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Hillary Rodham Clinton: 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee

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4 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

No offense, but you want to talk about contradicting - in one paragraph you talk about how horrific it is that Hillary doesn't act sorry about her wrongdoings or take responsibility for them? And what about Donald? Are you completely blind to his faults? This is a man who spent his entire campaign telling lie after lie and getting caught in scandal after scandal. The only time he even gave even a half-ass apology was after Grab Her By the Pussy. Where's his apology for going after a Gold Star family and attacking them? Where's his apology for talking calling a Latina woman of normal weight "miss piggy" and "miss housekeeping?" Where's him taking responsibility for misusing his "charity's" funds to bribe officials and by stupid self-portraits of himself? Where's his apology for trying to incite violence against the Central Park Five and refusing to admit they're innocent after it's been proven so?

Also, why would you feel sorry for people because they think Trump is worse than Clinton? That doesn't make a lot of sense. You may look at Donald's "adoration" of Ivanka as a good thing, but to me it's creepy. And I wouldn't exactly call telling Howard Stern that it's okay to call his daughter "a piece of ass" an example of the high esteem he holds his daughter or any woman for that matter.

As I've already listed, there are plenty of things that Donald did wrong and is still doing wrong, other than the grab her by the pussy comment - which is bad enough on his own. The man - wait sorry not man - the pig was bragging about being able to get away with sexual assault. And according to many, many, many women, that's exactly what he's done. To add to the list of things Donald has done that should have any sane person think twice about voting for him was incite violence at his rallies and against his opponents. He and his father back in the day refused to rent buildings in their apartments to Black people. Even when they settled a lawsuit and agreed to stop discriminating they still tried to weasel out of it and keep up their racist practices. He's stiffed many workers out of their rightful pay. I honestly could go on all day.

You could go on but don't bother we've all been Rick Rolled and by that I mean T Rolled.

  • Love 11

Something I find pretty telling is the narrative around the investigations. All of them. "Look, Hillary's been investigated so many times she must be guilty of something!" Not, "Hillary has been investigated more than half a dozen times and nothing has ever been found. She's being persecuted." Not, "The government, especially Republicans, have gone after Hillary Clinton more than half a dozen times. They've spent tens of millions of dollars and twenty years trying to find dirt on her and they've come up with absolutely nothing? How incompetent are these people?!" No, all of this, all the wasted money and time and investigations, reflects poorly on her. Not on Republicans.

I'm asking honestly: how much time do they need? (Obviously more than two decades.) How much taxpayer money will it take for them to actually produce evidence of wrongdoing? (Because, gosh, the tens of millions they've wasted just isn't enough!) (Okay, so I'm being a little sarcastic.)

  • Love 21
8 hours ago, slf said:

So I'm not familiar with some of this, such as the the cattle futures, but I wanted to address some of the other things that bother you about her (but not all of them right in one response because it's a lot lol).

May I ask what specifically about Benghazi you hold HRC accountable for? She's been investigated for this and cleared. The GOP has tried their damndest to find something she did wrong and came up empty-handed every time.

I've never understood the problem with her having a private server. It's not what some might prefer but it's actually commonly done; as in it's pretty well-known many politicians have a private server (and look at how many are prosecuted for it). And I just want to bring this up because this never fails to amuse me: she wasn't hacked. Literally almost everyone else was but not HRC and her private server. Back to the topic, even Comey said she did nothing wrong, did not lie, did nothing illegal, and no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. And I think we can all agree Comey is no friend of HRC.

Deleting emails are also common, sometimes for the very simple reason of: the Podesta emails. "They wanted pizza" became "PIZZA IS CODE FOR CHILD RAPE" became "let's get a gun and go to the secret pedophile palace masquerading as a pizza parlor and threaten people's lives over a Reddit conspiracy theory". Mike Pence is trying to bury his emails. He's embraced by the very Republicans that tried to roast HRC. I recall there was an issue with the Bush administration, private servers, and over 20 million 'lost' emails. Literally no one on the right cares.

The election was not rigged against Bernie Sanders, though. In fact quite the opposite: Sanders exploited the Democratic party and attempted to steal the party nomination. Why do you feel it was rigged?

Whitewater was another conspiracy; HRC was investigated for seven years and cleared. And it's not like the investigations were spearheaded by sympathizers. As with pretty much every investigation of HRC, it was done by Republicans who really, really did not like her. Most of them were given broad authority and used it and came up with nothing.

Vince Foster's suicide being linked to HRC is a conspiracy theory that didn't even gain traction inside the GOP which has never failed to chase even the tiniest breadcrumb they thought might finally bring HRC down. This article really explores Foster's time in the White House and his depression, with most information coming from Fiske's (a Republican) investigation.

HRC's friend and mentor, Robert Byrd, was a former KKK member who spent much of his political career trying to make amends for his terrible past and help those he once sought to oppress. He struggled with his own past - he wasn't perfect, he had a mentality he found difficult to examine and change - but had a better track record when it came to promoting equality than almost all of his colleagues that had never been associated with the KKK. The NAACP gave him a 100% rating. I've actually never understood people holding this against her. If someone realizes they've been hateful and bigoted, tries to change, spends much of their life doing what they can to help others...are we really supposed to shun them? HRC is a sneaky liar because she, a white woman, did not shun Byrd for his past when esteemed black organizations refused to do so? A lot of people say "oh if you say or do one thing wrong SJWs attack you, PC run amok!" But Byrd is proof that isn't true. Of course, Byrd was respected by organizations like the NAACP because his bar for 'not being racist' was not the super low standard of not having being a member of the KKK, it was devoting his life to the long hard work of dismantling systems of oppression. Byrd learned that in a racist society not being hateful and violent isn't enough; you actually have to help others, that it's the responsibility of white people to tear down the systems they benefit from and use to harm others.

The Clinton body count conspiracy theory has been pretty thoroughly debunked. (One of my favorite things about the ever-changing lists is that they sometimes include people who either aren't actually dead, lol, or people who never even existed.) The GOP hasn't launched over half a dozen federal investigations and come up empty despite HRC supposedly having people assassinated left right and center. I do enjoy how, meanwhile, Republican Joe Scarborough is as innocent as lamb. I mean, there was an actual deal body in his office. (To clarify, I've seen nothing to suggest that Scarborough killed her I just think the double standard is interesting. Imagine what the GOP would do if a dead body was found in HRC's office.)

The "HRC stole hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of furniture and artwork from the White House" conspiracy theory has also been thoroughly debunked. There are rules regarding what gifts you can and cannot keep, essentially what is actually given to you and what is given to the US.

And last, for now, is the really awful lie that HRC is a defender of rapists and a mocker of victims. HRC was a public defender, legally obligated to defend her client. What many critics don't bring up is that she requested to be taken off the case. HRC did not want to defend a man she knew to be a rapist. But sadly, that's a common tactic of men accused of rape: hire a female lawyer. "See, I'm not a misogynist, I'm putting my life in the hands of a woman!" That's exactly what HRC's client did: he specifically requested a female lawyer. Plenty of female public defenders have had to represent rapists or child molesters. As Politifact notes, she never laughed at the victim. That is a lie.

I do want to say that when it comes to Bill's victims...I'm not sure what the argument is. Because they made the accusation they should be believed or at least given the benefit of the doubt? I actually support that. But then, what about Trump's accusers? Especially given his own on-camera admissions that he has sexually assaulted women repeatedly over the course of decades, and his admission that he has previously exploited his status to gain access to the dressing area of a teen beauty pageant where the girls were undressed so he could ogle them. I mean, one of his accusers said he raped her when she was a child and that he did so at one of Jeffrey Epstein's parties. Epstein is a known pedophile. So...what do we say about Trump, then? This is one of the reasons I consider this a very difficult issue. 

THANK YOU! This is everything I don't type out any longer because it's like banging your head against a wall. People prefer to believe the lies. But this? This is beautiful. 

  • Love 20

Maybe I'm just being a silly Canuckian but shouldn't opinions on certain subjects be based on truth/facts? 

I appreciate your work, slf. I learned quite a bit of detail which only strengthened my opinion that HRC would have made a much better President and that she has been treated miserably. I'm not denying that she has flaws just that mountains were made without even the tiniest of molehills. 

aradia , I am familiar with the "darkness" as well but these forums can be a source of help. Take some comfort in knowing you are not alone. 

12 minutes ago, backgroundnoise said:

Yes, I'm very sore and angry that HRC lost.  But worse, as an American, I am ashamed of my country, that so many people consider DJT even remotely appropriate to represent us.  That truthfulness is held in so little regard.  His compulsive lying alone (Politifact put it at over 75%) should have been a deal-breaker.  How is that justified?

The blatant disregard he has for the truth is astounding. He looks like a fool out of his element and will drag the US down the rabbit hole. 

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, backgroundnoise said:

Yes, I'm very sore and angry that HRC lost.  But worse, as an American, I am ashamed of my country, that so many people consider DJT even remotely appropriate to represent us.  That truthfulness is held in so little regard.  His compulsive lying alone (Politifact put it at over 75%) should have been a deal-breaker.  How is that justified?

Also just wanted to add, since he's got so many disqualifying things against him, we shouldn't forget Trump University, a scam set up to trick the very kinds of people he claims to speak for out of their money. This is yet another reason I'm still shocked when people will claim that Trump can't be corrupt or whatever because he "already has his money." Leaving aside that he's not as rich as he claims to be and is very sensitive about it, being rich has been proven over and over again to make people more greedy, not less. Trump University and his taking money from his own charitable foundation (to which he himself doesn't contribute) is a great example. As is his long record of stiffing people who work for him and trusting they won't have the money to fight it out in court.

There's just no way I can see that someone can be that sensitive to the many scandals HRC has been investigated and cleared for (not to mention even her private emails show her doing things like being concerned about genuine problems in the world) and missing that Trump is a predator--both sexual and financial. It's not like his working with Russia and anyone else willing to dismantle American institutions for his own profit is a change for him.

Even the Carrier deal, his big PR moment he had to do because somebody forced him to do what he promised, winds up being a gift to corporate bosses while workers continue to lose their jobs. You might as well vote for a Nigerian Prince who needs your help getting his hands on a fortune he's going to share with you.

  • Love 22
On 12/17/2016 at 9:35 AM, backgroundnoise said:

Yes, I'm very sore and angry that HRC lost.  But worse, as an American, I am ashamed of my country, that so many people consider DJT even remotely appropriate to represent us.  That truthfulness is held in so little regard.  His compulsive lying alone (Politifact put it at over 75%) should have been a deal-breaker.  How is that justified?

Amen. When I voted for Presidential candidates who lost, I was disappointed, sad and mad at my country, but I've never been ashamed nor scared until now. Hillary's not "perfect" by any means, but I've never doubted for a moment that she has America's best interest at heart; Trump, otoh, if his Cabinet picks alone are any indication, not only doesn't seem to care about this country, he doesn't even seem to have a heart. 

Bravo, slf! I couldn't have said it better myself. 

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 17
14 hours ago, Menrva said:
14 hours ago, Broderbits said:

The worst thing that was found on Trump was his talking about grabbing some pussy

And that's pretty awful, IMO.

I just want to clarify that I was not the original poster of that trump quote! No way, no how, would I have said anything of the sort!

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, slf said:

The election was not rigged against Bernie Sanders, though. In fact quite the opposite: Sanders exploited the Democratic party and attempted to steal the party nomination. Why do you feel it was rigged?

What?  Bernie Sanders did not attempt to "steal" the nomination.  He's an Independent who caucuses with the Democrats and ran as a Democrat for the nomination.  Was that illegal?  No.  Problem was, he gave HRC a run for the money in the primaries and a lot of Democrats didn't like the fact that she had to work harder than planned to get the nomination.  I voted for him in the primaries, voted for her in the general because I felt I had no choice, but she was never the best candidate IMO.

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

What?  Bernie Sanders did not attempt to "steal" the nomination.  He's an Independent who caucuses with the Democrats and ran as a Democrat for the nomination.  Was that illegal?  No.  Problem was, he gave HRC a run for the money in the primaries and a lot of Democrats didn't like the fact that she had to work harder than planned to get the nomination.  I voted for him in the primaries, voted for her in the general because I felt I had no choice, but she was never the best candidate IMO.

I voted for him in the primaries too. I don't know if he could have won, but I was horribly disappointed when the only choice I had left was Clinton.  Because I was left with Clinton, I spent some time researching much of the kerfuffle that surrounded her, because for a short time I felt like I'd have to abstain from voting at all this time.  As time went on, I went from grudgingly accepting her as the candidate to actually liking and respecting her.  Do I believe she's probably been involved in underhanded bullshit? Yes, but no more than any other politician.  I am not blind to her shortcomings. Unlike the average Trump supporter I see online, who just parrots all the fake news and allegations around her and claims the facts refuting those stories are fake, but blatantly ignores the truth that Trump is a pathological liar and con artist.  His many bad business dealings are well documented. I don't get it. I also don't get how trying to present facts and voicing our opinions against racism, misogyny and bigotry makes us tearful special snowflakes, but if wanting equal civil rights and decency for everyone makes me a special snowflake, I'll be proud to be one.

Edited by Pixel
Athough I lumped all my thoughts into one paragraph, only the part about Clinton was in response to the quoted text. I do not think the quoted poster was calling anyone special snowflakes.
  • Love 10

It's like the Communist witch hunts, but now that being a Commie, "Better Red than Dead" is the cool thing all the politicians are dancing to, well now Liberalism and social equality makes you the new Traitor. Round me up.

Edited by callmebetty
Cause it's well not we will
  • Love 13
4 hours ago, Ohwell said:

What?  Bernie Sanders did not attempt to "steal" the nomination. 

Technically he did. HRC won the majority of pledged delegates; at that point the media called it in her favor because while, yes, the superdelegates can vote however they like: they don't. The superdelegates always back whichever candidate wins the most votes (and therefore wins the majority of pledged delegates). But Bernie came out, wait wait wait this isn't over I can still totally win the superdelegates. Had the superdelegates voted for him it would've been enough to give him the nomination in contradiction to how the majority of Dems voted. 

  • Love 3
48 minutes ago, slf said:

Technically he did. HRC won the majority of pledged delegates; at that point the media called it in her favor because while, yes, the superdelegates can vote however they like: they don't. The superdelegates always back whichever candidate wins the most votes (and therefore wins the majority of pledged delegates). But Bernie came out, wait wait wait this isn't over I can still totally win the superdelegates. Had the superdelegates voted for him it would've been enough to give him the nomination in contradiction to how the majority of Dems voted. 

Trying to sway superdelegates is not "stealing" the nomination.  It's not uncommon.  Hell, back in 2008 many of the superdelegates made a jail break from Clinton to Obama.

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Trying to sway superdelegates is not "stealing" the nomination.  It's not uncommon.  Hell, back in 2008 many of the superdelegates made a jail break from Clinton to Obama.

Candidates try to keep the superdelegates close because the fact that they're unpledged means they could flip. No one wants to be the candidate they flip on. But they have never voted against the winning candidate, ever. Never. The superdelegates back in '08 didn't make a jailbreak, they did what they always do: honor the popular vote. Obama was winning. They had wanted Clinton to win, absolutely and undeniably, but she wasn't so they went to Obama because he was. Sanders wanted an establishment overthrow. He wanted the superdelegates to do what they've never done and elect someone who lost the popular vote. 

Edited by slf
  • Love 5



The worst thing that was found on Trump was his talking about grabbing some pussy

And that's pretty awful, IMO.

I just want to clarify that I was not the original poster of that trump quote! No way, no how, would I have said anything of the sort!

I'm so sorry - I didn't realize that I mistakenly attributed that quote to you! I meant no offense, Broderbits.

  • Love 2

So Sanders didn't get what he wanted.  And if by some chance he had gotten what he wanted, even if it had never been done before, it still wasn't "stealing" the nomination, which is my point.  The superdelegates were still free to go to whomever they wanted to.

The bottom line is, he didn't get the nomination; Hillary Clinton did, and no harm or nothing illegal was done to her in the process.  

Frankly, I'm tired of blame blame blame and whine whine whine because she didn't win.  I'm truly sorry she lost, but only because of what we're stuck with now.  It sucks and I'm scared about what the future holds after The Thing takes office (gag).  However, the buck stops with her and I would love for her and her people take responsibility for her loss instead of whining about Putin and Comey and Sanders and gawd knows who else.  

10 minutes ago, slf said:

Candidates try to keep the superdelegates close because the fact that they're unpledged means they could flip. No one wants to be the candidate they flip on. But they have never voted against the winning candidate, ever. Never. The superdelegates back on '08 didn't make a jailbreak, they did what they always do: honor the popular vote. Obama was winning. They had wanted Clinton to win, absolutely and undeniably, but she wasn't so they went to Obama because he was. Sanders wanted an establishment overthrow. He wanted the superdelegates to what they've never done and elect someone who lost the popular vote. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Ohwell said:

So Sanders didn't get what he wanted.  And if by some chance he had gotten what he wanted, even if it had never been done before, it still wasn't "stealing" the nomination, which is my point.  The superdelegates were still free to go to whomever they wanted to.

I guess this is just a matter of perspective then. In my opinion, in a democracy, when you're in an election and the majority of voters don't vote for you- that's it. You've been rejected. And trying to work around that, get yourself elected with the minority of votes, is undemocratic as hell. Personally, I'm as against superdelegates as I am the electoral college.

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, slf said:

(Snipped for space, but great post!)

...I do want to say that when it comes to Bill's victims...I'm not sure what the argument is. Because they made the accusation they should be believed or at least given the benefit of the doubt? I actually support that. But then, what about Trump's accusers? Especially given his own on-camera admissions that he has sexually assaulted women repeatedly over the course of decades, and his admission that he has previously exploited his status to gain access to the dressing area of a teen beauty pageant where the girls were undressed so he could ogle them. I mean, one of his accusers said he raped her when she was a child and that he did so at one of Jeffrey Epstein's parties. Epstein is a known pedophile. So...what do we say about Trump, then? This is one of the reasons I consider this a very difficult issue. 

.... Bill's alleged victims...

I don't think they should be believed or given the benefit of the doubt (and each of them had some odd connections or likelihood of political bias or other reason for it not being true).

However I -do- think they deserved the respect of having their allegations thoroughly investigated. And they were, including by special prosecutor Ken Starr (whose witch hunt of the Clintons for YEARS managed to finally turn up Monica and Clinton's supposed perjury over whether they had sex or not).  Starr investigated the allegations of Broaderick and Wiley and found nothing to them. Jones accepted a settlement with no admission of guilt.

I don't see why Hillary--who believed her husband and had no reason to believe these women (ever)--should have spoken sweetly about them in private. She didn't unleash the powers of the government on them, but her husband definitely DID have the right to defend himself from accusations.

It bugged me the way that Trump paraded them out for the "press conference" and tried to stage a public humiliation of Hillary over it, scolding her for not treating her husband's accusers with more respect!

And yet, when Trump's DOZEN accuser came forward with FAR more credible and less motivated stories (not paid as Jones was, by conservatives and given plastic surgery so the charge might seem more credible if she looked better), Trump did everything he could to attack and smear them.

That, however, was okay! Because it was Trump under attack, not Clinton.

Biggest liar and hypocrite I've ever seen in government, bar NONE.

  • Love 21
59 minutes ago, slf said:

I guess this is just a matter of perspective then. In my opinion, in a democracy, when you're in an election and the majority of voters don't vote for you- that's it. You've been rejected. And trying to work around that, get yourself elected with the minority of votes, is undemocratic as hell. Personally, I'm as against superdelegates as I am the electoral college.

Unfortunately, this isn't a direct (pure) democracy but rather a representative democracy.  


edit to include slf quote.  missed page jump.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

No offense, but saying the buck stops with her and calling people being upset "whining" is a ridiculous oversimplification and an insult. I'm not "whining" because I think a conscience free, racist, moronic pig has no business being president and I'm upset that he might ruin our country. Trying to dismiss all the horrible and unprecedented shit that happened in this election - like Putin, like Wikileaks, like Comey - and putting the blame simply on Clinton is ignoring troubling issues and basically letting hatred of Clinton cloud the issue.

And people wonder why the media is so half-assed in their coverage of the Russian hacking. Why wouldn't they be when even some who didn't vote for Trump can't give a rat's ass that according to the CIA (and as of yesterday, the FBI as well) Russia hacked a major political party in the country during an election year with the intent to sway and manipulate the election. It's like "eh, well she lost, so whatever..."

And now there is a moron currently about to be the leader of the free world who is not just a moron but a gigantic man-child with the temperament of a five year old And did I mention he's a moron? But hey, no biggie...

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 17
On 12/16/2016 at 7:11 PM, ArizonaGrown said:

Now lets talk about Melania - I do not vote for the President because of his wife and what she will or will not bring to the Whitehouse. What exactly did Michelle bring to us all ? Tell me please of some thing she did other than look good and give some great speeches ? Did she do some miraculous work changing something that actually changed the lives of the average of below average person on a National level?

It's worth noting here that this is what first ladies have traditionally been expected to do. To look nice, give speeches, and be a devoted wife who doesn't overshadow the POTUS. Yes, first ladies do a lot of work to support all kinds of initatives and causes, but they're usually not terribly controversial. None of that is wrong, it's just to point out that any whiff of controversy grabs attention (I'm thinking of Nancy Reagan and her support for stem-cell research here, even though that was well after Reagan's presidency).

Our last 3 first ladies all know this, because when HRC *did* appear to overstep this boundary during Bill Clinton's first term, she got all kinds of attacks for it. Laura Bush carefully kept some opinions to herself until after GWB was out of office. The first lady is in an odd negative space where she's damned if she does "do something" (which perhaps isn't wifely) and damned if she doesn't. And all of that is only about Michelle Obama's role as wife, and doesn't even touch on race. 

Edited by moonb
  • Love 14
On 12/16/2016 at 10:57 PM, slf said:

So I'm not familiar with some of this, such as the the cattle futures, but I wanted to address some of the other things that bother you about her (but not all of them right in one response because it's a lot lol).

May I ask what specifically about Benghazi you hold HRC accountable for? She's been investigated for this and cleared. The GOP has tried their damndest to find something she did wrong and came up empty-handed every time.

I've never understood the problem with her having a private server. It's not what some might prefer but it's actually commonly done; as in it's pretty well-known many politicians have a private server (and look at how many are prosecuted for it). And I just want to bring this up because this never fails to amuse me: she wasn't hacked. Literally almost everyone else was but not HRC and her private server. Back to the topic, even Comey said she did nothing wrong, did not lie, did nothing illegal, and no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. And I think we can all agree Comey is no friend of HRC.

Deleting emails are also common, sometimes for the very simple reason of: the Podesta emails. "They wanted pizza" became "PIZZA IS CODE FOR CHILD RAPE" became "let's get a gun and go to the secret pedophile palace masquerading as a pizza parlor and threaten people's lives over a Reddit conspiracy theory". Mike Pence is trying to bury his emails. He's embraced by the very Republicans that tried to roast HRC. I recall there was an issue with the Bush administration, private servers, and over 20 million 'lost' emails. Literally no one on the right cares.

The election was not rigged against Bernie Sanders, though. In fact quite the opposite: Sanders exploited the Democratic party and attempted to steal the party nomination. Why do you feel it was rigged?

Whitewater was another conspiracy; HRC was investigated for seven years and cleared. And it's not like the investigations were spearheaded by sympathizers. As with pretty much every investigation of HRC, it was done by Republicans who really, really did not like her. Most of them were given broad authority and used it and came up with nothing.

Vince Foster's suicide being linked to HRC is a conspiracy theory that didn't even gain traction inside the GOP which has never failed to chase even the tiniest breadcrumb they thought might finally bring HRC down. This article really explores Foster's time in the White House and his depression, with most information coming from Fiske's (a Republican) investigation.

HRC's friend and mentor, Robert Byrd, was a former KKK member who spent much of his political career trying to make amends for his terrible past and help those he once sought to oppress. He struggled with his own past - he wasn't perfect, he had a mentality he found difficult to examine and change - but had a better track record when it came to promoting equality than almost all of his colleagues that had never been associated with the KKK. The NAACP gave him a 100% rating. I've actually never understood people holding this against her. If someone realizes they've been hateful and bigoted, tries to change, spends much of their life doing what they can to help others...are we really supposed to shun them? HRC is a sneaky liar because she, a white woman, did not shun Byrd for his past when esteemed black organizations refused to do so? A lot of people say "oh if you say or do one thing wrong SJWs attack you, PC run amok!" But Byrd is proof that isn't true. Of course, Byrd was respected by organizations like the NAACP because his bar for 'not being racist' was not the super low standard of not having being a member of the KKK, it was devoting his life to the long hard work of dismantling systems of oppression. Byrd learned that in a racist society not being hateful and violent isn't enough; you actually have to help others, that it's the responsibility of white people to tear down the systems they benefit from and use to harm others.

The Clinton body count conspiracy theory has been pretty thoroughly debunked. (One of my favorite things about the ever-changing lists is that they sometimes include people who either aren't actually dead, lol, or people who never even existed.) The GOP hasn't launched over half a dozen federal investigations and come up empty despite HRC supposedly having people assassinated left right and center. I do enjoy how, meanwhile, Republican Joe Scarborough is as innocent as lamb. I mean, there was an actual deal body in his office. (To clarify, I've seen nothing to suggest that Scarborough killed her I just think the double standard is interesting. Imagine what the GOP would do if a dead body was found in HRC's office.)

The "HRC stole hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of furniture and artwork from the White House" conspiracy theory has also been thoroughly debunked. There are rules regarding what gifts you can and cannot keep, essentially what is actually given to you and what is given to the US.

And last, for now, is the really awful lie that HRC is a defender of rapists and a mocker of victims. HRC was a public defender, legally obligated to defend her client. What many critics don't bring up is that she requested to be taken off the case. HRC did not want to defend a man she knew to be a rapist. But sadly, that's a common tactic of men accused of rape: hire a female lawyer. "See, I'm not a misogynist, I'm putting my life in the hands of a woman!" That's exactly what HRC's client did: he specifically requested a female lawyer. Plenty of female public defenders have had to represent rapists or child molesters. As Politifact notes, she never laughed at the victim. That is a lie.

I do want to say that when it comes to Bill's victims...I'm not sure what the argument is. Because they made the accusation they should be believed or at least given the benefit of the doubt? I actually support that. But then, what about Trump's accusers? Especially given his own on-camera admissions that he has sexually assaulted women repeatedly over the course of decades, and his admission that he has previously exploited his status to gain access to the dressing area of a teen beauty pageant where the girls were undressed so he could ogle them. I mean, one of his accusers said he raped her when she was a child and that he did so at one of Jeffrey Epstein's parties. Epstein is a known pedophile. So...what do we say about Trump, then? This is one of the reasons I consider this a very difficult issue. 

The cattle futures issue is when Hillary invested $1,000 in cattle futures (under the guidance of James Blair who was a attorney for Tyson Foods) and within 10 months that original investment was $100,000. She never traded before and or after that which it was also questioned why she was allowed to trade with only $1000 originally when most futures trading took an initial investment of at least $12,000. 

And no Hillary did take many things from the Whitehouse that had to be returned and it is funny that the rules were so obscured that NO other first lady had a problem with what is and is not allowed. 

Her and Bills treatment of the Haitian people and both being in charge of the help they would receive was and is beyond heartless and disgraceful. There was 13 Billion dollars taken in and for what ? For the Clintons to use it to give contracts to the Foundations many donors for millions to have the contractors build only structurally unsafe structures or none at all. Claiming to build schools when only thing they did even close to a school was to donate towards one school having an "earthday celebration" or " tree building action" but they took credit for building school itself. 1.5 million to close associate to locate rebuild sites only to have a few mountains sited. Many companies defaulting and not building and homes or structures at all. So where did all that money go? She will not even meet with the many Haitian people who would love to get some answers to why this was done when promised real help. 

Refusing to release transcripts of her speeches - to calling Trump supporters "deplorables" who happen to be the voters she also wanted to vote for her - or maybe she thought she was already fixed to be in the Whitehouse? Funny how before the election when Trump said he thought it was rigged all the Democrats had a fit with claiming total insult that he would even say that against the rock solid voting system we have. Then she has to go and claim it herself. Also the violence has only come from the side that lost and is losing not from Trump himself- did he pay for all the protesting outside the appearances he had? No he did not.  

Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch did nothing to make her look innocent and if she is why do you suppose he did that? 

Hillary lying to all of us about the attack on the Embassy in Benghazi - and telling the many who were on stand by to help to stand down - not to help. Or ignoring the hundreds of reports on the security there and safety of the ambassador for weeks in advance to the attack ? She did this - cant be denied.

Now I have only named a few of the things that she clearly did so you can not try to say they are not true as she clearly did the above - now for those who want to call Trump a racists and say he assaulted women I say where is your proof ? Only allegations no convictions ? Only investigated? hmmm sounds familiar to me. 

And yes at least he walks like a duck and acts like a duck this I can accept she never does. I said I liked Bill Clinton not that I like him now. Since the election and more information I have changed my opinion - like Bills affiliation with Jeff Epstein himself you really should not bring him up as Bill has many visits with him himself. 

Obviously Hillary taught Bill well or vice versa since both of their behavior when in the hotseat is much like his "No I did not have sexual relations with that women" which was proven a lie and to justify his deception he redefined "sexual relations" and intercourse for years to come. They have perfected this act better than anyone before them - I will give them that. 

The Clinton Body Count does have many many associates , friends , body guards and those with too much info that could be used against the machine that were real people and to say different is an insult to their families and your fellow American. But I have come to the conclusion that those who are in favor of her tend to not care or think about anyone but the delusion they feign over. Bottom line is she lost and so now he gets his chance so the other side should show some respect and quit with all the bull---- this is the President elect have some respect for the position - the kind of respect you all claim she deserves when the other side does not agree with you - quit harrasing the electors etc. You conceded - have some class. Wait for the doom and gloom that you predict - then you can all have your time for criticism and complaints. Just like those of us who did not vote for Obama had to do. If we were out there saying the things that are being said about Trump all hell would have broke loose and we would have been called racists. I wonder if that is what is going on with Trump? Maybe? Or I believe I saw it when Bush was leaving office and he was treated with such disrespect and boo-ed and I was still a Democrat then - no respect for the position and or our President if hes not the one you wanted-  a lot of bullying ,  jr high school behavior to me - not a good look. 

Edited by ArizonaGrown
  • Love 1
On 17/12/2016 at 9:11 AM, ArizonaGrown said:

Okay so running the risk of majorly getting run over here I am going to explain some of the reasons why some people like me voted for Trump and not Hillary. Also I am a college graduate so I do not appreciate the comments about my intelligence level and or economic either as they are completely wrong. The emails had very little to do with my problem with Hillary to be honest. I was a registered Democrat since I started voting many many years ago and switched a year ago. Why ? Because I can not get behind a party that continues to fail in my opinion to support the beliefs I think are important to our Country and our Constitution. 

Hillary has a long list of major things that she was involved with that make her look like a sneaky liar and that I can not get over. I happened to love Bill Clinton and really had expected to do the same with her but no I did not as she failed to make me feel like he did- EVER. So here is my list of reasons why I think she is shown to be a liar beyond belief and should not be trusted - Benghazi, Clinton Foundation money laundering

Can you please elaborate?

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, sistermagpie said:

Yeah, they've always mocked Hillary too. It's never been subtle.

This still pisses me off. Heaven forbid they appear to favor one side over the other, yes, let's poke fun at both sides because that appears to be even-handed. Yes, let's keep mocking ambitious women and painting them as shrill, grasping harpies out of touch with "real" women who want to be pretty, avoid contention and don't challenge the status quo in any way. By all means, continue to shame Clinton for stepping outside the boundaries of what is deemed acceptable for ladies to do. Because "feelings" have more value than facts in this new nightmare. Fuck them.

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, Menrva said:

This still pisses me off. Heaven forbid they appear to favor one side over the other, yes, let's poke fun at both sides because that appears to be even-handed. Yes, let's keep mocking ambitious women and painting them as shrill, grasping harpies out of touch with "real" women who want to be pretty, avoid contention and don't challenge the status quo in any way. By all means, continue to shame Clinton for stepping outside the boundaries of what is deemed acceptable for ladies to do. Because "feelings" have more value than facts in this new nightmare. Fuck them.

Yeah. I've rarely watched SNL in years and only tuned in recently for the debate coverage, mostly. But I've seen Joy Reid tweeting about how SNL frequently played the "equally bad" card, particularly during Weekend Update. 

  • Love 1

Russia's not remotely like "communism" anymore, anyway, and hasn't been for a long time. It's bureaucratic capitalism and autocrats at the top of the "company", like Putin, can get very very rich. http://www.businessinsider.com/former-kremlin-banker-putin-is-the-richest-person-in-the-world-until-he-leaves-power-2015-7

In some ways, he and Trump seem cut from the same cloth--tough, ruthless, greedy and willing to abuse power to get whatever they want.  Not sure if that means they'll come to blows or peacefully figure out how to divide the world.

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

You gotta love this topsy turvy world we live in where you're a traitor and part of a sea of sore losers because you don't believe a racist, bigoted, sexist, pathological liar and shameless fraud and conman should represent this country.  

And you're a patriot when you are part of the group that road-blocked Obama and his incredibly!terrible!for!America! policies like the ACA, repealing DADT and supporting same-sex marriage.

  • Love 17
7 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

Those two facts are true (I guess, I am not sure of the time frame). I wonder if the Politifact meter would say True if Podesta had added some words: Access Hollywood tape comes out. One hour later the Trump campaign tells Wikileaks to drop the Podesta emails. Wikileaks asks You mean the ones the Russians gave us? Yes says Trump. 

Well they probably would say that is true. Politifact Poynter Soros It is a tangled web that is being spun with all this new fake news and fact checkers. 

I don't understand this kind of hypothetical example that isn't at all like what they were fact-checking?  Plus, Politifact is from the Tampa Bay Times. What does it have to do with Soros? (Who at least is a billionaire philanthropist funding good, humanitarian causes. Not like the Koch brothers trying to subvert democracy.  Or Trump, who doesn't give a damn about anyone.)

The conversation you invent above is fiction, and unprovable  as some kind of "he said/she said" scenario.  How could Politifact possibly fact-check it? They gave "true" to the timeline in the real story reported above, because it was an important fact for people to know--and it was verifiable.  "Adding words" to what Podesta said, took it from "verifiable" to "fiction".

It's certainly true that Podesta HAS cast shade at Trump over the Russian hacks and their efforts (one could say "successful efforts", given the outcome) to elect him.  He doesn't make up conversations to do it, though. He points to Manafort's connections with Putin and what a perfect intermediary he would make. Also--more directly incriminating--is Roger Stone's post gloating how Podesta's email would be hacked and released--months before it actually happened.  Coincidence? 

Unlikely.  #1 Roger Stone a known dirty-trickster and Trump buddy (He is quoted in the ridiculous Nat. Enquirer* article planted the week of the Indiana primaries to hurt Cruz by falsely indicating his father was involved in the Kennedy assassination--a smear that Trump himself kept going, even after the Convention.) 

#2 Stone is a long time friend of Paul Manafort.  Manafort--Stone--Putin--Trump and the hack of Podesta's emails involving all of them. It's really not hard to imagine at all.

*Nat Enquirer publisher is ALSO a long-time Trump buddy. Perfect to leak anti-Cruz story on week of most important primary! (which, after losing, Cruz conceded).

Edited by Padma
  • Love 10

I still want to sit down and address all the other things you've brought up in your post, @ArizonaGrown but I wanted to clarify this:

16 hours ago, ArizonaGrown said:

And no Hillary did take many things from the Whitehouse that had to be returned and it is funny that the rules were so obscured that NO other first lady had a problem with what is and is not allowed.

Did you read the page I linked to? Snopes lays out the situation nicely. Yes, things were removed from the White House. No, they did not steal hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of furniture. Ultimately it was about $50,000 worth of things they returned and/or paid for; I believe they also returned or paid for things they actually owned just to settle the issue. As for whether or not any other First Lady has ever had this problem that's a pretty big statement given all of my research has turned up admissions this wasn't a closely tracked issue prior to the Clintons. To clarify: prior to 2002, six Federal offices and agencies were responsible for tracking the gifts given to the First Family and to the White House. The laws governing what can and cannot be taken from the White House have has much to do with how much the gift cost (if over a certain amount the FF has to come up out of pocket) as anything else. Here is the Congressional House report and I want to quote this part here:

"In February 2002, the subcommittee released a 55-page document summarizing the subcommittee's findings. The subcommittee identified a host of problems with the Presidential gifts system, such as consistently undervalued gifts and questionable White House counsel rulings. Since the current system is subject to abuse and political interference, there is a need for centralized accountability in one agency staffed by career employees."

Problems that the investigation found: the National Park Service, which inventories all gifts given, maintains only one copy of the inventory and will not copy it (the report hilarious notes "NPS staff used white gloves to turn pages." Such shade.) The NPS established its own numbering system and its own electronic database, which was not linked to any other agency's database. When the subcommittee requested that the OGE provide a copy of each of the eight financial disclosure reports filed by President Clinton, the OGE was only able to provide seven due to it 6-year record retention requirement. There was not and had never been an official system for receiving or valuing gifts; gift valuing had always been determined by counsel, as had what constitutes a personal gift or what should be added to the archives. The counsel are not independent career employees and rarely have any background in valuation.

As in: no one's ever really kept up with who took things they owned or didn't prior to the Clintons leaving the WH. Since they left there have only been two First Families, both of which have abided by the rules that had to be put in place. There's actually no real way of knowing who took what they owned and who didn't prior to the Clintons. The Clintons were just the ones everyone went after and of course it turned out it was blown hugely out of proportion and the Clinton's settled all the debts.

Edited by slf
  • Love 17

I don't understand wishing ill fortune upon Hillary Clinton. Why isn't her loss satisfying enough? I mean, I cannot lie and pretend I don't fantasize about karma coming for the Orange and his assorted fruitcakes, but I try not to give in to those impulses. I'd be content to see them all fade into obscurity and never darken our federal government's doorstep again. Clinton has to live with knowing she lost to a malignant narcissist, pathological liar, and crass, sexist buffoon; that should be more than enough punishment for the "crimes" her detractors have invented. Unfortunately, the whole country is going to serve the sentence.

  • Love 20

Things are getting heated in here.  Keep it civil.  

Reread The Guidelines For This Forum for the numerous notices on being civil and the many ways of posting that are not civil.  I will even quote the last post from there in full, here.

On 11/25/2016 at 7:23 PM, saoirse said:

A reminder for everyone - this forum is not about everyone agreeing. If you disagree with someone, you can respond in a civil way, or choose to not respond, OR to put the poster on your ignore list. You can ignore someone by hovering over their name, and choosing the 'Ignore User' option, which will walk you through the steps.

Another reminder from that threadWe've been giving warnings/Non Warning Notices up until this point, but from here on out second chances will be harder to come by.


Refusing to release transcripts of her speeches - to calling Trump supporters "deplorables" who happen to be the voters she also wanted to vote for her - or maybe she thought she was already fixed to be in the Whitehouse? Funny how before the election when Trump said he thought it was rigged all the Democrats had a fit with claiming total insult that he would even say that against the rock solid voting system we have. Then she has to go and claim it herself. Also the violence has only come from the side that lost and is losing not from Trump himself- did he pay for all the protesting outside the appearances he had? No he did not.  

Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch did nothing to make her look innocent and if she is why do you suppose he did that? 

Hillary lying to all of us about the attack on the Embassy in Benghazi - and telling the many who were on stand by to help to stand down - not to help. Or ignoring the hundreds of reports on the security there and safety of the ambassador for weeks in advance to the attack ? She did this - cant be denied.

Now I have only named a few of the things that she clearly did so you can not try to say they are not true as she clearly did the above - now for those who want to call Trump a racists and say he assaulted women I say where is your proof ? Only allegations no convictions ? Only investigated? hmmm sounds familiar to me. 

And yes at least he walks like a duck and acts like a duck this I can accept she never does. I said I liked Bill Clinton not that I like him now. Since the election and more information I have changed my opinion - like Bills affiliation with Jeff Epstein himself you really should not bring him up as Bill has many visits with him himself. 

Obviously Hillary taught Bill well or vice versa since both of their behavior when in the hotseat is much like his "No I did not have sexual relations with that women" which was proven a lie and to justify his deception he redefined "sexual relations" and intercourse for years to come. They have perfected this act better than anyone before them - I will give them that. 

The Clinton Body Count does have many many associates , friends , body guards and those with too much info that could be used against the machine that were real people and to say different is an insult to their families and your fellow American. But I have come to the conclusion that those who are in favor of her tend to not care or think about anyone but the delusion they feign over. Bottom line is she lost and so now he gets his chance so the other side should show some respect and quit with all the bull---- this is the President elect have some respect for the position - the kind of respect you all claim she deserves when the other side does not agree with you - quit harrasing the electors etc. You conceded - have some class. Wait for the doom and gloom that you predict - then you can all have your time for criticism and complaints. Just like those of us who did not vote for Obama had to do. If we were out there saying the things that are being said about Trump all hell would have broke loose and we would have been called racists. I wonder if that is what is going on with Trump? Maybe? Or I believe I saw it when Bush was leaving office and he was treated with such disrespect and boo-ed and I was still a Democrat then - no respect for the position and or our President if hes not the one you wanted-  a lot of bullying ,  jr high school behavior to me - not a good look. 


I'd like to know why the Clinton's and their supposed lies are apparently so horrible all the while people turn a huge blind eye to the lists upon lists of lies it has been proven that Trump has told and continues to tell? 

As someone else pointed out, it's ridiculous to get up in arms about Clinton not releasing transcripts of speeches when Trump still hasn't released something far more important - his tax returns. As for the deplorables comment, it might not have been totally wise, but IMO it's 100% true. She wasn't calling all Trump supporters deplorable - just the huge segment of his base that are disgusting, DEPLORABLE racists, xenophobic pigs.

As has been stated repeatedly, Hillary has already been raked over the coals and investigated over Benghazi. If there was any true wrongdoing on her part, then it would have been found by the Republicans who were out for her blood.

Regarding any proof of Trump's racism - where do I begin? Him and his father refusing to rent out apartments to black people. They ended up settling the lawsuit, only to then still try and discriminate against those they would rent to. Call Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, while making the token gesture of saying "some" were possibly good people. Calling a Latina beauty contestant "Miss Housekeeping." Consorting repeatedly with Anti-Semites and Ku Klux Clan Members. Repeatedly saying during the election that all blacks are destitute and living in the inner city, etc. 

LOL "he walks like a duck and acts like a duck." Trump is the biggest phony ever! There is nothing real about him. He has no convictions whatsoever. This is a man who lies as easily as he breathes and flip flops on EVERYTHING. And the idiot somehow thinks he's the greatest man that ever lived. "I know more than the generals do." "I have the best words." "Everything I do is tremendous." He has no humility and no capacity to admit to having any faults at all.

The Clinton Body Count thing has never been proven! You haven't provided a shred of proof so I don't see any insult to these hypothetical families and insults to fellow Americans. Trump and this election is an insult to Americans.

"But I have come to the conclusion that those who are in favor of her tend to not care or think about anyone but the delusion they feign over."

I can pretty much say the same thing about most Trump supporters.

No one is saying that you have to respect Clinton. Just like no one on this Earth will make me have respect for that buffoon that shamefully got elected. Respect is earned. It doesn't come with any title, even that of the president. He has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to earn mine! I don't know who this "you" is you speak of because I conceded nothing. That idiot will never be my president. 

Interesting how your post seems to assume that there weren't a lot of people treating Obama with disrespect before he took office and after. There were plenty of people - including the man you're fervently sticking up for right now - who treated Obama horribly. I highly doubt the people talking about coming together or respecting the presidency were saying the same when people like Trump were demanding Obama show his birth certificate.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
  • Love 21

I've been trying to get back into the holiday spirit and focus a bit more on the things I like and that give me joy, and I decided to inject some of that into this thread. So here's something that Hillary did that gives me immense joy:

Savage. There were one or two cracks aimed at herself that didn't land but everything else was great. That's what happens when you don't alienate every comedian in Hollywood.

I also wanted to highlight her efforts in trying to get taken seriously the health issues Gulf War veterans. I know there was a bit of division between her and Bill about this, and god knows there was a lot of other political nonsense that went into the denials of Gulf War syndrome, but she was a major supporter from the beginning. She met with veterans who were suffering from the unrecognized illness and really listened to what they had to say, believed them when they told her how they were suffering, helped research the illness, and fought to get it recognized. That means something to me because my oldest uncle served in the Gulf War. When he came home he was suffering but the family didn't really understand why. He turned to self-medication, as so many veterans did, then moved from Texas all the way to Alaska where he isolated himself from everyone and eventually committed suicide. The loss was devastating for the family, especially my grandmother who had to bury her firstborn, but understanding why he had suffered so much helped everyone grieve and heal. Gulf War Syndrome becoming recognized may not have saved my uncle's life but it saved the lives of other veterans, and it vindicated the vets and their families who were being called liars. That's no small thing. It tends to get overshadowed by other great things HRC has done, since she's done a lot over the years, but I think it's worth a special shout-out.

  • Love 24
2 hours ago, slf said:

That's no small thing. It tends to get overshadowed by other great things HRC has done, since she's done a lot over the years, but I think it's worth a special shout-out.

It definitely is. Thanks for posting the story. It just makes me nauseous that this woman, who has worked her butt off for almost 50 years on so many causes and who has made a difference in the lives of so many people, and is so smart and so capable, was run over by the brutal slanderous lie machine of the right wing and now there's a charlatan who has never done anything kind and charitable for anyone else in his life twittering away causing foreign affairs crises. I still can't grasp how it all happened, although I just posted a link in Barack Obama's thread to a wonderful interview with Cornell Belcher which explains a lot of it.

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