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Frisky Wig

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  1. WHY do these people keep writing books? Who is buying their books? I don’t get it.
  2. Any other dog people here? Looks like the uninvited “Bullmastiff” sitting on the cast members lap was actually a Dogo Argentino. Also unfortunately only a wee bit humorous, IMO.
  3. So Zeke just has a spare million dollars sitting in his bank account that he can use as ransom money? He’s a millionaire? What happens when the next ransom case comes up, is he going to come up with another million or say “sorry, spent it on that one lady in November.” Maybe, instead of using the money on cases, he can save it in case a team member is ever kidnapped and held for ransom. Shows like this love that type of plot. Or maybe use that money to find a good agoraphobia therapist. And how big is Zeke’s trust fund if he’s been funding this whole operation for years? I wonder how much disbelief we’re expected to suspend before we’re like “this crap is too implausible” and stop watching.
  4. June, of all people, calling someone out for being rude!? Really? Wow.
  5. I’m curious as to why Sir kidnapped Gabi. I know kidnappers abduct children/teens to use as sex slaves or housekeepers but Sir has stated during flashbacks that he hasn’t touched Gabi. Did he just want someone to sit at his dining room table and discuss classic literature?
  6. Sometimes, with very young actors, a person will be on set but off screen feeding the actor their lines. The actor says it and the feeders voice is edited out later.
  7. I’ll admit, this was better than the trailers made me think it would be. Interesting how nearly everyone on Gabi’s team has a trauma/kidnapping background of some sort. I called Lacey being the young girl from the flashback, though a started to have a few doubts because I think she was called Bella in the flashback. The scar confirmed it, though. I don’t know how long Gabi has held her kidnapper captive but it’s done wonders for him! He clearly hasn’t aged a day in 20 years! 🙄
  8. WTF is this Kidz Bop-esque dance crew and why are they on my TV!?
  9. I’m happy Jackson “My only personality trait is my obsession with my cat” Twaitt is out!
  10. “There hasn’t been a family band since the Osmonds!” Me: “the fact that it’s hokey, cheesy, lame as hell might have something to do with that.”
  11. Loved the dog act! Also liked John the guitarist. Brynn the ventriloquist/magician did not have a good night.
  12. I’m a huge rhythmic gymnastics fan so very flexible people don’t bother me. The group from Kyrgyzstan, though, are taking it way too far. That stuff just grosses me out. Wished they hadn’t gone through. I like the story of the last performers and that they’re raising awareness about organ donation but they’re singing voices weren’t great. I wonder what their song in the next round will be, techno version of For Good? Also, anyone else notice that they’re blouse/cardigan colors were the same but reversed?
  13. It’s weird to me, which Ninjas get full backstories and which get the WWWA treatment. I mean, we get multiple back story videos about a college student obsessed with his cat but a teenager who builds robots gets a blink-and-you-miss it demo of him working his robot car before his run. Maybe it’s just me, but I’d much rather see a backstory on something cool that takes skill, like how a high-schooler builds robots, than Jackson scootering around his university campus with a plush replica of his cat in a basket.
  14. The country sisters song was catchy and I thought they had good voices. The world does not need ANOTHER song that glorifies drinking but I think they should’ve gone through. They were better than some acts who HAVE gone through, IMO. I thought the brass band was really unique! I liked that weren’t yet another dance troupe. Speaking of dance, the girl at the beginning was quite talented.
  15. A few thoughts: Singing family creeped me out a little. LOVED the dog act! I LOVE border collies and was really impressed with this act. You know damn well that “do you have another song?” was the first sentence Simon had programmed into his talking computer thing. 36-year-old hip-hip dancer with the low cut top and mom jeans was good but that outfit…. Really liked the tap dancer!
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