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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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1 hour ago, NextIteration said:

Before the bad news even landed...

Inside Donald Trump’s Last Stand: An Anxious Nominee Seeks Assurance

Apologies if this has already been linked/mentioned.

And, this is the big baby that they have to pacify, peel off the ceiling, lull into a false sense of security, and nurse at Kellyanne's breasts.  He is looking less like Hitler here, and more like Caligula.  The only difference is that Caligula is said to have had an incestuous relationship with his sister, whereas Drumpf wants to have one with his daughter.  Oh, and they have to feed his delusions of grandeur to save their own sorry hides and their "brands."

And, this, folks is exactly how he and his inner circle will run this country.  May they all self-destruct on Tuesday and burn in hell when the finally leave this earth.

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1 hour ago, NextIteration said:

He's so needy and easily manipulated, and yet so vicious and vindictive.  This right here is the real Donald Trump:


But offline, Mr. Trump still privately muses about all of the ways he will punish his enemies after Election Day, including a threat to fund a “super PAC” with vengeance as its core mission.

ETA:  It must drive him absolutely crazy that HRC has some of the biggest and most well-liked celebrities publicly supporting her while he has no one.  I laugh about that prospect a lot.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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4 hours ago, Keepitmoving said:

You know it's funny, I was highly offended when President Bush Jr. was overseas, can't remember the country, but they threw a shoe at him. I was actually impressed with his quick reflexes and the way he ducked behind the podium. But as an American I was offended, it's alright for me to say and think that my president is a buffoon, but it's not OK for another country to treat him/her that way. It was like they were throwing the shoe at this country, and figuratively they were, our president represents us.

However, if they threw that same shoe at a God forbid a President Trump, I wouldn't be offended at all, because he is that offensive to me as a human being.  I think he could be the second coming of Hitler. I don't want him representing my country. 

Considering the country was Iraq, for me it was akin to a British person throwing his shoe at Hitler to show anger at the Blitz.  As a proud American I applauded that measure and wish Bush II had all the reflexes and speed he employed in the wake of Katrina and not the usual shuffle and shift that had him at his ranch on vacation at least eighteen months out of his entire eight years of office.

But I agree on not being offended by shoes thrown and even hitting the Rancid Yam.  In fact I would approve steel-toed shoes worn by Andre the Giant.  and if Andre was still alive I'd approve him still wearing them when thrown.

But in lieu of a shoe, how about some leaked The Apprentice tapes thrown right at him about 9 am EST tomorrow?  Enough time to simply take over the entire news cycle and give that piece of trash little time to do anything but bellow in futility.  Surely someone who has accessed has to have a soul?

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31 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

He's so needy and easily manipulated, and yet so vicious and vindictive.  This right here is the real Donald Trump:

ETA:  It must drive him absolutely crazy that HRC has some of the biggest and most well-liked celebrities publicly supporting her while he has no one.  I laugh about that prospect a lot.

Then he probably won't like the line-up for Hillary's final rally on Monday:  POTUS, FLOTUS, and Bruce Springsteen.

Edited by millennium
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Haven't you heard?  Having celebrity endorsements is "cheating."  Just like Hillary having a good ground game is unfair.

Trump just called on voters to "deliver justice at the ballot box."  God I hope we do.  To him.

Edited by backgroundnoise
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The fact that Trump's staff would feel compelled to take away his Twitter "permission" says everything that needs saying about his judgment, leadership, and intelligence.  Well, actually, the lack thereof. I cannot really believe that the U.S. may be a couple of days away from electing someone whose staff feels obliged to treat him like a toddler who needs a time out. WTFF?

Of course, his camp is now insisting that they never trusted Comey's investigation. So per Trump and his cronies, Comey was incompetent when he first announced that no charges should be filed, a hero when he announced that the investigation was being re-opened, and is now back to being incompetent after this latest announcement that the original assessment was correct. I'm sure the next move is to claim that Comey is in the pay of the Dems/HRC.

I swear, if someone wrote a completely factual account of this campaign, simply changed the names, and tried to sell it as fiction, he or she would be told by the publishing houses that the story was simply too unbelievable.

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1 hour ago, Kitty Redstone said:

It must drive him absolutely crazy that HRC has some of the biggest and most well-liked celebrities publicly supporting her while he has no one.  I laugh about that prospect a lot.


39 minutes ago, backgroundnoise said:

Haven't you heard?  Having celebrity endorsements is "cheating."

Except it's good strategy to harp on this. For all that Trump is an idiot about most things I think he's realized something that the Democrats haven't--that there's a pretty big groundswell of resentment against celebrities.  

People watch them. They need them for entertainment. But a lot of them dislike being "told what to do" by celebrities. The videos of celebs in force railing against Trump really didn't help. All those did (and this also happened with the celebs coming out against Brexit) is get eyes rolling at a bunch of elitists trying to tell "the common man" what to do. 

Probably Trump's good buddy Nigel Farage explained this to him. I mean Trump's past behavior was centered around hobnobbing with celebs so being on the other side of that wouldn't be a natural move for him. 

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I don't know why, but I'm sensing a 3AM tweet storm when I wake up tomorrow.  I think he won't be able to resist being goaded by Obama, and will probably just demand his phone.

He seems strung out.  I could stomach about fifteen minutes of Chris Matthews (how is MSNBC keeping him sober enough to do a show every day?) to see my boo Steve Kornacki talk about where Trump has been campaigning and why, and in the clips they showed, he had a baseball cap pulled down hooding his eyes.  It just looked like he was crashing after a bender.

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17 minutes ago, BookWoman56 said:


I swear, if someone wrote a completely factual account of this campaign, simply changed the names, and tried to sell it as fiction, he or she would be told by the publishing houses that the story was simply too unbelievable.

One part of the article I found especially humorous is when Trump's campaign leader Stephen Bannon was helping Trump write one of his rally speeches and discovered his pants were on fire.

You can't make up stuff like that.

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5 minutes ago, Kromm said:

People watch them. They need them for entertainment. But a lot of them dislike being "told what to do" by celebrities. The videos of celebs in force railing against Trump really didn't help. All those did (and this also happened with the celebs coming out against Brexit) is get eyes rolling at a bunch of elitists trying to tell "the common man" what to do. 

Probably Trump's good buddy Nigel Farage explained this to him. I mean Trump's past behavior was centered around hobnobbing with celebs so being on the other side of that wouldn't be a natural move for him. 

Well that's true of tRump's base.  Most liberals appreciate it, in fact they eat that shit up.  See: Yes We Can and American Prayer.

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51 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Oh NOW they take away his Twitter? Idiots.

I wish they'd never taken it away. Nobody did more to damage Trump's campaign than Trump himself. Every time he tweets something insane his polls drop. His recent forced restraint on Twitter is probably more responsible for his uptick in the polls than Comey was. 

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First comment from Donald Trump on Comey's announcement today.

"You can't review 650,000 new emails in eight days. You can't do it, folks," Trump said, adding, "Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it, the FBI knows it, the people know it, and now it's up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on November 8."


He's right, 650,000 emails are almost impossible to review in just a few days, BUT this investigation of those emails began when they started the investigation into Anthony Weiner, and 300,000 had already been reviewed. Most of the work had already been done and thanks to computers, the rest wasn't that difficult to complete. Like Stephen Colbert said about Weiners emails "at least 300,000 of them are spam for boner pills".

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4 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

First comment from Donald Trump on Comey's announcement today.

"You can't review 650,000 new emails in eight days. You can't do it, folks," Trump said, adding, "Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it, the FBI knows it, the people know it, and now it's up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on November 8."


He's right, 650,000 emails are almost impossible to review in just a few days, BUT this investigation of those emails began when they started the investigation into Anthony Weiner, and 300,000 had already been reviewed. Most of the work had already been done and thanks to computers, the rest wasn't that difficult to complete. Like Stephen Colbert said about Weiners emails "at least 300,000 of them are spam for boner pills".

Not to mention that they were reportedly NOT "new emails."   Most of them were duplicates of emails that had already been reviewed.  

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2 hours ago, NextIteration said:

Before the bad news even landed...

Inside Donald Trump’s Last Stand: An Anxious Nominee Seeks Assurance

Apologies if this has already been linked/mentioned.

That was interesting.  You kind of have to laugh (bitterly) that his staff took away his Twitter account and then he was subsequently sooooo amazed that the quotes featured on the news shows, and attributed to him, started coming from his speeches (hello again, "staff") instead of those 3 a.m. threats/freakout tweets.

I honestly hadn't noticed that the rabid dog tweets had stopped because he spews so much poison at the rallies, I can only take in a few seconds at a time of the Daily Trump Updates. 

Too bad, though, about losing the tweets--I believe that unfiltered stream of consciousness shit coming straight from the horse's mouth really did cause some Trump fans to pause for a moment and think.

Well, no need to sweat that little bit of mental exercise anymore.

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13 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

First comment from Donald Trump on Comey's announcement today.

"You can't review 650,000 new emails in eight days. You can't do it, folks," Trump said, adding, "Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it, the FBI knows it, the people know it, and now it's up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on November 8."

Twitter is melting down laughing at this display of utter ignorance.  tRump doesn't understand that there is this stuff called software...

eta: This stupid notion originated with Gen Flynn and someone else (don't care to go look) that spontaneously posted the same stupid shit on twitter.  KAC repeated in her interviews on MSNBC.  Ship of fools.

Edited by NextIteration
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5 minutes ago, NextIteration said:

Twitter is melting down laughing at this display of utter ignorance.  tRump doesn't understand that there is this stuff called software...

And according to the NY Times Article someone posted about him not too long ago, Trump doesn't even use a computer at all (I'm shocked he was able to use a SmartPhone by himself). In addition to the likely use of certain SW, most of those e-mails either being duplicates or not being at all about Hillary, the FBI was under pretty big pressure to wrap this up ASAP since they leaked it so late and looked like partisan assholes. I'm sure the AG and the DoJ made them put quite a few people on it so that the findings would be released prior to the election.

Edited by Rapunzel
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42 minutes ago, Kromm said:


Except it's good strategy to harp on this. For all that Trump is an idiot about most things I think he's realized something that the Democrats haven't--that there's a pretty big groundswell of resentment against celebrities.  

People watch them. They need them for entertainment. But a lot of them dislike being "told what to do" by celebrities. The videos of celebs in force railing against Trump really didn't help. All those did (and this also happened with the celebs coming out against Brexit) is get eyes rolling at a bunch of elitists trying to tell "the common man" what to do.  

I don't know if there's general resentment over celebrities or it's just that Trumpkins don't like it that most celebrities aren't supporting THEIR choice.

Plus, the irony of resenting celebrities is rich. If Trump himself wasn't a celebrity, he'd never have attracted crowds or media like he did.  Without "The Apprentice"--if Trump was just a run of the mill 6-time-bankrupt-tax-evading cheapskate businessman who cheated and defrauded a lot of people--he'd have never received so much adultation and inspired so much trust from the beginning.

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1 minute ago, Rapunzel said:

And according to the NY Times Article someone posted about him not too long ago, Trump doesn't even use a computer at all.

I think the joke is "Trump DOES use a computer. And he pays her slightly above minimum wage!"

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58 minutes ago, Kromm said:

Except it's good strategy to harp on this. For all that Trump is an idiot about most things I think he's realized something that the Democrats haven't--that there's a pretty big groundswell of resentment against celebrities.  

I disagree.  Our culture loves celebrities and millennials in particular look at them as taste-makers and trend-setters.  HRC's concerts and speaking engagements (like with LeBron James) are aimed directly at groups who look up to celebrities and trust them as people who wouldn't steer them wrong. 

If Donald could get a celebrity other than Chachi or Jagger or that lunatic Ted Nugent to appear with him, he would. 

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57 minutes ago, Kromm said:


Except it's good strategy to harp on this. For all that Trump is an idiot about most things I think he's realized something that the Democrats haven't--that there's a pretty big groundswell of resentment against celebrities.  

People watch them. They need them for entertainment. But a lot of them dislike being "told what to do" by celebrities. The videos of celebs in force railing against Trump really didn't help. All those did (and this also happened with the celebs coming out against Brexit) is get eyes rolling at a bunch of elitists trying to tell "the common man" what to do. 

Probably Trump's good buddy Nigel Farage explained this to him. I mean Trump's past behavior was centered around hobnobbing with celebs so being on the other side of that wouldn't be a natural move for him. 

It sounds like they're trying to have it both ways then.  They can't dislike being told what to do by celebrities while being willing to follow a reality show "celebrity" named Donald Trump over a cliff.  If Drumpf had celebrities besides has-beens and former underwear models, he and his campaign wouldn't be saying jack about it.  In fact, they would be gloating and bragging just as he gloated and bragged about all the BIG celebrities who would be speaking at the GOP convention.  I vaguely remember him claiming that Tom Brady and Tim Tebow would be speaking in support of him at the convention.  Except they both said, thanks, but no thanks.  

And, do they realize that Drumpf is an elitist himself?  His harping on the celebrities who are campaigning for Hillary smacks of sour grapes and envy.  Not to mention that no former GOP president is campaigning or raising money for Drumpf either.

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According to the "The Hill," the final count of newspaper endorsements is in and Hillary received 57 endorsements and Trump received just 2. This only factors in the "top 100 largest papers." Donald was only endorsed by the Las Vegas Review-Journal and the Florida Times Union in Jacksonville. They did not mention the KKK's newspaper and their endorsement of Cheetos Hitler, so Trump will probably claim that this can't possibly be accurate (never mind that the KKK newspaper, whatever it's called, thankfully is not big enough to be factored in here). Here's part of the article:


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has received fewer endorsements from the nation's largest newspaper editorial boards than any major party presidential candidate in history.

Among the top 100 largest newspapers in America, just two -- the Las Vegas Review-Journal and the Florida Times Union in Jacksonville -- endorsed Trump. The Review-Journal is owned by Sheldon Adelson, the casino magnate who has spent millions trying to elect Trump.

"Donald Trump, despite all of his faults, is best suited to blow up the inbred corruption of the Washington-New York elites," the Times-Union wrote in a Sunday editorial.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has received endorsements from 57 newspaper editorial boards across the country, including papers such as the Dallas Morning News, the Arizona Republic and the San Diego Union-Tribune, conservative bastions that have almost always backed Republicans.

Four newspapers have taken the unusual step of explicitly advising readers to vote against Trump, even if they cannot bring themselves to recommend Clinton.

Trump's "reckless ignorance is more informed by disturbing Internet conspiracy theories than evidence, wisdom or reason," the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote this weekend. Clinton "suffers from an inflated sense of entitlement and a well-earned lack of trust."

But, the paper concluded: "Job One: Reject Trump."

USA Today, the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram and the Deseret News all advised votes against the Republican presidential nominee.

The rejection of Trump is even more lopsided than the 1972 presidential contest, when the vast majority of papers backed Richard Nixon's re-election bid. Only 7 percent of papers that endorsed that year picked George McGovern, the Democratic nominee. This year, only 3 percent of papers are backing Trump.


Love that, even newspapers that are all traditionally Republican and have been for decades, said not to vote for Trump even if they couldn't officially recommend voting for Hillary. Also, Gary Johnson got more endorsements than Trump. He actually got double the number Trump did with 4 endorsements even though at least one of them admitted Gary wouldn't the election.

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1 hour ago, NextIteration said:

I Love this image of Obama - like he is getting to participate in taking down the asshole who bullied him.  He makes some good points about Trump not being able to handle SNL mocking him.   SNL has ALWAYS mocked presidential candidates.   And I don't recall any other politician  reacting in a childish way before.  They either ignore it, or laugh along.  Hillary in particular has been great about it, as has Obama. 

4 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

His staff is said to have taken his Twitter permission away from him.

Yep - I swear I can tell on his twitter account, the times he gets it back.    I picture KellyAnne telling him "No, I told you, you're grounded!  No phone, no computer - now go to bed!"


1 hour ago, Kromm said:

Except it's good strategy to harp on this. For all that Trump is an idiot about most things I think he's realized something that the Democrats haven't--that there's a pretty big groundswell of resentment against celebrities.  

I don't know - Springsteen, Beyoncé,   Bon Jovi - they have some pretty widespread appeal.   Especially Beyoncé - her fans are pretty loyal.  They will buy products based on her endorsement, I bet there are some fans who will decide it's cool to vote for Hillary because Beyoncé says so.    Hey, I know more than one White Sox fan who saw Obama in a white Sox cap and decided he was cool enough to vote for based on that.   Sometimes people need to have that one thing they have in common with a candidate. 

Edited by backformore
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 One more thing about Twitter - there are a few parody Trump accounts - names like Donny trumpy, or Donald Drumpf  - that were started to mock Trump's twitter tendencies.  They would post humorous stuff as if they were actually Trump, exaggerating his talking points and his use of language.    And then, some months ago, Trump re-tweeted  one of these tweets,  agreeing with it -  not getting the tone at intent at all.  It was pretty hilarious. 

Edited by backformore
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2 hours ago, backformore said:

I Love this image of Obama - like he is getting to participate in taking down the asshole who bullied him.  He makes some good points about Trump not being able to handle SNL mocking him.   SNL has ALWAYS mocked presidential candidates.   And I don't recall any other politician  reacting in a childish way before.  They either ignore it, or laugh along.  Hillary in particular has been great about it, as has Obama. 

I love it when, on occasion, the candidates will go on SNL and mock themselves - either during the race or while they're in office. You have to be thick skinned in Politics, and being able to poke fun at yourself and get others to laugh goes a long way. Everyone has certain personality traits that can be exaggerated a bit (or in Trump's case, actually don't need to be exaggerated at all), and they know it and they don't mind doing it, especially as it helps humanize them and makes them more relatable.

The fact that Trump just whines about it, especially when Alec Baldwin's impersonation is so damn perfect (apparently Billy Baldwin is a Trump supporter and is mad as his big brother for mocking Puffy Cheeto), and just flat out cannot take it all just shows what an unbelievable baby he is. He should, at a minimum, just shut up and ignore it. Complaining about it only makes people more interested in it and just gives more material for the comedians to use.

The man's a moron and I am still having trouble finding why his supporters feel he's more relatable than Hillary, especially when they talk about her being for the white, wealthy elite and Trump being for the "working man." Do they not know how this man grew up? He wanted for nothing, he didn't have to work for a thing, he had Daddy give him a multi-million dollar loan to get into business. Hillary worked for what she has and she learned a lot along the way, like so many of us do. If you earn it and work for it, you understand its importance all the more. Trump can't understand the importance of anything other than just winning, especially if that means beating a woman since, you know, all of us women are just there to be T&A and have no business being educated or holding jobs, or anything else. If we don't look good in a bikini, we're useless to Trump. No wonder his campaign has admitted to trying to suppress the female vote in addition to the African-American vote and Muslim vote. Again, he keeps forgetting about the RNC Consent Decree and there's at least one story a day about attempted voter fraud or voter suppression/intimidation by Republicans.

Edited by Rapunzel
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3 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Not Billy. Stephen. Stephen is the crazy right-wing Baldwin. 

Whoops - my bad. Thanks for correcting me Pixel. Too many Baldwins to keep straight! The only one that's even actually famous at the moment is Alec anyway, so he's the only one I really pay any attention to.

Edited by Rapunzel
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6 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

Whoops - my bad. Thanks for correcting me Pixel. Too many Baldwins to keep straight! The only one that's even actually famous at the moment is Alec anyway, so he's the only one I really pay any attention to.

I've seen this mistake made several times. My theory is that Stephen is so forgettable everyone just naturally thinks it was Billy, because Stephen doesn't even register in the general consciousness. 

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He's right, 650,000 emails are almost impossible to review in just a few days

He's not right. Law firms commonly turn around this kind of assignment in a few days when they have to. I worked on gigantic lawsuits where there were millions of documents involved. We have software to identify duplicate emails, isolate the new parts of long reply threads, etc. Even after they've been culled, 90% of the "responsive" emails turn out to be "Hey Susan, how's Tuesday?" "3:00 works," etc. and it takes literally three seconds to read each one and mark it irrelevant.

More importantly, you can solve almost any problem with manpower. It's easy to see that a team of 65,000 people could get through 650k emails in a few minutes, right? You don't need that many, but it illustrates that many hands make light work.

Trump's got lawyers on his team, and they KNOW this. They are just pretending they don't know.

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1 hour ago, backformore said:

I don't know - Springsteen, Beyoncé,   Bon Jovi - they have some pretty widespread appeal.   Especially Beyoncé - her fans are pretty loyal.  They will buy products based on her endorsement, I bet there are some fans who will decide it's cool to vote for Hillary because Beyoncé says so.    Hey, I know more than one White Sox fan who saw Obama in a white Sox cap and decided he was cool enough to vote for based on that.   Sometimes people need to have that one thing they have in common with a candidate. 

It's not just the appeal of the celebrity that works, it's also how smart the Clinton ground game is. In order to get into the Beyonce/JayZ concert, people had to go to an office to pick up their ticket in person. On top of having to give their name and email (so the campaign can update their records), they were pushed to sign up for a few hours of volunteering for the campaign but the kicker was, the office was right across the street from an early voting polling place. I'm quite sure that Hillary booked several thousand early votes that day. ;-)

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43 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

He's not right. Law firms commonly turn around this kind of assignment in a few days when they have to. I worked on gigantic lawsuits where there were millions of documents involved. We have software to identify duplicate emails, isolate the new parts of long reply threads, etc. Even after they've been culled, 90% of the "responsive" emails turn out to be "Hey Susan, how's Tuesday?" "3:00 works," etc. and it takes literally three seconds to read each one and mark it irrelevant.

More importantly, you can solve almost any problem with manpower. It's easy to see that a team of 65,000 people could get through 650k emails in a few minutes, right? You don't need that many, but it illustrates that many hands make light work.

Trump's got lawyers on his team, and they KNOW this. They are just pretending they don't know.

Exactly. I’m an attorney for a large tech firm, and with some of the SW we have, we could have gotten through those e-mails or other, more complex data in a day or so,  even without some of the more powerful, proprietary SW that we have.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the AG and DoJ likely wanted this done ASAP, hopefully before the election, to try to avoid some of the partisan stink that Comey has cast upon all of this, not to mention the likely Hatch Act violations. To that end, in addition to SW tools, they probably assigned a fair number of people to help go through these e-mails. As it turns out, nearly all of them were found to be duplicates or not related to Hillary at all.

I know things were delayed a bit in the beginning because that asshat Comey didn’t have a Warrant before he released the letter about the “possibility” of “new” e-mails on Dick Pic’s computer, so they couldn’t start going through them until they had the Warrant, which they managed to get a couple days later, but even so, it still took longer than it really should have.

Because he didn’t have the Warrant when he sent out the letter, he had no idea at all that those e-mails had anything to do with Hillary or weren’t all just duplicates. This is where Nosferatu and his slimy little hands are likely involved in this as he may have gotten info from one of his FBI sources that there “could” be info on Dick Pic’s computer. Current FBI, Former FBI, it doesn’t matter – he likely got knowledge from the FBI even if it was passed to him one person removed, which means he had a hand in election tampering as well.

Comey went against his boss without any real reason to except to try to get Orange Hitler elected (Trump probably offered him cushy position in his cabinet or on his staff or something). I have a strong feeling that he is not going to have a job for much longer. There are some articles starting to come out that are already talking about investigating him (I haven’t a chance to read them all in full yet). Al Franken, who is on the judiciary committee with direct oversight of the FBI, has said that he was sure there would be hearings to investigate Comey’s action and Dianne Feinstein is also asking for a review of the Justice Department.

I just don’t see how Comey can’t be guilty of violating the Hatch Act and tampering with a Presidential Election. I hope that these investigations happen and that this is one of their findings. He will be lucky if he comes out of this just jobless and doesn’t end up in jail. He’s already done considerable damage to his reputation and to that of the FBI.

That slime ball Giuliani should be treated the same and investigated as well, especially since he hinted about “a big surprise coming,” or however he put it, a couple of days before Comey’s letter came out and it’s been mentioned that many think that he could have been talking about Comey re-investigating Hillary and the e-mails. Chris Matthews tried to get him to admit it, but of course, Nosferatu is slippery though his overall reaction, I thought, spoke volumes. He tried to back peddle and evade the topic pretty hard and the look on his face said a lot as well.

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6 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Paraphrasing the first Trump surrogate on CNN right now, Jason Miller. "We don't think anything is going to change. How is it possible for the FBI to go through 650,000 emails so quickly? This was not done on the up and up Wolf."  

Sour grapes and they can't dispute the fact, Comey made a recommendation that no criminal charges be brought. End of story.


6 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

There is software that lets them sort through the mails and pull out keywords, too.


1 hour ago, IvySpice said:

He's not right. Law firms commonly turn around this kind of assignment in a few days when they have to. I worked on gigantic lawsuits where there were millions of documents involved. We have software to identify duplicate emails, isolate the new parts of long reply threads, etc. Even after they've been culled, 90% of the "responsive" emails turn out to be "Hey Susan, how's Tuesday?" "3:00 works," etc. and it takes literally three seconds to read each one and mark it irrelevant.

More importantly, you can solve almost any problem with manpower. It's easy to see that a team of 65,000 people could get through 650k emails in a few minutes, right? You don't need that many, but it illustrates that many hands make light work.

Trump's got lawyers on his team, and they KNOW this. They are just pretending they don't know.

Yep! I was going to write a long post explaining how, but Ivyspice and Rapunzel explained it. I'll just add "with electronic review platforms/programs like Summation, Concordance or Relativity" or whatever the fuck they use. Would take less than a week and it did. Plus, these weren't new emails.???

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Trump, keeping it KKKlassy to the end: Trump's Conspiratorial, Anti-Semetic Closing Ad

ETA: The FBI never said they had to look through 650,000 email. They said that that was how many  -general- email were on the laptop in total. Trump's the one who's been lying to crowds for a week that there are "650,000 Hillary's email, can you imagine how many things she's hidden? If she's elected, the investigations will lead to a Constitutional crisis!" etc. etc. lie.lie.lie..... 

But, like salesman-conman he is, Trump and his campaign keep selling the same b.s. even after there's been a recall.  (Hateful Kellyanne was dishing out more of the same tonight with Chris Matthews...)

Edited by Padma
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27 minutes ago, Padma said:

ETA: The FBI never said they had to look through 650,000 email. They said that that was how many  -general- email were on the laptop in total. Trump's the one who's been lying to crowds for a week that there are "650,000 Hillary's email, can you imagine how many things she's hidden? If she's elected, the investigations will lead to a Constitutional crisis!" etc. etc. lie.lie.lie..... 


That 650,000 number is part of a leak from the FBI. Through Guiliani? I can't remember who first brought it up but it wasn't Comey. The whole situation is an example of the 'vast right wing conspiracy' working to get out all the dirt on Clinton that they can.

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44 minutes ago, Padma said:

But, like salesman-conman he is, Trump and his campaign keep selling the same b.s. even after there's been a recall.  (Hateful Kellyanne was dishing out more of the same tonight with Chris Matthews...)

I saw a clip of KellyAnne on John Oliver that showed her being asked by MSNBC if she felt that the fact that the conclusion of the FBI's e-mail investigation warranted "no new action" against Hillary would impact Orange Hitler's campaign at all. She actually said that she didn't think it would impact them either way because Trump's campaign never made the e-mails a "centerpiece of their messaging."

She's seriously trying to get people to buy that bullshit? It's the only thing that came out of their mouths in every interview, every debate, every speech, etc. It's one of the reasons he calls her "Crooked Hillary." It's the first thing they try to steer the conversation to when they get a question they either can't answer or don't want to answer. It's their absolute number one criticism about Hillary.

Edited by Rapunzel
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2 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

. She actually said that she didn't think it would impact them either way because Trump's campaign "never made the e-mails a focus."

WHAT?   all the interviews I've seen with her went like this:

"when will Trump release his tax returns?"

KAC:  Why aren't you asking when Hillary is going to release  all those emails she deleted?

"But we want to know about his tax returns"

KAC: Yes, I understand that, and I want to know why the corrupt media is more interested in tax returns than they are in the criminal wrong-doing of someone who deleted emails and lied.  You're part of the left-leaning media that doesn't care that the American people want to know what's in those emails.

They, and KAC especially, have made "emails"  the word to use to veer away from any real issue.

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9 minutes ago, backformore said:

WHAT?   all the interviews I've seen with her went like this:

"when will Trump release his tax returns?"

KAC:  Why aren't you asking when Hillary is going to release  all those emails she deleted?

"But we want to know about his tax returns"

KAC: Yes, I understand that, and I want to know why the corrupt media is more interested in tax returns than they are in the criminal wrong-doing of someone who deleted emails and lied.  You're part of the left-leaning media that doesn't care that the American people want to know what's in those emails.

They, and KAC especially, have made "emails"  the word to use to veer away from any real issue.

Exactly. I actually was cleaning up my post a bit while you were posting to more accurately quote her as I re-watched John Oliver. She was being interviewed by someone on MSNBC that I didn't recognize, and her actual response was that they never made the e-mails a "centerpiece of their messaging." How delusional do you have to be to believe that? How can she even say it without being struck by lightning immediately?

Edited by Rapunzel
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Before KAC worked FOR Trump, she wasn't his biggest fan -

In the very beginning, she deflects a question about Kasich and Cruz by saying "Completely transparent - Donald Trump's tax returns aren't"   it seems like she went to " what about the tax returns"  when asked about something she didn't want to answer.   Then Trump hired her, and she changed her refrain to "what about the emails?" 

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I really despise Kellyanne. She seems like the worst political mercenary around (well, Lewandowski's a thug, a weasel and a liar, and Bannon's probably worse, of course, because of his vile beliefs, but they wisely keep the campaign's "CEO" out of sight.  The alt-right knows he's there, and that's what's important.)

I also hate how respectful C. Matthews is to Kellyanne. No, she's not a professional. She's a despicable liar like her candidate.  I hope Jon Oliver had a good takedown the weekend before the election. He's done some good work, esp. without having Jon Stewart this year. :(

Will Trump's final ad with its whistles to the alt-right lose him any votes? And he's still picking on Somali refugees? I saw a couple of months ago he gave a speech in Maine where Somalis are beautifully integrated into the community--and he just went in and ripped them and shitstirred. What a leader! (For some reason, I want to write that in German).

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50 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Trump At It Again

Once again Trump is going after refugees. I love that there was some pushback from Minnesota residents on Twitter defending the Somali refugees.

Infuriating, until the end. Yay, Minnesotans tweeting support! I hope tomorrow there will be even more pushback toward this horrible man. Here is the mayor on Facebook (in article): "

Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, “Minneapolis is a better, stronger place for having our Somali and East African immigrants and refugees in it,” Hodges wrote. “It is a privilege and an honor to be mayor of the city with the largest Somali population in this country. Your ignorance, your hate, your fear just make me remember how lucky we are to have neighbors who are so great.”

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