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All Episodes Talk: Orange is the New Yuck!


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5 hours ago, junemeatcleaver said:

This morning's Richard Engel interview was an emotional one. 

Years (20+) ago, I worked at a group home for children.  There was a young girl there with Rett Syndrome.  She was wheelchair bound, all her needs had to be attended to, and she was on numerous medications.  I remember that she had the most beautiful long brown hair and an amazing smile.  It makes me sad to know that no progress seems to have been made toward a cure.  

Their son is a beautiful little boy.  I wish them the best because I know what a hard road it must be for them.  

Edited by lb60
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I think Kathie Lee annoys Hoda more than she lets on.   I think she likes Kathie Lee, but she also seems annoyed with her, and puts on the face bit toothy smile at times.    When Kathie Lee spoke about Hoda going to the Bathroom with a ziplock bag when they were at Clive Davis's party,   Hoda looked annoyed when she realized Kathie Lee was going to bring it up, but by the time KL turned her head to look at her, Hoda put on the  most fake big grin! It was so funny.

Hoda does seem to be beyond messy, she seems to be gross with her purse, dressing room and house.   And what person brings their make- up in a ziplock bag?  Weird!  You don't need to spend a fortune on a purse or a makeup bag, but talk about tacky!

When she talks about not even closing cabinet doors,  and how messy her apartment is, I wonder how gross and dirty it is too.   She has a dog running around, and now a baby.  I would worry about being that messy with a baby crawling or walking around.    And sometimes, it looks like the baby looks disheveled and messy all the time.     

It's a good thing the do Hoda's hair and dress her for the camera!

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I know a little girl with Rett’s syndrome. She is now walking with a walker & can talk with an assisted device. There is always hope!


i hope in my lifetime they will find cures for conditions like this & autism. We’ve had a long, long road with our son, & are lucky in that he is higher functioning now. 


Wishing the Engels strength to cope with it, & happy they are celebrating the little “inch-stones!”

I think Hoda is very lucky she’s got her mom to pick out her clothes for her & a makeup & hair team to help her out, & enough money that she doesn’t have to cook or clean. If she was an average schmoe I think she’d be a mess!

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8 hours ago, orangekit said:

 And what person brings their make- up in a ziplock bag?  Weird!  You don't need to spend a fortune on a purse or a makeup bag, but talk about tacky!

I hate to say it, but I've done this.  Small purse, several large makeup bags that don't fit so I stuffed a couple of little items in a ziplock bag.  I don't THINK anyone saw.

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8 hours ago, orangekit said:

I think Kathie Lee annoys Hoda more than she lets on.   I think she likes Kathie Lee, but she also seems annoyed with her, and puts on the face bit toothy smile at times......Hoda does seem to be beyond messy, she seems to be gross with her purse, dressing room and house.....how messy her apartment is,

Hoda's lack of organization has been a topic on  the show for at least half a decade, if not longer.  When she was living solo and *only* making a million or so, it really only affected her.  I suspect that her new live-in BF has improved the situation somewhat.  Plus, while I haven't heard specifics, but would be stunned if she doesn't have significant Nanny Help.  Those two factors can only go so far though.

Some people thrive in a clutter.

KLG isn't that way and has had live-in staff to help organize her life since the days of Cody House and Cassidy Place.  Her indentured servant Christine has been with her since she was Cody's nanny (?).  That's a quarter century. And there is a staff in Newport at her estate to keep things all nice and tidy.  It probably helps that KLG seems to thrive on order and precision and is, bottom line, a Neat Freak.

Now that Hoda is making more money than she ever imagined was possible, she can afford a good staff to keep her home and workplace organized.  I don't see disdain when she looks at KLG.  Like most friendships, there are lines that can't be crossed, and also lines that are crossed with regularity and allowed because of the friendship.  

When she is doing her job, Hoda seems confident and in control.  Outside of when that red camera light is on her, she seems very insecure and wondrous.  How many times has she marvelled at KLG simply pointing out ways to be courteous and respectful. Or how KLG handles social situations.  Hoda readily admits how she is a lousy party guest, and so insecure that she rented a storage location simply to hold the priceless (?) painting that KLG gave her instead of letting KLG know it wasn't her style.

KLG may only be a decade or so older than Hoda, but she has been a rich celebrity for almost three decades (and married to an even more famous, more rich celebrity for a chunk of that).  Hoda still can't believe she is now one.

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Are “a lot of people” really interested in how George Clooney met his wife? Really?

Probably not.  Do they get featured in the tabloids besides brief mentions?  They're too lowkey to warrant much mention beyond the causes they're promoting.

Those heels Sheinelle was wearing during her Price is Right segment looked really high.  I know she's a tiny little thing, but damn, how can she walk in them.

That Price is Right producer that was interviewed said potential contestants have to maintain a high level of excitement the whole show or they won't be called down.  That explains so much about that show.

On 1/31/2018 at 9:30 PM, Tanichka said:

I hate to say it, but I've done this.  Small purse, several large makeup bags that don't fit so I stuffed a couple of little items in a ziplock bag.  I don't THINK anyone saw.

I’ve done this before, too. Yikes! Not my proudest moment but hey.

Edited by lexytheblasian
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On 1/31/2018 at 6:30 PM, Tanichka said:

I hate to say it, but I've done this.  Small purse, several large makeup bags that don't fit so I stuffed a couple of little items in a ziplock bag.  I don't THINK anyone saw.

It never occurred to me that this is a problem. I do it ALL the time. Ziplocks take up a lot less space than cloth, plastic or leather makeup bags, and you can see what’s in them. I do the same for medicines. Who’s going to be looking in my purse, anyway?

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13 hours ago, Love2dance said:

It never occurred to me that this is a problem. I do it ALL the time. Ziplocks take up a lot less space than cloth, plastic or leather makeup bags, and you can see what’s in them. I do the same for medicines. Who’s going to be looking in my purse, anyway?

I agree with all of this. And I use a fair amount of Ziplocs as well. 

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I like Hoda most of the time . But I hate to say that her picture annoy me ! She has the most aannouing overdone smile on her face in all of her pictures! I was just looking at Olympic pictures on Instagram, she is always smiling with her mouth open and her teeth showing to the extreme. It just looks overdone and phony .

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Hoda and Savannah are posting pictures on Instagram.  They had silly glasses on and Hoda’s mouth was in a  huge wide open smile.  A few people made funny comments about her constantly smiling like that . It was funny .

i think Holda is much more relatable than Kathie Lee , but both of them are annoying lately .  


Kathie Lee with her holy holy persona, preaching and religious songs . Blech


Hoda is now getting almost as annoying with Kathie Lee with her constant talk about her baby.  I’m sure she’s very happy, but turning everything into a “deep” moment is nauseating!  

At one point Hoda turned her kid crapping her diaper on a plane and smelling up the cabin into some deep experience. I am sure the passengers smelling a dirty , crappy diaper in a closed cabin we’re not happy that stupid Hoda didn’t bring a extra diapers . So gross ! 

Hoda also thinks that everyone finds her baby as cute and fascinating as she does , and we don’t !

I think it’s natural for a parent to find  everything their  baby does as amazing, but babbling on and on  a tv  show constantly about a baby who is doing nothing any other baby hasn’t done, is as bad as a parent showing or posting non stop pictures of their kids ! No one cars that much, and it’s boring and she is now annoying . 

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I am following Today for Olympic updates on Instagram, and there are almost daily open mouth, or stupid, over the top grin , pictures  from Hoda !

Shs looks stupid, then again , after hearing her speak without a script , I think she isn’t too bright !

The baby talk from all of the host is just too much.  Today Jenna had her annoying child on the show saying “mommy has a cat”, repeatedly! Finally someone took the kid out of the studio .

I love kids but babies are cute for only so long  on camera. Also, talking about everyday about a baby is so dull, unless you are the parent  or grandparent!   No one cares about every little milestone and your deep thoughts if you kid poops or smiles ! Let’s face it , babies do not do much except sleep, poop and cry for the most part .  


The Live audience is annoying at times . People screaming over nothing is tiring .

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Jenna's little girls are cute, but having them sitting on Mommy's lap while she is trying to talk to KLG was a bit much!  And KLG was trying to be polite but I don't think she was too happy with Poppy yelling "My Mommy has a cat" a hundred times, lol.   Henry & the Nanny were sitting in the front row, but a cameraman came down & took the child away!

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The Jenna and KLG show has been over for hours.  And yet, I still cannot fathom what producer's playbook said, "Yeah:  GUARANTEED RATINGS if you put two noisy, undisciplined rug rats on the show."  Sure, it's an off-day from school.  But I will NEVER believe that the parents had no alternative to dragging these two to the studio. 

This is a network television program for God's sake.  I'll watch Romper Room if I want to see/hear the kind of nonsense that went on for the first ten minutes.

Edited by CatsAndMoreCats
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Between the overdone plastic surgery and the fact KL seems to be starving herself, she looks awful .  She needs to lay off the dermatologist “treatments” and eat something !

Jenna’s kids were cute but annoying ! I laughed when her older daughter misspelled cat and she said she got her her husband’s IQ!  I like Jenna, and right now I’d take her dad over #45 disgracing the office , but it’s not like she or her dad are brain trusts either  ! 


Apparently Hoda with her giant , open mouth grins is giving Olympic athletes the “Hoda Hug ”, whatever that is ! 

I am sure still will be subjected to her reunion moments with Haley Joy, and if that baby farts, it will be a deep moment we all have to hear about for days ! 

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20 minutes ago, Mrsjumbo said:

Ugh. Just saw Hoda doing the “whaaaat?” with the ice dancing pair. Just stop.

She went from being embarrassing in the country to spreading stupidity , annoying open mouth poses and stupid “whaaaat” internationally!

She does seem nice but annoying and dense ! It’s sad that it seems like stupid is a requirement to be  a female nes person these days ! 

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I feel weird even saying that someone's smile grates on my nerves, but Hoda's does!     For me, it's hard to really dislike Hoda, because she seems like a good person, but I find myself  constantly annoyed when I see her picture or see her on screen lately.

I just can not stand a constant  huge, toothy, smile, and sometimes with the open mouth all the time. I am not sure why it bugs me, I am thinking that it doesn't look real, because no one is that happy happy all the time.   It just looks fake at times, and it's weird looking.  Seriously - close  your big mouth!

I guess Hoda fits the trend of woman needing to not appear to intelligent, so they are not threatening.  It sad because women used to try to dress professionally and show intelligence. I get that women do not need to be all dressed in male looking suits to be professional, but  wearing skirts and dresses that show your spanks, and no sleeves when it's 10 degrees outside , is just odd. 

Men wear suits and ties, and the women were clothing that looks like they are going to the beach or a party.   I am not a prude, I don't care if someone does that on the 4th hour of Today, but it seems like women are almost making themselves look less threatening by wearing party dresses and no sleeves while reading the news.   

Then again again, the "news" is not news anymore after a few serious headlines.  The first hour of Today always has some silly entertainment story which sounds like E network!

Maybe I am off base here, but I am around Hoda's age, and I  remember when women tried hard to be taken seriously, and would not act like a ditzy thing while reading the news.   Now it's like they act stupid with the "whaaaat", or other dumb things, that make them come across like high school girls.

I think Hoda is so well liked because she is non threatening, most of the time only partially informed, and also immature at times.

It's too bad this is the trend but I guess this is the way things are going.

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2 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Kathie Lee is dirtying up Megyan's show going on & on about her relationship with Billy Graham & how she & her family found God.  Give me a break!!!

Why the hell would KLG be on discussing Billy Graham?  Was she the only holy roller available?  Actually I thought he had died years ago.


2 hours ago, snowydaze said:

I feel weird even saying that someone's smile grates on my nerves, but Hoda's does!     For me, it's hard to really dislike Hoda, because she seems like a good person, but I find myself  constantly annoyed when I see her picture or see her on screen lately.

I just can not stand a constant  huge, toothy, smile, and sometimes with the open mouth all the time. I am not sure why it bugs me, I am thinking that it doesn't look real, because no one is that happy happy all the time.   It just looks fake at times, and it's weird looking.  Seriously - close  your big mouth!

I guess Hoda fits the trend of woman needing to not appear to intelligent, so they are not threatening.  It sad because women used to try to dress professionally and show intelligence. I get that women do not need to be all dressed in male looking suits to be professional, but  wearing skirts and dresses that show your spanks, and no sleeves when it's 10 degrees outside , is just odd. 

Men wear suits and ties, and the women were clothing that looks like they are going to the beach or a party.   I am not a prude, I don't care if someone does that on the 4th hour of Today, but it seems like women are almost making themselves look less threatening by wearing party dresses and no sleeves while reading the news.   

Then again again, the "news" is not news anymore after a few serious headlines.  The first hour of Today always has some silly entertainment story which sounds like E network!

Maybe I am off base here, but I am around Hoda's age, and I  remember when women tried hard to be taken seriously, and would not act like a ditzy thing while reading the news.   Now it's like they act stupid with the "whaaaat", or other dumb things, that make them come across like high school girls.

I think Hoda is so well liked because she is non threatening, most of the time only partially informed, and also immature at times.

It's too bad this is the trend but I guess this is the way things are going.

Yes!  Didn’t Katie Couric start the bare legs news reader trend?  Just hate the cocktail dresses on news readers.  How about a nice pair of tailored pants & a jacket?

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3 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Kathie Lee is dirtying up Megyan's show going on & on about her relationship with Billy Graham & how she & her family found God.  Give me a break!!!

I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm going to give KLG a pass when it comes to her Billy Graham comments today.  Even though I'm a die-hard atheist, I understand the relationship that she and her ilk had with him.  For what it's worth, he did insist upon integrated services and was a friend of Martin Luther King, Jr's.  Now as a proud member of the LGBTQ community I have a hard time abiding his stance regarding marriage equality and more.

That all said, she should keep her proselytizing to minimum.

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Savannah did Nightly News last night and tonight (Lester has the flu).  That's got to be tough with Today ending at 11 pm and Nightly starting at 8:30 - although she's obviously done worse with the conventions, election nights, etc.  To me, the fact that Savannah always is the one to substitute shows that NBC doesn't consider Megyn Kelly a real part of their serious news team.

Edited by rose321
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Hoda has been posting tons of giant open mouth,  toothy smiles while at the olympics.  Last night there was a picture of her at dinner and of course she is standing with her mouth wide open, with this giant weird smile, but she managed to cut half of her face out of the picture! lol

She did actually post one picture with a normal looking smile (for her), it was shocking!  She had a smile without that weird expression in her eyes, and he mouth was partly closed!  I wonder if she was depressed?? 

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Kathy Lee is very thin but she still should not wear sleeveless dresses.  She needs a new hair style and a make down on her face, too.   I don’t believe you have to have short hair when you are older, it is not about that.  Almost every teen and 20 something has extensions and the same style.  There are many good styles that are more current than that!   Start with shoulder length. 

 Meryl Streep and Helen Miren look fabulous, she needs a new stylist. 

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