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S11.E15: Shamrocks And Shockwaves

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So we had Vicki talk about how she felt threatened by David in previous episode, because he might dare hit her back....if she had hit him first.  Now we see her assume she can talk and act with men in a way that is inappropriate and a touch predatory.  Men who are strangers.

If she were a man, and yes, the way she walks in heels and wears a tight dress leaves the door wide open for jokes in that regard, she would be in prison for assault, 'regular' or sexual or both.


Or running for President.

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21 hours ago, BogoGog24 said:

Erm so Vicki is supposedly in love with this Steve but she's flirting with the bartender? 


In love and COMMITTED is what she said on twitter or her blog or wherever she posted it.  Dude is little more than a complete stranger to her, but whatever "in love and committed" means to Vicki, I'm sure it's not the same thing sane people mean by using those words.

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The fucking chuckleheads are worried that the nose flicking is going to ruin all the money they sunk into their noses or push the fillers to the side, I'd be cautious if I drove a car with plastic bumpers around a bunch of fools.

They paid a bit of money to TRY to look good. They have to protect their investments.


If I am with a group of people that may tip over and spill their shit in public? I'd go look for my Geenieollojist. Pleather sat back and watched these monsters shotgun booze and she thought that everyone was going to behave?

She has kids and can't see a stop or two ahead?

She is an idiot.

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15 minutes ago, Anne Thrax said:

In love and COMMITTED is what she said on twitter or her blog or wherever she posted it.  Dude is little more than a complete stranger to her, but whatever "in love and committed" means to Vicki, I'm sure it's not the same thing sane people mean by using those words.

I broke out my Vicki to English dictionary.  It turns out "In love and committed" has a lot of different meanings.

1. Let's see how you work out for fans, ratings and a call back for next season before I learn how to spell your last name

2. I'm cheating on you, yes, but since I told you I would from the start its not really "cheating"; its fulfilling my promise to you.

3. As long as I can pretend a walking breathing man wants me, I'm in!

4. We're completely fake for the show and social media, but we're doing it together.  Now that is romance!

5. I had 'Crooks' embroidered on my his and her towels and I didn't want to throw them away.  Apparently this guy is just the ticket to fill that bill!

6. Anything to get the name 'Crooks' out the mouths and off the typing fingers of those pesky haters some also refer to as 'viewers'.

7. I am so having sex, so there!

8. I'm just fulfilling my destiny for making the poorest decisions regarding men and relationships possible. 

9. I'm a healthy viable sexy woman and this proves it.  Now does he spell it Steven, Stephen or some weird one that includes a 'y' or an extra vowel no one was expecting?  You know one of those foreign variations that aren't proper 'Murican?

10. Of course I love him.  I Googled that whole 'Hispanic' thing.  We're good.

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Just read Radaronline and apparently Kelly is calling for Tamra to be fired because she got physical.  I guess her team called the head of Evolution and complained and called for the firing.  The rational part of me says yes, hitting/pushing a coworker should get you a spot in the unemployment line.  Then I remember that Vicki has been allowed to push/bully production and if she got away with that then Tamra should get away with perhaps hitting/pushing Kelly.  I don't see 'talent' as any more important than the folks that run the show.  I don't however believe Tamra hit Kelly.  I think she did push her.  If someone has to go let it be Kelly, Vicki, AND Tamra.  But if push came to shove I think the others would side with Tamra.  'I don't know what she is talking about your honor, Tamra never hit Kelly and I was right there!'.  

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Just now, WireWrap said:

Zero accountability, excuse after excuse for her own bad/nasty/crazy behavior, always the poor, poor victim! She really is NUTS!

Poor Kelly the victim.  I had to laugh at her oxymoron "reckless scheming" does scheming imply something thought and planned versus reckless abandon.  Jumbo shrimp, disposable douche (who would want to save it?  (Thank you George Carlin, RIP).   

I was going to quote several passages but why bother.  What it boiled down to is " At one point, Vicki was spilling drinks on herself, so I pointed to her blouse and flicked her nose with my finger, just like I do Jolie.  I thought it was funny.  Vicki didn't. That was the first time I felt Vicki react negatively toward me. . . .Why don't these women get  my sense of humor?"  My belief is Kelly didn't realize Vicki was far more concerned with getting back in with Tamra and Shannon because there is very little upside to being Kelly's co-pilot.  Kelly just doesn't like Heather.  Assuming Heather has a sense of humor and is sarcastic (kind of insult) and again a misuse of a description-Heather is condescending, Terry s both sarcastic and  condescending.

Kelly's biggest problem is she is paranoid and the situation becomes exacerbated when she is not the center of attention.  Vicki clearly wanted to be the center of attention, followed closely by Tamra.  Time to sit back and let the veterans take over.  If you have to keep asking why your contemporaries don't get your sense of humor it is time to stop trying to make it work.  She hasn't had a single "funny" just a lot of anger.  When she feels picked on it is because they don't get her sense of humor, or her anger management issues.  Tamra goes off the rails and Kelly the Queen of Anger, can't understand that her lack of self control can lead others to her special place.  She was the one who missed out on a night of debauchery with the rest of ladies.  In spite of the lewd comments the other five seemed to be enjoying themselves laughing and dancing and laughing at the Shannon and Vicki dancing.

Boohoo she was severely traumatized  by the event.  No she wasn't she just didn't have an ally.  So lucky Kelly gets stuck with boring Meghan while the others explore the countryside.  There is less than zero sympathy for Kelly and her situation, she even goes so far as to complain she could not wait to go to Ireland because Michael spends too much time around the house.  His house, he gets to spend as much time as he wants. 

1 minute ago, Natalie68 said:

Just read Radaronline and apparently Kelly is calling for Tamra to be fired because she got physical.  I guess her team called the head of Evolution and complained and called for the firing.  The rational part of me says yes, hitting/pushing a coworker should get you a spot in the unemployment line.  Then I remember that Vicki has been allowed to push/bully production and if she got away with that then Tamra should get away with perhaps hitting/pushing Kelly.  I don't see 'talent' as any more important than the folks that run the show.  I don't however believe Tamra hit Kelly.  I think she did push her.  If someone has to go let it be Kelly, Vicki, AND Tamra.  But if push came to shove I think the others would side with Tamra.  'I don't know what she is talking about your honor, Tamra never hit Kelly and I was right there!'.  

Wouldn't the time to demand a firing be when the event happened?  It kind of reeks of showboating when you wait for the episode to air.

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3 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Poor Kelly the victim.  I had to laugh at her oxymoron "reckless scheming" does scheming imply something thought and planned versus reckless abandon.  Jumbo shrimp, disposable douche (who would want to save it?  (Thank you George Carlin, RIP).   

I was going to quote several passages but why bother.  What it boiled down to is " At one point, Vicki was spilling drinks on herself, so I pointed to her blouse and flicked her nose with my finger, just like I do Jolie.  I thought it was funny.  Vicki didn't. That was the first time I felt Vicki react negatively toward me. . . .Why don't these women get  my sense of humor?"  My belief is Kelly didn't realize Vicki was far more concerned with getting back in with Tamra and Shannon because there is very little upside to being Kelly's co-pilot.  Kelly just doesn't like Heather.  Assuming Heather has a sense of humor and is sarcastic (kind of insult) and again a misuse of a description-Heather is condescending, Terry s both sarcastic and  condescending.

Kelly's biggest problem is she is paranoid and the situation becomes exacerbated when she is not the center of attention.  Vicki clearly wanted to be the center of attention, followed closely by Tamra.  Time to sit back and let the veterans take over.  If you have to keep asking why your contemporaries don't get your sense of humor it is time to stop trying to make it work.  She hasn't had a single "funny" just a lot of anger.  When she feels picked on it is because they don't get her sense of humor, or her anger management issues.  Tamra goes off the rails and Kelly the Queen of Anger, can't understand that her lack of self control can lead others to her special place.  She was the one who missed out on a night of debauchery with the rest of ladies.  In spite of the lewd comments the other five seemed to be enjoying themselves laughing and dancing and laughing at the Shannon and Vicki dancing.

Boohoo she was severely traumatized  by the event.  No she wasn't she just didn't have an ally.  So lucky Kelly gets stuck with boring Meghan while the others explore the countryside.  There is less than zero sympathy for Kelly and her situation, she even goes so far as to complain she could not wait to go to Ireland because Michael spends too much time around the house.  His house, he gets to spend as much time as he wants. 

Wouldn't the time to demand a firing be when the event happened?  It kind of reeks of showboating when you wait for the episode to air.

You would think.  I have yet to see Kelly or Vicki for that matter, actually think.  They just react.

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5 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Just read Radaronline and apparently Kelly is calling for Tamra to be fired because she got physical.  I guess her team called the head of Evolution and complained and called for the firing.  The rational part of me says yes, hitting/pushing a coworker should get you a spot in the unemployment line.  Then I remember that Vicki has been allowed to push/bully production and if she got away with that then Tamra should get away with perhaps hitting/pushing Kelly.  I don't see 'talent' as any more important than the folks that run the show.  I don't however believe Tamra hit Kelly.  I think she did push her.  If someone has to go let it be Kelly, Vicki, AND Tamra.  But if push came to shove I think the others would side with Tamra.  'I don't know what she is talking about your honor, Tamra never hit Kelly and I was right there!'.  

Like Whitey Bulger said, if you didn't see it, it didn't happen.  Tamra is their cash cow, she keeps the action flowing and knows how to get by with being vulgar and shameful and never called out for it.   Kelly is a useless sack of crap that everyone now hates, and not in a fun prostitution whore hating way, but an I'm getting sick of seeing your insane clown ass on my TV way.   Fuck you Kelly.  Tamra may be a rabid honey badger, but she's our rabid honey badger.

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Zero accountability, excuse after excuse for her own bad/nasty/crazy behavior, always the poor, poor victim! She really is NUTS!


Sounds just like Tamballs. Guess those two are more alike than we thought.

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3 minutes ago, steelcitysister said:


Sounds just like Tamballs. Guess those two are more alike than we thought.

Not quite. It took Tamra a couple of seasons for her crazy to show but with Kelly, it was apparent the first time she was on camera! LOL

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I'm agreeing with everyone who hates the flick!!!  Don't flick me, or threaten to flick me.   If you get in one flick and I tell you to stop - believe me - STOP!!!   No it's not a joke when everyone is telling you to stop!  Kelly should have just let it go, but where's the fun in that.  Keep it going drunk Kelly - and then act shocked when everyone hates you.   She needs to go - or at least let us see the full melt-down and being hauled off for a 5150 hold.    The excuse "it was a joke, can't you guys take a joke" is no excuse.  She needs some help.

Meghan, if you want you can get a family crest, printed family tree and all the BS that goes along with it - it probably won't be accurate, and you'll definitely be related to somebody famous, but hey, you can hang it on the wall in the baby's room.

When, if ever, will Vicki learn to dress?  She looks trashy, absurd, and horrible in those blouses.  

These women should never be let out of OC - take away their passports, especially Vicki & Tamra.   Let them only go as far as Andela's in Puerto Villarta .   There is absolutely no curiosity of a new place, (even thinking about when they went as far as Napa).   All Vicki cares about is having a drunk time - no matter where.   I would be humiliated if I were on a trip with "friends", and they started screaming, talking too loud, being embarrassing.   I'm tired of Vicki being loud and obnoxious.  It seems she wants to go back to the days she spent on the river, and in Mexico - no matter where she is.   It's horrible to watch, and most of the time I have it on mute.

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3 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Not quite. It took Tamra a couple of seasons for her crazy to show but with Kelly, it was apparent the first time she was on camera! LOL


Nah, Tams showed her crazy in her debut episode when she proclaimed herself "the hottest housewife in the OC" or whatever it was.  And then began that downward spiral --down -- down --and it all went to Hell (but I imagine she can surpass even the netherworld, seeing as she's so devout and walkin' that walk and all.)

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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I have seen too many people living life like nothing will ever change and then one illness/accident/bad economy hits and they have nothing.  Just because you have it today doesn't mean you will tomorrow.  A lesson I don't see V learning.  Cause she's the OG of the OC!

I totally agree. Live conservatively but you can still live well. It does seem like Tamra has done that for the most part although I think her gym was probably a very bad investment.  Her house is beautiful, but not too grande.  Contrast that with the Wilke's, Guidices, Gorgas, Lauritas, of RHONJ.  House of cards for all of them.

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11 minutes ago, steelcitysister said:


Nah, Tams showed her crazy in her debut episode when she proclaimed herself "the hottest housewife in the OC" or whatever it was.  And then began that downward spiral --down -- down --and it all went to Hell (but I imagine she can surpass even the netherworld, seeing as she's so devout and walkin' that walk and all.)

Nahh, I don't count producer set up TH segments or their production assigned tag lines. LOL The trashy/vulgar Tamra we came to dislike didn't appear until her second season, with Kelly, it is who she has been since her first/second episode. LOL

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4 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Nahh, I don't count producer set up TH segments or their production assigned tag lines. LOL The trashy/vulgar Tamra we came to dislike didn't appear until her second season, with Kelly, it is who she has been since her first/second episode. LOL

I can't remember if it was her 1st season tag or not but she talked about it in her opening scenes and, yes, being Tams, probably believed it. Because Tams. LOL

Pretty sure she said it right before she informed us that Simon required sex every morning to start his day off right. 

Edited by steelcitysister
Added to the memories of The Trashiest HW in the OC
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1 minute ago, steelcitysister said:

I can't remember if it was her 1st season tag or not but she talked about it in her opening scenes and, yes, being Tams, probably believed it. Because Tams. LOL

It was her first season! LOL And I am sure she believed it as well but it was also assigned to her by production. Her nasty, vulgar behavior didn't appear until the following season though and got worse as each season came and went. With Kelly, she went nuts right out of the gate, far worse than Tamra did her first season. In fact, first season Kelly makes first season Tamra look calm and reasonable in comparison. Imagine what Kelly would be like with 7+ more seasons under her belt with the way she has started out! YIKES!!!!

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I hate that Kelly is getting this much ink. She should not even be given the time it takes to write her name. 


Neither does Icky but I loathe her so much, I can't help it :) I so agree she is Donald Trumo-awful (I said so earlier) and should be a pariah for the way she treats strange men, handling and touching, etc...she is disgusting. And after being with Crookes, she could be a walking STD. I sure hope this new fool is getting something tangible (besides her body ICK  gross). She always looks awful to me because she is such a disgusting person. If she did not hold the moneybags, I bet her kids would have written her off long ago.

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21 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:


17 hours ago, bichonblitz said:



1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

Just read Radaronline and apparently Kelly is calling for Tamra to be fired because she got physical.  I guess her team called the head of Evolution and complained and called for the firing.  The rational part of me says yes, hitting/pushing a coworker should get you a spot in the unemployment line.  Then I remember that Vicki has been allowed to push/bully production and if she got away with that then Tamra should get away with perhaps hitting/pushing Kelly.  I don't see 'talent' as any more important than the folks that run the show.  I don't however believe Tamra hit Kelly.  I think she did push her.  If someone has to go let it be Kelly, Vicki, AND Tamra.  But if push came to shove I think the others would side with Tamra.  'I don't know what she is talking about your honor, Tamra never hit Kelly and I was right there!'.  

If I were Tamra, I would play hardball. I'd let Kelly know that her nose flicking might be a crime too. Depending on where you are, the assault or battery statutes define the crime as an unwanted touching on another person. The victim doesn't have to be injured. And we have it on tape that none of the women wanted her to flick them on their noses and all of them asked her to stop it. So if Kelly wants to go hardcore, I'd clapback remind her who started this physical shit. I'm sure that Kelly's tequila pickled brain doesn't remember the legal definitions for assault and battery from her many restraining orders.

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55 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Her house is beautiful, but not too grande. 

Wasn't that Eddie's house?  Tamra was living in a small apt after she divorced Simon.   If he had it before they married, then if something happens to their happy marriage, he gets it, and she gets nothing out of it.  (Sadly learned that the hard way).

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2 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

Wasn't that Eddie's house?  Tamra was living in a small apt after she divorced Simon.   If he had it before they married, then if something happens to their happy marriage, he gets it, and she gets nothing out of it.  (Sadly learned that the hard way).

I have no idea!  But I like it and at least it seems like an affordable house in the long run.  

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Just now, sasha206 said:

I have no idea!  But I like it and at least it seems like an affordable house in the long run.  

That because Eddie seems sensible.  He always seems fine living in a nice place, but within his means.   No wonder Eddie was upset at "loaning" her son to move into that rental.   Her house w/Simon went into foreclosure, so she had no profit to invest in a new place.  I suspect Tamra spends it faster than it comes in.   Vicki tried to sell her place, and I'm sure any realtor told her it wasn't marketable because the interior was dated - so she took it off the market and remodeled.   It will be interesting to see where Shannon ends up.  

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Finally got to watch this episode. What a trainwreck these women are! I loved seeing the sites of Ireland, my dream vacation. 

I hate the nose flick too! So annoying and immature! Kelly is crazy but she should know by now if you say something to one househo what you said will spread like wildfire. 

The best part of this episode was how indignant Heather was about getting kicked out of that store. I laughed my ass off! 

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5 hours ago, Sai said:

It's not a "stupid chest-cross gesture".  It's the sign of the cross.  


5 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I think the point is it is stupid when Vicki does it because she's doesn't mean it and thinks it is just a cute mannerism.

Yes, that was the point I trying to make.

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We've never laughed with KKKelly. We've been too disgusted by her, too confused by her choices, too angry that the women let her get away with it time and time again.

Bravo casting KKKelly was one major fuck up which I hope they will correct with her firing.

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38 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

Wasn't that Eddie's house?  Tamra was living in a small apt after she divorced Simon.

Yes, it's Eddie's house. After she moved in she bitched and complained about it looking like a man cave (she was right about that) so he let her redecorate. 

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1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

I couldn't believe that she arrived at the fancy hotel wearing torn (ok distressed) jeans.  Blech!!!  She has absolutely NO taste!!!

Ugh she thinks she is a sexy young babe disgusting

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2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Boohoo she was severely traumatized  by the event.  No she wasn't she just didn't have an ally.  So lucky Kelly gets stuck with boring Meghan while the others explore the countryside.  There is less than zero sympathy for Kelly and her situation, she even goes so far as to complain she could not wait to go to Ireland because Michael spends too much time around the house.  His house, he gets to spend as much time as he wants. 


I feel sorry for Meghan.

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Was the statement that Heather supposedly said was that she paid for the land for the first house outright.  Or was it said that Heather claimed she bought the land.  Heck,  many of us here can say we bought a house but that doesn't mean we didn't take out a mortgage.  In many cases it's more feasible to take out a mortgage rather than pay in full - tax deductions, return on investments, etc.  Bottom line for me is that Heather, Terry or Heather, or Terry bought that first house.  They kept the house for a time, sold the house for a profit and are now building a bigger house.  Where's the story in this?  What's to 'gossip' about in the first place Kelly?  All I see is a desperate attempt from Kelly to take Heather down who she probably has disliked from years of watching the show.

No matter how I feel about Tamra, it's sad to me that she and her daughter haven't spoken in two years.  Tamra definitely needs the money from this show.  Simon was never rich.  He was a service writer for a Mercedes dealership (correct me if I'm wrong).  He lost his job.  She was a not so great realtor.  Their house foreclosed.  I understand that Tamra's daughter is not happy about the show but I blame her father for not making more of an effort to encourage, or even demand, his daughter to have a relationship with her mother.  That's not good parenting on his part.  I do agree with him that the children aren't allowed to be on the show.

As others have stated, Vicki needs the income from the show.  If it weren't for the show, the Coto house would have been sold long ago.  It hasn't sold because Vicki overpriced it.  Vicki has and is a greedy person.

Heather doesn't 'need' the money but the income helps but the venue for the wares she and Terry are pedaling is priceless. 

Kelly is doing the show for a number of reasons.  Too many and she's a waste of time to even discuss it.

Edited by breezy424
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On October 10, 2016 at 7:02 PM, whydoievencare said:

My god, Kelly is truly a crazy woman.  She's incapable of apologizing for anything - even if that would be her best and smartest move in the big scheme of things.  As soon as there is any hint of criticism towards her, she escalates her behaviour to the maximum ugliness and becomes just the most vile person I've ever seen.  And yet, in her mind, it's always because of what someone has done to her - she's just/always retaliating.  She truly is a child.  Kelly and her husband are two peas in a pod and really deserve each other.  I hope she doesn't return next season.

Kelly has absolutely zero class and she's obviously an alcoholic to boot. She is ruining what's left of the show. She needs professional help. Hoping she doesn't return next season. She's a nut job.

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2 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Was the statement that Heather supposedly said was that she paid for the land for the first house outright.  Or was it said that Heather claimed she bought the land.  Heck,  many of us here can say we bought a house but that doesn't mean we didn't take out a mortgage.  In many cases it's more feasible to take out a mortgage rather than pay in full - tax deductions, return on investments, etc.  Bottom line for me is that Heather, Terry or Heather, or Terry bought that first house.  They kept the house for a time, sold the house for a profit and are now building a bigger house.  Where's the story in this?  What's to 'gossip' about in the first place Kelly?  All I see is a desperate attempt from Kelly to take Heather down who she probably has disliked from years of watching the show.

No matter how I feel about Tamra, it's sad to me that she and her daughter haven't spoken in two years.  Tamra definitely needs the money from this show.  Simon was never rich.  He was a service writer for a Mercedes dealership (correct me if I'm wrong).  He lost his job.  She was a not so great realtor.  Their house foreclosed.  I understand that Tamra's daughter is not happy about the show but I blame her father for not making more of an effort to encourage, or even demand, his daughter to have a relationship with her mother.  That's not good parenting on his part.  I do agree with him that the children aren't allowed to be on the show.

As others have stated, Vicki needs the income from the show.  If it weren't for the show, the Coto house would have been sold long ago.  It hasn't sold because Vicki overpriced it.  Vicki has and is a greedy person.

Heather doesn't 'need' the money but the income helps but the venue for the wares she and Terry are pedaling is priceless. 

Kelly is doing the show for a number of reasons.  Too many and she's a waste of time to even discuss it.

Here is the story:  http://variety.com/2013/dirt/real-estalker/a-real-housewife-quietly-unloads-oc-mansion-1201235055/  The lot was over $3 million in 2004.  They then took out a $7 million dollar construction loan a couple of years later.  The house sold for over $16  million in December of 2012.   I think heather said she bought the lot.  Seems to jive with this story.  Here is the update on their current property:  http://variety.com/2013/dirt/real-estalker/update-dr-terry-and-heather-dubrow-1201236246/ 

I think Kelly was angry at Heather and was just disputing her claim of financial independence.  Heather worked for several years in television (her last series ended in 2002) so it is not inconceivable she had the cash to buy a lot.  It seems she bought the land the same year her twins were born.

As to the reason Kelly would bring it up, I believe she and Vicki were angry with Heather and Shannon for not being invited to the surprise party for Shannon and for Shannon and Heather not showing up for Vicki's yawn of a birthday party, which was pretty much just hanging out n a rented mansion for the a couple of days with Vicki's family. Boring.  Kelly strikes me as someone who wants to gather all this ammunition against the others and then wonders after revealing pretty questionable things about her own life can't fathom the same people she is getting information from are probably more than willing to dish on Kelly.     

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I always enjoy a Real Housewives trip so to see them come to my country and visit places I see regularly was fun! The barman in 1 of the pubs served them Baby Guinness shots - Tia Maria with a Baileys head. I need to get myself to a bar soon to get another one of those. Those questioning why they went on a pub crawl so early in the day? They were doing it in Temple Bar - which can get crazy crowded with tourists. They were probably advised to film there earlier to avoid that. A pub crawl is usually were you go to a pub, enjoy maybe 1 or 2 drinks and go onto the next one. From what we saw they only went to 2 pubs which would never be considered a crawl.

In all honesty, I've never heard an actual Irish person say ''Top o' the Mornin' ''. Then again, I've never heard the ''Hooley kickin'' expression either until they showed Heather pointing out that sign, so what do I know?! I cringed when Kelly couldn't understand the man's accent at the hotel and replied to him with a stereotypical ''me Lucky Charms'' comment. But hey, I can't complain about the stereotypical views some people may have of the Irish - watching them argue in that pub would play into Americans are loud and obnoxious stereotype right?

Kelly really is trash though. She has an air of Brandi Glanville about her but Brandi was somewhat likeable because she was the underdog coming up against these rich Beverly Hills women. Kelly doesn't have that going for her. And it's funny how Vicki stayed ''neutral'' (left her friend stranded) because she was back in good graces with the others. I hope the others mention that.

Heather getting kicked out of the store provided the one genuinely funny moment. Just for the sheer ''I am shocked and appalled!!'' attitude she had when talking about it. Heather really has had enough of this ''low-base bullshit''. Sometimes you can almost see her eyes dart to production behind the camera when all this drama is going off, almost as if she's pleading with them to upgrade her to RHOBH or even RHONY!

Vicki totally sent herself the flowers. I wouldn't be surprised if she also just bought a mens' pair of shoes just to plant into the packing scene.

New OC drinking game : Drink every time Vicki sexually harasses some poor Irishman.

And I'm not even going to discuss this: tumblr_oewqu7ZsW11ql5yr7o1_500.gif

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Heather is so obnoxious with her display of wealth that I can imagine financial insiders gossiping behind her back.

However, disclosing this info to Kelly is unprofessional and a total breach of confidence.

I tend to believe that they are fronting quite a bit as Jeff Lewis alluded to their home being a spec house but they still have an extravagant lifestyle for sure...

I think that Kelly has really poor social skills besides her alcoholic issues, what made her think that the women who have been cast mates for a while would side with her?

She is a total outsider. Also what came over her to speak about Jewish people being more funny than the rest of the population????

I get that she meant it as a compliment but this is so bigoted and ignorant... 

On the other hand, I salute her for standing up to Tamra.

And did she say what her job was?

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So Kelly Dodd is a millionaire who is university educated. And since her entrance this season, she's also been clear that she is basically THE stand up comedian and life of everyone's party. WHO has been telling Kelly that she is beautiful, hilarious, gorgeous and intelligent all her life? That desiccated muppet of a mother? Because Kelly really believes this. She is genuinely outraged both on this episode and in the blog she wrote about this episode, that the other hos don't get her sense of humor. Or WON'T get her sense of humor, as though they are deliberately withholding it from adorbs and talented Kelly because they are all 'meeeeeeeeean girls!!!!'

I'm having major Kenya flashbacks watching Kelly, along with Kelly Bensimmon flashbacks and this is deeply disturbing and traumatizing to me. In the first episode, Kelly made what seemed to be maybe an illadvised attempt at humor about Shannon's kids' school. Then she got huffy when Shannon wasn't having it and refused to give her the time of day. Except huffy for Kelly, probably then on the best behavior we'll ever see from her, morphs into flailing abusive rage (Kenya) with a side of insanity (Kelly B). And a couple of episodes later, she's stewed on Shannon's perceived slight and escalated it into 'you're a c***, is what you are! !!' in a restaurant setting, alienating the entire cast. Heather speaks for the entire universe in calling her out and reprimanding her and asking her to leave and becomes known to Kelly as Principal Dubrow. Kelly only got a reprieve because of the Glamis accident and the whole Vicki/hospital/casseroles vs Shannon and Meghan brouhaha. 

Now that's died down, there's room for Kelly to be herself again. She could so easily have learned from her earlier experiences and altered her interactions. But no. Like Kenya, this one is pathological. I suspect she has wet brain also. Heather's reaction I think didn't just reflect Heather's fury at being included in a group of women whose behavior resulted in their being asked to leave a retail establishment, it also reflected her disgust at Kelly reverting to type. Heather had Kelly pegged after the expletive dinner and it's painful for Heather to share air with this declasse horned toad. 

I was really hoping she'd huff all the way home to Michael and the rest of the menagerie. Poor Meghan. I cringed for her when Kelly forced her way into the presidential suite within her. And now she's stuck with this ugly, ignorant, insane instigator. She's not in Kenya 's league for being clever with her instigation, but she is definitely in the league for me of hos i don't want to see on my tv again. This includes boring, transparent and vicious Kenya and racists Julia from Auckland and Lidiot from Melbourne. And the Beth monster and Teresa Giudice.  Kelly Dodd is not entertaining in the slightest. She's defaulting to a disturbing level of vulgarity and aggression and there's just no story line. Bring on new blood before there's real blood. Oh, and in her blog, college educated Kelly referred to Tamra 'threating her'.  

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On 10/10/2016 at 9:47 PM, FlyingEgret said:

Best background face: Meghan or Shannon?

Tamra wins the best background face for the season.

When rich women with high exposure to the public via a reality show choose to travel to other countries, they are in essence representing all of us American woman. If the impression they leave to the people in that country, Ireland in this case, is a negative one then they have just collectively screwed all of us. I am not like them, I do not fight with other women. I have consideration for others. I do not get drunk and make a sloppy display of myself for everyone to see. In other words, I have fun and enjoy myself but I will never publicly humiliate myself in front of strangers in another country. No wonder other countries know us as 'the ugly American'. These women are embarrassing and I really hate thinking our country has gone so far down this road of what's socially unacceptable that there's really no turning back from it.

Edited by HumblePi
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Kelly saying no wonder  Tamra's daughter doesn't speak to her = her saying no wonder David cheated on Shannon. She is like a grade-school bully with one stock insult, like "I know you are but what am I" kind of nonsense, her tiny brain cannot conceive of anything original, so she just reaches for whatever she happens to know the person feels vulnerable about.

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Tamra in that pic looks like a cross between Baby Jane (Bette Davis movie) and Teen Mom Farrah's spawn Sophia.

Those few seconds of film gave me life! Not quite as epic as the sprint from the table on vacay a few seasons ago, but its right up there

Edited by Christi
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6 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

So Meghan needs stretchy pants at 10wks.... okaaaaaay!

I believe it, considering how much Meghan swelled up like a balloon on the way home from the clinic. *ahem*

3 hours ago, BumbleSquat said:


Are those tears on Tamra's face? Someone call "Ripley's Believe it or Not!" and FactCheck!

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4 hours ago, BumbleSquat said:

: tumblr_oewqu7ZsW11ql5yr7o1_500.gif

Aaaaand the thought bubbles just write themselves:

Shannon: How did this end up my responsibility? I need to call Andy -- she's drooling on my Lagerfeld and production better cover the cleaning bills. Hey! out the window! There's a cailleach. That's soooo neat --  I have an airport named after me and know that cailleachs are women of heightened sensitivity and have existed for centuries. Hey! Maybe I should take her home to OC and put her in business with Dr. Moon! I could call it Colon & Cailleach! Who's a brilliant businesswoman? Shannon Beador is.


Tams: For the love of #*$@, how much longer do I need to do this? Stop holding my head into your @#$%ing jacket. Your #%$@ing buttons are pressing into my skin. If those @%%*# buttons leave an imprint I will $%@@*#ing kill you!

Edited by steelcitysister
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Btw.. I'm SURE that Heather and Terry have a loan for the land/construction. Even if they have all the cash to cover it liquid (which I doubt, nobody has stacks of money in the bank anymore at 1%, it's usually in stocks, bonds, funds, CDs, etc.,) I don't think any financial planner would advise them to pay for that huge elephant upfront. They are sitting on a goldmine of write offs - if that's their primary residence. The interest alone! PLUS, I would bet that the hotel they're building will be structured as an LLC, they will use it in connection with Bravo as a 'business' and write off everything and the kitchen sink and ice cube maker in taxes...the rooms in the house for filming, a couple of rooms for offices, the theater will definitely be a business expense, the entire building of the hotel, itself, is her "storyline", and therefore a business write off....lots of opportunities...actually quite smart. That hotel takes on a life of it's own, from the people paid to build it, decorate it, furnish, clean, repair, maintain, etc....it a money maker- and jobs creator! I'm impressed, hopefully they don't get divorced :) (pssst...I heard he loves to work out at the gym and tries to get attention from the oc bimbos)

but this is all stuff Kelly The Klown will never understand - even though she's a millionaire that went to college.

Edited by VedaPierce
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