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S33.E04: Who's The Sucker At The Table?

Tara Ariano
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Well that was baffling!

But first!  Michaela, amazing!  I felt like Figgy was super rooting for her, which is great.  Michaela/Figgy frenemy alliance, please please please go far.  I want like one of those buddy movie dynamics, or The Parent Trap, or for that matter Bobby Jon and whatsisface in Guatemala--arch-enemies who become the best of friends.  Survivor gods, please grant it to me!  That challenge was amazing, even without Probst getting dunked like the school principal at the Halloween fair.  I didn't realize how freaking huge Chris is; I thought Taylor was the biggest dude out there and the Millenials would dominate the challenge.  But it was all Michaela and the Gen-Xers.

I still don't like Adam, tragic story or no, and it's disappointing to me that he's got the idol.  I kind of loved the pig/goat hunt, it was an adorable kids' campout kind of thing, kind of like Ozzy & Cao Boi (and someone, Flicka maybe?) going exploring in Cook Islands and annoying the other tribe.  I am bored by some of the camp-life stuff but I do love to see people having fun out there.  (n.b. I am a vegetarian, but they kill animals over and over on this show, and I never understand what makes people upset about one and not another.  That octopus Ken killed was probably smarter than the goat.  However, I don't think anyone had the expertise or tools to kill and butcher a goat so it would have been a gruesome and horrifying waste;  luckily I don't think they were serious, just having a fun adventure.)

10 hours ago, green said:

All of this was a brilliant move on Dave's part except that tribal swaps always happen on Survivor so his new majority alliance move may be nullified almost immediately depending on the blind luck of the draw.  But it could still work out for him if Jessica is now loyal to him.  He gained one more person (for now) but he lost an idol so will the gain be worth the loss in the end is the question.

Meanwhile Jessica's ability to sustain a wide-eyed stare of total surprise for so long will make her a 15 minutes of fame legend.

But Dave did not gain one more person.  I don't think.  I think he swapped Ken for Jessica.  Ken doesn't seem to play strategy, not really.  He had an OK tactical scheme to get rid of Lucy, and he executed it fine (I think that was all Jessica dumbness that messed it up) but no strategy, no long term plan.  Just emotions.  He wanted to vote Paul because Paul pissed him off.  He wanted to vote Lucy because Lucy pissed him off.  He did vote Jessica because Jessica pissed him off.  And now it's David who has pissed him off, saving Jessica, who he was pissed at, and throwing away the idol, which I'm sure in Ken's mind was for the two of them to use, putting their heads together.

I just can't figure out David's move.  You know I am not at all a fan of "anyone but me", and I loved Michelle saving Figgy.  But I see how Figgy fits Michelle's long-term game.  It's hard to see how Jessica fits David's to me.  She immediately went back to the remaining five and wanted to vote Cece, who is David's ally; she had no loyalty to him at all, he was just a convenient pawn.  He and Ken felt that voting her out would just put them back on the bottom, but they were on the bottom anyway!  And now he's alienated everyone--Chris and Bret couldn't hold it against him that they had voted out Paul, since he wasn't in their alliance; but now he'd made a promise to them and immediately threw it away.  Michelle on the other hand didn't alienate anybody--Zeke and Adam weren't with her to begin with, and she pulled in people rather than betraying them.  (PS why isn't that an example of the underdogs winning?  The "cool kids"/Triforce-plus-Michelle were outnumbered and turned it around, and by pure no-idol politicking, old school as you like...)  And Jessica is a gamer to boot.  She may have been 1000% stupid to go to Lucy with Ken's story--talk to anybody else, Jessica!--but she's there to play, and will cut your throat if necessary.  If David was so nuts as to be thinking Final Tribal and not wanting to go up against those soulful Ken eyes and soulful Ken abs, why, he already has a perfect goat in CeCe (sorry CeCe, but please do something) to bring in his place.

7 hours ago, cuphead said:

Poor Ken.  Each week we're going to have to watch him get disappointed by the people on his tribe.  If David betrays him, he may lose all faith in humanity.  Hope this doesn't happen, though, bc I really like their friendship so far.  

But David did betray him!

I'm weirded out by the Purple Lucy edit, maybe she didn't give them any "BOSSY DRAGON LADY" stuff in the first week, and heaven forbid we have any nuance.  It really does suck to lose all 3 Asian women right away but I honestly don't know what could be done about it except casting more minorities in general, and I kind of feel like this season is not the worst for that?  They should probably just cast Cook Islands/Fiji style every time.

All my other thoughts must go to the Speculation thread for some reason.  Who do we e-mail to protest this asinine rule?  A preview is not a spoiler, it just isn't.

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6 hours ago, thehepburn said:

no, ken voted for jess. it was jess who voted for CC, so clueless.

Yeah, I understand her being skeptical of Ken's story at first, but to still believe "the plan" was CeCe by that point?

3 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

That said, Jessica had every reason to believe her. As someone already mentioned, Lucy was supposedly her ally. Ken was a dude who had every reason to lie, being on the outs. 

At first, absolutely.  But then Lucy did a horrendous job of playing it off.  Unless I was tricked by the editors, it looked like Ken called Lucy out in front of everyone on how she bossed him around on the Jessica vote, and Lucy's responses were not "whoa, what a crazy story you are making up!" but to seem to agree that it went down the way he described it.  How Jessica could still be 100% convinced it was CeCe by the time they got to TC, I don't understand.

59 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

All my other thoughts must go to the Speculation thread for some reason.  Who do we e-mail to protest this asinine rule?  A preview is not a spoiler, it just isn't.

You're ordinarily one of my favorite posters.  But to channel Sandra: on this topic, "I'm against you, KS."  Vehemently against you.  I don't watch the previews, ever; and if there is an email address to lobby on this, I'd like to lobby the other way.  Furthermore, if your proposed rule change were to take effect, and non-spoiler-barred discussions of previews were henceforth allowed in the episode threads, I would have to take my leave of this site.  I hate previews (and spoilers more generally), never watch them if I can avoid it, and I will not read a site where they are discussed.  (And my recollection of another PTV board where this was discussed is that a lot of other people agreed with me.)

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Really!  You turn it off before "Next time, on SURVIVOR"?  Well, that's fine then.  I hate spoilers too, but I feel like the preview is just a part of the episode.  But I guess it makes sense, if some people consider it a spoiler, it doesn't do any real harm to keep a separate thread.

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Finally some drama. Pretty good tribal council. I love Dave's move, even if it immediately comes back on him. I love a gutsy and potentially stupid play to change your game situation up. The whole thing can blow up in your face and make you look like an idiot, but fuck it. Nothing worse in my opinion that loses the game through inaction and, "I'll just wait for the right moment." 

And damn it, I promised myself I wasn't going to root for the scrawny nerd again and yet, here we are. 

It is a strange coincidence that the show casts three Asian women and they're all gone within the first four votes. Don't give up on the diversity attempts, show. 

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Guys, this isn't a new rule.  ABSOLUTELY NO PREVIEW TALK!!!  I have had to edit too many posts to take out a sentence or two talking about what's happening next week.  I HATE editing posts.  One- I don't really have the time to comb that closely through them all to make sure I catch every possible reference to a preview and Two- I feel squicky editing someone else's thoughts.  So, just stop it!  If it continues, I will have to start doling out warnings, etc.

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

She was playing the game with that in mind.  The problem is that she is on an island where everyone is on her level.  She has no authority over them.  After David played the idol and along with CC helped save her ass, maybe, just maybe, she will calm her ass down and observe more and confront less.

For some reason your comment reminded me of Lord of the Flies.  I assume that was intentional.

Random thoughts:

I thought I saw some goats walking up the mountain.  The Millennials can look, but they better leave them alone.  Now they must understand that they should have taken the fishing equipment instead of the chickens.  I assume they have already eaten the chickens.  They should have tried to trade them in for some fishing equipment, even if it meant getting a scaled down version of the original version that Gen-X chose at the beginning over chickens. 

I think David played this right.  His little group was still on the bottom, and Ken was probably still pissed that Jessica didn't trust  him.  I get that.  Jessica has some fence mending to do, and Ken needs to be able to accept it.  Ken needs to understand that lying is part of this game, his tribe hasn't known him long.  They don't know if he can be trusted or not.

Glad Tiger Mom Lucy was sent packing, I wonder if her family is glad to have her home? 


They did try to trade their comfort reward for fishing gear, but Gen X had the right to deny them that, and they did.

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3 hours ago, SlackerInc said:

At first, absolutely.  But then Lucy did a horrendous job of playing it off.  Unless I was tricked by the editors, it looked like Ken called Lucy out in front of everyone on how she bossed him around on the Jessica vote, and Lucy's responses were not "whoa, what a crazy story you are making up!" but to seem to agree that it went down the way he described it.  How Jessica could still be 100% convinced it was CeCe by the time they got to TC, I don't understand.

Yes, I expected to see light dawn in Jessica's eyes then but it didn't. 

Lucy!    If she really talks to her co-workers that way I'll bet they've lost a lot of good people over the years. It's bad enough to order people around that way, but the expectation that they won't mind and the implied threat if they don't?  Whoa.

I heart Ken and Dave, so much.   I watch this show for what Probst calls "the great social experiment," and those two are making this season fascinating.

For all who were wondering how anyone as handsome as Ken could have problems in the game of life  -- we saw it happen.  Ken told Jessica the absolute truth about Lucy gunning for her, and she didn't believe him because he didn't sell it, at all. His flat affect delivery gets him doubted every time, even his "Yeah," at tribal.

Adam got to me over his sick mom.  If I had stage four cancer, I too would want nothing more than to watch my son play my favorite game.  That's enough for me to want him to win.

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Well, Lucy crawled out of the woodwork at last, and started calling shots. I don't blame Ken for being pissed at her. The way she went about things would have totally rubbed me wrong. Tigermom shit don't fly with me. She spoke to them like a boss, not an equal. Fuck that. I was glad to see her go. 

But I was completely shocked that David played the Idol. I really didn't see that coming. I was surprised that Ken voted for Jess as well. To me, that means that David really didn't decide to do that until the last minute. It was pretty cool, but now I'm worried that he burned his Idol too early. As it stands now, his group has the advantage (as long as Jess sticks with them, which she should....after that). But if there's a swap soon (God, I hate those), none of this matters and he's left without any protection. 

The person I was most disappointed in was Jessica. They might not have even needed to use the Idol if she had trusted Ken. I'm not sure why she didn't; I feel we haven't seen enough of Lucy to know if those two were super tight or not. I guess they must have been. But Ken strikes me as a straight shooter, to the core, so I didn't get why she got all suspicious when he was trying to help her. I'm not sure if she would have really been able to pull in Sunday, though, anyhow. So it might not have mattered. Sunday strikes me as the type of girl who likes rolling with the bros. She seemed very contrite the next day, and ready to get back in their good graces. It's not like the tribe was going to pick of Chris and Brett next, considering they're the most physical on their tribe. Chris KILLED those competitions, both. They need him. 

Speaking of, Michaela is a real beast for the Millennials, isn't she? Tatas out and all. Very impressive. 

It's a good thing Adam found HIS beach's Idol. If anyone needs it, it's him. That's really sad about his mom. I hope he goes far in the game, for the joy it will bring her. 

Favorite part? When the swell almost knocked Probst over. 

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9 hours ago, Apocalypso said:

I can't help but wonder if they had placed the numbered bags in order and then taken the letters out, if the puzzle would be solved for them.  I noticed that in the demonstration how to play, Bag #30 was a T (the last letter in Tonight). 

I hadn't thought of that, and I'm shocked that the do-things-their-own-way, think-outside-the-box Millenials didn't think of it either.

8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

For some reason I didn't think the puzzle solvers could get help.  It seems like team Millenials would have stayed there three more hours if Zeke didn't tell them what the answer was.  Has that always been allowed?

I know it's allowed, but the fact that the sideliners are able help the puzzle-solvers seems like it would change up strategy on challenges like this one...grab the three lightest people, regardless if they're good at puzzles, and get them up and down the fastest.  I was surprised that Chris, the Gen-X'er's biggest guy, was sent up first.  I'd think it would be harder to control the swing with a guy that big shifting his weight back and forth.

I'm going back and forth with David playing the idol for Jessica...good strategy, in that he now has an ally and the majority (hopefully, if Ken's not too ticked off)?  Or bad strategy - now there's no question that David is a guy who will make big moves, and any upcoming swap might make his idol play irrelevant?  I'm really liking David a lot and want to see him go to the end.  To me, he's one of those pure players who enjoys the game so much that he's willing to take huge strides out of his comfort zone to be there.  And he shouldn't sell himself short - he's got a great smile, he's smart and well-read, a writer...shoot, I may have another crush this season!

I've watched every single season of this show, and it makes me happy that this season has been fun to watch so far.  I was getting awfully jaded by several of the players on recent seasons, so this season for me has been must-see tv.

My only complaint was that the wave wasn't just about 6 inches higher - thus capable of completely submerging Probst for a few precious seconds.

Edited by laurakaye
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Some quick reactions:

* Zeke is playing real well.  He made fire... solved the puzzle this last episode... doesn't seem to have pissed off others... and is good physically.  

* Michaela -- ooh la la!  Lots of strong Survivor attributes and a knockout to boot; 

* Michelle again stayed on the backburner, which is good at this stage of the game; 

* Dave made a mistake playing his idol for Jess, though it was good theater;

* It will shock me if Ken wins -- he seems to me too rigid in his interactions with the others. 

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I'm going with David made a mistake. Just because he played his idol for Jessica doesn't mean that she is now so grateful she'll be his ally. She didn't ask for him to so why should she be grateful? Actually it keeps the tgt on her back with her old alliance. I suppose in a way playing the idol for her forces her into a different alliance because her old alliance won't trust her not to be grateful? IDK. There is a lot of game to come, should have kept it since he wasn't he wasn't on the block and probably wouldn't be if they went to TC again next week. As for Jess running to Lucy - if Ken was telling the truth - what makes Jess think that Lucy would tell her "oh yea, I told Ken that". If she was on the block of course Lucy would lie so it was stupid to ask. She needed to figure it out herself by doing a little more subtle feeling this out. Ken Ken needs to quit being so emotional, Lucy is right about that. I wonder if he's the type the millenials in a swap would look up to?

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11 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I'd actually disagree. Though it didn't seem to playout this way not only did it tire his team out more from lugging his butt up and down there was a huge detraction of the amount of pulling power he'd have contributed to pulling someone lighter to get the pieces. It was a failed decision even if it didn't seem to cost them

I'm not sure. Chris may be large, but he's also very fast for his size. He BLAZED through the "obstacle course" part of it. I think that was probably part of their reasoning for sending him. The 3rd person could have been someone smaller, but they might not have gotten over those hurdles as quickly. 


7 hours ago, simplyme said:

That said, Adam's like a rash. I find him irritating, yet he's growing on me.

Hahaha! I tend to agree. It's like I don't want to like him, but I'm starting to....


8 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I believe it.  They're not really in an endless jungle.  They have finite jungle and beach cordoned off for these people.   They always hide idols in distinctive landmarks.  

Plus, they could be searching much longer than we're shown. It doesn't make for good TV to show every Idol search in its entirety. That's how you kind of know someone is about to find one, because otherwise they won't really show it. 

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7 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

But David did betray him!

I'm weirded out by the Purple Lucy edit, maybe she didn't give them any "BOSSY DRAGON LADY" stuff in the first week,

I'm assuming David knows that Ken wanted Lucy out more than Jessica, despite voting with the majority when he thought any other vote was useless.  And I think Jessica would be stupid to turn her back on those three when the whole tribe besides them just wrote her name down.  So I'm ok with his move, assuming he's now got four in his corner.  

I don't recall all the Lucy shots previously but I know there were two unfavorable ones in prior episodes that already had me disliking her.  One was last week when she was on the balance part of the challenge and she scowled at her tribemate to quit cheering her on.  

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Probst should have stayed out of it and let the two tribes negotiate directly.     

I don't even like them proposing alternate rewards with Jeff, I really wouldn't like to see them bartering directly with the other tribe.  I don't think they're allowed to even talk directly to the other tribe now, are they?  

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I think David's move was ballsy and smart.  It will buy him more time and allow him to cobble together an alliance of misfits:  CC, Ken, Jessica, and himself.  Not sure about Sunday, but she voted for Jessica with Lucy.  I think Jessica now knows that basically her entire alliance voted against her and tried to blindside.  Why wouldn't she side with those who tried to warn her and saved her?  If they swap next week, who knows.  But David and Ken should have Jessica's loyalty.  And maybe she'll bequeath her advantage to Dave?

I think Ken and Dave are still good.  IMO, Ken voted for Jess because he knew he didn't have the numbers against Lucy and he wanted to preserve any standing he had with that alliance.  Who knew that the lady of the eye infection would still have the freakiest eyes ever, even after the infection cleared?!

Plus, Lucy's sexism!  Men like to be talked to "bluntly" like that.  Umm...really!?  I don't think I've ever met an adult man who enjoys to be bossed around like that.  Perhaps her husband does, but that's between them.  AND:  Ken is too emotional "like a little girl."  Ugh.  Now that we've heard from her, I'm not sorry to see her go.

Finally, it must be said:  Michaela!  What an absolute wonder.

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 I think Dave using the idol was smart. s

Can't believe Jess still voted Cece. Seemed like the light bulb went off when Ken looked her right in the eyes and said 'yeah'. I guess there wasn't anything else for her to do at that point.

Ken...too moody and rigid. Reminds me of old FBI Joe. Though Joe stayed loyal to Aubry even when she made unexpected moves. I suspect Ken may be done with Dave. 

The scene where Dave tells Cece to vote Lucy and then says he can't say anymore but that she just needs to vote Lucy. The show showed that before the Jess telling Lucy what Ken said bit...but I think that was after. I think Dave planned to use the idol and told Cece that right before TC and so he didn't get a chance to discuss with Ken. I don't think Ken is a guy that can be told quickly 'vote so-and-so...can't talk anymore, just do it'. Ken needs to, kind of like FBI Joe, slowly go through the details at length. Maybe Dave didn't have time for that. Or he knew Ken wouldn't go for the plan. I think Dave is playing a very good smart game.

Now if a switch is coming...it would stink for Dave to lose his alliance. Would be best for him to go with Cece and Jess. And what about the millennial lovebirds. Hope they get split up. Or they go together and with someone like Zeke who tells the genX people of the coupling and then they do what the millennials wouldn't and break up the couple. Also would be interesting if the couple gets split up but Michelle and Figgy are together and Figgs loses her shit over not being with her boy toy. Then Michelle will realize she saved someone who wasnt really in an alliance with her. She saved someone who only cares about her duo showmance.

I like Adam. He kind of reminds me of my son...looks and all. I hope his sad story is true. Who was the guy, on Survivor or was it Big Brother, that lied and said his family member was sick...I think it was Survivor. Please don't let that be Adam. I am guessing not since he only let the viewers in on that and not his tribe mates. 

And Michaela is a beast...love her.

Edited by Lamima
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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

I know it's allowed, but the fact that the sideliners are able help the puzzle-solvers seems like it would change up strategy on challenges like this one...grab the three lightest people, regardless if they're good at puzzles, and get them up and down the fastest

I don't like that it's allowed. To me, it defeats the entire purpose of having people pick which segment to participate in. I think it should either be, anyone can do it and you can swap if it's giving you trouble. OR.....everyone picks their place prior to the challenge and that's it. No outside help.

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56 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I don't like that it's allowed. To me, it defeats the entire purpose of having people pick which segment to participate in. I think it should either be, anyone can do it and you can swap if it's giving you trouble. OR.....everyone picks their place prior to the challenge and that's it. No outside help.

I agree 100%.  The whole point of giving them time to strategize is to place the best people at the best points in the challenge.  The way it's set up now, a puzzle-solver could always throw away blame by claiming, "so-and-so on the bench told me what to do."

I'm not sure this has always been allowed.  I seem to recall sideliners whispering to other sideliners back in the day, but not able to shout out instructions to the people active in the challenge.

Fix this, Probst.  Thanks.

Edited by laurakaye
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Michaela is giving me Tasha/Steph/Kim vibes in terms of how she can perform in individual immunity. She could probably beast through them. Girl is fucking strong and has some amazing abs. She probably could have beaten some of the men too.

Im all for a frenemy like alliance with Figgy/Michaela. Unexpected and yet can be badass and dominent. They have the brains and the atheleticism. Hope they can figure it out and work together.

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Lucy really screwed up with her whole "we need to get Jessica out, she's trying to control the tribe.  Now, let me tell you exactly what to do and you better not step even slightly out of line" approach.  And I'm not convinced that Jessica was trying to control things as much as get rid of Paul before he could tighten the bro alliance - it was in Lucy's best interest to get rid of Paul as well.

I'm undecided on David's decision to play his idol for Jessica.  I think things are somewhat fluid on the tribe, so even if she had gone home he, Ken and CeCe wouldn't necessarily be on the ropes next time anyway.  So I think he wasted it.

I assume if they had caught the goat they wouldn't be allowed to kill it and eat it - I thought TPTB had put in a no killing anything that lives on land rule back when the pig was slaughtered in one of the first seasons (and because people were grossed out that people on season one were eating rat).

I love Jay's idea of being a rebel - working as a real estate agent and appear on a network TV show.  Way to live on the edge there, dude.

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14 hours ago, ElleryAnne said:

Well, that was a surprise.  I didn't think David had it in him to use the idol on someone else.  

Jessica's long convoluted question about trust followed by Ken's short, "Yeah," answer was funny.

Ha, that matter-of-fact little "yeah" cracked me up too. I'm torn between thinking Jessica should have gone for not even contemplating that he might be telling her the truth and being happy that she stayed. 

They certainly shifted the balance of power with that move, which I admittedly didn't quite understand when Dave first proposed it. But they've cemented Jessica's loyalty to both of them, Ken for telling her and Dave for saving her, and with CeCe on their side and Lucy gone, they're now the majority. Too bad it looks like a swap is next week, the newly gained majority might not matter.


I feel for CeCe...she just seemed stunned by the game play...and she is rarely brought into the scheming. She is loyal though to Ken and Dave, and she did fight hard in the first challenge. Chris, though, is intensely valuable in physical challenges...and he still carries a big grudge...I still think he and Bret will off Jessica if they get a chance.

CeCe has no other options but to stick with Ken and Dave, if it were up to Bret and Chris, she would have been long gone. Dave's play, while a surprise to her, is very good news for her, she's suddenly in a majority alliance. 


CC probably died a little bit and I was so worried everyone was going to turn on Ken.  I really can't believe they didn't even consider it but I am glad they didn't.

Yeah, I really thought Ken was toast, I guess they must really need either his fishing skills or challenge skills for his name to not even be a consideration. I also thought Dave might catch the residual heat, since he's nowhere near as valuable to camp or challenges. 



Jess wasn't stupid. She had no reason to believe Ken, the guy who has been stirring the pot, over Lucy, who has been her ally since day one. It was reasonable to be skeptical of Ken. Unfortunately, he was telling the truth, and Ken appears to be one of those people that if you slight him, he will carry a grudge. What she should have done was try and check it out with Sunday and Dave and see what vibes she got.

I read Lucy as liking being in control and simply seeing this as a good time to seize control, and the way to do it was to rally people to vote Jess out while she was vulnerable. Bret had Lucy's number, too, based on one of his THs about how Lucy came right up to them and started talking... but of course, it was in Bret and Chris's best interests to go along with that plan.


Yeah, I can't really fault Jess for not jumping to trust one of the lowest rungs on the tribal ladder over part of her Day 1 alliance and co-conspirator at the last blindside. Honestly, Lucy (obnoxious as she was at times) had a pretty solid plan that would have put her in the driver's seat of the majority group if not for Dave's idol. The fact that she managed to make it almost work without Jessica figuring it out means that it was probably the right time to make the move, which she still had a surplus of trust. All in all, interesting gameplay from all three sides and I kinda like that people aren't sitting around in a large group celebrating their majority, but are making moves within the big group. 

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Did you notice "Tayl's" stupid bug-eyed scream before he participated in the reward challenge? It made me want to punch him, seriously. Ugh. There's something about that guy and his insipid girlfriend, Figgy, that makes me want to hurl (as in throwing-up and/or throwing a heavy object at the tv.)  It's a real problem, and I may need to get some professional help!

Current favorite -- Michaela

I also like Dave, although he should play smarter. I think it was too soon to use the idol. Voting Jess out would've been no loss for anyone.

Edited by Dominii
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1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

Ha, that matter-of-fact little "yeah" cracked me up too.

What was coolest about that to me was that he looked her straight in the eye for seconds after that, and she kind of looked like, "Oh shit, he WAS telling the truth, what did I do?"  

36 minutes ago, Dominii said:

Did you notice "Tayl's" stupid bug-eyed scream before he participated in the reward challenge?

Yes.  He reminded me of Jack Nicholson in The Shining, with his crazy "Here's Johnny!" scene.  (Taylor and Figgy don't bother me, though.  He reminds me a bit of Jud.)

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1 hour ago, Dominii said:

Did you notice "Tayl's" stupid bug-eyed scream before he participated in the reward challenge? It made me want to punch him, seriously.

Me, too, and on second viewing I saw he was doing that often, it just wasn't as noticeable during the noise and confusion of the game. I wonder if Figgy is sick of him yet.

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16 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I'm actually surprised at Jessica.  She seems to have had a good, smart head on her shoulders in terms of reading people so far, but she was a mess tonight.  

I wouldn't quite classify Jessica as "a mess" - but I would consider her overly complacent, which is just as bad (if not worse).  Jessica portrayed the textbook example of someone who, once they have gained a power position in the game, ceases to stop playing it on the blissfully ignorant ASSumption that everything will continue to just keep rolling their way for the next couple of weeks or so.  If David hadn't saved Jessica's ass, her eviction would have been almost stereotypical.

I don't fault Lucy one bit for her coup attempt, but her execution was for shit:

  1. One of the primary ingredients for a coup's success is secrecy, which necessarily dictates you keep the number of active participants to the bare minimum. Lucy already had votes lined up with Sunday, Chris, Bret and herself, and only needed one more to lock in the eviction; why, then, go to David AND Ken to twist both their arms on it???  That's extending knowledge of the coup, and increases its potential for exposure (which, btw, is EXACTLY what happened).  Lucy's only saving grace at that point was Jessica's complacency rendering her (Jessica) unable to comprehend how precarious her position might have become.
  2. Survivor 100, Freshman Orientation, Rule 1: DON'T ACT LIKE THE BOSS. BOSSES GET SENT HOME.


11 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

What surprised me was Lucy pretty much admitted that the conversation with Ken happened when she said she was just being blunt with Ken.  And then Jessica still looked at Ken and said, "I was supposed to just believe you?"  I guess she could've meant, "I see now you were the one telling the truth but why would I have believed you at the time?"  But her bush baby eyes at the vote reading sure made it seem like she only then found out she was the target.  

Jessica ABSOLUTELY only found out at the vote reading; otherwise her vote would've been for Lucy, not CC.



I don't know any men that appreciate Lucy's style of bluntness, so I think her claim is bs.  That's not blunt, that's bossy as hell.  It's like she was pulling a Boston Rob out there but with no tact, skill or real power.  

Many may tolerate it - particularly if it comes from higher up the organizational food chain - but nobody particularly likes or appreciates it.  And Lucy wasn't necessarily that much higher up the chain than anybody else; she just acted like it.  :P


11 hours ago, simplyme said:

I feel bad for Adam about his mom, but I was distracted when he kept referring to her as a "huge superfan." I realize that's petty of me, but the redundancy grated. Unless he was trying to tell us she's a very large woman and a superfan, she's just a superfan.

Considering Adam references himself as a superfan - a term I despise, BTW - I took Adam's intended implication to be his mother was an even bigger Survivor fan than he was.


4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

 I was surprised that Chris, the Gen-X'er's biggest guy, was sent up first.  I'd think it would be harder to control the swing with a guy that big shifting his weight back and forth.

When I saw Chris was the first up in the GenX chair, my first thought was, "Oh, that's smart - have the biggest guys go up first when everybody is freshest, and then they're available to help pull the others up when everybody is tuckered out further on in the challenge."  

As we all saw, my initial impression was incorrect; the initial chair-riders DIDN'T rotate to chair-hoisters after their 10-pick, but instead went back to their starting before-the-obstacles position.  I halfway wonder, though, if GenX might not have had the same mistaken impression as me, and didn't discover their mistake until after the comp was already in progress and it was too late to switch players around.  And it also wouldn't surprise me if a Production gaffe in initial explanation of the rules - and any subsequent fallout, such as Chris going to the ropes after his chair ride and being corrected while the comp was in progress - didn't end up on the cutting room floor.



I'm going back and forth with David playing the idol for Jessica...good strategy, in that he now has an ally and the majority (hopefully, if Ken's not too ticked off)?  Or bad strategy - now there's no question that David is a guy who will make big moves, and any upcoming swap might make his idol play irrelevant?  

IMHO David's idol play was about 55/45 good/bad gameplay - and I'll give David the 55% to the good for one reason: given David's perspective in the game, it saves the ass of David's primary ally Ken.  

Sure, David's idol play was risky - but consider the alternative if David hadn't played it:

  1. Jessica would go home.
  2. A solid four Lucy / Sunday / Chris / Bret alliance would have emerged as the dominant force in GenX, and David / Ken / CC on the outside and bottom.
  3. With Jessica gone, Lucy - easily the dominant voice voice of the majority alliance - would immediately fixate on Ken as her next eviction target.  Ken broke The Rules Of Lucy, betrayed Lucy personally, and exposed her methods of gameplay; ergo, Ken needs to be gone, like, yesterday.
  4. With Lucy swapped for Jessica in eviction, however, David also swaps the power balance - a potential David / Ken / CC / Jessica alliance dominant over the Sunday / Chris / Bret remnant.

Yes, everybody knows a tribal swap will be coming - but the players don't know WHEN.  And if the swap were to come anytime OTHER than before the next GenX TC then David's primary ally Ken would be toast, with CC or David low-hanging fruit for the remainder.  

So from that perspective, I'll give David a nod for an unqualified Big Move.  And I don't really even like David.  :)

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IMO, that was just stupid gameplay which, for me, isn't outweighed by the dramatic outcome.

Paul went home because he couldn't help swinging his dick about being the leader of the alliance.  That's textbook Survivor stupidity.

Then, after Paul is toppled (in a move instituted by Jess), Lucy is worried about Jess swinging her (figurative) dick.  So what does Lucy do?  Lucy starts swinging her own (figurative) dick!

Jesus Christ!  Is "subtle" a concept that died with the Baby Boomers? (#generationalgeneralization!)

And Jess?  Jess, Jess Jess.  Someone tells you that you're names being bandied about.  You should expect there to be a target on your back after taking out Paul, hearing that your name is in play isn't crazy talk.  Why would Ken be lying to you there?  Did you ever stop to even think through those hypotheticals?  I know, editing, etc.  But from what we saw, Jess ran directly to Lucy to confront her, thus completely burning Ken as an ally.  What did you expect Lucy to say?  Either she confirms what Ken said, in which case you've burned Ken for no reason.  Or she denies it, at which time . . . do you believe her?  And, if so, why the blind trust in Lucy's denial amidst the skepticism at Ken's warning?  There's no upside to publicly putting Ken on shout.

And then there's David.  Why, David?  I get that you want to dork-out and "make a move".  But . . . place and time, dude.  

You're tightest alliance is with Ken.  Ken tries to protect Jess.  (Granted, Ken is motivated, at least in part, by the fact that Lucy hurt his fee-fees by swinging her figurative dick).  But Ken wasn't wrong that Lucy was targeting Jess.  David, from what we've seen, you believed Ken.  When Jess stabbed Ken in the back by going directly to Lucy, that should've told you someone about Jess' stability and reliability as an alliance-mate.  If you play the HII, and it works (as it did), what are you left with?  Jess, who can't be trusted.  Ken, who can't trust Jess (and, by association now, probably you too).  And C.C., who's saying "how the fuck did my name get mixed up in that urn?"


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41 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

What was coolest about that to me was that he looked her straight in the eye for seconds after that, and she kind of looked like, "Oh shit, he WAS telling the truth, what did I do?"  


At which point Jessica's eyebrows receded into her hairline, where they remain to this day.

This is what I dig about Ken, though...his simple "Yes" statement to Jessica was perfect.  He didn't feel the need to blather on and on.  It was profound in its simplicity.  He's an interesting guy.  Hannah would drive him insane, I think.

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3 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

This is what I dig about Ken, though...his simple "Yes" statement to Jessica was perfect.  He didn't feel the need to blather on and on.  It was profound in its simplicity.  He's an interesting guy.  Hannah would drive him insane, I think.

Or vice versa.  :>

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5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

But I was completely shocked that David played the Idol. I really didn't see that coming. I was surprised that Ken voted for Jess as well. To me, that means that David really didn't decide to do that until the last minute.

Maybe I'm not remembering correctly as nobody has mentioned it but didn't we see a TH where David said that he wasn't sure what to do but that he may need to play his idol to save Jess? That's why I wasn't surprised when he got up and played it for Jess. I mean I was surprised at the move but not that he did what he said he was considering doing earlier.

5 hours ago, laurakaye said:

My only complaint was that the wave wasn't just about 6 inches higher - thus capable of completely submerging Probst for a few precious seconds.

Or at least that some of it came up and knocked his hat off. That would have been epic!

5 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

This is what I dig about Ken, though...his simple "Yes" statement to Jessica was perfect.  He didn't feel the need to blather on and on.  It was profound in its simplicity.  He's an interesting guy.  Hannah would drive him insane, I think.

Hah, lock them both in a cage two enter one leaves. It would be a close battle.

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When they do challenges that lead to wrestling and/or contact it makes me uncomfortable.  

This is exactly the kind of challenge that made me quit watching this show for several years: the "make the women grab at each other and pull their bikini tops down" type of challenge. It's deliberately aggressive, and purposely lurid. It seems like something horny 14-year old boys dreamed up, and I can easily imagine Jeff Probst and the editors taking home the raw footage and jerking off to it. It's just so pandering and debasing. (To be fair, I suppose one could argue it is equally homoerotic for those of different persuasions.)


Ken will have to get his emotions in check if he wants to win the game because he's voting emotionally which is not going to get him the win. 

Every week Ken looks more and more like a humorless asshole. His votes have been for who has made him butt-hurt the most that week. I don't think we've ever even seen him crack a smile. 

There was something awfully hinky about the way the votes were read. How did the producers and/or Probst know that Dave was going to play the idol for Jessica? How did it just so happen that the first five votes pulled out of the urn were all Jessica votes? Either they knew ahead of time Dave was going to use the idol, or else they stopped filming as soon as he used the idol and re-arranged the votes. That sure as hell wasn't coincidence.

Edited by iMonrey
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8 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

 Glad Tiger Mom Lucy was sent packing, I wonder if her family is glad to have her home? 

Are they crusty and starving, sitting right where she told them to stay when she left?  Or have they been:  "Pizza Every Night!  Pizza Every Night!  Zippety Doo Dah, High High Five!"?


I understand why Jessica didn't change her CeCe vote.  First, we saw her immediately start second-guessing herself on the Paul ouster, so we know she's Self-Doubt Girl.  Then she gets to TC and it begins to dawn on her from the Ken-Lucy Q & A that Ken had been telling her the truth and that she made a HUGE mistake.  Trucking the intel straight to Lucy not only scuttled Ken, but also made her the fool who confided in the person engineering her elimination.  So then she bleats out a shaky little mea culpa with a side dish of "surely you can understand my position," but that gets her a quick smack on the nose.

At that point, is she going to try to do the math on all the snooker angles and make another independent decision, hoping it's right?  Or is she just going to do as she was told and vote for CeCe?  I don't blame her for not wanting to risk ruining another plan, quite so soon.


(I guess it's her long, eyeball popping expression of shock that makes me sympathetic.  Although I wouldn't mind getting her in a poker game.  Or on the other side of the courtroom.)

Edited by candall
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12 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

This is exactly the kind of challenge that made me quit watching this show for several years: the "make the women grab at each other and pull their bikini tops down" type of challenge. It's deliberately aggressive, and purposely lurid.

To me, the "lurid" comes in more on the "get the hot girls naked for peanut butter" kind of thing - but I smell what you're stepping in.  :)



Either they knew ahead of time Dave was going to use the idol, or else they stopped filming as soon as he used the idol and re-arranged the votes. 

When I saw how the votes came out of the jar, I automatically assumed the latter.  Production always arranges the vote draw for maximum #suspense.  :P

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9 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

There was something awfully hinky about the way the votes were read. How did the producers and/or Probst know that Dave was going to play the idol for Jessica? How did it just so happen that the first five votes pulled out of the urn were all Jessica votes? Either they knew ahead of time Dave was going to use the idol, or else they stopped filming as soon as he used the idol and re-arranged the votes. That sure as hell wasn't coincidence.

One thing I've considered is that the votes are carefully grouped within the urn and Jeff knows which group is which. That way he knows which group to pull from and how to mix up the order to get the maximum suspense no matter what goes down.

Regarding the immunity challenge puzzle strategy: I'm not sure if I'd break it down to generational or male/female lines, but I saw the way the Gen Xers moved the letters more and the Millennials left them alone and counted unless they thought they had something as another example of people working independently vs people conscious of working with others. I mean, if I'm doing a puzzle like that alone, I'll shift letters all over the place. But if I'm working on it with someone else, I do more in my head and shift the letters much less because I'm aware that they may currently have a thought process going on with certain letters, and moving them may screw that process up. So unless there's a more definite spark, I would move letters less when co-solving than when solving alone.

I could be projecting that, though.

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At first, absolutely.  But then Lucy did a horrendous job of playing it off.  Unless I was tricked by the editors, it looked like Ken called Lucy out in front of everyone on how she bossed him around on the Jessica vote, and Lucy's responses were not "whoa, what a crazy story you are making up!" but to seem to agree that it went down the way he described it.  How Jessica could still be 100% convinced it was CeCe by the time they got to TC, I don't understand.

Jessica was not there in the group when that conversation happened, near the end of it you could see Jessica on the beach in the background. Ken SHOULD have called Lucy out in front of Jessica if he wanted Jessica to believe him.

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6 minutes ago, simplyme said:


Regarding the immunity challenge puzzle strategy: I'm not sure if I'd break it down to generational or male/female lines, but I saw the way the Gen Xers moved the letters more and the Millennials left them alone and counted unless they thought they had something as another example of people working independently vs people conscious of working with others. I mean, if I'm doing a puzzle like that alone, I'll shift letters all over the place. But if I'm working on it with someone else, I do more in my head and shift the letters much less because I'm aware that they may currently have a thought process going on with certain letters, and moving them may screw that process up. So unless there's a more definite spark, I would move letters less when co-solving than when solving alone.


The Millennials worked backwards -- by trying to think of possible solutions (stock Survivor phrases) and worked backwards from there (mostly my counting letters to eliminate/not eliminate them).  It's actually a great strategy, except that the phrase in question was not one of the stock phrases!  They happened to have guessed the beginning was "some-" and that got Zeke thinking -- so he solved the puzzle. 

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6 minutes ago, Special K said:

The Millennials worked backwards -- by trying to think of possible solutions (stock Survivor phrases) and worked backwards from there (mostly my counting letters to eliminate/not eliminate them).  It's actually a great strategy, except that the phrase in question was not one of the stock phrases!  They happened to have guessed the beginning was "some-" and that got Zeke thinking -- so he solved the puzzle. 

They also had the last few words. I heard them say "It's "Some... flame tonight." or something like that. The body part was definitely the wrench in the gear for them.

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On 10/12/2016 at 9:04 PM, Lantern7 said:

HI, Lucy! Bye, Lucy!


23 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


100x LOL

Oh Jess, Dave saved your ass and your legacy adv., can't wait for you and Ken to talk that he was not lying to you :P 

Edited by GenL
Edited out preview talk.
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someone was wondering if the letters were in numeric order - I was wondering if they were in the same order that they were hanging.  In either way, it might have been smart not to just dump them out of the bags.

I don't care if Dave's play was dumb, I like people who make moves.  He made an ally, and I bet he can get Ken back, so that gives them 4.  Seems worth doing.

Lucy did forget Survivor Rule #1 - don't be bossy.

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2 hours ago, Dominii said:


Did you notice "Tayl's" stupid bug-eyed scream before he participated in the reward challenge? It made me want to punch him, seriously.


Yes. I turned to my kids and said, "Well, he's psychotic". Can't stand him either. 


1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

What was coolest about that to me was that he looked her straight in the eye for seconds after that, and she kind of looked like, "Oh shit, he WAS telling the truth, what did I do?"  

Exactly. There was nothing but truth there. On a shallow note, I'd love Ken to "yeah" me and stare into my eyes like that. 


44 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

This is exactly the kind of challenge that made me quit watching this show for several years: the "make the women grab at each other and pull their bikini tops down" type of challenge. It's deliberately aggressive, and purposely lurid. It seems like something horny 14-year old boys dreamed up, and I can easily imagine Jeff Probst and the editors taking home the raw footage and jerking off to it. It's just so pandering and debasing. (To be fair, I suppose one could argue it is equally homoerotic for those of different persuasions.)

I hate them too. At least this one was in water, so it lessened the degree of injuries the players could sustain. I hate when they have to push each other off a platform, or wrestle in a pit of mud for a ball or something. At least water gives them some buoyancy.


19 minutes ago, OldWiseOne said:

Jessica was not there in the group when that conversation happened, near the end of it you could see Jessica on the beach in the background. Ken SHOULD have called Lucy out in front of Jessica if he wanted Jessica to believe him.

Yes, I rewatched this morning, because I couldn't believe that Jessica was STILL doubting Ken at TC. You are correct. She wasn't there. Ken should have called her up and just blew up the entire game. At that point, why not?

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6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Well, Lucy crawled out of the woodwork at last, and started calling shots. I don't blame Ken for being pissed at her. The way she went about things would have totally rubbed me wrong.

Yeah. God, I hope she doesn't work in customer service. I can't be bothered to check. The only way I can possibly excuse her ignorance of the difference between "blunt" and "demanding and threatening" is if she's employed by either a collection agency or a bookie and that's how she's been trained to refer to her style. 

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12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

On a shallow note, I'd love Ken to "yeah" me and stare into my eyes like that. 


I hate them too. At least this one was in water, so it lessened the degree of injuries the players could sustain. I hate when they have to push each other off a platform, or wrestle in a pit of mud for a ball or something. At least water gives them some buoyancy.


Regarding the above topics:

Ken: Me, too...........(swoony swoon)

Challenges: the drag-someone-clinging to-a-pole challenge is hands-down the worst type of challenge to watch, IMO, followed very closely by the "caller" challenge, where people are blindfolded and obstacles are placed to maximize getting smacked in the head or other delicate areas.  Both are gruesome to watch, and I can't believe bones haven't been broken in either of those types of contests.  Plus, Probst gets far too giddy when someone bashes their privates into the sharp corner of a block or fence, which is sadistic and not the least bit funny.  At least in the water, it's not quite as horrible, but certainly still uncomfortable to watch.

And +1000 to the poster who mentioned that Probst should've rushed over to Michaela and offered to cover her up.  However, did any of her teammates offer to stand in front of her to block the cameras?  No, they were all ROTFLMAO.  Figgy found it especially hysterical.  Had it happened to her, I'm quite certain "Tayls" would've leapt like Superman over everyone to shield her.  No one thought to give that consideration to Michaela, which is one of many reasons I hope she manages to ditch that entire tribe and form an alliance with some Gen X-er's and go very far.  She's far too good for them.

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I have a weakness for nerds on reality shows, so I can't help but root for David and Adam.

I liked Adam after Hannah switched her vote.  While Zeke was unable to control his impatience with Hannah, Adam stayed cool, and calmly tried to explain to Hannah to just leave Z alone and let him cool off.  He doesn't seem to hold grudges, which I respect.  And I liked him tonight.  I don't quite get why these guys don't try to put on some weight and become more aerobically fit, if not physically stronger.  But some people's bodies are incapable of that.

I knew right away that I liked David.  I think I posted I loved him, but saw a potential to hate him.  I'm still loving him.  I don't think he betrayed Ken.  Ken had to be his closest ally, because as far as we know, Ken is the only person he told about the HII.  Like many, I think he probably made that decision last minute, but he did speculate on possibly using it earlier.  I think he didn't tell CeCe because he's not a hundred percent sharing things with her, plus, I think she may have a hard time hiding her emotions.  It's hard to tell because she always looks miserable, but that might be because she always knows she's in danger, and no one talks strategy with her.

I think David left Ken out of his strategy because he didn't want to be talked out of it.  Plus, he had just seen evidence where Ken told the target she was being voted out.  Not that he necessarily distrusted Ken, but I don't blame him for being wary.  I don't think it's going to affect their alliance, and I think they need to pull CeCe in more and trust her with stuff, or she'll be easily flipped by someone willing to do these things.  I think they'll easily pull in Jess because she saw clearly that everyone voted for her and lied to her - except Ken.  And then David saved her.  The awkward part - Jess voted for CeCe.  But I don't think CeCe is in any position to hold a grudge.  Jess simply needs to explain that her "alliance" dictated that vote, then blindsided her.

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 Plus, Probst gets far too giddy when someone bashes their privates into the sharp corner of a block or fence, which is sadistic and not the least bit funny. 

He's also way too excited to point out whenever someone's top falls off. If he had more maturity than a 14 year old he'd immediately call a time-out and let the poor woman retrieve her top. Letting the competition continue while drawing everyone's attention to the fact strikes me as willfully gratuitous; but then, I firmly believe these kinds of challenges are purposely designed to be that very thing.

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Maybe David thought that a swap was less likely because the producers are having too much fun with their stupid theme.  Stupid theme.  Grumble, grumble.

In all seriousness, I can't decide if his move was smart or not.  Practically every post for or against in this thread has changed my mind all over again.  That alone makes this season more interesting than last season.

Also, is it just me or is David actually handsome with all of the scruff?  Not as handsome as Ken obviously, but face-wise I would rank him over the "pretty people" over on the Millennial tribe.

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13 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

I'm weirded out by the Purple Lucy edit, maybe she didn't give them any "BOSSY DRAGON LADY" stuff in the first week, and heaven forbid we have any nuance.  It really does suck to lose all 3 Asian women right away but I honestly don't know what could be done about it except casting more minorities in general, and I kind of feel like this season is not the worst for that?  They should probably just cast Cook Islands/Fiji style every time.

Ken voice:  Yeah.

I would love it if it they Cook Islands/Fiji every time.  That would be my ideal.  TBH I don't even think this is one of the most diverse casts they've had at all.  There seems to be a lot more diversity when they do Returnees seasons, like Second Chance, I guess.  I felt like last season was so diverse but maybe it was my imagination because Cydney and Tai made it so far and I don't even remember half the cast.  I think it's more the impressions I get from each season -- the impression for this one won't be great, because so many minorities have been knocked out so early.  Sometimes people's differences make them stick out in a good way (Tai), sometimes in a bad way (Lucy).  Sometimes people get caught in the crossfire (Mari, I guess.)

I'm not a fan of this cast.  I was a fan of the past two but this?  Maybe there's too many people who seem too alike.  There's so many nerdlingers (nothing wrong with that, I loved Spencer and Aubry) but so many characters seem ALIKE.  I didn't realize Adam was an entirely different person from David.  I get that now.  I can't tell Taylor apart from Other Taylor.  The editing hasn't really shown me much.  I don't know the difference between the mean Gen X-ers guys.  Maybe I go through this every season until the cast really dwindles down.  But the funny thing is, I'm enjoying the SHOW!  

I already touched on this but Ken kind of looks like a Hollywood star.  He could be like a Guy Pearce type of actor.  It reminds me of LJ of the Beauty tribe.  There's so many people who look Beauty tribe ish.  Beauty versus Brain versus Brawn all over again.

I think I like David, Michaela, and that guy who wears the Hawaiian shirts and round glasses, Zeke.  And I guess, Ken and Michelle.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, simplyme said:

Yeah. God, I hope she doesn't work in customer service. I can't be bothered to check. The only way I can possibly excuse her ignorance of the difference between "blunt" and "demanding and threatening" is if she's employed by either a collection agency or a bookie and that's how she's been trained to refer to her style. 

She's a dietician.  Can you imagine a better field to be bossy?  Most dieticians work in hospitals, nursing homes, etc., though, so less opportunity to bully people directly into eating your way.

Edited by Special K
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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I hate them too. At least this one was in water, so it lessened the degree of injuries the players could sustain. I hate when they have to push each other off a platform, or wrestle in a pit of mud for a ball or something. At least water gives them some buoyancy.

Agree about the brute strength challenges.  Except in this one, how easy to get your head held down under the water!  Even if they were instructed not to do that, between the scrums and the crashing surf -- I was having drowning anxiety!

(I did put aside my fears momentarily to laugh at Chris holding one of the Millennial boys absolutely in place while he tried to swim away.)

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1 hour ago, simplyme said:

Yeah. God, I hope she doesn't work in customer service. I can't be bothered to check. The only way I can possibly excuse her ignorance of the difference between "blunt" and "demanding and threatening" is if she's employed by either a collection agency or a bookie and that's how she's been trained to refer to her style. 

RETroactive CONtinuity

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