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S06.E12: The Ties That Bind


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The worst part about C&Ts situation is the worshipping of Carly while simultaneously neglecting poor Nova. I'd feel a lot worse about Cait's regret over the adoption if I saw that she was a loving and doting mother towards the child she has now (who is basically Carly's clone). I just wish C&T put half as much interest in Nova as they do in "the one that got away".

B&T need to stop the communication STAT. Carly will be on Twitter (or some variation) before we know it and you just know Tyler will be lying in wait to get in touch behind B&Ts back. Fucking creeper.

  • Love 20
10 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Amber stays up to 4 am every night.

Doing what, pray tell? What is there to do at 4 am except watch infommercials on TV and sneak food?


9 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:


So I didn't understand..are visits with Carly done or just suspended for now?


I don't think there was a definitive answer. I think what Dawn was saying was, B&T would have told you if they were done for good. But for right now, they seem to be evading the topic, so you need to let it go until they address it. My personal opinion? B&T are sensitive people and they know cutting it off for good would devastate Cate. I don't think they want that. But I think they want to SEE some actual progress from these two, regarding talking about them on air, before they agree to another visit. 

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

That wasn't a science experiment, that is some kind of substance Sophia secreets when she is in her  true form!

Watching that scene again, it rubbed me the wrong way, seeing Theresa having Dawn do her dirty work regarding the termination of the yearly visits. But then again, having Dawn do it and explain it to them in the most gentle way possible will spare Brandon future harassment at work by psycho fans. Lol 

IMO that should definitely not be Theresa's job. She adopted Carly, Carly is HER child, she doesn't owe anything to the egg and sperm donors.

  • Love 19

OMG! Amber's so welcoming of Matt's son & sees nothing's wrong with inviting an ex-drug taking, ex-alcoholic, felony-convicted ex-con, living in her house, not caring about what could happen if he hooks up with new druggie pals, falls back into his old habits, gets angry & Leah ends up getting hurt......Shouldn't Gary have some say in this matter?  If it were my child, I would inform Indiana's Family Court/CPS about this new addition to the A/M household & JMO, but I think it's time A/G's child custody agreement be reviewed.

  • Love 11

Cate is the spitting image of April just a fat version down to the ugly yellow teeth.  I would feel bad for her about Brandon and Theresa closing the adoption if cate and Tyler were responsible and good parents to nova.  But they are actually in a worse place than they were at 16 and there is no excuse for that! They have every resource available to them and are wasting everything. They neglect the poor little girl they do have,  they are lazy and gross and Tyler deliberately snubs b and t's rules.  Cate Tyler and family are trashy and not people Brandon and Theresa would associate with so I'm glad they are closing the adoption. Cate and Tyler have shown themselves to be shifty parents and that's enough to remove them from Carlys life.    She's old enough for this circus to negatively affect her and Brandon and Theresa are doing what is in THEIR daughters best interests . 

Farrah looked very pretty for some reason.  She's a raging asshole though.  I was shocked she seemed so normal with Derricks family. 

Glad Ryan and his dad made up.  Mac looked cute at her shower. Seeing maverick makes me want another baby lol.  He's adorable.  My son is three and I miss him being little! 


Amber is gross.  She gets to see Leah four days a month and chooses to go to LA on a weekend Leah is supposed to visit.  Typical deadbeat parent dumping the kid with their responsible caring parent whenever it's not convenient for them.  Then whining that they never get to see their kid.  Gary is a good dad and Leah is lucky to have him and Christina . 

  • Love 13

I missed the first 20 minutes of the ep. Did Amber even inform Gary that Matt's son moved in? Amber and Gary have a formal custody agreement, correct? IMO, if I were Gary and I found out Matt's druggie son moved in, order be damn, Leah isn't going over there. Besides, I doubt Amber would put much of a fight because she doesn't really want to be a parent to Leah.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, deefizzle said:

The worst part about C&Ts situation is the worshipping of Carly while simultaneously neglecting poor Nova. I'd feel a lot worse about Cait's regret over the adoption if I saw that she was a loving and doting mother towards the child she has now (who is basically Carly's clone). I just wish C&T put half as much interest in Nova as they do in "the one that got away".

B&T need to stop the communication STAT. Carly will be on Twitter (or some variation) before we know it and you just know Tyler will be lying in wait to get in touch behind B&Ts back. Fucking creeper.

Good point.  I wonder if BrandonandTheresa will let Carly have any kind of social media, even under some kind of code name.  Catelyn and Tyler have nothing better to do than track her down and communicate with her and I am sure BrandonandTheresa don't want that.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

IMO that should definitely not be Theresa's job. She adopted Carly, Carly is HER child, she doesn't owe anything to the egg and sperm donors.

100% agree.

We are not hearing B&T's side of the story. Frankly, I don't need to. C&T know B&T are not going to give their side of the story because they are keeping their private life private and protecting Carly. Knowing B&T won't go public, C&T will take advantage to spin the story as they wish. I don't trust C&T's version of any of these events.

With the other side choosing to remain private, we are not going to read or hear Teresa mention how Cate badgered her and slammed her with texts and phone calls.  Teresa is not going to mention on camera to Dawn how Cate left some questionable and emotional voicemails about her need to visit Carly while questioning Cate's state of mind.  We are not privy to the conversation Teresa had with Dawn about their decision to withdraw from any visits, whether it is temporary or permanent. For all we know, Cate is probably hiding the truth.  Teresa probably did tell Cate the visits were going to cease at this time until further notice. Cate didn't want to hear it and was likely  pushing it, demanding to know why she can't see Carly and perhaps a "let's talk about it at the visit".

One theory I have is, the sit-down at the coffee place was a re-enactment of what has already transpired. It is why Dawn barely looked at Cate's phone when Cate mentioned the texts. It also gave C&T a chance to play the victims of the adoptive parents who are soooo mean for cutting off Carly.

Whatever choices Cate made at the age of 16 does not pertain to the choices she is now making as an adult. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 16

I think Amber is more than happy not being a parent. She's living the good life right now. New house, travel, "mommy makeover" (yeah, whatever), up all night, sleep all day. And she's amazingly calm. She came out of jel still raging. Now Matt is her creepy puppet master and it's like she's on horse tranquilizers (or maybe she is). She seriously looks 40 years old. In a normal situation I'd wonder if there was an attraction between her and Matt's creepy ass son. She would have totally dated him years ago. Now she just looks like his aunt or something. Even as Marilyn Monroe she ain't hooking any guys her own age. 

Maci's kids are so damned cute. I love that Larry and Jen seem to treat Jayde as another grandchild. I kinda wish that it would stay that way. Ryan is such a nothing ... why does he look so F'ing tired? Maybe he's up all night texting Indiana's Marilyn Monroe. I love that sweet Benny still gives his mom a big hug when she comes to pick him up. 

It is puzzling that Farrah keeps a relationship with the Underwoods. Very not Farrah. Unless there's something to gain she never put herself out there. And good old Soph gave her a big jab when she said she wasn't happy there without grandma. But please grandma, quit with the belly baring shirts! Or at least do a tan. Her stomach is whiter than Farrah's teeth. 

What can be said about out lovebirds? How the F did it look like Cate had two bras on with her tank top (as she was chugging wine), yet she sagged down to the sand? There were two sets of straps and yet that cleavage was all I could see. It's like an eclipse - do not look directly at it. 

Those two are aging so badly. For a young couple in their 20s, wtf? Tyler seems to be bulking up, but it just makes him look worse. When he was out with his mom I couldn't see anything but the penis hair (thanks for that description, btw), icky facial hair, and a blotchy bloated face. Cate and her purple hair is a disaster. I know kids can hit parents, but I don't like the fact that Nova does it with an angry face. Something is weird there. She's not hitting for fun, she means business. 

Fun sighting this week - April's garage is plastered in beer posters and signs. Between that, the booze bottles all over the house, and boogie-town, and this is supposed to be a sober, changed grandma?

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

It cracks me up that Amber schedules the Dr. Drew trip during one of the weekends she's supposed to be with  Leah - when she only sees her every other weekend.  She truly doesn't give a shit about spending more time with Leah, let alone getting joint custody.  I never thought I'd say this, but Gary's turned into a good and responsible dad, and Leah is lucky he makes her a priority, when she's clearly not one in her mother's life.

I couldn't agree more. And it made me so mad in her voice over when she said "I can't see Leah this wend because we are in LA" when the truth is "I choose not to see Leah because I'd rather go to LA with my old boyfriend".  Since Amber refuses to parent I wish we could see at least 5 min of Gary with her because Leah is sweet, smart and funny and I enjoy watching her. 

  • Love 14

This episode was kind of blah.


I'm glad that Ryan and Larry mended fences. Also, where does Ryan find his girlfriends? I'm sure with this new girl in his life, Ryan's presence in Bentley's life is going to dwindle. As it always does.


Amber: Admit it! You're totally into your fiance's son. He's your age, so it's fine.

Farrah: She's still a bitch. Always will be.


Cate: You and Ty knew what you signed up for, when you signed those papers. I'm surprised B&T put up with their bullshit for this long. 

  • Love 5

Farrah's sole purpose in flying Debra to wherever she is filming appears to be so she can jump down her throat the moment she opens her mouth.  I don't care for Debra, but the woman can't say hello without Farrah snarling, "Yea, mom...you don't have to say hello every time you see me, OK.  I don't want to talk about it anymore either, OK?"

  • Love 23

Anyhow, I really think Farrah is a sociopath.

@ghoulina I think you mean SUPER sociopath. hee hee


She seemed to totally be faking her emotions while she was with them and reacting in a way that seemed mimicked. But as soon as she's back around Deb, she can let her true colors show. Deb - "I missed you!" Normal person - "I missed you too." Farrah - "Get the fuck over it, mom. People miss people. It's life. Move on."

As Farrah slams her mother for daring to miss her daughter, Farrah misses and won't get over dead Derrick who has been dead for how long now? Call me a bitch, but I would love for someone to tell Farrah "Get the fuck over it. People miss people. It's life. Move the fuck on. You were just Derrick's anal piece!"

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, gotta watch said:

Farrah said as she drove the truck "I made it to my back door!" Anyone else snicker?

Yep, I did! And she was so delighted!

How lame was Tyler's "How lucky are we to be together?" (my personal answer: "Not very.") and all the "Who else gets to marry their best friend?" crap, just thrown in randomly at the end of their dumb beach scene. I would rather eat all that cheese with sand blown into it than be with either one of them.

I couldn't even figure out what their angle was regarding the very unsettling topic about having a lot more kids. To give the illusion that they're nurturing and capable and stable? That idea needs to be nipped in the bud right now. Perhaps Tyler's vas deferens should be the thing that gets nipped.

Cate also later said something about "No visits with Carly til she's 18?" suggesting that the kid will automatically want to see either of them once she turns that magic number.

Sure Matt, tell your addict son (or any addict!) "No drinking or drugs in the house." On the porch is fine, I guess. Amber is looking rounder and stranger every episode, and the exaggerated Kabuki mask eyebrows are not helping. It's like her face is getting bigger and her features are getting smaller.

Ryan's girlfriend looked more like someone that Jeremy Calvert would date.

Edited by AhFillAck
  • Love 11

I love how Farrah orchestrated the picnic scene with Daddy Derrick's family, and had them feeding her lines she could get her plugs in.  "So how is FROCO going?  Are there any more openings coming up?"

Farrah's "businesses" are about as exciting as Tamra Judge's Cut Fitness.  Everyone's seen FROYO shops and vacant retail space (which will probably be vacant again in about a year).  Time to move away from those lame scenes.

  • Love 3

Farrah's scenes with Derek's family were obviously fakey fake, but they were interesting to me in that they showed that Farrah does know how to be civil with people when she wants to. It shows she is aware of what polite human interaction looks like, which makes her interactions with her own family / friends / employees even more horrifying. Because it means she's choosing to act like a monster, and she knows she's acting like a monster. Because she has the ability to maintain a polite personality but chooses not to.

  • Love 18

You know what I found interesting?  That Amber offered to chat up with Matt's creepy son (if he needed anyone to talk to, mind you) in the middle of the night because she's "up until 3 or 4 in the morning" vs. during the rest of the day when she does nothing but put a big dent into the sofa.

Almost like a "Your dad's asleep at that time; let's get to know each other during the wee hours of the night" invitation.


  • Love 13

I wish Dawn would have followed up when Catelyn said something like "knowing what I know now" re: the adoption.  I don't remember the full exchange.  I think Dawn tried to finish Catelyn's sentence about why this is hard and then  Catelyn added that part on the end.  What does she know now? That she ended up getting those dollar dollar bills y'all and could have raised Carly after all? 

I think that's a big part of it. When they were filming 16 & Pregnant, they thought it was a one-off. They knew that they could not take care of a baby when they were 16 in the current situation they were in - with no money, with their parents on drugs or in and out of jail, with their relationship on and off. But if they had known that MTV would provide them with an income so that they didn't have to worry about finishing school or getting a job, and that April would clean up enough to be able to parent their child for them, then they would have kept Carly. So I think that's where the regret comes from. 

Edited by JoannKB
Edited to correct "Teen Mom" to "16 & Pregnant"
  • Love 16
4 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

IMO that should definitely not be Theresa's job. She adopted Carly, Carly is HER child, she doesn't owe anything to the egg and sperm donors.

I agree, if I were T, I would totally leave all this to Dawn. She's the "adoption professional " who is used to these conflict and knows how to get thru all of it. Also, I'd want to send the message that communication stops now and anything more you want to say, goes thru Dawn. Honestly I'd fear for my safety and for that of my family.

We're Kim & Butch ever married ?

Maci, your grandparents can keep the part about "anyone who objects to this union". Ryan doesn't care.

Ryan's new gf wants to be Kristina #2.

  • Love 9

I feel for Brandon and Theresa on this one. 

I'm probably older than them (and I have a 5 year old!) and I just imagine if we adopted a child and then had to watch their birth parents talk massive shit about us on MTV.  

And then have the "fans" of those people contact my work.  You might have a secure job and be awesome at it, but that sort of shit will not endear you to your employers.

I think they were right to have Bethany, LLC deliver the news. I imagine Theresa would find it too hard to do so over the phone with Cate crying.  It's not as if they haven't had several warnings that B&T were uncomfortable with the amount of attention they were being paid on film.

Add to that Cate's admitted drug use and admission to a "recovery center," and I'd think "yeah, we'll just skip the check in this year" also.


Mr. Guilfoyle doesn't think that Amber and manbun would have an affair or anything, but definitely that they'd end up doing drugs together.

  • Love 11
15 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I feel for Brandon and Theresa on this one. 

I'm probably older than them (and I have a 5 year old!) and I just imagine if we adopted a child and then had to watch their birth parents talk massive shit about us on MTV.  

And then have the "fans" of those people contact my work.  You might have a secure job and be awesome at it, but that sort of shit will not endear you to your employers.

I think they were right to have Bethany, LLC deliver the news. I imagine Theresa would find it too hard to do so over the phone with Cate crying.  It's not as if they haven't had several warnings that B&T were uncomfortable with the amount of attention they were being paid on film.

Add to that Cate's admitted drug use and admission to a "recovery center," and I'd think "yeah, we'll just skip the check in this year" also.


Mr. Guilfoyle doesn't think that Amber and manbun would have an affair or anything, but definitely that they'd end up doing drugs together.

To still attend C & T's wedding after Brandon was harrassed at work; to have any more contact at all, Brandon & Theresa are saints. I can't imagine what that was like, having to probably address such an issue with your superiors, wondering if some psycho fan(s) will call your home next, comfront you when you're out in public with your children.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I feel for Brandon and Theresa on this one. 

I'm probably older than them (and I have a 5 year old!) and I just imagine if we adopted a child and then had to watch their birth parents talk massive shit about us on MTV.  

And then have the "fans" of those people contact my work.  You might have a secure job and be awesome at it, but that sort of shit will not endear you to your employers.

I think they were right to have Bethany, LLC deliver the news. I imagine Theresa would find it too hard to do so over the phone with Cate crying.  It's not as if they haven't had several warnings that B&T were uncomfortable with the amount of attention they were being paid on film.

Add to that Cate's admitted drug use and admission to a "recovery center," and I'd think "yeah, we'll just skip the check in this year" also.

Agreed! The other thing is, Teresa specifically called Cate to ask her not to talk about them on camera anymore. And neither Cate nor Tyler have stopped. I get that they are being asked by producers and by producer fed lines from friends but just shut your mouth and shrug and say "I don't know." They'll stop asking/airing if it is a non-starter. But all you have to do is say "Car" around Tyler and he goes into a monologue.

Add that to the fact that I'm sure B&T feel bullied by MTV. How many times have they said "we don't want her being filmed" and then concede to "fine, you can film her back or her feet or blur her face" or the classic "we do not want her in the room with Butch" cut to Butch at the wedding being all creepy.

It's got to be weird for Carly. Having these two yahoos show up once a year and act like they know her and they are her parents who miss her as if she's been away at boarding school or something. Tyler going off on his rants about how "the one who is suffering is Carly because she doesn't get to know me!" Butch, Please! 

Clearly their wishes to protect their child from this circus are not being respected so I applaud them for taking control and not giving in.  

I wince just thinking of Carly on her 18th birthday walking out of her school and finding Cate and Tyler waiting for her. 

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I don't go to bed until 6 or 7 am. I stay up and work at night because I work from home and that's when the house is the quietest. I know lots of mothers who work 3rd shift and do the same. It is totally possible, with the assistance of a supportive partner, to effectively parent a child even when you're not getting up until after noon. 

Amber still wouldn't be able to do it, even if she went to bed at 9pm. 

"I don't go to bed until 6 or 7 am. I stay up and work at night" see, mamadrama, you're up WORKING, not lounging.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

It is puzzling that Farrah keeps a relationship with the Underwoods. Very not Farrah. Unless there's something to gain she never put herself out there.

It's to keep the whole "the love of my life died tragically while I was pregnant with his child" storyline afloat. She doesn't truly care about people, nor does she care about Sophia having a relationship with them. She just likes the impression that these visits make. 


3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

@ghoulina I think you mean SUPER sociopath. hee hee

You are super right! I stand corrected. 


2 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

How lame was Tyler's "How lucky are we to be together?" (my personal answer: "Not very.") and all the "Who else gets to marry their best friend?" crap, just thrown in randomly at the end of their dumb beach scene. I would rather eat all that cheese with sand blown into it than be with either one of them.

I'd wager that MANY couples feel their other half is their best friend. However, many of us didn't marry our step-sibling. I know THEY were together before Butch and April, but still. 

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Question - If Amber is awake until 4 a.m. (I believe it BTW) that means she is not getting up in the middle of the night to eat food from the refrigerator, like T-bone steaks, as was mentioned in the episode where Matt was also lying about the yummy and delicious diet bars. Amber stated she has no recollection of doing such things, but she was finding food on her nightstand. How so if she is awake all night long?

My guess is "middle of the night" means "around 9 am" to Amber.

I think it's fine that B&T had Dawn tell C&T what was up. B&T probably paid somewhere around $30k for the adoption. Bethany and Dawn should be providing them with some kind of on-going services for that amount.

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Amber stays up to 4 am every night.

And she suffers from serious depression, right?  I, too, suffer from it and can tell you that staying up that late and then laying about all day the next day is one of the WORST things you can do when you are depressed.  You need healthy sleep.  You need the sunlight to rejuvenate you.  If anything, it is good because you are sticking to a more "normal" schedule, which can really make a difference in a depressed person.  Even if all you do the next day is take a shower, you got up in the morning and did something with your day, and that's what matters.  Yes, it is very hard.  It is very very hard.  But in the end, it will help.

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I'd wager that MANY couples feel their other half is their best friend. However, many of us didn't marry our step-sibling. I know THEY were together before Butch and April, but still. 

Oh no, no, I wasn't questioning the concept of marrying your best friend (I do hear people say that all the time), it was the way it sounded so scripted and out of place, almost like they are trying to do damage control and continue the façade of The Fairytale Ending Couple. I almost expected her to tell him that he's the most amazing-est husband and father 'evah', and they could then clink their glasses together and the scene would fade out. Ugh.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, AhFillAck said:

Oh no, no, I wasn't questioning the concept of marrying your best friend (I do hear people say that all the time), it was the way it sounded so scripted and out of place, almost like they are trying to do damage control and continue the façade of The Fairytale Ending Couple. I almost expected her to tell him that he's the most amazing-est husband and father 'evah', and they could then clink their glasses together and the scene would fade out. Ugh.

Seriously. And these two packing a picnic of wine, cheese and strawberries?  They have always aimed to appear more sophisticated and mature than they are. At best what they achieve is more bootleg BrandonandTeresa. It would have been more believable if they split a 40 ounce and a bowl of buds at the town dump.

  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, AhFillAck said:

Oh no, no, I wasn't questioning the concept of marrying your best friend (I do hear people say that all the time), it was the way it sounded so scripted and out of place, almost like they are trying to do damage control and continue the façade of The Fairytale Ending Couple. I almost expected her to tell him that he's the most amazing-est husband and father 'evah', and they could then clink their glasses together and the scene would fade out. Ugh.

No, I didn't think you were questioning the concept. I was agreeing with your overall point, and adding that Tyler felt they were SO special and lucky, because they married their best friend - when in reality, most people probably feel that way, so it's not that special at all. 

  • Love 6

Catelyn and Tyler have zero chemistry and seem more like brother and sister.  Even when they say I love you to each other it seems so blah.  I say I love you to a cute dog on the street with more passion than that.  I'll give them a pass on the on screen kissing because maybe they aren't comfortable with that and that's why it looks so robotic and basically like they can't stand each other but even just the way they talk to each other is so sad.  I can't imagine what their sex life must be like.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

No, I didn't think you were questioning the concept. I was agreeing with your overall point, and adding that Tyler felt they were SO special and lucky, because they married their best friend - when in reality, most people probably feel that way, so it's not that special at all. 

I thought the same thing. Who doesn't think they married their best friend?

90 Day Fiancee aside, of course.

  • Love 6

Debra is so pathetic to me - the way she tries to dress "sexy" like farrah, the way she eats Farrah's shit with a smile just to bask in some of her fame and catch a few pennies. It's sad and kind of gross. Just a few minutes after Farrah called her genius fuckface, she's sitting in the truck laughing it up with her. Ridiculous.

One thing that annoyed me during the scene with Derrick's family was the aunt or whatever saying she hopes Farrah never lets Sophia forget that Derrick was her father. As awful as Farrah is, I thought that was unfair. While I do think some if the Daddy Derrick stuff is amped up for the cameras, I don't get the feeling that Farrah would make his memory go away for a guy. She was trying to make Simon dad at one point, but that didn't interfere with her talking to Sophia about Derrick and what not. She took it better than I did, because that comment would have upset me and I would have said something.

The scene with Maci and Jen at the shower was cute. I like that she has a relationship with them. I thought Maci ripping the bows for the children she already had was hilarious.

If I were Gary, I would NOT allow my daughter to have overnights at Amber's house with Matt's son living there (heck, I wouldn't have allowed it when Matt moved in). This is the girl who allowed some rando she met at Walmart change her daughter's diaper.

I wonder if Cait and Tyler are seriously planning to have more kids? Despite always pawning off the one they have to April and seemingly prefering to laze about and smoke rather that do activities with her? Tbh, it sounds like Tyler wants more, and Cait, the ever people-pleaser, says she wants more because she thinks thats what he wants to hear (and to have an excuse to stop dieting). When the were at the beach, she mentioned him wanting more and he was all, "I do." That just confuses me. I think the fantasy of a big family with lots of love and fun is different than the reality of parenting for them. I use to think I wanted 6 kids... then I became a mother lol. I feel bad for Cait re B + T stopping the visits, but I agree with them 100%.

  • Love 5

Dawn isn't doing Theresa's "dirty work," she's doing her job. Theresa and Brandon owe nothing to C&T and it's not "dirty work" at all. They are Carly's parents and I wouldn't want trashy C&T around my child either. Triple that feeling if they actually felt possessive of MY child. I'd be pissed as hell at them and their bratty entitlement by now. 

I remember the adoption conversations C&T had on-screen in the early days. There was no sense of manipulation and they called the adoption "semi-open." They had an adoption counselor and clearly seemed aware of what they were getting into. I don't think they were manipulated at all. 

Re: Farrah, she and her family are so sleazy. Do Debra and Michael both live off of Farrah's (and their) porn and reality TV money, or just Debra? 

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, deefizzle said:

The worst part about C&Ts situation is the worshipping of Carly while simultaneously neglecting poor Nova. I'd feel a lot worse about Cait's regret over the adoption if I saw that she was a loving and doting mother towards the child she has now (who is basically Carly's clone). I just wish C&T put half as much interest in Nova as they do in "the one that got away".

B&T need to stop the communication STAT. Carly will be on Twitter (or some variation) before we know it and you just know Tyler will be lying in wait to get in touch behind B&Ts back. Fucking creeper.


1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

To still attend C & T's wedding after Brandon was harrassed at work; to have any more contact at all, Brandon & Theresa are saints. I can't imagine what that was like, having to probably address such an issue with your superiors, wondering if some psycho fan(s) will call your home next, comfront you when you're out in public with your children.


1 hour ago, MelineB13 said:

Agreed! The other thing is, Teresa specifically called Cate to ask her not to talk about them on camera anymore. And neither Cate nor Tyler have stopped. I get that they are being asked by producers and by producer fed lines from friends but just shut your mouth and shrug and say "I don't know." They'll stop asking/airing if it is a non-starter. But all you have to do is say "Car" around Tyler and he goes into a monologue.

Add that to the fact that I'm sure B&T feel bullied by MTV. How many times have they said "we don't want her being filmed" and then concede to "fine, you can film her back or her feet or blur her face" or the classic "we do not want her in the room with Butch" cut to Butch at the wedding being all creepy.

It's got to be weird for Carly. Having these two yahoos show up once a year and act like they know her and they are her parents who miss her as if she's been away at boarding school or something. Tyler going off on his rants about how "the one who is suffering is Carly because she doesn't get to know me!" Butch, Please! 

Clearly their wishes to protect their child from this circus are not being respected so I applaud them for taking control and not giving in.  

I wince just thinking of Carly on her 18th birthday walking out of her school and finding Cate and Tyler waiting for her. 

It kills me that Nova is always going to be second. Carly is the idealized angel--she never throws up or has tantrums or needs disciplining. Nova will soon be old enough to notice that Carly is perfect, Nova, not so much. Carly will have pretty clothes and nice manners. Nova will slop around in ill fitting crap and is being raised by the dog pack, with occasional forays to her druggie grandma's house, and visiting Grandpa Butch in jail.

I'm willing to bet a shiny quarter that what cemented Brandon and Theresa's decision to end contact was Butch's creeping at the wedding. He just couldn't help himself. Asshole. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, you can see where Tyler gets the unattractive selfishness and lack of self control.

Damn, you just know Cate and Tyler are thinking of Carly's birthday as Independence Day. They'll be at her school with balloons and a tacky cake from Walmart. They'll be horrified when she doesn't run sobbing into their arms. And say that the reason is that Brandon and Theresa poisoned her mind against them. 

  • Love 12
14 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

What was that?!?! Seriously. 

I feel bad for Catelynn a little. It's obvious that her life was different in 2009. But as someone who has no real personal experience themselves with adoption, I've kind of always disliked the idea of open adoption. Just my personal preference. Even before this show I just always assumed it would be a really difficult balance and then this show proved me right. I'm sure this show is just a really heightened version of it but it does seem like it's hard to find a balance with both sides.

I do have personal experience with open adoption, and as long as all parties remember:

1. To put the child first and

2. Their roles in he child's life

Open adoption is wonderful. Honestly, this open adoption probably could have worked if not for Teen Mom. The celebrity of Cait and Tyler, and Tyler's ego being massaged by his posse on Facebook made this situation one that was never going to work out.  Because Brandon and Theresa needed to abide by Rule 1 and Tyler (this is almost all on him) couldn't live by Rule 2, they had no choice.  It does stink though that Theresa didn't have a conversation with Cait, but maybe she had before and this time, to make sure it was clear, she brought in the voice of authority.  I hope that when this show runs its course, contact will be resumed.  As it is, Carly is already always going to be "Cait and Tyler's" daughter before anything else to a small segment of the public.

just as an aside, my four year old son was the ring bearer in his birth mom's wedding this summer. She (also adopted) had her birth sister and birth grandmother there. I was standing next to my son's birth great grandmother marveling that no one thought this combination of birth and adopted families was odd at all.

  • Love 16

Because Derek passed away before Sophia was born, Farrah has a wild fantasy of how they would have lived happily ever after.  There is nothing to convince her otherwise.  These things barely work out under the best of circumstances.  C&T are still together, but I wouldn't consider that relationship a success.  If he were alive, and interested in being a part of Sophia's life (we don't even know if he would have been), I think the Farrah/Derek story line would be one of the most brutal, in terms of co-parenting and getting along.  She has got to be the worst person I've ever seen (outside of killers, ect. ).  Could you imagine trying to raise a child with her?  And like someone up thread said, she'd HATE his family.  And they would hate her back.  Forget fishing. 

  • Love 12
20 minutes ago, hoosiermommy said:

I do have personal experience with open adoption, and as long as all parties remember:

1. To put the child first and

2. Their roles in he child's life

Open adoption is wonderful. Honestly, this open adoption probably could have worked if not for Teen Mom. The celebrity of Cait and Tyler, and Tyler's ego being massaged by his posse on Facebook made this situation one that was never going to work out.  Because Brandon and Theresa needed to abide by Rule 1 and Tyler (this is almost all on him) couldn't live by Rule 2, they had no choice.  It does stink though that Theresa didn't have a conversation with Cait, but maybe she had before and this time, to make sure it was clear, she brought in the voice of authority.  I hope that when this show runs its course, contact will be resumed.  As it is, Carly is already always going to be "Cait and Tyler's" daughter before anything else to a small segment of the public.

just as an aside, my four year old son was the ring bearer in his birth mom's wedding this summer. She (also adopted) had her birth sister and birth grandmother there. I was standing next to my son's birth great grandmother marveling that no one thought this combination of birth and adopted families was odd at all.

Thank you for your information and your story is so good to hear. I just always felt strange about open adoption. Most of it may be because of this show, it's the only open adoption story I've heard and I agree with you. The show has probably made the situation difficult. For various reasons. I often wonder if Catelynn and Tyler knew there would be a spin off that would go on for years would they have done this? And then the show forces them to talk about Carly and before Nova, almost every choice they made was "we are doing this for Carly " . Couple that with the fan base which is so extreme. The problem with this open adoption is that it's not just open for the parties involved, it's open for the whole damn world. It's just way too public. 

But your story sounds lovely. I think sadly Tyler is the one who couldn't respect boundaries. I don't even post pictures of people in my life's kids unless I get an okay from them and all of my social networks are private but still.. Tyler was constantly putting up video montages and pictures and they asked him not too many times. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

Dawn isn't doing Theresa's "dirty work," she's doing her job. Theresa and Brandon owe nothing to C&T and it's not "dirty work" at all. They are Carly's parents and I wouldn't want trashy C&T around my child either. Triple that feeling if they actually felt possessive of MY child. I'd be pissed as hell at them and their bratty entitlement by now. 

I remember the adoption conversations C&T had on-screen in the early days. There was no sense of manipulation and they called the adoption "semi-open." They had an adoption counselor and clearly seemed aware of what they were getting into. I don't think they were manipulated at all. 

Re: Farrah, she and her family are so sleazy. Do Debra and Michael both live off of Farrah's (and their) porn and reality TV money, or just Debra? 

You're right they don't owe them anything but  contact between the two has been directly with each other via phone for a few years now. Theresa has had no issue with telling Cate when boundries have been crossed  so to me it's like," oh now you want to get Dawn involved."  But then again, who knows, maybe Theresa told Cate directly there wouldn't be a visit but since Cate was told by Theresa to not discuss their phone conversations on camera that scene with Dawn was staged.

I do feel  for Brandon and Theresa is this situation because they trusted Catelynn and Tyler with their  contact info and now that trust is being abused.

16 hours ago, Pocket tee wannabe said:

That agency took advantage of young and ignorant teens. Screw her and her contract - let's hear what she SAID to manipulate those kids into thinking an open adoption was more than it turned out to be.

That is what I was saying in another thread.  No matter what the paperwork says, or what they signed, you know that the uneducated 16 year olds were not FULLY aware of the situation.  They knew the details, but probably didn't understand, as an adult would understand.  Were they tricked?  I don't know, but you know that there were some dubious promises being made, or alluded to. 


17 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

#1 Dad - animation for Matt.



No. Just no. Fuck you MTV.

Surely, that must have been in jest, right?  MTV is in on the joke that is Matt.

  • Love 9
14 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Something was weird about Ryan and his dad making up. I'm not sure whether to appreciate that they didn't want to do it on camera, or to be skeptical about what they were talking about. Oh well, I'm just glad Jen has her family together again. But would it kill Ryan to hug his mother or at least acknowledge her when she's crying? Damn. 

Oh, this is something I wanted to mention, but forgot. They were really vague about what the argument was about in the first place, and now are having the make-up off camera. So they are clearly intentionally keeping it hush hush. So of course now I'm really curious!

Edited by Harperlee1
  • Love 3

Farrah seemed almost normal around Derek's family. I expected her to go off about the fishing but nope, she let grandpa take control of the activity and Farrah sat back like a lot of mothers would. I expected her to shoot back her attitude to the relative asking if Derek would be forgotten, and she didn't. WTF was up with Sophia telling her grandma about her cousin catching the fish, and Debra's response was "well anyways" or something. Dismissing Sophia's excitement over the fish because one of the cousin's caught it. The pillow Debra got her indeed had a weird statement on it, but normal people would politely say thank you. The rest of Farrah's segments were her typical raging and snotting about. 

Amber's life is 50 shades of fucked up.. I truly believe Matt being a former addict is bullshit. His son probably is an addict, but Matt wasn't. They get half points for setting some ground rules down, but why can't Matt work? Why were they saying no drinking in the house as they can't be around it, if there are always wine bottles in Amber's kitchen? 

I don't have much snark for Maci. She's relatively normal. I didn't expect Jayde to still fit within the height and weight limits of a bucket seat, but it's entirely possible that she still fits within her seat's guidelines. 

C&T,  their ignorance is still alarming. Carly isn't their daughter, they have no rights to her now and they never will. I can understand how sad it would be to give up a child, and to blindly expect visits and to not get them would be challenging, but the fact is that visits are a privilege. It's in Carly best interest to completely end the visits.  I am stunned that Cate thinks Carly will contact them when she's 18. The only reason she would is out of guilt after watching the series (if she ever does). 

Some toddlers go through hitting stages, but I think this is for attention. Cate sleeps a lot (all day?) and Nova is either on the floor with the dogs, or at April's house. She barely sees Catelynn and now she's being ditched again. Only to have her parents discuss more babies. Lol. 

Edited by iheartla
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

You're right they don't owe them anything but  contact between the two has been directly with each other via phone for a few years now. Theresa has had no issue with telling Cate when boundries have been crossed  so to me it's like," oh now you want to get Dawn involved."  But then again, who knows, maybe Theresa told Cate directly there wouldn't be a visit but since Cate was told by Theresa to not discuss their phone conversations on camera that scene with Dawn was staged.

I do feel  for Brandon and Theresa is this situation because they trusted Catelynn and Tyler with their  contact info and now that trust is being abused.

I got the feeling that Cate was asking and Theresa was not outright saying "no", but that now wasn't a good time. And Cate kept pushing because she talked about maybe a Xmas or spring break visit.  C&T repeatedly said "it's been a year!" to us so I imagine they said that to B&T, too.  So Dawn got involved because C&T were acting entitled to a yearly visit instead of understanding they can make a request anytime but B&T have sole discretion about when is the best time for a visit. Of course, this is all speculative. 

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