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Joy and Austin: This One Time At Family Camp

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18 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

Maybe it is a small hospital, and that is where the equipment is located.  Maybe she is calling it the ER, but it is actually another section of the hospital.  You would still have to check in so they know where to send the bill.  Around here, except for huge specialized orthopedic buildings, our local hospital has everything you could need.  That is where all diagnostic tests are done, as well as labs.  But you check in at the hospital, not the Urgent Care or ER.

Well yes, sometimes I get my labs done at a local hospital, but it’s not the ER. 

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She wasn't very clear, but she said she was going to the hospital for her stress test but had to check in at the ER. I thought that was strange. Doesn't the ER have more important things to do than deal with pregnant women who aren't in labor?

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I'm not so sure Joy knows exactly where in the hospital she was.  Maybe she calls it the ER because she was in a part of the hospital that has the equipment.  Her thought process can be kind of hard to follow sometimes.

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I bet you are correct...the hospital does have out patient testing on the premises,...but you are not admitted to the ER...Joy doesn't understand where she is in the facility. Good work, posters. Joy needs a course in basic "life experience" I'm afraid. Years ago, I took my son for imaging at the hospital but he was NOT in the ER...he was in radiology as an outpatient. This girl just doesn't seem to get "it".

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In all fairness, this issue isn't unique to Joy. Hospitals are confusing. Maybe at hers, you go in at the ER and then turn left to go to radiology or something. The giant hospital near me is like that -- there are regular doctors' offices and imaging suites in it as well as the usual hospital stuff. If your doc is near the ER end and you don't want to trot half a mile from the parking garage end, you probably just go in at the ER entrance. My hematologist is at the west entrance, which is a whole other animal. 

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4 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

Maybe it is a small hospital, and that is where the equipment is located.

She lives literally within a few minutes of one of the largest hospitals in the region. There are 2 other major hospital systems nearby. People in the county where I live routinely drive over an hour to go to the hospitals and specialists located right in her neck of the woods. I don't think that's what her issue is, but that's just me based on my own experiences living here. 

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3 hours ago, floridamom said:

I bet you are correct...the hospital does have out patient testing on the premises,...but you are not admitted to the ER...Joy doesn't understand where she is in the facility. Good work, posters. Joy needs a course in basic "life experience" I'm afraid. Years ago, I took my son for imaging at the hospital but he was NOT in the ER...he was in radiology as an outpatient. This girl just doesn't seem to get "it".

I live in a small town that has a community hospital.  From 4pm-6am M-F and 24hrs/day on weekends, outpatient registration is closed; therefore, everyone must register in the ER, regardless of what you’re there for.  I suspect that’s the case at the hospital where Joy is.

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My guess would be that, because of her clotting issue, Joy's baby is at risk for various problems such as growth restriction or even stillbirth.  In those cases, weekly surveillance of  placental function by either doing a biophysical profile (need an ultrasound) or nonstress test (fetal monitor) or both are needed.

Many hospitals with decent sized birthing units will have an area where this antepartum testing can be done.  All patients arriving there would usually go to ER registration first to sign in.  Many hospitals use the ER desk to sign in patients having outpatient procedures such CT scans or biopsies in the radiology department or fetal testing on labor and delivery.  It's a paperwork thing, she wouldn't be billed as an ER patient, she would only be billed for the procedure she has.

While Joy says she has seen the high risk doc, I doubt he/she is her actual primary obstetric provider.  Most MFM's (maternal fetal medicine) do not take patients into their practice except as consultations.  They see the patient, do an ultrasound, bloodwork, whatever and come up with a game plan which is sent to the regular OB to carry out.  The MFM may do some ultrasounds as part of these visits but many would not have the personnel to carry out the biophysical profile which requires spending half an hour watching everything that happens in the womb. and would not do BPP's in their office.

So, I think Joy is having antepartum testing done at the hospital weekly due to her medical condition and is going through the ER to register and the actual testing is done somewhere in labor and delivery, the ultrasound maybe in radiologists (most radiologists do no do enough OB scans to be really skilled at doing BPP's and I wouldn't send a patient to radiology for one, but there may not be another option at Joy's hospital.)

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The ERs around here are way too busy to handle any other registrations than their own. Each department of the hospital(s) have their own registration and waiting areas.

Even before covid the last place I would want to bring my kids or my pregnant self would be the ER unless we needed to be there.

I seems by this time next month Joy will be at home with a new baby. Hopefully she delivers well after their floors are finished and her yard is cleaned up.

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Many hospitals do not have an admissions office anymore because of staffing issues.  Therefore, the ER front desk is usually also the place where anyone coming for outpatient procedures would go to on arrival to have a wrist band printed, their names entered into the system, etc.  Takes just a minute or two with pre-registration.

I work at a very large hospital with more than 4000 births a year.  Because of the size of the hospital and the number of inpatients and outpatients seen there each year; almost everyone stops at the ER desk first to make sure they're registered and to make sure they get to the right department.  

It's mainly a security thing, my hospital and most others, have become very concerned about patient and employee safety and making everyone stop and identify themselves as soon as possible after walking in the building is one way to try to prevent people with evil intent from getting in.  There is an information desk very close to the ER registration desk where people coming to visit patients stop to identify the patient they're visiting and get a visitor tag which includes their picture, so anyone claiming to visit someone knows there is a very nice photo of them on file should they misbehave and law enforcement need to find them.

Edited by Notabug
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I also hope that labor and delivery go well for Joy, and am glad she's getting real medical care during this pregnancy. 

Just now I asked my friend Google to refresh my memory of Bill Gothard's teachings about miscarriages. I found this essay, written by a self-described "part time country pastor" - his name and details are at the end of of the piece. He brings a good game of scriptural citation and translation to an IBLP booklet on the subject of miscarriages. The IBLP booklet says the "spiritual" cause of miscarriage could be that the couple hasn't been tithing enough to their church and therefore God is taking their child. Yes, it does.

Here's the "money quote" from the IBLP tract:


When a couple does not render to the Lord the percentage due Him—a simple token that all they possess belongs to Him—He warns that the “devourer” will be permitted to take from them things that they may hold very dear.

I hope that Joy was never diligent enough to read that particular IBLP booklet, much less take that cruel legalistic bullcr*p to heart.

I also wonder if diligent Jill was ever exposed to that specific Gothard teaching, and if she was, if it's stuck in her mind and causes her to feel guilty about her miscarriage. 

I would like to think that even the most fervent Koolaid-drinking IBLP member wouldn't tell a bereaved couple, fresh from experiencing a miscarriage, that they need to examine their tithing practices to see if they are rendering the right amounts to God (specifically, to God's conveniently available local representative, their church). 

But, the world seems to have a robust supply of power-hungry arseholes, so I wouldn't bet the rent that never happens. I wonder if one of those nutjobs would dare tell Austin that his wife's miscarriage and subsequent pregnancy issues mean the Forsyths aren't rendering the correct percentage to the Lord. (I don't like Austin much, but if that happened, and if Austin punched the guy out? I'd set up a GFM for his legal defense fund. Just saying.)

Note: the essay I cited is stated as originally published in 2004. I suppose it's possible that IBLP has softened its stance on miscarriages since then, but the essay appears to have been posted online in 2016, with comments as recent as 2019. I doubt they would have put it online if IBLP had withdrawn that booklet. Just IMO. Also, I found this blog post from a personal blog about IBLP/Gothard (I'm sure by a different author than the other article I cited here), written in 2014, about an IBLP "medical" booklet on morning sickness. Urgh.

I haven't followed along to know if Joy and Austin attend those IBLP Family Conferences every year. If they do, I wonder if they get side-eye because her miscarriage and pregnancy issues would appear to be evidence that she has sinned, as the IBLP sees it. 

Edited by Jeeves
Pronouns. Are a thing.
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Almost all hospitals in this area have more than one 'main entrance'. There are also many valets stationed in different areas to direct patients as well as park cars. Depending on the hospital, births are anywhere from 400 - 6000 and almost all OB/GYN have there own entrance, if not their own building, of sorts.

I have no idea of the size of the hospital Joy is using, but again, around here the ER is strictly for 'emergencies' and any patients needing to go elsewhere would never be checked in there. They would be directed outside the building to the correct entrance.

I haven't gone back to watch, but maybe Joy wasn't actually in the ER? She did say was making a joke with Austin.

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I've never seen anyone remove a tooth with string.  Is that a thing?  Our family has always pulled them out by hand, using Kleenex or toilet paper.

Joy mentioned on last week's video that she wanted to avoid the floor staining because of the fumes, and this week she's in the room as Austin is staining.  

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36 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I've never seen anyone remove a tooth with string.  Is that a thing?  Our family has always pulled them out by hand, using Kleenex or toilet paper.

Joy mentioned on last week's video that she wanted to avoid the floor staining because of the fumes, and this week she's in the room as Austin is staining.  

I think I saw it in a Little Rascals episode once.  Tie a string around the tooth, attach the other end to a door knob and slam the door.

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1 hour ago, Gemma Violet said:

I've never seen anyone remove a tooth with string.  Is that a thing?  Our family has always pulled them out by hand, using Kleenex or toilet paper.

Joy mentioned on last week's video that she wanted to avoid the floor staining because of the fumes, and this week she's in the room as Austin is staining.  

Yeah I had a few removed with floss - I’m 37. Use the floss to cut the nerve. 

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7 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yeah I had a few removed with floss - I’m 37. Use the floss to cut the nerve. 

Well, that didn't work because they filmed poor Giddy crying and bleeding. Didn't need to see that. Just show him later all cleaned up with his missing tooth. 

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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We pulled my cousin's out with a string back in the 90s. Typing it out sounds like we were bullying her, but she was actually super thrilled with the results because her other methods hadn't worked. LOL 

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Whatever happened to good old fashioned playing with one’s loose tooth with one’s own tongue and allowing said tooth to fall out organically. No pain, very little blood, and (even better) no tears.

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2 minutes ago, BOOgen3 said:

Whatever happened to good old fashioned playing with one’s loose tooth with one’s own tongue and allowing said tooth to fall out organically. No pain, very little blood, and (even better) no tears.

I had no patience for that. Once loose, I bit the bullet and yanked them out myself. 😁

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5 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I've never seen anyone remove a tooth with string.  Is that a thing?  Our family has always pulled them out by hand, using Kleenex or toilet paper.

Not me thinking that the video was about flossing their kid's teeth 😂

I never remember going to any extremes when my teeth were falling out. I definitely was the play with it with my tongue until it just falls into my mouth. My dad was always wanting to pull them, but I wouldn't let him!

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33 minutes ago, BOOgen3 said:

Whatever happened to good old fashioned playing with one’s loose tooth with one’s own tongue and allowing said tooth to fall out organically. No pain, very little blood, and (even better) no tears.

I think I only had one fall out "organically." That was on an airplane, and no, I didn't get anything from the tooth fairy that night. 

Yanking your kid's loose tooth? Not a big deal unless the kid doesn't want it. Filming yourself while yanking your kid's loose tooth, and then posting it to the eternal internet? Majorly big deal. 

I was grossed out by Austin's dirty fingernails, though. Give those things a scrub after work, Austin. Nail brushes are your friends. 


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When I was in first grade I had one tooth that wouldn't come out until I was standing in line one day to go to lunch and two girls were arguing over who would be first in line to go to lunch. One leaned her head back right into my mouth and there went the tooth. 
Of course, Giddy might have a cousin knock the tooth out that way, but he won't ever have a chance to have a classmate knock a tooth out.  (not that I recommend losing a tooth that way at all, but I think it was easier than having my dad try to pull it) 

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I hope that tooth was ready to come out otherwise the roots and nerves aren't dissolved and it can really cause problems. But why expect this bunch to know anything reasonable about anything.

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Gideon's eyes are in bad shape with his allergies. I felt badly for the little guy. I hope that his parents are getting him the help he needs from a proper allergist. It hurt me to see his eyes swollen and tearing. BTW, he wasn't crying about his tooth, just teary from his allergies.

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2 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Latest video:

The big news is that the baby turned and is now in the correct position.

That is big news for her because in the prior video she said both prior babies were not born head first -- I think it was that one was feet first and one was butt first.

She was prescribed exercises to get this one to turn and if it didn't work they were going to try to manually turn it.

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2 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

She said she's at 37 weeks, so it won't be much longer.

Carlin is probably packing her bags right now. You know the Stewarts won't pass up an opportunity to get away from home...again. 

Ten to one this kid has Austin's nostrils. Those snout genes are strong. 


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1 hour ago, Dehumidifier said:

That is big news for her because in the prior video she said both prior babies were not born head first -- I think it was that one was feet first and one was butt first.

She was prescribed exercises to get this one to turn and if it didn't work they were going to try to manually turn it.

I think Giddy was transverse, and Evy was a sunny side up VBAC. 

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27 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I think Giddy was transverse, and Evy was a sunny side up VBAC. 

Sunny side up meaning she was occiput posterior at delivery.  Head first, but facing the ceiling and not the floor, if Joy was on her back when she delivered.

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1 hour ago, Notabug said:

Sunny side up meaning she was occiput posterior at delivery.  Head first, but facing the ceiling and not the floor, if Joy was on her back when she delivered.

Yup, I am aware. My apologies for not knowing the proper medical terminology. I should have my Call the Midwife fan card revoked. 😀

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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On 4/29/2023 at 1:32 AM, Salacious Kitty said:

I had no patience for that. Once loose, I bit the bullet and yanked them out myself. 😁

I was always really squeamish about losing my baby teeth, and though I played with them with my tongue for what seemed like weeks, they never seemed to come out without help. Except one time, I remember having snuck a piece of toffee, and eating it behind the couch, when my loose tooth got stuck on the candy and came out. Then I had to 'fess up about taking it, because I couldn't think of a good lie to explain how my tooth came out.

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51 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I was always really squeamish about losing my baby teeth, and though I played with them with my tongue for what seemed like weeks, they never seemed to come out without help. Except one time, I remember having snuck a piece of toffee, and eating it behind the couch, when my loose tooth got stuck on the candy and came out. Then I had to 'fess up about taking it, because I couldn't think of a good lie to explain how my tooth came out.

Ha! I remember losing one after biting into a raw hotdog.

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On 5/5/2023 at 11:32 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

Yup, I am aware. My apologies for not knowing the proper medical terminology. I should have my Call the Midwife fan card revoked. 😀

I figured you knew, I was trying to help those who maybe didn't know what sunny side up meant when it came to birthin'.  No worries, I didn't mean to diss you.

Edited by Notabug
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On 3/8/2023 at 2:44 PM, SMama said:

I think it was Joy who said she didn’t take algebra because she didn’t have any use for it after graduating.

She had no use for anything academic after graduating. She doesn't do anything.

Oh, sorry..."graduating."

Edited by the-grey-lady
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15 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

She had no use for anything academic after graduating. She doesn't do anything.

Oh, sorry..."graduating."

From what we've seen of their schooling, she didn't do much academic before graduating either.

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3 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

All Joy needed was to catch a man and birth blessings. I don’t think her kids will have any education at all. 

They will be lucky to learn how to read the Bible and count $.

But in her mind, what else do they need to know? 

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32 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Is Joy's due date 6/1? And Katie's 6/2? Or is my head making that up?

I believe Joy is due 5/23, but she seems to think she'll go early. Her doctor's appointment this week should likely give us an induction date.

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