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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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10 minutes ago, ari333 said:

If this turd has found god or any moral twinge of any kind, then I am Mary, Queen of Scots.

Sooooo you're saying I should put the bagpipes away, huh?  I am, however, stocking up on the single malt whisky...

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20 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

Yay. Triangulating.

I was listening to an NPR program (because I'm a coastal liberal elite in my ivory tower), and they were interviewing Trump voters and one said regarding Muslim immigrants "They won't assimilate but they want us to change. They force us to build mosques across the country and we're not allowed to pray anymore." And I'm just like WTF? This is a white woman in a 96% white rural county in Montana. She must be getting this crap from Rush Limbaugh or something. This whole economic fear drove Trump voters is only semi-true. I saw one graph that showed terrorism and immigration were the top concerns of Trump voters. Now, let's be realistic. Who is more affected by terrorism and immigration? People in large cities. But the large cities went for HRC. The people that actually live it are not afraid, but those that live in their bubbles and just see the fears stoked at rallies and on right wing media are afraid of the terrorist-immigrant boogeyman.

And, I really do hate painting people as "they", but I feel so far-removed from someone with that kind of thinking. I'm not all that educated, I'm a college dropout. I don't think of myself as the elite, but I guess I'm the type of person that is what's wrong with America, according to some. I just don't understand, and I don't know how to bridge this gap we now have in our country.

I would really love for some interviewer to ask, and keep asking, for some of these anti-elite people to actually define elite. I've seen some definitions that factually fit Trump to a T.

For example:

Elite | Elite Definition by Merriam-Webster


: the people who have the most wealth and status in a society : the most successful or powerful group of people. : a person who is a member of an elite : a successful and powerful person.

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1 hour ago, numbnut said:

Just as I feared, Twit's lack of self-control is leading us toward doomsday. China's response to his tweets:

China's official response to Drumpf has been relatively muted but the Global Times indicated that this could change once he takes office: "China has kept a calm attitude toward his provocative remarks. But if he treats China after assuming office in the same way as in his tweets, China will not exercise restraint."



Yep and that's not good. They're letting him know point blank. But given his past Twitter history... oh boy. I dread how he and his cabinet treat other countries.

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2 hours ago, backformore said:

My religion (or non-religion) is Secular Humanism. Basically, it's about embracing the morality part of religion, but rejecting the dogma.  So, don't kill, lie, cheat, etc.,  Because those things are wrong, not because God is watching and will punish you.

Be a good person, respect others.  But do it just because it's the right thing to do, not because you're trying to earn point toward an eternal reward.

Secular Humanism is not atheism, because it doesn't say there is NOT a god. It just separates belief in god from making moral choices.

More people need to know about Jefferson's religious beliefs. Imagine a president today cutting up his Bible then re-gluing it together to leave out the "unscientific and ahistorical parts" https://www.amazon.com/JEFFERSON-Thomas-Jefferson-Selected-Nazareth/dp/1936583216/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1482171555&sr=8-1-fkmr2

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

I saw the reaction from a Trump supporter (possibly one of the Russian bots who "follows" him on Twitter) to China taking the drone that amounted to "see, maybe being friends with Putin wouldn't be such a bad idea if he can help us fend off China's aggressions."   I'm guessing that is exactly Putin's plan - use Trump to stir China up and make them anxious, then use their reactions and anxiety as a selling point to cleave to Putin to protect us from China's puzzling, out of the blue, aggression.  

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2 hours ago, backgroundnoise said:

What I'm hoping he has lost forever is any kind of respect from the very people he wants it from.  I hope he's a punch line for the rest of his life.  I also hope that it becomes abundantly clear that he is no way near to being a billionaire, as that seems to be a particular bug up his behind

Yes, and I want "trump"  to become a derogatory verb, meaning screwing something up in a loud, bombastic way.   Like "You really trumped that presentation, were you drunk?" 

I'd love for Trump to be taken to court for various acts of treason and cheating on taxes.  And for his lawyers, one by one, to leave him because he owes them money.  He goes broke paying all his legal fees and settlements, has to sell EVERYTHING.  And Melania leaves him for Putin.

1 hour ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Speaking of religion, my fundie sister-in-law fervently, passionately believes that Orange has "found God."

That's the Trump supporter's mantra for when anyone asks how a Christian man can be on his third marriage. 

I come from a large catholic family.  My observation is that some members of my family cheat on taxes, take advantage of loopholes, lie to get ahead, and attend church regularly (and make sure to mention it).  The rest of the family live by decent rules, try to always do what's right, instill morality in our kids, and do not attend church.  I won't make generalizations about anyone else, but that is the way things fall in my family.   I have raised my kids to be secular humanists, and have been told by numerous people that kids "need"  to be raised with religion, otherwise they won't know right from wrong.  That astounds me.  I would rather raise my kids to consider how their acts affect other people, instead of whether God will punish or reward them.  (they turned out to be decent, law-abiding young men even without believing in God)  

As a child, I remember having God and Santa confused.   Always watching, knows if you've been bad or good, gifts = heaven, coal =purgatory/hell.  So, when I stopped believing in Santa,  I questioned the other "big man in the sky" 

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Trump brags about being such a negotiator and deal maker.  Over less than a week, his "deals" involved letting China keep our drone and recognizing Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel and moving our embassy there (after nearly 60 years--plus pretty much giving up the "two state solution" that even Israel has agreed to).

I thought "negotiation" meant that each side gets something.  We know WE'RE not getting anything for these deals of his. 

What's HE getting for them?

(Also in my "Obama is too weak" mantra--can't he at least authorize someone ELSE to speak up--Biden?--and say, publicly, "There's one president at a time. Barack Obama, not DT, is our president until Jan 20.  He's the ONLY one who should be making policy.  President-elect? Please shut up."

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More glorious thoughts from my future husband Robert Reich (age difference, shmage difference): "The Onslaught of Tyranny: Why Trump Rallies for Trump"


Like his non-stop tweets, Trump’s purpose in holding these rallies is to connect directly with a large and enthusiastic base of followers who will believe what he says – and thereby reject facts from mainstream media, policy analysts, government agencies that collect data, and the scientific community.  




[T]he rallies and tweets give Trump an unprecedented platform for telling Big Lies without fear of contradiction – and therefore for advancing whatever agenda he wishes. 

It’s no coincidence that Trump continues to denigrate the media, and hasn’t held a news conference since July.

A president intent on developing a base of enthusiastic supporters who believe boldface lies poses a clear threat to American democracy. This is how tyranny begins.


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Misinformation (and no desire or motivation to find accurate information) is a huge facet of this whole situation. I think many Drumpf supporters simply have absolutely no clue what they are even talking about.

One small example. The topic of health insurance came up on a forum. The woman was frustrated that she was having trouble figuring out what sort of insurance her adult daughter could get. People asked her some more questions so they could help, and it turned out that her daughter lives in Texas and was not making enough money to be eligible for tax credits for a plan off the exchange.  And since Texas chose to not expand Medicaid, this meant her daughter essentially can't get any insurance.

If she lived in a state that had expanded Medicaid, she would be able to get free insurance.

The woman's response was that she can't believe how much we've all been screwed over by Obamacare, and that is why she voted for Trump.

There is just no way to respond to that level of ignorance.

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And that is why the GOP has been undermining education and cultivating the low information voters.  Then, when a Democrat proposes or (God forbid!) implements something that could be good for the average citizen, the GOP sandbags it in any way possible.  In this case, they refused to expand Medicaid in various GOP controlled states.  And, I suspect, they also worked with their insurance industry donors to manipulate the premiums in some markets to make it so that, to the low information voter, it looked like Obamacare was making insurance more expensive and even harder to get.  In reality, Obamacare would have been a good first step in insurance reform, if implemented properly by all states and not undermined by the insurance industry like that.  But, if it was allowed to fly on its own and succeed, it might just be a hop, skip, and a jump to single payer universal healthcare, which the GOP (and their donors) do not want.  

To their credit, it works, masterfully.  I've seen an acquaintance state, firmly, that she now has to pay a $1,000 co-pay for an office visit with a specialist, thanks to Obamacare.  You can't convince her that this is not a thing.  

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Not sure where this should go but a Russian Ambassador was assassinated in Turkey today by a policeman who was then gunned down. One thing he was shouting was to "remember Aleppo".

Hopefully the Orange One keeps his mouth shut and let's the grownup talk. 

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3 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

Not sure where this should go but a Russian Ambassador was assassinated in Turkey today by a policeman who was then gunned down. One thing he was shouting was to "remember Aleppo".

Hopefully the Orange One keeps his mouth shut and let's the grownup talk. 

Oh, we all know he won't.  Russia is already blaming it on NATO.  So, you know, this is going to get ugly.  (And my cynical side says that Putin arranged it, just based on the timing.  This is exactly the kind of thing he'd have no problem doing to stir things up when he thinks he has an advantage to press.  Even if this guy was one of his friends, it's a small sacrifice to him for his own greater good.)  

Looks like the EC is most definitely not coming through with that birthday present for me.  

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17 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

Not sure where this should go but a Russian Ambassador was assassinated in Turkey today by a policeman who was then gunned down. One thing he was shouting was to "remember Aleppo".

Hopefully the Orange One keeps his mouth shut and let's the grownup talk. 

If Trumputin keeps quiet, it will be because 1) he has no idea what Aleppo is, much less where it is and what's going on there, or 2) Putin has filled him in on Aleppo and Trumputin wants to keep it quiet that Putin is aligned with Assad and it is Putin's military that murdered all those civilians.

I see so many people on FB condemning the murders in Aleppo, and posting those sad videos the people of Aleppo have been posting, and wanting to collect money for Aleppo victims....the same people who are adamant Trumputin supporters and must not have any idea that it is PUTIN that is killing the civilians they are so sad about.

Edited by izabella
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Three professors of psychiatry fear that Twit is mentally ill (ya think?) and want him to have a "neuropsychiatric evaluation."

In an open letter addressed to Obama, three professors of psychiatry — including one from Harvard Medical School — expressed fears that President-elect Donald Trump’s exhibits signs he may not be mentally fit to assume the presidency. In the letter, Judith Herman, M.D. a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and two professors who taught at the University of California, San Francisco made the appeal to Obama based upon their “grave concern” after watching Trump’s antics. “We are writing to express our grave concern regarding the mental stability of our President-Elect,” the letter reads. “Professional standards do not permit us to venture a diagnosis for a public figure whom we have not evaluated personally. His widely reported symptoms of mental instability — including grandiosity, impulsivity, hypersensitivity to slights or criticism, and an apparent inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality — lead us to question his fitness for the immense responsibilities of the office. We strongly recommend that, in preparation for assuming these responsibilities, he receive a full medical and neuropsychiatric evaluation by an impartial team of investigators.”


“Narcissistic Personality Disorder” by The American Psychiatric Association (APA)

Here, according to Tthe APA, are the 9 criteria for “Narcissistic Personality Disorder.”.If an individual has 5 out of the 9 they have a confirmed diagnosis of this illness. Many individuals have “traits” of narcissism but only about 1% of the population has clinical NPD. Summary : A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
3. Believe that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with other special or high-status people (or institutions)
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Has a sense of entitlement
6. Is interpersonally exploitative
7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

Twit has nine for nine.

Edited by numbnut
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2 hours ago, Chicken Wing said:

More glorious thoughts from my future husband Robert Reich (age difference, shmage difference): "The Onslaught of Tyranny: Why Trump Rallies for Trump"


Oh no Chicken Wing, I asked first and there's no age difference. Robert Reich is the only clear mind and voice of solid rational thinking amidst a sea of garbled up complex lies. Everyone else particularly when CNN has opposing commentators only muddy up the water.

I draw a comparison of Trump as being a train and we the passengers. Some of us boarded the train unwillingly because we knew that it was going to derail at some point and kill most of us. Others boarded the train happily and singing his praises unaware of what's ahead. I think that we all have friends or relatives that are Trump supporters and they're absolutely giddy that Hillary Clinton has been defeated even though she wasn't locked up. We need to make our position quite clear to these family members and friends that when we're together that politics is an off limits topic, that's all. Not a mention of his name, no talk of the election, nothing of his cabinet or Russia or hacking. Just none of it. There's other things to talk about during family holiday gatherings and truthfully we all need a break from politics.

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19 minutes ago, Lunata said:

Trump supporters and they're absolutely giddy that Hillary Clinton has been defeated even though she wasn't locked up.

And that's what it almost always boils down to.

Git 'er!

At any cost.

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I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out the appeal of Trump and why so many people connect to with him.  I was having this convo with friends over drinks and this is what we came up with, hopefully it is coherent, margaritas tend to skew things LOL  Here is my amateur analysis. 

We now live in a “get over mentality” society where most people want to feel they are getting the better of the "system". There is some joy or satisfaction we get when we can stick it to the man especially when we feel that we are oppressed, unjustly targeted, or get away with something we selfishly feel we want to.  This feeling has always existed but I think the pendulum has swung so far to the extreme that there are more people trying to get over on the system now than ever before.  People like that Trump has been able to “get over” on the tax system for years and is something they wish they could do. They like that when the establishment requests that he do something, i.e. release his taxes, address the obvious conflicts of interest when it comes to his businesses, he thumbs his nose at them, they like that he bucks political correctness and “tells it like it is” , something they wish they could do regardless of its racist, misogynistic, xenophobic overtones.  They like that he is a business man that runs his business like he wants and answers to no one.  For a large portion of the country they join him in perceived solidarity that he represents them “the little man” the “everyday man” the anti-establishment man. 

For all his rallying to this effect - his anti-establishment-ness ironically enough Trump has benefited greatly from the “establishment” – the tax laws as they are structured now allows him to pay hardly, if any, taxes – thanks establishment,  the current voting structure allows him to become president although he did not get the popular vote – gracias establishment,  the first amendment protects his right to say lies, inaccurate information and propaganda every time he opens his mouth or tweets – establishment you rock!  How anyone can think he is anti-establishment is delusional. 

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In an article in the paper today, a story from the AP, trump supporters are "tickled pink" with the cabinet choices.

They love he's got a guy with the nickname Mad Dog.  A guy who ran in 2012 saying he'd get rid of the Department of Energy now will run it.  A women who is anti-public school in charge of the Department of Education because "we don't want to make our kids learn about evolution" (yeah, it's the 21st century, why would you?).

And so on.  And billionaires in charge?  They love it.  Cause they don't need the jobs, they don't need anymore money.

Edited by stormy
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For all the articles about why people like trump, I've yet to find out exactly what they expect him to do to help them. It's a total mystery to me how they think getting rid of public education or Obamacare or the EPA is going to do the average citizen any good. Billionaires running things is good because they don't need more money? They need ALL the money, that's their game; the only jobs they will be providing will be for people who want to work for less than half the U.S. minimum wage. It's like his supporters have totally given up and just want to cause as much collateral damage as possible.

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Donald Trump just made a pubic statement on the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey;

"Today we offer our condolences to the family and loved ones of Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov, who was assassinated by a radical Islamic terrorist. The murder of an ambassador is a violation of all rules of civilized order and must be universally condemned."

The government of Turkey isn't calling the assassin a radical Islamic terrorist, only a 'terrorist'. The Gunman shouted about Aleppo, the Syrian city where rebels were defeated this month by Russian-backed government forces. Just to be clear, because the assassin said 'God is the greatest, don't forget Syria, don't forget Aleppo' doesn't automatically make him an Islamic terrorist. Russia has been bombing Aleppo in conjunction with the Assad regime and this man may just be someone that is aligned with the rebels or maybe he just had family murdered there. There's a lot to consider before coming out with a statement that names him as an Islamic terrorist. Donald Trump has to learn to think before he speaks and take some intelligence briefings. These Syrians are getting tired of being stomped on by everybody.

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They just think he's going to change things.  That's it.  Obama was wrong, he did everything wrong, everything is his fault.  It's his fault that they're stuck in some menial job or job they don't like or doesn't pay enough. 

To them, Twitler is "rich" so he's got to know what he's doing.  Look at all the stuff he has, he's got to be smart.  They were sold a bill of goods by a conman, and they may wake up in a year or so, once the public education is gone, or their water is so dirty you can't drink it and everyone is getting deathly ill from it, when Social Security is gone, when Medicare and Medicaid are gone, when Food stamps are gone, when the jobs they were promised are coming back are MIA, when their sons and daughters are being drafted for some war the Twitler has gotten us into, when the economy has gone into the tank and they're losing their homes and the job they did have - all the while Twitler & Co make money hand over fist.  I'm sure they'll try to blame Obama first, but that can only go so far.  The American people are fickle, so you can be a hero one day and public enemy number one the next.  It may take a little longer with the die hard Trumpettes, but the swing voters, yeah, I don't think it'll take as long.  He's already toying around with the idea of taking away the single head of household status on Federal Tax returns.  Removing that filing status would result in a lot of single parent households losing around 3 to 4k in deductions.  One woman in FL who voted for Twitler, when told, said oh really?  He'd have to explain that to me.  Buyers remorse already??

I just hope the US can survive Twitler.  Lots of posts online are painting a very dismal outcome.  I'm not a minority, but as a now registered Democrat, who knows ............ the Twitler is a vengeful sort.   He probably could get a list of who did not vote for him, too.  If some vocal critics start to 'disappear', then we'll know he's gone full rasPUTIN. 

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2 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

They just think he's going to change things.  That's it.  Obama was wrong, he did everything wrong, everything is his fault.  It's his fault that they're stuck in some menial job or job they don't like or doesn't pay enough. 

To them, Twitler is "rich" so he's got to know what he's doing.  Look at all the stuff he has, he's got to be smart.  They were sold a bill of goods by a conman, and they may wake up in a year or so, once the public education is gone, or their water is so dirty you can't drink it and everyone is getting deathly ill from it, when Social Security is gone, when Medicare and Medicaid are gone, when Food stamps are gone, when the jobs they were promised are coming back are MIA, when their sons and daughters are being drafted for some war the Twitler has gotten us into, when the economy has gone into the tank and they're losing their homes and the job they did have - all the while Twitler & Co make money hand over fist.  I'm sure they'll try to blame Obama first, but that can only go so far.  The American people are fickle, so you can be a hero one day and public enemy number one the next.  It may take a little longer with the die hard Trumpettes, but the swing voters, yeah, I don't think it'll take as long.  He's already toying around with the idea of taking away the single head of household status on Federal Tax returns.  Removing that filing status would result in a lot of single parent households losing around 3 to 4k in deductions.  One woman in FL who voted for Twitler, when told, said oh really?  He'd have to explain that to me.  Buyers remorse already??

I just hope the US can survive Twitler.  Lots of posts online are painting a very dismal outcome.  I'm not a minority, but as a now registered Democrat, who knows ............ the Twitler is a vengeful sort.   He probably could get a list of who did not vote for him, too.  If some vocal critics start to 'disappear', then we'll know he's gone full rasPUTIN. 

I'm one that's been dogging him on his Twitter. Usually my tweets mysteriously just disappear, but I may just mysteriously disappear too if he goes 'full rasPUTIN'. 

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9 minutes ago, Lunata said:

Donald Trump just made a pubic statement on the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey;

"Today we offer our condolences to the family and loved ones of Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov, who was assassinated by a radical Islamic terrorist. The murder of an ambassador is a violation of all rules of civilized order and must be universally condemned."

The government of Turkey isn't calling the assassin a radical Islamic terrorist, only a 'terrorist'. The Gunman shouted about Aleppo, the Syrian city where rebels were defeated this month by Russian-backed government forces. Just to be clear, because the assassin said 'God is the greatest, don't forget Syria, don't forget Aleppo' doesn't automatically make him an Islamic terrorist. Russia has been bombing Aleppo in conjunction with the Assad regime and this man may just be someone that is aligned with the rebels or maybe he just had family murdered there. There's a lot to consider before coming out with a statement that names him as an Islamic terrorist. Donald Trump has to learn to think before he speaks and take some intelligence briefings. These Syrians are getting tired of being stomped on by everybody.

Exactly!  I don't think Trump has any compassion whatsoever for the suffering of the people in Aleppo--and how they see (with good reason) his great buddy Vladimir as being responsible for it along with Assad (and, by their silence, much of the world).

Not every action you don't like can be categorized as "radical Islamic terrorism", Donald, just because that's a term you used.

But, let's not worry. Our own military is in good hands now that he has appointed the new Secretary of the Army--the owner of the NHL team, the Florida Panthers.  Very qualified, very qualified.

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I hope we'll all be at Gitmo together--along with Reich and Blow and Krugman and Warren and ....   All the people I like will be there. (I haven't read, but was just told, that Gingrich said today people are either with Trump or are "the enemy". Better check that, but if they haven't said it yet, I'm sure they will soon.)

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Trump writes a eulogy for a Russian ambassador but writes nothing zilch nada on the anniversary of Sandy Hook? As RuPaul's Drag Race all-star Tatianna would say, "choices."

Edited by ClareWalks
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@Padma, Newty did say it.  Even better, the Trumpettes using Nazi buzzwords.

So when they were against Obama, they were the enemy?  I'm sure he'd say no, we were real patriots or some gibberish.  The U.S. works with a series of checks and balances so that we wouldn't get an Emperor or King or despot.


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5 hours ago, ChromaKelly said:

Yay. Triangulating.

I was listening to an NPR program (because I'm a coastal liberal elite in my ivory tower), and they were interviewing Trump voters and one said regarding Muslim immigrants "They won't assimilate but they want us to change. They force us to build mosques across the country and we're not allowed to pray anymore." And I'm just like WTF? This is a white woman in a 96% white rural county in Montana. She must be getting this crap from Rush Limbaugh or something. This whole economic fear drove Trump voters is only semi-true. I saw one graph that showed terrorism and immigration were the top concerns of Trump voters. Now, let's be realistic. Who is more affected by terrorism and immigration? People in large cities. But the large cities went for HRC. The people that actually live it are not afraid, but those that live in their bubbles and just see the fears stoked at rallies and on right wing media are afraid of the terrorist-immigrant boogeyman.

And, I really do hate painting people as "they", but I feel so far-removed from someone with that kind of thinking. I'm not all that educated, I'm a college dropout. I don't think of myself as the elite, but I guess I'm the type of person that is what's wrong with America, according to some. I just don't understand, and I don't know how to bridge this gap we now have in our country.

It reminds me of this issue they had in the Dallas Ft. Worth area where a mosque had run out of land in their existing cemetery and wanted to buy more land. There were protests, concerns that a cemetery was an opening salvo towards building a madrassa, that it would attract Muslims, and that Muslim burial practices (they don't embalm) would allow diseases to seep into the ground water. My favorite response was from a guy who wasn't concerned. He said "They're dead. What's the worst they could do? Haunt me." That's exactly what I needed to hear. Some common sense after all of that hysteria.

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The assassin of the Russian Ambassador was a Turkish police officer, there to provide security. I'm surprised that the Russian Ambassador wasn't protected by Russian secret service bodyguards. It seems nobody else in that room were armed and it took quite some time for Turkish Special Forces to respond and take the assassin down.


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24 minutes ago, Lunata said:

I'm one that's been dogging him on his Twitter. Usually my tweets mysteriously just disappear, but I may just mysteriously disappear too if he goes 'full rasPUTIN'. 

Yeah, my tweets that are replies to him often disappear too.   so glad I have a twitter account without my last name on it.

7 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Trump writes a eulogy for a Russian ambassador but writes nothing zilch nada on the anniversary of Sandy Hook? As RuPaul's Drag Race all-star Tatianna would say, "choices."

he doesn't want to piss off some of his followers who say Sandy Hook was a hoax by the democrats in order to bolster support for gun control. 

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4 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

This is disgusting. It's pretty clear that Donald Trump will do exactly as he wants and he'll change the laws to suit himself. This is only the beginning, we're in for a wild ride. I hope the hell his supporters realize soon what a mistake they've made, one that will destroy us all.

"A president intent on developing a base of enthusiastic supporters who believe boldface lies poses a clear threat to American democracy. This is how tyranny begins."


SO, I'm editing because I fact-checked this story and it's a fake. This is reverse fake story created by Democrats.

Edited by Lunata
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43 minutes ago, Lunata said:

I hope the hell his supporters realize soon what a mistake they've made

I doubt it unless he turns into a black man overnight -- only then they might get angry. You know, because they have "economic anxiety." 

Russia is fully on board with with recruiting even more right-wing nationalist groups across the world to support their cause. On November 8, it was the U.S. Today, it was Austria


Austria’s Far Right Signs a Cooperation Pact With Putin’s Party

BERLIN — The leader of the Austrian far-right Freedom Party has signed what he called a cooperation agreement with Russia’s ruling party and recently met with Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, the designated national security adviser to President-elect Donald J. Trump of the United States.


The Freedom Party leader, Heinz-Christian Strache, reported the signing of the agreement with United Russia, Mr. Putin’s party, on Monday on his Facebook page, where he also disclosed that he had visited General Flynn a few weeks ago in Trump Tower in New York.

“Internationally, the Freedom Party continues to gain in influence,” wrote Mr. Strache, a dental technician who has led the party since 2005.

The Freedom Party, founded in the 1950s by ex-Nazis, surged this year to nearly capture the largely ceremonial presidency of Austria in May, but was defeated in a final runoff on Dec. 4. Still, its ascendance, alongside the rise of rightist parties in many European countries and with Mr. Trump’s victory, has raised new questions about political realignment across the continent.

 Be afraid, people. This shit is real. But don't worry when the blacks, the gays, the Jews, the Muslims and your mothers rights are all stripped away, Trump supporters. Remember, you saved us all from Hillary's email server. And for that, a grateful nation thanks you.

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I am still convinced he will either resign or be impeached.  He never expected to win. He doesn't want to actually do the job.  When faced with having to be either the comforter in chief or the commander in Chief he will ring for Ivanka. She can't truly make his decisions for him, the Constitution and the Military Command Structure won't allow it. 


He won't get his way as often as he thinks.  There are checks and balances and 3 branches of government for a reason. Don't forget- our country was founded by people who knew first hand what tyranny was.  

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4 hours ago, Ocean Chick said:

Well, anyone hoping for a Christmas miracle from the EC, you can give it up now.  There is no hope left.  We're dead in the water. 

It’s fitting that not only was there nobody willing to vote their conscious against Trump there were a few insufferable liberals who took the opportunity to make it all about them and their personal statements. When I think of this election, as much as I can’t stand anyone who would have voted for this horror, they were aggressively voting together to get the terrible thing they wanted. At least they get how voting works.

Meanwhile, the left has people who have no sense of good unless it’s about them getting to personally impress others with how good they are. Naturally when they’ve heard about this idea of voting your conscious they saw an opportunity to humiliate the nation yet again. They can’t even symbolically vote responsibly in a way that takes care of their fellow citizens.

It reminds me of what Louis CK said before the election about Lefties who wouldn’t vote for Hillary. He said, “If you vote for Hillary you’re a grown-up, if you vote for Trump you’re a sucker, but if you don’t vote...you’re an asshole.

3 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I am still convinced he will either resign or be impeached.  He never expected to win. He doesn't want to actually do the job.  When faced with having to be either the comforter in chief or the commander in Chief he will ring for Ivanka. She can't truly make his decisions for him, the Constitution and the Military Command Structure won't allow it. 

Given his personality I can see him causing some international mess that gets him enough criticism he really does go looking for a way out.

2 minutes ago, random chance said:

Yep - no checks, no balances, just a lot of rich old racists snarling Merry Christmas like the good Christians they are. 

Yes, these guys have made it clear they actually love tyranny as long as they’re the tyrants. Remember these are the people who spent 8 years trying to redefine tyrant to apply to...Barack Obama. If you can pretend that guy’s tyrannical (while also claiming that the reason you refuse to work with him on anything is because he’s lacking in leadership qualities) you’re going to be just as quick to see this guy as a good guy.

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4 minutes ago, random chance said:

Yep - no checks, no balances, just a lot of rich old racists snarling Merry Christmas like the good Christians they are. 

Also, it's a mistake to rely on institutions, especially since the GOP has spent the last few decades chipping away away at them.  Trump is playing the autocrat handbook almost to the letter.  It amazes me that so many people aren't seeing this and/or do not care.

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19 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

Given his personality I can see him causing some international mess that gets him enough criticism he really does go looking for a way out.

My concern is that his way out will involve the nuclear launch codes.

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