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S02.E06: Drag Fish Tank

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I can't believe the show really sunk this fucking low...hand another win to alaska so she can send Tati, the breakout star of all-stars 2 home AGAIN just to prop up miss forever on the bottom roxxy. I really wanted Tati to be in the top 3 and win this whole thing! Tati's ad was great, she had a real product unlike Detox's handpuppet, and her outfit was to die for. Ru should have intervened! 

I'm so over Alaska, just like with Chad on all-stars one, once the judges start favoring a queen, it goes to their heads and becomes obnoxious.  I don't think Alaska should even have been in the top today, and she didn't win the damn lipsync, with Katya's air-guitars and everything.

Edited by Glade
  • Love 13

Well I see RuPaul has met Alyssa's good judy Rigger Morris. Alaska was not the winner of that lip sync. She pulled a reveal, but Katya was actually feeling the hell out of that song the whole time. 

Blergh. This week was a hard letdown for me after last week. And I'm going to give the rest of the season the benefit of the doubt, but I went in really liking and rooting for Alaska and she's leaving me hollow now. She's the obvious winner, a lot like Bob was last season, but not really a joy to watch? I can't fault the results at all, and it's a competition so good for her for knowing the exact recipe to win, but she's lacking some of the spark and wit and fun messiness from season five. Like, during judging she never has any good quippage to trade with the judges, just pat answers. And it fucking sucks that she picked Tati. Who cares that Roxxxy loaned you a halter top for your basic ass look, girl.  

I think ultimately Katya's lack of look is going to be her downfall - or the Season Five girls pushing her right out the door in some straight up bullshit - but week by week I'm just so tickled by her intelligence. And unlike Alaska, she's giving us new characters and bits. Alaska's commercial was hilarious, but it was also basically a remix of existing looks and catchphrases. I guess that's consistent, but it's also not really challenging herself at all.

  • Love 12

Having the 'Contestants Eliminate Each Other' twist in the same season that has a clique with its own portmanteau and one strong queen and one really weak one is so frustrating. Tatianna has been one of my favorites since her season (and definitely my favorite here) and it sucks that she went out, especially after giving us that awesome runway. Roxxxy is pretty and has a good attitude, especially in comparison to her original season, but she bores me. Even Alaska's speech was like, "One queen has been amazing and the other one lent me her shirt."

I cracked up at the skeet-shooting. Between the hairstyle and her mannerisms in that one scene, RuPaul reminded me of Peggy Bundy.

Edited by Luciano
  • Love 6

I came of age in the mid-'90s, so Tati's T-Boz runway was my EVERYTHING. I was watching this with my bestie, who is five years my junior, and bless his heart, but the effect was just lost on him! I even pulled it up on the Google and he was all "Ok, she's wearing a T-shirt and a bra. I see it." *sigh* Tatianna and I are babies of the late '80s (The internet has her at 12/1/88) and you'd be surprised by how much difference a few years can make. "CrazySexyCool" was our Britney, our CD (ok, fine, cassette tape) that we weren't allowed to listen to but obsessed with anyway.


With the Final 5, I am definitely seeing it as RolaskaTox vs. The Others -- and The Others have a hella strong fan base. Willam has clocked this format as being unfair to the queens -- better that THEY look like the villains than the judges -- and I can kind of see it. Alaska was in a lose/lose situation, but I think she lost MORE by picking Tati to leave (I also think Katya won the lip-sync, but that would have messed with the story the producers are trying to tell). It'll be interesting next week when Katya (presumably) reveals that she would have sent Roxxy home.

And I am not dogging Alaska's placement as her and Katya's were the most hilarious vids, by far. I think Tati and Roxxy were Bottom 2, I just disagree with who should have been sent home. Roxxy is like the anti Phi Phi this season. Her goal was to redeem herself as a personality and decent person so she gets more bookings in the future. I think her mission was accomplished. Now sashay away.

Edited by JakeyJokes
  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Luciano said:

Having the 'Contestants Eliminate Each Other' twist in the same season that has a clique with its own portmanteau and one strong queen and one really weak one is so frustrating. Tatianna has been one of my favorites since her season (and definitely my favorite here) and it sucks that she went out, especially after giving us that awesome runway. Roxxxy has a good attitude, especially in comparison to her original season, but she bores me. Even Alaska's speech was like, "One queen has been amazing and the other one lent me her shirt."

I cracked up at the skeet-shooting. Between the hairstyle and her mannerisms in that one scene, RuPaul reminded me of Peggy Bundy.

Which, for me? Is actually shady as hell. She might has well have said, "roxxxy is awful but I have her shirt on"


i do appreciate Roxxxy though, as a stark contrast to how you come back from a villain edit, PHI2

  • Love 5

Well ... shit.

Tati going home tonight was just wrong and Alaska sending her home was pure FuckOffUtwats bullshit! Roxxxy's runway was laughable (in all the wrong ways) and Tati's was brilliant! Look, the fact that Alaska even won that LSFYL was ridiculous as Katya felt every note of that song (and it was a Joan Jett and The Blackhearts re-recording of 'Cherry Bomb' and not the original by The Runaways, right?) and playing 'air guitar' with her leg? Classic Katya (her commercial was my fave too). Ah well, at least my darling Miss Alyssa Edwards was safe and even though I don't drink 'energy' drinks/ shots (I prefer sedation so I'll be shoppin' at Katya's booth!) her commercial was just made me grin and laugh the whole time.

I swear that if FuckOffUtwats make it to Top 3 I'll never watch this show again ... until the next season begins (as well as my digital copies of the first 3 seasons and all the YouTube videos, of course)!! But, still!! Choices, people, choices!

  • Love 7

annewithaneee, you really nailed how I feel, too. I also was living for Alaska before this season started, and now I feel like everything she's doing is so prepared and re-hashed and designed to win, and it seems clear she's going to win, and I don't know why but that leaves me hollow, too. Hollow is a good word for it. Not hating, not angry, nothing like that. When she wins (it feels inevitable), I'll be happy for her. She figured out how to play and she played.  Good for her, you know? You have to respect that. That said, wow would she have won my respect and love all the way back if she had picked Tati to stay and sent Roxxxy home.

It's not that I think Roxxxy is so awful -- in fact, she's really won me over this season. I think she probably is a pretty sweet person in real life, actually. I think she's maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and things like "sash/shah" probably happen pretty often to her. When she said, "This is another sequence moment, isn't it?" my heart broke for her a little. Same thing as when she said, "I'm just here to look pretty." She just felt so *defeated* tonight. I think she even said something to that effect, didn't she? I can't quite remember the words she used. Deflated? Down? Something like that. And what's more, I think Roxxxy was feeling done. Like, her "journey" (they're always all on a journey, aren't they?) is over. She did what she came to do, which was win some new fans. I'm sure she's done that. And she's not going to win the competition. She knows that it's going to be Alaska, right? So I think she was even ready to go home. I bet it would have stung if Alaska, her good friend, had sent her home, but I think their friendship would have survived it.

So yeah. While Roxxxy seems done, Tatiana WANTED TO BE THERE soooo badly. I think her commercial was much funnier, and her runway look? Shiiiiiiiit. Girl knocked that OUT OF THE PARK. What the fuck? I mean, RuPaul specifically asked her to dance again. That, to me, would count as a huge point in her favor.

I really wish Katya had won the lip sync, for three reasons. 1. I think she genuinely did a better job of interpreting the song. The camera work kept showing Alaska but every time they cut to Katya I wished they would stay on her. Her wardrobe helped with that. And leg air guitar? I LOVE KATYA! 2. Katya isn't going to win the competition, so let's spread some of those doe-lars around. 3. I think -- can't be sure - -but I think that Katya would have picked Tatiana to stay and sent Roxxxy home.

I think this because a) Katya seems to be a genuine fan/friend of Tatiana's. b) Katya has a different aesthetic than Alaska and I think she would have judged Tatiana more worthy based on performance. c) conspiracy theory alert:: (not really) The editors showed Tatiana and Katya talking at the mirror, and I think that sort of was there to explain/foreshadow that Katya would reveal sending Roxxxy home over Tatiana. (Which won't be revealed until next week, but still, gotta get it in there.)

In fact, if you want to get REALLY conspiracy theory up in here, it seems like RuPaul would *HAVE* to know which queen picked which lipstick tube, right? Come on. It's his damn show. He'd know this. It'd be super easy to find out. So it's possible that he chose Alaska as the winner in order to keep Roxxxy for some fucking reason. I don't know. He also doesn't quite seem to "get" Katya, a lot of the time.

And yeah, as a lot of people have pointed out in replies that posted while I was writing this novel here (he he he), what the actual fuck was up with that line "one is great and the other one lent me her shirt"? I genuinely don't understand it. Because the "week after week" line seemed to refer to Roxxxy. It's just a weird, confusing, kind of insulting line and implies a fucked up reason to keep Roxxxy. I'm bewildered.

Edited by Nerdlove
  • Love 4

This season has been very fascinating because it's just as much about being on the show as it is about winning the competition. In a lot of ways, Katya is the Alaska of this season just because she's giving me a lot of the fun talking head interviews we used to get from Alaska that we aren't getting this year. There is a level of freedom in Katya that she's exhibiting her that is the opposite energy of Alaska, who really came into this game wanting to win the crown and maybe a lot of that stems from the fact that has really already had her own "Rudemption" just from becoming such a popular figure.

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On 9/29/2016 at 9:17 PM, OhSayNow said:

Boo. Roxxy should be long gone by this point in the competition. So glad Katya stuck with her plan, her ad was amazing. I am worried we are going to end up with a Rolaskatox top three... 

Yeah, unless Alyssa or Katya wins next week I don't think there's much of a chance of anything else...or if Roxxxy and Detox are in the bottom...

Edited by MeloraH
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I was disappointed Tati left because I like her. But her ad was not as strong as it could have been. Her product was under-utilized and I feel like it just wasn't that funny. Actually, most of the commercials left me underwhelmed. I only loved Katya's tbh.

However, I will be a voice of dissension and say I thought Alaska won the lip sync. It was close, but I just felt Alaska's overall interpretation more. MMV obviously.

I also understand why Alaska sent Tati home just based on the fact that she had already been eliminated. I can see how that seems more fair, plus I didn't think Roxxxy was that bad this week. And Roxxxy isn't long for the competition anyway so why not throw your friend a bone? But as I said before, Tatianna just wasn't consistent or good enough to stick around. And you really need to hit it out of the park to stay in as a returning queen.

I do love Alaska and I feel that she is not gaining a lot of goodwill as the weeks go by. The edit has been too focused on her and her decisions and she is taking a lot of hits. But IMO she has delivered some spectacular work over the course of the competition so far. If she wins, I can already hear the cries of rigging and that makes me sad because she has been stellar.

Edited by delicatecutter
  • Love 3

Yay Katya on rolling her eyes and continuing on with her ideas. And then killing it. Boo Katya won that lip-sync.

Boo, Tati deserved to stay over professional bottom two swiffer, Roxxy. 

Ugh, those 3 are going to shield themselves to the end, then snatch the crown out of Ru's hands to jam on Roxxy's head. 

Edited by rozen
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, JakeyJokes said:

I came of age in the mid-'90s, so Tati's T-Boz runway was my EVERYTHING. I was watching this with my bestie, who is five years my junior, and bless his heart, but the effect was just lost on him! I even pulled it up on the Google and he was all "Ok, she's wearing a T-shirt and a bra. I see it." *sigh* Tatianna and I are babies of the late '80s (The internet has her at 12/1/88) and you'd be surprised by how much difference a few years can make. "CrazySexyCool" was our Britney, our CD (ok, fine, cassette tape) that we weren't allowed to listen to but obsessed with anyway.

Yeah, I think the fact that her references/style is so familiar to me is part of the reason that I love her. I mean, look at her during the VMAs:

Her T-Boz was perfect. She had a lot of fun with a runway whose description was just "Pants."

Edited by Luciano
  • Love 7

I was worried with the edition that Katya would be in danger this week. Glad she avoided producers sabotage on trying to make her doubt herself on her comercial (with was BY FAR the funniest). So, glad even going against producers agenda, we get to see the best of her this week. Unfortunatelly tho, this is Alaska´s Drag Race, so we had to deal with not only her keeping herlsef out of the bottom 2 (as she should be along with Roxxy) but let her have her 10th victory and make a predictable/boring decision to the show/to make things even easier for her. 

Anyway, I need to rewatch Katya´s add over and over again. Her add itself is a medice against any depression/frustation/anxiety.

Edited by CaioF
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I think it was the smart move from the competition standpoint for Alaska to send Tatianna home instead of Roxxxy because Roxxxy had her one good week at the beginning and then has been either safe or in the bottom ever since whereas Tatianna was good and bad. But it was ridiculous. How many times has Roxxxy been in the bottom now? I don't think it's a good look for Alaska to so clearly favor her friend.

I also think it's a backfire risk because frankly if I were Katya or Alyssa and I won a LFYL when Alaska was in the bottom, I'd axe Alaska. She's talented and plays favorites. It would even be on brand for Katya and her showing she's become a monster. Alaska's been doing great, but with this few queens left, nothing's predictable.

I'll also be a little surprised if Alaska doesn't get a fanbase backlash, although she's more savvy than Phi-Phi and can probably weather it (especially if she pulls out some great performances in the remaining weeks and wins).

I'm also a little frustrated that Detox is still here. Partially because she's part of the Rolaskatoxx clique, but also because she doesn't impress me. She's had good runways, but I don't think any of her performances were that great.

  • Love 4

I agree that it was the smart play to send Tatiana home.  She's a hundred times more competition than Roxxxy is, much as I love Roxxxy.  Tatiana won last week and could win any week depending on the challenge.  Roxxxy clearly is not going to be any competition for Alaska, mainly because Alaska is much funnier than she is.

Katya's commercial was very funny because there was a lot of underlying truth in there.  Loved it.  Also loved Tatiana's although she could have done more with it as one of the judges said.  Tati's runway was adorable too.  Of all the commercials, I thought Alyssa's was the least entertaining, not that funny and just Alyssa being her manic self.  Seen it before.

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, zulualpha said:

I agree that it was the smart play to send Tatiana home.  She's a hundred times more competition than Roxxxy is, much as I love Roxxxy.  Tatiana won last week and could win any week depending on the challenge.  Roxxxy clearly is not going to be any competition for Alaska, mainly because Alaska is much funnier than she is.

Katya's commercial was very funny because there was a lot of underlying truth in there.  Loved it.  Also loved Tatiana's although she could have done more with it as one of the judges said.  Tati's runway was adorable too.  Of all the commercials, I thought Alyssa's was the least entertaining, not that funny and just Alyssa being her manic self.  Seen it before.

If THAT was the reason behind Alaska´s choice, why not own it instead of play miss congeniality? She could have done that without come of as a bitchy, would have own more people respect and not make people roll their eyes with the character shes playing.

While I think that Roxxy was the worst and Alaska and Detox commercials were also a little safe for them or try too hard on Alaska´s case, I have to agree on this ´´ Seen it before`` feeling when it comes to Alyssa. I really really like her (really hard not to) but she relies too much on the same catch phares/same looks. Not a problem as far now, but it would be a thing when it comes to have a properly top 3/deserving winner.

Edited by CaioF
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1 hour ago, Zuleikha said:

 I don't think it's a good look for Alaska to so clearly favor her friend.

I agree.  It might have gone down better if there'd been any style or flair to the chop --  a queen juicily stabbing a returning star in the back, a genuine (if blind) belief in the staying queen -- but this felt like a passionless corporate takeover. Office politics with wigs and tucks.  I loved Alaska in her season, just loved her -- but this time around, she's feeling forced and over-rehearsed -- almost like an Uncanny Valley version of herself.  Hate it when a queen loses what made her fresh and fun and alluring. 

Edited by film noire
  • Love 3

Alaska bitch, that singlet was not a big deal.  FACT.  Okay, she is wheeling and dealing behind the scenes, she's getting rid of Tati because Tati despite her slightly crap commercial, is actual fierce competition.  Her T-Boz was effing AWESOME.  And, I really love her. Tati, I'm hurt you're leaving. 

I do think Alaska is getting a lot of wins here and it gives me the poos because I think Katya was better.  Katya's runway look was my out and out favourite of the night, I don't think she has ever looked hotter.

No one mentioned how harsh Graham Norton was - beige granny panties - that needed to be boiled???  Graham Norton was giving me a lot of LOLs. Roxxy if you don't go home soon I must just LOSE MY SHIT.

  • Love 3

I admit, I was hoping one of the queens would check the mirror in the work room to confirm that PhiPhi was not behind it in a blind rage. lol Alaska is killing me. On one hand I understand why she chose Tatianna (you'll be missed, fierce one) since Tati is more of a danger to her than Roxxxy is, but on the other hand: f'ing Rolaskatoxx rears its ugly head. UGH JUST STOP IT ALREADY.

  • Love 4

I also think Roxxy should have gone home over Tatiana. I'm annoyed that the top five still have four people from Season 5. I think the script calls for Katya to make it into the top three, so I think Roxxy and Alyssa will go next. I also think the producers know which lipsticks the top two queens take when they lip sync for their legacies, so they can manipulate who stays or goes. If we find out that Katya had Roxxy's name then I will be confused. Why didn't they just do a do over of season 5 without Jinx instead of All Stars if that's what they wanted? I was glad to hear that Detox feels like she's living up to her potential on AS, unlike on her season.

  • Love 3

I adore Katya, and loved everything she did this week, but would have to give Alaska the edge in the LSFYL. She does less, but it's hard to take your eyes off of her. I wish Roxxy was gone, but Tatianna was clearly competition for the top. 

Detox is so underwhelming this season. Hoping next week it is Roxxy and Detox in the bottom, so Alaska needs to get rid of one of them.

  • Love 4

Wow, the workroom and this episode were so much more enjoyable without Phi Phi's toxic presence. While I was watching everyone chat as they put on their makeup, they were so much more relaxed and I realized that personality wise there was no one who I was really hoping would go home. I think that Roxxxy has been forgettable or not very good in too many challenges so based on that, I thought she should be the next to go. Her runway look and ad this week didn't change my mind about that.

I love all the activities that Ru has been doing with the judges this season in lieu of deliberating about eliminations. This week's skeet shooting cracked me up.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Mayberry said:


Detox doesn't scream "All-Star winner" this season but she does seem nicer, more humble and not as uptight. I think she took to heart the critiques from her season that she felt above it all and didn't want to be there. So now she is just much more relaxed, though she doesn't seem so hungry for the win.


Yeah, if there is any one queen this season that I've done a complete 180 on, it's Detox.  I could not stand her in season 5, but I absoluetly love her this season.  I don't see her winning, but I do like what she's been doing.  I've mostly come around on Roxxxy too.  I think she's far overstayed her welcome, but I think she genuinely realizes that she wasn't great to Jinkx in her season and wanted to redeem herself, and I think she's done that in spades.  

Alaska, however, I found overrated in season 5, and I still find her overrated now.  I feel about her the same way I felt (and still feel I guess) about Chad - I can appreciate that both are good at what they do, but I just can't warm up to either one.      

  • Love 1

I like Detox and Roxxxxxy both much more now than I did in their seasons. Neither is a winner though and I feel sure they'll be the next 2 to go. Though I was sure Tati was going to be safe this week so what do I know..; sigh.

I'm not mad at Alaska. Whether it was strategic, genuine, or producer-driven. I also think Alaska has grown more than I thought possible and I am living for her looks, ideas, and polish this season. If the win is in the bag for her, it's because she's earned it.

Katya. I love that kooky russian hooker.  Her commercial had me in hysterics.  It was perfect.  I wouldn't be mad if she won.

Alyssa.  Love her too but rapidly approaching her expiration date.

  • Love 1

That elimination was BS. The bar I was watching this at erupted with boos and gasps when it happened. 

The bottom placements this season are just strange. I realize it is All Stars so the competition and talent are tough but to basically praise someone and then put them in the bottom is odd. I thought the same thing when Ginger ended up on the bottom and went home. Tatianna had the best ad after Katya, maybe tied with Alaska. Her runway look was head and shoulders above Roxxxy's. And how did she not feature her product? I thought she showcased it as much as everyone else did. I wasn't even a big Tatianna fan during her season but she has grown so much and been SO entertaining on All Stars. 

I've warmed up to Roxxxy this season too but I almost feel sorry for her at this point. She's being dragged along because of friendship when her actual talent output in the competition has been lackluster. I'm guessing she is going to stay until they can set up a RolaskaToxx elimination where one of the three has to decide on eliminating the other two. They probably want the drama of that. 

So disappointed in Alaska on All Stars. She's been so great post season 5. But she is so pageant here! Her speeches while eliminating someone have been cringeworthy. They sound so manufactured and fake (those fake tears earlier!) and that's something I never thought of when I thought of Alaska. 

I wish I could hope for Katya or Alyssa to snatch the crown but it's so obvious who is winning this.

Edited by Couver
  • Love 7

So disappointed in Alaska on All Stars. She's been so great post season 5. But she is so pageant here!

I would respect her actions more if she'd own them. She made a big deal about there being no more Rolaskatox, but clearly there is. Ru gave the queens the power to eliminate, so fine. I have no problem with Alaska keeping her friend in as a result. But don't be fake about it.

What I would actually have the most respect for is if Alaska chose Roxxxy to go home and used the one-on-one talks to be blunt about how there's no way she can stay after so many bottom two performances and hash out all the potential friendship issues. I don't know if the rules state the choice has to be kept secret, though.

I think things have worked out well for Tatianna, though. She's shown her Britney was not an aberration, but she really is an intelligent, talented queen. She got to shine in the spoken word, comedy, and lip sync. She always appeared professional and nice. I will be shocked if this is the last we see of her in the WOW productions.

The other thing I fear is that usually there's a look based competition around this point. Roxxxy will probably legitimately outperform Alyssa and Katya in a design-a-look challenge and could easily be top 2.

  • Love 4

I knew that stupid clique would fuck things up this season.  Thanks for nothing, Alaska!  If she'd owned her decision as getting rid of the better competition, I wouldn't be annoyed.  Because there is no other reason to keep Roxxxy (if we're judging on performance not friendship).  

Was anyone clamoring for more Rolaskatoxx?  Because I sure as fuck wasn't. 

  • Love 10

I'm disappointed in Alaska, but I still think she's killing the competition and likely deserves to win.

I would have chosen Katya to win based on the leg guitar alone, but I'm sure Ru and the producers know which lipstick each queen picks, and I think they selected Alaska for the drama. My pet theory is that Alaska probably knew Roxxxy should go home, but didn't expect to win, and didn't even try her hardest to win, so her plan was to choose Tatianna, not give it her all, and then Katya would win and send the right person home, and then when they returned to the workroom Alaska could show for the camera that she had Roxxy's back. It just didn't work out that way because the producers wanted to fuck with it.


Alaska has C.U.N. and T., I just wish she had a little more courage to go along with that nerve.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, film noire said:

Do half-hearted queens hide american flags in their wigs? :)

Right? I love Katya and lived for her leg air guitar, but I felt like her LSFYL was lackluster in spots while I couldn't keep my eyes off Alaska. I wouldn't have been mad if Katya won, but I agreed with Ru on this outcome. I'm split on the decision to send Tatiana home--Alaska made a good point backstage that while Roxxy was in the bottom several times, Tati literally wasn't there for weeks. Hard to compare or really know what's fair. Personally, I think Tatiana's ad was a little flat, and thought Roxxy's was a notch better/more creative, while Tati's runway killed and Roxxy's was good but nothing spectacular. It's a virtual tie in my eyes. 

I've been hard on Roxxy in the past, but have softened to her over the past couple of weeks. Maybe I'm extra soft because now that Phi Phi's gone, I really like everybody who's still around, though Alaska and Katya are my faves.

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

I think it was the smart move from the competition standpoint for Alaska to send Tatianna home instead of Roxxxy because Roxxxy had her one good week at the beginning and then has been either safe or in the bottom ever since whereas Tatianna was good and bad. But it was ridiculous. How many times has Roxxxy been in the bottom now?

This was Roxxxy's FOURTH time in the bottom two or three (when it was a bottom three for some odd reason on some shows). The rest of the time she has been safe. And the one time she  won was against Tati in the top two.

I am so over this bullshit season. I mean, fine, Ru - hand Alaska the crown and the 100K, if you absolutely must - but please share the 'tips' around a bit, too! That bitch has now won an extra 30 thousand dollars (already). She's not that good.

I thought Katya should have won that lipsync. People have commented but you couldn't take your eyes of Alaska - that was because the frigging camera  and edit was focussed on her to the exclusion of Katya for so much of it. 

Ru's favoritism in previous series has not bothered me quite so much, before this, but it's now so blatant, so shameless. It's all so scripted and bogus. I have nothing against Roxxxy, but she's pretty one note, and that was her time out of those two in the bottom to go. Frankly, I thought Detox should have been in the bottom with her, not Tati, but I guess that "exciting" moment is for later in the show.

I never liked Alaska, so seeing her being plastic and recycling her little schitcks this season is not a surprise to me - but the level of bullshit indulged in by Ru/the producers/whoever is responsible for the fakery of the judging this season has left a really bad taste in my mouth and makes me want to shake my fist at the sky. Those poor queens. They must see what's happening and still they dance and dress and invent and quip their asses off (while that poor-ass pants look Alaska rolled out is praised, and Detox's thrift store chic is somehow Thierry Mugler! fffs) and know the best they can hope for is maybe, but probably not, picking up 10K one night before being shooed away to make room for the Dramatic Final Three (ohmygod what will happen!!!!) of Rolaskatox. Blergh.


14 minutes ago, NoirDetective said:

I think with this decision Alaska may have opened the door for her own elimination. If she goes to the bottom, I think another queen could send her out on the argument that Alaska ceased to make it be about performance, but competition. I think Alyssa would boot her, for sure. 

Oh, one can only hope!

  • Love 4
23 hours ago, Glade said:

I'm so over Alaska, just like with Chad on all-stars one, once the judges start favoring a queen, it goes to their heads and becomes obnoxious.  I don't think Alaska should even have been in the top today, and she didn't win the damn lipsync, with Katya's air-guitars and everything.


5 hours ago, OnceSane said:

I knew that stupid clique would fuck things up this season.  Thanks for nothing, Alaska!  If she'd owned her decision as getting rid of the better competition, I wouldn't be annoyed.  Because there is no other reason to keep Roxxxy (if we're judging on performance not friendship).

I've been thinking about the game that Alaska is playing, and I've developed a new appreciation for her nuanced approach to RDR Survivor Edition. It's hard to fly under the radar in a game like this but that's just what she's been doing. The alliance and the "agreement" to eliminate the one who gets the worst critique (the brainchild and legacy of PP2) have been her shield. Her gamesmanship appears not to be noticed in the moment, but there's no way that she could "own" it in talking heads because what plays out over the season will count when it comes to selecting who gets the crown.

In this episode, the LSFYL was practically a gift for Kati, landing smack in her wheelhouse. Her drag persona as a modern day Hedwig is perfect for this song; there's no way she should have lost this round. It's hard to really judge a performance, though, when we're only allowed to see the snippets that the producers want us to see. If we find out that Kati had chosen to eliminate Roxxy then there's reason to suspect manipulation at play; if not, well, it would seem that if both perform adequately, then Alaska gets the nod for being more interesting, so she gets to eliminate another strong competitor.

Tati, in hindsight, sealed her fate last week. Unless, of course, they both got to stay because they both chose to eliminate PP2 (I don't for a moment believe that Ru is not aware of which lipstick case is chosen). Her revenge script called for Roxxy's elimination because a) Roxxy eliminated her the first time, and b) PP2 was a lesser obstacle in her path to the crown. Not following the script left Tati open for the do-over of week two, which I found suspect at the time and for similar reasons. I thought that Alyssa should have been in the top 2 both weeks...Snatch week because I thought she outright owned the Snatch game, and last night because she killed the runway and had a better than average video. Both times I thought that Detox should have been on the bottom with Roxy and last night I was expecting that we'd finally see Alaska having to make Sophie's Choice between Detox and Roxxy; alas, it was not to be. I'm still scratching my head wondering how Tati's stellar runway and okay video didn't beat out Detox's lackluster efforts in both categories (unless it was in the script).

In any case, I'm okay with an Alaska win. I thought she should have wone the first time around and she's not disappointed in her performance; just in her choices of whom to take off my TV screen. I wait with baited breath to see which alternate my beloved Alyssa Edwards gets to be and to find out if Katya can act as spoiler to a Rolaskatox final three.

1 hour ago, violet and green said:

the best they can hope for is maybe, but probably not, picking up 10K one night before being shooed away to make room for the Dramatic Final Three (ohmygod what will happen!!!!) of Rolaskatox. Blergh.

Just thought I'd quote myself :) to add: Have not read any spoilers since I was on the Reddit thread after the first ep and accidentally read Adore would leave next ep.

I hate spoilers. I hate the lack of suspense. It's like reading the last page of a book before reading the book. But there is no real suspense for me now, as it seems to me pre-ordained. I can't help hoping things will suddenly tip on their heads and Katya or Alyssa will win this thing. However, my prediction above is based on what I've seen unfold - is my worst nightmare outcome - and not spoiler-based, just in case it came across that way. Thank you.

I have unpopular opinions.  Probably because I spend far too much time thinking about All Stars 2, and how meta it has become.

I am over Alaska not wearing real heels during her LSFYLegacies.  First it was that ridiculous squat kitten heel.  Then combat boots under a Lil' Poundcake costume.  This week, I hesitate to even call them heels.  Maybe a slightly arched sandal?  Any other queen would be called out on taking off heels for a lip sync, or continuously wearing god awful shoes, but somehow Alaska gets a pass.  It is beginning to concern me.

Katya is not much better.  In both her lip syncs she wore ridiculously ugly footwear.  Let's be honest, lip syncing is not her strongest attribute either.  She can do a couple of tricks, but never really seems to engage with the song.  She tends to get repetitive really quickly, as also seen by the three poses in her runway walk.  Alaska is not much better, but she is slightly more dynamic on stage. 

I also love Roxxxy and am glad she is still around.  She has a brand, and it's a bit old school pageant, a bit throwback, but it is on point.  From watching online vids, Rucaps, etc... it seems that other queens really respect Roxxy's craftmanship when it comes to drag.  I can see that being a reason she continues to do well when peers are selecting who goes home.   She continues to give variety on the runway even if she's lackluster in the challenges.  I thought she had the best runway look of the week and maybe the best wig(s) I've seen all season. 

I loved that Tati came out as T-Boz for about one GIFs moment of time.  As she stood on the runway, she looked a little flazéda.  It seemed odd to be the only one in Snatch Game drag.

I am curious as to how Detox would have interpreted Cherry Bomb.

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Right? I love Katya and lived for her leg air guitar, but I felt like her LSFYL was lackluster in spots while I couldn't keep my eyes off Alaska.

The air guitar was really good and her well-timed drop to split was good, but I thought everything else was meh. She went for this kind of stripper-esque sexy vibe that didn't seem to really fit the aggression of the song. Alaska, by contrast, nailed it. I think Alaska had it on the bag after she licked Katya and then the American Flag in the wig sealed the deal. But even without those tricks, I think her facial expressions and attitude were still better. I don't know that Katya is all that special at lip syncs.

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46 minutes ago, AntManBee said:

I also love Roxxxy and am glad she is still around.  She has a brand, and it's a bit old school pageant, a bit throwback, but it is on point.  From watching online vids, Rucaps, etc... it seems that other queens really respect Roxxy's craftmanship when it comes to drag.  I can see that being a reason she continues to do well when peers are selecting who goes home.

I like Roxxy well enough as an individual performer and general presence. But the main reason she continues to do well when her peers are selecting who to go home is that in three out of her four bottom appearances the "peer" selecting her or not booting her was none other than her friend Alaska. Three times!

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All stars seasons are generally disappointing, and even with this episode it's better than most, I think. Plus Tatiana got what she needed, which is pretty awesome. 

I'm hoping that Roxxy ends up sending Detox or Alaska home. Won't likely happen, but I feel like that'd be fun to watch. You can't play up an alliance and not have them devour each other at some point, right? 

The Profit crossover was random and enjoyable. 

Also- what exactly are they going to produce for Katyas product? 

5 hours ago, violet and green said:

I like Roxxy well enough as an individual performer and general presence. But the main reason she continues to do well when her peers are selecting who to go home is that in three out of her four bottom appearances the "peer" selecting her or not booting her was none other than her friend Alaska. Three times!

Except it was not just Alaska that has not eliminated Roxxxy.  Katya, Phi Phi, Tati, and Alyssa all had the opportunity to do so and none of them selected Roxxxy.  Maybe Katya did this week... But even if she did, Roxxxy is not doing anything but playing by he new rules... And I don't even think she's trying to orchestrate some tomfoolery.  She's just a very competent drag queen, and her competitors seem to respect her for that.

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