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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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Hey folks, please read the twitter embed post, and fix your posts if you did it.
The pages are scrolling so you can barely read them, and I went to an early page to reply, because there's no way to do it on a scrolling one.

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I wonder if Trump is going to seek vengeance on the states that didn't vote for him. Cause I'd really like to see him try and fuck with California. Our Governor and leadership has already said they won't help deport undocumented immigrants beyond what they already do, won't back down on climate change and will refuse to support any discriminatory legislation. We are the 6th largest economy in the world.

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3 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Seriously, the appointments for his cabinet that Donald Trump is making is actually making my knees buckle, my palms sweat and my heart race with fear.

Jeff Sessions at Attorney General, Mike Flynn as National Security Advisor, Stephen Bannon as Chief Strategist. And it's still a pretty sure thing that Rudy Giuliani will be given a cabinet post as Chief of Foreign Affairs. God helps us all. This administration is turning out to be as scary, bigoted and abnormal as most people feared. And allowing Ivanka siting in with his first meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister? I mean, what the hell?

I wonder who will be his minister of propaganda, to keep his minions in line and heads filled with lies.

2 hours ago, windsprints said:

According the brief article I saw on CNN making baristas say "Trump" is their form of revenge for the video of the "I VOTED FOR TRUMP" guy losing his shit being put online. I'm sorry but I find this so childlike, like something a 12 year old would contemplate doing. Starbucks nor baristas in general have nothing to do with it.  If I went to CVS and felt a cashier was rude to me (they never are, always so nice!) I wouldn't ask my friends to all run into CVS stores and scream at some random cashier and run out.  I also find the graffiti that is popping up to be juvenile and cowardly. Its all like someone pissed off an 8th grade football team.  I posted an article in media the other day that somewhat explain why these people have so much anger even after Trump won but I have to say I'm still having problems comprehending it. There's just so much venom coming from them. Had Hillary won I would have been so happy. If anyone said crap like "lock her up!", "email!" I honestly think I'd just shrug it off because she won.

I don't think they cared what the issues were. They found Trump "real", "un-Washington" and then just repeated the slogans. I am basing this opinion off of watching several interviews after Trump rallies over the past week. I watched a bunch trying to gain some understanding. Unfortunately, I found none. In fact it probably made my division with them wider.

The baristas could always pronounce it "T-rump" as an F-U.

I've read several scary articles this week about living in an authoritarian society , and that now is the time of authoritarian state, not the democratic one. America is on that path.

The trouble is, most people won't care about the destruction of their rights as long as their bellies are full.

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2 hours ago, auntjess said:

Hey folks, please read the twitter embed post, and fix your posts if you did it.
The pages are scrolling so you can barely read them, and I went to an early page to reply, because there's no way to do it on a scrolling one.

yes please! I am about to give up on this site because of it.  The notice is at the top of each page. 

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I think we need to talk... and a LOT... about the Trump University lawsuit suddenly, magically being settled.

This smells funny. I refuse to believe that it would have gone down this way if he wasn't about to be President.

6 hours ago, numbnut said:

There's no way he'll read through a thick stack of detailed briefs every night. No way in hell. He gets his facts from random tweets or Facebook. He probably can't read an entire newspaper without being bored or distracted. I bet he'll delegate someone to read the briefs and relay the highlights, which is so wrong on so many levels.

This is why having the psychos he's appointing as his gatekeepers and briefers is doubly scary. They'll be setting his agenda and what he hears.

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6 hours ago, caracas1914 said:

Does these people really think high paying coal and steel mill jobs are coming bacK?

Maybe if people insisted on using American steel instead of Chinese steel in their buildings then some jobs might come back, or better yet, wouldn't have been lost in the first place. 

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There is an event going around on Facebook that is encouraging everyone to do a "media blackout." (It might even be today.) The idea behind it is that because there was so much false reporting and ignoring of facts, we should all tune out to all news' sources for 24 hours as a boycott. This is mostly in response to what happened with Trump and, to be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if Trump was somehow behind the idea of the boycott.

I think this is a bad, bad idea. Although there are many news sources I am unhappy with, I think one of the best things we can do right now is support those good ones. We DON'T want to lose our news. That's a bad, bad road to go down. 

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7 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I wonder if Trump is going to seek vengeance on the states that didn't vote for him. Cause I'd really like to see him try and fuck with California. Our Governor and leadership has already said they won't help deport undocumented immigrants beyond what they already do, won't back down on climate change and will refuse to support any discriminatory legislation. We are the 6th largest economy in the world.

Fellow Californian here and I agree. We also have silicon valley and some of the largest companies in the world - they are unlikely to back down. I work for one of them, and though certain silicon valley companies may compete with each other in some areas, there are others where they actually have strategic relationships/partnerships. If Trump tries to force the manufacturing issue with Apple, for example, I can see several other companies, many of which are in the Top 50 of the Fortune 500, step in and tell him where he can stick it.  If all (or even just some) of those publically traded silicon valley companies collapse, he is going to have an economic disaster on his hands. Let's not forget that these companies also have some the best engineers in the world (and from all over the world) - hardware, software, firmware, etc. Forget about Russia hacking our e-mails - some of these people could very easily shut a lot of things down if they were so inclined. Hell, they could shut down Donald's beloved Twitter if they really wanted to. I would love to see him lose his shit if he and his staff couldn't Tweet or use any social media at all. Unlike Trump and Russia, however, these people are law abiding, and, in addition to being extremely brilliant and having advanced degrees, also have a strong sense of moral and ethical obligations and are unlikely to go rogue and use their talents in that manner unless it became an absolute necessity.

I'm just thankful that CA will not be on his "victory tour." He lost pretty "bigly" here and votes are still being counted, I believe, and Hillary gains more every day.

Edited by Rapunzel
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As if things with Russia weren't scary enough, here is part of an article from the Washington Post:


Russians have greeted the election of Trump as a victory, in part because of the Republican’s support for Putin and calls for better ties with Russia during the campaign. On Friday, Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, said Trump and Putin see “eye-to-eye politically,” according to the TASS news agency.

Throughout the campaign, Russian officials and state media constantly warned that a Hillary Clinton presidency could erode already poor U.S.-Russia relations. Meanwhile, Moscow has conducted nationwide civil defense drills.

The U.S. administration accused Russia of interfering on Trump’s behalf, including hacks of emails from top members of Clinton’s campaign team. Earlier this week, President Obama warned his successor not to embrace Putin too readily.

Putin also sounded a bellicose note Friday, saying Russia is working to develop new weapons to “ensure a strategic balance.”

The Russian leader, wrapping up a week-long series of talks with his senior commanders on Moscow’s plans to modernize its military, said that Russia is developing state-of-the art weapons that draw on laser, hypersonic and robotic technologies.

“We are giving special attention to the development of weapons based on new physical principles that allow selective, pinpoint impact on critically important elements of enemy weapons and infrastructure,” Putin said at the meeting, broadcast on Russian television from the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

Russian military officials have recently described developing warheads for ballistic missiles that would be invisible to antimissile defenses, or capable of evading them. Russia has protested NATO’s U.S.-led missile defense system, and Putin on Friday appeared to lodge a response to the U.S. development of Prompt Global Strike, a weapons systems that would allow the U.S. to deliver a strike anywhere in the world within an hour.

“We will do all necessary to ensure a strategic balance,” Putin added. “Our task is to efficiently neutralize any military threats to Russia, including those created by strategic missile defenses, the implementation of the concept of global strike, and information wars.”

The Kremlin believes that the Obama administration is waging a propaganda war to isolate Russia, and a top Putin aide accused the White House on Thursday of “doing everything it can to drive bilateral ties into such a deadlock” that it would be difficult for a new team to improve relations.

The aide, Yuri Ushakov, said Trump supported Putin’s call for normalizing ties, and “expressed his readiness not only to normalize ties, but also develop them intensively in all areas.”

Love the Billboard in Russia as well - a photo of Trump and Putin saying "Let's make the World Great Again - Together!" (Not sure if I embedded the photo correctly or not - hopefully it worked).

Yes, let's do that while Russia is allowed to freely develop more advanced weapons and systems to prevent any attack against them, including any threat related to "information wars."

Trump is in way over his head here. Putin is definitely playing him and he is way too stupid to see it because Putin knows Trump has this tiny, fragile little "ego" and he won't hesitate to exploit that. Trump claims he's a great negotiator - he isn't. Good negotiators don't let their weaknesses show at all - let alone so horribly blatantly that it makes it extremely easy for anyone to take advantage of them. Trump would give Putin anything as long as Putin continues to call him a "genius," which, according to Trump, Putin did. Putin knows what he's doing - the man was KGB and certainly knows how to lie and flatter to get what is in his best interests. The fact that Trump believes Putin's bullshit is just pathetic. Trump is too fragile and too emotionally damaged to be President. He can't be objective at all and he craves so much attention and affection that he is going to destroy America because of it.

Trump Putin Billboard.jpg

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3 hours ago, Kromm said:

I think we need to talk... and a LOT... about the Trump University lawsuit suddenly, magically being settled.

This smells funny. I refuse to believe that it would have gone down this way if he wasn't about to be President.

That's exactly why they suddenly magically settled. If they'd gone to trial, Rumpy would have been called to testify. The case would have dragged out in court for weeks, likely months. They did not want that cloud hanging over the start of his term, and they don't have the time to deal with all of this now as they're in the middle of all the transition work. They settled to get it out of the way and put it behind him before he takes office.

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3 hours ago, Ceindreadh said:

Maybe if people insisted on using American steel instead of Chinese steel in their buildings then some jobs might come back, or better yet, wouldn't have been lost in the first place. 

You mean builders like Trump, who uses Chinese steel? And maybe Don the Con and his spawn should lead by example and bring their own products to be manufactured in the US. You know why it won't happen? Because they'd have to pay workers a livable wage and that would cut down on their profits.

Bend over, America. I hope you've lubed up, because for the next four years, you're going to get fucked eight ways to Sunday   until you're as poor as any peasant in a Third World country.

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5 hours ago, Kromm said:

I think we need to talk... and a LOT... about the Trump University lawsuit suddenly, magically being settled.

This smells funny. I refuse to believe that it would have gone down this way if he wasn't about to be President.

Yep.  If Trump had lost he probably wouldnt have settled...and definitely not for $25 million which I heard a lawyer on CNN say is pretty much all the profits the school made. 

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$25 million....yeah, Trump & his spawn will just get more creative & figure more ways to milk taxpayers to recoup that $$$.  What we're paying for the secret service detail on his private jet + all the costs associated with his continued stay at Trump Tower (and really, will he spend more than minimal time at the WH after January 20?  Yeah...don't think so).  I figure that family of thieves will have that $$ back in the form of services received + all the free advertising they get for all their businesses by spring time (also guarantee they receive a ton of $$ from their government inside dealing).  But suuuuure...Hillary was the crook who was going to destroy this country.

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10 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Seriously, the appointments for his cabinet that Donald Trump is making is actually making my knees buckle, my palms sweat and my heart race with fear.

Jeff Sessions at Attorney General, Mike Flynn as National Security Advisor, Stephen Bannon as Chief Strategist. And it's still a pretty sure thing that Rudy Giuliani will be given a cabinet post as Chief of Foreign Affairs. God helps us all. This administration is turning out to be as scary, bigoted and abnormal as most people feared. And allowing Ivanka siting in with his first meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister? I mean, what the hell?

Rachel Maddow's whole show last night was a rundown on Sessions, Flynn and Pompeo.   Bottom line:  it was absolutely terrifying--it's like DT is doing his BEST to fill the top spots with the most racist bigots he can scrape up.

When Reagan nominated Jeff Sessions for a federal judgeship, Sessions had just prosecuted three Black civil rights workers.  (His position was they had discriminated by focusing on Black voter rights and ignoring White voters.)  For the first time [I think] a federal judge appointment was not confirmed.  The guy was just too blatantly racist to put in such an influential position. 

Now this is the guy who's going to be the Attorney General--in charge of the Justice Department and the ENTIRE national legal system.

[Sessions' illustrious career as a senator from Alabama continued, but with his position open, the Governor can appoint someone to fill it, including himself.  And here's some footage of this guy that will make you sick, TOO.]

Maddows was connecting dots back through Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond and "Whites Beware!" flyers.  The segment on Flynn was mind-blowing.  She highlighted some of his background and noted that "National Security Advisor" needs no Senate confirmation, so the conversation about him is essentially over now and Flynn's just free to go about setting up his agenda.


I kind of wished Rachel had dropped her chatty "one friend to another" talking style and just put the facts out there bam-1-2-3.  These were facts everyone should hear; they need to be on Facebook and running on an endless loop somewhere.  It was the most damning 40-minute answer to 'Where Does DT Want To Take America?' I've heard yet.

Fuck those barista battles, this man is assembling the pieces for Armageddon.  Nobody can stop him?  It's not like he's even picking up speed--he just started dismantling all this country's principles as soon as the gate opened.

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3 hours ago, Rapunzel said:

As if things with Russia weren't scary enough, here is part of an article from the Washington Post:


Essentially, what Putin wants is for the US to abandon their NATO promises to the Baltic States, and to withdraw from Eastern Europe, leaving Russia to reassert their dominance over all former Soviet countries. Putin sees that as vital to the geopolitical interests of Russia, and it's not hard to see why. Russia may only be a regional power these days, but they still have nuclear weapons and heavy control over energy supplies in Europe. However, they don't really have security on their own borders, or access to warm water ports. This is part of the reason that they annexed Crimea (even though Sevastopol isn't exactly the most useful port, because they would still have to go through Turkish controlled waters to reach the Mediterranean).

So all that is understandable. Trouble is, the US gave NATO membership to the Baltic States, and most of the countries in Eastern Europe are being drawn west by the EU. Another power bloc that Putin sees as a threat to Russian interests. You can argue that the US and the EU shouldn't have made the moves they did to isolate Russia, but that's what happened.

Anyway, as I said, Putin's goal is for the US to retreat and leave him to dominate his neighbouring countries. That's why he supported the idiot candidacy of Trump, and gave him as yet unknown aid. So what I would do now, if I was Estonia or Lithuania or Latvia or Moldova or Poland, is establish a mutual defence pact with all the other threatened countries, to contain the inevitable Russian aggression. They can't rely on NATO to protect them, because Trump does not care about the USA's closest allies, let alone flyspeck countries on the other side of the world. But even as strong as Russia is, they would think twice about going to war with multiple countries at the same time. Putin wants security, not open war (which is another reason why the 'Hillary will start WWIII' lies were so absurd).

I think a lot of countries should start looking to see to their own interests now, instead of relying on America to hold up their end of bargains. And I think that will start in Asia, where China is already vying for the loyalty of a number of countries. Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, possibly even South Korea and Japan, will start looking more and more towards China, if Trump lets their relationships with the US wither. The EU will take steps to draw closer together, and perhaps even finally formulate a common foreign policy and European army (especially now that Britain has decided to hide behind the Channel and pretend it's 1950 again). We're looking at a multilateral world emerging, which will be far more unstable even than the bilateral world of the Cold War.

And Trumplets wonder why so many around the world feared his election, just as much as millions of Americans did.

Edited by Danny Franks
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Just now, fishcakes said:

And yet not a single tweet about the 400+ hate crimes committed by Trump supporters in the eleven days since the election.

I didn't watch the 60 Minutes interview, nor do I read Trump's Tweets unless they are posted here. I heard that on 60 Minutes, he told people to "stop it" when it came to the racial comments and things, but I haven't heard about him Tweeting about it. Did he ever Tweet or do anything more other than just say "stop it?" Somehow I doubt it, but just wanted to check.

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No, "stop it," was the extent of it. And it was more of a, "well, I don't know that it's happening, but if it is, then stop it."

And seriously, even as I was writing my original post, I was thinking how absurd it is that the best we can expect from a president-elect on this is a tweet and we're not even getting that.

Edited by fishcakes
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9 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Rump reacts to poor Pence being "harassed" at the theater:



It was awesome and although Mike Pence had left his seat in the theater he was still there in the wings and heard it all.

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5 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

I didn't watch the 60 Minutes interview, nor do I read Trump's Tweets unless they are posted here. I heard that on 60 Minutes, he told people to "stop it" when it came to the racial comments and things, but I haven't heard about him Tweeting about it. Did he ever Tweet or do anything more other than just say "stop it?" Somehow I doubt it, but just wanted to check.

No, he did not. And I doubt he ever will. He could have tweeted about the context of what the Hamilton cast member said; use that to send even 1 tweet trying to reassure people. Instead he chose to tell everyone how Pence was "harassed". 

He has insulted woman over and over, mocked disabled people, made unwanted sexual advances towards women, cheated contracters, and a list of things that could go on for days and has never apologized. Him now wanting an apology for this has pissed me off beyond words. I know its such a small thing in the land of Trump but it just hit one of my last remaining nerves.

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30 minutes ago, windsprints said:

No, he did not. And I doubt he ever will. He could have tweeted about the context of what the Hamilton cast member said; use that to send even 1 tweet trying to reassure people. Instead he chose to tell everyone how Pence was "harassed". 

He has insulted woman over and over, mocked disabled people, made unwanted sexual advances towards women, cheated contracters, and a list of things that could go on for days and has never apologized. Him now wanting an apology for this has pissed me off beyond words. I know its such a small thing in the land of Trump but it just hit one of my last remaining nerves.

Thanks WindSprints! I had a feeling he hadn't made anymore of a gesture than what I had heard about in the 60 minutes interview. It's extremely disappointing, and as you mention, he and his followers insult, berate, degrade, etc. people of every race, creed, color, gender, on this planet, yet he is offended that the Hamilton Cast did something he found offensive to Pence and demands, via Tweet of course, that they "Apologize!" To paraphrase the movie 9 to 5, he's a hypocritical, lying, egotistical bigot.

What on earth was Pence doing at Hamilton anyway? From what I know about the man (and, granted, it isn't a ton as I try to avoid reading about him), it just doesn't seem like his cup of tea.

Edited by Rapunzel
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Trump directs the narrative every time he tweets.  Instead of discussing the Trump U lawsuit and settlement or his egregious choices for advisors and Cabinet, now the media is focused on reporting on Hamilton and the "harassment" of Pence.  People need to wise up and stop acting like puppies chasing a squirrel.

Edited by izabella
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2 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

How about everything he said about Obama?  Remember when Obama demanded an apology for people saying he wasn't born in the United States, or that he was a secret Muslim that was going to destroy the United States, or when he was burned in effigy, or when he was called a son of a whore, and numerous other incidents?  Oh, that's right, Obama never demanded an apology, he faced everything with dignity and poise, as a President should.

Agreed. I didn't list everything. It would have taken me 10 days to write :)

On twitter the Trump supporters are joining him in demanding an apology.

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1 hour ago, windsprints said:

Agreed. I didn't list everything. It would have taken me 10 days to write :)

On twitter the Trump supporters are joining him in demanding an apology.

I wonder if the "Trump Supporters" out there include the tons that appear to bots or those Macedonian teenagers or whatever. It would be interesting to see how many actual American Citizens are demanding an apology along with that POS.

Edited by Rapunzel
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6 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Agreed. I didn't list everything. It would have taken me 10 days to write :)

On twitter the Trump supporters are joining him in demanding an apology.

There's a very long Trump-list so I just shortened it to what would make Trump, his cabinet and the millions who voted for him happy. These are four most important things they want the most.

They want blacks to be silent, gays back in the closet,  Muslims invisible, and women in the kitchen.

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Trump is predictable. I don't know how long its going to take people to stop expecting him (1) to be nice and (2) to be tolerant and inclusive. Not happening. 

He's our "boss" now and this article on CNBC makes the point Why Psychopaths Get Ahead

As for the "victory tour", I am SO hopeful he will make one.  After he came in second in Iowa, he was very rude to Iowans in his speeches because they let him down. (Who cares about all those who DID support him if he didn't WIN, right?) 

The "victory tour" is a giant middle finger to all the people who believed in him in states where he didn't win.  I want him to do that, and I want them to feel that they are "lesser" in his eyes than the supporters in the other states where he won. 

Yes, I really want them to feel their heroes disrespect and disregard for THEM, not just for those who voted against him.  (I know it won't play out that way--but I hope so. The idea of a "victory tour" in EC winning states is just so petty, so mean-spirited, and so divisive.  So Trumpian.

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10 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I wonder if Trump is going to seek vengeance on the states that didn't vote for him. Cause I'd really like to see him try and fuck with California. Our Governor and leadership has already said they won't help deport undocumented immigrants beyond what they already do, won't back down on climate change and will refuse to support any discriminatory legislation. We are the 6th largest economy in the world.

I am jealous that you live there!! My state was reliably blue until this election - it's one of the swing states that put this cretin in office.  It's so odd.  I live in a blue county and work in one of the reddest counties that exist.  There is such a difference between my friends and neighbors and my coworkers it's like going to work in a different country every single day. And Christ, they're loud.

 My day is spent pantomiming pulling a pin out of a grenade and lobbing it over the divider. 

I am spiteful.  That makes me a spiteful consumer.  I love the hell out of all my apple stuff - but if they cave to this pack of idiots I won't be buying one ever again.  I would have loved to see them do it of their own accord prior to this administration - and Apple products are one thing that I gladly spend more for, but not if they don't have courage. What makes me sick is the New Balance.  My college kid has had surgery on her ankle and will be in physical therapy for awhile.  New Balance is the only thing that her surgeon wants her to wear. Along with their very expensive insoles.  She actually said that her feet haven't felt better for a long time.  If I have to weigh her medical concerns over my principles, I'm afraid her medical issues come first, but I am having her talk to her physical therapist and see if he has any ideas about alternatives.  They are shit anyways.  The brand new very expensive ones I bought this summer already have a hole in them.  Of course we are talking about a very active college kid - but Nikes never did that to her. 

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11 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

In response to the ridiculous #BoycottHamilton hashtag, I just ordered the Hamilton original cast recording CD. I'd been waffling on buying it for a while but this inspired me.

Not to mention the show is sold out until late 2017. Aren't we all pretty much boycotting Hamilton since we can't actually get tickets to the show?

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6 minutes ago, KIMBERLYANN11 said:

My college kid has had surgery on her ankle and will be in physical therapy for awhile.  New Balance is the only thing that her surgeon wants her to wear. Along with their very expensive insoles.  She actually said that her feet haven't felt better for a long time.  If I have to weigh her medical concerns over my principles, I'm afraid her medical issues come first, but I am having her talk to her physical therapist and see if he has any ideas about alternatives.

If you have a good running store in your area you should ask them about similar shoes. First, find out why the PT wants her to wear New Balance specifically. If it's the type of rubber or foam in the sole, ask the store owners what they recommend that is the same/similar. If it's the shape of the last, the store owners should be able to help you identify one that is close. With a custom insert there should be a little bit of leeway on either of those things, although some feet are picky. Probably no need to stick with New Balance if you want to boycott!

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Just now, AmandaPanda said:

Not to mention the show is sold out until late 2017. Aren't we all pretty much boycotting Hamilton since we can't actually get tickets to the show?

Also, as if the average trumplet would ever even consider going to see Hamilton. Or any other theatrical performance, for that matter.

I think these boycott movements only have very limited impact, if they're spread out over multiple companies. Let's face it, even the most ardent trumplet won't chuck their iPhone away if Apple don't like him. They won't stop drinking Pepsi if they really love it. And I don't think people will stop wearing New Balance just because one of their VPs does like him.

I think it's likely to have more of an impact on new consumers. For example, I don't have any Apple products. I don't like their software, particularly iTunes. But if I was ever tempted to replace my Android phone with an Apple one, their stance on Trump would help me make that decision. If I need to buy new trainers, I wouldn't buy New Balance ones.

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10 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I wonder if Trump is going to seek vengeance on the states that didn't vote for him. Cause I'd really like to see him try and fuck with California. Our Governor and leadership has already said they won't help deport undocumented immigrants beyond what they already do, won't back down on climate change and will refuse to support any discriminatory legislation. We are the 6th largest economy in the world.

Go Cali! There's a California secession movement but it's not going to pass without the support from 38 states. I think Texas tried to break away too for various reasons. It would be strangely interesting if it did pass. I'd need a passport to go home for Christmas (I'm NYC/L.A. bicoastal). And Cali has Silicon Valley, so it would be interesting to see U.S./Cali trade deals for new tech after Trump damages trade agreements with foreign countries.

The "sanctuary city" movement is also interesting. I see more discrimination-based tension in NYC than in L.A., but I love how de Blasio met with Trump to basically say "No one here likes you, and your 'stop and frisk' profiling won't fly here, especially with 900 Muslim cops in the NYPD."

8 hours ago, Kromm said:

I think we need to talk... and a LOT... about the Trump University lawsuit suddenly, magically being settled.

This smells funny. I refuse to believe that it would have gone down this way if he wasn't about to be President.

This is his M.O. He settles cases with a payout to avoid a trial but doesn't admit being at fault (on paper). I'm not a lawyer so I don't know why this is allowed. He screws people over left and right (lots of nonpayment for services rendered; it's bizarre that his working-class supporters aren't outraged by this) but he avoids conviction with settlements so he can say "I've never been convicted of a crime." I look forward to the day when his victims won't settle.

Edited by numbnut
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1 hour ago, Rapunzel said:

Thanks WindSprints! I had a feeling he hadn't made anymore of a gesture than what I had heard about in the 60 minutes interview. It's extremely disappointing, and as you mention, he and his followers insult, berate, degrade, etc. people of every race, creed, color, gender, on this planet, yet he is offended that the Hamilton Cast did something he found offensive to Pence and demands, via Tweet of course, that they "Apologize!" To paraphrase the movie 9 to 5, he's a hypocritical, lying, egotistical bigot.

And the "stop it" was only after multiple hints that he should say something by the interviewer. And even then, as was mentioned, he qualified it by saying he wasn't sure it was true. It's not like those thousands of Muslims cheering after 9/11 apparently--he didn't "see it himself" so he doesn't believe it.

Important, too, that he's demanding the cast of Hamilton apologize for telling their new vice president that they are afraid his administration won't protect their rights and the well-being of the country and they hoped he would prove otherwise. What are they apologizing for, exactly? Thinking they matter at all?

1 hour ago, izabella said:

Trump directs the narrative every time he tweets.  Instead of discussing the Trump U lawsuit and settlement or his egregious choices for advisors and Cabinet, now the media is focused on reporting on Hamilton and the "harassment" of Pence.  People need to wise up and stop acting like puppies chasing a squirrel.

Exactly. I don't now why they can't just say no. I know there's issues with ratings etc., but presumably these people went into this business because they wanted to be journalists. They're now in a position where the importance of the press is clear and they have a real responsibility to tell the truth. Everybody's Woodward and Bernstein and the Spotlight crew now. And the public seems ready to encourage them by buying subscriptions to news outlets they can trust. The Hamilton story is really that the cast made a respectful point and that the president is now characterizing it as an attack so he has an excuse to play the victim and attack citizens. That's a huge thing for the president to be doing. What the cast did is not actually that big of a deal in comparison.

I read that article in the Times by the Italian who compared him to Berlusconi and made suggestions about how to deal with him. He was against the protests because he felt they gave Trump the power to say that people weren't being fair to him, since he was being protested before he did anything. Which made sense...but then, in just the past week he's done plenty of specific things that are protestable so I think that changes things. Anyway, the point was that he warned not to get sidetracked by the man himself and his personality, to focus on policies and opposition to him and supporting people who represented other positions. In other words, treat him very much like a politician and not a personality that you despise. Don't talk about how he's personally unfit, get out there are communicate your own policies being better and show how his aren't. People are quick to take the guy's side if the attacks are personal.

I feel like that's happening now with everything he's done. People who oppose him are focused on issues: appointments of bigots, clear conflicts of interest, foreign policy incompetence, lack of equal protection of everyone's rights. We need to not get distracted by whatever dumb distraction he's trying to throw out. The media needs to help that and not get distracted by dumb discussions about whether it's okay for a Broadway audience to boo or a Broadway cast to make a statement.

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I really wanted to end my post with "bring it, bitch" but I don't want to tempt fate. I don't necessarily want to see us succeed and I really don't see how there would be enough votes to do so; we're very, very red once you move away from the coast. I want to see CA stand up to this Administration though.

I seriously doubt Apple will cave.

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37 minutes ago, numbnut said:

This is his M.O. He settles cases with a payout to avoid a trial but doesn't admit being at fault (on paper). I'm not a lawyer so I don't know why this is allowed. He screws people over left and right (lots of nonpayment for services rendered; it's bizarre that his working-class supporters aren't outraged by this) but he avoids conviction with settlements so he can say "I've never been convicted of a crime." I look forward to the day when his victims won't settle.

As it's a Civil Suit and not a Criminal Trial, it is far more likely that he can settle without any admission of guilt. The Plaintiffs in these types of cases generally are just looking to be made whole again. Getting anything punitive on top of that is always a bit iffy if it goes to trial and there are often caps on what they could actually recover in terms of punitive damages anyway, especially given that this case didn't involve any personal injury or death.

The attorney for the Plaintiffs, however, would have had to advise them on the fact that they were accepting a settlement with no admission of guilt. It would have been up to the Plaintiffs to accept the settlement that way. Clearly, they decided to do so as most of them likely just wanted their money back (and maybe they got a little extra - not sure how much each paid out of pocket and what the difference between what they did pay out, how many Plaintiffs filed a claim, and how much the settlement was). If they had taken it to trial and even won, Trump and his attorneys could have tied up any settlement awarded to them for years in appeals and whatnot. The Plaintiffs likely saw this settlement as their best option to recover at least their out of pocket losses.

I'm not saying this is right by any means - I'm just stating the facts as an attorney and how things may have played out. I, like most of us, would have preferred to see Trump suffer and have him have to pay out far more than just $25 million (which, given the amount he's stolen from others, is chump change). However, the Plaintiffs here likely do not have the luxury of waiting on years of appeals to receive any compensation at all if a more substantial verdict would have been awarded in a trial, and with Trump being the President Elect, their window was closing quickly in terms of what jury would find him guilty. Keep in mind that, in a civil suit, it just has to be a majority and not the full jury in agreement on the verdict and how much they could (if they were able to) tack on in terms of punitive damages.

Edited by Rapunzel
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My college kid has had surgery on her ankle and will be in physical therapy for awhile.  New Balance is the only thing that her surgeon wants her to wear. Along with their very expensive insoles.  She actually said that her feet haven't felt better for a long time.  If I have to weigh her medical concerns over my principles, I'm afraid her medical issues come first, but I am having her talk to her physical therapist and see if he has any ideas about alternatives.

My two cents - do what is best for your daughter's health. There are many ways to boycott/take action to express your outrage, choose another :)  Hope she's feeling better soon.

Re: izabella's point above - I fully understand the outrage over Trump's tweet. I know I immediately reacted to it on twitter, here, etc. but after doing so people need to get back to calling and continue to talk about the other issues to keep them in the forefront.  The media losing focus is exactly what he wanted.  Thanks for bringing that up, izabella.

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I'm inspired by the anti-Trump protests led by college students and that age demographic because it tells me that, despite present circumstances, the future looks bright (and sane!). Right after the election, I kept hearing half the country voted Trump but that's so not true (I'm hearing it less now as people realize this). If 42% of eligible voters didn't vote, that leaves 58%. That 58% wasn't split evenly -- Hillary got 2 million* (!) more votes than Trump while other votes went to Gary, Jill and write-ins -- so, at most, only 29% of voters want Trump and at least 71% of the country wants him out of office. That's a lot of opposition. And as his visits to cities around the world are also protested by locals, his thin skin won't be able to handle all the negativity.

Edited by numbnut
*changed 1 million to 2 million
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About the Trump lawsuit - just a few days ago, Trump's lawyers filed a petition to NOT allow any statements Trump made during the campaign, be allowed in the trial.  The judge turned down the petition. 

I'm not sure what statements were gong to be brought in, but it seems that it may have been related to Trump's pattern of boasting about things that are not true, and how that relates to promises made to Trump U students.   Trump lost that battle, and then caved and settled.  

I'd love to know the whole story.

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1 hour ago, AmandaPanda said:

Not to mention the show is sold out until late 2017. Aren't we all pretty much boycotting Hamilton since we can't actually get tickets to the show?

What surprised me was that Pence even went to see Hamilton.  

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20 minutes ago, numbnut said:

I'm inspired by the anti-Trump protests led by college students and that demographic because it tells me that, despite present circumstances, the future looks bright (and sane!). Right after the election, I kept hearing half the country voted Trump but that's so not true (I'm hearing it less now as people realize this). If 42% of eligible voters didn't vote, that leaves 58%. That 58% wasn't split evenly -- Hillary got 1 million (!) more votes than Trump while other votes went to Gary, Jill and write-ins -- so, at most, only 29% of voters want Trump and at least 71% of the country wants him out of office. That's a lot of opposition. And as his visits to cities around the world are also protested by locals, his thin skin won't be able to handle all the negativity.

I wouldn't underestimate the thickness of Donald Trump's skin. I don't believe he has ever gotten his feelings hurt, he's not even capable of it.  If he feels insulted, he gets even.  It's that simple. That's the difference between a person with normal mentality and one with a dysfunctional one. Insults, finger-pointing, and personal attacks and condemnation just don't faze him.  He takes names, his motivation is to extract revenge on what he sees as an enemy. His feelings won't be hurt by anti-Trump protesters, heck he might even like that attention, it's negative but still attention. If anything, he believes that he's so powerful that all he has to do is look into the television camera and sternly say 'stop it'. He'll never believe that he won't be able to control "all the people, all the time". He should have read more of Abraham Lincoln's writings than merely comparing himself with Lincoln.

Edited by HumblePi
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8 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

What surprised me was that Pence even went to see Hamilton.  

They sent him to create a distraction for the $25million lawsuit settlement, the evil bigots and crazies being appointed and the trump hotel in DC marketing to foreign gov't to stay there (pay me money and I will treat you right.)  We will become a tin pot dictatorship because people were too lazy to vote.

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I'm not on social media, but I had an idea that I wish could spread that way.

It's about this stupid "Write the name "Trump' on your Starbucks cup so the barista has to call out 'Trump' again and again in the cafes."

I thought it would be fun to start a response, "Great idea! Now every time I hear 'Trump' when I'm getting my coffee, it reminds me to make another donation to Planned Parenthood!" 

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14 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

You hit on something here...  Trump supporters I encounter, online & IRL are so damn defensive from the outset, like a child who knows they got caught doing something wrong.  It's striking to me how pretty much all Trump supporters/surrogates I've ever seen on various network shows are angry, belligerent fucks who sneer at everything.

Even now, after victory...they follow the leader (see: the news that Trump is planning a "victory tour" of the states he won).  It's reality tv....or maybe more apropos: like an athlete dancing in front of a vanquished opponent.  It's bizarre, and I think says something about the psychology of these people.  I'm not a pysch expert by a longshot, so what it says, I'm not sure of the clinical way to describe it.

I think he just got them so angry and riled up, and they were prepared for him to be "cheated out of his win," that they had this anger all built up.  Then he won, and they still had the built up anger, so it had to come out somehow.  

9 hours ago, Kromm said:

I think we need to talk... and a LOT... about the Trump University lawsuit suddenly, magically being settled.

This smells funny. I refuse to believe that it would have gone down this way if he wasn't about to be President.

This is why having the psychos he's appointing as his gatekeepers and briefers is doubly scary. They'll be setting his agenda and what he hears.

The interesting thing is the way he worded his tweet about it.  He said that he settled it for "much less than the actual penalty" to get on with the country's business.  So, um, are you saying you settled for less fraud than the actual fraud you committed?  I mean, I know that's usually what a settlement is, but it seems odd for the one paying the penalty to basically brag "I defrauded them out of so much more money than that!" especially when that person is the P-E.  

1 hour ago, KIMBERLYANN11 said:

I am spiteful.  That makes me a spiteful consumer.  I love the hell out of all my apple stuff - but if they cave to this pack of idiots I won't be buying one ever again.  I would have loved to see them do it of their own accord prior to this administration - and Apple products are one thing that I gladly spend more for, but not if they don't have courage. What makes me sick is the New Balance.  My college kid has had surgery on her ankle and will be in physical therapy for awhile.  New Balance is the only thing that her surgeon wants her to wear. Along with their very expensive insoles.  She actually said that her feet haven't felt better for a long time.  If I have to weigh her medical concerns over my principles, I'm afraid her medical issues come first, but I am having her talk to her physical therapist and see if he has any ideas about alternatives.  They are shit anyways.  The brand new very expensive ones I bought this summer already have a hole in them.  Of course we are talking about a very active college kid - but Nikes never did that to her. 

I think every doctor has their preferences.  My foot doctor told me nothing but Nike running shoes several years ago. In looking at them compared to other shoes, they definitely had the best arch support and I think the biggest issue is likely arch support.  Those insoles are likely the thing that is really making a difference.  If you feel strongly about it, talk to her PT again, seek another medical opinion, and try out some other shoe brands with the inserts in them, see if she feels the same (or better) than she does in the New Balance shoes.  

My favorite part of Trump's whining on Twitter about Pence being "harassed" at Hamilton is that he actually says that the theater is supposed to be a safe space.  Really?  The "un-PC" conservative talking about safe spaces the second someone says something that hurts his VP's precious little feelings? You can't make this shit up.  But, hey, go ahead and boycott Hamilton folks.  Maybe do it the same way you're "sticking it to those libtards at Starbucks."  Go buy up tickets and leave them at will call for "Trump."  Go for it. 

Oh, and Starbucks baristas, can we talk?  As someone who has long had their last name misspelled and mispronounced by the pizza restaurants of the world, I offer you this - every single one of those cups should say "Tramp" or "Rump" on them.  Don't refuse.  With a smile, input their order the same way my local pizza place inputs my last name even as I spell it out for them, and carry on.   

Edited by KerleyQ
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