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S33.E01: May The Best Generation Win

Tara Ariano
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Twenty castaways compete in Fiji and are divided into two tribes that are separated by generation as Season 33 begins. On Day 2, a cyclone hits the island and forces an evacuation. Later, one player snatches a powerful advantage in the game.

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I haven't watched Survivor in years, but I thought I'd give this one a shot because Gen Xers vs Millennials sounded interesting. What was I thinking??? All I've heard is a bunch of contrived, inaccurate, down right idiotic stereotypes. I'll have to see if I can get past this and stick around. 

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So is another cultural difference that millennials don't fold the tarp neatly, while genx does?

Loved the IC, and the twist with getting shortcuts but taking a penalty.  Zeke had me worried being the one to say they needed to take a short cut on the balance beam.  If you lost based on the penalty, that could come back to bite you.  Also, it seems like whenever a tribe is shown ahead, they always end up losing (unless it's a complete blow out).  Considering the millennials have gotten way more airtime, I thought for sure they were going to lose.  I was hoping they would, because that tribe is annoying.  That was kind of an uneventful RC/IC, though I liked the set up.  I didn't even realize GenX was taking the short cut until they got to the end.

Don't ever talk about splitting the vote this early Bret!  Just don't vote for David if you think he has the idol.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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I wonder what was going on with Jessica's eyes.  It was probably in the GenXers best interest to boot David, as I don't think he's going to be anything of value to his tribe.  I believe Bret was right that they had the wrong two puzzle makers at the start.  They might have won had David and Rachel not been the first ones trying it.  Boring, predictable boot.  I knew it wasn't going to be David.  I hope Chris/Bret/Paul don't wade into the BC male alliance/Vanuatu's Fat Five.  I thought they were going to force a tie and smirk about how clever they were.    

That bite on Taylor's neck!  I guess in his language, that'd be gnar.  Also, of course you're cool with everyone day one buddy.  Wait until you have to start scheming.  Oh, and chickens don't always cooperate when it comes to egg laying.  Still, not a stupid choice.  And the tribe swap will be happening (unless they do a twist and don’t have one), so maybe you'll get the GenX fishing gear anyway.  

Five minutes in and I was ready for Will to go.  Adam can go, too.  Surprisingly, I like Zeke more than I thought I would.  Yay to him for getting the fire started.  And Michaela!  Her facial expressions were priceless when Paul and CeCe were going off on millennials work ethic and trophy count.  Hopefully she keeps those expressions to herself if someone on her own tribe gets on her nerves.   Figgy-instead of asking where everybody is, maybe go find them.  Especially if you think they're up to no good.  Hopefully Figgy's confidence in her alliance is foreshadowing to a blindside.  Don't like her, either.

In terms of shelter building, is that all the footage they had of GenX?  And the arguing that comes with that territory.  David seems so paranoid, I wonder if he’ll one up Keith Nale’s “stick to the plan”, and actually just tell what the plan is.  At least he knows he has an uphill battle.  Kudos to him for trying something new.  Sadly, he wasn’t very discreet looking for his idol, but I can’t get behind his tribe for being mad at him.  Ken is my eye candy, so I hope he’s around awhile.  It’d probably be to the benefit of the GenXers to do keep him around for strength. 

So Jessica has to wait until day 36 for this advantage?  And is this an automatic go-to-the-final 3?  I guess maybe they needed to get an advantage that didn't fail this time.  That was quite the storm!  Looked pretty all sped up.  I felt sorry for the GenXers, who actually had a good shelter built, and had to start over. 

Overall, okay first episode.  Too much focus on the millennial camp, the evacuation surprisingly wasn't as dramatic as I expected it to be, and too much with the stereotypes.  Though I think the millennial camp is going to prove more interesting.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I figured they would focus on the stereotypes of the two groups, I was right, I hope they stop that, it's annoying as hell.

I wish they had showed where they took everyone when they evacuated. A couple people looked like they got medical care. Eye infection diagnosis and some one had a bandage on their finger.

I would have voted David out, Rachel was a motor mouth and sucked at the puzzle but David is a paranoid wienie. 

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The Millennials are going to drive me batshit crazy. I kind of like the guy who started the fire, wearing the wild Hawaiian shirt. If he can stop talking about what a life-changing transformation this is for him. 

On the other side, the little writer guy, David, who's afraid of his shadow needs to go home. Stat. Grandpa is a PITA to me. And also the girl with the bad dye job, Rachel, telling everyone what to do. I'm glad she's gone. Too obvious how the two different groups went off to talk about who to vote off, without even hiding it from others. And CiCi's wondering what in the hell she did from the expression on her face.

Jessica's eyes!! OMG, she looks really bad.

Rather ingenious immunity challenge, and the choices each team made. And once again, the stellar wildlife shots steal the show.

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OK, I like the GenX tribe, especially the Assistant DA, and the male model.  I am worried about her eyes, though.  

On the millennial tribe, I like the nerd girl who organized the non-pretty people.  Although, by ordinary human standards, they are all pretty.

Edited by susannot
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Oh my!  Quite a contrast between the tribes.  Snot-nosed bratty kids and grumpy middle aged folks, with a couple screwballs thrown in.  It's gonna take awhile to get all the names down.

Beware the church girl.

Advantage girl is smart to keep it quiet.

TV writer David is an asshole.  Good way to make yourself a target.  Papa Smurf could be an easy target too.

These Ms look doomed.  They seem to have no skills and just want to play.  Surprise! It gets dark really fast in the tropics.  Almost like a light switch.  So the Xers got drenched too.

Amazing production gave them tarps.  Then comes the evacuation.  Wow!

Brooklyn Zeke is hilarious.  Impressive on the fire making! Go Freaks!  Slam the Kool Kids!

Damn.  Ms win immunity.  Looks like all those video games paid off!  But back when the Xers were young, all they did was play video games too and the Boomers sneered at them as grungy slackers.  It never changes.

I was hoping to see one of the Kool Kids get whacked.  Patience............

That eye infection looks nasty.  I assume they are treating it and she doesn't need to be pulled.

Well Rachel, that's how it goes.  Failing at something you stepped up to do makes you an easy target this early in the game.  She didn't seem to realize that was the "reason".  Nice farewell speech.

This season has potential.  I am so happy we have no vets or celebrities or professional jocks.

The generation gimmick will fade quickly once the tribal swap goes down.

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Do the contestants get a little "bonus" for keeping headaches this early in the game? I mean, I probably would relate to Dave more than I would anybody else, but I figure he should have gone first. Instead, he got one vote. Rachel probably did a bunch of stuff that would have made the two-hour cut, but CBS needed the time for their Big Brother finale.

I feel cheated that we didn't see how the players were sequestered. Also, does the cyclone knock everything back a day, and we'd get a season of 40 days? Or do the producers have a contingency for such an event? I keep thinking back to other shows disrupted by weather: Real World: Key West and Real World/Road Rules Challenge: Battle Of The Seasons. I don't think we'd get a 25-person orgy on this show, though.

WTF is up with Zeke? Bad thoughts clutter my head, but I don't want to share here in the event he's a nice guy. One of the milder ones was that he was wearing a classic Groucho Marx glasses-and-mustache, but then the glasses came off.

And WTF is up with bringing in an eighteen-year-old?!? He should be applying for The Real World and bank on appearing on The Challenge. Even if he's an expert at camping and manipulation, it still looks to be an ill fit.

I identify with Bret, body-wise. I'm also happy we don't have another Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos situation. Jason and Scot suuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccked. With our luck, we'll get a duo or trio that's equally heinous.

"Legacy Advantage" sounds like a credit card feature. That's not gonna last past this season.

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4 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Well Rachel, that's how it goes.  Failing at something you stepped up to do makes you an easy target this early in the game.  She didn't seem to realize that was the "reason".  Nice farewell speech.


Plus, her enormous fake breasts would have been a distraction.

Edited by susannot
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From an entertainment perspective I am sad to see Rachel go as she would have been a trainwreck all season but from a game perspective that was probably the right choice though David would have been a good choice as well.  That random vote for Sunday was pretty funny.  Over on the kids tribe I am guessing the tri-force will be broken up soon and that will be fine with me.  I don't like that Michelle was lumped in with them as I do like her but I think she might be safe since they mainly focused on the other three and she did seem to bond a little with Hannah.  I am loving Michaela and her facial expressions. I like Mari too and hopefully she is an actual gamer and not all talk.  Zeke didn't annoy me and I am liking him so far though he does have potential to become annoying.  Adam and Will can leave at anytime.

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3 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

I figured they would focus on the stereotypes of the two groups, I was right, I hope they stop that, it's annoying as hell.

I wish they had showed where they took everyone when they evacuated. A couple people looked like they got medical care. Eye infection diagnosis and some one had a bandage on their finger.

I would have voted David out, Rachel was a motor mouth and sucked at the puzzle but David is a paranoid wienie. 

I find the stereotypes kind of annoying too. I actually don't identify as either Gen X or Millennial, I was born in 81 which is categorized as both or neither depending on who you ask. So, I don't have a naturally tribe to lean towards and both came off as obnoxious when talking about how much better they are than the other generation.  

I thought millennials would go to tribal because there was more footage of them strategizing at camp. I am rooting for the nerdy girl and the video game girl, who I expected to dislike though. I always like people who identify as misfits. 

The missionary on the Millennial tribe reminded me a Parvati.

If I was to ever go on Survivor I would pretend to be bad at puzzles, and then when the person who bragged about being good got stuck volunteer to step in and impress people. Then even if we lost, I wouldn't be blamed because the first person screwed up. Offering yourself up as good at something seems like a bad idea, even if you are, at least this early in the game. 

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3 minutes ago, Pepper the Cat said:

Not really fond of anyone on the Millenial Tribe right now.

the cyclone looked really scary.

interesting challenge, I liked the choices/consequences.

i would have voted out Dave. What a baby.

Dave sure has a lot of hang ups and issues. That said, he'll probably go far. Winners edit. LOL!!!

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Don't know all their names yet and don't have much to say but I did love the IC with penalties being applied if you take shortcuts. Hopefully get to see more of those.

That one guy who works for the homeless shelter announcing the unprecedented and all that. He was a little over the top, he was announcing like the world is coming to an end or it's a shock around the world. I was like calm down. I was like calm down horsey with them horse teeth.

CiCi might wanna watch out because she was next to get the most amount of votes and doesn't look like she's in any alliances for the time being.

Dave needs to go if he's going to be a big baby about everything. Paranoia isn't fun to watch if you're freaking out every second that you're playing the game.

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Well, that was an interesting start to the season.   Rachel was already annoying, so I'm not sorry she's the first one gone.  I'd have been happy if Dave was voted out, though.  I don't enjoy watching a survivor who's claim to fame on this show may well be that he's kept around out of pity.

The cyclone evacuation was interesting, but I didn't need Adam's talking head stressing how it's never been done on Survivor.   I did like some random voice asking, "Is that a bad thing?" when they were told about the evac.  The real survivor was that little bat in the tree.

Did Jeff think all of that mess that passed for the Mil's shelter was caused by the first night's rain? Most of that was just ineptness. 

Kudos to Zeke for becoming an outdoorsman so fast.  

I liked the idea of choices in both challenges.

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1 minute ago, Lantern7 said:

Did Probst fat-shame Rupert? Like he'd have the balls to poke the hairy, hairy bear.

I could have sworn seeing a name on a buff, suggesting that the tribes have proper names. Can anybody confirm?

I am pretty sure I saw a tribe name printed on a tribe's flag, but don't remember what it was.

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It's her hair's fault but I get Shirin vibes from Hannah and I hope I am SO WRONG about that.

Millenials had FEWER pieces, Jeff.  Not less.

My son was born in 1997 and just graduated high school.  We would be on opposite tribes! Although if he were to go on Survivor I would absolutely be the family member everyone hates because when I saw him I would act like it had been years, not days.  He's my punkin'!

No matter if I hate everyone or find someone to root for, I am so glad to have this show on.

Although I do like the trial lawyer but not if he bros up with Boston Bret.

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Bret isn't that good at math. Six people splitting the vote and not including the other four can backfire on you if the other four work together. I think he's too cocky to make it to the end.

The Legacy thingie is interesting. It simply says an advantage on Day 36, so that's vague. I like how if you get voted out, you have to will it to someone else, so it will be there at Day 36. (I wonder if that will be done publicly? Could put a target on someone.)

They definitely chose some people for their ability to meet the generational stereotype. I could not stop laughing at the Tri-Force, and SimplyMom just kept making "Duuuur" noises throughout much of the Millenials camp footage. I couldn't figure out who it was who asked, "Is that bad?" when Jeff told them the storm had been upgraded to a cyclone and they were being evacuated. After Adam's talking head about how "unprecedented" this was, we just started calling him Captain Obvious.

I liked Zeke, Mari, and Hannah more than I expected to. I didn't get much of a feel for most of Gen X (aside from Dave, Rachel, and Sunday's voice, which I am including as its own entity here since it stopped my father in his tracks as he passed through the living room.) Rachel pretty much sealed her own doom by volunteering for two things she did poorly at in the IC, aside from any personality clashes. That said, some of them give me "I have the potential to be a real jackass" vibes, but I'll have to wait and see. I did kind of like Ken, but it's the first episode.

Apparently the editing monkeys didn't think it was important to show us how CeCe ended up alienated, unless that was a case of "she appears to be closest to Rachel and we decided to reassure Dave by not voting for him."

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David, despite being weak and paranoid, may find himself in a good spot now.  The man may take him under their wing, knowing he's a loyal (if a bit nutty) ally.  The woman might have screwed themselves by voting Rachel off.  I can't remember, but did Bret say in front of anyone they were splitting the vote, or just in the TH?  And did the women know they were targeting CiCi?  Still wondering what she did, unless she was simply a pawn.  And I really hope Rachel discusses why she voted for Sunday.  That vote was out of nowhere.

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39 minutes ago, ElleryAnne said:

Did Jeff think all of that mess that passed for the Mil's shelter was caused by the first night's rain? Most of that was just ineptness. 

Kudos to Zeke for becoming an outdoorsman so fast.  

I liked the idea of choices in both challenges.

The line of six or so of them huddling in the open rain was hilarious.  I agree the challenge choice is an interesting innovation.

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40 minutes ago, LanceM said:

I am calling it now the "legacy advantage" is going to the vote a juror out that was used last season.  This cast had already flown out when this aired last season.

Had they?  I swear that one girl said she didn't want to name the chicken Tai because she wouldn't be able to kill him, which would mean they saw last season.

Tai WAS last season, right?  These seasons all blend together to me in my dottering old age.

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Had they?  I swear that one girl said she didn't want to name the chicken Tai because she wouldn't be able to kill him, which would mean they saw last season.

Tai WAS last season, right?  These seasons all blend together to me in my dottering old age.

The cast from this season flew out the last week of March. So they would have saw some of season 32 and known about Tai and his chickens but not the end of the game when that advantage was revealed.

Edited by LanceM
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2 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I thought the girl who found the legacy advantage said if she was voted out on day 36 she could pick someone else to go? Was that not the advantage?

I think the legacy part is that if she is voted out before day 36, she has to "will" it to someone else.

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47 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

David, despite being weak and paranoid, may find himself in a good spot now.  The man may take him under their wing, knowing he's a loyal (if a bit nutty) ally.  The woman might have screwed themselves by voting Rachel off.  I can't remember, but did Bret say in front of anyone they were splitting the vote, or just in the TH?  And did the women know they were targeting CiCi?  Still wondering what she did, unless she was simply a pawn.  And I really hope Rachel discusses why she voted for Sunday.  That vote was out of nowhere.

The three women in the main alliance knew they were splitting votes and targetting Rachel and CeCe. Lucy voted for CeCe and maybe one of the other women did too? I don't see the guys telling Lucy and not Sunday and Jessica.

1 minute ago, KaveDweller said:

I thought the girl who found the legacy advantage said if she was voted out on day 36 she could pick someone else to go? Was that not the advantage?

I don't think it said what the advantage was. It said if you were still there on day 36, you got an advantage. If you were voted out, you got to pick someone to leave it to. She said she intended to still be there on day 36 to use it.

Obviously I'll have to go back and rewatch to see the stupid rhyme to make sure.

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Yes. The advantage has to be used on Day 36.  If Jessica gets voted out she has to "will" it to another player.  Three questions immediately come to mind:

1. Does the "willing" out the advantage have to be done publically at TC?  

2. If the person who gets "willed" the adavntage gets voted out before day 36 does he/she then have to will it out to another tribe member?

3. Is this process repeated over and over again so it is guaranteed that that the advantage will be played on day 336?

Edited by LanceM
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As a creaky boomer, those millennials struck me as giggly and generally inept. Especially deciding to party on the beach instead of building a shelter. However, they got a cyclone save, and a outdoorsman from Brooklyn emerged...and made fire. I really couldn't tell much difference between the two generations...except the Xers did manage a shelter of sorts. Nobody made much of an impression yet, except David, who declared he is scared of dying. And loud noises. And bugs. Perfect.

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4 minutes ago, Eliza422 said:

I think the legacy part is that if she is voted out before day 36, she has to "will" it to someone else.

Ah, okay, that makes a lot more sense. And I like that idea, because I always wanted someone who got voted out with an idol to be able to give it to someone. Apparently they weren't allowed and this is suppose to switch that up. 

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I agree we should have at least gotten a glimpse of them raiding the vending machines at the hotel and playing charades or something like that at their cyclone safe spot. I'm really interested in what that was like. Were they allowed to shower and/or parade about in big fluffy robes? How much vodka were they allowed to take from the minibar? So many questions.

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Gen X is people born in the 60s?  Really?  God, I feel old.  I'll sit over here in my rocking chair and wrap myself in a blanket and sip my Ovaltine.

Oops, a clue already. I just know that the person who found the Legacy Advantage will not be around to use it.

Leaving the chickens for fishing gear?  Bad choice. Why are chickens short term, Probst, they can lay eggs through the whole thing.

Mari works for YouTube channel SmoshGames.

How off the grid can you be in Maui, of all places, for five years?  I call bullshit.

Aw, the bat is cute.

I don't like Figgy already. And Jay is annoying. But God, if Dave was on my team, I would want to kill him, not vote him off.

Never say "I don't understand how it can get much worse."

Zeke says he's an old soul in a young body, but I think that claim should go to Adam. I like Adam.  Right now he's my favorite.

Why didn't they show us where they sheltered and what they did there?

Surprisingly not very many tattoos amongst all of them.

I don't know if you want to tell people that they should join up with your alliance because they're not pretty.  :)

GenX folded up their tarp, and the Millenials just wadded theirs up.

If you think David is worthless, why would you choose him to do the puzzle? And they decided to take two shortcuts?  Wow.

Pretty underwater shots.

Jeez, David, don't just stand around and let other people talk about strategy, if you're not going to do something about it.

I can see taking David as a goat, but at some point, he's going to be a liability.

Ouch, Jessica's eyes are looking pretty bad.  But she's not going to be around to use her Legacy Advantage anyway.

I'm surprised Ken Doll is on the outs.

The only thing I can figure about Cici is that she isn't playing the social game.

Where are they?

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1 hour ago, susannot said:

Plus, her enormous fake breasts would have been a distraction.

To paraphrase Seinfeld, they weren't real but they were spectacular.  With plenty of nipple blurring during the IC.  So much for the GenX eyecandy.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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17 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I agree we should have at least gotten a glimpse of them raiding the vending machines at the hotel and playing charades or something like that at their cyclone safe spot. I'm really interested in what that was like. Were they allowed to shower and/or parade about in big fluffy robes? How much vodka were they allowed to take from the minibar? So many questions.

I post on another reality board in addition to PTV.  Over there, someone said that the tribes were kept in two separate empty rooms and a crew member was stationed there to make sure they didn't even talk to each other (no time for strategizing/alliance building).  I've done a bit of online searching and cannot verify this.  But from the looks of them, they all got to take showers and dry out their clothes!

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Silver Raven:

"How off the grid can you be in Maui, of all places, for five years?  I call bullshit."

From the very brief time I've spent on Maui, there are swathes of the island without electricity, perhaps with cisterns for water.  Even though you may be within a few miles of all the modern conveniences, your house itself may not be equipped.

I just turned 50, and having my generation be the old timers is fairly depressing.  

I loved how tickled fire making guy was.

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I did enjoy Ken, you know the millennial that was placed on the gen-x tribe going on about "how us gen x'ers" were raised so differently than those kids on the other tribe.  Um Ken, you do realize that you are 2 years older than Mari and  only 5 years older than Zeke and Michelle. I am guessing your parents were probably the same age as their parents.  Just sayin'

Edited by LanceM
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