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"The View": Week of 11/07/2016


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49 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Agree. I really loved what she said to Chipmunk today. ARGH. Chipmunk. NOT EVERYONE is religious! What was that word salad about getting down on our knees, our faces to the floor to pray? That she was allowed to speak that way, and then not accept that others thought differently was disgusting and nauseating. 

And GOD. Jedilyingliarwholies doesn't know SHIT. People didn't vote their conscience. All the RACISTS came out to vote and won. And the faction of those Bernie supporters who hate Hillary, did this.

Love Matthew.

I hate Jedidiblabla more than Elizabeth...I tried to give her a chance, but, I am done with her. I hate her, Sarah and the Christian Barbie....I love Joy and I loved her talking about the racial component to the white vote for Donald Trump..I wish Sunny was there...I am happy that Whoopie was still railing against Trump and what that means for our country. Van Jones moved me to tears in that CNN clip about the election of Donald Trump being a "Whiteplash"...Sarah has spoken about her brother being Gay, she should be scared about Pence being one heartbeat away from the presidency. She is so dense about everything...

  • Love 14

I wish one of them said that maybe the people who voted for Trump weren't thinking about race at all.  Not everything is all about race.  I think the great majority of Trump voters had other issues in mind, like a shake up in Washington, a protection against the radical terrorist movement that is terrorizing the world, the need for a sense of monetary security.

I do not see this at all as being about black people or Hispanics or white people or any other race.  

I really hope one of those ladies said that.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, ari333 said:

CCB voted on "policy." I WISH someone had just asked her, "Which policies exactly?"

Oh, we all know the only policy that concerns her.  She is a single issue voter.  It would be ironic if Trump completely ignores social issues like RvW.  I really don't think that's a top priority for him  

2 hours ago, May Jacks said:

She thinks Obama would have won based on his high approval ratings yet mentioned before that Obamacare is why Trump won

If anyone thinks repealing the ACA is going to reduce health care premiums they are delusional.  Of course it means people can be denied coverage for preexisting conditions, or when you've reached your maximum, or because your employer doesn't have to provide it anymore, or when it looks like it might rain. The insurance companies are going to have a field day.  

47 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

.Sarah has spoken about her brother being Gay, she should be scared about Pence being one heartbeat away from the presidency

This is true. We'd better hope Trump doesn't get bored.  Or indicted.  It could get worse.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 10
3 hours ago, ari333 said:

CCB: "I hope this brings us to a hor-i-ZENTAL posture." Oh, please DO STFU.

I said, out loud to no one,  WTF?

2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Agree. I really loved what she said to Chipmunk today. ARGH. Chipmunk. NOT EVERYONE is religious! What was that word salad about getting down on our knees, our faces to the floor to pray? That she was allowed to speak that way, and then not accept that others thought differently was disgusting and nauseating. 

And GOD. Jedilyingliarwholies doesn't know SHIT. People didn't vote their conscience. All the RACISTS came out to vote and won. And the faction of those Bernie supporters who hate Hillary, did this.

Love Matthew.

She keeps referring to god as sovereign.  Yes, he is a celestial dictator to you and others who follow his law laid out in a book they call the bibley (Eddie Izzards pronunciation! love that man)!  All of us don't.  Only 33% of the worlds population is christian.  

After she got in her plug she remained silent for the rest of the show.  Excellent choice, you pin head. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 11

Candy Ass was especially annoying today, with her we've all got to pray nonsense.  I don't know why the show's producers don't just tell her to cool it on the holy roller stuff because to those of us who are not religious - hell, we might even be atheists - this type of talk is not only aggravating but offensive. Stop trying to shove your beliefs down everybody's throat! She is such silly little twit! And I agree with that stupidity of her"voting for policies." If she was talking about Trump, what policies were these? All he ever did was bash Hillary and blather about "making America great again" so where were said policies?

Joy was surprisingly low-key. I was expecting her to have smoke coming out of her ears and fire from her mouth but I think like so many of us, she's still in shock.

Maybe now America should take a good long look at it's electoral process and perhaps think about making some changes. For one, why does it have to take two bloody years to elect a president?!! We elect a new prime minister in six months, sometimes less. It's mad! And speaking of mad, when I heard that not even half of the population even bothered to go out and vote, that made me really mad. People died to give you that right and especially in an election as important as this was, to not vote is unforgivable. Therefore, all those couldn't-be-bothered types? You have to STFU for the next four years. Sorry, but you have no say and you can't complain and thanks to your apathy, you got the president that you deserved.

No wonder the Canada immigration site crashed! Twice!

  • Love 11

Candace was apparently brought on the show to be the Christian Conservative, but she appears so frightened to give her views, and then when she speaks, she does so incoherently. I am so tired of hearing about God and prayer from her instead of substantive conversation supporting her viewpoint. If she voted for Trump for his policies, what are they besides anti-abortion ( and that's questionable, because as Jed said he's gone back and forth on that issue through the years)? Did they bring her on the show to be a cutesy little timid mouse (who likes to show off her shoulders and legs), or did they want someone who could converse intelligently?  Please let her go back to California to her sweet bubble world where God will protect her.

  • Love 8
56 minutes ago, dinkysquid said:

Candy Ass was especially annoying today, with her we've all got to pray nonsense.  I don't know why the show's producers don't just tell her to cool it on the holy roller stuff because to those of us who are not religious - hell, we might even be atheists - this type of talk is not only aggravating but offensive. Stop trying to shove your beliefs down everybody's throat! She is such silly little twit! And I agree with that stupidity of her"voting for policies." If she was talking about Trump, what policies were these? All he ever did was bash Hillary and blather about "making America great again" so where were said policies?

Joy was surprisingly low-key. I was expecting her to have smoke coming out of her ears and fire from her mouth but I think like so many of us, she's still in shock.

Maybe now America should take a good long look at it's electoral process and perhaps think about making some changes. For one, why does it have to take two bloody years to elect a president?!! We elect a new prime minister in six months, sometimes less. It's mad! And speaking of mad, when I heard that not even half of the population even bothered to go out and vote, that made me really mad. People died to give you that right and especially in an election as important as this was, to not vote is unforgivable. Therefore, all those couldn't-be-bothered types? You have to STFU for the next four years. Sorry, but you have no say and you can't complain and thanks to your apathy, you got the president that you deserved.

No wonder the Canada immigration site crashed! Twice!

I voted but I'll go ahead and be snide here. What difference does it make if the popular  vote from THE PEOPLE doesn't matter? Electoral college my voluminous ass. 

CCB is making this show hard to watch for me. Jed is a close second on my nerves.

Edited by ari333
  • Love 6

CCB did not say one word during the Matthew Dowd Bowd segment.  All airhead Sara can understand is the comparison to "The Hangover" movie". UGH

Gosh, why do they have both of these flakes around during these important segments? They should have pulled them, like they did with airhead Sara for the Kellyanne interview.

Where was Sunny?

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 3

OMG - I can't stand Candace's bubble world. Everything has gone her way for her life........she is well off, has it all. But her constant religion (her faith - not faith in general) talk makes me sick since she seems to never have experienced anything other than a blessed life. It is like she is sayingI was lucky, made it very young, have it all now, I got mine through "my God"- go get yours. Or burst my bubble. And this is the proper way to pray and hope for the best from Him.

OTOH - I think Jediblahblah loves to argue and really has nothing to say. Gotta wonder why she is no longer at FOX, perhaps they got sick of her too.

Suppose that is why I don't mind Sara as many do here........I don't mind people learning and growing and exploring.

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

My Dad had an expression:  "I'm up, pull up the ladder!"  (Talking about people who only thought of themselves & no one else!)  That's how I think CCB views the world ... if it doesn't touch her, then no problem!!!

She probably feels that if you have a problem, you must have done something to merit God's wrath.  

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

My Dad had an expression:  "I'm up, pull up the ladder!"  (Talking about people who only thought of themselves & no one else!)  That's how I think CCB views the world ... if it doesn't touch her, then no problem!!!

That is so clever and so true! "I'm fine and safe, so fuck everyone else." I get that vibe from CCB; and if you're sick or have trauma or tragedy,  you deserve it bc you angered her god. At some point, maybe years or decades, her life wont be so perfect. She'll have to re-think things and she'll likely want help - you know like others who need help now.

Do CCB, Sarah, Jed, and to a slightly lesser extent Paula, all seem like the same person?

  • Love 1

Sheesh! What is it with Jedi's make-up and outfit? The make-up looks way too heavy - the eyelashes and lipstick - while the other ladies' make-up is understated and tasteful and what is she wearing? That white top is so cutesy and for lack of a better word, too "young." 

Nice to see Sunny back again. She always looks great.

I see that Whoopi managed to pull that gross grey scarf out of the trash and started to wear it again.....again meaning....every day.

Damn, Tom Selleck looks good!! That man never ages!!

Was there no mention of last night's rioting or did I miss that part?  

Edited by dinkysquid

Are you referring to the rioting (was it protesting?) during which they chanted "Trump is not our president" and they burned the American flag? Bc I was rooting for those people and feel the same.  I love the flag, but I'm so infuriated. My power went out and I missed a few minutes of the show

so maybe they did mention the riots or was it protests? and I missed it

Edited by ari333
  • Love 4

Sorry View crew, but I will know respect or give the benefit of the doubt to a racist bigot. I will never refer to him as president. I do have hope though. Hope that he fails miserably. He should never be normalized of accepted. I rebuke hatred and everything he stands for. I also hope that whatever he does doesn't wreck this country beyond repair. 


It was very odd that they didn't mention the protests at all. 

Edited by May Jacks
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, dinkysquid said:

I see that Whoopi managed to pull that gross grey scarf out of the trash

I like the scarf because even though I think anyone can do anything with our symbols.....I myself never wear or duplicate the flag in its original form.  They graying of the scarf makes it symbol like and not replicating the actual flag.  When I was 9 years old I received a flag bikini and just looked at my mom.  She got the receipt and we took it back and exchanged it.  The relative who gave it to me was shocked at my principles.

13 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

My Dad had an expression:  "I'm up, pull up the ladder!"

I am so going to use this from now on.  Tip of the hat to your dad.

  • Love 5

Do CCB, Sarah, Jed, and to a slightly lesser extent Paula, all seem like the same person?

I was thinking the same thing on Friday when Joy was sitting there with the forty something women.

Based on age, yes.

Based on annoying, yes but for different reasons.

Based on intelligence, no.   CCB and airhead Sara are just flakes that really don't add anything value the show. I do think Paula and Jediblahblah do have some intelligence but Jediblahblah can't shut up when it is time.

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, dinkysquid said:

and what is she wearing? That white top is so cutesy and for lack of a better word, too "young."

Let's hope "her man" chose it for her.  That's how he sees her...all soft, warm, fuzzy--and just perfect.

10 hours ago, MsTree said:

And to the hypocritical Joy & Whoopi...Canada is waiting for you.

Why "Canada"?  Didn't they each specifically say they did NOT mention Canada?

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, MsTree said:

All the celebrity (incl. View panel) whining & crying today is ridiculous. And to the hypocritical Joy & Whoopi...Canada is waiting for you. So now you're a liar, Joy? You said today, "I'm not goin' anywhere". Then why say it? Your resting bitch face is irritating too.

Joy has never said at any time this year or before that she was moving to Canada.

2 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I only caught the first few minutes of the show today. Did they mention anything regarding the big surprise they have for tomorrow's show? My dvr mentions an actress appearing tomorrow, but nothing else. 

I wondered what the advertisement, too.

They didn't talk about the riots at all, which is too bad. They got too caught up in Whoopi screaming about how everyone misinterpreted her as saying she was going to move.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

So, on one of the shows I was watching last night someone said that less than half of those eligible to vote actually showed up to VOTE!!  This left the popular vote split 25/25% between Hillary & Donald.  Could that be true?  Did they talk about it today?  I would be really angry if that WAS the case!!

MedicineCrow, yes that is true. 46 percent of eligible voters did not vote .  And yes the orangutan was elected with a little over 25 percent of the vote. Less than Romney and less than McCain. 

The only thing keeping me sane right now is Pantsuit Nation. Hillary even gave a shout out to her "secret" group in her speech. 

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, dinkysquid said:

I said this in my post yesterday. Half of the eligible voters voted - HALF!!! Disgraceful? You bet! So for all of those who, for whatever reason, couldn't be bothered, then this is what you get when you fail to exercise a right that many gave their lives for. Four years of THAT!

I was in such a haze yesterday, I must've missed your post.  Sorry for repeating!!

I honestly think I've been inoculated by 10 years of Bitsy driving me up the wall, that none of these ladies bother me too much.  I actually like Jed most of the time (although your nicknames for her really crack me up!), CCB just makes me roll my eyes, and Paula barely registers anymore.  I don't feel any of the rise in blood pressure that Hasslebeck incited in me on a daily basis.   Sara is kind of clueless, but seems sweet and harmless (kind of like Debbie Matenopolous was) so I don't really expect much from her.  I don't know, I think I've finally given up expecting more from the show than what it is.  I watch it almost dispassionately now.  In the early days it was an enjoyable morning habit that I looked forward to.  In the Hasslebeck era it was must-watch TV to see the cohosts fight.  Now, it just...is.

  • Love 5

If someone like Jedisweari'mnotarepublican is more "disturbed" by Hillary's email handling(as if she is the first sec of state to use a personal server, or deleted emails i.e. Bush admin) but not someone with Russian connections, bragging about sexual assault, being racist, the list goes long then that speaks to a deeper issue. Doesn't change the fact that his platform is racist and so is he and some people support that whether they want to admit it or not. 

  • Love 14

I haven't been able to watch since I saw KAC was going to be on last week.  Recorded every subsequent episode up to and including today  and they sit unwatched and unwatchable on my playlist, what used to be such a great part of my day, for decades, soon to be deleted. They would be too difficult to see, like Picking a scab over and over - not  even Tuesday with my newest hero Ana :-(  

 Even though I'm Canadian I had a sick sad feeling when I saw the 'crypt keeper 'pollster' returning after how it went last time, the fact she would appear again and what the polls were saying told me he would win.  With every heinous revelation yet seeing the numbers rebound made me feel so desolate inside.  Coupled with my anger at the meddling DNC, watching Candace Jed  spew and gloat and Joys pain is too much to bear.

Its deeply distressing how my perception of everything there  has shifted,  changed -all looks so different plus the feeling it will only get worse when they impeach him and get the one they really wanted to step in.    I saw someone earlier write the worst day in US 9/11 second worst 11/9 , so odd I woke Wednesday not yet knowing what actually happened but such a heavy heart nonetheless.  Terrified for my  many friends and family living there and  heartbroken for all the wonderful Americans I don't even know

 I can't watch for now and I'll miss it (or maybe the hope it gave me now gone) but  this forum and the brilliance, humour, compassion and wisdom found here from all of you -  the best part  of the view experience -  sharing in that I miss most of all

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

I just wonder how/why Candace has the clout to get her daughter to "walk the runway" during New York Fashion Week...AND to be a contestant on The Voice.  She doesn't seem to be a powerful celebrity.

Maybe she asked John Stamos Uncle Jesse? He seems to have some clout-toured with The Beach Boys, was married to a model...

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, MsTree said:

Joy & Whoopi both said they would leave the country, as many celebrities did. Then go! I couldn't care less if they moved to Canada, Mexico, Spain...or maybe go along with Cher who said she'd move to Jupiter! (LOL)

No, they didn't. Whoopi was misquoted earlier this year and even read her supposed statement that she would leave, and said she wasn't going anywhere. They replayed the clip in yesterday's show. Joy never said she would leave, either.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

No, they didn't. Whoopi was misquoted earlier this year and even read her supposed statement that she would leave, and said she wasn't going anywhere. They replayed the clip in yesterday's show. Joy never said she would leave, either.

But if we repeat misinformation and misquotes often enough, don't they become true?  Really true?  That's what I've come to realize on this forum.  Sherri Shepherd is coming back as the full-time permanent moderator of The View on November 31.

Edited by Former Nun
begging for attention
  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

But if we repeat misinformation and misquotes often enough, don't they become true?  Really true?  That's what I've come to realize on this forum.  Sherri Shepherd is coming back as the moderator of The View on November 31.

I was about to take a sip of something while reading your post. Glad I got done reading before I did because that last part made me laugh out loud to the point where my screen would have gotten hit with my drink.

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