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Marriage Boot Camp - General Discussion

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Someone should do a show with the therapists from this show, from "Sex Box" and from "Married at First Sight."  Maybe an intervention to stop them from dishing out bad therapy.  Could be hosted by Dr. Drew (although he should really be a patient).


God, I miss Tool Academy.  At least that show didn't take itself seriously.

OMG!!!! I had completely forgotten that Tool Academy existed. That show was amazing. I wonder if I can find old episodes somewhere.

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There were no shocks, just more bullshit.  Why did I watch this?  Am I doing some form of penance for sins I don't remember?  Did I kill someone in a former life?  


I will give credit to whoever made sure the couples looked extra gross and sweaty at the ring ceremony.  With the "promise" rings were they promising not to have sex until marriage, because that boat sailed long ago.  What a waste this show is.  They couldn't even find enough married or engaged couples to fill out the cast.  Then we have the supposed drama of Hank and Kendra while they show Kendra on Top promos at almost every commercial break.  I was soooo concerned they would't stay together.  


Can this show be put to rest now?  

  • Love 6

They aren't even trying to make this p.o.s. 1% "real, huh?

These people are all so disgusting. I guess society should be glad these emotionally crippled people glom onto each other vs. dragging normal people into their idiocy. It's laughable that all the "tools" these tools learned mean nothing in the end. You are telling your "therapists", your significant other and the audience that you: don't trust your partner/have doubts about his or her fidelity/don't respect him or her/ haven't settled on kids or no kids future but then you hand over some Cracker Jacks ring to seal your commitment? What exactly are you "promising"? To ride this 15 minutes of reality famewhoredom together as long as possible? To split the profits from the Reddit/TMZ exclusives you sell? To hold hands while your self esteem diminishes and your chance to lead productive lives circles the drain?

Kendra is one of the most ridiculous people on the planet. She is a universe sized vacuum of suck.

I'm not familiar with Jeff's claim to fame other than Big Brother, so can someone explain what career he is so tied to in L.A.? I'm guessing it's pursuing acting or modeling (a.ka. "waiting tables/bar tending"). Apparently the tips aren't as lucrative in is fiancé's hometown.

  • Love 4

I was shocked I say;SHOCKED that these chucklefucks (I LOVE that word!) all decided after this "emotional rollercoaster of counseling"  to stay together.

And yes, Kendra now says she's still not over it COMPLETELY, wants to have FUN and make Hank feel how she felt.  If she could be any more of a black suckhole of neediness, I'm not seeing it.  Hopefully, this is the last we see of any of these people.

  • Love 2
They aren't even trying to make this p.o.s. 1% "real, huh?

These people are all so disgusting. I guess society should be glad these emotionally crippled people glom onto each other vs. dragging normal people into their idiocy. It's laughable that all the "tools" these tools learned mean nothing in the end. You are telling your "therapists", your significant other and the audience that you: don't trust your partner/have doubts about his or her fidelity/don't respect him or her/ haven't settled on kids or no kids future but then you hand over some Cracker Jacks ring to seal your commitment? What exactly are you "promising"? To ride this 15 minutes of reality famewhoredom together as long as possible? To split the profits from the Reddit/TMZ exclusives you sell? To hold hands while your self esteem diminishes and your chance to lead productive lives circles the drain?

Kendra is one of the most ridiculous people on the planet. She is a universe sized vacuum of suck.

I'm not familiar with Jeff's claim to fame other than Big Brother, so can someone explain what career he is so tied to in L.A.? I'm guessing it's pursuing acting or modeling (a.ka. "waiting tables/bar tending"). Apparently the tips aren't as lucrative in is fiancé's hometown.

Jeff interviews the evictees on BB and Survivor. I'm not the least bit surprised Audrey and Travis split up after the show.

  • Love 2
And yes, Kendra now says she's still not over it COMPLETELY, wants to have FUN and make Hank feel how she felt.  If she could be any more of a black suckhole of neediness, I'm not seeing it.  Hopefully, this is the last we see of any of these people.


I guess you missed the commercials for her new show, starting right after this one ended!  That will be the entire topic of this season!!  Congratulate me because I deleted it from my DVR and will not watch it!!!  (Although I'll check out the comments here - if there are any :)

  • Love 1

I only watched this lousy show because of Jeff and Jordan from Big Brother, but they turned out to be the most normal (aka - boring) couple in the house.  I did like how you never saw Jeff when he wasn't eating or drinking something in the house.  He must have put on 15 pounds in the 10 days they spent filming! LOL


Most of this show revolved around Kendra and Hank, 2 people I have zero interest in at all.  How many episodes did they dance around Hank's "secret", anyway?


I was surprised how invested I got in this show, though.  I don't know who Travis is, but I was rooting for him to kick Aubrey to the curb.  Whoever he is, whatever he does for a living, whatever personal problems he has in the real world, he can STILL do a lot better than Aubrey.  She's horrible!  


I know the main therapists are married, but who were those other 2 therapists in the background?  They were basically useless.  

  • Love 2

What a pile of manipulated crap!  I gotta say, Kendra and Hank are great actors.  Fame ho's each and every one of them.  How long have Aubrey and Travis been together anyways?  And how can he stand her egomaniacal narcissism?  I remember when Arsenio Hall said that she proudly showed him numerous cell phone pictures of the cocks of the black men she had dated when they both were on CAP.  Guess they were just helping her with her career.

  • Love 1

No kidding - the therapists are morons.  Of course I am not convinced that they are therapists or that Travis and Aubrey were a real couple, but when she said "It was important that Aubrey not leave or she and Travis may not stay together" - any real therapist would know that as a real couple they had no business being together and should run as far and fast from each other as possible!!!  IMO, of course :)  Also cracked me up when Hank was all "I planned to keep that secret for life" -- HA!  While teasing it on every reality show they could get :)  I'm giving this season of Kendra on Top a pass; someone let me know if it's worth watching.

  • Love 3

I think these therapists were rejects from Marriage at first sight.

Aubrey and boyfriend - not a match indeed. Kendra and husband, very bad actors using this (with willing producers) to set up Kendra on top - a show I have no desire to watch. To the others just another reality check. I think that this was the third reality show for the couple from Big Brother, guess they are trying to become who knows what for a check, they obviously don't have real jobs but at least they played it a little serious.


I guess I wills stick to cooking for my celebrity reality fix from now on. at least those can be funny and no one really cares who wins. 


eta - an s  changing tick to stick- my key stuck last night, sorry

Edited by holly4755
  • Love 1

I only watched this lousy show because of Jeff and Jordan from Big Brother, but they turned out to be the most normalI know the main therapists are married, but who were those other 2 therapists in the background?  They were basically useless.  

Didn't Ilsa say Elizabeth was her mother at some point this season?

I only watched cos The Situation was on and was curious. The episodes themselves weren't that great (I mean could we tiptoe around Hank and his "secret" any more times?!?!?) but I did enjoy the repeats with Tami, Sitch, and Aubrey running commentary. I'm not sad I missed the last few episodes though. Kendra and her overall narcissism and terribleness ruined it for me.

As many of you may know, my tolerance for shitty television is something to be very proud/ashamed of. However, this is one I've given up on. I'm over Catherine and Sean, and then I never really heard of the other couples. Except for the fucking swamp thing that is Honey Boo Boo's mom, and she's 98% of the reason I'm not watching. She's such a horrendous person, I'm disgusted that she's still being paid to be her nasty, disgusting, selfish, trashy self.

  • Love 7

I don't usually watch this show. Is it always this badly edited? I felt like almost half of the dialogue was recorded after and added in later.


Wasn't June dating a pedophile?

I'm sure Mama June and Sugar Bear reunited due to their deep abiding love for the money & extended period of fame they will receive by taking part in this show.

  • Love 9

Mama June has been trying desperately to get back on TV. She's tried Biggest Loser, and who knows what else. They probably need the money. And she and Sugar Bear only recently started hanging out together again, probably just for this show. She'll figure out a way to get Alana in full makeup and pageant attire on this show, too, somehow.

  • Love 5

Biggest Loser would be a good choice for June.  I understand why they didn't want to cast her though.  The show takes itself seriously and wants nothing to do with her!   


It was funny when the black man with tattoos was incredulous when June implied that Sugar Bear was a player.  Hysterical!  


Sean you are an ass.  Fuck is just a word; you can choose to ignore it or be offended by it.  Which reaction serves you?  Mind your own business and stop requiring others to behave in a way that pleases you.  Who do you think you are? 


I have no clue who the rest of these people are.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

Mama June has been trying desperately to get back on TV. She's tried Biggest Loser, and who knows what else. They probably need the money. And she and Sugar Bear only recently started hanging out together again, probably just for this show. She'll figure out a way to get Alana in full makeup and pageant attire on this show, too, somehow.

The woman is disgusting, and the best thing the biggest loser has done in years is to refuse her. I have no respect for Sugar Bear either. I just hope that while they were on the show, the kids were in the care of a responsible adult.

  • Love 4

I enjoyed last season of this show, but I gave up midway through this episode.  I don't know who most of these people are, but I really don't want to either.  No one seems to be there for the stated purpose -- work on their relationships.  They're all there to make a buck and bring some over-the-top drama.  I found them all disgusting.

  • Love 4

The only people I've heard of are Mama June and Sugar Bear. I don't know if it would pay better than Couples Therapy; I feel like VH1 is a bigger channel and thus the payout would be greater.

I thought last season was mostly okay but the activities were monotonous. I hope they at least shake it up a bit this season.

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I found it really funny when Sean whispered to Catherine that he was going to see if he could a way out of continuing with the show. They probably thought it was going to an easy way to make money since the show films for 2 weeks, but clearly, they got more than they bargained for with the cast.


The rest of the cast is unbelievably annoying. I don't buy what Benzino and Althea are selling. I think they went in as argumentative as possible for a storyline and maybe to see if they could get a spin-off.

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I missed it and was looking at the WE channel lineup and it looks like they mainly play Law & Order and CSI Miami continuously. What the heck? LOL. Looks like it reruns next Friday before the new episode so I set my DVR for both

Right? They at least used to have Roseanne and Will&Grace reruns, and that was something.

  • Love 2

I recognize the Honey boo boo couple, but since she was all over the gossip sites running around with a pedophile with whom she had a daughter, I am confused by her saying Sugar Bear is the one who cheated.   (I'm embarrassed that I know anything about them)

I know the Bachelor couple, they were on Wife Swap, and he came across as a controlling asshole, who wanted a traditional 1950 housewife who ironed his clothes and cooked what HE told her to cook for dinner, and was OK with him going out with his friends, while she was only allowed to do what he deemed appropriate.   She wasn't much better, she put down the guy that the "swapped"  with for doing any of the parenting.  Because, you know, it's emasculating for a man to look after his own children.  

I kind of enjoyed their discomfort on this show. 


The rest of the couples - never heard of them. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 5

To all these couples - there are two options.   If you truly want to work on improving your relationship - go see a therapist.  a REAL therapist.


If you just want to be on tv, then this show might be an option for you.  but don't confuse it with  therapy.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 2

I do watch many reality TV shows - Real Housewives, Survivor, Amazing Race and sometimes Couples Therapy. Other than the "Human Thumb" (TM Joel McHale & the Soup), I have no idea who any of these people are.  I am obviously not the target audience for this crap fest since I don't watch Bad Girls or Love & Hip Hop.  I only watched Bachelor the first season.  How long has the couple from Bachelor been married?  Is spending 2 weeks with Jim and Elizabeth the best pathway for improving a marriage.  Even though I know who "Mama June" is, I never watched her show.  Does she always shout in her TH's?  She's so aware of the cameras, huh? And her boyfriend supposedly has no trouble finding people to cheat with?? Really???  Are there that many willing trolls and ogres under the bridges near their trailer park ?


Obviously these fame whores can't wean themselves off the reality paycheck teat. They keep looking for more ways to cash in and there is no sense of shame in acting like a fool for an audience.


I made to 15 minutes and gave up. I need to take a shower after seeing the little I saw.  I'll just lurk here to catch up on anything worth while.

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