girl...you're not 40! [facepalm]

ETA: do condoms not exist in their world?

She is truly dumb at times.

Oh my gosh, Aubree reading the news about the new baby in her little raspy voice was seriously the best thing ever. I just love her. And I thought it was really great of Cole and Chelsea to get her a card and a present. She's been the only child for so long; it's very thoughtful to make sure she knows the new baby isn't going to take ALL the attention away from her. 

And I'm still not grossed out by the pee sticks on the counter. From the sound of it, Chelsea and Cole knew quite awhile ago. They were probably waiting a certain number of weeks before announcing. Those things were long dried out by now. I love that she took 3. I usually took 2, just to be certain. 


Vivi is another cutey. Look at all that beautiful hair she has! Jo continues to impress me with his maturity. This is quite a different Jo from that start of the series. I shouldn't be THAT impressed. It's fairly normal for teenagers to suck, but eventually mature into responsible and thoughtful adults. But with this crowd, it's an anomaly. I just loved hearing him say that Lincoln could come visit during his time with Isaac, and even Javi could come! The more the merrier. 

Kail actually seemed to be really mature about it too. I didn't realize she was only 19 when they married. They really just aren't good for each other. I just hope Kail isn't playing lip service and follows through on putting the kids first always. 


So Leah got ANOTHER new house? What is this, house number 25? I'm just glad there's no stairs. But I got really upset seeing Ali running around and falling over and over with the slip and slide. And then Leah yelling at her! Look, you're her mom. As hard as it is, YOU have to set boundaries. You can't tell her that she's allowed to play, and then yell at her for falling. And if she needs her helmet, MAKE her wear it. It's normal to be embarrassed, but as the parent, you can try to help her through it. Make the helmet really cool. Let her pick out stickers or hair pieces to decorate it with. Make it a fun thing. Tell her how she's so special, because only SHE has one. And maybe think of outdoor water activities that don't require so much effort. 

I then had to wonder how long Ali had to stand during the photo shoot. Why not let her use the chair for her shoot? Is she getting the feeling of embarrassment from Leah? If your daughter requires a chair, have the chair in the picture. The more you normalize it, and the sooner, the better Ali will be able to adapt. 


I think Jenelle was happy to finally relent and let Nathan take Kaiser - only because he'd be a real pill at Disney. Of course she could have just left him with David's mom, and I don't know which scares me more - considering that woman raised DAVID. I'm not one to stick up for Nathan, because he sucks, but I don't know why Jenelle freaked out about Nathan's mom taking Kai to the park. For one, it's possible Nathan was there, sitting next to her while she was filming. Or maybe he had an errand to run or wanted an hour of gym time. I know he hasn't seen Kai in forever, but people who are regimented about working out are loathe to give up that routine. Jenelle is constantly dumping her kids on anyone and everyone, so I don't see why she gives a fuck. 

I just can't with Nathan and his struggle pony. Where is Edward Scissorhands when you need him???

  • Love 23
7 hours ago, Chellichik said:

I have to confess that when I saw DILF, my first thought was D = daughter and I was, of course, immediately grossed out.  I'm with everyone else that thinks the whole MILF/DILF is gross and tacky.

Kinda fitting for Chelsea, IMHO.

6 hours ago, BitterApple said:


Leah, don't give Ali the option of not wearing her helmet. She's going to say no every time. Yes, being different from the other kids sucks, but you know what else sucks? Concussions and fractured skulls. 


Exactly. And from what I've seen, they all, especially Corey and family, would be the type to keep a brain dead child on "life support" indefinitely waiting for a "miracle" if it came to that. Disgusts me.

  • Love 13
6 hours ago, smores said:

Leah was way tanorexic in the first scene, I'm thinking that a tanning bed is the only appliance that she is capable of operating.  I can't understand how she lives and functions with shit everywhere and just shoved randomly into cabinets.  

I moved last year and had movers.  It was still a clusterfuck.  I haven't gotten my new home totally organized yet, and I don't have 3 nearly feral children running around.  (Note, that isn't anything to do with the kids, it's totally a shot at the lack of care/supervision Leah provides)  

I'm kind of surprised that there isn't some sort of therapy at this point for Leah, Corey and Ali to come to terms with her situation.  Dr Tsao says the same thing over and over, we've seen it on tape, and we clearly know that she's not going to get better, she's only going to decline.  Yet, Leah is letting Ali run the show, rather than stepping up and parenting when it's hard, and Corey just doesn't seem to have a clue.  He wants her to get better so badly that he can't seem to grasp her limitations and is seeing things that just aren't there.  

I'm sure there is, but they have chosen not to attend. I hope Dr. Tsao or someone on his staff report them to CPS at this point ( I have done so in a similar situation when employed as a hospital social worker).

4 hours ago, schroob said:

I'd assume this comes from Nathan's position of weakness with no custody rights* having to compromise more than she does. The clause is probably Jenelle having seen Ryan and Adam dump their kids on their parents and shirk their own responsibility...or it's forcing Nathan to keep his romantic interests away from his son. She's both blowing one incident out of proportion, and she's assuming the balance of power will remain constant. I don't think she realizes her own track record could easily upset that balance if Nathan kept squeaky clean and on top of his parental responsibilities**.



Why isn't the court giving Nathan equal custody rights?

  • Love 3
28 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

My wife tried to make the argument that an IUD WITHOUT the hormones costs us $500, so maybe it's cost prohibitive? My counter was SHE MAKES $300K PER YEAR AND HAS A PET PIG. There's no way it's a money thing. 

Exactly. And she has been on this show for years. And does not understand how birth control works by now? And doesn't know about condoms?

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