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S07.E07: Sing Me A Song

Tara Ariano
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I watched, because my sister still loves it. I mostly kept my eyes on something else, after Negan removed Carl's bandage, and when he used the iron. He's gross, as well, when talking to, and about, the women. Keeping them to have sex with others (with his approval), is also disgusting. 

I can't remember much more about it. Spencer, as usual, is also annoying. Nice to see FPP setting him straight. 

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14 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

The other-worldly-colored dye job that Michonne's captive was sporting was all kinds of awful. 

I guess in an apocalypse beggars can't be choosers :)

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1 hour ago, Anela said:

I mostly kept my eyes on something else, after Negan removed Carl's bandage, and when he used the iron.

That kind of graphic stuff never fazed me, but now all of a sudden it does...I played solitaire during those scenes.

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On 12/4/2016 at 9:18 PM, xaxat said:

This episode is when I declared myself "out" on this show. 

I could only get through the first half hour before I got bored AF.

I know, right? I loved this show as recently as last year. I have to confess I turned this off after 24 minutes, I paused it and saw it was another 90 minute episode and I was like, "oh, hell no," and I haven't bothered to finish it. I've watched the Westworld finale twice since then, and last night I though about finishing it but I decided to watch "Fury Road" on Blu-Ray instead, why watch Negan play a poor man's Immortan Joe when I have the real thing? I think I'm out, not as some kind of protest or something, I literally can't force myself to watch the rest of another boring ass Negan episode. I didn't mind the Tara episode last week, and I want to see Carol and Morgan whenever they're back on the show. But these extra long episodes are all the Negan ones, and Negan is boring. He only has the one facial expression, and it's a horrible smug little smirk. He's not really a character. If he had a wife whom he actually liked and was nice to, that would be an interesting narrative choice. The harem angle is boring. Maybe something happened later in the episode? Probably not. Whatever. I literally watched Z Nation instead. Seriously, what are they doing here that they didn't do better with Woodbury? The Governor was in some ways sympathetic. Hell, Rick attacked these guys. Wouldn't it be an interesting story if Negan was fairly decent by his own standards, was trying to hold the world together and rebuild society, and there was a decent case to be made that Rick (or at least Xander Berkeley) was the bad guy? That would be an interesting, challenging show. This one is boring.

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On 12/5/2016 at 1:14 PM, AngelaHunter said:

Has Gabriel forgotten the petty bitch-ass ways that Rick tried to humiliate him? 

I think that's partly it; he's no longer the lowest coward on the totem pole. Spencer's taken that spot so Gabriel has someone to talk down to and be Rick's new punching bag.

Granted Gabriel has stepped up and 'seen the light' but when it comes to Rick's crew they are short on patience and have a steep to none learning curve. You either climb aboard and do what they say or suffer their scorn. And sometimes a bullet or ugly death by a walker. And I get why they can be short on patience and have disbelief bordering on anger with people who don't get the world has changed for the worse but this group also seems to have a bitterness and anger against those that were able to keep their 'innocence' a bit longer than others. The ASZ had managed to be blissfully unaware for the most part and still managed to keep their community as close to normal as possible. On one hand that's what everyone out there struggling would love to have, but on the other it seems almost mocking to those who had suffered great horrors out there that these seemingly incompetent people hadn't been broken yet.

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That's the thing. If I hated him, I'd have some emotional investment in the show. This is a boring character and largely predictable, and either we are expected to handwave a ton for this plot to work, or TPTBs think we're too dumb to notice. Either just isn't sustainable as a TV show. 

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A big part of the problem (for me anyway) is that Negan has supplanted Rick as the main character.   I like Rick.  I don't know if it's unpopular to admit that.  Rick seems to get a lot of grief on these boards.   But I do like the character and the actor.   And now he's mostly absent, like his only role this season is to show up and grovel, then fade into the background again.   Meanwhile we have to swallow week after week after week of "Easy peasy lemon squeezy!"   Carol's largely off-screen too.   And there's no Glen anymore.  Daryl gets slightly more screen time than an extra.   They are the reason a lot of us watch the show, but what do we get?  Dialogue about whether a baseball bat has a vagina.  

The show is off the rails.   It reminds me of what happened to Sons of Anarchy after Kurt Sutter decided to turn it into a vanity piece for his wife Katey Sagal.   I suspect there's some kind of service at work that has nothing to do with good scripting or storytelling.

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On 12/6/2016 at 6:06 AM, pasdetrois said:

One of the problems with Negan's portrayal is it's so one-note. Same sardonic tone, same little bouncy hitch with the back, same slow stroll.

One-note indeed! And aside from the crappy dialogue -- lifted from or inspired by Kirkman -- these are choices the actor makes...the intonation of his voice, the cadence of his speech, and yes, that incredibly annoying "bouncy little hitch with the back" shtick.  Negan is boring, full stop.

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On 12/6/2016 at 9:06 AM, pasdetrois said:

...One of the problems with Negan's portrayal is it's so one-note. Same sardonic tone, same little bouncy hitch with the back, same slow stroll. I don't want the character to go soft, but when Negan was talking to Carl he briefly dropped the bullying sarcasm and it was a relief to have a break from that affect.

Not to mention the oh so predictable and annoying "I really hate to have to do this, but rules are rules" diatribes Negan does before inflicting some awful death or torture while laughing with obvious glee. The one time there was a tiny bit of variation - when he seemed to feel bad about upsetting Carl about his eye - he was afterwards right back to torturing while claiming how much he hated to do it with a huge smile on his face.

Like no villain has ever done that before. *sarcasm.*

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6 hours ago, Gobi said:

For those who really hate Negan, I recommend watching the beginning of the Batman v. Superman movie. JDM gets shot and killed, and only gets to say one word.

Yep, plays Bruce Wayne's father.  And guess who played his mother?  Maggie, or Lauren Cohen.

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11 hours ago, that one guy said:

The Governor was in some ways sympathetic.

He seemed, unlike Negan, to be actual human being, depressed, angry, loved his daughter, felt remorse and pain. From what we've seen, Negan feels and does none of these things. Even when he was apologizing to Carl, it meant nothing because it was impossible to tell if he was being sincere or just jerking Carl around. He's not even like a comic book character, but like a cartoon who just sits around thinking up fun ways to make others miserable. If there were still trains running, I'm sure he'd tie someone to the railroad track, stand there and laugh evilly.

And please, no more Dwight and Sherry, like high schoolers on the stairs sneaking a smoke. My brain glazed over and I didn't hear a word they said.  Where are all these cigarettes coming from anyway, this far into the ZA?

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7 hours ago, Gobi said:

For those who really hate Negan, I recommend watching the beginning of the Batman v. Superman movie. JDM gets shot and killed, and only gets to say one word.

Hey, now that's just crazy talk. I realize that this is not a good season, but there is no reason to recommend watching Batman v Superman. Except that maybe, compared to "I'm willing to murder anybody except apparently the Joker" Batfleck, neither Rick nor Negan will look quite as bad as they do otherwise.

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Why can't they find Carl a fake eye?  Then we don't have to see that large bandage and they could just do some scaring around his eye.  And cut his hair.  Why did Spenser go running through the woods?   Did he maybe know that guy before and that he had supplies?  It made no sense.  Like Gabriel deciding to walk home (how far) with no weapon.    Our group needs to communicate and work together.  And not leave Alexandria unprotected.   Carl needs to be grounded.  What if Negan had stolen Judith??   The only thing I like about this show is this board.  I enjoy reading the Live view comments and then I'll read some reviews but I don't watch like I used to. 

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9 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

Hey, now that's just crazy talk. I realize that this is not a good season, but there is no reason to recommend watching Batman v Superman. Except that maybe, compared to "I'm willing to murder anybody except apparently the Joker" Batfleck, neither Rick nor Negan will look quite as bad as they do otherwise.

Aw hell, just watch the opening of Watchmen if you want to see JDM beaten into a bloody pulp and killed before being given a chance to say anything.

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4 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

Why is it never winter on this show?  They're in Northern Virginia now. Even Georgia gets a bit nippy now and then. Come to think of it, it never even rains. Except when It's Raining Zombies. Hallelujah. 

I live south of Atlanta (about 30 minutes away from Senoia, where they film) and it was 28 degrees this morning. They really do need to show the passage of time or change of the seasons, the problem is, they film from April to Nov. So the bulk of the time they film is in the summer when it's freaking hot.

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16 hours ago, millennium said:

I suspect there's some kind of service at work that has nothing to do with good scripting or storytelling.

I don't really follow media for the show, but prior to the introduction of Negan, everyone was clamoring about he was THE BEST EVAR character in the comics, so yes, I think this is huge fanservice. The problem is, you're making a tv show. Banking on its success strictly derived from comic readers is just a bad business model.

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1 hour ago, ganesh said:

I don't really follow media for the show, but prior to the introduction of Negan, everyone was clamoring about he was THE BEST EVAR character in the comics, so yes, I think this is huge fanservice. The problem is, you're making a tv show. Banking on its success strictly derived from comic readers is just a bad business model.

I never read a Walking Dead comic.   But the other day, just for the heck of it, I went to Google images and called up a few panels from the comic featuring Negan.    Not complete stories, just single pages.   Some of the scenes I recognized, others I guess are yet to come.

After just a few pages, I understood why Negan works on the printed page but not on screen.   When you read a comic book, the character's voice, to some degree, is your own voice.    Thus, when you read Negan, his voice is as cruel and inhuman as you choose to make it.   Jeffrey Dean Morgan's clowning takes that option off the table.    After just several panels of the comic book I had a sense that Negan is a deranged menace with a bat, kind of a nightmarish version of Walking Tall.   Comic book Negan does not come off like a game show host -- but Jeffrey Dean Morgan's Negan does.  JDM's Negan never seems truly psychotic.   At worst, he just seems ... bored. 

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

I never read a Walking Dead comic.   But the other day, just for the heck of it, I went to Google images and called up a few panels from the comic featuring Negan.    Not complete stories, just single pages.   Some of the scenes I recognized, others I guess are yet to come.

After just a few pages, I understood why Negan works on the printed page but not on screen.   When you read a comic book, the character's voice, to some degree, is your own voice.    Thus, when you read Negan, his voice is as cruel and inhuman as you choose to make it.   Jeffrey Dean Morgan's clowning takes that option off the table.    After just several panels of the comic book I had a sense that Negan is a deranged menace with a bat, kind of a nightmarish version of Walking Tall.   Comic book Negan does not come off like a game show host -- but Jeffrey Dean Morgan's Negan does.  JDM's Negan never seems truly psychotic.   At worst, he just seems ... bored. 

Haven't read the comics, either, and I agree with this. I think Negan would be much more menacing if he really believed that he was doing what had to be done. I never get that impression, only that he's a sadistic bully who likes to say "See what you made me do?"

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I was looking somewhat forward to the Negan storyline but it's not because he's the worst villain "evar."  It's because COMPARED TO THE OTHER COMICS villains, he was the most intelligent and layered so I had hopes for what the new and improved TV version of him would be.  In the comics, the governor is a one-dimensional lunatic bad guy but the show gave him depth and layers (basically turning him into comics-Negan).  Unfortunately, TV-Negan is more cartoonish than comics-Negan, rather than the reverse, so it's a huge letdown.  

I was also looking forward to the storyline because it seemed like it would require a change from the "CDB finds shelter and has it destroyed" lather-rinse-repeat the show was in. The jury is obviously still out on that one.

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3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I still think Gareth was the best villain the show has ever had. 

In some ways, I think the wolves were (or could have been) the most interesting villains. It seems like you could make an accommodation with the Governor, or Negan, or even Gareth, but the Wolves were just bat guano crazy. We could have used more exploration of what made them that way.

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52 minutes ago, Gobi said:

It seems like you could make an accommodation with the Governor, or Negan, or even Gareth, but the Wolves were just bat guano crazy.

But could they ALL be bat guano crazy? Could they ALL just live for invading settlements and randomly just killing everyone they encounter, for no discernable reason? I think that's another comic book thing that just doesn't work - for me at least - in live action. The only bunch of wackos that interested me were the cannibals, and that arc was over so quickly it left me in a "Wtf?" mode.

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26 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

But could they ALL be bat guano crazy? Could they ALL just live for invading settlements and randomly just killing everyone they encounter, for no discernable reason? I think that's another comic book thing that just doesn't work - for me at least - in live action. The only bunch of wackos that interested me were the cannibals, and that arc was over so quickly it left me in a "Wtf?" mode.

That's what I was hoping we would find out. How many were there, and what brought them to that? Some sort of End of Days cult? I guess we'll never know.

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16 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

Why is it never winter on this show?

Jesus is bundled up like it's Winter, and Negan never removes his leather jacket even in the house (!), while everyone else is wearing short sleeves and in Michonne's case, tank tops! 

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17 hours ago, Johnny Dollar said:

Why is it never winter on this show?  They're in Northern Virginia now. Even Georgia gets a bit nippy now and then. Come to think of it, it never even rains. Except when It's Raining Zombies. Hallelujah. 

1 hour ago, magemaud said:

Jesus is bundled up like it's Winter, and Negan never removes his leather jacket even in the house (!), while everyone else is wearing short sleeves and in Michonne's case, tank tops! 

Old Man Winter got bit - he's a Winter Walker now, and under contract to HBO.

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On 5/12/2016 at 5:39 AM, AngelaHunter said:

No need for shame. If I were being coerced (blackmailed/threatened/my husband threatened) into having sex, doesn't hurt that the coerce-er looks like that and no one ever died from having sex, but they do from getting their heads bashed in. But I need to know if he's at least nice to them while they do it, and doesn't humiliate them. Impossible to know since we've never seen him acting or talking in any way that could be construed as normal. He's always "on", either ranting, speechifying, threatening or clowning around. He only seemed slightly real when he was apologizing to Carl for mocking his socket, but I couldn't tell if there was anything genuine in that.

His scene with Olivia was one of the best. ETA: I think it was perfectly in character that he would poke fun at her weight.

Watching this episode I had the impression (probably the wrong one) that a few women Negan liked have been given the chance to choose between "working" (granted, not an office kind of job!) or becoming his wives and, apparently, a few of them decided for the latter. Maybe because Negan has JDM look and is so obviously hot, maybe because they're having a far "easier" life under the current circumstances (they're well dressed, they eat whatever they want and have access to whatever they need, they have rooms with actual, beautiful furniture and so on), maybe because the work they're supposed to do as an option is too hard or maybe because they made some sort of deal with him, which looks like it's the case between Dwight and his wife whose name I really can't remember at the moment. We didn't see, at least not so far, how Negan behave with them during sex, whether he's crazy as usual or he's tender towards them, but he mentioned (and Dwight's wife confirmed) he never hit them and, apparently, they can also choose to come back to their husbands/boyfriends if they want to, but they lose all the "privileges" and have to start working. But if they cheat on him, it's over. Now, of course they are all scared by Negan and what he does with the "harem" (even the fact that he has one to begin with, considering the women's choice is not 100% free) is highly objectionable, but I think this is not a black or white situation, and that his relationships with his wives is much more nuanced than it looks. 

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4 hours ago, penelope79 said:

Maybe because Negan has JDM look and is so obviously hot, maybe because they're having a far "easier" life under the current circumstances (they're well dressed, they eat whatever they want and have access to whatever they need, they have rooms with actual, beautiful furniture and so on), maybe because the work they're supposed to do as an option is too hard or maybe because they made some sort of deal with him

Probably some of all of that, just as women in conquered countries took up with German officers because it was the lesser of two evils. They (and probably other members of their families) got to live and eat and were protected. Principles are great, but may fall by the wayside when you're starving. Having never starved or watched my child starve,  I can't judge.

Anyway, considering all the time and energy Negan expends terrorizing people, travelling around to steal everyone's stuff, bashing heads and making speeches/long-winded threats and how many "wives" he has (and you just know that's Kirkman's sweaty little fantasy) each of them probably only has to have sex with him once a month. I guess they see it as a good deal. The fact that he's at least physically attractive is a bonus

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I'm not watching again until Negan is gone from the show.  

I've even decided to go ahead and ditch cable all together after Z Nation ends next week.

So thanks, Walking Dead writers, for saving me $88 a month.  

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6 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:


Anyway, considering all the time and energy Negan expends terrorizing people, travelling around to steal everyone's stuff, bashing heads and making speeches/long-winded threats and how many "wives" he has (and you just know that's Kirkman's sweaty little fantasy) each of them probably only has to have sex with him once a month. I guess they see it as a good deal. The fact that he's at least physically attractive is a bonus

Too true.  I think Kirkman's fantasies is that he is Negan  :(

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1 hour ago, SharonH58 said:

Too true.  I think Kirkman's fantasies is that he is Negan 

I'm pretty sure he was the Governor too as he sat there and well - you know - as he envisioned himself as a tall, lean, dominant, masculine alpha male, ruler of his domain. Sorry life disappointed you, Robert.

And, yes, that's mean but I'm pissed off that this show I've followed all this time has been turned into a total pile of horse manure by people who sit there high-fiving each other on what a stellar job they've done.  

Edited by AngelaHunter
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9 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:


And, yes, that's mean but I'm pissed off that this show I've followed all this time has been turned into a total pile of horse manure by people who sit there high-fiving each other on what a stellar job they've done.  

It's inevitable.   The longer anything successful continues, the greater the chances it will forsake the qualities that made it successful in the first place.   It holds true with anything, be it a TV show, a rock band, an author, whatever.   Stephen King, for example.   Or U2.   

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3 hours ago, millennium said:

It's inevitable.   The longer anything successful continues, the greater the chances it will forsake the qualities that made it successful in the first place.   It holds true with anything, be it a TV show, a rock band, an author, whatever.   Stephen King, for example.   Or U2.   

U2 should have quit in the nineties.  Then no one would be the wiser of what a pompous, giant turd Bono is.

a show can't ignore a 25 percent dip in ratings. I hope they figure out that all the bottle episodes with lame characters, dull villains, and scarcity of the main cast is driving people away.  

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1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

U2 should have quit in the nineties.  Then no one would be the wiser of what a pompous, giant turd Bono is.

a show can't ignore a 25 percent dip in ratings. I hope they figure out that all the bottle episodes with lame characters, dull villains, and scarcity of the main cast is driving people away.  


Bono, lead singer of the rock band U2, is famous throughout the entertainment industry for being more than just a little self-righteous. At a recent U2 concert in Glasgow, Scotland, he asked the audience for total quiet.

Then, in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands, once every few seconds. Holding the audience in total silence, he said into the microphone, “Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies.”

From the front of the crowd a voice with a broad Scottish accent pierced the quiet …

“Well, fookin’ stop doin’ it then, ya evil bastard!”

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for The Walking Dead's creators to second-guess themselves.   It also seems axiomatic that those who fall prey to the success syndrome stubbornly refuse to concede that they have made any missteps, and in fact double down on their chosen path.   Because they are geniuses, you see, and the rest of us just aren't savvy enough to recognize it.

The Walking Dead has been in a rut for a long time.   It's the same story every season -- CDB finds haven/CDB loses haven, with some interpersonal conflicts and the occasional madman thrown in.

I wouldn't mind seeing flashbacks of the show regulars in their previous lives, kind of like LOST did, and how they coped with the ZA when it began.   The only story like that I can remember is Rick's.    Or a storyline leading to some explanation/speculation of how/why the ZA occurred (although I understand this theme is a nonstarter with the showrunners)

Edited by millennium
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On ‎2016‎-‎12‎-‎09 at 2:25 PM, Gobi said:

In some ways, I think the wolves were (or could have been) the most interesting villains. It seems like you could make an accommodation with the Governor, or Negan, or even Gareth, but the Wolves were just bat guano crazy. We could have used more exploration of what made them that way.

I usually forget the Wolves even exist until suddenly they appear. Are they the feral looking ones? And don't they graffiti everywhere?

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On 12/7/2016 at 5:52 AM, CletusMusashi said:

I guess the "A" marks him as Negan's property. Because Negan suffers from delusions of Fonziness.

It is how Negan grades his man beef...the USDA is gone anyway...

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The Cable Live +3 ratings are in for "Sing Me a Song":

“The Walking Dead” had a pretty typical growth pattern with three days of DVR and on-demand catchup for its Dec. 4 episode. Which means it was way ahead of everything else on cable.

The show grew by 2.3 points in adults 18-49, up from a 2.0-point gain the previous week, to reach a 7.3 rating. Just its gain would be higher than the three-day total for every other cable show aside from “Monday Night Football.”

“The Walking Dead” also added 4.45 million viewers, up from 3.87 million the previous week. [14.940 million viewers]


Here are the Live + Same Day and Live +3 ratings for Season 7 to this point:

10-23-16 “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be” 17.029 million; 20.793 million
10-30-16 “The Well” 12.455 million; 16.849 million
11-06-16 “The Cell” 11.721 million; 16.225 million
11-13-16 “Service” 11.402 million; 15.718 million
11-20-16 “Go Getters” 10.996 million; 15.267 million
11-27-16 “Swear” 10.403 million; 14.275 million
12-04-16 “Sing Me a Song” 10.481 million; 14.940 million

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The Cable Live +7 ratings are in for "Sing Me a Song":

Per usual, “The Walking Dead” was the biggest gainer in the Live +7 ratings for the week of Nov. 28. The show added 2.7 points to its adults 18-49 rating (5.0 to 7.7) and 5.29 million viewers with a week of DVR and on-demand catchup. [15.776 million viewers]


And here are the Live +Same Day, Live +3, and Live +7 ratings for the first seven episodes of Season 7:

10-23-16 “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be” 17.029 million; 20.793 million; 21.528 million
10-30-16 “The Well” 12.455 million; 16.849 million; 17.947 million
11-06-16 “The Cell” 11.721 million; 16.225 million; 17.208 million
11-13-16 “Service” 11.402 million; 15.718 million; not reported
11-20-16 “Go Getters” 10.996 million; 15.267 million; 16.308 million
11-27-16 “Swear” 10.403 million; 14.275 million; 15.096 million
12-04-16 “Sing Me a Song” 10.481 million; 14.940 million; 15.776 million

It'll be interesting to see what the Live +7 ratings were for the Mid-Season Finale.

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Does TWD have teen elitists writing most of Negan's dialogue?  It sure seems like it.  The weight-shaming and how he wanted to pass the time with Olivia?  I sit unaffected through a lot of things I see on TV shows & movies, but even I had to mentally clench my fists at that whole scene.  And that's not even mentioning that hilarious petting Lucille's p* 'joke'. [/s]

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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